Literature Circle Novel Study – English 12

Literature Circle Novel Study – English 12

Over the next several weeks, we will be participating in student-run Literature Circles. Each group member will read his/her selected text during in-class and at-home reading sessions, and will discuss and analyze that text during in-class discussion periods. Students will work collaboratively within their groups to deepen their understanding and analysis of the text.

Assessment and Evaluation

• Individual – Classroom observation by teacher during discussion sessions (Speaking & Listening)

• Individual – Selection of passage/concept or creation of question to bring to each discussion session (Reading & Viewing)

• Individual – Completion of notes, worksheets, activities associated with each reading section (Reading & Viewing)

• Individual – Essay (Writing & Representing)

• Group – Creative Final Product (Writing & Representing)

• Group – Presentation to class on your group’s book (Speaking & Listening)


Class 1:

• Discuss Literature Circle process, expectations, and novel options

• Select top two novel choices

Class 2:

• Receive novel assignments

• Sign out novels from the library

• Meet with group members to divide text into five sections

• Start reading Section 1

Class 3:

• Reading class for Section 1

Class 4:

• Group discussion

• Complete Section 1 Group Assignment on Context

Classes 5 and 6:

• Reading classes for Section 2

Class 7:

• Group discussion

• Complete Section 2 Group Assignment on Vocabulary

Classes 8 and 9:

• Reading classes for Section 3

Class 10:

• Group discussion

• Complete Section 3 Group Assignment on Connections

Classes 11 and 12:

• Reading classes for Section 4

Class 13:

• Group discussion

• Complete Section 4 Group Assignment on Literary Devices/Techniques

Classes 14 and 15:

• Reading classes for Section 5

Class 16:

• Group discussion

• Start work on Creative Final Projects

Classes 17 and 18:

• Group work on Creative Final Projects and Presentations

Class 19:

• Group presentations

Classes 20, 21, and 22:

• Essay writing

Group Discussions

Before each discussion session, select a topic you would like to address with your group. You may have a question that your group members can answer for you, or you may want to draw attention to a passage or idea that stood out for you while you were reading. Please fill in the appropriate section below before each group discussion.

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Group Discussion Highlights

Discussing the text with your classmates will hopefully draw your attention to new and interesting perspectives. During each discussion, write down one point that stood out to you and explain why it stood out. Did it change your perspective or interpretation of the text? Did it help you understand a character or part of the plot or conflict? Did a group member find something important that you had previously dismissed as an unimportant detail?

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Section 1 Group Assignment on Context

Learning about a text’s context can enrich our reading experience and allow us to develop a deeper understanding of and connection with that text. With your group members, conduct some background research on the time period, location, and author of your text. Please feel free to insert looseleaf and/or use the back of this sheet if you require more space. Please make a list of websites you consulted during your research and include it on the back of this page or on looseleaf.

When was the text written (or published)?

In what time period does the novel take place?

Where does this novel take place?

What major social issues and/or world events occurred during the text’s time period and/or in its location? Briefly explain points that are relevant to your novel.

What major social issues and/or world events were significant to your text’s author?

Briefly explain how learning about the issues/events impacts your reading of the novel.

Section 2 Group Assignment on Vocabulary

As a group, select 10 words that are significant in your novel and may be unfamiliar to you. Select words that will contribute to a deeper understanding of the text and/or the context of text. Complete the chart below. The column on the right is divided so each word has two corresponding boxes. In the top box, supply a definition that fits the context in which the word is used in your novel. In the bottom box, write a brief explanation on why your group chose that word OR how that word improves your understanding of the text.

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Section 3 Group Assignment on Connections

Making connections with a text allows us to interact with it on a more personal level. Brainstorm connections with your group members, and choose six to describe below. Briefly explain the event in the novel and what you are connecting it to. Please do two of each connection type. The Text to Self connections should be personal to you and thus should be different for each group member.

Text to Text: What other text (novel, TV show, film, poem, short story, song) does this novel remind you of?

Text to World: What is going on in our “world” (global or local) that reminds you of something happening in this novel?

Text to Self: What life experiences have you had that remind you of something happening in this novel?

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Section 4 Group Assignment on Literary Devices

Authors make stylistic choices and use a variety of Literary Devices and Techniques to enhance their writing. With your group members, identify and explain four of the most prominent devices/techniques the author of your novel uses. Go to the Literary Devices document in the Short Stories section of my website for help.

Complete chart below. Provide an example (direct quotation or paraphrase) of the device or technique, then explain the device or technique and how the use of this device impacts the text itself or your understanding of the text. For example, if you choose Symbolism, give an example of the symbol being used in the text. Explain what is being symbolized, then explain how it affects the meaning of the novel or how it helps you understand the novel.

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Final Group Assignment – Creative Representation of the Text

Reading a novel is a creative, interpretive process that lends itself to representation through the arts (music, visual arts, drama, media…). This group project encourages you to explore the text beyond a traditional interpretation and to tell its story through a different lens.

Project Guidelines

Within your literature circle, discuss the most impactful elements of your novel, such as descriptive language, vivid setting, complex characters, moving theme, important scenes…. Brainstorm how these elements could be represented through the arts, then choose what you would like to represent and how you would like to represent it.

You will have three class sessions to develop your project with your group. We will have access to laptop carts; however, our software is limited, so you may need to work from home as well, or bring in things you need. You may also want to bring in a flashdrive or use Google Docs to save work because projects sometimes disappear from student drives.


As a group, you will present your novel to the class. Of course, you will be sharing your Creative Representations with the class, but you will also need to present the following:

o The title and author of your novel

o A brief plot summary

o An overview of the novel’s context (from Section 1 Group Assignment)

o A review of the novel (positive or negative)

o An explanation of your Creative Representation – explain what element you chose to represent and why


You will be assessed with your group on the final product, as part of your Writing and Representing mark, and for presenting your project to the class, as part of your Speaking and Listening mark. EACH GROUP MEMBER MUST HAVE A SPEAKING ROLE IN THE PRESENTATIONS.

Suggestions for final products:

• Use Photostory (or other software) to create a digital story using pictures and music

• Write (and record or perform) a song

• Make a movie (Windows Media Player, iMovie, etc) – can be a trailer, scene depiction, interview…

• Illustrate key scenes, characters…

• Create a comic book or children’s book

• Perform a dramatic re-enactment of a scene (skit, puppet show)

• Choreograph a dance

• Option of your choice – check with me to make sure you are on the right track


Title of Novel: ___________________

Author of Novel: ____________________

Name: _____________________

Class: ______________________

Teacher: ____________________

Due Date: ___________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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