S1 Homework Booklet

Homework Booklet


English Department

Language Section

o Nouns

o Verbs

o Adjectives

o Adverbs

o Conjunctions

How to tell your nouns from your verbs

Every name is called a NOUN,

As field and fountain, street and town;

In place of noun the PRONOUN stands,

As he and she can clap their hands;

The ADJECTIVE describes a thing,

As magic wand or bridal ring;

The VERB means action, something done-

To read and write, to jump and run;

How things are done the ADVERBS tell,

As quickly, slowly, badly, well;

The PREPOSITION shows relation,

As in the street or at the station;

CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways,

Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase;

The INTERJECTION cries out, “Hark!

I need an exclamation mark!”

Task Sheet One: Nouns

[pic]A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place or thing. There are four kinds of noun.

Common Nouns: (Things) – cat, girl

Proper Nouns: (Special things) – James, Pauline, Edinburgh (Proper nouns always start with a capital letter)

Collective Nouns: (Groups of things) – bunch, pack

Abstract Nouns: (Ideas; feelings) – love, jealousy

[pic]Task One: Copy out the grid below and complete by putting the following nouns into the correct column:

Edinburgh camera discussion set

troop Matilda button class

fear herd James courage

book imagination Germany aeroplane

|Common |Proper |Collective |Abstract |

| | | | |

[pic]Task Two: Now think of two more nouns to add to each column!

Task Sheet Two: Verbs

[pic]A verb tells us about the actions or events in a sentence. They are ‘doing words’.

Verbs tell us whether the action happens in the past, the present or the future.

[pic]Task One: Rewrite these sentences. Underlining the verb and write past, present or future after each one.

1. I am on holiday at the moment.

2. I will be seeing my Nan and granddad next week.

3. I went shopping to Asda with my mum on Wednesday.

4. Next week is the Easter holiday.

5. Here comes the car now.

6. This year I am in class 10.

7. Next year I will be in class 12.

8. Last year I was in class 7.

9. For my birthday I had lots of new toys.

10. At Christmas I would like a really good book.

11. This year we will be going to Bournemouth on holiday.

12. I am enjoying school today.

13. Concorde is one of the fastest planes in the world.

14. The Matthew sailed out of Bristol last year.

Task Sheet Three: Adjectives

[pic]An adjective is a describing word. Adjectives help us to have a clearer picture or understanding of the thing that is being written about.

[pic]Task One: In your homework jotter write your own advert for a dating agency. Use as many adjectives as you can to describe yourself. There are some adjectives at the bottom of the page to help you.





Task Sheet Four: Adverbs

[pic]Adverbs tell us more about the verb.

[pic]Rewrite the story below. Fill in the gaps using these adverbs.

after brightly completely excitedly extremely happily happily how later luckily quickly quickly really slowly suddenly very

It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining _____. I ______ phoned my friends asking them to come over _____ for a barbecue. _____ making the class I _____ drove into town to buy some food and drink. When I arrived I was _____ surprised at _____ busy it was. Everyone must have been shopping for a barbecue. The first butchers I visited had _____ run out of sausages. The next shop had some left so I _____ bought some. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 o’clock and I had invited my friends to visit at 6.30 pm. I _____ rushed to the car park with all of my shopping and threw it in the boot. _____ I noticed that the cars were moving _____ _____ out of the car park, there was a traffic jam! It was past 6.30 pm when I arrived home and I was _____ worried. As I drove into my drive I smiled _____ when I saw my friends sitting in my front garden. _____they has realised I was stuck at the shops and they waited for me.

Task Sheet Five: Creating sentences

[pic]A sentence is a group of words that make sense standing on their own

Look at the following group of words.

Decide which ones are sentences and which ones are not.

[pic]Draw a grid in your jotter with one labelled Sentences and the other Not Sentences, then place the groups of words under the correct heading.

1. During the holidays

2. In the house

3. They listened to music

4. Listening to music

5. When the meeting was over

6. The meeting was over

7. He is asleep

8. Feeling unwell

9. Susan felt unwell

10. The doctor said

11. I will send for the doctor

12. To the hospital


Task Sheet Six: Conjunctions

[pic]A conjunction is a word that joins phrases or sentences together. I wanted to sing and I wanted to dance in the contest.

The word ‘and’ is one of the most commonly used conjunctions.

[pic]See if you can rewrite the sentences below changing the word ‘and’ for something different.

You may arrange the order of the sentence if you wish. There are more conjunctions at the bottom to help you.

1. The explorer was wearing a thick padded suit and he was still cold.

2. He wanted to buy a leather jacket and he didn’t have enough money.

3. The bank manager frowned and he began to speak.

4. James didn’t know the number and he had to ring up Directory Enquiries.

5. I lived in Germany for two years and my German is good.

6. The house went on fire and I was inside.

7. The dog began to bark and the burglar ran away.

8. He was a nice man and he became a teacher.

9. He was small and he was strong.

but or till because although since if unless while before after that though than when until so also

Spelling Section

o ‘ie’ or ‘ei’

o Words ending in ‘y’

o Doubling final letters

o ‘s’ for verbs and ‘c’ for nouns

o To, too, two

o There, Their, They’re

o Were, wear, where

o No, know, now

Task Sheet Seven: Spelling with ie or ei?

[pic]Hint: In words with the group of letters ‘ie’, when the sound is like the ‘ee’ in ‘feet’, the ‘i’ always comes before the ‘e’ unless the ‘ie’ comes immediately after the letter ‘c’.

[pic]Copy out the words below and complete them using either ‘ie’ or ‘e’i.

1. Bel__ve

2. conc__t

3. p__ce

4. c__ling

5. rec__pt

6. f__rce

7. y__ld

8. rec__ve

9. br__f

10. she__ld

11. s__ge

12. s__ze

13. dec__tful

14. rel__f

15. perc__ve

16. w__rd

17. shr__k

18. repr__ve

19. conc__ve

20. ch__f

Spelling homework help.

a. Picture the word in your favourite colour.

b. Make any unclear letter stand out by making it look different to the others in some way (e.g. size or colour).

c. Break the word into three letter groups and build the word three letters at a time.

d. Put the letters on a familiar background like a favourite object or movie scene.

e. If it is a long word, make the letters small so that the whole word can be seen.

f. Trace the letters in the air with your finger and picture in your mind the letters that you are writing.

Task Sheet Eight: Spelling Words ending in y

[pic]When adding an ending (such as ‘s’, ‘er’ or ‘ed’) to words finishing in ‘y’, if the letter before the ‘y’ is a consonant, change the ‘y’ to ‘I’ before adding your suffix. If the letter before the ‘y’ is a vowel, keep the ‘y’ and add the suffix. (Exception – adding ‘ing’. ‘Y’ is never changed to ‘i’ when ‘ing’ is added)


Fly + s = Flies

Stay + s = Stays

Tidy + er = Tidier

Fly + ing = Flying

[pic]Write out the words below with the new suffix.

1. Add ‘s’ to: try; guy; family; berry; ray.

2. Add ‘ed’ to: marry; copy; supply; deny; obey.

3. Add ‘er’ to: steady; pretty; easy; busy; heavy.

4. Add ‘ful’ to: beauty; duty; pity; plenty; mercy.

5. Add ‘less’ to: pity; mercy; penny.

6. Add ‘ly’ to: angry; merry; easy; happy; busy.

7. Add ‘ment’ to: merry; enjoy; employ; accompany.

8. Add ‘ness’ to: lonely; lively; lovely; uneasy; empty; grey.

9. Add ‘age’ to: marry; carry.

10. Add ‘ing’ to: reply; journey; apply; copy; supply.

Task Sheet Nine: Spelling when doubling letters

[pic]Doubling letters: When a word ends with ONE vowel and ONE consonant, the last letter is doubled before a suffix.


Fat = Fatter

Lean = Leaner

[pic]Copy out and add these endings to the following words. (Remember, only double the last letter if it is a single consonant following a single vowel):

1. Add ‘ed’ to: scrub; wrap; stop; knit; look.

2. Add ‘er’ to: run; join; work; sin; flat.

3. Add ‘en’ to: flat; mad; beat; red; bit.

4. Add ‘est’ to: big; dear; thin; sad; cool.

5. Add ‘ing’ to: flit; swim; lead; man; skip.

6. Add ‘y’ to: sun; fog; rain; fun; bag.


Task Sheet Ten: ‘S’ for Verbs, ‘C’ for Nouns

[pic]In the group of words which are otherwise identical in noun and verb forms, the verb is spelt with an ‘s’ and the noun with a ‘c’.

Example Noun Verb

licence license

practice practise

advice advise

[pic]Copy the following sentences deciding whether you need a verb or a noun:

1. Did the gunman have a licence/license for the weapon?

2. My sister has to practice/practise her exercises every day.

3. The best advise/advice is often the hardest to accept.

4. The motorist was prosecuted as he had forgotten to licence/license his car.

5. Practice/practise makes perfect.

6. I would advise/advice you to learn the spelling rules carefully.

Remember: A Noun is a naming word.

A Verb is a doing word.

Task Sheet Eleven: Homophones-To, Too or two?

[pic]A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but it has a different meaning and spelling.


Sun + Son Flower + Flour

[pic]The word to is a homophone because there are other spellings and meanings of the word.

Example: to (a function word); too (also); two (a number)

[pic]Copy and complete each sentence with the correct word.

1. I am going _______ read a book.

2. Donald ran ________ miles.

3. Is Ann coming ________ ?

4. She got ________ wrong on the test.

5. My brother likes ________ play baseball.

6. I was at the park ________ times today.

7. Those clothes are ________ expensive.

8. Cindy got ________ strikes in bowling.

9. I need _____ write ______ pages for school.

10. I need you ________ help me it’s ______ heavy!

Task Sheet Twelve: Homophones-Their, They’re, There

[pic]"they're" is the shortened form of "they are".

For example: They're catching a flight at 11.45.

"their" means "belonging to them".

For example: Their house is in Elm Street.

"there" to mean a place

For example: The post office is over there.

[pic]Copy out the sentences below completing them with the correct word.

1. They always take _____ dog with them on holiday.

2. Let’s wait _____ by the entrance.

3. Ask them if _____ coming tomorrow.

4. _____ building an extension to our school.

5. _____ are over 600 students at our school.

6. We’ll call in at Mcdonalds if _____’s time.

7. _____ football team is at the top of the league.

8. Sam is always _____ in good time.

9. Dad was pleased they had done so well in _____ exams.

10. I’m afraid _____ going to find the move very stressful.

Task Sheet Thirteen: Homophones-were, wear, where


Where – is part of a question asking in what place – “Where is my phone?”

Were – as in - They were visiting friends.

Wear – as in – To wear clothes/or to wear something down.

[pic]Copy and complete the following sentences filling in the gaps with the correct word.

1. ______________ is my folder?

2. What should I ______________ to the party?

3. Do you know ______________ I can find the post office?

4. They ______________ on holiday last week.

5. ______________ are you going?

6. ______________ you at college yesterday?

7. The television broke due to general ______________ and tear.

8. He followed her to see ______________ she lived.

9. We ______________ in the cinema when we saw him.

10. The clothes ______________ too creased to ______________.

11. Do you remember ______________ you ______________ when Princess Diana died?

Task Sheet Fourteen: Homophones-No, know, now


No – as in the opposite of yes – “No I will not.”

Know – as in I understand or have knowledge of something –“I know what to do.”

Now – as in at this time or in this moment – “I will do that now.”

[pic]Copy and complete the sentences below filling in the correct word into the spaces.

1. 1. I _________ where you live.

2. 2. He said “______ onions” on the pizza.

3. 3. She did not __________ how to sing.

4. 4. I want to go to the movie __________.

5. ________ is the time to act if we want to do something!

5. 6. My mom said, “_________, you cannot go.”

7. There is _____ ink in the printer. Did you _____ that already?

8. I _____ the answers to the questions.

9. I _____ what Mum will say, she always says _____.

10. _____ is not the time for silly games.



Punctuation Section

o Commas, colons, semi-colons

o Speech marks

o Apostrophes

o Brackets and Dashes

Task Sheet Fifteen: Commas, Colons and Semi-colons

[pic]Punctuation marks create natural pauses in when we are reading which also help us to understand the meaning of what we are reading.

, (Comma) shows a pause in a sentence.

: (Colon) shows a pause leading to an introduction of a quotation or an explanation.

; (Semi-colon) is a ‘finishing’ pause often coming between two statement that are closely connected.

[pic]Copy out the following sentences and decide what should be used to fill in the gap, a colon, a semi-colon or a comma.

1. Do you have a sister __ Valerie?

2. Children like sweet things __ adults prefer savoury.

3. He told his estate agent what he wanted __ a home by the sea.

4. Mother __ the post man is at the door.

5. After the long trip we arrived at the hotel __ a hot meal and a bath made us feel better.

6. The view was breath-taking __ silver sands, waving palm trees and deep blue water.

Task Sheet Sixteen: Punctuation


When you are writing you should always be aware of your sentence construction. A sentence will not make sense with punctuation put in the wrong place. Putting the correct punctuation into a sentence or paragraph can make it suddenly understandable.

Task One

The underlined groups of words are not sentences because they do not contain a main verb and they do not make sense on their own. Rewrite each one so that it makes sense.

1. I focused my lens to get a better look. As the mums pushed the children on the swings. He was leaning over the fence grinning. Watching every move he took. I realised he was up to something.

2. The doll, which I named Emily, reminds me of her in many ways. The pale skin with rosy red cheeks, four freckles on the nose and green powerful eyes like the sea calm one minute and dangerous the next and greyish hair the same colour as rain clouds.

3. When I was seven my grandfather died. It brought on a lot of emotions for me. Some I had never experienced before.

Task Two

These sentences need to be broken down into several shorter sentences to make sense.

1. As I walked down the corridor to my first class on my first day of my new school, nervous but still excited and wondered if anyone would like me, and what would they think of me would I fit in.

2. We were all cringing and the waiter came over to move us to another table and everyone was looking at us but we could not stop laughing it was so funny.

3. Last November I had a really bad cold and a chest infection and I was in bed bored and trying to sleep when suddenly all I heard was a bang which set of the dogs who then started barking and I wished it would all just stop.

Task Three

This student has written too many sentences that are really short and make the writing sound abrupt. Some of them are also not true sentences. Correct this to make it more fluent and accurate.

There was a lot to do there. Around the back was a trampoline that was extremely bouncy. I could use it for hours. And how I did. It was later moved next to the fitness area. Makes sense. There was a building there as well. In it there was a swimming pool, a gym, and a place to rent videos. One night we rented Braveheart. Good film. One time we went out and climbed the hill. Nothing but fields all around us.

Task Sheet Seventeen: Speech Marks

[pic]Speech marks (also called inverted commas, or quotation marks) show the actual words said by the speaker. Whenever a new person starts to speak you must take a new line.

Example: “My dog has disappeared,” said Susie.

“I’ll help you look,” said John.

[pic]Rewrite the passage from the film Shrek found below. Add in the speech marks, and start a new line when you think it’s necessary.

Mum, said Fiona. Can you tell me what the time is?

I think it’s about 8 o’clock, replied Queen Lillian. The ball has just started. The ball! said Fiona. I’m meeting Shrek there. Can you help me put my gown on? Certainly, said Queen Lillian. Which dress would you like to wear? The green one, the blue one or the pink? The blue one, said Fiona, Thanks for helping me. That’s okay, said Queen Lillian

Speech Marks

Once again, this is an area where you should already know the rules. As with paragraphing, poor use of speech marks makes writing hard to follow and really puts the reader off. There are three basic rules to remember when you are using speech marks:

1. Put the speech marks around the actual words the person says:

‘I need a doctor.’

2. Take a new paragraph when you are about to change who is speaking:

‘I need a doctor.’

‘I am a doctor.’

3. The words that tell the reader who is speaking go in the same paragraph as the words that the speaker says:

‘I need a doctor,’ said the woman as she came into Casualty.

Dr Brown rushed to her side, ‘I’m a doctor.’

[pic]Now write your own paragraph that uses speech marks.

Some suggestions for what your passage could be about:

(a) Shrek and donkey going on a trip together.

(b) Talking to your friends about what TV programmes you watched last night.

(c) A conversation between Prince Charming and Fairy Godmother.


There are, however, other, more complex rules, about the placing of commas and other punctuation marks inside the speech marks.

1. Any exclamation marks or question marks stay inside the speech marks.

‘I need a doctor!’ screamed the woman.

2. The speaker’s sentence should end with a full stop, but the sentence you are writing will carry on, finish the speech with a comma before the speech marks.

‘I am a doctor,’ said Dr Brown.

3. If the sentence begins with words which introduce the speech, put a comma after these words and before the opening of the speech marks.

Dr Brown said, ‘I am a doctor.’


Task Sheet Eighteen: Apostrophes

[pic]An apostrophe has two jobs:

1. It can indicate a missing letter in an abbreviation

Example: has not = hasn’t

2. Apostrophes show you that something belongs to something else. To show belonging you add 's

Example: The cat's tail - says that the tail belongs to the cat.

Usually the apostrophe goes before the s.

If the owner already ends in s then the apostrophe goes after the s that is already there. You just need to add an apostrophe.

Example: The dogs' bowls - says that the bowls belong to some dogs.

[pic]Write out the sentences below putting the apostrophes in the correct places.

1. I cant go with you to Colins house.

2. Lets go to the Rangers game this weekend.

3. I don’t think my dads hat will fit me.

4. The girls swim suits need to be put in the dryer.

5. Im going to head down to the store later.

6. Wheres the book I was reading. Im really enjoying it.

7. I put the dogs bones in the lower cupboard.

8. Im going to my friends house to work on homework.

9. Johns clothes are always really cool.

10. Buy your pencils here and youll save money.

11. The cats whiskers are covered in milk.

Task Sheet Nineteen: Brackets and Dashes

[pic] ( ) Brackets - used to give extra information or an explanation not essential to the sentence.

[pic] - Dash – used to indicate a broken off or unfinished sentence (creates a dramatic effect)

[pic]Copy and complete the sentences below including brackets where it is needed.

1. The dog known as Rover once saved a boy from drowning.

2. We travelled in a boat seems like yesterday the day we went on holiday.

3. Both of them Nigel and Rover are recovering well.

4. The schools mascot Billy the goat won an award.


[pic]Copy and complete the sentences below including a dash where it is needed.

1. Can you keep a secret it’s hard to do, I know?

2. Aren’t you surprised I know I am I thought of it first!

3. Let’s not tell Dad he won’t believe it anyway not till she opens the box.

4. Would you like my opinion I know you didn’t ask for it.


Vocabulary Section

o Varied Vocabulary

Task Sheet 20: Using Varied Vocabulary

1. Make a list of overused and “boring” words, eg. Nice, good, big, quite, get…

2. Write down alternative words for at least 3 of the words that are overused in English.

Task One

Below you will see a story. The writer keeps repeating ‘thing’ or ‘things’. Edit this with your partner to vary the vocabulary. You may need to change a few of the surrounding words as well as the one you want to vary.

As I looked across the landscape of the alien planet I saw the things beginning to slither towards me.

The things were horribly ugly. Each one was round and purple. They had two long things coming out of the top of their heads, which they used to sense their way across the ground.

Instead of arms of legs they had big rubbery things coming out of the centres of their bodies. Little things dangled off these and brushed through the pink grass.

Now that I noticed it, the grass was pretty horrible too. It was full of tiny things wriggling about. There were other things hovering and flying over the grass, and over the surface of a nearby pond which was covered in scummy-looking green things.

Things were looking pretty bad for me. The thing was, I was stuck here. My spaceship was malfunctioning and it was obviously going to take several days to fix the thing.

I decided that the best thing to do was to look in my ship for the right thing to use to begin the repairs. I got a big heavy thing and started to hit the thing on the underneath of my shop with it. It opened up and then I realised what the problem was. Lots of little things fell out on to the ground.


Now write your own short story using some ‘overused’ words; boring, nice, big, good, quite, said, get/getting/got, people…

If you can’t think of a story use this as a starter

Looking back at that day, I now realise that it was the most important day of my life…

• Check and edit your work yourself before getting another person to check and edit it too!

Test Sheet One: Language

It is now time for you to test yourself on what you have learned.

1. Say what kind of nouns are underlined in the paragraph:

James gazed at the pack of wolves with amazement .

2. Write out the following sentence twice. Once in the past tense and once in the future tense.

I am going to the cinema.

3. What is an adjective? Write a sentence containing one adjective.

4. Read the instructions for making spaghetti below. Try and find all seven adverbs that have been used here.

Bring a large pan of water to a rapid boil.

Drop the spaghetti into the water. If the pan is smaller than the spaghetti slowly put it into the water and you can bend it to fit.

Rapidly boil the spaghetti for 10-12 mins.

Heat the oil in a medium pan.

Add the steak and fry it quickly for 5 mins until brown.

Add the tinned tomatoes and red wine.

Add a dash of Worcestershire sauce.

Slowly crumble in the stock cube and stir well.

Let the Bolognese slowly simmer for 10-12 mins. Regularly stir the Bolognese.

Drain the spaghetti and divide between four plates.

Garnish and promptly serve to ensure the meal is hot!

Test Sheet Two: Spelling

It is now time for you to test yourself on what you have learned.

Rewrite the sentences below with the correct spellings

1. My friend/freind is coming into town on Friday.

C friend

2. Jane was mad at Tom because he deceived/decieved her.

3. Add ‘y’ to the end of the words run and sag.

4. Add ‘est’ to the end of the words scary and fast

5. I have to go practice/practise for my test.

6. I want to open my own dental practise/practice.

7. I am going to/two/too the cinema at to/two/too in the afternoon. My friend wants to come to/two/too.

8. My house is over their/there/they’re. My neighour’s nice, their/there/they’re hoping to sell their/there/they’re house soon though.

9. Your/you’re totally amazing! You can hold your/you’re breath for three minutes!


Test Sheet Three: Punctuation

Place the correct punctuation in the sentences below:


1. My favorite colors are blue red and pink.

2. I have to clean my room walk the dog and take out the rubbish.

3. When I get home I am going to brush my teeth.


1. Swimming is something my whole family does we are all very strong swimmers.

2. I have everything I need for school I am just waiting for my Dad to take me.

3. Daniel has only one friend Doug.


1. I have been to Nepal, Canada, France, Spain and Germany.

2. Back to school items I need are pencils, rubber, ruler and sharpener.

3. You tried your hardest second is a good place to finish.


Speech Marks

1. Don’t give me any cheek today! His mother said.

2. The nurse wiped antiseptic on her arm I promise you this will only sting a little, she said.

3. Ouch, he shouted, I didn’t mean to drop that on my foot!

4. Don’t forget your swimsuit, he reminded her.



1. Don’t write in Guss jotter!

2. Somebodys child will be upset that swimming is cancelled.

3. The next house on the left is Karens house.

4. Weve been having lots of fun in English.


1. The Department of Transport DOT is having a meeting today.

2. My uncle the one that is really nice is visiting tomorrow.

3. The team have been meeting everyday except weekends of course to talk about the new building.

4. Jack Jill’s brother bought the tickets for the film.



1. We have homework due for Friday no its next Friday for English.

2. At the moment I am only interested in one thing lunch.

3. This is very important are you listening?

4. We went shopping in Hollywood I saw Tom Hanks!

Correction Exercise

1. Now most hed teachers are chosen because they possess a number of fine qualities, They under stand children and they have The children’s best interests at heart They are sympathetic. they are fare and they are deeply intrested in education miss trunchbull possessed non of these qualitys and how shee ever got her pressent job was a mistery,

2. by the timje I was 7 I knew that I was the greatest footballer The world had ever seen I kneww that I wos better than pele And maradona put together. The truth is if I wanted to I could av been bought by manchester united for a million Milion poundss. But I’m rich enough Already so I dont care so there id rather be the greatest teecher the world has ever seen like Iyam’

3. ihave never Under stood why donald Duck is called that – Duck, I meen. Duck is a female duck a girl duck and donald duck is a boy duck, a drake! Why wasn’t he cawled donald Drake? Is E really a girl dressed up in drake’s clothing. Or ishe really a boy dresed up in duck’s clothing’ I wissh I Knew it’s confused Me ever since I was a little boy, ever since I was a litttle drake.

Congratulations you have completed the homework booklet!

“I am a Superstar at English”

I know nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions

I can spell

I can punctuate

I know interesting words



It is now time for you to test yourself on what you have learned.


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