Primary Languages Key Stage 2 Lesson Plan Sheet

Primary Languages Key Stage 2 Lesson Plan Sheet

Name of Teacher___________________ Year_3___________

Number in class ______ Boys ___ Girls ___

SEN_________________________ EAL ______________________

|1 |Learning Intention: To recognise and be able to ask for simple classroom objects. |

|2 |Linguistic Objectives: Formally introduce the concept of masculine and feminine nouns. |

|3 |Non Linguistic Objective: |

|4 |Success criteria: By the end of the lesson all pupils should be able to recognise the most common classroom objects and|

| |have some understanding of masculine and feminine nouns in French. |

|5 |Key words and Structures: |English: |

| |As-tu? |Do you have? |

| |J’ai … |I have |

| |Un stylo |a pen |

| |Un bic |a biro |

| |Un cahier |an exercise book |

| |Un crayon |a pencil |

| |Un livre |a book |

| |Une règle |a ruler |

| |Une gomme |a rubber |

|6 |Resources: Powerpoint presentation and Worksheet, mini whiteboards |

| |Teaching Sequence |Learning styles. |

| | |V.A.K. |

|7 |Starter: Ask pupils if they can think of any nouns which are masculine or feminine in English. | |

| |Lead the discussion and start them off with a few examples such as prince/princess, brother/sister| |

| |etc | |

| |Episodes: | |

| |Share learning intention with the class | |

|8A |Present objects using PowerPoint presentation. |V.A |

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|B |Repeat objects with mimes. You will need a separate mime for un and une. |V.A.K. |

| |Un – clap hands (as it is a short sound) | |

| |Une – pulling hands apart (as it is a longer sound) | |

| |You can either mime the objects or get pupils to touch/hold them up | |

| |Repeat objects. When you get to the feminine objects which have been colour coded in red, ask | |

| |pupils why they think “un” has changed to “une”. You may need to lead the conversation and remind| |

| |them of the starter. Explain that in French all nouns are either masculine or feminine. If they | |

| |do not grasp this at this stage do not worry and continue with the lesson. | |

| |You may also want to draw pupils’ attention to “un” and where have they seen it before, therefore | |

| |in French there are 2 ways of saying one and it also means “a”. Draw pupils attention to the | |

| |peculiarities of English – one a/an. | |

| |Repeat all objects until pupils are confident with pronunciation. | |

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| |Teacher asks for a volunteer from the class “Je voudrais un volontaire”. With a pupil, teacher | |

| |models pairwork. Teacher asks pupil As-tu? while miming one of the objects pupil responds Oui, | |

| |j’ai + the object the teacher mimed. Swap roles. | |

| |Class perform pairwork as above. Ensure you have left visual back up and support for pupils. | |

| |Teacher monitors to help with problems with pronunciation and comprehension. | |

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| |Pupils complete worksheet | |

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|C | |V.A.K. |

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|C/D | | |

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|D | |V |

|9 |Plenary: with mini whiteboards complete the odd one out exercise at the end of the end of the |V.A.K. |

| |PowerPoint presentation. | |

| |(optional you may also want to remind pupils about masculine and feminine nouns) | |

|10 |Notes on activities and resources: |

|11A |Framework objectives (oracy, literacy, intercultural understanding): O3.4, L3.1, L3.3, |

|11B |Knowledge about language |

| |Imitate pronunciation of sounds |

| |Notice spelling of familiar words |

| |Language learning strategies |

| |Discuss language learning and share ideas and experiences |

| |Use actions and rhymes and play games to aid memorisation |

| |Look at the face of the person speaking and listen attentively |

| |Write new words |

| |Compare the language with English |

|11C |Use of ICT: PowerPoint presentation |

|11D |Cross curricular links: literacy |

|12 |Highlight opportunities for assessment for learning: |

| |Modelling/self x assess/peer x assess/oral feedback/written response x |

|13 |Differentiation: By outcome, by questioning. |

|14 |Follow up and consolidation: During register all pupils must say which objects they have e.g. J’ai un stylo et une |

| |gomme. Categorising lists of words into masculine and feminine lists. Labelling objects around the classroom. |

| |Dictionary work – looking up other classroom objects and working out if they are masculine or feminine. |

|15 |Lesson review: |


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