Adjectives and Adverbs - Centralia College

Adjectives and Adverbs

Both adjectives and adverbs are modifiers.

Adjectives modify nouns to tell what something is like; they “name” an aspect or quality.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs tell how or to what degree something is done. Adverbs can also introduce dependent clauses.

Example of Adjectives:

• Adjectives as modifiers

o They modify or describe nouns: red car, beautiful hair, rickety chair, unprincipled person

• Verbal Adjectives

o These are verbs ending in -ing that also modify a noun. These are also called present participles:

Running water made this gully. (Running modifies water.)

Screaming children annoy me. (Screaming modifies children.)

Examples of Adverbs:

• Adverbs are also modifiers.

o They usually modify verbs:

He moved quickly. (Quickly tells how he moved.)

The dancer glided by gracefully.

George approached the snarling dog cautiously. (How did he approach? Cautiously.)

o Adverbs can also modify adjectives:

Her dress was stylishly short. (How short? Stylishly.)

It is unbearably hot in the city during the summer. (How hot? Unbearably.)

Joe is remarkably tall for his age. (How tall? Remarkably.)

o Adverbs can even modify other adverbs:

He reads well. (Well, an adverb, modifies reads.)

He reads very well. (Very, and adverb, further modifies the adverb well.)

Jill sang well.

Jill sang amazingly well.

• Adverbs introduce dependent clauses, which set up conditions in a sentence.

When John returns, he’ll take us out. (When John returns = dependent clause, introduced by the adverb when.)

Though I agree with you, I can see the other side.

Whenever he can, John eats out.

Although in pain, the child didn’t cry out.

Created by:

Ayla Lewis

Centralia Community College

Writing Center

May 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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