
Welcome to Renaissance Academy! At RA, all students study Spanish. In the Lower School and middle school Spanish is grouped under the Fine Arts program and students have class two out of every three days. Students focus on vocabulary acquisition and basic grammar structures while developing proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the high school, Spanish is a core class that meets each day and will count towards graduation credits.

In the following pages, you will find an introduction to grammatical structures and vocabulary phrases for you to use to prepare for your Spanish classes. A good way to memorize vocabulary is to write out flashcards with the Spanish word on one side and the English meaning on the reverse side. People who have a difficult time memorizing information benefit from writing the Spanish word on a paper 5x in a row, saying the word as they write it and then writing the English meaning that goes along with it.

The last page in the packet contains websites that may provide extra practice and can help you with the Spanish alphabet and how it is pronounced.

It is not expected that you know all that is contained in the packet upon your entrance into school; however, it is expected that you will use this as a starting point to help get you acclimated in your Spanish class. Throughout the year, you will use this guide as a reference to help you catch up on the basics that will not be re-taught in class. Your Spanish teacher will be happy to arrange times to work with you and answer any questions that you may have from class and from the packet.

It will be natural for you to feel a little behind at first; however, students who put in effort at home and set aside time to meet with their teacher usually have no trouble catching up.

If there are any questions that you have about World Language at Renaissance, please contact me. Best wishes for a successful year.

Heidi Block

LS Spanish Teacher

World Language Curriculum Coordinator


610-983-4080 ext. 3001

Days of the Week – Los días de la semana

*The days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized. The Spanish week starts with Monday.

|lunes |Monday |

|martes |Tuesday |

|miércoles |Wednesday |

|jueves |Thursday |

|viernes |Friday |

|sábado |Saturday |

|domingo |Sunday |

To ask what day it is : ¿Qué día es hoy?

To answer: Hoy es _____________. Today is ___________.

Months of the Year – Los meses del año The Seasons- Las estaciones

|La primavera |Spring |

|El verano |Summer |

|El invierno |Winter |

|El otoño |Fall |

*The months are not capitalized

|enero |January |

|febrero |February |

|marzo |March |

|abril |April |

|mayo |May |

|junio |June |

|julio |July |

|agosto |August |

|septiembre |September |

|octubre |October |

|noviembre |November |

|diciembre |December |

Numbers (1-30)

|1 uno | 11 once | 21 veintiuno |

|2 dos | 12 doce | 22 veintidós |

|3 tres | 13 trece | 23 veintitrés |

|4 cuatro | 14 catorce | 24 veinticuatro |

|5 cinco | 15 quince | 25 veinticinco |

|6 seis | 16 dieciséis | 26 veintiséis |

|7 siete | 17 diecisiete | 27 veintisiete |

|8 ocho | 18 dieciocho | 28 veintiocho |

|9 nueve | 19 diecinueve | 29 veintinueve |

|10 diez | 20 veinte | 30 treinta |

Numbers (31-100)

For numbers over 30, they are written as 3 separate words and follow a pattern:

|31 treinta y uno |36 treinta y seis |50 cincuenta |

|32 treinta y dos |37 treinta y siete |60 sesenta |

|33 treinta y tres |38 treinta y ocho |70 setenta |

|34 treinta y cuatro |39 treinta y nueve |80 ochenta |

|35 treinta y cinco |40 cuarenta |90 noventa |

| | |100 ciento |

Writing the date

Always use the following “formula:”

El ___________________ de _____________________ de __________________________

Number Month Year

Ex. El 13 de julio = July 13th (or literally- the 13th of July)

To say “today is” add “Hoy es” before writing the word el.

Ex. Hoy es el 13 de julio. (Today is July 13th)

To write the First of any month: Use El primero.

Ex. El primero de agosto. (August First)

Hoy es el primero de agosto (Today is August first)

To ask what the date is: ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? Or ¿Qué fecha es hoy?


Nouns are people, places, things or ideas.

In Spanish, nouns are classified by gender.

Gender means a noun is either masculine or feminine.

Masculine nouns generally (but not always) end in the letter –o. Ex. libro

Feminine nouns generally (but not always) end in the letter –a. Ex. Pluma

If a noun does not end in an –o or an –a, either the teacher can tell you what the gender is

or you can look at the definite article.

Definite Articles

Definite articles are words that mean “the” and come in front of the noun.

In Spanish there are 4 words that are used for “the.” They are: el, los, la and las

el and los are masculine definite articles; la and las are feminine definite articles

el comes before a masculine, singular noun* Ex. El libro (the book)

los comes before a masculine, plural noun* Ex. Los libros (the books)

la comes before a feminine, singular noun Ex. La pluma (the pen)

las comes before a feminine, plural noun Ex. Las plumas (the pens)

*singular means that there is only one item

*plural means that there is more than one of the item

Making a Noun Plural

If the noun ends in a vowel (a,e,i,o or u), add the letter “s”

Ex. Pluma = plumas tribu = tribus libro = libros

If the noun ends in a consonant, add the letters “es”

Ex. Papel = papeles pared = paredes borrador = borradores

If the noun ends in a “z,” take off the z and add the letters “ces.”

Ex. Lápiz = Lápices luz = luces pez = peces

*Do not forget to make the definite article plural as well: el would become los

la would become las

Indefinite Articles

Indefinite articles are words that mean a, one, some or a few.

Indefinite articles come in front of a noun.

There are four indefinite articles. They are: un, unos, una and unas

• Masculine, singular = un Ex. Un libro (one book or a book)

• Masculine, plural = unos Ex. Unos libros (some books or a few books)

• Feminine, singular = una Ex. Una pluma (one pen or a pen)

• Feminine, plural = unas Ex. Unas plumas (some pens or a few pens)


Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

In Spanish, the adjective comes AFTER the noun.

Ex. El libro interesante. (the interesting book)

Adjectives need to match or agree (plural or singular, masculine or feminine) with the noun that it is describing.

• The following is only for adjectives that end in an –o when you find them in the dictionary: Ex. rojo (red)

La pluma roja. (the red pen) El libro rojo. (the red book)

Las plumas rojas (the red pens) Los libros rojos. (the red books)

• Adjectives that end in any other letter, can only be singular or plural.

Ex. interesante (interesting)

El libro interersante.

Los libros interesantes.

El libro azul.

Los libros azules.


1. Verbs are action words.

2. Verbs in their original, unchanged form are called infinitives.

3. An infinitive in English has the word to in front of it. Ex. to jump, to eat, to live

4. In Spanish, you can tell it is an infinitive because the verb ends in:

-ar (saltar); –er (comer); or –ir (vivir)

5. You can use an infinitive in a sentence (I want to eat.), however, usually we need

to get rid of the “to” and use the verb with a specific subject.

Ex. I eat, he eats, we eat, etc.

5. Using different forms of the verb (eat or eats) is called conjugating the verb.

6. Before you can conjugate a verb, you need to know the different subjects in Spanish.

They are:

Subject Pronouns

Please note the following regarding sentence subjects:

• *Vosotros is used mainly in Spain. All other speakers will use Ustedes when addressing more than one person, whether friends or persons of authority.

• On the chart above, the plural subject appears directly opposite its singular form, as designated by the arrows. If you are talking about yourself and another person, you would say “we.” If you are talking about one boy, it would be “he” but if you were to add one more person (male or female), you would then need to say “they”

• As you have learned earlier, nouns have gender in Spanish. If you are talking about a thing and it is masculine, it falls under “he.” If you are talking about a thing and it is feminine, it falls under “she.” If you are speaking about more than one thing, use the plural equivalent “they”

• You need to memorize the subject pronouns in Spanish in the above order, in the chart form, as verb endings follow the same order.

• Él (he) has an accent over the “e” so as not to confuse it with the definite article el (the).

Conjugating a verb

Conjugating a verb means to take it out of its infinitive form and add on the correct ending according to the subject of the sentence.

• The first step is to take off the infinitive ending (the –ar, -er, or –ir)

Ex. Hablar becomes habl

Comer becomes com

Vivir becomes viv

• habl, com, and viv are called the stem or root word.

• Now it is time to add the correct endings to the stem/root.

• Here are the endings for –ar verbs in the present tense (that means the action is happening now or today rather than yesterday or in the future).

Present -AR Verb Endings

• Add the letter/s that match up with the subject of your sentence, onto the stem.

Ex. I speak. Yo hablo.

We speak. Nosotros hablamos.

He speaks. Él habla.

Mark speaks. Mark habla. (the ending is a since Mark would be “he”

• Notice that the subjects, Ud., él and ella use the same ending.

Uds. ellos and ellas also share the same ending.

• Follow the same steps to conjugate –er and –ir verbs, however, the endings will be different. The endings for these verbs are:

Present Tense –Er Verb Endings


Present Tense –Ir Verb Endings


• Notice that all 3 classes of verbs has the ending “o” for the subject Yo.

• -Er and –Ir Verbs have the exact same endings except for Nosotros and Vosotros.


Basic Greetings Basic Goodbyes

|Adiós |Goodbye |

|Hasta mañana |See you tomorrow |

|Hasta luego |See you later |

|Chao |Goodbye |

|Hasta pronto |See you soon |

|¡¡Hhdf ¡Hola! |Hello! |

|Buenos días |Good morning |

|Buenas tardes |Good afternoon |

|Buenas noches |Good evening |

|¿Cómo está? |How are you? (respectful) |

|¿Cómo estás? |How are you? (friendly) |

|¿Qué tal? |How are things? |

Feelings and Emotions Special Expressions (Idioms)

Answer “How are you?” (¿Cómo está?)

|Tengo frío |I am cold |

|Tengo calor |I am hot |

|Tengo hambre |I am hungry |

|Tengo sed |I am thirsty |

|Tengo miedo |I am afraid |

|Tengo sueño |I am sleepy |

|¿Cómo te llamas? |What is your name? |

|Me llamo_____. |My name is______. |

|¿Cómo se llama él/ella? |What is his/her name? |

|Se llama _________. |His/her name is_____. |

|¿Cuántos años tienes? |How old are you? |

|Tengo 10 años. |I am 10 yrs. old |


|*Estoy contento(a) |I am happy |

|Estoy bien |I am fine |

|Estoy malo(a) |I am not doing well |

|Estoy nervioso(a) |I am nervous |

|Estoy enojado(a) |I am angry |

|Estoy triste |I am sad |

|Estoy cansado(a) |I am tired |

|Estoy así-así |I am so-so |

|Estoy enfermo(a) |I am sick |

*a boy would use contento

a girl would use contenta

Classroom Objects Colors

|Rojo |Red |

|Azul |Blue |

|Negro |Black |

|Blanco |White |

|Verde |Green |

|Amarillo |Yellow |

|Anaranjado |Orange |

|Rosado |Pink |

|Morado |Purple |

|Gris |Grey |

|Pardo/ de color café/ marrón |brown |

|La pluma |The pen |

|El lápiz |The pencil |

|El papel |The paper |

|El cuaderno |The notebook |

|La carpeta |The folder |

|La mesa |The table |

|La silla |The chair |

|La pizarra |The white board |

|El libro |The book |

|El profesor |The teacher (male) |

|La profesora |The teacher (female) |

Family Members Simple Question Words

|La familia |The family |

|La madre |The mother |

|El padre |The father |

|Los padres |The parents |

|El abuelo |The grandfather |

|La abuela |The grandmother |

|El hermano |The brother |

|La hermana |The sister |

|El tío |The uncle |

|La tía |The aunt |

|¿Quién? |Who? |

|¿Qué? |What? |

|¿Cuándo? |When? |

|¿Dónde? |Where? |

|¿Adónde? |To where? |

|¿De dónde? |From where? |

|¿Cómo? |How? |

|¿Por qué? |Why? |

|¿Cuál? |Which? |

|¿Cuánto? |How much? |

Common Classroom Expressions

|Tengo una pregunta |I have a question |

|No comprendo |I don’t understand |

|Necesito ayuda |I need help |

|Necesito papel |I need paper |

|¿Puedo ir al baño? |May I go to the bathroom? |

|¿Puedo tomar agua? |May I get a drink of water? |

|No tengo la tarea |I don’t have my homework |

|¡Repita por favor! |Please repeat that |

|¡Levántese! |Stand up! |

|¡Siéntese! |Sit down! |

|Meta la camisa |Tuck in your shirt |

|Está en mi casillero |It’s in my locker |

|Salud |Bless you |

|Gracias |Thank you |

|De nada |Your welcome |

|Perdone |Excuse me |

|Abra el cuaderno |Open your notebook |

|Cierre los libros |Close your books |

|Saque….. |Take out……. |

Common –Ar Infinitives Common –Er Infinitives

|Comprender |to understand |

|Leer |to read |

|Responder |to respond |

|Comer |to eat |

|Correr |to run |

|Beber |to drink |

|Vender |to sell |

|Creer |to believe/think |

|Aprender |to learn |

|Deber |should |

|Hablar |to speak/talk |

|Cantar |to sing |

|Bailar |to dance |

|Estudiar |to study |

|Patinar |to skate |

|Dibujar |to draw |

|Necesitar |to need |

|Ayudar |to help |

|Mirar |to look at / to watch |

|Ganar |to win |

|Nadar |to swim |

|Escuchar |to listen to |

|Tocar |to play (music) |

|Enseñar |to teach |

|Cocinar |to cook |

|Andar |to walk |

|Caminar |to walk |

Common –IR Infinitives

|Vivir |to live |

|Abrir |to open |

|Asistir (a) |to attend |

|Subir |to get on(a bus), go up, climb |

|Ocurrir |To occur |

Basic Spanish – Useful Websites


Singular Subjects Plural Subjects

Yo (I) Nosotros (we)

Nosotras (we, if everyone are girls)

Tú (you, when you are speaking to *Vosotros (you all - like saying “you guys” you are talking to

a friend) your friends)

Vosotras (same as above, if everyone are female)

Usted or Ud. (you, when you are *Ustedes or Uds. (you all, or all of you)

speaking respectfully respect to someone)

Él (he) Ellos (they, if you are talking about a group of males or any

type of mixed group of males and females)

Ella (she) Ellas (they, if you are talking about a group of females only

Yo o Nosotros

Nosotras amos

Tú as Vosotros

Vosotras áis

Ud. Uds.

Él a Ellos an

Ella Ellas

Yo o Nosotros

Nosotras emos

Tú es Vosotros

Vosotras éis

Ud. Uds.

Él e Ellos en

Ella Ellas

Yo o Nosotros

Nosotras imos

Tú es Vosotros

Vosotras ís

Ud. Uds.

Él e Ellos en

Ella Ellas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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