Network Capacity Building DATE 3/10/20Present: Keri Bennett, Frank Velinsky, John Ferrone, Dale Johannes, Judy Nichelson, Tresa Christensen, Nancy Noha, Carla LasleyTopicInformationFollow-up / planNetwork Capacity Building project update – John Ferrone, ContractorJohn and Judy shared updates on Chapter and support group activities:Flyers/posters were developed for use in all communities to convey awareness of chapter development and/or support group meetings.Kearney: Support group has re-established relationship with Good Samaritan Hospital where they will meet on 3/16; Kearney Chapter is distinctly different than the support group, but chapter members, including possible leaders, are coming from the support group. Grand Island: 3/19 meeting scheduled; a couple of people are leading the initiative there and media representation and coverage has been provided in the GI Independent.Ogallala: Chapter formingHastings: Possible participants have been identified.North Platte: Very active. 3 support group meetings and 1 Chapter meeting per month. The support group has become the chapter, essentially. The NP mayor recently signed proclamation for March BI awareness month. The public signing offered an opportunity for John to share information and model methods of starting conversation/informing public officials about brain injury and the work of community members to support one another. TV station aired a piece about the event, and print media, also covered it:NP Telegraph included an article, found at: also indicated that the NP Bulletin included an article. If it is located it will be sent to the committee.Judy has been contacted by Karen McAvoy from CO to be interviewed by a North Dakota newspaper interested in what NE is doing.Additional towns/areas where interest in developing a chapter has been identified: Norfolk, Broken Bow, near Fremont. Additional chapter-building events may be needed in areas beyond the one held in the central part of the state, due to the distance people from either end of the state or north might have to travel. May consider scheduling those events in the Western or Northern part of the state, possibly.NIBN update: Work continues to build statewide initiatives, and to support groups to build chapters. Timeline: 10/30, NIBN incorporated, by 12/14/19 a Chapter building training was held, and by March two chapters were formed and have put on their own meetings in their communities.John briefly shared an internal tracking document for projects of NIBN; there are many activities occurring comprising work in numerous areas of development.Change in NIBN leadership: Sheila Kennedy has stepped down as the NIBN Board President, and her husband is not currently involved, either, due to family matters that needed attention. A new Board President, Emaly Ball, who serves on the BIAC, stepped up to be the NIBN leader.Website status: Infuze Creative was chosen to develop/manage the website. Once NIBN has a contract to obtain grant funds, the bank will offer a line of credit so a prospective payment can be made to the company to get started. Projected start date: 4/1/20, with a 14-week timeframe to complete all associated activities (inputs, log, branding, etc.) As noted when next steps were identified.Annual State Plan for 2019-2020 – Committee assignment, action steps, timelines, etc. to add to State Plan Master Work PlanKeri shared the Google document containing the State Plan and discussed actions to be added to update it. Due to time constraints, Keri will work with Judy to identify updates to be shared at Friday’s BIAC meeting. She asked committee members to send any recommendations for updates specific to this committee’s actions.Frank asked how the meetings with the BIA-NE are going, whether there have been any duplicative efforts identified, or whether activities of NIBN and BIA-NE are complementary. Keri notes meetings have been held about monthly, no concerns have been expressed about duplicating efforts and the groups have mostly reported out their current activities.Frank asked about how the State Board of Ed legislative priorities report represents its knowledge of VR’s work in the brain injury arena—saying there is attention paid to increasing VR staff, etc., but nothing specific to brain injury. Keri noted that while there may not be specific action taken/identified with regard to legislative actions, reports to VR Directory Lindy Foley with subsequent reports to Deputy Director Steve Milliken and then Commissioner Blomstedt have resulted in the message back that there is significant respect for the work of BIAC and VRs efforts in support of people with an injured brain. Commissioner Blomstedt will be serving on the Committee that oversees the Brain Injury Trust Fund, and communications with Lindy Foley will result in the Commissioner getting and providing VR’s perspective. New BusinessJohn stated there may need to be discussion about postponing or altering the methods of meeting with chapters and support groups due to the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus.Next meeting date/time: Tuesday, April 14 at 9:00 am via GTM We will connect each month with the same GoToMeeting link at:? ??You can also dial in using your phone. -- United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 (Access Code: 592-289-685)To Listen/View the recording: ................

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