Poaco Central- Western Nebraska s Only Complete …

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F air, w arm er to nigkt; t Friday light snow.


NO. 291

Central- Western Nebraska s Only Complete Newspaper


W * Won Tho War--Wo MustNowWin tho Poaco

FHIPAY, P?CIM ?IK 21, 1945

Jeffers To Retire A s U. P. President



Approval Given 80 Trailer Units To Retire Resignation Becomes

Additional M a c A ^ u r , Russians Disagree

Effective On Feb. 1 St., Ashby To Be Successor

Funds Are Necessary

Killed, Six Hurt in Freight Wreck

Big Three Progress

Nazis Used Started C areer Here As Call Boy For


Railroad ?

New York, (JP)-- R etirem ent of William M. Jeffers as president

M ayor Receive*-W ire

of the Union Pacific Railroad Co.

G iving A pproval Jj



etTective Feb. 1 and the election of George F. Asl^by to succeed

T o Program

him was announced following a

The p ro g ra m o f SO fa m ily dwelling units, house trailers, fo r North P la tte has been approved,! according to a w ire received to- j day by M ayor S. P. M cFarland from Jo h n P. McCollum, Na-! tional Housing: A dm inistration, Chicago.

M ayor M cFarland aaid today th a t it is expected the trailers fo r this city will be delivered from McCook. Secretary of the

Chamber of Commerce, C. T.

V anA usdall added, following a

long d ista n t telephone call to

Chicago th a t the m atter of se

curing th e trailers would he ex-

pediated as rapidly as possible.

R esult of C ouncil A ction

A. vA la s t f r e ig h t fro m C hicago sidesw iped th e lead en g in e o f a doubleh eader f r e ig h t n e ar R ed

The a p p ro v a l o f tlie 'city 's ap W in g , M inn., as th e second tr a in p u lle d in to th e C hicago, M ilw aukee, S^. P a u l and P a c ific R . R.

plication fo r the trailers 'comes m ain line, killing an engineer and in ju rin g six other train m en . W reckage tied up tra ffic the

as a direct result of forw arding en tire day. (A P W irephoto). th e m inutes of the council m eet


ing, . at which the council re

Chinese Communists Ask End O f solved to obtain them, to Mc-

Cullum a n d to N eb rask a's S e n a tor* and Congressmen..


San F ra n cisc o , (/P) -- A m eri Wm. M. Je ffe rs, better k n o w n

can broadcasting company cor as "Bill' to his many lite long

respondent Lavry Tighe reported today from Tokyo that General M acA rthur and the Russians had disagreed over which of the Ja p

friends, in h it native town here, will retire as president of th e Union P a c ific on Feb. 1. H e

anese home islands soviet forces will continue as a member of

would occupy, and that as a the board o f directors of the

result R ussians will not partici railroad.

pate in the occupation a t all.

U .S . Gives Furtherm ore, Tighe said, Mac

A rthur rep o rted ly told the U; S. state d epartm ent yesterday that

if he w ere not lot alone, and if

Russia w ere allowed any fu rth er participation in occupation affairs ho w ould resig n .

Views On

Russian* Demand*

"F irst the Russians wanted to bring an arm y over here," the correpondent asserted. "M acArt-

Asia Area

hur said no. He would perm it

them to b rin g one division. B u t

they in sisted th a t they be allow W ashington, (>P)---- With G en.

ed to occupy H okkaido, n o rfh er- George C. M arshal., about to try

most of the m ain islands. Mac his hand a t helping bring unity

meeting of directors here today.

N u e rn b e rg (JP)-- Nazi elite g uard

Jeffers, who will be 70 years old Jan. 2, has been president of

(SS) bnllets prisone

surgeons fired into concentratio rs nnd carefully

poisoned n camp recorded

,th e Union Pacific Oct. 1, J037. He w rubber director in

system as the na the early

since tio n 's


the sym ptom s accom panying slow of the war.

death for the victims' according to Germ an documents disclosed to d a y a t th e w ar crim es 'tria l of a score of H itle r's h ig hest leaders.

D etails of the notorious activi ties of tho black-shirted Elite Guard w ere unfolded before the international military tribunal by

Grant Request An announcem ent by F. W. Charske, chairman of the execu tive committee, said the directors acceded to Jeffers' request fo r retirem ent ``only because of his insistence; and his assurance th at

Am erican prosecutors to support th e ir ch a rg es th a t the SS an d five other once-pow erful Nazi- o rgani zations should be convicted as crim inal groups.

he would continue as a m em ber o f th'e board of jlirectors a-nd re main active in the com pany's af fairs, lending the benefit of his valuable judgm ent derived from his railroad, experience of almost

M ajority D ied 1

5`6 years, all in U nion Pacific

The poisoned bullet experi service."

m en ts re su lte d in the d ea th s ?f .Ashby,, GO-year-old native of

th re e o u t o f five priso n ers select M t. Airy,' iN. C., has been associat

ed, SS records disclosed.

ed with Union Pacific since 1911

T he p ro secu tio n also rec o u n ted and was named executive vice

th e ex p erim en ts, previously r e president on Dec. 1, 1044.

The' N o rth P latte Chamber of

A rth u r again said no, with the to China, the U nited States aired ported a t th e Dachau w ar crime*

Was Rubber D irector

Com m erce has raised $5,000 in

im plication th a t if the Russians its views to d a y toward two m o re tria l, in w hich women p riso n ers Jeffers served ns the natio n 's

non-interest bearing loans from

ever g o t in to H okkaido th ey 'd southeast A sia trouble spots.

w ere used to rewarm frozen men rubber director during the early

Fighting Pending Peace Parley local businessmen to finance the

tra n sp o rta tio n of the trailers to

N orth P la tte . However, $L5,000


is needed to brin g 80 trailers

M a rs h a ll A rriv e s In to the city , and a concentrated

drive is planned to raise the r e

WIRE, FLASHES . China T o T ake maining - $10,000. A fter obtain

Boy Crime Probe , O ver J o b ; ing' tho assignment; of the-itrail-

Bandit'S u sp ects "ers, v y an A u sd all said today th'at

< ?? T li* Associated frs s s )

th e city c a n n o t a f f 6V d "to

Surrender " B r i n g s In Mo r e them , sim ply through the

o f' transportation funds.

'lo s e lack

Gen. G iorge C. M a rsh a ll,. the peace-maker, reached war-divided

W ire to M ayor

China today and Chinese com

CIO Claims lord Stolen A r t i c l e s McCullom's wire to the m ayor munists immediately announced

re a d s a* follow s: " Program fo r they had asked the governm ent

I n c r e a s e F a i l s SO fam ily dw elling units fo r y o u r to agree to cease hostilities un

c ity approved. C ontact Orvil Olm- conditionally pending, a confer

sbead, Regional D irector F ederal ence-table settlem ent.

To Offset Cost s P ublic H ousing A uthority, 201. In Java, fighting which already I

N orth W ells street, Chicago, fo r has cost British and Indian troops |

f u r th e r n e g o tia tio n s .''

alm ost 1,200 casualizes in th e ir!

White H ouse Gets The c ity is requ ired to f u r struggle against independency- (

nish a caretak er a t the trailer seeking native elements ot thej

G. I. Bill location a n d it is req u ired th a t'N e th e rla n d s Indies raged on.|

h e be a v eteran. The trailers are British artillery bombarded trou-

available only to ex-servicem en be spots in northw estern B ando

a n d se rv icem en 's fam ilies. M ayor eng f o r an hour tod ay .

M cFarland said today th at the

Seize M otor Ship

units have beds, m attresses and

h o t w ater heaters already in stall A Netherlands naval communi

Truman Fails To ed in them . The- units are tw o- que announced seizure of a G0-

bedroom a ffa irs and sleep fo u r ton motorship which reportedly


fired on a Dutch landing party.

End Controversy There also is a laundry u n it G eneral Marshall i^ expected'

(Continued on

Six, Column T w o) to begin his discussions of the

On Merger Battle Chinese situation with G eneralis

Omaha Alky Plant simo Chiang Kai-Shek at N an

king tomorrow. The Chinese com

T o M ake G lucose Invite Goer ing to Pacific Men Will munists said they, too, would W a sh in g to n , (JP) -- T he s u r (C ontinued on I'nee Sl?, Column T liiv r)

Sing Carols Get Turkey plu s pro p erty adm inistration to

day reported that the agriculture

Will Continue To departm ent has asked that th e

Government-owned grain alcohol

plants at Om aha, N ebr., and M us

Draft Single Men catine, Ia., be adapted to th e

production o f glucose and high

Up To Age Of 25 protein feed-.

W ashington, (JP) -- All fa th

Im perial Guard ers are out from under the d ra ft

W alks Out today but selective service quiet

War P o w e r s Grant Tokyo, (JP) -- Kyodo News A - ed speculation th a t this m ight

For Six Months Cruiser A ugusta gency reported'" today th a t 50 lead soon to inducting 38 years

m em bers o f the Im perial P alace only.

Damaged in Gale N g u a rd had struck and th e r e The end to the d raftin g of

m a in in g 5 50 th re a te n e d to w alk fa th e rs coincided writh a new r e

o u t unless a key official w ere duction in army and navy point

dism issed a n d o th e r "d e m o c ra ti sco'res. B u t a high official of sel

zation" m easures were .taken.

ective service said veterans are

Palace officials, confused, w on not re-enlisting in sufficient num

dered how to "apologize to His bers to narrow the d raft any

M ajesty" f o r the strike.

further. ,

T his mean.*, said this o fficial

who asked anonymity, th at tem p

D u ce's D aughter orarily a t least, single men 18

through 25 must fill replacem ent

S e n te n c e d Russians S en ten ce Rome, (JP) -- E dda M ussolini needs o f the arm y and navy.


X' - A U T H O R IZ E 4 D A Y--E X T E N S IO N

r7 ^

W a s h in g to n , (JP)-- C o n g re j i to d ay a u th o riz e d a - 4 1 -d a y

extension o f its joint investigation of the Japanese a tta c k on

P earl H arb o r. The extension, m o v in g 'th e deadline from Jan.

3 to Feb.' 15, became effective a fte r the H ouse co n c u rre d in '

a senate-approved resolution.

COMMITS SU ICID E BY H A N G IN G L e u x e m b o u rg , UP)-- G u s ta v Simon, G a u le ite r in th e G er m an occupation of Luxem borugh, com m itted suicide by hang ing a fte r his arrest W ednesday in the B ritish zone of G er m any, the m inister of ju stice announced today. Sinton, found dead in his cell, used a rope fashioned from p ad d in g pulled fro m his m attress.

TIRE R A T IO N MAY END JA N . 1 W a sh in g to n , (JP)-- T h e prospects fo r a n end o f tire r a tioning by Ja n . 1 continue good, governm ent officials said today.

Gf> M. T H R E A T E N S W IT H D R A W A L W a sh in g to n , (JP)-- G e n e ra l Motors C o rp ., served n o tice on P re sid e n t T r u m a n 's fa c t- f in d in g board to d a y th a t i t w ould w ith d raw from hearings on a wage dispute if pro fits and prices are considered as evidence by the board.

T R U M A N SIGNS BILL W a sh in g to n , UP)-- P re s id e n t T ru m an to d a y signed legis lation giving him a u th o rity t^i reorganize executive branches of the governm ent.

TRUM AN NAM ES JOSEPH FARLEY W a sh in g to n , UP)-- R e a r A d m iral Joseph F. F arle y , 56, w as nom inated by President T ru m an today to be com m andant of th e U . S. C o ast G u ard f o r a fou# y e ar te rm w ith th e ra n k of adm iral.

100,000 JA P S REPA TR IA TED T ie n tsin , (JP\-- The f ir s t 100,000 Japan ese have been re p a tr ia te d b y U . S. M arines from N o rth C hina a n d -- a t the ra te th e y 're being sent hom e-- all-of the estim ated 3 50 ,0 0 0 in the region p atro lled by th e leathernecks w ill be gone in an other three m onths.

S T A T E . EXPEND ITU RES $2,994,772 L incoln, M*)-- S tate e x p e n d itu res in N o v e m b e r to talled $2,994,772, State T ax Commissioner R obert A rm strong re ported today. This figure included $564,402 from the gen eral fu n d , $522,773 from cash funds, $738,921 fro m the h ig h w ay fu n d and $1,001,071 in state assistance.

OFFICERS PERISH IN FIRE C am p C am pbell, Ky.-, (JP)-- Three a rm y officers perished today in a fire a t the officers* barracks here, the C am p Cam p bell public relations office reported. The public relations of

never be dislodged. "M acA rthur offered instead to

let the R ussians into the south ernm ost K yushu, which wpuld p u t

American troops between (Rus sians) hom eland and the. occupy ing force. T hen tho ^Russians .said no.'' M acA rthuris_?fisw err to th a t am o u n ted to 'all right, d o n 't end an occupation f^rce; we

don't need it anyw ay

D etroit, (JP) -- T he CIO U ni

ted Auto W orkers, formally re

je ctin g the F o rd M otor company's

offer of a 35 cents an hour or

12 4 p er cent: w age increase, said

today the proposal would fail to

offset higher living costs.

Inform ing the company that

its offer was " totally inadequate" ,

the union asserted th at the UAW-

CIO objection w as based fu rth e r

on the co n ten tio n th e rais(e would

not come in the form of a "blan

ket" increase.

"A g reat m any workers might

receive little o r nothing at all,"

ithe u n io n 's re p ly to Fortl said:

` The union, w hich has demanded

from Ford and other auto m anu

facturers a 30 per cent wage

increase, took issue with * com

pany statem en t th a t it faced a

loss of $35,000,000 in 194fi even

w ithout an OPA car price in


" We do n o t believe that the

company faces loss of $35,000,000

ir. 104G," th e UAW -CIO negot

iator.? said in a s ta te m e n t through

Richard T. Leonard, Fold direc

tor for the union.

" We believe the company will

have one of its most profitable

years because fo r the first time

in many y ears the company is

assured of capacity operation and

a m arket fo r all it can possibly

produce," they said, adding:

"Suppose th a t a powerful



fi.na c tdu. eres,trrso success



b rin g a f e a rf u l rise in tho cost

of living."

In its bargaining through the

industry the UAW-CIO has -de

manded the 30 p er cent wage in

crease within present automobile

price ranges unless management

The state departm ent highlight ed this g o v e rn m e n t's widespread interests in the fa r east by i s suing two policy statements. In them the -departm ent:

1, E x p reaed ,.-" increasing con(Conlltiwt* on 'Paco . 01x?. Coloinn Um ) ,

Winigan, M o., (JP) -- Two b an did suspects surrendered and a third shot and killed him self when cornered in a farm house in a wooded area near here la te last night by a posse nine hours after the C itizen's Slate Bank

of Winigan had been held up and robbed of $5,000.

W ashington, (JP) -- Congress has sent to th e Whito House a measure liberalizing the GI Bill of Rights en acted in 1944.

The revisions ease restric tions of loans, increase the su b sistence allowances for veterans going to school a t governm ent expense, and knock out an orignnal requirem ent that unem ployment a n d ' tuition paym ents under the bill be deducted from any future bonus.

N uernberg, (JP) -- H erm ann Goering and th e o th er 20 N azi defendants in the war crimes trials will be invited to sing car ols on C hristm as Day.

There will b e no special Christ mas dinner, no giftboxes and no concessions f o r the accused N a zis, however.

W ashington, (JP) -- P resident

Trum an is assu red of another

six months o f w ar powers which,

among other things,- include ra



a a

dm ho

inist ped-


w hen' the Seriate

to c_oexn-

curred y esterd ay , 31 to 30, w ith

a House approved bill setting up

tho lesser period.

w ith th e h e a t of th e ir naked days of AVorld W ar TI when Ja p


anese conquest in the E a st Indies

The sc ien tists ev entually r e c u t- off imports of n a tu ra l rubber.

p o rted th a t th e experim ents, eon- ? In^ a 'resolution tod ay th e rail

. (Continued

r*KO` Plx. Column Two) road's directors expressed "keen

'appreciation of the g re a t contri-

bution^which-be~has.'made ioH he

Unioi)'"p?cifre's' success rtnd out

standing'perform ance through the

years,' not only in tim es of peace

b u t during the difficult w ar per


* The U nion,'Pacific,, i t s . 1,000-

S h eriff. O. L. Discoe and his deputies, Faye Harwick and Os car Jenkins, are continuing their investigation of the gang of boys who adm ittedly have pilfered

mile main line form ing the m id dle link in the Chicago-San F ra n cisco j Overland route,' 'has the longest average hnul of any rail road in tlie country. T he system

nearly 30 cars over a period of operated; 9,780 miles of road on

th ree m o n th s and m ore goods Dec. .31,, 1944.

taken in .the forays is being re Jeffers has been w ith the road


since June, 1890, serving as call

T he s h e r if f '* office ia being boy, ? clerk, tim ekeeper, forem an swamped with callers and tele telegrapher, dispatcher, general phone call* from , persons who superintendent, general m anager,

have had goods stolen -in the operating'vice president and exe

. (Canttneed e? ra g s Six,. Calnaie Five) cutive vice-' president' b efo re his

election as president. .

Colorful F igure

Omaha, (JP)-- R etirem en t of

William M artin Jeffers as presi

d ent of- the Uni6n P acific ra il

road takes from N ebraska one of

its most colorful figures.

The' North P latte native who

(Continued ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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