ADDRESS: Carolina Pain Associates, P.A. &

North American Pain and Disability Group, P.A.

Metroview Building

1900 Randolph Road, Suite 1016

Charlotte, NC 28207

TELEPHONE: (704) 347-3447

Medical Director, Carolina Pain Associates

Medical Director, North American Pain and Disability Group


1967 B.A Drew University, Madison, New Jersey

1972 M.D. New Jersey College of Medicine

Newark, New Jersey


1972-75 Resident in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA

1975-76 Fellowship Psychosomatic Medicine

Consultation—Liaison Psychiatry

Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA

1993 Fellow, American Board of Pain Medicine


1996 Certified, American Board of Independent Medical Evaluators (ABIME)

1995 Certified, American Board of Forensic Examiners

1994 North Carolina Medical License No. 01375

1994 Diplomat, American Board of Pain Medicine

1993 Fellow, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1993 Fellow, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1972 Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners

1973 Massachusetts Medical License No. 36110

1977 Diplomat, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology


2005-09 Adjunct Associate Professor

Duke University Medical Center

Department of Psychiatry, Pain Evaluation and Treatment Service

Durham, NC

1980-96 Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Tufts Medical School

Boston, MA

1976-79 Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry

Harvard Medical School

Boston, MA

1975-76 Associate in Psychiatry, Boston

University Medical School

Boston, MA


May 2006—Present Medical Director & Attending Physician, Carolina Pain Associates, PA, Charlotte, NC

Sept. 1995 –Present Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Orthopedic Hospital, Charlotte, NC Active Staff

1994-Sept 1995 Presbyterian Hospital, Medical Director, Presbyterian Pain

Therapy Center, Charlotte, NC

1992-1994 New England Memorial Hospital, Stoneham, MA

1991-1994 Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, Melrose, MA

1976-89 Department Head, Director Boston Pain Center, Spaulding Rehabilitation

Hospital Boston, MA

1985-1992 J.B. Thomas Hospital, Peabody, MA – Medical Director,

North Shore Pain Center

1986-1992 Salem Hospital, Salem, MA

76. Co-Director Pain Service, New England Rehabilitation Hospital,

Woburn, MA


2014—present Purdue Pharma Advisory Board Tamper Deterrent Opiates in Chronic Pain

2017—present Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.— Abuse Deterrent Formulary Advisory Board

2014—2016 Inspirion Advisory Board Extended Release Tamper Deterrent Opiates

2016—present Endo Pharmaceutical Advisory Board--Belbuca

2013—2015 Zogenix Advisory Board Chronic Pain

2013-present Teva Advisory Board—Fentora

2013-2015 Insys Advisory Board—Subsys

2013-2015 Mallinckrodt Advisory Board—Xartemis XR

2012-2016 Xenoport Advisory Board—Horizant

2016- present Arbor Pharma Advisory Board--Horizant

2011-2013 Horizon Pharmaceuticals Advisory Board --Duexis

2010-2013 Ameritox Advisory Board

2010 Fibromyalgia Pain Specialist Advisory Board, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

2010-2015 Exalgo Executive Advisory Board, The Selva Group

2009-2012 King Pharmaceuticals Regional Advisory Board-Pain Market Place

2008- 2013 Ameritox Scientific Advisory Board

2007-present AECOM New Strategies in Pain Management Advisory Board

2007-2014 QRX Pharma—Advisory Board on Pain Management

2007-2014 Nektar –II Advisory Board: Opioid Induced Constipation

2004--2015 National Initiative on Pain Control (NIPC), Consultant and Faculty

2004--present Purdue Pharma Advisory Board and Speaker’s Bureau

2004--2014 National Pain Foundation Board of Advisors

2002-2015 Novartis Advisory Committee

1999 Pain Specialists Advisory Council (NYC)

1999- Advisor, Searle Cancer Pain Management Focus Group (Palm Springs, CA)

1998 CARF National Advisory Committee- To develop Guidelines-Standards in Pain Centers

1997-1999 Pain Consultant to Federation of State Medical Boards

1992 Peer Reviewer for the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cancer Pain Management (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research)

1990-1994 Consultant to Medical College of Virginia, Pain Management

Guidelines Development Panel (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

1986-Present Consultant to Media Resource Service

1984-88 Consultant to Massachusetts Medicaid Medical Review Committee

1981-84 Medical Consultant to Surgitronics

(Division of Intermedics)


2009 AAPM North Carolina State Representative

2005 German Pain Award (for contributions to the field of Pain Medicine)

2002-2005 Chairman, Department of Pain Medicine, Presbyterian Hospital

1999 American Academy of Disability Evaluation Physicians (AADEP) President’s Award: Lecturer of the Year

1998 Task Force to develop National Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Non-Malignant pain; A Multidisciplinary Study

1998-1999 Federation of State Medical Boards

Pain Consultant

1998 Task Force to develop National Guidelines for Pain Management in the Elderly who live in Long-Term Care Facilities

1993-1996 American Back Society Award

1988–1992 Pain Consultant for Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Arthritis Advisory Committee

1987 Drew University- Distinguished Alumnus Award in the Sciences

1986 International Physicians Commission For the

Protection of Prisoners

Advisory Board

1985 Delegation leader, People-to-People, Soviet Union

(Hosted by Ministry of Health)

1984 Delegation leader, People-to-People International

Citizen Ambassador Program. Pain Management

Delegation to People's Republic of China (hosted by the Chinese Medical Association)

1983-1987 Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation

Facilities (CARF) Board of Directors

National Advisory Committee on Chronic Pain (1982, 1987, 1998)


2002 Chairman, Malingering Task Force American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

2002 Founder, American Pain Society, Forensic Special Group

2001-present National Pain Foundation: Board of Directors

2001 AADEP, Chairman, RSD Task Force

2000-2001 World Institute of Pain Advisory Board Scientific Committee

2001 Chairman, RSD Task Force American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

2000 New England Pain Association

2000-present Active Member, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1999-present National Pain Foundation, Board of Directors

1999-2002 World Society of Pain Clinicians, Board of Directors

1999-2000 Secretary, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1999-2000 Chairman, Advanced Clinical Meeting on Pain, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1999 AADEP-Co-Chairman, Fibromyalgia Task Force

1999 Chairman (with a co-chair), Fibromyalgia Task Force, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1998-1999 NC Medical Society, Task Force on End-of-Life issues

1998-1999 Chairman, Board of Directors, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1997- 1999 Board of Directors, Southern Pain Society

1997-1998 President, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1997-1998 Chairman: Committee on Pain Care at the End of Life

(To establish guidelines for Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted

Suicide), American Academy of Pain Medicine

1997-1998 President, American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM)

1997-1998 Chairman, Committee on Quality Care at the End of Life. (AAPM)

1997 AAPM, Clinical Practice Committee

1997 World Institute of Pain, Board of Directors

1996-2003 Board of Directors, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1996-2000 President, North Carolina Pain Society

1995-present Mecklenburg County Medical Society

1995-1997 American Board of Independent Medical Examiners Exam Committee

1995-1997 Clinical Practice Committee, American Pain Society

1995-1996 Clinical Practice Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1995 Chairman, Nominating Committee, New England Pain Association

1995 Chairman, Annual Scientific Meeting, Southern Pain Society

1994-present American Academy of Disability Evaluating

Physicians, Board of Directors; Chairman,

Professional Affiliates Committee

1994-1995 President, New England Pain Association

1993-present American Back Society, Advisory Council

1993-2003 Senior Faculty, Course Instructor, Pain and Disability, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians

1991-1996 Executive Committee, Easter Pain Association

1991-1992 Chairman of the Board, Eastern Pain Association

1990-1994 Consultant to Research Advisory Committee

1989-2001 American Representative, World Society of Pain Clinicians

1989-1992 Co-Chairman, Committee of Scientific and

Professional Conduct, American Pain Society

1989-1992 Board of Directors, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1989-1990 Chairman, Nominating Committee, Eastern Pain Association

1989 Chairman, Program Committee, Section on

Chronic Pain, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1988-1992 Member, Committee on Taxonomy, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1988-1992 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pain Consultant

Arthritis Advisory Committee

1985-present Member (active), Eastern Pain Association

1985-present Member, American Pain Society

1985-1988 Member, Board of Directors, American Pain Society

1985-1987 President, Eastern Pain Association

1984-1989 Commission for Accreditation of

Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Board of Directors

1984-present Founding Member, New England Pain Association

1984-present Board of Directors, New England Pain Association

1984-1988 President, New England Pain Association

1983-1992 Chairman, Socioeconomic Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1983-1990 Member, Ethics Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1983-1990 Chairman, CARF Liaison Committee American Academy of Pain Medicine

1983-1987 Board of Directors, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1983-1987 Chairman, Committee on Pain Centers, American Academy of Pain Medicine

1983-1984 Member, Nominating Committee, American Pain Society

1983-1984 Chairman, Scientific Program Committee, Eastern Pain Association

1982-1987 Chairman, Committee on Standards of Pain

Treatment Facilities, American Pain Society

1982-1983 Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine

1981-1983 Chairman, Committee on Guidelines for the

Organization of Pain Centers, American Pain Society

1979-1980 Chairman, Membership Committee, Eastern Pain Association

1977-1995 Pain Copers, Inc. (President)

1977-1980 New England Representative, Eastern Pain Association

1977-1980 American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

1976-present International Association for the Study of Pain

1976-1980 New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis

1975-1998 Massachusetts Medical Society

1974-1997 American Medical Association

1966-1967 Sigma Tau Sigma (Honor Society)


1995-present Annual WTVI hour TV Specials on Chronic Pain

1993 Winthrop Community Access TV, Winthrop, MA

1988-present Numerous Public Service Lectures on Chronic pain

1987 Leventhal- Sidman Jewish Community Center, Newton Center, MA

Lecture on Boston Pain Center and Chronic Pain

1986 Jewish Community Center, Marblehead, MA

Lecture on Chronic Pain (OCT)

1985 Emmanuel College, Boston, MA, Lecture on Chronic Pain (MARCH) Senior Citizens Group, Winchester, MA

1984 Swampscott High School Community Lecture Series

1983-1984 North Shore Cancer Society


1982-1988 Board of Directors, West End/Back Bay/Beacon Hill Unit of the American Cancer Society


Night Line

Good Morning America

David Letterman

David Suskind

WTVI Healthwise

MDNEWS Network


2001-present Advisory Board, Partners Against Pain

2001-present Executive Editor Pain Practice

1996-2000 Co-Editor Current Review of Pain

1993-present Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Disability

1990 Editorial Advisory Board, Pain Management

1985-2005 Editorial Advisory Board, Pain Clinic

1984-1990 Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Journal of Pain, Raven Press

1981-1987 Editor-in-Chief, Mediguide to Pain, Della Corte Publications


1. Aronoff, GM. Medication Management of Chronic Pain: What you Need to Know. Trafford, Bloomington, IN, 2017.

2. Aronoff, GM. Handbook on Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain, Wavecrest Publishing, Charlotte, NC, 2005

3. Aronoff, GM. Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain, 3rd edition, Lippincott/Willliams & Wilkins, 1999.

4. Aronoff, GM., Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain, 2nd ed., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1992.

4. Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain, Aronoff, GM, ed Urban & Schwarzenberg (Baltimore, 1985).

5. Aronoff, GM. Pain Centers: A Revolution in Health Care Raven Press, New York, 1988.

6. Aronoff, GM, Evans, WO. Handbook on Rational Use of Medication for Pain. New York, Della Corte Publishing Feb., 1987.

7. Aronoff, GM. Ed. 1 vol. Pain Management in the Soviet Union, People to People Pain Management Delegation to The Soviet Union, 1985.

8. Aronoff, GM. ed. 2 vols. Pain Management in China, People to People Pain Management Delegation to China, 1984.


1. Aronoff, GM. A Holistic Approach to Pain Rehabilitation:The Boston Pain Unit. In: W Erdmann, T. Oyama and MJ Pernak, ed. The Pain Clinic I, The Netherlands, VNU Science Press, 1985.

2. Aronoff, GM, McAlary PW, Berdell MS, Witkower AB. Pain Treatment Programs: Do They Return Workers to the Workplace? In: RA Deyo, M.D. M.PH., ed. SPINE. Hanley& Belfus, Inc., September 1987.

3. Aronoff, GM, McAlary PW, Berdell MS, Witkower AB. Pain Treatment Programs: Do They Return Workers to the Workplace? Occupational Medicine, Hanley & Belfus, Inc. January 1988.

4. Aronoff, GN, McAlary PW. Organization and Personnel Functions in the Pain Clinic. In: JN Chia, ed. The Multidisciplinary Pain Center. Kluwer Academic Publ. May 1988.

5. Aronoff, GM, Wagner JM. The Pain Center: Development, Structure, and Dynamics. In: CD Burrows, D Elton and BV Stanley, eds. Handbooks on Chronic Pain Management, Amsterdam, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1989.

6. Aronoff, GM, McAlary PW. Multidisciplinary Treatment of Tractable Pain Syndromes. In Lipton, Tunks, Zoppi,eds., Advances in Pain Research and Therapy: The Pain Clinic, Raven Press, 1990, 267-278.

7. Aronoff, GM, Wagner, JM. The Role of Pain Clinics. In: The Anesthesiologist Guide to Pain Management, CA Warfield, ed. Kluwer Academic Publ., 1995.

8. Aronoff, GM, Approach to the Patient with Chronic Pain, Office Practice of Neurology, Samuels MA and Feske S, eds., Churchill Livingstone, 1995.

9. Aronoff, GM, Pain Centers: Organization, Structure, and Function. In Publication of the Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Pain Clinics, Raj PP, ed., Monduzzi Editore, 1995.

10. Aronoff, GM, Organization of a Chronic Pain Center. In Raj, P., Erdine S., Niv, D., Raja, S., eds. Management of Pain A World Perspective, Monduzzi M. Editore, Bologna, 1995.

11. Aronoff, GM, Psychiatric Aspects of Chronic Pain and Disability,in Disability Evaluation, Demeter SL, Anderson GBJ, Smith G, eds, Mosby Year Book, Inc., 1996.

12. Aronoff, GM, Layden M, Green E, Goodall R., Assesment and Prevention of Disability, in Wittink H, Michel TW, Chronic Pain Management for Physical Therapists, Butter Worth-Heinmann, 1997.

13. Aronoff, GM, The Fine Art of Promoting Yourself, in Silver, JK, The Business of Medicine, Hanley & Belfus, 1998.

14. Aronoff, GM, Myofasical Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: A Critical Assessment and Alternate View, in DeVera JA, Parris W, Erdine S, eds., Management of Pain: A World Perspective III.

15. Aronoff, GM, Chronic Pain, Impairment and Disability, in Disability Evaluation 2nd edit, Demeter SL, Anderson, GBJ, Smith G, eds, Mosby Year Book, 2003.

16. Aronoff GM, Feldman JB, Campion T, Chronic Pain: Controlling Disability, in State of the Art Reviews and Occupational Medicine, Randolph DC edit., 2000.

17. Aronoff, GM, Pain and Disability, Demeter SL et al, Disability Evaluation, 2nd Edit.

18. Aronoff, GM, Approach to the Patient with Chronic Pain, Edited Samuels MA and Feske SK, “Office Practice of Neurology” Second Edition, Churchill Livingston, Pg. 1390-1394, 2003.

19. Aronoff, GM, The Role of Pain Clinics, Warfield CA and Bajwa ZH, “Principles & Practice of Pain Medicine, Second Edition, Pg. 813-824, 2004.

20. Aronoff, GM, Chronic Pain; The Importance of a comprehensive history in, Maj M, Akiskal H, Mezzich J, Okasha A, Somatoform Disorders, (WPA Series Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry Volume 9) Wiley Press, 2005.

21. Aronoff, GM, Erdil, M, Hartenbaum NP; Medications driving and work. American Medical Association: Chapter 10. A physicians guide to return to work.( AMA Press, United States 2005).

22. Aronoff, GM, Disability/Impairment Evaluation; Wallace MS, Staats PS, Pain Medicine & Management: Just the Facts; McGraw-Hill, 2005.

23. Aronoff, GM, Siwicki, DM; Urine Drug Monitoring Opioids. Dominion Diagnostics &Alpharma 2009.

24. Aronoff, GM, Bruns, D, Cole, C, Cowen P, et al. Overview of Management of Chronic Pain AECOM. Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines: 2nd Edition. 2009


1. Aronoff, GM, Aronoff S and Peck LW. The Use of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma. Annals of Allergy. 1975; 34:356-362.

2. Aronoff, GM, Wilson RR, Sample S. Treating Chronic Pain: The Team Approach. Journal Nursing Care. 1978: April:12-13, 27.

3. Aronoff, GM, Wilson RR. How to Teach Your Patients to Control Chronic Pain. Behavioral Medicine. 1978; July12-13, 27.

4. Wilson, RR, Aronoff GM. The Therapeutic Community in the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Journal Chronic Diseases. 1979;32: 477-481.

5. Aronoff, GM, Grabius S. Postoperative Pain. Mediguide to Pain. 1980; 1:1:1:5.

6. Aronoff, GM, Walls CM, Wheaton C and Carlisle J. Clinical Report on Ice Massage for Pain Control. Mediguide to Pain. 1980: 1:5:2:5

7. Aronoff, GM, Kamen R. Evans WO. Relaxation Response: A Behavioral Answer for Chronic Pain Patients. Behavioral Medicine. 1981; 8:7:20-25.

8. Aronoff, GM. The Boston Pain Unit: A Holistic Approach to Pain Rehabilitation. NIDA Monograph. 1981: 36:1-4.

9. Aronoff, GM, Walls CM, Wheaton C and Carlile J. Ice Massage for Pain Control. Aches and Pains. 1982. 3:233:-36.

10. Aronoff, GM. Pain Units as an Effective Alternative Technique in Controlling Chronic Pain. Orthopedic Review. 1980; 11:7:95-100.

11. Aronoff, GM, Evans WO. Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain at the Boston Pain Center. Journal Clinical Psychiatry, 1982, 43:8: 3-7.

12. Aronoff, GM, Evans WO. Use of Doxepin as an Adjunct in the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Journal Clinical Psychiatry 1982; 438:42-45.

13. Aronoff, GM. The Use of Non-narcotic Drugs and Other Alternatives for Analgesia as Part of a Comprehensive Pain Management Program. NY State Med J 1982; 13-3:191- 202.

14. Aronoff, GM, Evans WO. The Prediction of Treatment Outcome at a Multidisciplinary Pain Center. Pain 1982; 14:67-73.

15. Aronoff, GM, Evans WO. Chronic Pain: A Pharmacological Approach. Mediguide to Pain. 1982; 3:3:1-4.

16. Aronoff, GM, Evans WO and Enders PO. A Review of Follow- up Studies of Multidisciplinary Pain Units. Pain. 1983; 16:l-11.

17. Aronoff, GM, Crue BL and Seres, J. Pain Centers: Help for the Chronic Pain Patient. Mediguide to Pain. 1983; 4:1:1-5.

18. Aronoff, GM. The Role of the Pain Center in the Treatment of Intractable Suffering and Disability Resulting from Chronic Pain. Seminars in Neurology. 1983; (3):No 4,377-381.

19. Rutrick, D, Aronoff GM. Combined Psychotherapy of Chronic Pain Syndrome Patients at a Multidisciplinary Pain Centers. Hospital Practice. 1983; 18:9:60-65.

20. Aronoff, GM. Trazadone Associated with Priapism. Lavnet, April, 1984.

21. Panis, W, Aronoff GM. Painful Peripheral Neuropathies Mediguide to Pain. 1984; 51:1-5.

22. Kaufman, G, Aronoff GM. The Use of Psychomotor Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Psychotherapy Research and Practice. 1984.

23. Aronoff, GM, Wagner JM and Kleinke C. Pain and Depression. Mediguide to Pain. 1984.

24. Aronoff, GM. Psychological Aspects of Non-malignant Chronic Pain: a Multidisciplinary Approach. Resident and Staff Physician. 1984.

25. Aronoff, GM. Editorial "Evolving Trends in Chronic Pain Management." Clinical Journal of Pain, 1:1, 1985 Raven Press.

26. Aronoff, GM. "Pain Treatment: Is it a Right or a Privilege?" Clinical Journal of Pain 1:4, 1985, Raven Press.

27. Aronoff, GM. Editorial: "The Future of Pain Management, "Clinical Journal of Pain 2:2, 1986, Raven Press.

28. Aronoff, GM, Wagner JM. "Pain Centers A Community Resource," Mediguide to Pain, Dellacorte Publ.,7-:1,1986.

29. Aronoff, GM, Wagner J and Spangler AS, Jr. Chemical Interventions for Pain. J. Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986, 54:6:1-7.

30. Aronoff, GM, Witkower AB. Chronic Pain: Common Problems Practical Solutions; Resident & Staff Physician, Romaine Pierson Publ., Inc., Jan. 1988, 39-47.

31. Aronoff, GM, McAlary PW, Organization and Personnel Functions in the Pain Clinic, in the Multidisciplinary Pain Center. Organization and Personnel Functions for Pain Management. Chia, JN, Ed., KIuwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1988, 21.

32. Aronoff, GM, The Use of Adjuvant Analgesics For Pain control; Medical Dialogue on Pain. Mount Vernon Hospital, 1989.

33. Aronoff, GM, McAlary PW, Living With Chronic Pain, Executive Health Report, March, 1989, (25): No.6.

34. Aronoff GM, Adams JR. Spasticity and spasmolytic agents. Int MedSpecial 10(1)89; 122-129.


35. Aronoff, GM, Editorial "What is Happening to Medicine".Clinical Journal of Pain. 4:65-66, 1988 Raven Press.

36. Aronoff, GM, Diamond S., Eds, Special Issue on Headache,Clinical Journal of Pain. 51:1989, Raven Press.

37. Aronoff, GM, Editorial, "The Disability Epidemic",Clinical Journal of Pain. 5:203-204, 1989.

38. Aronoff, GM, Editorial, "Pain Management: Challenge for the 90's", Clinical Journal of Pain. 5:281-282, 1989.

39. Aronoff, GM,"Chronic Pain and the Disability Epidemic",Clinical Journal of Pain. 7:330-338, 1991.

40. Aronoff, GM, "Psychiatric Illness, Chronic Pain and Disability", Journal of Disability, 3:63-79, 1993.

41. Aronoff, GM, “Psychiatric Aspects of Chronic Pain and Disability”, Current Review of Pain. 1:93-98, 1997.

42. Aronoff, GM, “Psychiatric and Behavioral Aspects of Headache”, Current Review of Pain. 9:165-173.

43. Aronoff, GM, “Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?”, Clinical Journal of Pain. 13:3-5, 1997.

43. Aronoff, GM, Dupuy, D, “Evaluation and Management of Back Pain: Preventive Disability”, Journal of Rehabilitation, 1997.

44. Aronoff, GM, “Myofacial Pain Syndrome and and Fibromyalgia: A Critical Assessment and Alternative View”, Clinical Journal of Pain 1998.

45. Aronoff, GM, Feldman JB. “Preventing Iatrogenic Disability from Chronic Pain”, Current Review of Pain 3:67-77, 1999.

46. Aronoff, GM, Fibromyalgia editorial, Disability, xv-xvii, Nov. 1999.

47. Aronoff, GM, Feldman, JB. “Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain: A Review and Reappraisal, International Review of Psychiatry 12:156-168, 2000.

48. Aronoff, GM, Opioids in Chronic Pain Management: Is There a Significant Risk of Addiction?”, Current Review of Pain, 4:112-121,2000.

49. Aronoff, GM, Tota-Faucette M, Phillips L, Lawrence CN, “Are Pain Disorder and Somatization Disorder Valid Diagnostic Entities?, Current Review of Pain 2000, 4:309- 312.

50. Aronoff, GM, Guest Editorial, Rehabilitation, Not Disability for Chronic Pain, Amer Back Society Newsletter, Fall 2000.

51. Aronoff, GM, In Memoriam, William H. Sweet, Pain Medicine,2:2:176, 2001.

52. Aronoff GM, Hicks MS, Hardin N, et al, CARF Position Paper: CRPS I(RSD), Impairment and Disability Issues, Published Pain Medicine, 3:3:274-287, 2002.

53. Aronoff GM, Brennan MJ, Pritchard DD, Ginsberg B. Evidence-based oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) dosing guidelines, Pain Medicine. 6 (4):305-314, 2005.

54. Aronoff GM, Mandel S, Genovese E, et al. Evidence-based oral trans-mucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) dosing guidelines. Pain Medicine,7 (6):178-204, 2001.

55. Aronoff GM. Chronic Pain, Smoking, and Obesity: A pain physician's perspective on patient selection. Pain Medicine,10 (6):962-965, 2009.

56. Aronoff GM. The evolution of pain treatment: is it all about the money? Pain Pract. 2012 Apr;12(4):326-30.

57. Peppin JF, Passik SD, Couto JE, Fine PG, Christo PJ, Argoff C, Aronoff GM, et al. Recommendations for Urine Drug Monitoring as a Component of Opioid Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Pain.. Pain Med. 2012 Jul;13(7):886-896.

58. Aronoff GM. Marijuana Usage in Chronic Pain Patients: Guidelines for Clinicians. Pain Medicine News : Rheumatology special May 2013:36-39.

59. Aronoff GM. Guest editorial: How did we get here? Pain Medicine News March 2014;12(3).

60. Aronoff, GM. Marijuana: Does it cause cognitive impairment during driving? Practical Pain Management September 2015;15 (7) 2-4.

61. Aronoff, GM. My policy on marijuana. Practical Pain Management September 2015;15 (7) 50—51..


April 24th -25th, 2010

Hong Pain Society

Annual Scientific Meeting

Hong Kong, China

“The field of Pain Medicine: A reflection of the past 40 years.”

“Chronic opioid treatment for chronic non-cancer pain: is it appropriate? ”

August 14, 2008

New Trends in Pain Management

Veijle, Demark


March 9th -15th , 2005


(Key Note Speaker) “German Pain Conference”

Controversy in Opioid Use in Chronic Pain

September 17th -26th, 2004

Barcelona, Spain

“The World Institute of Pain”

May 4th -9th, 2004

Reykjavik, Iceland

SASP – Speakers Conference

Keynote Speaker (Study of Pain)

September, 2002

Toronto, Canada

First International Conference on Symptom, Diagnostic and Disability Validity: Improving Patient Outcomes

Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

February, 2002

Frankfurt, Germany

AWA Pharma

Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia “A Critical Assessment and Alternate View”

September, 2001

Sydney, Australia

Forensic Psychiatry Course

The Iatrogenesis of Disability from Chronic Pain

The Management of Chronic Pain

September, 2001

Budapest, Hungary

6th Annual Advanced Interventional Pain Conference

Appropriate Use of Opioids in the Treatment of Chronic Pain

March, 2001

Frankfurt, Germany

World Pain Congress

Fibromyalgia “Disease or Syndrome?”

February, 2001

Frankfurt, Germany

Germany Pain Congress

Fibromyalgia, Disease or Syndrome

Opioids for long-term treatment of Chronic Pain in the Elderly?

December, 2000

Vancouver B.C., Canada

American Back Society (Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment for Neck and Back Pain 2000)

May, 2000

Toronto, Canada

AADEP International Disability Medicine Symposium

Use of Opioids to Prevent Chronic Pain From Being Disabling

May, 2000

Toronto, Canada

Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators

Chronic Pain Management and Disability

October, 1999

Sharm el Sheik, Egypt- World Congress on Pain

Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain

Chronic Pain and disability

September, 1999

Budapest, Hungary. Interventional Pain Conference –

Preventing disability from chronic pain: Fibromyalia and Myofascial Pain – An Alternative View.

August, 1998

AADEP, International Congress on Disability: Use of Opioids in Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain, Preventing Disability from Back Pain

(Vancouver, British Columbia)

June, 1998

Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators: Chronic Pain Assessment and Management, A Critical Review of the Relationship between Pain and Disability (Toronto, Canada)

May, 1998

8TH World Congress The Pain Clinic: Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - A critical Assessment and Alternate View, Evaluation and Management of Back Pain - preventing disability (Canary Islands, Spain)

November, 1997

Associates of Designated Assessment Centers: Evaluating Impairment

and Disability from Chronic Pain (Toronto, Canada)

September, 1997

European Federation Pain Conference (Barcelona, Spain)

May, 1997

International Disability Medicine Symposium: Chronic Pain - Impairment

& Disability Issues (Toronto, Canada).

October, 1996

7th International Symposium: The Pain Clinic, (Istansul, Turkey).

June, 1994

American Back Society, Cost Effective Back Care: Pain Management

(Montreal Canada).

September, 1993

The First East-West International Conference on Pain Management.

Lecture: "Psychologic and Pharmacologic Management of Chronic

Pain." (Seoul, Korea)

September, 1992

5th International Congress: The Pain Clinic

"Psychological Aspects of Chronic Pain."

Jerusalem, Israel

October, 1991

Eleventh Argentinean Congress on Pain and Third Argentinean Congress of Pain for Nurses. Lectures: "Medication Management in Chronic Pain" and "Disabilities Resulting Specifically from Low Back Pain." (Mar Del Plata, Argentina)

May, 1991

American Back Society, Toronto, Canada

Pain Management

November, 1988

Toronto, Canada, Joint Meeting of the Canadian and American Pain Societies. Lecture: "Complicating Factors in the Pharmacotherapy of Chronic Pain Syndromes."

September, 1988

Florence, Italy, The 3rd International Symposium: The Pain Clinic. Lecture: "Evolution of Multidisciplinary Pain Centers"; "Multidisciplinary Treatment of Intractable Pain Syndromes."

January, l987

Brisbane, Australia, Keynote Address, Australian Pain Society-

"Chronic Pain: Prevention of Disability."


January 11th-14th


“Opioids for Severe Pain in Injured Workers”

November 17th-20th 2015

NADDI 26th Annual Conference

“A Physicians Perspective Opioids and Pain Management”

May13-16 2015

APS Palm Springs, CA

Poster Presentation:

"Weight Change in Adults with PHN Receiving Gabapentin Encarbil in a Randomized,

Placebo-Controlled Trial"

Shurman J, Laham R, Aronoff GM, Bakonja M, Irving G, Jaros MJ, Kim R, Shang G

May13-16 2015

APS Palm Springs, CA

Hysingla Abuse Deterrent Long-Acting Hydrocodone

March 6-9 2014

AAPM Phoenix, AZ

"Medication, Driving and Work: Are You at Risk?"

"Smoking and Chronic Pain Ethical Issues"

April 24-26, 2008

Western Pain Society Annual Conference

“Depression and Chronic Pain”

Seattle, Washington

September 29, 2007

AAPM Annual Pain Conference

“Managing Pain and Improving Patient Outcomes

with the use of Opioid Therapies”

September 26, 2007

VIM-CME Teleconference

Pain Grand Rounds

“Managing Pain: Improving Patient Outcomes

and Minimizing Risk in Opioid Therapy of Chronic Pain”

University of Mississippi Medical Center—Jackson, Mississippi

August 18, 2007

Promerica “Roundtable Chronic Pain Management”

New York, NY

Auxillium Advisory Board

July 17, 2007

VIM-CME Teleconference

Pain Grand Rounds

“Managing Pain: Improving Patient Outcomes

and Minimizing Risk in Opioid Therapy of Chronic Pain”

Louisiana State University

April 5, 2007

PHN Back pain Teleconference Interviews

“Localized pain, Back Pain and Neuropathic Pain Evaluation and Treatment”

Worldwide Marketing Research & Strategic Consultancy

May 22, 2007

VIM-CME Teleconference

Pain Grand Rounds

“Managing Pain: Improving Patient Outcomes

and Minimizing Risk in Opioid Therapy of Chronic Pain”

Laxford, TX

May 16, 2007

VIM-CME Teleconference

Pain Grand Rounds

“Managing Pain: Improving Patient Outcomes

and Minimizing Risk in Opioid Therapy of Chronic Pain”

Dallas VA Medical Center

March 19, 2007

VIM –CME Teleconference

Pain Grand Rounds

“Managing Pain: Improving Patient Outcomes

and Minimizing Risk in Opioid Therapy of Chronic Pain”

February 10th-14th, 2007

Cleveland Clinic Pain Courses

Managing Breakthrough Pain

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

January 19, 2007

Pain Grand Rounds

Johns Hopkins University

Advances in the Management of Breakthrough pain

March 30th -31st, 2006

13th Annual Rehab & Case Management Symposium

Keynote Address “Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain”

October 17, 2005

DOV Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Keynote Address at Third Annual Scientific Symposium

May 26, 2005

Panama City Beach, Florida

“Challenges in the Management of Acute & Chronic Pain”

Panama City, Florida

Emerald Coast Cancer Center

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

May 18, 2005

San Antonio, TX

Brook Army Medical Center

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

May 11, 2005

Pittsburgh, PA

Univ. Pittsburgh Med. Center – St. Margaret

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

May 6, 2005

New Orleans, LA


Core Faculty

Pharmacotherapy of Chronic Pain

Co-Morbid Psychiatric Problems in Chronic Pain

May 3, 2005

Bedford, New Hampshire

Southern NH Medical Center

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

March 23, 2005

Manchester, NH

Elliot Hospital Oncology

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

March 22, 2005

Bedford, NH

Bedford Dartmouth Hitchcock

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

March 22, 2005

Nashua, NH

Southern NH Medical Center

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

March 17, 2005

Jackson, MS

Jackson Oncology

“Management of Excessive Sleepiness”

March 4, 2005

Nashville, TN

Vanderbilt Med. School/OCC Medical Meeting

Keynote Speaker: “Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”

“Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy”

February 23rd-27th, 2005

Palm Springs, CA

American Academy of Pain Medicine

Talk: (1) What is the Risk of Iatrogenic Addiction in Chronic Pain Treatment

Talk: (2) Meet-the-Expert (Assessment Tools – Assessment of Chronic Pain)

February 12th-16th, 2005

Orlando, Florida

Cleveland Clinic Pain Management Symposium

Talk: (1) Preventing Disability in Chronic Pain Patients

Talk: (2) Fibromyalgia: An Old Name for a New Disease

Talk: (3) Long Term Opiates for Non-malignant Pain – US Perspective

January 28th -30th, 2005

San Juan, Puerto Rico

“The World Institute of Pain and Puerto Rico Pain Management Society”

Pain Care at the End of Life: What to do if all else fails

December 10, 2004

Greenville, NC

Visiting Professor

“Eastern Carolina Medical School-Faculty Lecture”

November 18, 2004

Raleigh, NC

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain” Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibition: A Novel Pharmacologic Approach

October 28, 2004

Charlotte, NC

Clinical Experts in Pain Series

“Substance Abuse”

October 28, 2004

Savannah, GA

Psychiatric Consultants

“Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibition: A Novel Pharmacologic Approach”

October 27, 2004

Savannah, GA

Neurological Institute

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

October 26, 2004

Las Vegas, Nevada

Recent Developments in Neuropathic Pain & Their Impact on Clinical Practice

“Neuropathic Pain Roundtable Meeting”

October 21, 2004

Greenville, NC

Eastern Carolina University Pain Management Center

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

October 10, 2004

Healthwise Program – WTVI

“Management of Chronic Pain”

October 9, 2004

Chicago, Illinois

Pregabalin National Specialist Speaker Training”

October 7, 2004

Oklahoma City, OK

Cancer Specialists of Oklahoma

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

September 30, 2004

Glastonbury, CT

Glastonbury Osteopathic Medicine

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

September 29, 2004

Stamford, CT

“Purdue Advisory Board Meeting”

September 8, 2004

Roanoke, Virginia

Southwest Virginia Pain Initiative (Chapter of VCPI)

Appropriate Use of Opioids for Non Cancer Pain “Substance Abuse, Diversion & Risk Mgmt.”

August 26, 2004

Louisville, KY

Pain and Substance Abuse: Recognizing the Potential for Misuse and Diversion

August 26, 2004

Louisville, KY

Murphy Pain Center

“Assessment and Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

August 17, 2004

Bedford, NH

Bedford Pain Group

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

August 17, 2004

Manchester, NH

CMC Medical Group

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

August 2, 2004

Chapel Hill, NC

UNC Pain Department

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Pain”

Gabitril: A Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibitor (SGRI)

August 2, 2004

Durham, NC

Duke Pain Department

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

Gabitril: A Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibitor (SGRI)

July 29th -August 1st , 2004

San Francisco

Gave Course on:

“Chronic Pain Management”

July 12, 2004

Monroe, NC

Monroe Pain Clinic

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

June 29, 2004

Augusta, GA

Evans Pain Clinic

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

June 22, 2004

Salisbury, NC

Dr. Lyerly’s Office

“Current Issues in the Management of Sleep Disorders & Wake Management & Gabitril: A Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibitor (SGRI)”

June 22, 2004

Greensboro, NC

Guilford Pain:

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

June 14, 2004

Charlotte, NC

NIPC: “Neuropathic Pain Dinner Meeting”

National Initiative on Pain Control

May 18, 2004

Barrington, NH (Interventional Spine Medicine)

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

May 13, 2004

Ashville, NC (Physicians & Nurses)

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

April 29, 2004

Charlotte, NC

Liberty Mutual: Rehab Nurses Association

“Preventing Disability From Chronic Pain”

April 23, 2004

Decatur, IL (St. Mary’s) “Pre-Clinical Pharmacology of Provigil”

Decatur, IL (Decatur Hospital) “Pre-Clinical Pharmacology of Provigil”

Decatur, IL (Cancer Care Specialists) “Provigil-Clinical Profile

April 16th-18th, 2004

Actiq Speaker Training: Scottsdale, AZ

“National Speakers Bureau”

April 13, 2004

Cephalon,:Charlotte, NC

Bonner Family Practice

“Current Issues in the Management of Disorders of Sleep & Wakefulness

March 26th -28th, 2004

Halfmoon, CA

NIPC Curriculum Development Meeting

March 2nd -7th, 2004

Orlando, Florida

AAPM 20th Annual Meeting

January 22nd -23rd, 2004

Ft. Meyers, Florida

Liberty Mutual Medical Directors Meeting

“Psychiatric Co-morbidity in Chronic Pain Syndrome

December 12, 2003

Charlotte, NC

Neuropathic Pain – PMR Residents

December 6, 2003

Palm Beach, Florida

Alza Investigators Meeting

“Chronic Use of Opioids to Treat Non-Malignant Pain”

December 3rd -5th, 2003

Bedford, MA

New England College of Occupational Medicine

“Effective Pharmacological Management of Lower Back Pain” Preventing Disability

November 20th -21st, 2003

St. Paul, Minnesota

“Assessment & Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

November 19, 2003

Glen Oaks, NY

Zucker Hillside Hospital

“Ground Rounds” Topic: The difficult pain patient

November 14th -16th, 2003

Miami, Florida

Clinical Experts Faculty Meeting

“Advisory Board”

November 13th -14th, 2003

New Orleans, LA


“17th Annual Scientific Session and Business Meeting”

November 9, 2003

Greensboro, NC

Grandover Resort

“Substance Abuse, Diversion, & Risk Management”

October 30, 2003

Midwestern Regional Medical Center – Zion, Illinois

Education Lecture – Lincolnshire, Illinois

“Management of Breakthrough Pain”

October 22nd -26t h, 2003

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pain Society Scientific Meeting & Workshop

October 17th-19th, 2003

Naples, Florida

Actiq Consultants Meeting

“Abuse, Addiction Diversion: Issues and Concerns”

September 19, 2003

Rock Hill, SC

Southeastern EPEC Conference

Hospice Community Care

“Chronic Pain Management & Cancer Pain”

September 12th -14th, 2003


Regional Consultant Meeting


September 10, 2003

Spartanburg, SC

Continuing Medical Education

“Management of Chronic Pain”

August 22nd -24th, 2003

Chicago, Illinois (The Peninsula)

“Actiq Regional Consultant Meeting”

“Migraine Headache”

August 20, 2003

Naperville, Illinois

“Assessment and Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

July 22nd -24th, 2003

Hyannis, Massachusetts

Seak, Inc. 23rd Annual National Workers Compensation & Occupational Medicine Seminar

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

July 16, 2003

Louisville, KY

Murphy Pain Clinic

“Assessment and Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

July 15, 2003

Cleveland, TN

Ford Pain Clinic

“Assessment and Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain”

July 11, 2003

Houston, TX

AADEP (Impairment Rating)

“Impairment from Chronic Pain”

June 30, 2003

Charlotte, NC

Round Table Talk: Kadian-Faulding

“Presbyterian Center for Pain Physicians & Staff”

June 13, 2003

Anchorage Alaska

Alaska Pain Conference

“Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain”

June 4, 2003

Charlotte, NC

“Pain in the Geriatric Population

Living in the Long Term Care Setting”

May 30th -June 1st, 2003

San Diego, California

“Clinical Experts in Pain”

Faculty Meeting

May 28, 2003

Greensboro, NC

NC Pain Coalition

“Founding Member”

May 16, 2003

New York

NY County Dental Society

Symposium on Painful Disorders of the Head and Neck

“Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain”

“Fibromyalgia & Myofascial Head and Neck Pain”

May 8, 2003

Fayetteville, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

Risk Factors & Management of Chronic Pain

Signs of Addiction

May 6, 2003

Greenville, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

Risk Factors & Management of Chronic Pain

Signs of Addiction

April 29, 2003

Wilmington, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

How to Diagnosis Chronic Pain “Treatment Options”

Managing Pain “Medications, Risk Factors”

Signs of Addiction

April 26, 2003

New York

Alza Advisory Board

April 24, 2003

Ashville, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

How to Diagnosis Chronic Pain “Treatment Options”

Managing Pain “Medications, Risk Factors” “Signs of Addiction”

April 22, 2003

Raleigh, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

How to Diagnosis Chronic Pain “Treatment Options”

Managing Pain “Medications, Risk Factors”

Signs of Addiction

April 4, 2003

Orlando, Florida

Kronus-MSP Investigators Meeting

Pain and Analgesia: State of the Art Presentation

April 1, 2003

Hickory, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

Appropriate and Inappropriate Use of Opioids

“Chronic Pain”

March 2, 2003

University at Sea/Continuing Education

Norwegian Star in Hawaii

Pain & Suffering “Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain”

Pain Disorders “Fibromyalgia, Somatoform Disorders, Headache”

Evidence-based Management of Chronic Pain “Pharmacological & Behavioral”

Drug Dependence & Addiction in Chronic Pain Treatment

February 7, 2003

Houston, TX


AMA Guides Training Course

Chronic Pain “Occupational and Impairment Issues”

November 8th -10th, 2002

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Hyatt Regency Pier

“Key Opinion Leader Workshop”

October 22, 2002

Atlanta, GA

Northside Hospital

Overview of Therapeutic Options for Chronic Pain

October 17, 2002

Philadelphia, PA


The Use of Opioids and Safe Return to Work

October 16, 2002

South Boston, VA

Halifax Regional Hospital (Ground Rounds)

Practical Issues in Opioid Use for Chronic Pain

October 10, 2002

Hickory, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Practice

Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain

October 3, 2002

Charlotte, NC

North Carolina Academy of Family Practice

Appropriate Use of Opioids “Chronic Pain Management”

September 22, 2002

Chicago, IL


Chronic Pain “Occupational and Impairment Issues”

September 19, 2002

Raleigh, NC

NC Academy of Family Physicians

Pharmacological Management of Pain “Preventing Drug Diversion”

September 18, 2002

Charlotte, NC


Use of Opioids and Safe Return to Work

September 6, 2002

Houston, TX


Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

August 1, 2002

Chattanooga, TN

Primary Care Physicians

Assessment and Treatment of Breakthrough Cancer Pain

July 13, 2002

San Antonio, TX


Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain; AMA Guides

July, 2002

Myrtle Beach, SC

North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians

Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain “Preventing Addiction from Opioids”

“Addiction and Recovery”

“Pharmaceutical Drug Diversion”

“Guidelines from the NC Medical Board Perspective”

June, 2002

Anchorage, Alaska

Progress in Neuromodulation (Pain Conference)

“Psychological & Psychiatric Issues Affecting Patient Selection and Compliance with Spinal Cord Stimulation”

June, 2002

Charlotte, NC

Byron Hall

Chronic Pain Management “Are Opioids Appropriate?”

“Is There a Significant Risk of Addiction”

June, 2002

Raleigh-Durham, NC

Triangle Orthopedic

“Prevention of Iatrogenic Disability and Delayed work Re-Entry”

“Conservative Use of Opioids”

June, 2002

Dallas, TX


“Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain; AMA Guides 4th Edition”

“Effective Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain Can Prevent Disability”

May, 2002

Anchorage, Alaska

The University at Sea / Head-Neck Pain Symposium

Pain Disorders “Fibromyalgia, Somatoform Disorders, Headache”

Evidence-based management of Chronic Pain “Pharmacological and Behavioral”

Drug Dependence and Addiction in Chronic Pain Treatment

May 2002

Ashville, NC

Avery County Medical Society

Charles Cannon Hospital

Update on Pain Management “Legal and Ethical Issues in Prescribing Opioids:

May, 2002

Chicago, IL

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

“Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia”

“A Critical Assessment and Alternative View:

“Opioids and their Role in the Management of Chronic Non-Malignant Pain:

May 2002

New York, NY

Chronic Head/Neck Pain Symposium

“Opioids and the Management of Chronic Pain”

May, 2002

Atlanta, GA


“Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain; AMA Guides 4th Edition”

“Effective Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain Can Prevent Disability”

March, 2002

Charlotte, NC

Carolina Medical Center (PM&R Residency Program)

Evaluation & Management of Chronic Pain “Pharmacological Issues”

March, 2002

Charlotte, NC

Carolina Medical Center (Rehabilitation Nurses)

“Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain”

March, 2002

Manassas, Virginia

Prince William Hospital

“Interdisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain”

February 2002

Dallas, TX


“Effective Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain Can Prevent Disability”

February, 2002

Houston, TX


“Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain; AMA Guides 4th Edition”

January 2002

Hickory, NC

Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain “Are Opioids Appropriate?”

“Is There a Significant Risk of Addiction”

December, 2001

Orlando, Florida

American Back Society

Preventing Disability from Chronic Back Pain “Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain”

November 2001

Knoxville, TN

Knoxville Area Physicians Dinner

Management “Where do we go from here?”

November, 2001

Tullahoma, TN

Coffee County Medical Society

“Barriers to Pain Management & Regulatory Issues”

November, 2001

Las Vegas, NC


“Effective Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain Can Prevent Disability”

November, 2001

Wadesboro, NC

Anson Community Hospital

“Management and Treatment of Chronic Pain”

November, 2001

Chattanooga, TN

University of Tennessee Family Practice, Family Practice Center

“Pain Management at the Primary Care Level”

November, 2001

Chattanooga, TN

“Use v/s Abuse in Pain Management”

November, 2001

Las Vegas, NV

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons

Workers Comp; A Multidisciplinary Perspective “Chronic Pain, Unnecessary Disability Due to Back Pain

October, 2001

Durham, NC

Chronic Pain Management “Are Opioids Appropriate?”

“Is There a Significant Risk of Addiction”

October, 2001

Gatlinburg, TN

Tennessee Academy of Physician Assistants

“Abuse Issues in Pain Management”

October, 2001

Henderson, NC

Grand Rounds


September, 2001

Decature, GA

Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center

Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain “Are Opioids Appropriate?’

“Is there a Significant Risk of Addiction”

September, 2001

Ft. Payne, AL

Baptist Medical Center

“Barriers to Pain Management”

June, 2001

Washington, DC


Anesthesia Advisory Board

June, 2001

Anchorage, Alaska


Pain Symposium

May, 2001

Scottsboro, AL

Jackson County Hospital

“Barriers to Pain Management & Regulatory Issues Prescribing Opioids”

May, 2001

High Point, NC

High Point Medical Association

Opioids for Pain Relief “Improving Quality of Life”

May, 2001

New York, NY

New York County Dental Society

Symposium on Painful Disorders of the Head and Neck “Opiate Analgesics in Non-Cancer Pain”

May, 2001

North Wilkesboro, NC

Wilkes Regional Hospital

“Inappropriate and Appropriate Uses in Opioids Analgesics”

April, 2001

Birmingham, AL

St. Vincent’s Hospital

“Opioids in Treatment of Chronic Pain”

April, 2001

Charlotte, NC

Mecklenburg County Medical Society and Alliance (NBC6 News)


March, 2001

Chicago, IL


“Pain and Mental Disorders”

February, 2001

Charlotte, NC

Piedmont Emergency Medicine Association

Barriers and Misconceptions to Effective Pain Management “Use of Opioids in the ER Setting”

February, 2001

Ft. Worth, TX


The Chronic Pain Syndrome Patient “Preventing Iatrogenic Impairment & Disability”

December, 2000

Bixby Institute of Research Medical Center

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

Kansas City, MO

September, 2000

AADEP Clinical Training Program (Chicago, Ill)

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

March 2000

AADEP Clinical Training Program (Chicago, Ill)

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

February, 2000

AADEP Advanced Clinical Training Program-Chairperson (Charleston, SC)

Opioids in chronic non-malignant pain-are they appropriate?

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

November 1999

Dallas, Texas Keynote Address – Greater Dallas Pain Society – Use of Opioids for Chronic Pain

November, 1999

Tucson, Arizona

AADEP Annual meeting- Fibromyalgia – Is there impairment or disability?

October, 1999

Annual meeting – Virginia Association of defense attorneys talk on “treating chronic pain – preventing disability –Roanoke, VA.,

September, 1999

Chicago, Illinois

AADEP-Clinical Training Program

Preventing disability from Back Pain.

Pharmacologic management of chronic pain.

June, 1999

AADEP Advanced Clinical Training Program

Evaluating impairment from Chronic Pain

Opioids to prevent chronic pain from being disabling

March, 1999

Greensboro, NC, State Farm Insurance, Annual Meeting: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy- clinical and disability issues

January, 1999

Jonesboro Arkansas: Medical-legal issues in opioid use for chronic pain

January, 1999

Batesville, Arkansas: Independence County Med. Society-Current legal issues in pain management

December, 1998

Las Vegas, Nevada-American Back Society.1.Preventing Disability from chronic back pain 2. Appropriate use of Opioids to prevent disability

May, 1998

Orlando, FL, American Society Consultant Pharmacist, Guidelines for Treatment of Pain in the Long Term Care Facility, Satellite Symposium

May, 1998

Santa Fe, NM, AADEP, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD): Impairment and Disability Issues

May, 1998

Shelby, NC, Cleveland Regional Medical Center, Keynote Speaker--Management of Back Pain: Preventing Disability

May, 1998

Orlando, FL, Purdue Frederick Company, Management of Chronic Non-Malignant Pain

May, 1998

St. Louis Law School, Department of Medicine and Law, Consultant-Pain and Managed Care

April, 1998

Orlando, FL, Purdue Frederick Company, -Guidelines for Management of Chronic Non-Malignant Pain in Long Term Care

March, 1998

Orlando, FL, Purdue Frederick Company, Use of Opioids for Non-Malignant Pain

February, 1998

San Diego, CA, American Academy of Pain Medicine, Prevention of

Disability, Use of AMA Guides for Chronic Pain Evaluation, Moderator--

Debate on End of Life Care Issues

December, 1997

San Francisco, CA, American Back Society, Preventing Disability from

Chronic Back Pain, Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain

December, 1997

Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Member

of Expert Panel, Guidelines for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain in the Elderly

LTC Resident: The Relief Paradigm

November, 1997

Palm Springs, FL, Federal Judiciary Education Program, Guidelines for

Use of Opioids in Chronic Pain

September, 1997

Chicago, IL, AADEP, Clinical Training Program, Use of AMA Guides to

Evaluate Chronic Pain

August, 1997

Hilton Head, SC, AADEP Chairman Conference on Pain and Disability,

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

June, 1997

New York, NY, American Academy of Pain Medicine, Chronic Pain and

the Prevention of Disability

May, 1997

Southern Pain Society, Moderator on Session on Alternative Therapies

April, 1997

Charlotte, North Carolina, North Carolina Pain Society, Moderator --

Pain Care at the End of Life -- Euthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide

April, 1997

Chicago, Illinois, Advanced Topics in Medical Disability Management--

The Pain Dilemma

March, 1997

Charlotte, North Carolina, Independent Insurance Agents of Charlotte --

Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain

March, 1997

San Francisco, AADEP, Clinical Training Course on Disability -- Use of

AMA Guides to Rate Chronic Pain

February, 1997

Aspen Colorado, Advanced Topics in Medical Disability Management --

The Pain Dilemma

December, 1996

San Francisco, American Back Society, Use of Opioids for Complex Chronic

Non-Cancer Pain

November, 1996

Tucson, Arizona, Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain: AADEP

October, 1996

Los Angeles, California, Symposium on Myofascial Pain, Lecture: Myofascial Pain

Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

September 1996

Chicago, Clinical Training Course, “Use/Abuse of AMA Guides to Evaluate

Impairment from Pain”.

May, 1996

New York, NY

North Shore University Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Neurology. Interdisciplinary Conference, Practical Management of Chronic Pain. Lecture: “Are Opioids Useful or Not in Chronic Non-Cancer Pain”.

May, 1996

Chairman, Southern Pain Society, Spring Symposium

September, 1995

Chairman, Conference on Chronic Pain & Disability: Evaluation and Advocacy. Lecture-"Chronic Pain Syndromes-Preventing and Managing Disability Issues." (Charlotte, NC)

June, 1995

New England Pain Association Spring Conference. Tufts New England Medical Center: A Crisis in Access to Care- Are Patients Suffering with Needless Pain and Disability? Lecture "Industrial Accident Board Guidelines for Treating Pain." (Boston, MA)

June, 1995

Salisbury VA Medical Center

Grand Rounds. Lecture "Management of the Difficult Chronic Pain Patient." (Salisbury, MA)

December, 1994

Chairman, Conference on Chronic Pain & Disability: Evaluation and

Advocacy. Lecture-"Chronic Pain Syndromes-Preventing and Managing Disability Issues." (Boston, MA)

December, 1994

Charlotte Orthopedic Specialists Industrial Symposium. Lecture:

"Psychosocial Modification of Pain & Disability." (Charlotte, NC)

November, 1994

Grand Rounds, Gaston Memorial Hospital. Lecture: "Chronic Pain &

the Disability Epidemic." (Gastonia, NC)

September, 1994

Roerig Lecture: "Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Pain";

"Antidepressants as Adjuvant analgesics." (Boston, MA)

April, 1994

6th International Congress -"Pain Clinic: Planning of Space and Personnel

in a Pain Center." (Atlanta, GA)

February, 1994

American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians Lecture:

(Chairman) "Preventing Disability from Chronic Pain." Use of the

AMA Guides. (Allentown, PA)

February, 1994

Macomber Hospital Center, Grand Rounds: "Chronic Back Pain and

the Disability Epidemic."

December, 1993

Mass. General Hospital Institute, Lecture: "Evaluation and

Management of Chronic Pain and Disability."

July, 1993

Thirteenth Annual National Workers' Compensation and Occupational

Medicine Seminar, Lecture: "The Injured Worker With Chronic Pain-

Preventing Disability." (Hyannis, MA)

April, 1993

American Occupational Health Conference. Lecture: "Chronic Pain

and Disability Epidemic." (Atlanta, GA)

April, 1993

American Academy of Disability and Evaluating Physicians:

"Use of the AMA Guides to Rate Impairment From Chronic Pain."

(Orlando, Florida)

April, 1993

6th International Congress of Pain Clinicians: "Preventing Disability From Back Pain."

(Atlanta, GA)

July, 1992

Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation:

"The Failed Back-Past Problems and Future Directions." (San Francisco, CA)

December, 1991

American Back Society: Fall Symposium: "Options in Management of Chronic Pain."

(San Francisco, CA)

October, 1991

Massachusetts General Hospital

"Preventing Disability From Chronic Pain." (Boston, MA)

September, 1991

American Academy of Pain Medicine 1991 Seminar: Pain Medicine in the 1990's: "Comprehensive Management of Chronic Pain, Current Practice and Future Perspectives”

August, 1991

Bar Harbor Medical Symposium. "Understanding Chronic Pain Syndrome" and

"The Disability Epidemic." (Bar Harbor, ME)

May, 1991

AAPM Regional Symposium: "Pain Centers: Non-Invasive Treatment for

Chronic Pain." (Mt. Laurel, NJ)

Northeast Craniomandibular Society,: "Physical Behavioral Therapuetics for the

Management of Chronic Pain." (Boston, MA)

National Association of Retired Federal Employees

"Multidisciplinary Approach to Chronic Pain."

April, 1991

New England Pain Association: David Kasdan Memorial Lecture. (Boston, MA)

January, 1991

American Academy of Pain Medicine, Annual Conference, Miami, FL

"The Chronic Pain Epidemic."

Massachusetts General Hospital, Anesthesia Grand Rounds,

"Management of Chronic Pain." (Boston, MA)

January, 1990

Conservco: "Pain Related Disability and its Litigation in the United States." (Danvers, MA)

May ,1990

American Back Society, Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, IL

"Spring Symposium in Back Pain"; "Pain Need Not Be A Disability."

September, 1990

North Shore Dental Society. Keynote Address: "When All Else Fails, How to Manage Pain." (Lynn, MA)

October, 1990

American Pain Society: "Measuring Effectiveness of Pain Treatment;

Measures and Validity of Psychological and Psychiatric Evaluation and

Treatment Outcome." (St. Louis, MO)

November, 1990

Massachusetts Chapter of American Physical Therapy Association, "Integrated Treatment of Pain; Multidisciplinary Concepts in Chronic Pain Management." (Sturbridge, MA)

November, 1990

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, "Issues in Spinal Diseases; Psychologic and Pharmacologic Management." (Cambridge, MA)

June, 1990

Harvard Community Health Plan, “Preventing Disability from Chronic

Pain." (Brookline, MA)

May, 1989

Hale Hospital, "Management of Chronic Pain Patients." (Haverhill, MA)

April, 1989

Beth Israel Hospital: "Management of the Difficult Chronic Pain Patient". (Boston, MA)

April, 1989

American Back Society: "Multidisciplinary "Treatment of Difficult Chronic Pain Syndrome." (Cambridge, MA)

April, 1989

Massachusetts General Hospital Grand Rounds.

"Etiology and Treatment of Chronic Pain." (Boston, MA)

March, 1989

McGraw-Hill round table discussion on chronic pain management.

January, 1989

Winchester Hospital: "Advances in Pain Management." (Winchester, MA)

December, 1988

Riverfront Medical Services, P.C.: "The Multidisciplinary Approach in Management of the Difficult Pain Patient." (Buffalo, NY)

November, 1988

Lakeview Rehabilitation Hospital: "Multidisciplinary Treatment of Intractable Pain Syndromes."

(Elizabethtown, KY)

October, 1988

Good Shepard Rehabilitation Hospital Industrial Medicine Seminar: "The Rehabilitation and Management of the Difficult Patient: The Boston Pain Center Approach." (Allentown, PA)

Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Hospital Course "New Strategies for the Evaluation and Treatment of Low Back Pain and Sciatica". Lecture: "Behavioral Management of Patients with Chronic Pain Syndromes".

October, 1988

American College of Surgeons: "Rehabilitation and Pain Clinic Therapy." (Chicago, IL)

October, 1988

Beverly Hospital: "Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain." (Beverly, MA)

September, 1988

The University of Tennessee, Memphis Chattanooga Unit of the College of Medicine: "Management of Chronic Pain." (Chattanooga, TN)

February, 1988

Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Musculoskeletal Craniocernical Disorders Interdisciplinary Study Club: "The Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain." (Boston, MA)

January, 1988

Goddard Hospital Grand Rounds: "Chronic Pain." (Brockton, MA)

Malden Hospital Grand Rounds: "Update of Multidisciplinary Treatment of Chronic Pain and Inflammation." (Malden, MA)

The University of Tennessee, Memphis Chattanooga Unit of the

College of Medicine, Chattanooga, TN. "Management of Chronic Pain.”


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