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PLEASE EMAIL: LAPELLA@ when you find additions or corrections.

Use Ctrl-F to find information. Last updated: September 30, 2012

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5. To save space, I have only used the city: Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia

A more complete name would be: Norka Colony, Volga Region, Saratov Province, Russia

Received an email from: Jerry Goertzen

His research shows there were the original 3 brothers and 1 of their cousins, who went to Russia.

Descendants of ORIGINAL HELZER

Generation No. 1


Children of ORIGINAL HELZER are:

+ 2 i. Father of Original 32 brothers, born Abt. 1720.

+ 3 ii. Father of Original Cousin, born Abt. 1725.

Generation No. 2

2. Father of Original 32 brothers (ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1720. He married Mother of Original 3 brothers. She was born Abt. 1720.

Notes for Father of Original 3 brothers:

1. 2002: From Dr. Pleve's chart. These 3 brothers moved to Russia.

1a. Jan 2010: From Ruth Schultz - The ship they went on from Germany to Russia:

Elephant - 9 Aug 1766

Johannes Arndt

Johannes Blum

Heinrich Brill (b 1714); Heinrich Brill ( b 1733); Johannes Brill

Heinrich Dörr (b 1724); Heinrich Dörr (b 1737); Johann Dörr

Widow, Catharina Haas

Andreas Heinrich

* Johann Adam Hölzer; Johann Conrad Hölzer

Adam Hohnstein; Nicolaus Hohnstein

Melxior Hahn

Johannes Huck

Jacob Hohmann

Conrad Krieger

Carl Maul

Nicolaus Müller

Widow, Margaretha Repp

Conrad Reuspig (Reuspich)

Philipp Reuscher

Peter Rothau

Conrad Schleicher

Christian Sphan

Ernst Traudt

Daniel Weigandt

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen.

"There were 4 Holzers that arrived in Norka on 15 August 1767. There were 3 brothers and 1 cousin. Johannes Hölzer (b. about 1739) was the eldest brother. Konrad Hölzer (b. 1744) was next, then Adam Hölzer (b. 1749) who arrived with his adopted family, Johannes Dinges (b. 1733). The cousin, another Johannes Hölzer (b. 1746) arrived in Norka the same day. The three brothers stayed in Norka all their lives but the cousin, Johannes (b. 1746) deserted his Norka family 1786 and moved to the village of Schaffhausen to remarry. See the notes at the end for more family information."

1767 Norka OSL - 2 versions

1775 Norka census

1798 Norka census - 2 versions

1798 Norka movement tables and marriages

For Norka, I have OSL, the 1775, 1798, 1811, 1816, 1834, 1850 and 1857 census records as well as the movements between villages before 1798 and the agriculture census for each family, that shows their wealth.

Children of Father brothers and Mother brothers are:

+ 4 i. Johannes3 Helzer, born Bet. 1739 - 1740 in Germany; died Bef. 1790 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 5 ii. Johann Conrad HELZER, born Bet. 1744 - 1745 in Hessen, Germany; died 1808 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 6 iii. Johann Adam HELZER, born 1749 in Hessen Area; died 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

3. Father of Original2 Cousin (ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1725.

Notes for Father of Original Cousin:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen.

"There were 4 Holzers that arrived in Norka on 15 August 1767. There were 3 brothers and 1 cousin "

Mar 2008: NOTE: We don't know if Johannes Helzer was a 1st cousin. I added him as one to connect him to the other family members. Kathy Brehm LaPella

Child of Father of Original Cousin is:

+ 7 i. Johannes3 Helzer, born 1746 in Hesse, Germany; died Bef. 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Generation No. 3

4. Johannes3 Helzer (Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 1739 - 1740 in Germany, and died Bef. 1790 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria ? Abt. 1765. She was born 1739 in Hesse, Germany.

Notes for Johannes Helzer:

I don't think he is from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen.

Jan 2009: Received an email from Fritz Helzer regarding his Helzer / Dinkel family.

Jan 2009: From Patrick Lipphardt I received the following census information for Fritz.

According to Norka's census of 1775, the Helzer family consisted of:

Johannes Helzer, 38

Wife: Anna Maria, 40

Son: Johann Georg, 7

Daughter: Maria Elisabeth, 5

Son: Johannes, 1 1/2

Norka's census of 1798 states:

Johann Georg Helzer, bachelor, moved to Tarlykovka (Dinkel) in 1796

Johannes Helzer moved to Schaffhausen in 1786

Maria Elisabeth, daughter of Johann Helzer married in Orlavskaya in 1790.

(I could not find an entry for Maria Elisabeth in Olavskaya's census of 1798.)

Notes for Anna Maria ?:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. After Johannes death in 1790, she moved to Anton, Russia to marry Johann Achtung.

Children of Johannes Helzer and Anna ? are:

8 i. Johann Georg4 Helzer, born 01 Aug 1767 in Enroute to Norka, Russia. He married Anna Margaretha Heinrich; born 1778.

Notes for Johann Georg Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. "Johann George Hölzer (b. 1767), the son of Johannes (b. 1739), was born 1 Aug. 1767 en route to Norka. Later, as a young man, Johann George moved to Dinkel (1796) to marry Anna Margaretha Heinrich (b. 1778). He was the only Hölzer that I could find that had moved to Dinkel, so all the Dinkel Helzers can be traced to him and then back to his parents in Norka."

Oct 2008:

I'm trying to find any information about my great grandparents who lived in Dinkel, Russia. My great grandfather's name was George Fred Helzer (Hoelzer)( Jan 12 1876). His wife's name was Marie Christine Bien (Nov 3, 1876). They had 7 children. Marie, Pauling, Emma, Mollie, Jacob, George Fred Jr., and my grandfather, Herbert Henry (Oct 6, 1910). I know that the majority of the children were born in Dinkel, including my grandfather. They arrived in the U.S. in 1912. I know from my grandfather's naturalization papers that his birth name was Heinrig Hoelzer. I'm not sure if the other family member's names were changed as well. I do know the last name changed to Helzer. I have no information before George Fred Sr. and Marie Christine Bien. If anybody could help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Haley Helzer


9 ii. Maria Elisabeth Helzer, born 1770 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Elisabeth Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

10 iii. Johannes Helzer, born 1773 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

5. Johann Conrad3 HELZER (Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 1744 - 1745 in Hessen, Germany, and died 1808 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Charlotte ? Abt. 1770 in Germany. She was born 1742 in Germany, and died Bef. 1795 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Sophia Schwabauer 1795 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 02 Jan 1754 in Haßloch in Kurpfalz, Germany.

Notes for Johann Conrad HELZER:

2002: From Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Notes for Charlotte ?:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen.

I had she was born in 1745. I updated this to 1742 to match Jerry's information.

Notes for Sophia Schwabauer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added where she was born and when they were married.

Feb 2011: I received an email from Peter Woddow. He has corrected some information. "Sophia Schwabauer is second wife of Konrad Hoelzer. Is now for me. Hoelzer is not my sideline.

Sophia Schwabuer is not born in Huck, She came 1767 to Huck.

She was born 2.1.1754 in Haßloch in Kurpfalz."

Feb 2011: I have changed her birth year from 1752 per above.

Nov 2011: Received an email from Candayce Detloff. She is researching the Schwabauer line.

"Your Sophia Maria b. 1754 m. Konrad Helzer in 1795 (?) is the sister to my 5 great grandfather Killian Schwabauer he married Scherlotta Fech in Huck and then moved to Balzer in about 1806. I found their parents Johannes and Christina on the Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet 1764-1767 by Igor Pleve. Killian and Spohia are listed seprate and living in the home of Heinrich Herr and is lists Johannes as their father. "

Children of Johann HELZER and Charlotte ? are:

11 i. Anna Elisabeth4 HELZER, born 1771 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child. She was not on the Pleve chart.

+ 12 ii. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 13 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 24 Jul 1776 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

14 iv. Adam HELZER, born 1778 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1807 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

15 v. Catharina Helzer, born 1782 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added from Ruth Schultz's site.

16 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 1784 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. I changed his death year from 1828 to 1818 to match Jerry's information.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 391

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

4356 391 Johannes h 31 died 1818

6. Johann Adam3 HELZER (Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1749 in Hessen Area, and died 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Gertrude WILHELM Abt. 1767 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Wilhelm and Anna ?. She was born 1752 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Aug 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina Elisabeth KERN nee Weismann Abt. 1800 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1756 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Adam HELZER:

Sept 2006: The Pleve Helzer chart has a note that they divorced Gertrude before 1798??

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. "was next, then Adam Hölzer (b. 1749) who arrived with his adopted family, Johannes Dinges (b. 1733). "

"Adam divorced Gertrude and left her with all the children so he could marry Katharina Weissmann."

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen.

"The following are the census data I used for Adam, Gertrude and Eckhardt. (son)"

From this information, I would assume that Adam was born in December of 1749.

Census Year Adam Gertrude Eckhardt

Aug 1767 18 (1749) 16 (1751) -------

1775 25 (1750) 21(1754) 5 (1770)

Nov 1798 49 (1749) 46 (1752) 30 (1768)

1816 66 (1750) ------ 47 (1769)

Dec 1834 d. 1833 82 (1752) d. 1832

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

584 60 Adam h 66 died 1833 abt 1749/50

Notes for Gertrude WILHELM:

Sept 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart, they were divorced before 1798.

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "For Gertrude, I used the earliest data I checked which was the 1775 census after she and Adam were married. I decided to check with the 1767 census when Gertrude was still with her parents, Johannes and Anna Margaretha Wilhelm. This would be more accurate than later dates. From that data and later census I would say that Gertrude was born somewhere between 1751 and 1752."

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 26.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

203 26 Gertruda h 82 1752

see her son Conrad for the remainder of the record.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth KERN nee Weismann:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

585 60 Elisabeth sp 78 1752

Children of Johann HELZER and Gertrude WILHELM are:

+ 17 i. Eckhard4 HELZER, born 1768 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bet. 1832 - 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 18 ii. Amalie HELZER, born 24 May 1772 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 May 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 19 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 03 Dec 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 20 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 08 Dec 1776 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 21 v. Johannes HELZER, born 15 Oct 1778 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Mar 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 22 vi. Nicolaus HELZER, born 25 Feb 1780 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 23 vii. Adam HELZER, born 1783 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 24 viii. Anna Maria Helzer, born Abt. 1784 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

25 ix. Catharina HELZER, born 1785 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Sept 2008: This death is only based on the fact that Johann Adam had another child

named Catharina from his 2nd wife. The 2nd Catharina is listed on the

On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

Child of Johann HELZER and Catharina Weismann is:

+ 26 i. Catharina4 Helzer, born Bet. 1804 - 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

7. Johannes3 Helzer (Father of Original2 Cousin, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1746 in Hesse, Germany, and died Bef. 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Barbara ? Abt. 1769 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1735 in Hesse, Germany. He married (2) Catharina Prester Abt. 1783 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1752 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Helzer:

2004: From the Helzer Pleve chart, I originally I had this Johannes as one of the original brothers.

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. "The cousin, another Johannes Hölzer (b. 1746) arrived in Norka the same day. "The three brothers stayed in Norka all their lives but the cousin, Johannes (b. 1746) left his Norka family 1786 and moved to the village of Schaffhausen to remarry. "

"Johannes Helzer( born 1746) left his wife Anna Barbara and their daughter Catharaina Elizabeth in Norka and moved to Schaffhause in 1786 to marry Katharina Prester."

Jan 2009: Email received from Jerry Goertzen.

"Later, in 1792 the Prester family moved from Norka to Schaffhausen."

Jan 2009: note: the Prester family is Johannes 2nd wifes family.

Notes for Anna Barbara ?:

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "Catharina Elisabeth and Anna Barbara were left in Norka when Johannes moved away. Elisabeth and Barbara can be found in the Norka census of 1798 at #Nr 136."

Notes for Catharina Prester:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added 2nd spouse per Jerry's records.

They divorced.

Child of Johannes Helzer and Anna ? is:

+ 27 i. Catharina Elisabeth4 HELZER, born Bet. 1769 - 1770 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Helzer and Catharina Prester are:

28 i. Margaretha4 Helzer, born 1784 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

29 ii. Anna Maria Helzer, born 1789 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

30 iii. Valentin Helzer, born 1793 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Valentin Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

31 iv. Heinrich Helzer, born 1795 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Helzer:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Added child.

Generation No. 4

12. Johann Conrad4 HELZER (Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria SCHWARZ Abt. 1800 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Feb 1772 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Jan 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Conrad HELZER:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart.

Nov 2007: has Johann Conrad Holzer

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

521 54 Konrad h 41 died 1818

522 54 Anna Maria sp 58

Children of Johann HELZER and Anna SCHWARZ are:

32 i. Johann Heinrich5 HELZER, born 1793 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

33 ii. Sophia HELZER, born 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

34 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 1797 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

35 iv. Adam HELZER, born 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

523 54 Adam s 13 died 1833

+ 36 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 09 Oct 1804 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 37 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 07 Oct 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 38 vii. Georg Helzer, born 01 Mar 1814 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

13. Heinrich4 HELZER (Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jul 1776 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Oct 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha HORST 01 Feb 1797 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Sep 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

2002: From the Helzer Pleve chart, I read the year to say "24 Jul 1776

However, on the 1834 Norka census, it shows him born in 1779. see below

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 134.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

1534 134 Henirich h 37 55 this would make the year 1778/79.

1535 Margaretha sp 60

1536 Heinrich s 9 27

1537 Elizabeth dl 28

1538 Katharina gd 9

1539 Johannes gs 7

1540 Margaretha gd 5

1541 Heinrich gs 2

1542 Johannes s 4 1/4 22 1/2

1543 Katharina dl 23

1544 Anna Maria gd 3

1545 Anna Maria d 14

Notes for Margaretha HORST:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. It included her death date.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha HORST are:

39 i. Catharina5 HELZER, born 27 Jun 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Apr 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Peter HAUSER 16 Feb 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 09 Dec 1795 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 May 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Peter HAUSER:

Another spelling: Johann Peter HÄUSER

+ 40 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 27 May 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 41 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 02 Apr 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 42 iv. Anna Maria HELZER, born 26 Jan 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Apr 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

17. Eckhard4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1768 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bet. 1832 - 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth BACHMANN Abt. 1791 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Oct 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Sep 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Eckhard HELZER:

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. Jerry's records spell his name: Eckart Hölzer

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. " For Eckhardt Helzer, the 1775 census lists him as 5 years old (b. 1770). "

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

The spelling her is Ekhardt Helzer.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth BACHMANN:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Children of Eckhard HELZER and Catharina BACHMANN are:

43 i. Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, born Bet. 1792 - 1793 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 44 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 24 Aug 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 45 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 13 Dec 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

46 iv. Anna Maria HELZER, born Abt. 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Wurtz 12 Feb 1829 in Beideck Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 15 Aug 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Jan 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Wurtz:

Oct 2006: From Helzer Pleve chart other aka's - Johannes Wurtz, Johannes Würts, Johannes Wuerts, Johannes Würts, Johannes Wurts

47 v. Adam HELZER, born 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 48 vi. Dorothea HELZER, born 08 Jun 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

18. Amalie4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 May 1772 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 May 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Burbach Aug 1792 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 28 Nov 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Amalie HELZER:

Dec 2009: Another spelling: Amalia Helzer

Children of Amalie HELZER and Johannes Burbach are:

49 i. Gertrude5 Burbach, born 1793 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 50 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Burbach, born 29 Jun 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

51 iii. Conrad Burbach, born 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Burbach:

Apr 2009: Another spelling - Konrad Burbach

19. Conrad4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Dec 1774 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Margaretha LOOS Abt. 1797 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1777 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina Elisabeth SPADY 08 Aug 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 16 Mar 1781 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Oct 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (3) Anna Margaretha BOCK Abt. 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1773 in Frank Colony, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

204 26 Konrad s 40 58

205 Katharina dl 56 (2nd wife)

206 Heinrich gs 15 33

207 Maria ELisabeth gdl 32

208 Katharina ggd 14

209 Johannes ggs 11

210 Heinrich ggs 8

211 Konrad ggs 6

212 Anna Maria ggd 4

213 Konrad gs 3 21

214 Anna Maria gdl 23

215 Heinrich ggs 1

216 Adam gs 16

Sept 2008: Some sites have him married to Anna Maria Schwartz (Schwarz). This Dr. Pleve has as the spouse of Johann Conrad Helzer born 1774 died 1818.

Notes for Margaretha LOOS:

I do not know if these dates are correct from Dr. Pleve's chart. I can't read them.

Notes for Anna Margaretha BOCK:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart. This last name is unclear.

Anna Margaretha Bock-Maar or Moss, Anna Margaretha Moss, Anna Margaretha Maar, Anna Margaretha Boch, Anna Margaretha BACK

Children of Conrad HELZER and Margaretha LOOS are:

+ 52 i. Amalia5 HELZER, born 23 Jan 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 May 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 53 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 14 Aug 1799 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jul 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 54 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 19 Oct 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 55 iv. Adam HELZER, born 09 May 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

20. Heinrich4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Dec 1776 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Wilhelmina REUSCHER Abt. 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1778 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Wilhelmina REUSCHER are:

56 i. Adam5 HELZER, born 11 Sep 1797 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina LOOS 05 Feb 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 15 Jan 1800 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Sept 2006: From the Pleve chart, the "moved to ??? Colony"

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 22.

Notes for Catharina LOOS:

Sept 2008: Another spelling Catharina Loos, Katherine Loos

+ 57 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 08 Mar 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Oct 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 58 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 14 Apr 1807 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 59 iv. Nicolaus HELZER, born 06 Apr 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 60 v. Johannes HELZER, born 08 Jul 1817 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

61 vi. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 11 Aug 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Christian Pauley 29 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 06 Apr 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Aug 2011: Steve Shanks is looking for information on this family line.

Notes for Christian Pauley:

Sept 2008: Another spelling - Christian Pauly

Aug 2011: Ruth's website has his birth as Jan 6, 1823. It is hard to read on my copy.

21. Johannes4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Oct 1778 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 30 Mar 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha BRILL 26 Dec 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 08 Feb 1792 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

3948 346 Johannes h 37 55

3949 Margaretha sp 44

3950 Sophia d 17

3951 Peter s 15

3952 Elizabeth d 12

3953 Heinrich s 9

3954 Adam s 6

3955 Johannes s 3

3956 Konrad s 1

Children of Johannes HELZER and Margaretha BRILL are:

62 i. Sophia5 HELZER, born Apr 1817 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 63 ii. Peter HELZER, born 25 Jun 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 64 iii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 10 Apr 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

65 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 30 Jan 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 66 v. Adam HELZER, born 06 Mar 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 67 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 12 Mar 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 68 vii. Conrad HELZER, born 10 Jan 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

22. Nicolaus4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Feb 1780 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria MEIDERLING 02 Jan 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1770 in Messer Colony, Russia, and died 28 Jun 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicolaus HELZER:

2002: On my copy of the Helzer Pleve chart, I cannot read, for sure, what the information is.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

190 24 Nikolaus Helzer h 35 53

191 Jakob s 4 1/2 23

192 Elisabeth d 21

193 Johannes Reiswig sl 22 see # 219

Notes for Anna Maria MEIDERLING:

Oct 2006: Another spelling: Anna Maria Meisterling, Anna Maria MEISTERLING, Emma MEISTERLING

Children of Nicolaus HELZER and Anna MEIDERLING are:

69 i. Jacob5 HELZER, born 12 Aug 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 70 ii. Maria Elisabeth HELZER, born 05 Jan 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

23. Adam4 HELZER (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1783 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bef. 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina KOEHLER Abt. 1810 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Christoph Koehler and Anna BREHM. She was born 10 Aug 1791 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

4360 393 Adam Keller h 12 30

note - the following family is listed under Adam Keller as "head"

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

4367 393 Adam Helzer bl 32 50 wife's brother

4368 Anna Katharina 0 42 brother-in-law's wife

4369 Ludwig np 4 1/2 23

4370 Johannes np 1/4 died 1824

4371 Elisabeth nc 13

Notes for Anna Catharina KOEHLER:

Updates dates and information from Klaus Pleve chart.

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna KOEHLER are:

71 i. Ludwig5 HELZER, born 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

72 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born Abt. 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

73 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1824 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

24. Anna Maria4 Helzer (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1784 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Kern Abt. 1800. He was born Abt. 1779.

Notes for Anna Maria Helzer:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

586 60 Anna Maria d 50 abt 1783/84

587 60 Heinrich Kern sl 37 55 abt 1778/79

594 60 Konrad gs 3 died 1830 abt 1813

595 60 Heinrich gs 1/2 19 abt 1816

596 60 Anna Maria gd 16 abt 1818

597 60 Elisabeth gd 10 abt 1824

Sept 2008: Anna Maria Helzer was NOT on the Helzer Pleve chart. But she is listed as his daughter in the census.

Notes for Heinrich Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

587 60 Heinrich Kern sl 37 55 abt 1778/79

Children of Anna Helzer and Heinrich Kern are:

+ 74 i. Johannes5 Kern, born Abt. 1801 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 75 ii. Peter Kern, born Abt. 1810 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

76 iii. Conrad Kern, born Abt. 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

77 iv. Heinrich Kern, born Abt. 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

78 v. Anna Maria Kern, born Abt. 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

79 vi. Elisabeth Kern, born Abt. 1824 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

26. Catharina4 Helzer (Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 1804 - 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam Keller Abt. 1827. He was born Bet. 1805 - 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Helzer:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia

see spouse

Notes for Adam Keller:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

4360 393 Adam Keller h 12 30

4361 Katharina sp 29

4362 Adam s 6

4363 Katharina Maria d 4

4364 Ludwig s 1

4365 Elisabeth d 1

4366 Konrad Keller b 7 died 1829 (Adam's brother)

4367 Adam Helzer bl 32 50 wife's (step) brother see his comments.

Children of Catharina Helzer and Adam Keller are:

80 i. Adam5 Keller, born Abt. 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

81 ii. Catharina Maria Keller, born Abt. 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russina.

82 iii. Ludwig Keller, born Abt. 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

83 iv. Elisabeth Keller, born Abt. 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

27. Catharina Elisabeth4 HELZER (Johannes3, Father of Original2 Cousin, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 1769 - 1770 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Koch 1789 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 1767 in Hesse, Germany.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth HELZER:

From Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Mar 2008: Email received from Jerry Goertzen. I originally had her birth year as 1763. Jerry's records have it as 1770.

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "Elisabeth and Barbara can be found in the Norka census of 1798 at #Nr 136. At that time, Elisabeth Hölzer (b.1770) is married to Heinrich Koch (b. 1767) and they have four (4) children. Also living with them is Elisabeth's mother, Barbara Hölzer (b.1735)."

July 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "Heinrich Koch (b.1767) and Catharina Elisabeth Helzer (b. 1770) had 4 children. They were Johannes (b. 1790), Nikolaus (b. 1792), Elisabeth (b. 1794)

and Magdalena (b. 1796)."

Notes for Heinrich Koch:

Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. Per Jerry's email I added him.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Heinrich Koch are:

84 i. Johannes5 Koch, born 1790 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

85 ii. Nikolaus Koch, born 1792 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

86 iii. Elisabeth Koch, born 1794 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

87 iv. Magdalena Koch, born 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Generation No. 5

36. Heinrich5 HELZER (Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Oct 1804 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Christina GLANTZ 25 Jan 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 13 Sep 1808 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

524 54 Heinrich s 11 29

525 Christina dl 26

526 Anna Maria gd 5

527 Magdalena gd 2

528 Elisabeth gd 1/2

Notes for Anna Christina GLANTZ:

Sept 2008: Another spelling - Anna Christina Glanz

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna GLANTZ are:

+ 88 i. Anna Maria6 HELZER, born 13 Aug 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 May 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 89 ii. Magdalena HELZER, born 25 Feb 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 90 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 24 Jun 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Jun 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

91 iv. Anna Catharina HELZER, born 13 Aug 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

92 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 16 Dec 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Apr 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

93 vi. Georg HELZER, born 05 Dec 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Feb 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 94 vii. Catharina HELZER, born 12 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 95 viii. Friedrick HELZER, born 23 Apr 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

96 ix. Johann Georg HELZER, born 19 Jul 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

37. Johannes5 HELZER (Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Oct 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina LOOS 02 Mar 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Feb 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Jul 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

529 54 Johannes s 9 27

530 Catharina dl 28

531 Heinrich gs 7

532 Christina gd 6

533 Anna Maria gd 3

534 Konrad gs 1

Sept 2008: Added death from

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina LOOS are:

+ 97 i. Heinrich6 HELZER, born 30 Jan 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 98 ii. Christina HELZER, born 16 Aug 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

99 iii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 05 Jul 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes SCHAFER 02 Feb 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 08 Jan 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes SCHAFER:

NOTE: the name is spelled "SCHÄFER"

100 iv. Conrad HELZER, born 08 Aug 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jan 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 101 v. Jacob HELZER, born 07 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

102 vi. Elisabeth HELZER, born 06 May 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes ZIELG 03 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 30 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes ZIELG:

aka could be Johannes FIELY, Johannes FIELG

103 vii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 14 Mar 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

104 viii. Amalie HELZER, born 05 May 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Sep 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 105 ix. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 16 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

106 x. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 06 Sep 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

38. Georg5 Helzer (Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Mar 1814 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena Nagel 29 Jan 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 26 Jun 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Georg Helzer:

Nov 2007: has Johann Georg Hoelzer

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

535 54 Georg s 2 20

Notes for Magdalena Nagel:

Nov 2007: has: Madeleine Gerlitz

Children of Georg Helzer and Magdalena Nagel are:

107 i. Anna Catharina6 Helzer, born 31 Jul 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Backer 08 Feb 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 23 Aug 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Backer:

name spelled: BÄCKER

108 ii. Infant Helzer, born 10 Oct 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Oct 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 109 iii. Johannes Helzer, born 13 Oct 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

110 iv. Adam Helzer, born 01 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Feb 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 111 v. Heinrich H Helzer, Sr., born 17 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Mar 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

112 vi. Peter Helzer, born 06 Feb 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 113 vii. Magdalena Helzer, born 22 Aug 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

40. Heinrich5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 May 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth NAGEL 04 Jan 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Jul 1806 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Mar 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Elisabeth NAGEL are:

114 i. Catharina6 HELZER, born 29 Oct 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 115 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 26 Aug 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 116 iii. Margaretha HELZER, born 18 Nov 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 117 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 21 Feb 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1881 in Chvalinsk, Russia.

118 v. Johann Jacob HELZER, born 13 May 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Sep 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

119 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 01 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 120 vii. Anna Catharina HELZER, born 03 Mar 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

121 viii. Adam HELZER, born 29 Jul 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Mar 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

122 ix. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 15 Apr 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Nov 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

41. Johannes5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Apr 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina ROSH 12 Feb 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 13 Jan 1812 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina ROSH:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Monson. Her website is:

Another spelling of her name: Catharina Ross

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina ROSH are:

+ 123 i. Anna Maria6 HELZER, born 24 Dec 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

124 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Sep 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 125 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 23 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

126 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 02 Apr 1839 in Durnerr, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1842 in Durnerr, Saratov, Russia.

+ 127 v. Christina HELZER, born 01 May 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1930 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 128 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 04 Jul 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

129 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 22 Mar 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Mar 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 130 viii. Wilhelm HELZER, born 28 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

131 ix. Conrad HELZER, born 01 Sep 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

NOTE: There is another Conrad Helzer born Sept 1, 1852 whose parents are Johannes Helzer b Aug 28, 1827 and Anna Catharina Rosh b Sept 14, 1826. These 2 Conrads do not look like the same person.

42. Anna Maria5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Jan 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Apr 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam SCHLEICHER 11 Feb 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 03 Mar 1812 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Dec 2007: Another spelling of the name - Anna Maria Holzer

Dec 2007:

I added her death information.

I added all information on the children.

Notes for Adam SCHLEICHER:

Dec 2007: Adam SCHLUCHER is the spelling on the Dr. Pleve chart.

However on this site:

it is: Adam Schleicher. This is the "standard" way that this family spells the name.

Added his death information.

Children of Anna HELZER and Adam SCHLEICHER are:

132 i. Catharina6 Schleicher, born 31 Aug 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Feb 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 133 ii. Amalie Schleicher, born 08 Aug 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

134 iii. Elisabeth Schleicher, born 29 Aug 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 135 iv. Margaretha Schleicher, born 16 Apr 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jun 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

136 v. Magdalena Schleicher, born 12 Feb 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

137 vi. Daughter Schleicher, born 16 Sep 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Sep 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 138 vii. Heinrich Schleicher, born 28 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 139 viii. Peter Schleicher, born 21 Jul 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 140 ix. Lorenz Schleicher, born 19 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

44. Heinrich5 HELZER (Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Aug 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria SCHILLING 20 Jan 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Aug 1797 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Aug 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

2001: Original information from Dr. Pleve Helzer chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna SCHILLING are:

+ 141 i. Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, born 18 Oct 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 142 ii. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 06 Feb 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Mar 1913 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

143 iii. Peter HELZER, born 15 Dec 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Peter HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

+ 144 iv. Adam HELZER, born 15 Sep 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

145 v. Margaretha HELZER, born 05 Feb 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Oct 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

45. Conrad5 HELZER (Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Dec 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina SCHAFER 08 Aug 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 22 Nov 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Sep 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Catharina SCHAFER are:

+ 146 i. Heinrich6 HELZER, born 18 Nov 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

147 ii. Louise HELZER, born 04 Sep 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Oct 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Louise HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

+ 148 iii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 09 Oct 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 149 iv. Johannes HELZER, born 01 Oct 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Mar 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

150 v. Christina HELZER, born 28 Oct 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 May 1880 in Balzer Colony, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

+ 151 vi. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 13 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Nov 1916 in Harvard, Nebraska.

152 vii. Adam HELZER, born 04 Dec 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth WOLF 07 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 07 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "They moved to America"

+ 153 viii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 04 Jul 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 154 ix. Anna Sabina HELZER, born 22 Aug 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

48. Dorothea5 HELZER (Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jun 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes REUSCHER 19 Feb 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 05 Oct 1815 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Apr 2009: Added family per Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Dorothea HELZER and Johannes REUSCHER are:

155 i. Catharina6 Reuscher, born 12 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

156 ii. Heinrich Reuscher, born 11 Nov 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina Heinrich; born 19 Jul 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 157 iii. Conrad Reuscher, born 05 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

158 iv. Peter Reuscher, born 06 Sep 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Oct 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

159 v. Peter Reuscher, born 19 Jul 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

160 vi. Johannes Reuscher, born 02 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Apr 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

161 vii. Johannes Reuscher, born 10 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Mar 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

162 viii. Louise Reuscher, born 02 Jun 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Feb 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

163 ix. Elisabeth Reuscher, born 15 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Aug 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

164 x. Anna Maria Reuscher, born 10 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

50. Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach (Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jun 1796 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Heinrich Deines 26 Feb 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 05 Mar 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Apr 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Burbach:

Apr 2009: Another spelling of her name Katarina Elisabeta Burbach

Apr 2009: From Ruth Schultz's site. Added spouse and family.

Children of Catharina Burbach and Johann Deines are:

+ 165 i. Margaretha6 Deines, born 28 Dec 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 166 ii. Christian Deines, born 07 Sep 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 167 iii. Anna Sabina DEINES, born 29 Mar 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 168 iv. Heinrich Deines, born 28 Jun 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Oct 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 169 v. Nicolaus Deines, born 14 May 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 170 vi. Catharina Deines, born 24 Jul 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 171 vii. Adam Deines, born 24 Sep 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 172 viii. Anna Maria Deines, born 25 Oct 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

173 ix. Catharina Margaretha Deines, born 01 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Nicolaus Horst 16 Feb 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 08 Aug 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Margaretha Deines:

Apr 2009: Family added from Ruth Schultz's site.

52. Amalia5 HELZER (Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jan 1798 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 May 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes KAISER 18 Nov 1815 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad Kaiser and Magdalena Huck. He was born 10 Nov 1795 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Amalia HELZER:

Oct 2008: Also spellied Amalie Holzer, Amalie Hoelzer, Amalie Helzer

Notes for Johannes KAISER:

Oct 2008: The spelling of Keiser is on the Pleve chart, Johannes KEISER

Another spelling Johannes Kaiser

Oct 2008:

Found this site with information on the Keiser/Kaiser family.

I added his death information. Attached Conrad as his son.

Children of Amalia HELZER and Johannes KAISER are:

+ 174 i. Heinrich6 Kaiser, born 31 Mar 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 175 ii. Margaretha Kaiser, born 18 Mar 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 176 iii. Johannes Kaiser, born 15 Mar 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 177 iv. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 25 Mar 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Nov 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 178 v. Conrad Kaiser, born 04 Mar 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 179 vi. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 29 Jan 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Dec 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

180 vii. Catharina Kaiser, born 29 Mar 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Kneiss 17 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Aug 1828 in Frank, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

181 viii. Magdalena Kaiser, born 23 Feb 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

182 ix. Anna Catharina Kaiser, born 16 Feb 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Pauley 20 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 16 Dec 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

+ 183 x. Johann Peter Kaiser, born 22 Apr 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

184 xi. Johann Wilhelm Kaiser, born 10 Aug 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Aug 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Wilhelm Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

185 xii. Child Kaiser, born 12 Aug 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Child Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

53. Heinrich5 HELZER (Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Aug 1799 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Jul 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Sophia Schafer 17 Jan 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Jan 1802 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Feb 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Maria Elisabeth ALT 04 Dec 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 16 Oct 1803 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

I do not know if these dates are correct from Dr. Pleve's chart. I can't read them.

Apr 2009: Added some spouses and grandchildren from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Sophia Schafer:

Another spelling: Sophia Schaefer

Notes for Maria Elisabeth ALT:

1. Per Dr. Pleve's chart: previous marriage to ? Kinnel. Her name Maria Elisaeth Kinnel, nee Alt.

I do not know if these dates are correct from Dr. Pleve's chart. I can't read them.\

2. Sept 2006: From the records of Sherrie Gettman Stahl.

"Dorothy Helzer, daughter of Heinrich Helzer and his 2nd, wife, Maria Elizabeth Kinzel. "

Note the difference in the spelling of the last name.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Sophia Schafer are:

+ 186 i. Catharina6 HELZER, born 28 Aug 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 187 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 01 Aug 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 188 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 18 Jan 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

189 iv. Conrad HELZER, born 24 Apr 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

190 v. Anna Maria HELZER, born 10 Apr 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

191 vi. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Sep 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Margaretha HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Maria ALT are:

192 i. Johann Adam6 HELZER, born 19 Jul 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Aug 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 193 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 13 May 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 194 iii. Dorothea HELZER, born 07 Mar 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 195 iv. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 23 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

196 v. Christina HELZER, born 13 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich NAGEL 22 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 04 Mar 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

197 vi. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 20 Jun 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jul 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 198 vii. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 16 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

199 viii. Conrad HELZER, born 16 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Aug 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

54. Conrad5 HELZER (Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Oct 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Maria VOGLER 02 Feb 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 03 Nov 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 30 Mar 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Maria Magdalena WIEDERSPAHN 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Nov 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Jan 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart "In 1865 they moved to Brunnental Colony."

Apr 2009: I have changed the above "move" year from 1867 to 1865.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Anna VOGLER are:

+ 200 i. Heinrich6 HELZER, born 08 Nov 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

201 ii. Adam HELZER, born 01 Oct 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Nov 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Maria WIEDERSPAHN are:

202 i. Conrad6 HELZER, born 21 Jun 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

203 ii. Infant HELZER, born 22 Jul 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jul 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

204 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 07 Sep 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jul 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

205 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 13 Sep 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Aug 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

206 v. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 08 Jun 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

207 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 01 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jul 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

208 vii. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 07 Aug 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

209 viii. Adam HELZER, born 25 Jul 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

210 ix. Catharina Margaretha HELZER, born 13 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

211 x. Peter HELZER, born 01 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jul 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

212 xi. Johann Georg HELZER, born 28 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

213 xii. Christina HELZER, born 25 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

214 xiii. Conrad HELZER, born 12 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

55. Adam5 HELZER (Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 May 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Elisabeth SCHNEIDER 04 Jan 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Schneider and Elisabeth Klaus. She was born 14 Mar 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina Maria WOLF 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Dec 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

May 2009: Some sites have him married to Catharina Maria Wolf on 4 Jan 1838. But this marriage is his 1st wife.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth SCHNEIDER:

Another spelling of her name: Anna Elisabeth SCHREIBER

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna SCHNEIDER are:

+ 215 i. Conrad6 HELZER, born 01 Jun 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

216 ii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 02 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Adam HELZER and Catharina WOLF are:

+ 217 i. Peter6 HELZER, born 09 Oct 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

218 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 18 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jun 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 219 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 27 Apr 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Apr 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 220 iv. Johann Adam HELZER, born 09 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 221 v. Catharina HELZER, born 09 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1922.

222 vi. Johann Georg HELZER, born 18 Jan 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 223 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 18 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Sep 1929 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

224 viii. Jacob Helzer, born 22 May 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Weitzel 24 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 05 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Jacob Helzer:

May 2009: Found Jacob with his spouse on Ruth Schultz's site.

May 2009: Identified his parents under the name Jakob Hoelzer on.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Weitzel:

May 2009: Added as sister to Peter from Ruth Schultz's site.

225 ix. Nicholaus HELZER, born 23 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Apr 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicholaus HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart. "perished during the Turkish-Russian War"

+ 226 x. Johann Georg HELZER, born 01 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 227 xi. Heinrich HELZER, born 01 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

228 xii. Adam HELZER, born 14 Jul 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jul 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

57. Heinrich5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Mar 1805 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Oct 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha PFENNING 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 19 Apr 1808 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

May 2010: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on her line. She has set up a site on:

Notes for Margaretha PFENNING:

Sept 2006: 2nd spouse added per

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha PFENNING are:

+ 229 i. Catharina6 HELZER, born 19 Oct 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

230 ii. Ludwig HELZER, born 13 Sep 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 May 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

231 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 04 Dec 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jun 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 232 iv. Johannes HELZER, born Bet. 12 Mar 1840 - 1942 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Nov 1912 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

+ 233 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 30 Apr 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 234 vi. Johann Philipp HELZER, born 08 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

235 vii. Peter HELZER, born 29 Nov 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

58. Conrad5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Apr 1807 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Margaretha POPP 26 Feb 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Jan 1811 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Mar 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Maria POPP are:

+ 236 i. Margaretha6 HELZER, born 14 Oct 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 237 ii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 25 Oct 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

238 iii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 27 Apr 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

239 iv. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 22 Sep 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Nov 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 240 v. Johann Georg HELZER, born 26 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Nov 1907.

+ 241 vi. Nicolaus HELZER, born 09 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

242 vii. Louise HELZER, born 28 Apr 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 May 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

243 viii. Ludwig HELZER, born 19 Apr 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 244 ix. Catharina HELZER, born 17 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Sep 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

245 x. Johannes HELZER, born 23 Jul 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Nov 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

246 xi. Philipp HELZER, born 05 Nov 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

59. Nicolaus5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Apr 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Sophia MULLER 19 Feb 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 22 Nov 1814 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Jan 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Christina DICK Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Dick and Margaretha Gerlach. She was born 23 Oct 1814 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 May 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicolaus HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Jan 2007: Another spelling of his name - Nicolaus Holzer

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Notes for Christina DICK:

Jan 2007:

Some information confirmed from this site. She used the "Dick" Pleve chart.

Children of Nicolaus HELZER and Sophia MULLER are:

247 i. Johann Adam6 HELZER, born 14 Aug 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Aug 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Adam HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

248 ii. Still Born HELZER, born 23 Sep 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Sep 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

249 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 18 Oct 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Nov 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Nicolaus HELZER and Christina DICK are:

250 i. Johannes6 HELZER, born 12 Nov 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Feb 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

251 ii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 05 Apr 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Apr 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

252 iii. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 20 Jan 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

253 iv. Margaretha HELZER, born 07 Oct 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

254 v. Catharina HELZER, born 13 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

255 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 29 Dec 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jul 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

256 vii. Catharina HELZER, born 08 Sep 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes GRUN 15 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 08 Oct 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Notes for Johannes GRUN:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart. American spelling of name is Johannes Green or Johannes Gruen.

60. Johannes5 HELZER (Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jul 1817 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Oct 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Sophia ASCHENBRENNER 27 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Sep 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Sep 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Elisabeth Claus nee Muller 18 Dec 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Mar 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Notes for Elisabeth Claus nee Muller:

Jan 2007: Another spelling of her name - Elisabeth Muller, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Muller, Elisabeth Miller, Elisabeth Mueller, Elizabeth Mueller

Sept 2008:

Added death information.

Oct 2008: Attached Elisabeth Claus Miller to her 1st husband, who is a Yost descendant.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Sophia ASCHENBRENNER are:

+ 257 i. Johann Nicolaus6 HELZER, born 01 Dec 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Apr 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 258 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 18 Dec 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 259 iii. Ludwig HELZER, born 06 Apr 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 260 iv. Philipp HELZER, born 20 Feb 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

261 v. Sophia HELZER, born 23 May 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Feb 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Sophia HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

262 vi. Catharina Margaretha HELZER, born 16 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Margaretha HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

263 vii. Margaretha HELZER, born 26 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Elisabeth Muller are:

+ 264 i. Johann Georg6 HELZER, born 11 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Oct 1927 in Fort Morgan, Morgan, Colorado.

265 ii. Margaretha HELZER, born 21 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jun 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

63. Peter5 HELZER (Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jun 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth KELLER 25 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Elisabeth KELLER:

Mar 2006: Per I changed her name from Maria Elisabeth Feller to Maria Elisabeth Keller.

Children of Peter HELZER and Maria KELLER are:

+ 266 i. Wilhelm6 HELZER, born 18 Apr 1843 in Balzer Colony, Russia.

+ 267 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 03 Jul 1845 in Balzer Colony, Russia.

268 iii. Elisabeth Catharina HELZER, born Abt. 1847 in Balzer Colony, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Catharina HELZER:

No brithdate on Dr. Pleve's Helzer/Holzer chart.

+ 269 iv. Johann Peter HELZER, born 04 Aug 1849 in Balzer Colony, Russia.

270 v. Wilhelm HELZER, born 04 Feb 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Aug 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 271 vi. Nicolaus HELZER, born 03 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

272 vii. Eva Elisabeth HELZER, born 22 Sep 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

273 viii. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 24 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm WOLF 08 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 26 Sep 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 274 ix. Heinrich HELZER, born 23 Feb 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

64. Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER (Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Apr 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Nicolaus Schleuning 09 Feb 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Sep 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth HELZER:

Apr 2009: Children from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Nicolaus Schleuning are:

275 i. Peter6 Schleuning, born 12 Feb 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 May 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

276 ii. Heinrich Schleuning, born 11 Feb 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Jul 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 277 iii. Elisabeth Schleuning, born 18 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

278 iv. Catharina Margaretha Schleuning, born 06 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 279 v. Catharina Schleuning, born 24 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

280 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Schleuning, born 09 Sep 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Dec 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Kloberdanz; born Abt. 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 281 vii. Anna Maria Schleuning, born 18 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

282 viii. Johannes Schleuning, born 11 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Brehm 25 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 22 Jun 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Schleuning:

Apr 2009: On the Brehm chart, it has his birth year as 14 Mar 1861.

283 ix. Louise Schleuning, born 24 Jun 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

66. Adam5 HELZER (Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Maria LUTHER 03 Mar 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Sep 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Maria GEORG 25 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 May 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Aug 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria GEORG:

Date of birth is a question. On the Helzer Pleve chart it looks like May 10, 1842. ??

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Anna Maria JÖRG , Anna Maria JORG

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna LUTHER are:

+ 284 i. Ludwig6 HELZER, born 29 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

285 ii. Christina HELZER, born 22 Oct 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 May 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

286 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 23 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna GEORG are:

287 i. Wilhelm6 HELZER, born 31 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 288 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 30 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 289 iii. Christina Sophia HELZER, born 05 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

290 iv. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 15 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

67. Johannes5 HELZER (Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Mar 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina BRILL 07 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Mar 1837 in Sarepta, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Notes for Catharina BRILL:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "She moved to America in 1899"

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina BRILL are:

291 i. Catharina Magdalena6 HELZER, born 27 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 292 ii. Sophia HELZER, born 09 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

293 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 24 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 294 iv. Catharina HELZER, born 30 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

295 v. Augusta Elisabeth HELZER, born 26 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes SCHLEUNING 17 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 13 Jun 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

296 vi. Conrad Helzer, born 10 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

297 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Helzer, born 23 Jun 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

298 viii. Anna Elisabeth Helzer, born 18 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

299 ix. Anna Maria Helzer, born 05 Apr 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

300 x. Catharina Elisabeth Helzer, born 02 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

68. Conrad5 HELZER (Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Jan 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth PAULEY 23 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Pauley and Christina Blum. She was born 05 Jul 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Nov 2008: Email from Janet Arnott on

Nicholas Helzer was born in Norka, Russia. I have the Helzer chart and they list his birthday as 20-Jan. 1880. His father was Conrad Helzer b. 1-10-1834 and Mother Katharine Elizabeth Pauly b. 5 July 1851

They have Nicholas (above) and Joann Heinrick b. 27 May 1883.Conrad b.2 Feb. 1886 d. 12 Jan 1888 and Joann Adam b.10 July 1888.

Nicholas married Amelia Schwabauer. They arrived in Philidelphia on the S.S. Merion on Feb. 11 1911 with two children George and Lizzie (Lydia).

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth PAULEY:

May 2009: Another version - Catharina Elisabeth PAULY

Children of Conrad HELZER and Catharina PAULEY are:

+ 301 i. Johann Georg6 HELZER, born 28 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 302 ii. Nicolaus HELZER, born 20 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jun 1937 in St. Clair Co, Michigan.

303 iii. Johann Heinrich HELZER, born 27 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

304 iv. Conrad HELZER, born 02 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

305 v. Johann Adam Helzer, born 10 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Adam Helzer:

Nov 2008: Email from Janet Arnott on

Added this child per Janet's posting. See his father Conrad's notes.

70. Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER (Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Jan 1813 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Reuspich Abt. 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 18 Aug 1812 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Elisabeth HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death information per:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834

192 24 Elisabeth d 21

193 Johannes Reiswig sl 22 see # 219

under 219

2589 Johann Reiswig ss 1 moved to # 24

Notes for Johannes Reuspich:

2007: Per

Added another spelling Johannes LANSPICH, Johannes Reispich

Apr 2009: Another death date 24 Nov 1883

Children of Maria HELZER and Johannes Reuspich are:

+ 306 i. Johannes6 Reispich, born 25 Mar 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

307 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Reispich, born 10 Apr 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Libhardt 04 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 15 Feb 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 308 iii. Johann Conrad Reispich, born 14 Nov 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 309 iv. Heinrich Reispich, born 14 Apr 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 310 v. Catharina Heinrich nee Reuspich, born 28 Dec 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 311 vi. Ludwig Reispich, born 08 May 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

312 vii. Sophia Reispich, born 02 Aug 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 313 viii. Margaretha Reispich, born 25 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

314 ix. Magdalena Reispich, born 14 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

74. Johannes5 Kern (Anna Maria4 Helzer, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1801 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina ? Abt. 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1810.

Notes for Johannes Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

588 60 Johannes Kern gs 9 27 abt 1800/1801

589 60 Catharina gdl 24 abt 1810

590 60 Anna Maria ggd 4 abt 1830

Child of Johannes Kern and Catharina ? is:

315 i. Anna Maria6 Kern, born Abt. 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

75. Peter5 Kern (Anna Maria4 Helzer, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1810 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina ?. She was born Abt. 1813.

Notes for Peter Kern:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 60.

List Household # Name Head 1816 1834 (year born)

591 60 Peter Kern gs 43/4 23 abt 1810

592 60 Christina gdl 21 abt 1813

593 60 Konrad ggs 1/4 1834

Child of Peter Kern and Christina ? is:

316 i. Conrad6 Kern, born Abt. 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Generation No. 6

88. Anna Maria6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Aug 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 May 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Peter Yeager 31 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Yeager and Anna Schneider. He was born 10 Feb 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Peter Yeager:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "Heinrich Peter Volger or Heinrich Peter Jager"

Another spelling: Heinrich Peter Yeager

Children of Anna HELZER and Heinrich Yeager are:

317 i. Johannes7 Yeager, born 22 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Apr 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 318 ii. Magdalena Yeager, born 02 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 319 iii. Philipp Yeager, born 12 Jul 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

320 iv. Johannes Yeager, born 09 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 321 v. Elisabeth Yeager, born 19 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

322 vi. Catharina Yeager, born 14 Jul 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

89. Magdalena6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Feb 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Johannes LOFINK 27 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 15 Dec 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Johann Georg YOST 19 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad YOST and Anna Schleicher. He was born 10 Mar 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bet. 02 - 03 May 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

On Pleve's chart he has: Magdalena Lofink nee Helzer

Notes for Johannes LOFINK:

2007: Johannes LOHFINK

Children of Magdalena HELZER and Johannes LOFINK are:

+ 323 i. Elisabeth7 Lofink, born 17 Nov 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

324 ii. Margaretha Lofink, born 07 Aug 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Magdalena HELZER and Johann YOST are:

325 i. Heinrich Peter7 Yost, born 24 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Marie Blum 19 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 02 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Peter Yost:

Added wife per internet file

326 ii. Anna Maria Yost, born 25 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Yost:

Sept 2008: Another spelling birth date 25 Mar 1861

327 iii. Johannes Yost, born 17 Sep 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

328 iv. Catharina Maria Yost, born 02 Jul 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

329 v. Elisabeth Yost, born 26 Jun 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

90. Elisabeth6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jun 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 30 Jun 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes MULLER 25 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 18 Feb 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Johannes MULLER are:

+ 330 i. Margaretha7 Muller, born 02 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

331 ii. Dorothea Muller, born 11 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

332 iii. Child Muller, born 14 Sep 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Sep 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

333 iv. Elisabeth Muller, born 12 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 334 v. Jacob Muller, born 18 Mar 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 335 vi. Anna Maria Muller, born 30 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

336 vii. Johannes Muller, born 09 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

337 viii. Magdalena Muller, born 05 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Muller 13 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 23 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 338 ix. Ludwig Muller, born 08 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1913 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

339 x. Catharina Elisabeth Muller, born 23 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Mar 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

94. Catharina6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad YOST 30 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes YOST and Anna Weitzel. He was born 23 Sep 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

last name is also spelled: Catharina Holzen

Notes for Conrad YOST:

Sept 2008: I moved Conrad Yost to Anna Elisabeth Weitzel, as his mother, because he was born after she was married in 1835.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Conrad YOST are:

340 i. Still Born Son7 YOST, born 27 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

341 ii. Elisabeth YOST, born 20 Mar 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

342 iii. Johannes YOST, born 30 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

343 iv. Conrad YOST, born 01 Apr 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

344 v. Sophia YOST, born 13 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Oct 1929 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married Georg Peter Feuerstein 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born Abt. 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Sophia YOST:

Burial: Windsor, Weld, Colorado

+ 345 vi. Catharina Margaretha YOST, born 21 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

346 vii. Christina YOST, born 14 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina YOST:

I have Mar 14, 1878 as the birthdate. In the file cards of the AHSGR 2003 convention there was the following. Christina Yost b Mar 19, 1878 who married Ludwig (Louie) Hohnstein. b Jul 4, 1861 Norka d Oct 17, 1943 Harvard, NE. The birth yr 1878 and marriage Jan 29, 1885 don't match up.

child: William Hohnstein b Jul 23, 1893 who married Ella Yost Oct 13, 1927 on my charts.

347 viii. Catharina YOST, born 06 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

95. Friedrick6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Apr 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth BURBACH 09 Jun 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Jan 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Friedrick HELZER and Catharina BURBACH are:

348 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 13 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

349 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 15 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

350 iii. Johann Jacob HELZER, born 24 Mar 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

351 iv. Anna Maria HELZER, born 17 Nov 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jun 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

352 v. Maria Magdalena HELZER, born 17 Nov 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

353 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 01 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

354 vii. Heinrich Peter HELZER, born 21 Jul 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

97. Heinrich6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Jan 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Margaretha LOFINK 31 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 04 Nov 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Dec 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Margaretha LOFINK:

2007: Anna Margaretha LOHFINK

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna LOFINK are:

+ 355 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 19 Feb 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

356 ii. Jacob HELZER, born 03 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Apr 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 357 iii. Adam HELZER, born 22 Feb 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jun 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

358 iv. Christina HELZER, born 29 Mar 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

359 v. Anna Maria HELZER, born 19 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes FINK 05 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 12 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

360 vi. Heinrich HELZER, born 08 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 361 vii. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 09 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 362 viii. Heinrich HELZER, born 08 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

363 ix. Peter HELZER, born 07 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 364 x. Anna Catharina HELZER, born 23 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

98. Christina6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Aug 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Heinrich DEINES 28 Dec 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 04 Dec 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Oct 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Peter LEHL 28 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 19 Jun 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

Apr 2009: Children from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Christina HELZER and Heinrich DEINES are:

365 i. Johannes7 Deines, born 10 Apr 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Apr 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

366 ii. Anna Maria Deines, born 22 Aug 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Christina HELZER and Peter LEHL are:

367 i. Peter7 Lehl, born 24 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

368 ii. Jacob Lehl, born 15 Sep 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

101. Jacob6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena GRUN 14 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Grun and Margaretha Aschenbrenner. She was born 13 Jun 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena GRUN:

name spelled: GRÜN also spelled: Magdalena Green, Magdalena Gruen

Children of Jacob HELZER and Magdalena GRUN are:

369 i. Infant7 HELZER, born 18 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

370 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 09 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

371 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 26 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

372 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 27 Mar 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

373 v. Margaretha HELZER, born 10 Dec 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

374 vi. Heinrich HELZER, born 20 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

375 vii. Catharina HELZER, born 20 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

376 viii. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 07 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

377 ix. Margaretha HELZER, born 11 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

378 x. Anna Maria HELZER, born 16 Jul 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

379 xi. Johannes HELZER, born 28 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

380 xii. Jacob HELZER, born 28 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 381 xiii. Magdalena HELZER, born 28 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Oct 1962 in Brush, Morgan, Colorado.

382 xiv. Christina HELZER, born 04 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

105. Georg Heinrich6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth REPP 06 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Repp and Catharina Doring. She was born 09 Oct 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Georg HELZER and Elisabeth REPP are:

383 i. Peter7 HELZER, born 17 Dec 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

384 ii. Infant HELZER, born 18 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

385 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 21 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Oct 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

386 iv. Magdalena HELZER, born 27 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

387 v. Catharina Louise HELZER, born 09 Apr 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

109. Johannes6 Helzer (Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Oct 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Urbach 03 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Urbach and Elisabeth Yost. She was born 02 Jun 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Helzer:

Oct 2006: Note: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parants were from .

Sept 2008: The parents of Johannes Helzer were found on . Then matched to people on the Helzer Pleve chart.

Notes for Christina Urbach:

Oct 2006: Note: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parants were from

Sept 2008: I changed Christina Uzbach to Christina Urbach. The Uzbach would be misspelled.

Children of Johannes Helzer and Christina Urbach are:

+ 388 i. Catharina7 Helzer, born 06 Nov 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 389 ii. Johannes Helzer, born 26 Nov 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 390 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 11 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 391 iv. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 18 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

392 v. Peter Helzer, born 13 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Peter Helzer:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

393 vi. Conrad HELZER, born 27 Apr 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

394 vii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 21 May 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 May 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

395 viii. Magdalena HELZER, born 20 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

111. Heinrich H6 Helzer, Sr. (Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 30 Mar 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Christina Ross 12 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Adam (Ross) Rosh. She was born 01 May 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Oct 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Heinrich H Helzer, Sr.:

1. May 2002: Information on this family and descendants is from: Eileen Weidner.

He was a Mennenite Minister in Russia and a Baptist in the U.S.

2. Dec 2002: Via email, more information on this family was received from: Gary Davenport.

3. Oct 2006: Marna Helser Hing on Lorane, OR - This information on

"my G-G- Grandparents, Heinrich H. Helzer and his wife Christina Rosh, came to NB (Adam Co.) between 1876 and 1880. They left NB in 1891 and came to Portland, OR. "

4. Nov 2007: from

Included in the above site is a photogragh of this family.

"Heinrich Helzer (seated in the wheelchair) next to his wife Christina (nee Rosh or Ross).

Standing from left to right: 1. George Samuel, b. 28 Nov. 1888 Hastings, NE - d. 12 Jan 1965, Beaverton, OR 2. John Charles b. 12 Sept. 1881 Hastings NE - d. 21 Feb. 1929, Portland, OR 3. Marnell Jack b.1 Jan. 1880 Hasting, NE d. 17 April 1961, Portland, OR 4. Heinrich (Henry) b. 27 Sept 1868 Norka, Saratov, Russia d. 29 Sept 1936 Portland, OR 5. Peter Fredrick b. 14 Aug. 1883 Hasting, NE d. 1945 Green Acres, WA. Sitting from left to right: 6. Emma b. 16 Sept 1876 Norka, Russia d. 1959 7. Christina (Mother) b. 1 May 1843 Norka, Russia d. 16 Oct 1911 Portland, OR 8. Heinrich (Henry) H. Sr. (Father) b. 17 Jan 1844 Norka, Russia, d. 30 Mar. 1904 Portland, OR 9. Magdalene (Lena) b. 1 Sept 1870 Norka, Russia d. 16 Nov. 1942, Portland, OR 10. Christine b. 10 March 1873 Norka, Russia, d. 2 May 1927. The photo was taken in 1900 at the home of Heinrich and Christina.

Photograph and description contributed by Loretta Woodward and Marna Helser Hing.

According to the limited documents that are available, the Mennonite Brethren congregation began meeting in the Albina area of Portland by 1891, ten years after the arrival of the first Volga Germans in Portland. By 1892, the church had 22 members and Heinrich H. Helzer (also Hölzer, Hoelzer or Helser) was the minister. Heinrich Helzer was born January 17, 1844 in Norka, Russia. Heinrich married Christina Ross (Rosh) who was also born in Norka (in 1843). According to great-granddaughter Loretta Woodward, Heinrich Helzer was a Mennonite minister in Russia. He and his wife left Norka in 1878 bound for America. They first settled in Hastings, Nebraska where they lived in a Mennonite commune. The commune had a large central house surrounded by cottages. Heinrich and Christina were part of a large group of immigrants from Norka that settled in Portland's Albina neighborhood. The couple arrived in Portland in November 1891. The sons of Heinrich and Christina Helzer, John Charles and George Samuels, started Helser Bros. Transfer Co. in 1902."

More About Heinrich H Helzer, Sr.:

Burial: Columbian Cemetery

Notes for Christina Ross:

1. On Helzer chart it is spelled Christina Rosh, Christina Rash

Christina Rosh, Christina Ross, Christina Rash

2. Nov 2007: on it has her birth date as 10 MAY 1843 married to Henry H Helser.

3. Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "I am not a direct descendant of Hölzer but I am related.

I'm a great grand nephew of Christina Ross (b. 10 May 1843) who married Heinrich Helzer (b. 17 Jan 1849)."

4. Burial: Columbian Cemetery

Children of Heinrich Helzer and Christina Ross are:

396 i. Johann Georg7 Helzer, born 23 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

397 ii. Peter Helzer, born 24 Apr 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 398 iii. Heinrich H Helzer, born 10 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Sep 1936 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 399 iv. Magdalena (Lena) Helzer, born 02 Sep 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Nov 1942 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

400 v. Still-Born Son Helzer, born 11 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 401 vi. Christina Helzer, born 10 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 May 1927 in America.

402 vii. Peter Helzer, born 22 Mar 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. 1883.

Notes for Peter Helzer:

Sept 2008: Another birth date. 22 Mar 1876

+ 403 viii. Anna Maria Emma Helzer, born 16 Sep 1876 in Nebraska; died 1950.

404 ix. Emanuel Helzer, born Abt. 1878 in Nebraska.

+ 405 x. Marnell Jack Helzer, born 01 Jan 1880 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 17 Apr 1961 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 406 xi. John Charles Helzer, born 12 Sep 1881 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 21 Feb 1929 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

407 xii. Peter Frederick Helzer, born 14 Aug 1883 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 1945 in Green Acres, Washington.

+ 408 xiii. George Samuel Helzer, born 28 Nov 1888 in Lincoln, Hastings, Nebraska; died 12 Jan 1965 in Beaverton, Washington Co, Oregon.

113. Magdalena6 Helzer (Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Aug 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm Spady 26 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Mar 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Magdalena Helzer and Wilhelm Spady are:

409 i. Margaretha Amalie7 Spady, born 27 Oct 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

410 ii. Child Spady, born 25 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

411 iii. Johannes Spady, born 30 Apr 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 412 iv. Anna Maria Spady, born 15 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 413 v. Christina Spady, born 25 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

414 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Spady, born 04 Mar 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

415 vii. Heinrich Spady, born 14 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

416 viii. Johannes Spady, born 20 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

417 ix. Wilhelm Spady, born 10 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

418 x. Elisabeth Spady, born 08 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

419 xi. Johann Peter Spady, born 23 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

115. Johannes6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Aug 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina ROSH 28 Jan 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Sep 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina ROSH:

Another spelling Anna Catharina ROSH, Anna Catharina ROSS, Anna Katharina Rahs, Anna Catharina Rahs, Anna Catharina Rash

Children of Johannes HELZER and Anna ROSH are:

420 i. Philipp7 HELZER, born 25 May 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jul 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 421 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 28 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

422 iii. Wilhelm HELZER, born 28 May 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 423 iv. Conrad HELZER, born 01 Sep 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 424 v. Jacob HELZER, born 07 Oct 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

425 vi. Wilhelm HELZER, born 04 Jan 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 426 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 24 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1939.

+ 427 viii. Johannes HELZER, born 06 Jan 1861 in Simbirsk Town, Saratov, Russia.

+ 428 ix. Elisabeth Margaretha HELZER, born 14 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

429 x. Wilhelm HELZER, born 06 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jun 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 430 xi. Catharina HELZER, born 09 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

116. Margaretha6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm SPADY 29 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 25 Nov 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha HELZER:

May 2008: Added marriage date

Children of Margaretha HELZER and Wilhelm SPADY are:

+ 431 i. Anna Maria7 Spady, born 07 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

432 ii. Catharina Spady, born 14 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

433 iii. Heinrich Spady, born 01 Dec 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

+ 434 iv. Ludwig SPADY, born 06 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

435 v. Christina Spady, born 15 Apr 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

436 vi. Heinrich Spady, born 11 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Oct 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

437 vii. Johannes Spady, born 27 Jan 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

438 viii. Catharina Maria Spady, born 04 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

439 ix. Elisabeth Margaretha Spady, born 02 Jul 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Margaretha Spady:

May 2008: Attached this child per

117. Heinrich6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Feb 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1881 in Chvalinsk, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth KNIPPEL 15 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 24 Dec 1834 in Glaus Colony, Russia, and died 03 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2008: Heinrich Hoelzer, Henry Helzer

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Maria KNIPPEL are:

+ 440 i. Johann Georg7 HELZER, born 13 Nov 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

441 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 16 Sep 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 442 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 15 Feb 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 443 iv. Christina HELZER, born 04 May 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

444 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 12 Aug 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Nov 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

445 vi. Margaretha HELZER, born 19 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 446 vii. Heinrich Peter HELZER, born 06 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 447 viii. Jacob HELZER, born 17 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

120. Anna Catharina6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Mar 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Christian PAULEY 17 Nov 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 25 Feb 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina HELZER:

2006: Received the Helzer Pleve chart from AHSGR.

Another spelling of her name: Katharina Hoelzer, Anna Catharina Hoelzer

Oct 2008: I received an email from Garry Helzer and Jerry Frank.

Notes for Christian PAULEY:

Another spelling: Christian PAULY

2006: Received the Helzer Pleve chart from AHSGR.

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl with another verion of the Pleve Helzer chart.

Children of Anna HELZER and Christian PAULEY are:

448 i. Johannes7 PAULEY, born 18 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Nathalie Elisabeth Schnell; born 11 Apr 1859 in Serepta, Russia.

Notes for Johannes PAULEY:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl with another verion of the Pleve Helzer chart. It has 2 children of Christian Pauly and Anna Catharina Helzer, even though their names changed.

June 2007: From this Schnell website -

It has information on his wife. "Nathalie Elisabeth Schnell was born April 11, 1859 in Sarepta, Russia. Nathalie married Johannes Pauly who was born February 18, 1858 in Norka."

May 2009: Another spelling Johannes PAULY

Notes for Nathalie Elisabeth Schnell:

June 2007: a Pleve Schnell Family Chart was compiled. This site:

449 ii. Ludwig PAULEY, born 09 Mar 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig PAULEY:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl with another verion of the Pleve Helzer chart. It has 2 children of Christian Pauly and Anna Catharina Helzer, even though their names changed.

May 2009: another spelling Ludwig PAULY

123. Anna Maria6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Dec 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm GLANTZ 17 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 31 Dec 1829 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart.

Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Anna Maria Helzer (b. 24 Dec 1831) married my first cousin 4 times removed, Wilhelm Glantz (b. 31 Dec 1829)."

Notes for Wilhelm GLANTZ:

NOTE: date of birth '31'

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart.

Children of Anna HELZER and Wilhelm GLANTZ are:

+ 450 i. Catharina7 Glantz, born 15 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

451 ii. Margaretha Glantz, born 16 Nov 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Glantz:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. This child was included on that chart.

452 iii. Anne Catharina Glantz, born 10 May 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 May 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anne Catharina Glantz:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. This child was included on that chart.

453 iv. Magdalena Glantz, born 04 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Aug 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena Glantz:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. This child was included on that chart.

+ 454 v. Christina Glantz, born 23 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

455 vi. Johannes Glantz, born 07 Apr 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

456 vii. Child Glantz, born 15 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

457 viii. Wilhelm Glantz, born 06 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

458 ix. Wilhelm Glantz, born 17 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

459 x. Heinrich Peter Glantz, born 11 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

460 xi. Catharina Margaretha Glantz, born 18 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

461 xii. Heinrich Glantz, born 17 Mar 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Glantz:

Apr 2009: Note, there is another Heinrich Glantz born the same date to other parents.

462 xiii. Anna Elisabeth Glantz, born 29 May 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

463 xiv. Anna Maria Glantz, born 30 Mar 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 464 xv. Johannes Glantz, born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 465 xvi. Wilhelm Glantz, born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

125. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha WEIDENKELLER 10 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Jul 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

Added his death location.

Notes for Margaretha WEIDENKELLER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

Added her death location.

Children of Johann HELZER and Margaretha WEIDENKELLER are:

+ 466 i. Johann Georg7 HELZER, born 26 Sep 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 467 ii. Conrad HELZER, born 27 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Jul 1906 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 468 iii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 05 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

469 iv. Catharina HELZER, born 24 Mar 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad VOGLER 05 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 30 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 470 v. Wilhelm HELZER, born 21 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

471 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 06 Oct 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

127. Christina6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 May 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1930 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg WEIDENKELLER 14 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Oct 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bef. 1912 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "28 Apr 1890 they moved to America"

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Monson. Added this child.

Apr 2009: Added a bunch of misc information from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Johann Georg WEIDENKELLER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Children of Christina HELZER and Johann WEIDENKELLER are:

472 i. Anna Maria7 Weidenkeller, born 15 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 473 ii. Anna Maria Emma Weidenkeller, born 01 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jun 1928 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

474 iii. Johannes Weidenkeller, born 09 Mar 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

475 iv. Catharina Weidenkeller, born 27 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Walter, Russia. She married (1) Johannes Muller 06 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 23 May 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) ? Schissler Abt. 1900; born Abt. 1875.

Notes for Catharina Weidenkeller:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

Notes for Johannes Muller:

Apr 2009: I had his name as ? Miller. Per Ruth Schultz's site, changed name.

476 v. Heinrich Weidenkeller, born 14 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

477 vi. Johann Georg Weidenkeller, born 04 Mar 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

478 vii. Wilhelm Weidenkeller, born 02 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 479 viii. Christina Elisabeth Weidenkeller, born 17 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Russia.

480 ix. Johannes Weidenkeller, born 07 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 481 x. Amalie Elisabeth Weidenkeller, born 05 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jul 1956 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

128. Johannes6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jul 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth JORG 28 Jan 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Dec 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth JORG:

Another spelling: Elisabeth Joerg, Elisabeth Yorg, Elisabeth Yoerg, Elisabeth JÖRG

Children of Johannes HELZER and Elisabeth JORG are:

+ 482 i. Margaretha7 HELZER, born 26 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 483 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 28 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 484 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 20 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

485 iv. Christina HELZER, born 28 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. Oct 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

From the Helzer chart: It is possible that this Christina either died or is under the wrong parents. There is another Christina born Jan 28, 1872 with the parents Johann Georg Helzer and Christina (Törg) Torg.

486 v. Christina HELZER, born 01 Oct 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

487 vi. Johann Peter HELZER, born 14 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

488 vii. Christina Elisabeth HELZER, born 07 Apr 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

489 viii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 29 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

130. Wilhelm6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina SCHLITT 10 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 21 Aug 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Wilhelm HELZER and Christina SCHLITT are:

+ 490 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 08 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

491 ii. Elisabeth Margaretha HELZER, born 05 Apr 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

492 iii. Conrad Adam HELZER, born 26 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

493 iv. Louise HELZER, born 11 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

494 v. Christina Nathalie HELZER, born 10 Aug 1881 in Durnerr, Saratov, Russia.

495 vi. Anna Maria HELZER, born 17 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Nov 2008: Also selled Anna Marie HELZER

496 vii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 20 Jan 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

497 viii. Georg Peter HELZER, born 26 Apr 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

133. Amalie6 Schleicher (Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Aug 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann William Heinrich 31 Jan 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 30 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Amalie Schleicher and Johann Heinrich are:

498 i. Child7 Heinrich, born 21 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

499 ii. Philipp Heinrich, born 12 Jun 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

500 iii. Margaretha Heinrich, born 25 Mar 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

501 iv. Anna Maria Heinrich, born 01 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

502 v. Adam Heinrich, born 27 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

503 vi. Johann Jacob Heinrich, born 03 Jun 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

504 vii. Johannes Heinrich, born 27 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

135. Margaretha6 Schleicher (Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Apr 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jun 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Blum 02 Feb 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Mar 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Blum:

Apr 2009: His children with Anna Elisabeth Fuchs are not listed.

Children of Margaretha Schleicher and Conrad Blum are:

505 i. Wilhelm7 Blum, born 20 Dec 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 506 ii. Johannes Blum, born 16 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

507 iii. Child Blum, born 09 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

508 iv. Conrad Blum, born 08 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

138. Heinrich6 Schleicher (Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina Blum 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 22 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Elisabeth Lehl 29 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Lehl and Christina Wacker. She was born 06 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Schleicher:

Dec 2007:

Added all children. Believe all born in Norka.

Children of Heinrich Schleicher and Catharina Blum are:

509 i. Elisabeth7 Schleicher, born 04 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

510 ii. Anna Maria Schleicher, born 20 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Schleicher and Anna Lehl are:

511 i. Catharina7 Schleicher, born 06 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

512 ii. Son Schleicher, born 19 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

513 iii. Johannes Schleicher, born 26 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

514 iv. Anna Elisabeth Schleicher, born 19 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Lucas Hill 01 Apr 1904 in Walter, Saratov, Volga, Russia; born Abt. 1882.

515 v. Son Schleicher, born 03 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

516 vi. Lorenz Schleicher, born 20 May 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Dorr; born 17 Nov 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

517 vii. Anna Christina Schleicher, born 07 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

518 viii. Elisabeth Schleicher, born 24 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Apr 1963. She married Heinrich Pfenning; born Abt. 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Schleicher:

Another spelling: Lizzie Schleicher, Lena Schleicher

+ 519 ix. Heinrich Schleicher, born 02 May 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Apr 1961 in Salina, Saline, Kansas.

520 x. Magdalena Schleicher, born 08 Jul 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Mar 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

521 xi. Catharina Schleicher, born 17 Sep 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam Loos 24 Jan 1911 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born Abt. 1893.

522 xii. Maria Schleicher, born 18 Nov 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

523 xiii. Anna Maria Schleicher, born 28 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Ritz; born Abt. 1896.

524 xiv. Christina Schleicher, born 21 Sep 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Edward P Hauser 16 Sep 1918 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; born Abt. 1898.

139. Peter6 Schleicher (Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Jul 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Messerle 04 Sep 1885 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska. She was born 14 Aug 1866 in Contwig Zweibrucken, Germany, and died 24 Apr 1899 in Buda, Hall, Nebraska.

Children of Peter Schleicher and Catharina Messerle are:

525 i. Elisabeth7 Sleicher, born 19 Jul 1886 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married Frank McMahon 10 Jan 1906 in Eddyville, Nebraska; born Abt. 1885.

526 ii. Anna Julie Sleicher, born 26 Aug 1887 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married Thomas Crawford 18 Jun 1917 in Lexington, Dawson, Nebraska; born Abt. 1886.

527 iii. Peter Sleicher, born Abt. 1889 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; died Abt. 1889 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska.

528 iv. Minnie Leone Maria Sleicher, born 27 Dec 1890 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married Walter Blakeslee 18 Jun 1917 in Kearney, Hall, Nebraska; born Abt. 1889.

529 v. Catharina Lina Sleicher, born 01 Dec 1892 in Alda, Hall, Nebraska; died 14 Oct 1985 in Peoria, Maricopa, Arizona. She married (1) Al Ormond Oct 1918; born Abt. 1891. She married (2) ? Sargent Abt. 1930; born Abt. 1893. She married (3) ? Partridge Abt. 1950; born Abt. 1895.

+ 530 vi. Christine Elise Sleicher, born 25 Dec 1894 in Buda, Hall, Nebraska; died 24 Jan 1929 in Kearney, Hall, Nebraska.

531 vii. Rudolf Austin Sleicher, born 26 Sep 1896 in Buda, Hall, Nebraska; died 01 Feb 1974. He married Louise Thompson 06 Aug 1921; born Abt. 1897.

532 viii. George Conrad Sleicher, born 12 Dec 1897 in Buda, Hall, Nebraska; died 11 Apr 1957.

140. Lorenz6 Schleicher (Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Traudt 12 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Lorenz Schleicher:

Dec 2007: Added all children.

Children of Lorenz Schleicher and Margaretha Traudt are:

533 i. Anna Elisabeth7 Schleicher, born 23 Nov 1889 in Dubowojibay Village, Russia.

534 ii. Christina Schleicher, born 18 Aug 1891.

535 iii. Margaretha Schleicher, born 08 May 1893 in Chwalinski Village, Russia.

536 iv. Lydia Catharina Schleicher, born 08 Jul 1893.

537 v. Pauline Schleicher, born 01 Dec 1897 in Lawa Village, Russia.

538 vi. Elisabeth Schleicher, born 04 Jul 1900 in Chwalinski Village, Russia.

141. Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Oct 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam KRIEGER 24 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad Krieger and Catharina Rost. He was born 06 Jan 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth HELZER:

Dec 2006: Children from .

Jan 2007: Another spelling of her name - Catharina Elisabeth Holzer, Catharina Elisabeth Hoelzer, Katherine ELizabeth Holzer

Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Katharina Elisabeth Helzer (b. 18 Oct 1822) married my first cousin three times removed, Adam Krieger (b. 6 Jan 1823)."

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Apr 2009: Added death date from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Adam KRIEGER:

Dec 2006: Date on the Helzer chart could be 06 Jun 1823.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Adam KRIEGER are:

539 i. Child7 Krieger, born 06 Oct 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Oct 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Child Krieger:

Apr 2009: Added this child per Ruth Schultz site.

540 ii. Margaret Krieger, born 01 Sep 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 541 iii. Christina Krieger, born 14 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 542 iv. Catharina Maria Krieger, born 15 Mar 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 543 v. Margaretha Krieger, born 12 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jun 1939.

544 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Krieger, born 12 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

142. Catharina Maria6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Feb 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Mar 1913 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska. She married Johannes KRIEGER 27 Dec 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Melchior Krieger and Anna Schilling. He was born 22 Jun 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Mar 1910 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharina Maria HELZER:

2001: Original information from Dr. Pleve Helzer chart.

Dec 2006: From , I added - The death date and place.

Dec 2006: Other spellings of the name - Katherine Marie Holzer, Catharina Helzer, Katherine Helzer, Katherine Holzer, Catharina Holzer, Catharina Hoelzer, Katherine Marie Hoelzer

Dec 2006: The birth dates are from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

has these as the birth dates. The dates are a few date off from Pleve.

John Krieger b 27 Jun 1826 Norka D 10 Mar 1910 Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska

Catharine Marie Helzer b 15 Feb 1827 Norka D 13 Mar 1913 Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Notes for Johannes KRIEGER:

2001: Original information from Dr. Pleve Helzer chart.

Dec 2006: From , I added - The death date and place.

Another spelling of his name - John Helzer

Children of Catharina HELZER and Johannes KRIEGER are:

545 i. Conrad7 Krieger, born 06 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

546 ii. Johann Adam Krieger, born 10 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Nov 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 547 iii. Peter KRIEGER, born 19 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Dec 1943.

+ 548 iv. Catharina Margaretha Krieger, born 24 Jan 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1899 in York, Nebraska.

+ 549 v. Carl Krieger, born 21 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Feb 1950 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

+ 550 vi. Anna Catharina Krieger, born 11 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1951 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

551 vii. Elisabeth Krieger, born 28 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Apr 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

552 viii. Johannes Krieger, born 03 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

553 ix. Catharina Marie Krieger, born 23 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Marie Krieger:

Dec 2006: has Catharina Marie Krieger with this same birth date. But it also has the same death date. So something is amiss.

+ 554 x. Catharina Elisabeth Krieger, born 23 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1951 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 555 xi. John Krieger, born 04 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jun 1954 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska.

+ 556 xii. Johannes Krieger, born 11 Apr 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

557 xiii. Conrad J Krieger, born 09 Sep 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 May 1940. He married Maria Barbara Wacker 21 Feb 1898 in Hastings, Nebraska; born 04 Oct 1872 in Frank, Russia; died 03 Mar 1945 in McCook, Nebraska.

Notes for Maria Barbara Wacker:

Apr 2008: Also spelled - Maria Barbara Walker

Information in a GV email from Colleen M. Brannigan.

3. MARIA BARBARA WACKER/WALKER b. 4 Oct. 1872 in Frank; d. 3 Mar. 1945 McCook, NE m. 21 Feb 1898 in Hastings, NE. CONRAD J. KRIEGER b. 9 Sept. 1872 in Norka, d. 7 May 1941 McCook, NE. Conrad is the son of Johann Krieger and Katherine Maria Helzer/Holzer. She immigrated in 1894, he in 1889 through New York on the ship Nuenberg."

144. Adam6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Sep 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina HUGEL 09 Feb 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 11 Dec 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "In 1875 they moved to America."

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Notes for Christina HUGEL:

Another spelling: Hügel, Huegel

Children of Adam HELZER and Christina HUGEL are:

558 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 04 Sep 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

559 ii. Margaretha HELZER, born 18 Oct 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

560 iii. Adam HELZER, born 10 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

561 iv. Peter HELZER, born 21 Jun 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jun 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

562 v. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 12 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

563 vi. Conrad HELZER, born 18 Aug 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

564 vii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 19 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

565 viii. Catharina HELZER, born 28 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

566 ix. Amalie HELZER, born 12 Oct 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

567 x. Son HELZER, born 07 Apr 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

146. Heinrich6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha FINK 07 Feb 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Ludwig Fink and Anna Schnell. She was born 03 Jul 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Child of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha FINK is:

+ 568 i. Heinrich7 HELZER, born 23 Aug 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

148. Anna Maria6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Oct 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam (Adrian) HARDT 25 Jan 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 10 Apr 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Apr 2012: Received email from Sherri Steel with information on her family.

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she connected Anna Maria with her parents.

Notes for Adam (Adrian) HARDT:

2008: Another spelling of his name - Adam Herdt

Apr 2012: Received email from Sherri Steel with information on her family.

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

Norka 20 Dec 1834 Census (Family 200)

Children of Anna HELZER and Adam HARDT are:

569 i. Magdalena7 Hardt, born 02 Oct 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Alt 30 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born Abt. 1848.

Notes for Magdalena Hardt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

570 ii. Johann Georg Hardt, born 31 Oct 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Lofink 04 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born Abt. 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg Hardt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

571 iii. Maria Hardt, born 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Hardt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

+ 572 iv. Christine Hardt, born 27 Jan 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Nov 1931 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

+ 573 v. Johannes Hardt, born 28 Oct 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

149. Johannes6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Mar 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha REUSCHER 28 Dec 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Reuscher and Katarina Schnell. She was born 14 Mar 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 56.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Margaretha REUSCHER are:

574 i. Johannes Reuscher7 HELZER, born 13 Nov 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Mar 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

575 ii. Johann Adam HELZER, born 29 Jul 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 576 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 17 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

577 iv. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 26 May 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob BURBACH 12 Feb 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 27 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

578 v. Maria Christina HELZER, born 25 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad HOHNSTEIN 21 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 29 Oct 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

579 vi. Margaretha HELZER, born 25 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

580 vii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 23 Dec 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Apr 2009: Added per Ruth Schultz's site.

+ 581 viii. Heinrich HELZER, born 20 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

582 ix. Adam HELZER, born 27 Aug 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

151. Johann Conrad6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Nov 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Nov 1916 in Harvard, Nebraska. He married (1) Dorothea Elisabeth HARDT 04 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Feb 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Feb 1887 in Harvard, Nebraska. He married (2) Anna Margaret Schafer nee Walter Abt. 1890. She was born 24 Dec 1834 in Frank, Russia, and died 05 Dec 1910 in Harvard, Nebraska. He married (3) Christina Knosp 17 Oct 1911. She was born Abt. 1836.

Notes for Johann Conrad HELZER:

June 2007: Email from Sherrie Stahl - this looks like the same family.

S.S. Hermann (has been referred to as the SS Herringen, but ship list shows Hermann)

Depart Bremen abt Dec 7, 1886

Arrive Baltimore Dec 23, 1886

HELSER, Conrad, age 57, male, farmer, going to Baltimore, b Russia

HELSER, Dorothea, age 48, female, wife, same

HELSER, Margaretha, age 20, female, same

HELSER, Helena, age 18, female, same

HELSER, Clara, age 16, female, same

HELSER, Elise, age 11, female, same

HELSER, Heinrich, age 9, male, same

HELSER, Conrad, age 8, male, same

HELSER, Marie, age 6, female, same

Jul 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner. "They were married in Norka on 04 Feb 1858, they emigrated to Harvard NE in Dec 1886. He died 03 Nov 1916 and she died 14 Feb 1887."

Jul 2007: Email from Sherrie Stahl:

Information: August 1974: from the Reformed Zion Church, Harvard, NE, research by Lovelle Niehaus: Information is from the "Reformed Zion church, Harvard, NE", researched by Lovelle iin August of 1974.

Konrad Helzer was a brick-layer. He was born in Norka, Russia 13 Nov 1935 and died 3 Nov 1916 and was buried 5 Nov 1916. He was 81 years old, almost 82 years old. His first wife was Dorothea E. Helzer, geb Hardt. She died 15 Feb 1886. She was 47 years old. They had 17 children. She died from

complications of pregnancy...she stepped in a hole and fell while pregnant.

Konrad's 2nd wife was Anna Margaret (Walter) Schafer. She was first married to John Schafer who died in Russia of cancer, probably in 1886, just before she came to the US. She probably married Konrad in 1886 since his first wife died early that year. If so, they were married about 24 years.

They had no children from this marriage. Anna Margaret's children from her first marriage to John Schafer were: John Schafer, Margaret Schafer Eckhart and Catherine Margaretha Schafer Walter.

Anna Margaret Schafer Helzer died 5 Dec 1910....she was 76 years old (almost 77). She died in Harvard NE and was buried 8 Dec 1910.

Konrad Helzer married #3 to a was also her third marriage. Konrad was buried with his 3 wives in the Harvard Cemetery......we visited him there in 1974.

Konrad Helzer had a son, Conrad Helzer II "Cooney". He worked at the fairs and was very well known in the Hastings and Harvard NE area. HE sold hamburgers and taffy. He made the taffy in a heavy copper kettle. I have the recipe:

THE RECIPE: 10 lb sugar, 1 gallon syrup, 1 lb butter, 1 box chocolate.....this was pulled by hand.

This information was given to me by Mrs. Dale Sergeant (Dorothy Helzer), 1125 Jefferson, Hastings NE. She is the daughter of Coonie Helzer (Conrad II).

My uncle, Edward Walter, told us to go to Harvard NE and stop at the post office and say I was the step-great-granddaughter of Konrad Helzer....the post office directed us to Herman and Rosedor KRUG, Henry Helzer's daughter. We had a lovely lunch with them. They directed us to Dorothy Helzer, all such nice people.

by Lovelle Niehaus

July 2007: From Carol Sinner:

Newspaper obit of Johann Conrad Helzer, Helena's father - you have birth, marriages and death info. He and Dorothea had fourteen children, nine survived him at his death in 1916.

Children: Mrs. Elizabeth Block, Mrs. Margaret Block, and Mrs. Dorothy Mary Pretzer of Ledue, Canada; Mrs. Christina Miller of Fort Collins, CO; Mrs. Lena Erickson of Harvard, NE; Mrs. Kate Krause and Mrs. Katherine Weber of Hays, KS; and Henry Helzer and Conrad J Helzer of Harvard, NE. His third marriage was 17 Oct 1911 to Mrs. Christine Knosp who survived him at his death.

Brothers: Adam Helzer and George Helzer of Sutton, NE also survived him at his death; as well as forty-nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.

Notes for Dorothea Elisabeth HARDT:

Jan 2008: Email from Sherrie Stahl to the Brunnental website:

"Found in a bible belonging to Christina (Helzer) Miller (m. to Peter Miller). Christina Helzer was the daughter of Conrad Helzer and Dorthea Elisabeth HARDT. We believe that Dorthea HARDT was the sister of the below Heinrich HARDT who was owner of the lafka or store in Brunnental. We had

first thought that he died in the 1921 time frame, but now see below that he died on Jan 27, 1925. "

Notes for Anna Margaret Schafer nee Walter:

July 2007: From Carol Sinner

Harvard Courier newspaper obit of Anna Margaret Walter Schaffer Helzer: she was born in Frank, Russia 24 Dec 1834 and was married to John Schaffer, they had five children, two of whom were living at her death in 1910 - Mrs. Kate Walter of Lodi, CA and Mr. Henry Schaffer of Hastings, NE. She, her husband and family came to America in 1886 and settled in Hillsboro, KS. Two years later her husband died and the following year she married Conrad Helzer.

Apr 2009: From Sherrie Stahl's email on

I added her death location.

Children of Johann HELZER and Dorothea HARDT are:

583 i. Heinrich7 HELZER, born 28 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

584 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 24 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Block; born Abt. 1860.

585 iii. Anna Catharina HELZER, born 14 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

586 iv. Christina HELZER, born 01 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Jun 1959 in Fort Collins, Colorado. She married Peter Miller; born Abt. 1860.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

July 2003: Information from the Index to Kirchenbote Obits 1956-1961.

May 2009: Added death information from an email from Carol Sinner.

Notes for Peter Miller:

Jan 2008: Email from Sherrie Stahl to the Brunnental website:

"Found in a bible belonging to Christina (Helzer) Miller (m. to Peter Miller). Christina Helzer was the daughter of Conrad Helzer and Dorthea Elisabeth HARDT."

587 v. Catharina HELZER, born 01 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Nov 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

588 vi. Margaretha HELZER, born 18 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Sep 1943 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Block; born Abt. 1867.

Notes for Margaretha HELZER:

June 2007: I am embarrassed to say, but I don't know where I got that she was born in Brunnental. The Pleve chart says she was born in Norka. So this is a question.

+ 589 vii. Helena Lena HELZER, born 23 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1923 in Harvard, Nebraska.

590 viii. Clara Helzer, born Abt. 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Clara Helzer:

June 2007: Email received from Sherrie Stahl with the ship records. (See the father.)

Added this child per the ship record.

This child could be Catharina Elisabeth HELZER born 9 Jul 1870.

591 ix. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 09 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

592 x. Elise Helzer, born 22 Feb 1872 in Brumenthal, Russia.

Notes for Elise Helzer:

June 2007: Email received from Sherrie Stahl with the ship records. (See the father.)

Added this child per the ship record.

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added birth date.

+ 593 xi. Heinrich C Helzer, born 07 Oct 1873 in Brumenthal, Russia.

594 xii. Marie Helzer, born 02 Jul 1875 in Brumenthal, Russia.

Notes for Marie Helzer:

June 2007: Email received from Sherrie Stahl with the ship records. (See the father.)

Added this child per the ship record.

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added birth date.

Another spelling: Maria Dorothea Helzer

+ 595 xiii. Conrad Jacob (Cooney) Helzer, born 02 Mar 1882 in Brumenthal, Russia; died 27 Dec 1957 in Aurora, Nebraska.

153. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jul 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina JORG 04 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

July 2003: Family updated by Kathy Green. He was called George.

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "4 Oct 1886 they moved to America"

Notes for Christina JORG:

July 2003: The name was from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart. It looked like it was spelled Törg (Toerg). Kathy Green, via email, confirmed spelling as Jörg (Joerg).

Aka's of name: Christina Joerg, Christina Jorg, Christina Joerg, Christina JÖRG

Children of Johann HELZER and Christina JORG are:

596 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 18 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Dec 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

597 ii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 24 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Dec 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

598 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 20 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 599 iv. Johannes (John) HELZER, born 06 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Feb 1944 in Fort Collins, Colorado.

600 v. Christina HELZER, born 28 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

601 vi. Margaretha HELZER, born 15 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

602 vii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 31 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

603 viii. Christina HELZER, born 07 Apr 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

604 ix. Infant HELZER, born 24 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

605 x. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 06 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

606 xi. Adam HELZER, born 07 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Mar 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

607 xii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 18 Mar 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

608 xiii. Adam HELZER, born 18 Sep 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

154. Anna Sabina6 HELZER (Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Aug 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich HELZER 04 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha PFENNING. He was born 30 Apr 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children of Anna HELZER and Heinrich HELZER are:

609 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 23 Jan 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Apr 2009: I changed her birth year from 23 Jan 1869 to 1864 per Ruth Schultz's site.

The copy of the chart I have isn't clear.

+ 610 ii. Philipp HELZER, born 22 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

611 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 12 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Apr 2009: I have added her complete birth date per Ruth Schultz's site.

157. Conrad6 Reuscher (Dorothea5 HELZER, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Krieger 04 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Krieger and Catharina Biehn. She was born 16 Mar 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Krieger:

Jan 2007: Child added from this site -

Apr 2009: Added children from Ruth Schultz's site. However she has death as 1874.

Children of Conrad Reuscher and Catharina Krieger are:

612 i. Catharina Maria7 Reuscher, born 15 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Fischer 01 Mar 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 26 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

613 ii. Peter Reuscher, born 01 Feb 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

614 iii. Heinrich Reuscher, born 28 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Dorothea Elisabeth Schneidmuller 27 Nov 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born Abt. 1872 in Hussenbach, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

615 iv. Ludwig Reuscher, born 05 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

616 v. Anna Maria Reuscher, born 29 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

165. Margaretha6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Schlitt 04 Feb 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 13 Apr 1818 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Deines:

Apr 2009: Family added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Margaretha Deines and Johannes Schlitt are:

617 i. Johann Heinrich7 Schlitt, born 06 Oct 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Nov 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 618 ii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 09 Oct 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 619 iii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 18 Oct 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 620 iv. Anna Maria Schlitt, born 30 Mar 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

621 v. Johann Adam Schlitt, born 07 Jan 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 622 vi. Anna Schlitt, born 06 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 623 vii. Johannes Schlitt, born 27 Jun 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

624 viii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 15 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 625 ix. Nicolaus Schlitt, born 15 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

626 x. Christina Schlitt, born 15 Apr 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Christian Pauley 25 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 05 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christian Pauley:

Aug 2011: Another spelling Christian Pauly

627 xi. Magdalena Schlitt, born 09 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Giebelhaus 13 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 20 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 628 xii. Peter Schlitt, born 06 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

166. Christian6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Sep 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Schwindt 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Schwindt and Charlotte Burhardt. She was born 08 Mar 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christian Deines:

Immigration: arr 5 Jun 1878 New York City aboard the SS Wieland

Apr 2009: I already had information on Johannes, Johann Georg and Catharina Elisabeth.

All other children were added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Christian Deines and Catharina Schwindt are:

629 i. Anna Sabina7 Deines, born 26 Sep 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Oct 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 630 ii. Anna Sabina Deines, born 23 Oct 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 631 iii. Johannes (John) Deines, born 22 Oct 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Sep 1906 in Nebraska.

632 iv. Magdalena Deines, born 17 Apr 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

633 v. Maria Catharina Deines, born 21 Jun 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Feb 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

634 vi. Adam Deines, born 10 Mar 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Jul 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 635 vii. Johann Georg Deines, born 22 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jan 1921.

+ 636 viii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 31 May 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Aug 1918 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

637 ix. Anna Margaretha Deines, born 17 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

638 x. Nicolaus Deines, born 22 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

167. Anna Sabina6 DEINES (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Mar 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes HELZER 21 Feb 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich HELZER and Sophia Schafer. He was born 01 Aug 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Feb 2011: Found family on

Family 5153. Anna Sabina Deines, dau of Johann Heinrich Deines & Katharina Elisabeth Burbach (Family 4853), b 29 Mar 1823 Norka Russia; d 15 Mar 1859 Norka Russia. She m 21 Feb 1843 Norka Russia to Johannes Hölzer, s of Heinrich Hölzer & Sophia Schäfer. He b 1 Aug 1823 Norka Russia; d 28 Jul 1887 Norka Russia. Res: Norka Russia. They have 5 known ch:

i Katharina Maria Hölzer, b 10 Jun 1844 Norka Russia; d inf 15 Jul 1844 Norka Russia.

ii Heinrich Hölzer, b 13 Jan 1846 Norka Russia; d 11 Mar 1893 Norka Russia. He m Katharina Schreiber.

iii Johann Georg Hölzer, b 26 May 1849 Norka Russia; d inf 14 Sep 1851 Norka Russia.

iv Elisabeth Hölzer, b 8 Aug 1852 Norka Russia. She m Johannes Schäfer.

v unnamed dau, stlb 15 Mar 1859 Norka Russia.

Children of Anna DEINES and Johannes HELZER are:

639 i. Catharina Maria7 HELZER, born 10 Jun 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 640 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 13 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

641 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 26 May 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Sep 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 642 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 08 Aug 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

643 v. Still Born HELZER, born 15 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

168. Heinrich6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jun 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Oct 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Weitzel 13 Feb 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 06 Oct 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Deines:

Apr 2009: Family added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Heinrich Deines and Anna Weitzel are:

+ 644 i. Jacob7 Deines, born 23 Nov 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

645 ii. Magdalena Deines, born 14 Jul 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 646 iii. Anna Maria Deines, born 27 Jun 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 647 iv. Philipp Deines, born 08 May 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

648 v. Margaretha Deines, born 30 Oct 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 649 vi. Adam Deines, born 08 Aug 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

650 vii. Conrad Deines, born 02 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

169. Nicolaus6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 May 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Catherine Schreiber 14 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Aug 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jun 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicolaus Deines:

July 2003

not all children listed. At the time they were not directly related to my line. Now Helzer and Yost.

Apr 2009: All remaing family added from Ruth Schultz's site. Except Heinrich's.

Children of Nicolaus Deines and Maria Schreiber are:

+ 651 i. Elisabeth7 Deines, born 13 Sep 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

652 ii. Adam Deines, born 13 Jun 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Nov 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

653 iii. Catharina Deines, born 24 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jul 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 654 iv. Johannes Deines, born 25 Apr 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Feb 1925 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

+ 655 v. Adam Deines, born 07 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Mar 1937 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

656 vi. Margaretha Deines, born 10 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

657 vii. Anna Maria Deines, born 01 Nov 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

658 viii. Anna Margaretha Deines, born 17 Aug 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Klaus 02 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 01 Aug 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Georg Klaus:

Changed year of brith to match Klaus Pleve chart.

659 ix. Ludwig Deines, born 13 Jul 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

660 x. Jacob Deines, born 24 May 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 661 xi. Heinrich Deines, born 29 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Mar 1940.

662 xii. Elisabeth Deines, born 28 Feb 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Weigandt 13 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

663 xiii. Philipp Deines, born 24 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

170. Catharina6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jul 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Schnell 27 Jan 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich Schnell and Elisabeth Preisendorf. He was born 19 Oct 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Aug 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Deines:

Apr 2009: Family added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Catharina Deines and Georg Schnell are:

+ 664 i. Catharina7 Schnell, born 12 Sep 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

665 ii. Elisabeth Schnell, born 04 Dec 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 666 iii. Nicolaus Schnell, born 31 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 667 iv. Christina Maria Schnell, born 08 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

668 v. Johann Philipp Carl Schnell, born 23 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

669 vi. Catharina Charlotte Schnell, born 27 Sep 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

670 vii. Child Schnell, born 10 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

671 viii. Johann Philipp Schnell, born 20 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Hemple 08 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 09 Nov 1865 in Huck, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

672 ix. Louise Margaretha Schnell, born 06 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 673 x. Anna Maria Schnell, born 16 Jun 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 674 xi. Alexander Schnell, born 03 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

675 xii. Catharina Amalie Schnell, born 25 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

676 xiii. Anna Schnell, born 18 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

171. Adam6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Sep 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth Maul 26 Jan 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Maul and Anna Gobel. She was born 15 Nov 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam Deines:

July 2003: see

Apr 2009: Added some family per Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Adam Deines and Maria Maul are:

+ 677 i. Heinrich7 Deines, born 14 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

678 ii. Philipp Deines, born 10 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 679 iii. Johann George Deines, Sr., born 24 Jan 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jun 1941 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

+ 680 iv. Catharina Deines, born 24 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 681 v. Johannes Deines, born 05 Apr 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 682 vi. Jacob Deines, born 08 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 683 vii. Wilhelm Deines, born 04 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 684 viii. Conrad Deines, born 05 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

172. Anna Maria6 Deines (Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Oct 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Philipp Weber 24 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 02 Apr 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Deines and Philipp Weber are:

+ 685 i. Johann Georg7 Weber, born 10 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

686 ii. Catharina Weber, born 21 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm Hinkel 14 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 09 Dec 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

687 iii. Elisabeth Weber, born 20 Jun 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jul 1949 in Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada. She married Philipp Schwindt 01 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 05 Jan 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 May 1933 in Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada.

688 iv. Catharina Maria Weber, born 08 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Casper Arndt 17 Nov 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 15 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 689 v. Maria Margaretha Weber, born 01 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

690 vi. Peter Weber, born 06 May 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

174. Heinrich6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Mar 1816 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Klaus 23 Jul 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Klaus and Elizabeth Blum. She was born 07 Dec 1815 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Elisabeth Klaus:

Sep 2008: Information confirmed from Klaus Pleve chart.

Jun 2011: Added complete year of birth and connected to her spouse and family.

Children of Heinrich Kaiser and Elisabeth Klaus are:

691 i. Anna Margaretha7 Kaiser, born 22 Dec 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Aschenbrenner 03 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 09 Jun 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jul 1891.

692 ii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 22 Jul 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

693 iii. Heinrich Kaiser, born 13 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Nov 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

694 iv. Gertrude Kaiser, born 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Nov 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

695 v. Georg Kaiser, born 27 Sep 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Oct 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 696 vi. Ludwig Kaiser, born 12 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jun 1919 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

697 vii. Magdalena Kaiser, born 27 Mar 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 698 viii. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 26 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jan 1916 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

175. Margaretha6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Mar 1819 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Hohnstein 15 Mar 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Hohnstein and Elisabeth Spahn. He was born 19 May 1812 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Margaretha Kaiser and Johannes Hohnstein are:

699 i. Child7 Hohnstein, born 19 Jul 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jul 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 700 ii. Johannes Hohnstein, born 12 Jun 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 701 iii. Margaretha Hohnstein, born 06 Mar 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 702 iv. Jacob Hohnstein, born 24 Mar 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

703 v. Heinrich Hohnstein, born 04 Feb 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

704 vi. Friedrich Hohnstein, born 11 Feb 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

705 vii. Anna Maria Hohnstein, born 07 May 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married ? Frank; born Abt. 1845.

706 viii. Elisabeth Hohnstein, born 29 Jul 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 707 ix. Conrad Hohnstein, born 15 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

708 x. Anna Maria Hohnstein, born 05 Mar 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jan 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 709 xi. Johann Georg Hohnstein, born 06 Mar 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Nov 1928 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

176. Johannes6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Mar 1821 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Christina Vogler 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 11 Aug 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Maria Schafer 28 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Apr 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Anna Maria Schafer:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Anna Maria Schaefer

Children of Johannes Kaiser and Christina Vogler are:

710 i. Christina7 Kaiser, born 24 Nov 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

711 ii. Johannes Kaiser, born 22 Jul 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Mar 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

712 iii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 12 Mar 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 713 iv. Heinrich Kaiser, born 18 Nov 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 714 v. Catharina Kaiser, born 17 Sep 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Kaiser and Anna Schafer are:

715 i. Johannes7 Kaiser, born 29 Mar 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Sep 1892 in Niedaerka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Schafer 01 Oct 1874 in Niedaerka, Saratov, Volga, Russia; born 1847 in Kukkus, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

+ 716 ii. Peter Kaiser, born 07 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 717 iii. Johannes Kaiser, born 17 Jun 1854 in Warenburg, Samara, Volga, Russia.

718 iv. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 13 Jun 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Nov 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 719 v. Louise Kaiser, born 23 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

720 vi. Adam Kaiser, born 27 Feb 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

721 vii. Dorothea Kaiser, born 02 Jul 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

722 viii. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 11 Mar 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

723 ix. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 28 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

724 x. Ludwig Kaiser, born 28 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

725 xi. Johannes Kaiser, born 09 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

177. Elisabeth6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Mar 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Nov 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Jacoby 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Sep 1822 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Apr 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Elisabeth Kaiser and Johannes Jacoby are:

+ 726 i. Elisabeth7 Kaiser, born 31 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

727 ii. Nicolaus Jacoby, born 04 Aug 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 728 iii. Conrad Jacoby, born 13 Jan 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 729 iv. Christina Jacoby, born 13 Sep 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 730 v. Catharina Jacoby, born 03 Aug 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 731 vi. Sebastian Jacoby, born 03 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

732 vii. Johannes Jacoby, born 25 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 733 viii. Anna Catharina Jacoby, born 03 May 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

734 ix. Louise Jacoby, born 19 Feb 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Sep 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

735 x. Anna Maria Jacoby, born 05 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

736 xi. Louise Jacoby, born 18 Jun 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Sep 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

737 xii. Child Jacoby, born 25 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 738 xiii. Johannes Jacoby, born 18 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

739 xiv. Johann Georg Jacoby, born 22 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

178. Conrad6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Mar 1825 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Pauley 30 Jan 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Aug 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Oct 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Kaiser:

Oct 2008:

Found the above site with information on the Kaiser/Keiser family.

Added his children, except Christina.

Notes for Anna Maria Pauley:

Dec 2008: Another spelling of her name Anna Maria Pauly

Children of Conrad Kaiser and Anna Pauley are:

740 i. Anna Maria7 Kaiser, born 26 Nov 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Oct 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

741 ii. Conrad Kaiser, born 16 Nov 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Apr 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

742 iii. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 08 Feb 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Nov 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 743 iv. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 27 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1927 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 744 v. Johannes Kaiser, born 19 Jun 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 745 vi. Christina Kaiser, born 21 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Nov 1935 in Lincoln, Clay, Nebraska.

+ 746 vii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 23 Jul 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

747 viii. Catharina Maria Kaiser, born 20 Mar 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

748 ix. Margaretha Kaiser, born 26 Sep 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 749 x. Catharina Kaiser, born 18 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 750 xi. Ludwig Kaiser, born 28 Jun 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

751 xii. Conrad Kaiser, born 28 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 May 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

752 xiii. Christina Kaiser, born 28 Mar 1870 in Catharina Elisabeth DÖRING; died 13 May 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

753 xiv. Fred Kaiser, born Abt. 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

179. Anna Maria6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jan 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Dec 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Klaus 03 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Klaus and Margaretha Vogler. He was born 16 Feb 1828 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Feb 1893.

Notes for Anna Maria Kaiser:

A picture of her is in the book by Gloria Yost Griess; with John Yager & Christine Yost Yager

Notes for Georg Klaus:

Jun 2008: Email received from Kari Northup with lots of information.

I do not know who following these 2 people are

Lakeview Cemetery, Windsor, Weld Co., Colorado

CLOUS, GEORGE 230 11 10/16/1926

CLOUS, ANNA MARIE 230 12 1/17/1927

Children of Anna Kaiser and Georg Klaus are:

754 i. Margretha7 Klaus, born 13 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

755 ii. Conrad Klaus, born 30 May 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Reispich 06 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 21 May 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Klaus:

Apr 2009: Konrad Klaus

756 iii. Georg Klaus, born 01 Aug 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Margaretha Deines 02 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 17 Aug 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Georg Klaus:

Changed year of brith to match Klaus Pleve chart.

757 iv. Heinrich Klaus, born 24 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

758 v. Katharina Maria Klaus, born 29 Dec 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Katharina Maria Klaus:

change birthdate to match Klaus Pleve chart.

183. Johann Peter6 Kaiser (Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Apr 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Urbach 05 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 21 Oct 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Peter Kaiser:

Apr 2009: Added this child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Johann Kaiser and Catharina Urbach are:

759 i. Friedrich7 Kaiser, born 10 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Mar 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

760 ii. Heinrich Kaiser, born 05 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Oct 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 761 iii. Peter Kaiser, born 01 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 762 iv. Johannes Kaiser, born 06 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 763 v. Louise Magdalena Kaiser, born 24 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 764 vi. Adam Kaiser, born 11 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

765 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Kaiser, born 23 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

766 viii. Philipp Kaiser, born 24 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Apr 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

767 ix. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 18 Apr 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

768 x. Georg Heinrich Kaiser, born 20 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

769 xi. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 24 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

770 xii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 25 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Nov 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

771 xiii. Heinrich Kaiser, born 25 Jun 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

186. Catharina6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Aug 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Muller Abt. 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 01 Oct 1820 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Nov 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia. list # 208

Children of Catharina HELZER and Peter Muller are:

772 i. Child7 Muller, born 10 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 773 ii. Johannes Muller, born 18 Sep 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

774 iii. Magdalena Muller, born 01 Dec 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Nov 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

775 iv. Johann Adam Muller, born 18 Aug 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

776 v. Nicolaus Muller, born 17 Oct 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 May 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 777 vi. Lorenz Muller, born 12 Aug 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

778 vii. Amalia Muller, born 27 Feb 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Hohnstein 22 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 18 Sep 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 779 viii. Catharina Muller, born 04 Dec 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

780 ix. Heinrich Muller, born 02 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jun 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 781 x. Anna Maria Muller, born 19 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 782 xi. Margaretha Muller, born 14 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 783 xii. Elisabeth Muller, born 06 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

187. Johannes6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Aug 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Sabina DEINES 21 Feb 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Deines and Catharina Burbach. She was born 29 Mar 1823 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Mar 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Margaretha Gerlach nee GIEBELHAUS 19 Oct 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Jan 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Feb 2011: Found family on

Family 5153. Anna Sabina Deines, dau of Johann Heinrich Deines & Katharina Elisabeth Burbach (Family 4853), b 29 Mar 1823 Norka Russia; d 15 Mar 1859 Norka Russia. She m 21 Feb 1843 Norka Russia to Johannes Hölzer, s of Heinrich Hölzer & Sophia Schäfer. He b 1 Aug 1823 Norka Russia; d 28 Jul 1887 Norka Russia. Res: Norka Russia. They have 5 known ch:

i Katharina Maria Hölzer, b 10 Jun 1844 Norka Russia; d inf 15 Jul 1844 Norka Russia.

ii Heinrich Hölzer, b 13 Jan 1846 Norka Russia; d 11 Mar 1893 Norka Russia. He m Katharina Schreiber.

iii Johann Georg Hölzer, b 26 May 1849 Norka Russia; d inf 14 Sep 1851 Norka Russia.

iv Elisabeth Hölzer, b 8 Aug 1852 Norka Russia. She m Johannes Schäfer.

v unnamed dau, stlb 15 Mar 1859 Norka Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Gerlach nee GIEBELHAUS:

Sept 2006: Another spelling: Margaretha Gerlack nee Giebelhaus; Margaretha Giebelhaus

Children are listed above under (167) Anna Sabina DEINES.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Margaretha GIEBELHAUS are:

+ 784 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 12 Apr 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

785 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 01 Mar 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg SCHWINDT 30 Mar 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 12 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

786 iii. Infant HELZER, born 04 Mar 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Mar 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

787 iv. Still Born HELZER, born 03 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

788 v. Still Born HELZER, born 01 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

789 vi. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 20 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

188. Heinrich6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jan 1826 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Catharina BRILL 28 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Dec 1827 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Christina Magdalena GRUN 29 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Oct 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart. Heinrich Hoelzer, Henry Helzer

Notes for Christina Magdalena GRUN:

Sept 2006: Another spelling is: Christina Magdalena Green.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna BRILL are:

+ 790 i. Johann Adam7 HELZER, born 22 Nov 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

791 ii. Anna Gertrude HELZER, born 19 Aug 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Gertrude HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

+ 792 iii. Dorothea HELZER, born 05 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

793 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 24 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jan 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

794 v. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 05 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad SCHLEUNING 13 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 26 Aug 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

+ 795 vi. Conrad HELZER, born 08 Jul 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

796 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 27 Sep 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

797 viii. Johannes Conrad HELZER, born 02 Apr 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Jul 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Conrad HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

798 ix. Johannes HELZER, born 17 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

+ 799 x. Elisabeth HELZER, born 13 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Dec 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

193. Elisabeth6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 May 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Adam MULLER 10 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Muller and Anna Glantz. He was born 06 Sep 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Sept 2006: Another spelling: Elisabeth HOELZER - Elisabeth HOLZER

Per the Helzer Pleve chart, they "moved to America in 1887".

Feb 2009: Added all her children from

Notes for Johann Adam MULLER:

Sept 2006: Another spelling: Adam MUELLER, Adam Miller, Johann Adam Muller, Johann Adam Miller

Feb 2009: Added all children from

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Johann MULLER are:

800 i. Heinrich7 Muller, born 15 Aug 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

801 ii. Margaretha Muller, born 08 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 802 iii. Dorothea Muller, born 03 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

803 iv. Johannes Muller, born 05 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 804 v. Conrad Muller, born 10 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

805 vi. Catharina Muller, born 26 May 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 806 vii. Johannes Muller, born 05 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1904.

807 viii. Margaretha Muller, born 05 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

808 ix. Johann Georg Muller, born 11 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

809 x. Nicolaus Muller, born 17 May 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jun 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

194. Dorothea6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Mar 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Ludwig BREHM 15 Jan 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of William BREHM and Anna Gerlach. He was born 20 Aug 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Aft. 1900 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Dorothea HELZER:

1. NOTE: Various documents show maiden name as: Helier or Holzen

Dorothea Hölzer, Dorothea Hoeltzer, Dorothea Hoelzer, Dorothea Holzer

2. Sept 2006: "Dorothy Helzer, daughter of Heinrich Helzer and his 2nd, wife, Maria Elizabeth Kinzel. They were married 4 Dec 1834 - Dorthea was born Mar 7, 1838 in Norka. She married Ludwig Brehm b 20 Aug 1838, m. 15 Jan 1857 Norka.

3. Mar 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "Dorothea Helzer (b. 7 Mar 1838) is the wife of my first cousin, three times removed, Johann Ludwig Brehm (b. 20 Aug 1838)."

Notes for Johann Ludwig BREHM:

1. Much of the info from the 1880 & 1885 census records of Clay Co, NE, from Mary, Esther, & Elsie Brehm, & from Mrs. E.V. Burns.

2. Questions remain to wife vs. children. The name of Dorothea Helier is on the death certificate of Adam Brehm. But Mary, Esther, Elsie Brehm think their father's mother's name was Elizabeth. Cathrine is the name of his 2nd and 3rd wives. What is listed on these charts, are from Dr. Pleve's chart.

3. Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876

4 . This is from the 1880 census records of Clay Co, NE

name age born in

Wm (Sr) 68 Russia

Cathrine 67

Ludwick 43

Elizabeth 36

John 23

Nicholas 19

Adam 17

Elizabeth 13 Russia

Cathrine 10 Russia

Christine 3 Ohio

Wm 1 Neb May of 1880

5. Milton P Bauer remembers Louie. He would entertain the kids by imitating barnyard animals and could whistle all the birdcalls. Milton believes he worked in an incubator factory in Clay Center, NE.

6. On the 1900 census of Clay Co, NE, Sutton City, ED 42 page 28

Name birth age mar yrs children born father mother immigration yrs

mar born living born born in USA

Brehm, Ludwig Head Aug 1838 61 M 33 yrs Russia Russia Russia 1876 24

Katherine wife Jun 1845 55 M 33 yrs 10 6 Russia Russia Russia 1876 24

Conrad son Aug 1881 18 S Nebr Russia Russia

Lidia (Lydia) dau Aug 1885 14 S Nebr Russia Russia

Maria dau Aug 1888 11 S Nebr Russia Russia

More About Johann Ludwig BREHM:

Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876

Children of Dorothea HELZER and Johann BREHM are:

+ 810 i. Johannes (John)7 Brehm, born 15 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Mar 1899 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

811 ii. Catharina Margaretha Brehm, born 17 Jun 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

More About Catharina Margaretha Brehm:

Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876

+ 812 iii. Nicholas O (Nick) Brehm, born 16 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1933 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska - died at the homestead.

813 iv. Adam Brehm, born 17 Apr 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jun 1934 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Adam Brehm:

1, Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876

2. He is buried in Sutton, NE next to Elizabeth Popp Bauer, in the Bauer family plot. (Elizabeth Popp Bauers son is Milton Bauer.) On the headstone it says: He made a living selling brooms and doing odd jobs.

3. Adams death certificate says his mothers name was Dorothy Hoelzer.

4. received from Mrs. E.V. Burns (Freida) the death article: 7/31/1934 (we have the death in June not July)

Adam Brehm, aged 72, was found dead in his home here Monday AM. He had apparently been dead since Saturday evening or early Sunday. He was last seen on his premises on Saturday evening. Relatives from KS had come to the home and inquired for him of a neighbor. Since he had complained of not feeling good for several days, & had not been seen by any of the neighbors on Sunday, they entered the home & found him dead.

Mr. Brehm had been a resident of Sutton for many years, residing alone & had sold brooms for the Deshler Broom factory. He is survived by one half sister, Mrs. Lizzie Newman of Stockham, NE, one half brother Conrad of Kansas, and a brother in law, John Nolde of Sutton. His burial was in Sutton Cemetery.

5. on 1900 census of Clay Co, NE; ED 42, Sutton City, page 28

name birth age mar yrs children born parents born immigration yrs

born living the USA

Glantz, Conrad Head May 1857 43 M 24 Russia Russia 1877 23

Anna E wife Feb 1856 44 M 24 8 3 Russia Russia 1877 23

William son Jan 1887 13 S Nebr Russia

Anna E dau Feb 1896 4 S Nebr Russia

Brehm, Adam nephew ? 1864 36 S Russia Russia 1876 24

The year is off, it says 1864, but Adam is the nephew of Anna E Brehm Glantz. Her brother Ludwigs, son.

6. Jun 2009: Ruth Schultz has his birth as 17 Apr 1863 on her site.

195. Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Nicolaus HELZER 29 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad HELZER and Maria POPP. He was born 09 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna HELZER and Nicolaus HELZER are:

814 i. Johann Georg7 HELZER, born 23 Sep 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 815 ii. Christina HELZER, born 23 Oct 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 816 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 20 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

817 iv. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 17 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

818 v. Elisabeth HELZER, born 27 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Oct 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

819 vi. Conrad HELZER, born 27 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Louise PAULEY 05 Dec 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 07 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Louise PAULEY:

Nov 2006: Per email from Bill Wainwright - another spelling of her name - Louise Pauley, Catharina Louise PAULY, Catharina Louise PAULEY

+ 820 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 25 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jun 1927 in Portland, Oregon.

821 viii. Louise HELZER, born 05 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Apr 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 822 ix. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 11 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 823 x. Johannes HELZER, born 20 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

824 xi. Elisabeth HELZER, born 09 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

198. Anna Margaretha6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter SCHNELL 21 Jan 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 14 Nov 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bef. 1900 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Anna Margaretha HELZER:

1. Immigration: Moved to America 1876.

2. on 1900 census of Harvard, Clay Co, NE

birth age to USA born

Schnell, Margaret Feb 1848 52 widow 1876 Russia

Adam Dec 1880 19 s Nebr

Peter Oct 1882 17 s

Ida Jun 1884 16 s

Katie May 1886 14 s

Children of Anna HELZER and Peter SCHNELL are:

825 i. Johannes7 Schnell, born 22 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

826 ii. Elisabeth Gertrude Schnell, born 09 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

827 iii. Nicolaus Schnell, born 23 Apr 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 May 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

828 iv. Catharina Maria Schnell, born 22 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

829 v. Johannes Schnell, born 26 Apr 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Apr 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 830 vi. Anna Schnell, born 09 Mar 1879 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 10 Jun 1952 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

831 vii. Adam Schnell, born Dec 1880 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

832 viii. Peter Schnell, born Oct 1882.

833 ix. Ida Schnell, born Jun 1884. She married ? Williams; born Abt. 1883.

834 x. Katie Schnell, born May 1886.

200. Heinrich6 HELZER (Conrad5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Nov 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Gertrude SCHWINDT 29 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Schwindt and Anna Glantz. She was born 06 Apr 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Jan 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart "In 1867 they moved to Brunnental Colony."

(I can not read the "year" they moved clearly)

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Gertrude SCHWINDT are:

835 i. Adam7 HELZER, born 01 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth SCHMER 27 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 23 Apr 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

836 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 20 Feb 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina TRUNBELHORN 27 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 14 Jul 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina TRUNBELHORN:

Sept 2007: Another spelling of her name - Catharina TRIEBELHORN, Catharina Truebelhorn

837 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 15 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

838 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 01 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

839 v. Christina HELZER, born 07 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

840 vi. Magdalena HELZER, born 03 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

841 vii. Johannes HELZER, born 03 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

842 viii. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 12 May 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

843 ix. Magdalena HELZER, born Abt. 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

Oct 2006: There is a question if there is a 2nd Magdalena. On Dr. Pleve's Holzer/Helzer chart, it shows this Magdalena with the same birthdate, Nov 3, 1862, as the other.

844 x. Johannes HELZER, born 21 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

845 xi. Elisabeth Margaretha HELZER, born 27 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

846 xii. Heinrich Peter HELZER, born 04 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Peter HELZER:

Sept 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has him born in Brunnental.

215. Conrad6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Jun 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina BACKER 03 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Apr 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Elisabeth KRIEGER 01 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Wilhelm Krieger and Anna Libhardt. She was born 27 Oct 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Sep 1919 in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

May 2009: Some information found under Konrad Hoelzer on

Jun 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has a child Heinrich Helzer b Dec 10, 1867 died 28 Feb 1868.

I have this child as having other parents. Johannes Helzer b 27 Apr 1845

Notes for Anna Elisabeth KRIEGER:

Oct 2006: From this site:

"Anna was the widow of Conrad Helzer, who died before their son Conrad, Jr, was born at Norka on 3 Mar 1878. A census of Russian Germans living at Lincoln, NE, in 1913-1915 noted that Anna had born two children, but that only one was living in 1913. Whether the deceased child was a Helzer or a Kindsvater has not been determined."

Children of Conrad HELZER and Catharina BACKER are:

847 i. Peter7 HELZER, born 15 Apr 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 May 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

848 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 04 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 849 iii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 03 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

850 iv. Johannes HELZER, born 24 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 851 v. Adam HELZER, born 22 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Anna KRIEGER are:

852 i. Magdalena7 Helzer, born 06 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added from Ruth Schultz's site.

+ 853 ii. Conrad HELZER, born 03 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Mar 1964 in Maryland.

217. Peter6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Oct 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina WEITZEL 04 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Weitzel and Anna Hohnstein. She was born 01 Nov 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina WEITZEL:

Sept 2008: Added Christina as the daughter of her parents. This matched her to her spouse Peter Helzer.

Children of Peter HELZER and Christina WEITZEL are:

854 i. Johann Ludwig7 HELZER, born 01 Oct 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 855 ii. Adam HELZER, born 06 Mar 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

856 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 01 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

857 iv. Peter HELZER, born 23 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

858 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 10 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

859 vi. Elisabeth HELZER, born 01 Dec 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

860 vii. Christina HELZER, born 12 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 861 viii. Philipp HELZER, born 26 Apr 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

862 ix. Peter HELZER, born 15 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

863 x. Wilhelm HELZER, born 30 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

864 xi. Johannes HELZER, born 09 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

865 xii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 23 Mar 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Apr 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

219. Johannes6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Apr 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Apr 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Elizabeth HAUSER 19 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Jan 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Mar 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Dec 2002: Family information from Gary Davenport via email.

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart: "4 Oct 1886 they moved to America"

Children of Johannes HELZER and Elizabeth HAUSER are:

866 i. Heinrich7 HELZER, born 10 Dec 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Feb 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 867 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 17 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Aug 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 868 iii. Catharina (Kate) HELZER, born 28 Jul 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Aug 1945 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

869 iv. Maria Elisabeth HELZER, born 03 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

870 v. Amalie HELZER, born 16 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married John Rattey; born Abt. 1877.

Notes for Amalie HELZER:

Another spelling Amalia HELZER

+ 871 vi. Adam HELZER, born 19 May 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 872 vii. Elisabeth Helzer, born Abt. 1886 in America.

220. Johann Adam6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina BURBACH 18 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann HELZER and Anna BURBACH are:

873 i. Heinrich7 Helzer, born 18 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

874 ii. Still Born Helzer, born 05 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

875 iii. Still Born Helzer, born 11 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 876 iv. Heinrich Jacob HELZER, born 29 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

877 v. Peter Helzer, born 10 Jun 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

878 vi. Johannes Helzer, born 06 May 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

879 vii. Catharina Helzer, born 18 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Dec 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

880 viii. Catharina Elisabeth Helzer, born 08 Mar 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

881 ix. Christina Helzer, born 10 Oct 1887 in Balanda ??; died 25 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

882 x. Anna Elisabeth Helzer, born 13 Jun 1890 in Balanda ??; died 07 Apr 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

221. Catharina6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Feb 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1922. She married Peter WEITZEL 18 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 09 Feb 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1918.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Apr 2009: Added death and children.

Apr 2009: Added all other children except Catharina and Margaretha from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Peter WEITZEL are:

883 i. Child7 Weitzel, born 19 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 884 ii. Philipp Weitzel, born 29 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1921.

885 iii. Christina Maria Weitzel, born 12 Aug 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 May 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

886 iv. Catharina Weitzel, born 19 Jun 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1949. She married Jacob Alt 07 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 01 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 887 v. Heinrich Weitzel, born 02 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

888 vi. Child Weitzel, born 22 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 889 vii. Margaretha Weitzel, born 02 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1953.

890 viii. Child Weitzel, born 31 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

891 ix. Johann Georg Weitzel, born 08 May 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Mar 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 892 x. Johann Georg Weitzel, born 05 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

893 xi. Jacob Weitzel, born 03 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

894 xii. Peter Weitzel, born 19 Dec 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

895 xiii. Catharina Elisabeth Weitzel, born 24 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

223. Heinrich6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jan 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Sep 1929 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married (1) Christina MULLER nee Feuerstein 22 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina BURBACH nee SCHULBEIT 22 Jul 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1850 in From Huck Colony, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart, "16 Oct 1890 they moved to America"

Dec 2011: This website has him born in Brunnental, Russia.

Notes for Christina MULLER nee Feuerstein:

2002: Christina MULLER is what was on Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Sept 2008: Added her maiden name as stated in

Christina Muller nee Feuerstein. Her maiden name: Christina Feuerstein

She was also called: Margaret Feurstein

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Christina Feuerstein are:

+ 896 i. Jacob7 HELZER, born 06 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Mar 1953 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

897 ii. Johann Jacob HELZER, born 17 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 898 iii. Wilhelm HELZER, born 31 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1916 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

899 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 04 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Mar 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

900 v. Margaretha HELZER, born 28 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 901 vi. Ludwig H (Louis) HELZER, born 06 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Sep 1950 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

+ 902 vii. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 18 Jun 1886 in Brunnental, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 18 Apr 1961 in Redwood City, San Mateo, California.

+ 903 viii. Johannes HELZER, born 24 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jan 1967 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina SCHULBEIT are:

+ 904 i. Jenny7 Helzer, born 09 Jun 1891 in Hastings, Nebraska.

905 ii. Mollie Helzer, born 06 May 1893 in Hastings, Nebraska.

906 iii. Harry Helzer, born 30 Oct 1895 in Hastings, Nebraska.

226. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth HUCK 27 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 13 Oct 1857 in Huck Colony, Volga, Russia.

Children of Johann HELZER and Elisabeth HUCK are:

+ 907 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 04 May 1877 in Huck Colony, Russia.

+ 908 ii. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 06 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

909 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 05 Mar 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

910 iv. Anna Maria HELZER, born 30 May 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

911 v. Nicolaus Adam HELZER, born 05 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jan 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 912 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 22 Sep 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 913 vii. Magdalena HELZER, born 08 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1984 in Eugene, Oregon.

914 viii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 04 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

915 ix. Jacob HELZER, born 19 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

916 x. Margaretha HELZER, born 19 Jan 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

917 xi. Amalie HELZER, born 08 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

918 xii. Catharina Katy Helzer, born Abt. 1902.

919 xiii. Emma HELZER, born Abt. 1904.

227. Heinrich6 HELZER (Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth WOLF 20 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 19 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart, they "In 1899 they moved to America."

Sept 2009: Another possible birth date: 01 Feb 1859

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Maria WOLF are:

920 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 02 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

921 ii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 27 Apr 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

922 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 16 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

923 iv. Johannes HELZER, born 13 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

924 v. Margaretha HELZER, born 13 Dec 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

925 vi. Johannes HELZER, born 11 Dec 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1891 in Balanda ??.

229. Catharina6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Oct 1832 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad PFENNING 22 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Pfenning and Christina Weber. He was born 21 Feb 1830 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Nov 2008: On the Helzer Pleve chart, I saw it say that she was born in the year 1835.

In it has she was born in the year 1832. Changing this, matched her with Conrad Pfenning from above site.

Notes for Conrad PFENNING:

Nov 2008: Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart said born: 21 Feb 1830

Information from says: 02 Feb 1830

Children of Catharina HELZER and Conrad PFENNING are:

926 i. Christina7 Pfenning, born 05 Oct 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

927 ii. Elisabeth Pfenning, born 24 Mar 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Apr 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Muller 07 Feb 1878; born 07 Dec 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Aug 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

928 iii. Dorthea Pfenning, born 06 Aug 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 929 iv. Johann Georg Pfenning, born 15 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

930 v. Johannes Pfenning, born 09 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jul 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

931 vi. Ludwig Pfenning, born 27 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Catharina Keshler 25 Jan 1893; born 10 Jan 1861 in Neu-Norka Colony, Russia.

932 vii. Heinrich Pfenning, born 25 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

933 viii. Christina Pfenning, born 06 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

934 ix. Elisabeth Pfenning, born 20 Mar 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

232. Johannes6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 12 Mar 1840 - 1942 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Nov 1912 in Grand Island, Nebraska. He married (1) Anna Marie (Amy) PREISENDORF 30 Mar 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Preisendorf and Catharina Spady. She was born 16 Aug 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Christina PREISENDORF 03 Jul 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Preisendorf and Catharina Spady. She was born 03 Jul 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Nov 1923 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

1. Sept 2006: Another name used is: John Helzer, John Hoelzer

2. Oct 2006: The Helzers from Norka, Russia - By Ellen Campbell For The Independent Web-Posted Feb 18, 2005

ST. PAUL -- Among the multitudes of Germans emigrating to the United States from Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were John and Emma (Traudt) Helzer, who settled in Central Nebraska.

Today, Mamie Helzer Leth, 82, and her sister Frieda Helzer Oakeson, 84, are the last surviving children of Henry and Elizabeth Helzer. Henry was the oldest child of John and Emma, both born in Norka, Russia.

"They were all farmers," Mamie said of grandparents Henry and Emma, "and life was rough for them. Grandma Helzer was from a rich family and her parents didn't want her to marry our grandfather because he had little money. Families had to live together, two or three generations in one house."

Much of the family's history can be found in a Helzer-Trout family book compiled by Phyllis Lorene Helzer Pressler of North Platte, a cousin of Mamie and Frieda. Their early family story is similar to that of other Germans from Russia, which began with Russian Empress Catherine the Great in the 1700s.

The village of Norka was established on Aug. 15, 1767, with 957 inhabitants, people who had left the German regions of Hesse-Darmstadt and Hesse-Kassel the year before. It took the settlers a full year to travel from Germany to the Russian frontier, first sailing from the port of Lubeck to Kronstadt in Russia. After going overland for 200 miles, they continued the difficult journey on rafts down the Volga River, 1,100 miles to Saratov.

The last leg was by wagon over roadless expanses to village sites on the Russian frontier.

When assigned to a village, it was extremely difficult to change because the colonies were established on a commune basis, and land was assigned according to the number of males in each family. Once a village was established, newcomers were not welcome. So it is reasonable to assume the Helzers were among the first settlers of Norka.

It is probable there were many family lines of Helzer (originally spelled "Holzer") in Norka. When people in Germany first adopted surnames, they often chose the name of a thing or place in their vicinity, adding an "umlaut" to the vowel and an "er" at the end. The German word "Holz" means woods, and likely the families with the Holzer name were either woodcutters or lived in the woods.

A number of Helzer families eventually came to the Midwest. Most of those who settled in Central Nebraska are related to one another and can be traced back to another John Helzer, who was born in Norka on March 12, 1842.

However, the direct ancestors of the family branch of Frieda Oakeson and Mamie Leth were another John and his wife, Mary Emma Traudt (Americanized to "Trout"), both raised in Norka. The village was about the size of Central City, and was abolished by the Russians in 1946, long after the Helzers immigrated to the U.S. in the spring of 1892.

At that time they had two sons, Henry (father of Frieda Oakeson and Mamie Leth) and Phillip. John's brother Louie, who had come to America earlier, sent them tickets ($130) and acted as their sponsor, a necessary part of immigration. Taking a freight boat from Saratov, Russia, the family landed in New York three weeks later, then took a seven-day train trip to Grand Island.

John's first job was as a section hand for the Burlington Railroad. He was hired because he had a team of well-trained horses that would work without lines. John gave them verbal orders of "gee" and "haw." This job was in Edgemont, S.D., where their son Louie was born.

Deciding to return to Nebraska, the family made the trip in a covered wagon, which took about 30 days. They first located on a farm in Hamilton County, then went to a farm on Hall County land that later became part of the ordnance plant. They were renters on several other farms before buying a farm near Cairo in 1906.

John had taught himself to read and write English, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in Grand Island on Sept. 11, 1906.

Henry, father of Frieda Oakeson and Mamie Leth, was born in Norka and came to the United States with his parents at age 4. He married Elizabeth Bader on March 8, 1910, and the couple had six children: Emma, Albert, Walter, Martin, Frieda and Meta (called Mamie). Henry and Elizabeth raised their family on a farm in Gage Valley, located between St. Paul and Palmer.

In recalling family stories, Mamie's strongest impression was of the hard life the Germans had in Russia.

Grandmother Emma worked as a hired girl before marrying. She remembered the homes in Norka as being wooden, with papered walls and dirt floors covered with white sand. Her five brothers all came to America together, arriving on June 28, 1889. They embarked from Bremen, Germany.

Frieda recalled that the Henry Helzer family spoke German in the home until the oldest sister, Emma, started school. Their church services were also in German for many years.

"Emma didn't learn English until she went to school," Frieda said. "The other kids picked it up from her and also from our parents who, at that point, began speaking English in our home for the sake of their children. They had been told that in the United States, they had to speak English."

Frieda and Mamie didn't see their grandparents much. In those early days, it took awhile to get from rural Howard County to Grand Island, so the entire family didn't make the trip very often.

The above story uses much information from the Helzer-Trout family history book, which was compiled by Phyllis Lorene Helzer Pressler of North Platte.

Oct 2006: Email from Teri Helzer "The 1910 U.S. Census states 36 years of marriage for Johannes Helzer and Christina Helzer nee Preisendorf, so that would place their marriage as abt 1874. "

May 2010: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist on:

She has his birth as year 1942

Notes for Anna Marie (Amy) PREISENDORF:

Sept 2006: Another name used: Amy Preisendorf, Amy Helzer, Amaline Preisendorf, Anna Maria Preisendorf, Amaline Emma PREISENDORF, Amy Preisendorf, Emma Preisendorf, Emma Preisendorf

Notes for Christina PREISENDORF:

Sept 2006: Another spelling of name: Christina Mary PREISENDORF, Mary Preisendorf, Christina Preisendorf, Christina Mary Preisendorf

Children of Johannes HELZER and Anna PREISENDORF are:

935 i. Anna Maria7 HELZER, born 05 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart. "Per the Pleve chart, she married and moved to Balzer Colony."

Nov 2008: Also selled Anna Marie HELZER

936 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 23 Jun 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 937 iii. Johannes (John) HELZER, born 13 May 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Aug 1945 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

938 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 10 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 939 v. Ludwig Louis HELZER, born 26 Oct 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Dec 1941 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska.

940 vi. Christina Elisabeth HELZER, born 12 Jan 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Justus HOHNSTEIN 06 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Elisabeth HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

941 vii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 30 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

942 viii. Daughter HELZER, born Abt. 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Daughter HELZER:

Sept 2006: Daughter on Pleve chart. Died before Christening.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Christina PREISENDORF are:

+ 943 i. Philipp Peter7 HELZER, born 19 May 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 May 1944 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

944 ii. Daughter HELZER, born 10 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

945 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 03 Mar 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

946 iv. Daughter HELZER, born 13 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 947 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 28 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Feb 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 948 vi. Elisabeth HELZER, born 28 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Sep 1969 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

949 vii. Johannes HELZER, born 04 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

233. Heinrich6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Apr 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Sabina HELZER 04 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad HELZER and Catharina SCHAFER. She was born 22 Aug 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Maria Alt nee Hohnstein 28 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 24 Sep 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children are listed above under (154) Anna Sabina HELZER.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna Hohnstein are:

+ 950 i. Christina Margaretha7 HELZER, born 29 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

951 ii. Son HELZER, born 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

234. Johann Philipp6 HELZER (Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha SPADY 24 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Spady and Margaretha Schlitt. She was born 19 Oct 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Philipp HELZER:

Sept 2006: These numbers I can not read off the Helzer Pleve chart.

Oct 2008: Another spelling: Johann Philipp Holzer, Philipp Hoelzer, Philipp Hoelser

Notes for Margaretha SPADY:

Oct 2008: According to .

She was married both Heinrich Yost and Johann Philipp Helzer

Children of Johann HELZER and Margaretha SPADY are:

+ 952 i. Heinrich7 HELZER, born 20 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 953 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 11 Jun 1871 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

+ 954 iii. Alexander HELZER, born 14 Feb 1876 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia; died 11 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 955 iv. Philipp HELZER, born 03 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

956 v. Conrad HELZER, born 03 Jan 1879 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia; died 20 Apr 1890 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

957 vi. Peter HELZER, born 10 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Peter HELZER:

Jun 2012: Most likely, this is the Peter that was married to Catharina Elisabeth Burbach.

958 vii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 03 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

959 viii. Son HELZER, born 23 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

960 ix. Lydia HELZER, born 22 Apr 1901 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

236. Margaretha6 HELZER (Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Oct 1831 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Heinrich MAUL 03 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 06 Mar 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) ? Huck Abt. Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born Abt. 1830.

Notes for Margaretha HELZER:

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Children of Margaretha HELZER and Heinrich MAUL are:

+ 961 i. Johann Georg7 MAUL, born 09 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

962 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Maul, born 29 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

963 iii. Christina Elisabeth Maul, born 07 Aug 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Nov 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

964 iv. Elisabeth Maul, born 13 Nov 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 965 v. Conrad Maul, born 01 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 966 vi. Anna Maria Maul, born 20 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

967 vii. Johannes Maul, born 19 Oct 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jul 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

968 viii. Catharina Maul, born 14 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Lehl 07 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 17 Dec 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

969 ix. Magdalena Maul, born 06 Mar 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Traudt 22 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 04 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

970 x. Rudolph Maul, born 25 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 May 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

971 xi. Anna Elisabeth Maul, born 25 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 972 xii. Johannes Maul, born 10 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 973 xiii. Elisabeth Maul, born 29 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Margaretha HELZER and ? Huck is:

+ 974 i. Dorothea7 Huck, born 30 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

237. Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER (Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Oct 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Philipp BLUM 27 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 15 Dec 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

2002: Original entry from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Sept 2008: On the 1834 Census of Norka in the District of Saratov, Russia # 61.

Sept 2008: Added her children from a match on -

Apr 2009: Another spelling of her name: Anna Elisabeth Hoelzer, Added children.

Children of Anna HELZER and Philipp BLUM are:

975 i. Johannes7 Blum, born 07 Jul 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 976 ii. Heinrich Blum, born 12 Aug 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 977 iii. Catharina Blum, born 15 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

978 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Blum, born 06 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 979 v. Sebastian Blum, born 06 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

980 vi. Nicolaus Blum, born 05 Dec 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Apr 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

981 vii. Peter Blum, born 22 Jul 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Sterrel; born 23 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

982 viii. Alexander Blum, born 28 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 983 ix. Sophia Blum, born 19 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

984 x. Christina Blum, born 03 Aug 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 985 xi. Johannes Blum, born 08 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jan 1972 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

240. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Sep 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Nov 1907. He married Margaretha Sauer 03 Jan 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Sauer and Anna Helzer. She was born 25 Jan 1836 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Jul 1917.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

Sept 2006: Per the Pleve Helzer chart, they "moved to America Jan 10, 1898."

Sept 2008: Death date from

Notes for Margaretha Sauer:

Sept 2008: Added her parents and death date from from

Children of Johann HELZER and Margaretha Sauer are:

986 i. Catharina7 HELZER, born 17 Jun 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

987 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 16 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jan 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 988 iii. Alice Elizabeth HELZER, born 10 Apr 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Apr 1948 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

989 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 01 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

990 v. Wilhelm HELZER, born 24 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Aug 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

991 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 03 Jun 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

992 vii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 14 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

993 viii. Heinrich HELZER, born 09 Oct 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

994 ix. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 20 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

995 x. Anna Catharina HELZER, born 11 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jun 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

996 xi. Johannes HELZER, born 30 May 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jun 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

997 xii. Philipp HELZER, born 14 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jul 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

998 xiii. Jacob HELZER, born 15 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

241. Nicolaus6 HELZER (Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jun 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth HELZER 29 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich HELZER and Maria ALT. She was born 23 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (195) Anna Elisabeth HELZER.

244. Catharina6 HELZER (Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Sep 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes MAUL 23 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 08 Oct 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Aug 2009: Added her children and death date.

Another spelling: Catharina Hoelzer

Children of Catharina HELZER and Johannes MAUL are:

999 i. Heinrich7 Maul, born 29 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1000 ii. Johann Georg Maul, born 04 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1001 iii. Margaretha Maul, born 20 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1002 iv. Catharina Magdalena Maul, born 24 Sep 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1003 v. Johann George Maul, born 13 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1004 vi. Child Maul, born 25 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1005 vii. Catharina Maria Maul, born 09 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1006 viii. Heinrich Conrad Maul, born 17 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1007 ix. Catharina Maul, born 22 May 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1008 x. Johann Conrad Maul, born 22 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

257. Johann Nicolaus6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Dec 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Apr 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Dorothea Klaus 30 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Klaus and Margaretha Vogler. She was born 14 Jan 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea Klaus:

Feb 2009: Dorothea Claus

Children of Johann HELZER and Dorothea Klaus are:

1009 i. Catharina7 HELZER, born 14 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes HARTUNG 04 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 25 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HARTUNG:

May 2009: Another spelling Johannes KARTUNG

1010 ii. Louise HELZER, born 21 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1011 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 22 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1012 iv. Martin HELZER, born 16 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Oct 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1013 v. Elisabeth HELZER, born 17 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1014 vi. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 20 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1015 vii. Peter HELZER, born 19 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1016 viii. Conrad HELZER, born 04 May 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1017 ix. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 30 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Apr 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1018 x. Ludwig HELZER, born 27 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1958 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 1019 xi. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 25 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1020 xii. Catharina Helzer, born 10 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1021 xiii. Magdalena HELZER, born 05 Nov 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1022 xiv. Catharina HELZER, born 13 Mar 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1903 she moved to America."

1023 xv. Catharina HELZER, born 10 Sep 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1024 xvi. Nicolaus HELZER, born 08 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

258. Johannes6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Dec 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena SAUER 02 Feb 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Sauer and Anna Helzer. She was born 31 Mar 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Mar 2006: There are many children on the Pleve chart that died young, I have not listed them.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Magdalena SAUER are:

+ 1025 i. Nicholas7 HELZER, born 28 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1026 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 22 Aug 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1027 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 28 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 May 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1028 iv. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 24 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1029 v. Son HELZER, born 26 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1030 vi. Philipp HELZER, born 08 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jul 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1031 vii. Johannes HELZER, born 09 May 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Oct 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1032 viii. Christian HELZER, born 29 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Nov 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1033 ix. Daughter HELZER, born 27 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1034 x. Christina HELZER, born 29 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1035 xi. Peter HELZER, born 03 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Mar 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1036 xii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 22 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

259. Ludwig6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Apr 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina SCHNEIDER 27 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Schneider and Elisabeth Nolde. She was born 13 Oct 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Christina SCHNEIDER are:

+ 1037 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 14 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1038 ii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 05 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1039 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 19 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1040 iv. Johann Georg HELZER, born 29 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Mar 1959 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

1041 v. Anna Maria HELZER, born 16 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

260. Philipp6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Feb 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth HAHN 06 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 13 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Philipp HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Mar 2006: Many children died young, they are not listed.

Children of Philipp HELZER and Elisabeth HAHN are:

1042 i. Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 05 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

1043 ii. Ludwig HELZER, born 21 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1044 iii. Ludwig HELZER, born 15 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1045 iv. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 22 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Nov 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1046 v. Johann Georg HELZER, born 25 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1047 vi. Heinrich HELZER, born 02 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Sep 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1048 vii. Nicolaus HELZER, born 20 Oct 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1049 viii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 27 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

264. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Oct 1927 in Fort Morgan, Morgan, Colorado. He married Catharina GLANTZ 02 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 06 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Mar 1907 in Loveland, Colorado.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart

Sept 2008: Added death dates. .

George Helzer, George Hoelzer, George Holzer

Notes for Catharina GLANTZ:

Nov 2006: Another spelling of the name - Catharina GLANZ

Sept 2008: Added death dates. .

Children of Johann HELZER and Catharina GLANTZ are:

+ 1050 i. Conrad George7 HELZER, born 26 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1958 in Ventura, California.

+ 1051 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 28 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Mar 1950 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

1052 iii. Margaretha HELZER, born 01 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Nov 1930. She married Alex Deines 22 Dec 1912 in America; born Abt. 1892.

Notes for Margaretha HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death date. .

Notes for Alex Deines:

Oct 2006: Alex Deines added per .

+ 1053 iv. Johann Georg HELZER, born 18 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jan 1975 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming.

1054 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 18 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Nov 1899 in Kearney, Nebraska.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has him born 13 Jun 1898. Died in Kearney, NE.

Burial: Alexandria, Thayer, Nebraska.

+ 1055 vi. Heinrich Helzer, born 05 Sep 1900 in Kearney, Nebraska; died 13 Sep 1929 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

+ 1056 vii. Phillip Helzer, born 22 Jun 1902 in Eaton, Weld, Colorado; died 09 Sep 1974 in Casper, Natrona, Wyoming.

1057 viii. Ludwig Louis Helzer, born 27 Mar 1904 in Eaton, Weld, Colorado; died 05 Apr 1977. He married Maria Eva Yost; born 24 Sep 1909 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska; died 11 Sep 1988.

Notes for Ludwig Louis Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Sept 2009: The site

has a birth date of 3 March 1904.

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Louis 3/27/1904 4/5/1977 Owner: Eva B Helzer

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Dec 2009: Per the cenetery records above, I have changed the birthdate from Mar 29 to Mar 27.

Notes for Maria Eva Yost:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Eva 3/27/1909 9/11/1988 Owner: Eva B Helzer

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

1058 ix. Elisabeth Helzer, born 1905 in Eaton, Weld, Colorado; died Abt. 1905 in Eaton, Weld, Colorado.

Notes for Elisabeth Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added child from Ruth Schultz's site.

1059 x. William Helzer, born Mar 1907 in Loveland, Larimar, Colorado; died Abt. 1908 in Loveland, Larimar, Colorado.

Notes for William Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added child from Ruth Schultz's site.

266. Wilhelm6 HELZER (Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Apr 1843 in Balzer Colony, Russia. He married Catharina Maria MAIER 17 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria MAIER:

The name Catharina was added per LDS website. Pleve chart does not show the name Catharina.

Children of Wilhelm HELZER and Catharina MAIER are:

1060 i. Johann Jacob7 HELZER, born 06 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1061 ii. Nicholaus HELZER, born 02 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1062 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 19 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2008: I think this is the Margaret Giebelhaus born 1871.

1063 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 19 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

2006: LDS website has the birthdate: 19 DEC 1870 Same as Johannes.

Dr. Pleve's chart doesn't show this.

1064 v. Alexander HELZER, born 21 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

267. Johannes6 HELZER (Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Jul 1845 in Balzer Colony, Russia. He married Anna Catharina LEHL 25 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Oct 2006: Pleve the Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1891 they moved to America"

Notes for Anna Catharina LEHL:

Mar 2006: Updated the spelling of the name from Anna Catharina (?) Hehl to Anna Catharina Lehl per .

Children of Johannes HELZER and Anna LEHL are:

1065 i. Infant7 HELZER, born 17 Apr 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1066 ii. Wilhelm HELZER, born 11 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1067 iii. Christina Elisabeth HELZER, born 16 Mar 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1068 iv. Justus HELZER, born 25 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Justus HELZER:

Apr 2009: Fixed spelling of his name from Tustus HELZER

1069 v. Martin HELZER, born 25 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1070 vi. Johann Georg HELZER, born 26 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1071 vii. Ludwig HELZER, born 06 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1949 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1072 viii. Catharina Christina HELZER, born 15 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1073 ix. Heinrich HELZER, born 24 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1074 x. Heinrich HELZER, born 30 Mar 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

269. Johann Peter6 HELZER (Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Aug 1849 in Balzer Colony, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth WACKER 01 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 24 Oct 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Peter HELZER:

Jan 2006: Per Wacker Pleve chart "They moved to America Nov 6, 1887"

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "Nov 6, 1887 they moved to America"

Children of Johann HELZER and Anna WACKER are:

1075 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 15 Nov 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1076 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 29 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1077 iii. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 07 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1078 iv. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 12 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1079 v. Maria Catharina HELZER, born 01 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1080 vi. Heinrich HELZER, born 11 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1081 vii. Margaretha HELZER, born 25 Oct 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1082 viii. Amalie HELZER, born 13 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

271. Nicolaus6 HELZER (Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena Elisabeth SCHMER 17 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann SCHMER and Christina Urbach. She was born 27 Jul 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicolaus HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart - "In 1891 they moved to America"

Children of Nicolaus HELZER and Magdalena SCHMER are:

1083 i. Wilhelm7 HELZER, born 19 Apr 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1084 ii. Catharina Sophia HELZER, born 31 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1085 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 29 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1086 iv. Johann Georg HELZER, born 02 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1087 v. Heinrich Peter HELZER, born 09 Dec 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1088 vi. Christina HELZER, born 07 Jul 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

274. Heinrich6 HELZER (Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Feb 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Sophia HELZER 21 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes HELZER and Catharina BRILL. She was born 09 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1891 they moved to America"

Child of Heinrich HELZER and Sophia HELZER is:

1089 i. Jacob7 HELZER, born 31 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

277. Elisabeth6 Schleuning (Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jul 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 19 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Biehn 15 Nov 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Aug 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Schleuning and Johannes Biehn are:

+ 1090 i. Peter7 Biehn, born 07 Jul 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1091 ii. Heinrich Adam Biehn, born 06 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jun 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1092 iii. Catharina Margaretha Biehn, born 22 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1093 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Biehn, born 01 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1094 v. Anna Elisabeth Biehn, born 06 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1095 vi. Conrad Biehn, born 12 Nov 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Helena Farius 11 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 23 Jan 1886 in Kukkus, Samara, Volga, Russia.

Notes for Helena Farius:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Helena Fazius

1096 vii. Frierich Biehn, born 12 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1097 viii. Catharina Biehn, born 07 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

279. Catharina6 Schleuning (Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Catharina Schleuning is:

1098 i. Heinrich7 Schleuning, born 23 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

281. Anna Maria6 Schleuning (Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Feb 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Ludwig Reich 28 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 27 Sep 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Schleuning and Ludwig Reich are:

1099 i. Johann Georg7 Reich, born 29 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1100 ii. Philipp Conrad Reich, born 06 Nov 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Dec 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1101 iii. Catharina Margaretha Reich, born 25 Oct 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1102 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Reich, born 08 Dec 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1103 v. Heinrich Adam Reich, born 25 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1104 vi. Johann Wilhelm Reich, born 09 May 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1105 vii. Jacob Reich, born 15 Jun 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

284. Ludwig6 HELZER (Adam5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha PAULEY 05 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 06 Jun 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha PAULEY:

Oct 2008: Margaretha Pauly, Margaret Pauly, Margaret Pauley

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Margaretha PAULEY are:

1106 i. Johannes7 HELZER, born 05 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Aug 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1107 ii. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 06 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Mar 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1108 iii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 05 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Apr 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1109 iv. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 21 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1110 v. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 22 Jun 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

288. Johannes6 HELZER (Adam5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth HARTUNG 26 Dec 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 17 Aug 1871 in Lauck Colony, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HARTUNG:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart, it says she is from another colony. But I can not read it.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Elisabeth HARTUNG are:

1111 i. Johann Conrad7 HELZER, born 02 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1112 ii. Christina Elisabeth HELZER, born 22 Jan 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Oct 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1113 iii. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 11 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1114 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 01 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jun 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1115 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 18 Nov 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jul 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1116 vi. Johann Georg HELZER, born 07 Apr 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1117 vii. Maria HELZER, born 27 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1118 viii. Heinrich HELZER, born 20 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

289. Christina Sophia6 HELZER (Adam5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich BREHM 21 Jan 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad BREHM and Margaretha Reispich. He was born 20 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Sophia HELZER:

name also spelled: Christina Sophia Holzer; Christina Sophia Hoelzer

Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Christina Sophia Helzer (b. 5 Feb 1869) is the wife of my half cousin, twice removed, Heinrich Brehm (b. 20 Aug. 1870)."

Child of Christina HELZER and Heinrich BREHM is:

1119 i. Wilhelm7 Brehm, born 07 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Wilhelm Brehm:

Sept 2003: Child added per Don Spence book.

292. Sophia6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich HELZER 21 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Peter HELZER and Maria KELLER. He was born 23 Feb 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1891 they moved to America"

Child is listed above under (274) Heinrich HELZER.

294. Catharina6 HELZER (Johannes5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Heinrich NAGEL 11 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 09 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Bef. Apr 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Wilhelm Reispich 30 Apr 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 21 Sep 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Questions on year of birth.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Wilhelm Reispich are:

1120 i. Anna Elisabeth7 Reispich, born 20 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Aug 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1121 ii. Conrad Reispich, born 02 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1122 iii. Augusta Reispich, born 08 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1123 iv. Magdalena Reispich, born 05 Jun 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1124 v. Conrad Reispich, born 05 Jul 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

301. Johann Georg6 HELZER (Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth LUFT 25 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 25 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Johann HELZER and Catharina LUFT is:

1125 i. Heinrich7 HELZER, born 06 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

302. Nicolaus6 HELZER (Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Jun 1937 in St. Clair Co, Michigan. He married Amelia Schwabauer Abt. 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Martin Schwabauer and Catharina Shaner. She was born 16 Apr 1883 in Russia, and died 10 Oct 1921 in St. Clair Co, Michigan.

Notes for Nicolaus HELZER:

Nov 2008: Email from Janet Arnott on

Feb 2009: Received email from Janet Arnott.

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

I added his death information.

Arrival: 02 Feb 1911; Philadelphia, PA

Custom: Russia

Departure: Liverpool, England

Residence: 1930, Flynn, Sanilac, Michigan

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Bachschmidt Landenburg with information on her family.

Notes for Amelia Schwabauer:

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Landenburg.

"Amelia was pregnant with my grandmother Mary, she then had four more children, Nicholas, Katherine, Henry and Johnny. They lived in Capac, St. Clair County Michigan, Amelia died in child birth, due the negligence of the doctor, who was drunk. The baby Fredia died at birth. The doctor was found dead the next day due to an apparent suicide."

Children of Nicolaus HELZER and Amelia Schwabauer are:

+ 1126 i. George7 Helzer, born 18 Nov 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Jan 1996 in Oakland Co, Michigan.

+ 1127 ii. Lydia Helzer, born 01 May 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Sep 1995 in Oakland Co, Michigan.

+ 1128 iii. Mary Marie Helzer, born 20 Jul 1911 in Saginaw, Michigan; died 17 Nov 2004 in Smiths Creek, Saint Clair, Michigan.

+ 1129 iv. Nicholas Nick Helzer, born 13 Nov 1912 in Saginaw, Michigan; died 11 Oct 1997 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

+ 1130 v. Katherine Elizabeth Helzer, born 01 Jul 1914 in Michigan; died 14 Feb 1997 in Oakland Co, Michigan.

1131 vi. Henry Helzer, born 17 May 1916 in Michigan; died 29 Mar 1989 in Mio, Oscoda, Michigan. He married Mavis Cecelia VanLoon; born 15 Jun 1918 in Michigan; died 15 Dec 2003 in Mio, Oscoda, Michigan.

Notes for Henry Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Arnott with information on her family.

I added this child from her information.

Residence: Comins, Oscoda, Michigan

Notes for Mavis Cecelia VanLoon:

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Vandenberg. "My Aunt Mavis, who was married to Henry tried to find one of his brother's back in the 1960's, he was thought to be in Wyoming."

+ 1132 vii. John Helzer, born Dec 1917 in Capac, St Clair Co, Michigan.

1133 viii. Fredia Helzer, born 10 Oct 1921 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; died 10 Oct 1921 in St. Clair Co, Michigan.

306. Johannes6 Reispich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Mar 1835 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Margaretha Weigandt 29 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 02 Jul 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Reispich and Catharina Weigandt are:

1134 i. Georg Conrad7 Reispich, born 26 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1135 ii. Heinrich Carl Reispich, born 05 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1136 iii. Johannes Reispich, born 01 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1137 iv. Johann Alexander Reispich, born 24 Jun 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1138 v. Wilhelm Reispich, born 13 Mar 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 May 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1139 vi. Elisabeth Reispich, born 30 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

308. Johann Conrad6 Reispich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Nov 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Barbara Laufer 02 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Jul 1836 in Messer, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Johann Reispich and Elisabeth Laufer are:

+ 1140 i. Heinrich7 Reispich, born 10 Dec 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1141 ii. Peter Reispich, born 10 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1142 iii. Johannes Reispich, born 15 Mar 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1143 iv. Johann Georg Reispich, born 03 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

309. Heinrich6 Reispich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Apr 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Giebelhaus 09 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Adam Giebelhaus and Maria Schreiber. She was born 02 Mar 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Reispich and Anna Giebelhaus are:

1144 i. Ludwig7 Reispich, born 10 Jul 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Oct 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1145 ii. Margaretha Reispich, born 15 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1146 iii. Elisabeth Reispich, born 20 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Preisendorf 06 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 22 Jun 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1147 iv. Heinrich Adam Reispich, born 18 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Mar 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1148 v. Georg Reispich, born 23 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1149 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Reispich, born 03 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1150 vii. Heinrich Reispich, born 18 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Oct 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1151 viii. Catharina Reispich, born 08 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1152 ix. Anna Maria Reispich, born 01 Jul 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

310. Catharina Heinrich nee6 Reuspich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Johann Georg Heinrich 21 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 08 May 1834 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Johannes Weitzel 25 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Weitzel and Catharina Knish. He was born 09 Jul 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Weitzel:

Mar 2008: Email received form Ruth Schultz 2nd spouse.

"The family came to America in 1892 on the Oldenburg 14 April 1892. The Oldenburg must have been making regular runs because it also arrived in January with others from Norka."

Immigration: Although Dr. Pleve indicates that he left Norka in 1892 with his family, he is not on the SS Oldenberg’s ship’s list with his children. This can probably be accounted for because his wife, Anna Maria Yost, died 21 Mar 1892 just before the family was to leave for the USA. He married his second wife, Catharina Heinrich nee Reuspich on 25 Oct 1892 in Norka. They probably went to the USA shortly after the wedding. He was in Grand Island, Nebraska, at his son, Jacob’s marriage to Magdalena (Lena) Weitzel 4 March 1900. He had to give permission for Jacob to be married because Jacob was only 20 years of age.

Children of Catharina Reuspich and Johann Heinrich are:

+ 1153 i. Elisabeth7 Heinrich, born 26 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Sep 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1154 ii. Sophia Heinrich, born 24 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1155 iii. Louise Heinrich, born 29 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1156 iv. Johann Georg Heinrich, born 28 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1157 v. Johannes Heinrich, born 28 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1158 vi. Margaretha Heinrich, born 22 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1159 vii. Ludwig Heinrich, born 25 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1160 viii. Anna Maria Heinrich, born 11 Mar 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1161 ix. Anna Margaretha Heinrich, born 11 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1162 x. Heinrich Heinrich, born 11 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jul 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1163 xi. Catharina Elisabeth Heinrich, born 05 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1164 xii. Catharina Heinrich, born 30 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1165 xiii. Christina Heinrich, born 02 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jul 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

311. Ludwig6 Reispich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 May 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina Elisabeth Hohnstein 10 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 06 Apr 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina Weber 01 Nov 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 26 Jul 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Ludwig Reispich and Catharina Hohnstein are:

1166 i. Conrad7 Reispich, born 06 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1167 ii. Catharina Margaretha Reispich, born 06 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1168 iii. Johannes Reispich, born 07 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Spady 06 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 27 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1169 iv. Heinrich Reispich, born 15 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 May 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1170 v. Louise Elisabeth Reispich, born 03 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1171 vi. Catharina Margaretha Reispich, born 14 Aug 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1172 vii. Heinrich Reispich, born 22 Nov 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Ludwig Reispich and Catharina Weber are:

1173 i. Christina7 Reispich, born 20 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1174 ii. Margaretha Reispich, born 01 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

313. Margaretha6 Reispich (Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes HELZER 03 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes HELZER and Margaretha REUSCHER. He was born 17 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Reispich:

Another spelling of her name: Margaretha REUSPICH

Children of Margaretha Reispich and Johannes HELZER are:

1175 i. Catharina Elisabeth7 HELZER, born 02 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1176 ii. Christina HELZER, born 29 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1177 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 11 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1178 iv. Johannes HELZER, born 04 Nov 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1179 v. Christina HELZER, born 08 Nov 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1180 vi. Heinrich HELZER, born 14 Aug 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Nov 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1181 vii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 21 Sep 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1182 viii. Jacob HELZER, born 25 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Generation No. 7

318. Magdalena7 Yeager (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Lorenz Muller 15 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Peter Muller and Catharina HELZER. He was born 12 Aug 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Magdalena Yeager and Lorenz Muller are:

1183 i. Johannes8 Muller, born 24 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1184 ii. Amalie Anna Elisabeth Muller, born 12 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1185 iii. Johann Georg Muller, born 23 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

319. Philipp7 Yeager (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jul 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Krieger 22 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Feb 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 May 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Philipp Yeager and Elisabeth Krieger are:

1186 i. Elisabeth8 Yeager, born 01 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jan 1906 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1187 ii. Margaretha Yeager, born 15 May 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1188 iii. Catharina Yeager, born 15 Jun 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Mar 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1189 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Yeager, born 03 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1190 v. Conrad Yeager, born 08 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1191 vi. Heinrich Yeager, born 17 Sep 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1192 vii. Catharina Yeager, born 13 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Jun 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1193 viii. Christina Elisabeth Yeager, born 20 May 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

321. Elisabeth7 Yeager (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Pfenning 23 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad PFENNING and Catharina HELZER. He was born 15 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Yeager and Johann Pfenning are:

1194 i. Philipp8 Pfenning, born 02 Oct 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1195 ii. Elisabeth Pfenning, born 30 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1196 iii. Anna Catharina Pfenning, born 16 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1197 iv. Heinrich Pfenning, born 10 Jul 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1198 v. Johann Georg Pfenning, born 28 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Pauline Glantz 20 Dec 1926; born 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jun 1975 in York, York, Nebraska.

Notes for Johann Georg Pfenning:

Another spelling of his name: George Pfenning

Notes for Pauline Glantz:

Apr 2009: Oriiginally had New York as death. s/b York, NE

323. Elisabeth7 Lofink (Magdalena6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Nov 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Scheidemann 28 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Georg Scheidemann and Christina Schreiner. He was born 12 Feb 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Lofink and Heinrich Scheidemann are:

1199 i. Child8 Scheidemann, born 19 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1200 ii. Christina Maria Scheidemann, born 11 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1201 iii. Margaretha Elisabeth Scheidemann, born 27 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1202 iv. Heinrich Scheidemann, born 01 Nov 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

330. Margaretha7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Peter Brehm 14 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad BREHM and Anna Popp. He was born 13 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Margaretha Muller and Georg Brehm are:

1203 i. Still Born Son8 Brehm, born 14 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1204 ii. Jacob Brehm, born 31 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1205 iii. Catharina Amalie Brehm, born 11 Nov 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Mar 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1206 iv. Magdalena Brehm, born 13 Oct 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Deines 15 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 22 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1207 v. Johann Georg Brehm, born 22 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1208 vi. Christina Elisabeth Brehm, born 27 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1209 vii. Catharina Maria Brehm, born 02 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

More About Catharina Maria Brehm:

Comment 1: I can't read the birth date.

1210 viii. Margaretha Brehm, born 15 Jul 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1211 ix. Peter Brehm, born 19 Jul 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1212 x. Philipp Brehm, born 28 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jun 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

334. Jacob7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Mar 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Weidenkeller 02 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 30 Jan 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Jacob Muller and Elisabeth Weidenkeller are:

1213 i. Maria Elisabeth8 Muller, born 20 Mar 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Albrecht 12 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 22 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1214 ii. Christina Muller, born 23 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1215 iii. Elisabeth Muller, born 07 Oct 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1216 iv. Magdalena Muller, born 09 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

335. Anna Maria7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Burbach 09 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 21 Feb 1865 in Balzer, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 1933 in Archangel, Russia.

Children of Anna Muller and Heinrich Burbach are:

1217 i. Heinrich8 Burbach, born 20 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1960 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Margaretha Elisabeth Amalia Muller 19 Jul 1913 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; born 28 Jul 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Mar 1976 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

1218 ii. Elisabeth Burbach, born Abt. 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1219 iii. Jacob Burbach, born 24 Jan 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Oct 1990 in Kazachstan, Russia. He married Lydia Herter 1922 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 28 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Feb 1988 in Kazachstan, Russia.

1220 iv. Maria Burbach, born Abt. 1900 in Balanda, Samara, Volga, Russia.

1221 v. Wilhelm Burbach, born 1904 in Balanda, Samara, Volga, Russia; died in Kasachstan, Russia. He married Catharina ? 1922; born Abt. 1905 in Balanda, Samara, Volga, Russia.

338. Ludwig7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1913 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Catharina Elisabeth Repp 14 Feb 1894 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, daughter of Heinrich Repp and Margaretha Fink. She was born 05 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Oct 1953 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Children of Ludwig Muller and Catharina Repp are:

1222 i. Christina8 Muller, born Dec 1894 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

1223 ii. Elisabeth Muller, born Sep 1896 in Portland, Multnomah, OregonPortland, Multnomah, Oregon.

1224 iii. Heinrich Muller, born Sep 1898 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

345. Catharina Margaretha7 YOST (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad HELZER 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes HELZER and Elisabeth JORG. He was born 20 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Margaretha YOST:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

Children of Catharina YOST and Conrad HELZER are:

1225 i. Johann Conrad8 HELZER, born 26 Nov 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Conrad HELZER:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

1226 ii. Christina HELZER, born 07 Nov 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

+ 1227 iii. Jacob Helzer, born 1902 in Eaton, Colorado; died 1987.

1228 iv. Adam Helzer, born Abt. 1905.

Notes for Adam Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

1229 v. George Helzer, born Abt. 1907.

Notes for George Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

1230 vi. Fritz Helzer, born Abt. 1908.

Notes for Fritz Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

1231 vii. Ben Helzer, born Abt. 1910.

Notes for Ben Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

1232 viii. Esther Helzer, born Abt. 1912.

Notes for Esther Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

1233 ix. Lydia Helzer, born Abt. 1914.

Notes for Lydia Helzer:

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

Added this child per Karen's post. Looks like the right place.

355. Johannes7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Feb 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina Elisabeth GRUN 21 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Grun and Anna Repp. She was born 01 Oct 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 May 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Catharina Magdalena SCHLEICHER 07 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Jun 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth GRUN:

Name also spelled: Gruen, Grun with an umlaut on the U

Catharina Elisabeth Green, Katherine Elizabeth Green, Catharina Elisabeth Gruen

Notes for Catharina Magdalena SCHLEICHER:

Sept 2008: Her maiden name could be Catharina Magdalena Grun. There are sites where this is her last name. (Catharina Magdalena Green)

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina GRUN are:

1234 i. Philipp8 HELZER, born 14 Jun 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1235 ii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 03 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1236 iii. Peter HELZER, born 03 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1237 iv. Elisabeth Margaretha HELZER, born 05 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1238 v. Sophia HELZER, born 03 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich GOBEL 26 Jan 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 14 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich GOBEL:

Another spelling: Heinrich Goebel

1239 vi. Elisabeth HELZER, born 11 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "In 1899 she moved to America" This seems young, but I think it is what it says.

1240 vii. Christina HELZER, born 19 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1241 viii. Georg Heinrich HELZER, born 14 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1242 ix. Amalie HELZER, born 05 May 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1243 x. Johannes HELZER, born 04 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1244 xi. Louise HELZER, born 08 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 May 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina SCHLEICHER are:

1245 i. Johannes8 HELZER, born 03 Apr 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1246 ii. Paulina Catharina HELZER, born 26 Sep 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Nov 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1247 iii. Nicolaus HELZER, born 02 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

357. Adam7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Feb 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 Jun 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth LOFINK 29 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 03 Sep 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth LOFINK:

2007: Anna Elisabeth LOHFINK

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna LOFINK are:

1248 i. Catharina Christina8 HELZER, born 16 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1249 ii. Margaretha Elisabeth HELZER, born 19 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Nov 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1250 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 19 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Aug 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

361. Georg Heinrich7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina TRAUDT 17 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Georg Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "In 1902 they moved to America"

Children of Georg HELZER and Christina TRAUDT are:

1251 i. Anna Catharina8 HELZER, born 22 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1252 ii. Johannes HELZER, born 01 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1253 iii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 09 Mar 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1254 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 31 May 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1255 v. Constantin HELZER, born 04 Mar 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1256 vi. Anna Maria HELZER, born 03 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1257 vii. Magdalena HELZER, born 16 Dec 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

362. Heinrich7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina KRIEGER 24 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: per Helzer Pleve chart "In 1899 they moved to America"

Child of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina KRIEGER is:

1258 i. Johann8 HELZER, born Abt. 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

364. Anna Catharina7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Aug 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes KNEISS 01 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Jul 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes KNEISS:

Another spelling: Johannes KNIKS

Child of Anna HELZER and Johannes KNEISS is:

1259 i. Catharina Helzer8 KNEISS, born 13 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Helzer KNEISS:

Another spelling Catharina Helzer KNIKS

381. Magdalena7 HELZER (Jacob6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Oct 1962 in Brush, Morgan, Colorado. She married Johann Georg Blum 06 Feb 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 23 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Jul 1971 in Brush, Morgan, Colorado.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

Jun 2012: Added family

Child of Magdalena HELZER and Johann Blum is:

1260 i. Johann Georg8 Blum, born 08 Sep 1909 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Mar 1977 in Brush, Morgan, Colorado. He married ? Becker; born Abt. 1910.

388. Catharina7 Helzer (Johannes6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Nov 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann George Weidenkeller 02 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 01 Aug 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Helzer:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

Apr 2009: Children are from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Johann George Weidenkeller:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. This spouse was on .

Children of Catharina Helzer and Johann Weidenkeller are:

1261 i. Elisabeth8 Weidenkeller, born 16 Jun 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1262 ii. Johann Heinrich Weidenkeller, born 30 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1263 iii. Maria Elisabeth Weidenkeller, born 14 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Schnell 06 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 10 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1264 iv. Johann Conrad Weidenkeller, born 30 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1265 v. Catharina Elisabeth Weidenkeller, born 17 Jun 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1266 vi. Conrad Weidenkeller, born 20 Jun 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1267 vii. Peter Weidenkeller, born 30 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Sep 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1268 viii. Catharina Christina Weidenkeller, born 23 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1269 ix. Elisabeth Weidenkeller, born 29 Jul 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1270 x. Jacob Weidenkeller, born 31 Jan 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jun 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1271 xi. Louise Weidenkeller, born 13 Jun 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1272 xii. Johann Georg Weidenkeller, born 27 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1273 xiii. Johann Georg Weidenkeller, born 08 Sep 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1274 xiv. Johannes Weidenkeller, born 08 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

389. Johannes7 Helzer (Johannes6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Nov 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena Backer Abt. 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Oct 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Helzer:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. These parents and children were on .

Notes for Magdalena Backer:

May 2012: Another spelling of her name Magdalena BÄCKER

Children of Johannes Helzer and Magdalena Backer are:

1275 i. Heinrich8 Helzer, born 23 Mar 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1276 ii. Johann Georg Helzer, born 16 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1277 iii. Johannes Helzer, born 02 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1278 iv. Catharina Helzer, born 01 Jun 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

390. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha HELZER 17 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes HELZER and Elisabeth JORG. She was born 26 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart as spouse, not as a child. He was NOT on as a child.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha HELZER are:

1279 i. Anna Elisabeth8 Helzer, born 20 Sep 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth Helzer:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. Per

1280 ii. Amalie Helzer, born 03 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Amalie Helzer:

Oct 2006: Not on the Helzer Pleve chart. Per

391. Anna Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johannes6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Wilhelm HELZER 30 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann HELZER and Margaretha WEIDENKELLER. He was born 21 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart as spouse, not as a child.

Child of Anna HELZER and Wilhelm HELZER is:

1281 i. Johann Heinrich8 HELZER, born 24 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

398. Heinrich H7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Sep 1936 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Catharina (Kate) HELZER 28 Feb 1891 in Nebraska, daughter of Johannes HELZER and Elizabeth HAUSER. She was born 28 Jul 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Aug 1945 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Catharina (Kate) HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death date from

Children of Heinrich Helzer and Catharina HELZER are:

1282 i. Leah8 Helzer, born 23 Dec 1891. She married William Adam Huget, Jr. 15 Sep 1909; born Abt. 1890.

1283 ii. John Helzer, born 1893; died 1893.

1284 iii. Rachel Helzer, born 1896; died 1896.

1285 iv. Rachel Helzer, born Jan 1898 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died Jul 1976.

1286 v. Helen Helzer, born 1900; died 1981.

1287 vi. Theodore Helzer, born 1901; died 1901.

1288 vii. Theodore Roosevelt Helzer, born 1902 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Nellie Lucille Blake 19 Jan 1926; born Abt. 1904.

Notes for Theodore Roosevelt Helzer:

Sept 2008: Another spelling - Theodore Roosevelt Helser

1289 viii. Walter Lawrence Helzer, born 02 Dec 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Bernice Frances Helzer 27 Nov 1926; born Abt. 1905.

1290 ix. Edward Raymond Helzer, born 25 Dec 1906 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Virginia Rose Elspas 30 Aug 1930; born Abt. 1907.

1291 x. Henry William (Helser) Helzer, born 24 Mar 1909 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Evelyn Edith Edwards 27 Apr 1929; born Abt. 1910.

+ 1292 xi. Roy Herman Helzer, born Abt. 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died Abt. 1994.

1293 xii. Morris Rodney Helzer, born 13 Jul 1913 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1294 xiii. Ruth Helzer, born Abt. 1914 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

399. Magdalena (Lena)7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Sep 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Nov 1942 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) John Schinaman 1895, son of John Schinaman and Elisabeth Spady. He was born 15 Aug 1869 in Russia, and died 21 Nov 1929 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (2) John Harms Abt. 1910. He was born Abt. 1868.

Child of Magdalena Helzer and John Schinaman is:

+ 1295 i. Letha8 Schinaman, born 13 Oct 1897 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 29 Mar 1947 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Children of Magdalena Helzer and John Harms are:

1296 i. ?8 Harms, born Abt. 1912.

1297 ii. ? Harms, born Abt. 1914.

401. Christina7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 May 1927 in America. She married Peter BREHM Sinner 30 Sep 1894 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, son of Conrad Sinner and Magdalena BREHM. He was born 20 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in America.

Notes for Christina Helzer:

Sept 2008: Added this from Rootsweb.

Marna Helser Hing Posted: 5 Aug 2001 9:52PM GMT

Surnames: Helzer, Helser, Sinner

I have a Peter Sinner who married Christina Helzer in Norka Saratov Russie March 10, 1873. She was a sister to my great grandfather. They moved to Portland,Or about 1892

Marna Helser Hing


Notes for Peter BREHM Sinner:

Born before mother was married.

He moved to America; per Dr. Pleve's chart.

Sept 2008: On the Pleve chart is has 20 May 1871.

On info from family it has birth date of 20 Jan 1871

On info from familysearch it is 20 Jun 1871.

Children of Christina Helzer and Peter Sinner are:

1298 i. Reuben8 Sinner, born 23 Sep 1896 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Mabel Hanson 02 Jun 1917; born Abt. 1900. He married (2) Anna Margaret Rau 19 Oct 1946; born Abt. 1900.

1299 ii. May Sinner, born 29 May 1897 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 18 May 1986 in Wheeler, Tillamook, Oregon. She married Robert Agusta Bushnell 27 Jul 1919; born Abt. 1896.

1300 iii. William Edward Sinner, born 08 Jul 1899 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1301 iv. Edna Margaret Sinner, born 16 Nov 1910 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Albert Lehman 16 Nov 1929; born Abt. 1910.

1302 v. Marian Sinner, born 03 Apr 1914 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

403. Anna Maria Emma7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Sep 1876 in Nebraska, and died 1950. She married John Schnell, Sr. 1899. He was born Abt. 1875.

Notes for Anna Maria Emma Helzer:

I question the year of birth. Per Dr. Pleve's chart, Peter was also born in 1876.

Children of Anna Helzer and John Schnell are:

1303 i. Frank8 Schnell, born Abt. 1902.

1304 ii. Elmer Schnell, born Abt. 1904.

1305 iii. John Schnell, Jr., born Abt. 1906.

1306 iv. Walter Schnell, born Abt. 1908.

405. Marnell Jack7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Jan 1880 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska, and died 17 Apr 1961 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Elizabeth Schnell Sep 1900 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 17 Jan 1882 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Children of Marnell Helzer and Elizabeth Schnell are:

1307 i. Raymond Jack8 Helzer, born 02 Nov 1910.

1308 ii. Elizabeth Mable Helzer, born 12 Mar 1913; died 13 Aug.

406. John Charles7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Sep 1881 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Feb 1929 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Margaret Emma Schrantz 18 Aug 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 1883 in Oregon, and died 1974.

Notes for John Charles Helzer:

Oct 2006: NOTE: The children changed their last name to the spelling Helser.

Jan 2008: Submitted by Marna L. Hing (nee Helser) to the AHSGR

(see site for complete story)

"My grandfather started and owned Helser Bros. Transfer Co. in Portland. His name was John Charles Helser and I believe he started the business either with his father or a brother. My father Marnell Raymond Helser owned the business after John C. Helser died. My father died in 1948 and my mother Lucy Lee Thomas Helser ran the business until she sold it to Green Transfer in about 1950 or 1951. Helser Bros. remains in business today at 7025 N. Leadbetter Road in Portland.

My family came to the US between 1876 and 1880. One of my grandfathers brothers was born Sept. 16 1876 in Russia and his brother was born Jan. 1 1880 in Hastings, Nebraska, Adams Co. My grandfather was born Sept. 12 1881 in Hastings, Nebraska. They moved to Portland when my grandfather John Charles Helser was 11 years old in 1892. My Helser family must have been one of the first families to come to America. In going back through my notes, Helser Bros. Transfer Co. was started about 1902 by my grandfather John C. and Henry Helzer. At this point I'm not sure which Henry Helzer it was, but I assume it was John C. Helsers' brother Henry who was born Sept. 27, 1868 in Norka.

When my dad owned Helser Bros. it was in NW Portland down by the water front. Next door to the company was a family of Gipsy' s. I was about 5 years old. My dad died in 1948 at the age of 42.

I also have in my notes that Katherine Helzer has a brother Adam Helzer and a sister Mrs. John Rattey. I was looking at my notes I took about 10 years ago and find that Jim and Teri Helser now own Helser Bros. I believe Jim is one of Morrie Helsers' son's. Morrie was my dad, Marnell Raymond Helser's cousin. Morrie's father was Henry H. born Sept. 27, 1868.

The Helser's came from Norka, Saratov, Russia. Their surname in Russia was HOELZER, it was changed to HELZER after they came to the USA. My grandfather changed our name to HELSER sometime in the early 1900 because the HELZERs in Portland were garbage men. That is what I was told by my Aunt Thema Helser. My grandfather, John C. HELSER died in 1929, twelve years before I was born.

Children of John Helzer and Margaret Schrantz are:

+ 1309 i. Marnell Raymond8 Helser, born 25 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 27 Aug 1948 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1310 ii. Thelma Eunice Helser, born 22 Jun 1908; died Jul 1987 in Tigard, Washington, Oregon.

1311 iii. Robert Francis Helser, born 08 Jul 1910; died 21 Aug 1921 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1312 iv. Olive Frances Helser, born Nov 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died Nov 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

408. George Samuel7 Helzer (Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Nov 1888 in Lincoln, Hastings, Nebraska, and died 12 Jan 1965 in Beaverton, Washington Co, Oregon. He married Alice Steinmetz 25 Jun 1910 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 1891, and died 1961.

Child of George Helzer and Alice Steinmetz is:

1313 i. Roy8 Helzer, born Abt. 1912.

Notes for Roy Helzer:

Per Eileen Weidner: George Sam Helser son, Roy, played for the Portland Beavers 1949.

412. Anna Maria7 Spady (Magdalena6 Helzer, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Schlitt 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Schlitt and Margaretha Fuchs. He was born 07 Mar 1880 in Bachmetjevka, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Anna Spady and Peter Schlitt are:

1314 i. Wilhelm8 Schlitt, born 16 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1315 ii. Catharina Schlitt, born 19 Nov 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Dec 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

413. Christina7 Spady (Magdalena6 Helzer, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Glantz 11 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Wilhelm GLANTZ and Anna HELZER. He was born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Christina Spady and Johannes Glantz are:

1316 i. Catharina8 Glantz, born 18 Mar 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1317 ii. Conrad Glantz, born 20 Aug 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1318 iii. Nathalie Glantz, born 02 Aug 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1319 iv. Wilhelm Glantz, born 16 Mar 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1320 v. Johannes Glantz, born 02 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

421. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter SCHNELL 02 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Apr 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Peter SCHNELL are:

1321 i. Catharina8 Schnell, born 02 Mar 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1322 ii. Catharina Schnell, born 08 Jul 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jul 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1323 iii. Johann Georg Schnell, born 18 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1324 iv. Louise Schnell, born 30 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1325 v. Child Schnell, born 30 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1326 vi. Elisabeth Schnell, born 27 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1327 vii. Heinrich Schnell, born 03 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1328 viii. Margaretha Schnell, born 01 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1329 ix. Conrad Schnell, born 10 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

423. Conrad7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Sep 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Soder 06 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 26 Nov 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

NOTE: There is another Conrad Helzer born Sept 1, 1852 whose parents are Johannes Helzer b Apr 2, 1811 and Catharina Rosh b Jan 13, 1812. These 2 Conrads do not look like the same person.

Notes for Anna Maria Soder:

Another spelling Anna Maria Soder, Anna Maria Seder

Children of Conrad HELZER and Anna Soder are:

1330 i. Christina Elisabeth8 HELZER, born 04 May 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1331 ii. Elisabeth Catharina HELZER, born 23 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1332 iii. Catharina HELZER, born 21 Mar 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1333 iv. Catharina Maria HELZER, born 30 Mar 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1334 v. Catharina Christina HELZER, born 22 Nov 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Christina HELZER:

Oct 2006: From the Helzer Pleve chart "In 1903 she moved to America"

1335 vi. Catharina Margaretha HELZER, born 16 May 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1336 vii. Anna Margaretha HELZER, born 19 Aug 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1337 viii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 25 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

424. Jacob7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Oct 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth WEIGANDT 05 Feb 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Dec 1860 in Kutter Colony, Russia, and died 03 Oct 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Jacob HELZER and Elisabeth WEIGANDT is:

1338 i. Christina Margaretha8 HELZER, born 16 Nov 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

426. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Dec 1939. He married Anna Marie Emma SINNER 21 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Lorenz SINNER and Magdalena Reisbig. She was born 20 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart "In 1890 they moved to America"

May 2009: Received email from Henrietta Gleason with a chart of information.

"Emma SINNER, born 20 Apr 1863 in Norka, Saratov, Russia. She married on 24 Feb 1894 Henry HELZER, died 6 Dec 1939."

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna SINNER are:

1339 i. Johannes8 HELZER, born 19 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1340 ii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 13 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1341 iii. Anna Elisabeth HELZER, born 15 Sep 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1342 iv. Margaretha HELZER, born 19 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

427. Johannes7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jan 1861 in Simbirsk Town, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina JORG 30 May 1893 in Simbirsk Town, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Aug 1871 in Simbirsk Town, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina JORG:

Sept 2008: Christina Joerg, Christina Jorg, Christina Yorg

Children of Johannes HELZER and Christina JORG are:

1343 i. Catharina Louise8 HELZER, born 13 Mar 1894 in Simbirsk Town, Saratov, Russia.

1344 ii. Jacob HELZER, born 12 Dec 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1345 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 27 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1346 iv. Magdalena HELZER, born 28 Oct 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1347 v. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 03 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1348 vi. Georg HELZER, born 21 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

428. Elisabeth Margaretha7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jan 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes MULLER 22 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 14 Aug 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes MULLER:

Aug 2007: Email received from Glen Frederick. "On the Pleve Muller chart from Norka I find my wife's great grandfather, Johann Jacob Muller, b.11 Jul 1862 in Norka married to an Elizabeth Helzer b 20 Jan 1865 in Norka. They were married 17 Jan 1889. She died 15 Feb 1890. He immigrated to the US with his brother Johannes Muller, his wife and 3 children 19 Sept 1890. Johannes is listed on the Muller chart, b 14 Aug 1860 married to Elizabeth Margaretha Holzer, b 14 Jan 1863 in Norka and marriage date of 22 Jan 1885. "

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Johannes MULLER are:

1349 i. Peter8 Muller, born 20 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1350 ii. Catharina Muller, born 26 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1351 iii. Jacob Muller, born 06 Apr 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

430. Catharina7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg KRIEGER 21 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 02 Jan 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Johann KRIEGER are:

1352 i. Wilhelm8 Krieger, born 01 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1353 ii. Johann Wilhelm Krieger, born 31 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 May 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1354 iii. Johann Georg Krieger, born 14 Sep 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1355 iv. Heinrich Krieger, born 26 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

431. Anna Maria7 Spady (Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jan 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Schnell 29 May 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 21 Aug 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Spady and Peter Schnell are:

1356 i. Peter8 Schnell, born 31 May 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1357 ii. Alexander Schnell, born 02 Dec 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1358 iii. Heinrich Schnell, born 08 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1359 iv. Christina Amalie Schnell, born 22 Oct 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Nov 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1360 v. Wilhelm Schnell, born 27 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1361 vi. Catharina Amalie Schnell, born 13 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1362 vii. Anna Maria Schnell, born 08 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1363 viii. Pauline Schnell, born 13 Aug 1879 in Duborji, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1364 ix. Anna Maria Schnell, born 12 May 1881 in Frank, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 03 Nov 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1365 x. Catharina Schnell, born 18 Aug 1883 in Saratov, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 26 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1366 xi. Adelaide Schnell, born 26 Jun 1886 in Saratov, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1367 xii. Margaretha Schnell, born 18 Dec 1887 in Doorjansk, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1368 xiii. Wilhelm Schnell, born 28 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

434. Ludwig7 SPADY (Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina HELZER 22 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich HELZER and Maria KNIPPEL. She was born 15 Feb 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig SPADY:

2004: On the Helzer Pleve chart.

May 2008: Attached this child to his parents.

Children of Ludwig SPADY and Catharina HELZER are:

1369 i. Child8 Spady, born 09 Dec 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1370 ii. Wilhelm Spady, born 31 May 1876 in Tscherbakovka, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1371 iii. Catharina Spady, born 19 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1372 iv. Alexander Spady, born 09 Apr 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1373 v. Johannes Spady, born 24 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1374 vi. Pauline Spady, born 21 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1375 vii. Margaretha Spady, born 19 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

440. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Nov 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena HENKEL 11 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Mar 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Magdalena HENKEL:

Another spelling: Magdalena HINKEL

Children of Johann HELZER and Magdalena HENKEL are:

+ 1376 i. Christina8 HELZER, born 05 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1377 ii. Conrad HELZER, born 18 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

442. Catharina7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Feb 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Ludwig SPADY 22 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Wilhelm SPADY and Margaretha HELZER. He was born 06 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig SPADY:

2004: On the Helzer Pleve chart.

May 2008: Attached this child to his parents.

Children are listed above under (434) Ludwig SPADY.

443. Christina7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 May 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg SCHLITT 25 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 02 Jul 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Christina HELZER and Johann SCHLITT are:

1378 i. Heinrich8 Schlitt, born 31 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1379 ii. Elisabeth Schlitt, born 25 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1380 iii. Peter Schlitt, born 25 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Apr 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1381 iv. Catharina Schlitt, born 15 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Muller 31 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 20 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Georg Muller:

Another spelling: George Miller

1382 v. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 09 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

446. Heinrich Peter7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina SCHMIDT 10 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 08 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna SCHMIDT are:

1383 i. Heinrich8 HELZER, born 10 Aug 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1384 ii. Johann Jacob HELZER, born 28 Apr 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1385 iii. Maria HELZER, born 28 Apr 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1386 iv. Margarita HELZER, born 29 Jul 1896 in Simbirsk Town, Russia.

1387 v. Heinrich HELZER, born 28 Feb 1899 in Simbirsk Town, Russia.

1388 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 09 Apr 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

447. Jacob7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria PROTOPOPOVA Abt. 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1870.

Child of Jacob HELZER and Maria PROTOPOPOVA is:

1389 i. Alexander8 HELZER, born 20 Aug 1896 in Neu-Laub, Samara, Volga, Russia.

450. Catharina7 Glantz (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Dec 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Weber 02 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 20 Aug 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Glantz:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. This child was included on that chart.

Children of Catharina Glantz and Heinrich Weber are:

+ 1390 i. Elisabeth8 Weber, born 21 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1391 ii. Conrad Weber, born 24 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1392 iii. Johann Georg Weber, born 18 Aug 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1393 iv. Johann Georg Weber, born 29 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1394 v. Peter Weber, born 10 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1395 vi. Christina Maria Weber, born 20 May 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1396 vii. Philipp Weber, born 27 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1397 viii. Wilhelm Weber, born 22 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1398 ix. Adam Weber, born 04 Jun 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 May 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1399 x. Johann Georg Weber, born 19 Sep 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Sep 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

454. Christina7 Glantz (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Oct 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Heinrich Muller 23 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 23 May 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Glantz:

June 2007: Received email from Sherrie Stahl, another version of the Helzer chart. This child was included on that chart.

Children of Christina Glantz and Georg Muller are:

1400 i. Maria Magdalena8 Muller, born 14 Oct 1879 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1401 ii. Child Muller, born 12 Sep 1881 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 12 Sep 1881 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1402 iii. Johannes Muller, born 31 Aug 1882 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 30 Apr 1883 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1403 iv. Heinrich Muller, born 09 Jul 1885 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1404 v. Johannes Muller, born 26 Jan 1889 in Neu-Straub, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

464. Johannes7 Glantz (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Spady 11 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Wilhelm Spady and Magdalena Helzer. She was born 25 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (413) Christina Spady.

465. Wilhelm7 Glantz (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth Hohnstein 11 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Wilhelm Glantz and Maria Hohnstein are:

1405 i. Elisabeth8 Glantz, born 02 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1406 ii. Jacob Glantz, born 20 Aug 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1407 iii. Johannes Glantz, born 16 Sep 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

466. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Sep 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Nathalie SPADY 09 Sep 1886 in Saratov, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann HELZER and Nathalie SPADY are:

1408 i. Maria8 HELZER, born 16 Aug 1887 in Saratov, Saratov, Russia.

1409 ii. Lydia HELZER, born 10 Mar 1890 in Saratov, Saratov, Russia.

467. Conrad7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Jul 1906 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth HENKEL 02 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 25 Mar 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

Added his death information.

Notes for Elisabeth HENKEL:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Another spelling: Elisabeth HINKEL

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

Added her death location.

Apr 2008: Michelle's information has her birth as 26 March 1855. Dr. Pleve's chart has "25 Mar 1858".

Her's could be correct, because the Helzer chart is hard to read.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Elisabeth HENKEL are:

1410 i. Anna Elisabeth8 HELZER, born 16 Mar 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1411 ii. Georg Conrad HELZER, born 20 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Aug 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

468. Anna Maria7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Peter MULLER 29 Jun 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 06 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Anna HELZER and Johann MULLER is:

1412 i. Conrad8 Helzer, born 02 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Helzer:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "illegitimately born Conrad."

470. Wilhelm7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth HELZER 30 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Helzer and Christina Urbach. She was born 18 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart as spouse, not as a child.

Child is listed above under (391) Anna Elisabeth HELZER.

473. Anna Maria Emma7 Weidenkeller (Christina6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Jun 1928 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Heinrich Krieger 05 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 09 Oct 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Feb 1932 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Anna Maria Emma Weidenkeller:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

Nov 2008: Using information from

I have filled in their birth dates and marriage dates.

Note: Emma is a common nickname for Anna Maria

Children of Anna Weidenkeller and Heinrich Krieger are:

1413 i. Catharina Christina8 Krieger, born 16 Mar 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Christina Krieger:

Nov 2008:

Added this child from this site.

+ 1414 ii. Catharina Magdalena Lena Krieger, born 08 Jun 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Aug 1968 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1415 iii. Johann Conrad Krieger, born 05 Nov 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 May 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1416 iv. Catharina Maria Krieger, born 05 Apr 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1417 v. Maria Krieger, born 27 Jun 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1418 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Krieger, born 30 May 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jun 1960 in Eugene, Lane, Oregon. She married Agustave Hanke 21 Mar 1930 in Vancouver, Clark, Washington; born 24 Nov 1901 in Odessa, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Krieger:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

Apr 2009: Another spelling Katherine Elisabeth Krieger, Katherine Elizabeth Krieger

1419 vii. Elizabeth Krieger, born 03 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elizabeth Krieger:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

1420 viii. Henry Krieger, born 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Henry Krieger:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

479. Christina Elisabeth7 Weidenkeller (Christina6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Russia. She married Johann Georg Weidenkeller 12 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 31 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Elisabeth Weidenkeller:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

another spelling of her name: Christine Weidenkeller

Apr 2009: I had her birthyear as 1879. Per Ruth Schultz's site, added complete date.

Children of Christina Weidenkeller and Johann Weidenkeller are:

1421 i. Johann Georg8 Weidenkeller, born 09 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1422 ii. Jacob Weidenkeller, born 12 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1423 iii. Maria Weidenkeller, born Abt. 1920; died Abt. 2004 in Germany. She married ? Bohl; born Abt. 1920.

481. Amalie Elisabeth7 Weidenkeller (Christina6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Jul 1956 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She married Georg Conrad HELZER 14 Feb 1906 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad HELZER and Elisabeth HENKEL. He was born 20 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Aug 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Notes for Amalie Elisabeth Weidenkeller:

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Monson. Added George's wife.

Oct 2008: Found this website:

Elizabeth Weidenkeller was born 5 Sep 1883 in Norka, Saratov,

Russia to George Weidenkeller and Christine Helzer.

She married George Conrad Helzer on 14 Feb 1906 in Norka.

They had 6 children:

John, b. 30 Jun 1910

Katherine, b. 12 Jun 1912

Christine, b. 13 Sep 1913




Only 3 of the children lived to adulthood.

In 1925 the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Stony Plain,

Alberta. George and Elizabeth later lived in Calgary.

Elizabeth died on 24 Jul 1956 in Calgary, Alberta.

Notes for Georg Conrad HELZER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

All information on his wife and decendents are from her. I added his death information.

"Only 3 of the children lived to adulthood."

In 1925 the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Stony Plain, Alberta. George and Elizabeth later lived in Calgary.

Children of Amalie Weidenkeller and Georg HELZER are:

1424 i. Ammi8 Helzer, born 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1915 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1425 ii. Christine Helzer, born Abt. 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1426 iii. John Helzer, born 30 Jun 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1427 iv. Katherine Helzer, born 12 Jun 1912 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1428 v. Christine Helzer, born 13 Sep 1913 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1429 vi. Pauline Helzer, born Abt. 1917 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1917 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

482. Margaretha7 HELZER (Johannes6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich HELZER 17 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Helzer and Christina Urbach. He was born 11 Mar 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Oct 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart as spouse, not as a child. He was NOT on as a child.

Children are listed above under (390) Heinrich HELZER.

483. Johannes7 HELZER (Johannes6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth SCHWARZ 17 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 03 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina SCHWARZ are:

1430 i. Margaretha8 HELZER, born 24 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1431 ii. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 03 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1432 iii. Christina HELZER, born 28 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1433 iv. Wilhelm HELZER, born 05 Dec 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1434 v. Peter HELZER, born 03 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1435 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 05 Apr 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1436 vii. Johannes HELZER, born 07 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1437 viii. Wilhelm HELZER, born 07 Jul 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

484. Conrad7 HELZER (Johannes6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Oct 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Margaretha YOST 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad YOST and Catharina HELZER. She was born 21 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

Notes for Catharina Margaretha YOST:

Information from the Holzer/Pleve chart.

Children are listed above under (345) Catharina Margaretha YOST.

490. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Wilhelm6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Schlitt 22 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 31 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Jacob Schlitt are:

1438 i. Christina8 Schlitt, born 26 Jan 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1439 ii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 02 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1440 iii. Johannes Schlitt, born 04 May 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1441 iv. Alexander Schlitt, born 25 Nov 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

506. Johannes7 Blum (Margaretha6 Schleicher, Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Michel 12 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 May 1867 in Huck Colony, Volga, Russia.

Children of Johannes Blum and Margaretha Michel are:

1442 i. Johann Georg8 Blum, born 04 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1443 ii. Jacob Blum, born 05 Mar 1891 in Topvka, Volga, Russia; died 22 Dec 1898 in Topvka, Volga, Russia.

1444 iii. Catharina Elisabeth Blum, born 16 May 1893 in Topvka, Volga, Russia.

1445 iv. Johannes Blum, born 25 Sep 1894 in Topvka, Volga, Russia; died 06 May 1897 in Topvka, Volga, Russia.

1446 v. Adam Blum, born 17 Sep 1897 in Topvka, Volga, Russia.

1447 vi. Johannes Blum, born 01 Sep 1900 in Little Osinovka, Volga, Russia.

1448 vii. Heinrich Blum, born 16 Feb 1903 in Little Osinovka, Volga, Russia.

1449 viii. Margaretha Blum, born 03 Aug 1904 in Little Osinovka, Volga, Russia.

519. Heinrich7 Schleicher (Heinrich6, Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 May 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Apr 1961 in Salina, Saline, Kansas. He married Maria Catharina Schwindt 24 Aug 1913 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 24 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 May 1968 in Salina, Saline, Kansas.

Notes for Heinrich Schleicher:

Another spelling: Heinrich SCHLEICHER, Henry Schleiger

Children of Heinrich Schleicher and Maria Schwindt are:

1450 i. Pearl Elizabeth8 Schleiger, born 27 Aug 1914 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 27 Apr 1971.

1451 ii. Raymond Lee Schleiger, born 27 Jun 1918 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 29 Aug 2000. He married Lillie Anna Rauert; born Abt. 1918; died 1991.

530. Christine Elise7 Sleicher (Peter6 Schleicher, Anna Maria5 HELZER, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Dec 1894 in Buda, Hall, Nebraska, and died 24 Jan 1929 in Kearney, Hall, Nebraska. She married James C O'Meara 15 Apr 1914 in Eddyville, Nebraska. He was born 11 Mar 1889 in Eddyville, Nebraska, and died 15 Feb 1941.

Children of Christine Sleicher and James O'Meara are:

1452 i. James William8 O'Meara, born 12 Feb 1922 in Eddyville, Nebraska; died 08 Aug 1997.

1453 ii. Helen Margaret O'Meara, born 14 Mar 1924 in Eddyville, Nebraska; died 03 Jan 1997.

1454 iii. Regina Pauline O'Meara, born 23 May 1925 in Eddyville, Nebraska; died 02 Jan 1992.

541. Christina7 Krieger (Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Alt 29 Mar 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 03 Jul 1843 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Krieger:

May 2008: Added her spouse and child per:

Apr 2009: Added her death date per Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Christina Krieger and Jacob Alt are:

1455 i. Catharina Maria Krieger8 Alt, born 20 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam Doerr 11 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 14 Nov 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria Krieger Alt:

Apr 2009: Added spouse per Ruth Schultz site.

1456 ii. Anna Margaretha Alt, born 15 Dec 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Margaretha Alt:

Apr 2009: Added this child per Ruth Schultz's site.

542. Catharina Maria7 Krieger (Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Mar 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Ludwig Spady 28 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 17 Nov 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria Krieger:

May 2008: Per

I added her spouse and marriage date.

Apr 2009: Added more information on family from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Catharina Krieger and Ludwig Spady are:

1457 i. Johann Adam8 Spady, born 27 Dec 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1458 ii. Ludwig Spady, born 27 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1459 iii. Johann Georg Spady, born 09 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1460 iv. Margaretha Spady, born 27 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Nov 1962 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

1461 v. Christina Catharina Spady, born 21 Nov 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1462 vi. Johann Heinrich Spady, born 20 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1463 vii. Elisabeth Spady, born 14 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1464 viii. Anna Maria Spady, born 23 Apr 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Apr 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1465 ix. Johann Peter Spady, born 09 Jun 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1466 x. Johannes Spady, born 12 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Nov 1892.

1467 xi. Johann Conrad Spady, born 04 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Dec 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1468 xii. Maria Spady, born 12 Oct 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Oct 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

543. Margaretha7 Krieger (Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Jun 1939. She married Conrad Hein 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 1855 in Huck, Russia, and died 1906.

Notes for Margaretha Krieger:

May 2008: Added spouse and children. Another spelling: Margaret Krieger

Children of Margaretha Krieger and Conrad Hein are:

1469 i. Marie Elisabeth8 Hein, born 02 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Dec 1962.

1470 ii. Emma Hein, born 28 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1471 iii. Johann Philip Hein, born 03 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Oct 1963.

1472 iv. Jacob George Hein, born 28 Dec 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jul 1961. He married Myrtle Bartlett 20 Apr 1914 in Duluth, Minnesota; born 12 Aug 1880 in Duluth, Minnesota; died 15 Nov 1967.

Notes for Jacob George Hein:

May 2008: Added spoiuse

547. Peter7 KRIEGER (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Jan 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Dec 1943. He married Elisabeth SCHMER 13 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes SCHMER and Elisabeth Urbach. She was born 20 Sep 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Peter KRIEGER:

2006: Added information from the Schmer Pleve chart.

Dec 2006: from Peter was listed as a child. I added and combined this information with information from the Pleve chart. I added the death date.

More About Elisabeth SCHMER:

Immigration: They moved to America April 22, 1890.

Children of Peter KRIEGER and Elisabeth SCHMER are:

1473 i. Johann Carl8 Krieger, born 03 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Carl Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

1474 ii. Johann Georg Krieger, born 02 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1475 iii. Anna Catharina Krieger, born 13 Jun 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

1476 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Krieger, born 14 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

1477 v. Christina Krieger, born 30 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

1478 vi. Johannes Krieger, born 09 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

1479 vii. Conrad Ludwig Krieger, born 19 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Ludwig Krieger:

Jul 2007: added child from

548. Catharina Margaretha7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jan 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1899 in York, Nebraska. She married Johann Georg Ross 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich Ross and Sophia YOST. He was born Sep 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 May 1926 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharina Margaretha Krieger:

Dec 2006: Another spelling of her name - Katarina Margareta Krieger, Katie Krieger, Catharina Margaretha Krieger, Katarina Krieger

Notes for Johann Georg Ross:

Apr 2009: Another spelling of his name: George Ross

Child of Catharina Krieger and Johann Ross is:

1480 i. Elisabeth8 Ross, born 19 Oct 1884; died 20 Feb 1963. She married John Francis Fox 1913; born 06 Oct 1878; died 07 Jun 1952.

Notes for Elisabeth Ross:

Another spelling: Elizabeth Ross

549. Carl7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Jan 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Feb 1950 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He married Christina Blum 08 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Jacob Blum and Anna Schwindt. She was born 26 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Mar 1939 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Children of Carl Krieger and Christina Blum are:

1481 i. Johann Georg8 Krieger, born 17 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Spady; born Abt. 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Spady:

Mar 2011: I think this is the Elisabeth Spady born 14 Jul 1883.

1482 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Krieger, born 22 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1483 iii. Anna Maria Krieger, born 01 Dec 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1484 iv. Johannes Krieger, born 23 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Mar 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1485 v. Heinrich Krieger, born 13 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1486 vi. Melchior Krieger, born 20 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1487 vii. Christina Krieger, born 20 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

550. Anna Catharina7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Sep 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Feb 1951 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska. She married Johannes Scheidemann 21 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Adam Scheidemann and Christina Sinner. He was born 16 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Mar 1935 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

Notes for Anna Catharina Krieger:

Dec 2006: has her birth year as Sept 11, 1856. But this is to close to the previous child. So I make a note only as to the difference in year.

Notes for Johannes Scheidemann:

Dec 2006: from I added the death date and place.

Children of Anna Krieger and Johannes Scheidemann are:

1488 i. Conrad8 Scheidemann, born 28 Nov 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Aug 1962 in Burlington, Iowa. He married Margaret Preisendorf 22 Dec 1907 in Denver, Colorado; born 18 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Dec 1960 in Burlington, Iowa.

Notes for Conrad Scheidemann:

July 2003: Original birthdate I had was: Nov 28, 1864; This can't be correct. Per the Index to Kirchenbote Obits 1956-1961.

I also changed spelling of name from: Conrad Schiedeman

Notes for Margaret Preisendorf:

Has 6 children; someplace said death place McCook NE

1489 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Scheidemann, born 18 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1490 iii. Elizabeth Scheidemann, born 18 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Feb 1964.

1491 iv. Margaretha Mary Scheidemann, born Abt. 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

554. Catharina Elisabeth7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Jan 1951 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Heinrich Krieger 31 Jul 1898 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, son of Nicolaus Krieger and Catharina Schneider. He was born 30 Jul 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Nov 1951 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Krieger and Heinrich Krieger are:

1492 i. Pauline8 Krieger, born 11 Jun 1900 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Leland F Monroe; born 25 Dec 1895 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died Jan 1982 in Dayton, Yamhilll, Oregon.

1493 ii. Amelia Krieger, born 15 Aug 1902 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died Nov 1991. She married Gottlieb Werre 18 Oct 1930 in Portland, Oregon; born 30 Oct 1895 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died Jun 1971 in Sherwood, Washington.

555. John7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Jun 1954 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska. He married Margaretha Christina Kern Abt. 1888. She was born Abt. 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Feb 1951.

Children of John Krieger and Margaretha Kern are:

1494 i. Conrad8 Krieger, born Abt. 1889 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

+ 1495 ii. George Krieger, born 18 Aug 1891 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska; died 02 Aug 1960 in Denver, Colorado.

1496 iii. Henry Krieger, born Abt. 1893 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

1497 iv. Charles H Krieger, born 31 Jan 1895 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska; died 02 Apr 1961.

1498 v. John Krieger, born Abt. 1897 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

1499 vi. Pauline Krieger, born 15 May 1899 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

1500 vii. Adam Krieger, born Abt. 1901 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska.

556. Johannes7 Krieger (Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Apr 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Margaretha Kerr 31 Jan 1889 in rka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 02 Dec 1864 in rka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Krieger:

Apr 2009: This child was added from Ruth Schultz's site.

It does look like a different child than the next "John" on the listing.

But there isn't enough room for this child to be born after that "John". So there is a question here.

Child of Johannes Krieger and Catharina Kerr is:

1501 i. Georg Conrad8 Krieger, born 09 Dec 1889 in rka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

568. Heinrich7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Aug 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria LEHL 22 Feb 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Jun 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Anna LEHL are:

1502 i. Anna Elisabeth8 HELZER, born 20 Nov 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Jacob Muller 17 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 07 Jul 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Apr 2009: Added her death and spouse from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Johann Jacob Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling of his name: Jacob Mueller, Jacob Miller

+ 1503 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 15 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1930 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1504 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 29 Aug 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1505 iv. Catharina Magdalena HELZER, born 16 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 May 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1506 v. Margaretha HELZER, born 16 Jul 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1507 vi. Catharina HELZER, born 01 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1508 vii. Catharina Margaretha HELZER, born 06 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1509 viii. Jacob HELZER, born 25 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1510 ix. Margaretha HELZER, born 17 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1511 x. Catharina Amalie HELZER, born 20 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1512 xi. Johann Conrad HELZER, born 14 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1513 xii. Sophia HELZER, born 03 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1514 xiii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 21 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jun 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1515 xiv. Johann Peter HELZER, born 05 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1516 xv. Johann Georg HELZER, born 22 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

572. Christine7 Hardt (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jan 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Nov 1931 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married Johannes Schwindt 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 02 Dec 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Oct 1936 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Christine Hardt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Riverside Cemetery, Denver, CO

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

Judy's information only has the name Maria Hardt. Do not know if this is the same daughter.

Notes for Johannes Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

1936 Obituary for John Schwindt Sr, who had been living with his son John Jr. in Berthoud since abt 1931.

John Schwindt, Sr Died at age of 81 Years

John Schwindt, sr., was a son of Henry Schwindt and his wife Margaret Aldt. He was born on December 2 1854, in the German colony of Norka, in the Volga region of Russia. In the Reformed church in his home colony he was baptized and confirmed. In 1873 he married Miss Christine Hardt of his home colony. Thus union was blessed with three sons and one daughter. The second son and the daughter preceded the father in death in this country. In 1906 the family came to America and made their home in Denver, where Mr. Schwindt remained until the death of his wife in 1931. He then lived with his son, John Schwindt, jr., in Berthoud. Deceased was a peaceful man, and as a Christian he bore the cross as it was allotted to him. In 1930 he lost his eye-sight while chopping wood when a splinter flew into his eye. Physically he was strong and healthy. Recently he was taken ill with kidney trouble, which caused his death at the Larimer County hospital at Fort Collins on last Sunday at 9:30 pm. Surviving relatives re two sons, John Schwindt of Berthoud and Jacob Schwindt of Longmont; also twenty-one grandchildren and twenty-one great grandchildren, and a host of close relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from the Stranahan Mortuary Wednesday noon. The Rev. W.C. Woller of Brighton conducted the German part of the service, while the Rev. Jacob Wagner of Berthoud was in charge of the English service. Burial was made in Riverside cemetery, Denver.

8 Oct 1936, Berthoud Bulletin, page 1. Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado, USA

Per death certificate: died of cardiac vascular renal syndrome.

Children of Christine Hardt and Johannes Schwindt are:

+ 1517 i. Johannes8 Schwindt, born 25 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Apr 1953 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

+ 1518 ii. Elizabeth Schwindt, born 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jul 1922 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska.

1519 iii. Phillip Schwindt, born 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. 1936 in USA.

Notes for Phillip Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

+ 1520 iv. Jacob Schwindt, born 25 Sep 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1959 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado.

573. Johannes7 Hardt (Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Oct 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Louise Gerlach 09 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Gerlach and Catharina Schneider. She was born 23 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Hardt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis with the AHSGR, she added family information.

Child of Johannes Hardt and Louise Gerlach is:

1521 i. Johannes8 Hardt, born 22 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

576. Johannes7 HELZER (Johannes6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Reispich 03 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Reuspich and Maria HELZER. She was born 25 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Reispich:

Another spelling of her name: Margaretha REUSPICH

Children are listed above under (313) Margaretha Reispich.

581. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth EBERHARDT 24 Nov 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Nov 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina EBERHARDT are:

1522 i. Heinrich Peter8 HELZER, born 30 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1523 ii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 20 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

589. Helena Lena7 HELZER (Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 May 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Aug 1923 in Harvard, Nebraska. She married (1) Conrad Sinner 01 Mar 1888 in Harvard, Nebraska. He was born 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Nov 1923 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married (2) Andrew Pete Erickson 03 Dec 1913. He was born Abt. 1867.

Notes for Helena Lena HELZER:

Jul 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner. "Helena was born 23 May 1868 in Norka, Russia. She married Conrad Sinner in Harvard, NE on 01 Mar 1888, they had four children, she divorced Conrad on 20 Apr 1909, she married Andrew P Erickson on 03 Dec 1913, and she died 25 Aug 1923. Her parents were Johann Conrad Helzer, born 13 Nov 1835 in Norka, Russia and Dorothea Elisabeth Hardt, born 01 Feb 1839. They were married in Norka on 04 Feb 1858, they emigrated to Harvard NE in Dec 1886. He died 03 Nov 1916 and she died 14 Feb 1887."

Jul 2007: From Carol Sinner:

Helena Helzer's newspaper obituary from the Harvard Courier: you have her birth, marriages and death information. Per the obit, she was survived by her 2nd husband, her stepmother Helzer (Anna Margaret Walter Schaffer Helzer), four children, two brothers, six sisters and two grandchildren.

Children: my father, Kathryn Sinner Swartz Freed Gillman, Louis E Sinner, and William G Sinner. Kathryn, b Mar 1892 and d 31 Jul 1978 in Elkhart, IN. Louis, b Oct 1896 and died 02 Apr 1969 in Elkhart, IN. William, b 25 Dec 1899 and d 19 Oct 1965.

Brothers: Henry Helzer and Conrad Helzer of Harvard, NE.

Sisters: Mrs. Louis (Katie) Krause and Mrs. Katherine Weber of Hays, KS; Mrs. Martha Pretzer of Hodgeville, Canada and Mrs. Elizabeth Block of Leduce, Canada; Mrs. Christiana Miller of Fort Collins, CO; and Mrs. Margaret Block of Portland, OR.

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner.

Apr 2008: Another spelling of her name - Lena Helzer Sinner

May 2009: Received an email from Carol Sinner. I had she died 25 Aug 1929, "Lena Helzer was my grandmother and she died 25 Aug 1923 in Harvard, NE; I have a copy of her newspaper obit to confirm this."

Notes for Conrad Sinner:

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner.

May 2009: Received email from Carol SInner "Conrad Sinner was my grandfather; born 1867 in Norka, came to America in Jul, 1876, married Lena Helzer 01 Mar 1888 in Harvard, NE, died in Harvard Nov 1923."

Children of Helena HELZER and Conrad Sinner are:

+ 1524 i. Peter Ira8 Sinner, born 06 Jan 1890 in Harvard, Nebraska; died 07 Jun 1957 in Des Moines, Iowa.

1525 ii. Kathryn Kate Sinner, born 18 Mar 1892; died 31 Jul 1978 in Elkhart, Indiana. She married (1) ? Swartz Abt. 1918; born Abt. 1892. She married (2) ? Freed Abt. 1920; born Abt. 1892. She married (3) ? Gillman Abt. 1930; born Abt. 1892.

Notes for Kathryn Kate Sinner:

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added complete birth date.

1526 iii. Louis E Sinner, born 03 Oct 1896; died 02 Apr 1969 in Elkhart, Indiana.

Notes for Louis E Sinner:

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added complete birth date.

+ 1527 iv. William G Sinner, born 25 Dec 1899 in Nelson, Nebraska; died 19 Oct 1965 in Elkhart, Indiana.

593. Heinrich C7 Helzer (Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Oct 1873 in Brumenthal, Russia. He married Mollie ? Abt. 1895. She was born Abt. 1877.

Notes for Heinrich C Helzer:

June 2007: Email received from Sherrie Stahl with the ship records. (See the father.)

Added this child per the ship record.

Apr 2009: From Sherrie Stahl's email on dtd Jun 2007

"Later we find two son from this family living in Harvard, Clay, NE.

1) Henry C. Helzer has married Mollie, and they have children born from 1889 to 1924: John, Martha, Freda, Irene K, Rosa Dorothea, Luella, Helen, Lillie, Esther, May M, Clyde B, June C., and Ruth J Helzer."

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added birth date.

Children of Heinrich Helzer and Mollie ? are:

1528 i. John8 Helzer, born Abt. 1896.

1529 ii. Martha Helzer, born Abt. 1898.

1530 iii. Freida Helzer, born Abt. 1900.

1531 iv. Irene K Helzer, born Abt. 1902.

1532 v. Rosa Dorothea Helzer, born Abt. 1904.

1533 vi. Luella Helzer, born Abt. 1905.

1534 vii. Helen Helzer, born Abt. 1907.

1535 viii. Lillie Helzer, born Abt. 1909.

1536 ix. Esther Helzer, born Abt. 1911.

1537 x. May M Helzer, born Abt. 1913.

1538 xi. Clyde B Helzer, born Abt. 1914.

1539 xii. June C Helzer, born Abt. 1916.

1540 xiii. Ruth J Helzer, born Abt. 1918.

595. Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7 Helzer (Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Mar 1882 in Brumenthal, Russia, and died 27 Dec 1957 in Aurora, Nebraska. He married Catharina Sinner 09 Jul 1907 in Harvard, Nebraska, daughter of Lorenz SINNER and Magdalena Reisbig. She was born 03 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Nov 1961 in Harvard, Nebraska.

Notes for Conrad Jacob (Cooney) Helzer:

June 2007: Email received from Sherrie Stahl with the ship records. (See the father.)

Added this child per the ship record.

Konrad Helzer had a son, Conrad Helzer II "Cooney". He worked at the fairs and was very well known in the Hastings and Harvard NE area. HE sold hamburgers and taffy. He made the taffy in a heavy copper kettle. I have the recipe:

THE RECIPE: 10 lb sugar, 1 gallon syrup, 1 lb butter, 1 box chocolate.....this was pulled by hand.

This information was given to me by Mrs. Dale Sergeant (Dorothy Helzer), 1125 Jefferson, Hastings NE. She is the daughter of Coonie Helzer (Conrad II).

Apr 2009: From Sherrie Stahl's email on dtd Jun 2007

"Later we find two son from this family living in Harvard, Clay, NE.

2) Conrad J. Helzer has married Katharine, and they have children born from 1907 to 1924: Lawrence, Vaughn C., Dorothy, Paul, Katherine, Robert D., and Conrad J Helzer, Jr."

Apr 2009: Email posted by Catherine Helzer Traudt May 2008

"Taken from the Eldorado Centennial book - from 1988

"Conrad J. HELZER lived 1 1/2 miles E of Eldorado. He married Katherine Sinner. They had 7 children:

Lawrence (Smokey) of Helena, Arkansas; Vaughn (Buck) of Sutton, Paul (Bud) of Aurora (Hamilton Co, NE); Bob of Jefferson City, MO; Dorothy (deceased); Catherine Traudt of Sutton (Clay, NE); and C.J., Jr. (Hap - deceased)."

"Conrad operated a food stand at the first Clay County Fair and continued doing this business for many years. The famous Helzer taffy was made and sold and is still a family tradition of Catherin, Paul and Bob. "

Apr 2009: Obit added from information from Laura Mattingly.

“Conrad J. Helzer Services Monday At Federated Church

Funeral services for Conrad J. Helzer, 75, were held Monday morning at the Federated church with Rev. Wm. V. Dorn and Dr. Paul B. Porter officiating.

Donald Eller, Gerald Eller, John Brenneman and Wilber Pauley, all of Harvard, sang “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Nearer My God to Thee” accompanied by Mrs. J. M. Allen at the organ.

Pallbearers were Gilbert Oschsner, Edwin Glantz, Wayne Glantz, all of Harvard, and Arthur Grosshans, and Clarence Moore of Aurora. Interment was made in the Harvard cemetery.

Mr. Helzer died at his home in Aurora on December 27. In poor health for several years, he was a familiar figure to many Aurorans as he rode around the city in his little electric car.

He was born in Brunnenthal, Russia on March 2, 1882. He came with his parents, Conrad and Dorthea Hardt Helzer, to the United States at the age of 4. The family settled in Clay county.

On July 9, 1907 he married Catherine Sinner. They farmed near Harvard and Stockham until they retired eleven years ago, when they moved to their present home in Aurora. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last July.

Survivors include his wife, four sons, Lawrence of West Helena, Ark., Vaughn of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Paul and Robert of Aurora; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Sargeant of Juniata, Nebr., and Mrs. Catherine Traudt of Sutton; one sister, Mrs. Christina Miller of Fort Collins, Colo., twenty-one grandchildren and many other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by one son, Conrad J. Helzer, Jr., his parents, two brothers and six sisters.”

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added birth date.

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added his middle name.

Came to the USA in 1886 to Harvard, NE with his mother, brother, older sister Anna Maria (Sinner) Helzer.

Notes for Catharina Sinner:

Sept 2006: On the Pleve Sinner chart from Norka.

May 2009: Received email from Henrietta Gleason with a chart of information.

Children of Conrad Helzer and Catharina Sinner are:

1541 i. Lawrence Jensen Smokey8 Helzer, born 1908; died 1993.

Notes for Lawrence Jensen Smokey Helzer:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added dates and middle names.

1542 ii. Vaughn Conrad Helzer, born 1909; died 1990.

Notes for Vaughn Conrad Helzer:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added dates and middle names.

1543 iii. Dorothy Louise Helzer, born 1914; died 1985. She married Dale Sergeant; born Abt. 1905.

+ 1544 iv. Paul Frederick Bud Helzer, born 12 Apr 1917 in Harvard, Nebraska; died 04 Jan 1990 in Aurora, Nebraska.

1545 v. Catherine Francis Katy Helzer, born 1918. She married ? Traudt; born Abt. 1917.

Notes for Catherine Francis Katy Helzer:

Apr 2009: I think this is the Catherine that submitted the posting on this site.

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added dates and middle names.

1546 vi. Robert Dale Bob Helzer, born 1920; died 1993.

Notes for Robert Dale Bob Helzer:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added dates and middle names.

+ 1547 vii. Conrad Junior Hap Helzer, Jr., born 05 Jun 1924; died 1957 in Caney, Kansas.

599. Johannes (John)7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Aug 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Feb 1944 in Fort Collins, Colorado. He married (1) Margaretha Giebelhaus 02 Nov 1890 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, daughter of Heinrich Giebelhaus and Anna BREHM. She was born 06 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Dec 1925 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married (2) Julia Graf 15 May 1927. She was born 08 Jul 1876.

Notes for Johannes (John) HELZER:

July 2003: family updated by Kathy Green via email.

July 2006: Occupation Minister

Another spelling: John Hoelzer, Johannes Hoelzer, John Holzer

Sept 2008: Added his birth year from

I think this is the Johnnnes born 19 Dec 1870.

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates. "I have written down that they married on 11-2-1890." "I have a copy of his obituary as well as church information that I will send (when I get home again) "

"John Hoelzer remarried Julia Graf b: 7-8-1876 on 5-15-1927. They did not have any other children."

Notes for Margaretha Giebelhaus:

Another spelling: Margaret Giebelhaus

July 2006:

This is a Giebelhaus website. It listed Margaretha Giebelhaus b 1861 died 14 Dec 1925.

No spouse is mentioned.

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff. Added her birth date. This then connected her to her parents, listed on the Brehm-Pleve chart.

Jun 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has her death 14 Dec 1935.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Margaretha Giebelhaus are:

+ 1548 i. Sarah8 Helzer, born 26 Sep 1896 in Kearney, Nebraska.

+ 1549 ii. Daniel Helzer, born 30 Apr 1899 in Denver, Colorado.

1550 iii. Joseph Helzer, born 13 Oct 1903; died 1908.

Notes for Joseph Helzer:

May 2009: Another spelling Joseph Hoelzer

610. Philipp7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Sophia SCHONEMANN 20 Oct 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Dec 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Philipp HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children of Philipp HELZER and Sophia SCHONEMANN are:

1551 i. Anna Elisabeth8 HELZER, born 14 Oct 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

1552 ii. Johann Adam HELZER, born 29 Oct 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Sterkel; born 01 Dec 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Adam HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart. b 23 Oct 1895

Apr 2009: Per Ruth Schultz's site. The dates are confirmed and I have added his spouse.

1553 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 22 Nov 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

1554 iv. Philipp HELZER, born 10 Mar 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Philipp HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

1555 v. Ludwig HELZER, born 10 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

1556 vi. Maria HELZER, born 14 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

618. Johann Georg7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Oct 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Fuchs 05 Feb 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Fuchs and Anna Schmer. She was born 03 Jun 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Schlitt and Margaretha Fuchs are:

+ 1557 i. Heinrich8 Schlitt, born 27 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1558 ii. Jacob Schlitt, born 10 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1559 iii. Conrad Schlitt, born 07 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1560 iv. Child Schlitt, born 05 Mar 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Mar 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1561 v. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 05 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Dec 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1562 vi. Child Schlitt, born 25 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1563 vii. Johannes Schlitt, born 15 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1564 viii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 09 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1565 ix. Catharina SCHLITT, born 13 Apr 1871 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1566 x. Christina Schlitt, born 02 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Hinkel 02 Oct 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 06 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1567 xi. Georg Schlitt, born 15 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1568 xii. Anna Maria Schlitt, born 14 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Hauser 09 Feb 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 09 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Peter Hauser:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Peter Haeuser, Peter HÄUSER

+ 1569 xiii. Peter Schlitt, born 07 Mar 1880 in Bachmetjevka, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1570 xiv. Magdalena Schlitt, born 20 Dec 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

619. Heinrich7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Oct 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Hahn 14 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 16 Jul 1840 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Schlitt and Christina Hahn are:

+ 1571 i. Johann Georg8 Schlitt, born 19 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1572 ii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 26 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1573 iii. Anna Schlitt, born 20 Feb 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1574 iv. Heinrich Schlitt, born 13 Oct 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1575 v. Christina Schlitt, born 22 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1576 vi. Elisabeth Schlitt, born 25 Jul 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1577 vii. Adam Schlitt, born 21 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1578 viii. Catharina Magdalena Schlitt, born 24 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1579 ix. Catharina Schlitt, born 20 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1580 x. Elisabeth Schlitt, born 13 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Justus Heinrich Muller 08 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 29 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Justus Heinrich Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Justus Heinrich Muller, Justus Heinrich MÜLLER, Justus Heinrich Miller

1581 xi. Johannes Schlitt, born 14 Jun 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

620. Anna Maria7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Mar 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Sauer 01 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Sauer and Anna Helzer. He was born 26 Jul 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Schlitt and Johann Sauer are:

1582 i. Johann Georg8 Sauer, born 03 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Apr 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1583 ii. Catharina Sauer, born 10 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1584 iii. Johannes Sauer, born 10 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1585 iv. Elisabeth Sauer, born 02 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1586 v. Catharina Maria Sauer, born 27 Apr 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1587 vi. Anna Maria Sauer, born 12 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

622. Anna7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Weber 30 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 28 Sep 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Schlitt and Johannes Weber are:

1588 i. Elisabeth8 Weber, born 14 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1589 ii. Elisabeth Weber, born 31 Jul 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Klaus 01 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 11 Jul 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1590 iii. Christina Weber, born 11 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Lorenz Muller 27 Nov 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Lorenz Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Lorenz MÜLLER, Lorenz Miller

+ 1591 iv. Ludwig Weber, born 25 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1592 v. Johannes Weber, born 15 May 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1593 vi. Philipp Weber, born 10 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1594 vii. Johannes Weber, born 24 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1595 viii. Anna Elisabeth Weber, born 11 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1596 ix. Peter Weber, born 25 Mar 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1597 x. Heinrich Weber, born 01 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

623. Johannes7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jun 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Spahn 10 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Jan 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Schlitt and Elisabeth Spahn are:

1598 i. Johannes8 Schlitt, born 31 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Apr 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1599 ii. Magdalena Schlitt, born 13 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1600 iii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 05 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1601 iv. Catharina Schlitt, born 04 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Klaus 27 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 02 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1602 v. Anna Catharina Schlitt, born 26 Mar 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Klaus 22 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 01 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1603 vi. Christina Elisabeth Schlitt, born 10 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1604 vii. Magdalena Schlitt, born 09 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1605 viii. Nicolaus Schlitt, born 09 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1606 ix. Christina Elisabeth Schlitt, born 30 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1607 x. Catharina Elisabeth Schlitt, born 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

625. Nicolaus7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Schlitt 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Schlitt and Magdalena BREHM. She was born 26 Oct 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Schlitt:

Apr 2009: I had 25 Oct 1855 from the Brehm Pleve chart. But it is hard to read.

Apr 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has 26 Oct 1855 as the date.

Children of Nicolaus Schlitt and Elisabeth Schlitt are:

1608 i. Christina8 Schlitt, born 14 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1609 ii. Magdalena Schlitt, born 30 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1610 iii. Johannes Schlitt, born 15 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1611 iv. Anna Catharina Schlitt, born 03 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1612 v. Georg Schlitt, born 31 May 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1613 vi. Elisabeth Schlitt, born 10 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1614 vii. Catharina Schlitt, born 02 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1615 viii. Jacob Schlitt, born 12 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1616 ix. Heinrich Schlitt, born 02 Aug 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

628. Peter7 Schlitt (Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Kaiser 12 Feb 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Kaiser and Anna Pauley. She was born 18 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Peter Schlitt and Catharina Kaiser is:

1617 i. Christina8 Schlitt, born 24 Mar 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

630. Anna Sabina7 Deines (Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Oct 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Schafer 08 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 05 Apr 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Apr 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Deines and Johann Schafer are:

1618 i. Johannes8 Schafer, born 23 Oct 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1619 ii. Magdalena Schafer, born 07 Jan 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1620 iii. Catharina Louise Schafer, born 10 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1621 iv. Elisabeth Schafer, born 12 Jun 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1622 v. Georg Schafer, born 08 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1623 vi. Elisabeth Schafer, born 01 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1624 vii. Heinrich Schafer, born 08 May 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

631. Johannes (John)7 Deines (Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Oct 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Sep 1906 in Nebraska. He married Magdalena Schleicher 13 Feb 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Adam Schleicher and Eva BREHM. She was born 01 Jun 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Apr 1895 in Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes (John) Deines:

Immigration: They arr 5 Jun 1878 New York City aboard the SS Wieland

July 2003 updated per:

Jun 2009: Added death information from

Notes for Magdalena Schleicher:

Immigration: Moved to America Apr 10, 1898

Jun 2009: Added death information from

Children of Johannes Deines and Magdalena Schleicher are:

1625 i. Philipp8 Deines, born 30 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jun 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1626 ii. Christina (Grace) Deines, born 08 Apr 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Aug 1935.

+ 1627 iii. Wilhelm Deines, born 24 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jul 1968.

+ 1628 iv. Nicolaus (Nick O) Deines, born 24 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Sep 1949 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

+ 1629 v. John Deines, Jr., born 12 Nov 1878 in Nebraska; died 26 Mar 1966.

1630 vi. Catharina L (Kate) Deines, born 01 Nov 1880 in Nebraska; died 28 Dec 1966.

+ 1631 vii. Margaret A Deines, born 13 Jan 1882 in Nebraska; died 04 Mar 1959.

1632 viii. Adam H Deines, born Apr 1884 in Nebraska; died 27 Sep 1948.

+ 1633 ix. Mildred A (Millie) Deines, born 04 Jan 1886 in Nebraska; died 31 Jan 1972.

1634 x. Mollie M (Molly) Deines, born 08 Jan 1888 in Nebraska; died 28 May 1976 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

1635 xi. Phillip Deines, born 23 Jul 1888 in Nebraska; died 26 Jan 1910.

1636 xii. Anna Deines, born Aug 1891 in Nebraska.

+ 1637 xiii. Daniel A (Dan) Deines, born 30 Oct 1893 in Nebraska; died 12 Jul 1970.

635. Johann Georg7 Deines (Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jan 1921. He married Christine Popp 29 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Popp and Catharina BREHM. She was born 25 Nov 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Feb 1923 in Friend, Saline, Nebraska.

Notes for Johann Georg Deines:

Sept 2007:

Family 4788. Johann Georg Deines “Georg”, s of Christian Deines & Katharina Schwindt (Family 4804), b 22 Jul 1854 Norka Russia; d 7 Jan 1921. He m 29 Jan 1874 Norka Russia to Christina Popp “Christine”. She b 25 Nov 1853 Norka Russia; d 1 Feb 1923 Lincoln Lacaster Co NE. They arr 8 Jul 1876 New York City aboard the SS Oder. They have 15 ch, of whom 14 are:

i Conrad George Deines, 1876-1936. See Family 4894.

ii Emmanuel [95p34] Henry [233a] Deines, b c1878 Ohio; d 1952. [95p34;233a]

iii George Deines Jr, 1879-1940. See Family 4905.

iv Katharina Deines “Kate”, 1880-1947. See Family 4906.

v Elisabeth Deines, b Jul 1882; d 1958. She m unk Rowan. [95p34;233a]

vi Christina Deines “Dena”, 1883-1952. See Family 4907.

vii William Deines, b Oct 1885; d 1956. [95p35;233a]

viii Amelia Deines "Nellie", b 15 Mar 1887; d 21 Mar 1918. [95p34;233a]

ix John George Deines, 1889-1935. See Family 7497.

x Benjamin Deines “Ben”, b May 1891; d 1936. [95p35;233a]

xi Carolina Deines “Lena”, 1893-1975. See Family 4908.

xii Wilhelmina Deines “Mena”, b Jun 1893; d 1944. [95p35;233a]

xiii Carl Deines, b Aug 1895; d 1954. [95p35;233a]

xiv Paul L. Deines, 1900-1976. See Family 4909.

Res: Norka Russia; 1876 to US. [14k;95p34;307ap55]

Notes for Christine Popp:

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. "Christina, who married George Deines, had come to Wisconsin in 1876, then settled at Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada, with her second husband, Adam Giebelhaus. "

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. Cathy has her birth as 22 Jul 1854.

Children of Johann Deines and Christine Popp are:

1638 i. Conrad George8 Deines, born 1876; died 1936.

1639 ii. Emmanuel Henry Deines, born Abt. 1878 in Ohio.

1640 iii. George Deines, born 1879; died 1940.

1641 iv. Catharina (Kate) Deines, born 1880; died 1947.

1642 v. Elisabeth Deines, born Jul 1882; died 1958.

1643 vi. Christina (Dena) Deines, born 1883; died 1952.

1644 vii. William Deines, born Oct 1885; died 1956.

1645 viii. Amelia (Nellie) Deines, born 15 Mar 1887; died 21 Mar 1918.

1646 ix. John George Deines, born 1889; died 1935.

1647 x. Benjamin (Ben) Deines, born May 1891; died 1936.

1648 xi. Wilhelmina (Mena) Deines, born Jun 1893; died 1944.

+ 1649 xii. Caroline (Lena) Deines, born 17 Jun 1893 in Friend, Saline, Nebraska; died 1975.

1650 xiii. Carl Deines, born Aug 1895; died 1954.

1651 xiv. Paul L Deines, born 1900; died 1976.

636. Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines (Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 May 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Aug 1918 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married Heinrich (Henry) BREHM 15 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Wilhelm BREHM and Anna Brehm. He was born 17 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Jan 1931 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Deines:

Immigration: Came to America 1878 with family

Dec 2006: Another spelling of her name - Katherine Elizabeth Deines, Katherine Elisabeth Deines

Sept 2007:

Family 4910. Katharina Elisabeth Deines, dau of Christian Deines & Katharina Schwindt (Family 4804), b 31 May 1856 Norka Russia; d 20 Aug 1918. She m Henry Brehm. He b 17 Sep 1851; d 29 Jan 1931. They have 11 children.

Notes for Heinrich (Henry) BREHM:

1. May 2002: Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson.

2. Immigration: Came to America 1878 with family

2. 1880 USSchool Creek Precinct, Clay Co. NEWm Brehm

Descendant information was provided by Shirley York Anderson June 2002.

3. 1885 NESutton Village, Clay Co. NE (ED131, p.2, L1)Henry Brehm

4. On the 1900 census of Clay Co, NE ED 42 Sutton township, page 11

Name birth age mar yrs children born parents immigration yrs

mar born living born in USA

Brehm, Henry head Sep 1857 42 M 22 12 10 Russia Russia 1878 22

Katherine E wife May 1856 41 M 22 Russia Russia 1878 22

Lizzie dau Oct 1876 23 S Russia Russia 1878 22

Maggie dau Oct 1878 21 S Nebr Russia

Fred son Oct 1880 19 S Nebr Russia

Nicholas son Oct 1883 16 S Nebr Russia

John son Oct 1885 14 S Nebr Russia

Clara dau Aug 1888 11 S Nebr Russia

Dora D dau Dec 1890 9 S Nebr Russia

Frida dau Oct 1892 7 S Nebr Russia

Ester dau Oct 1894 5 S Nebr Russia

Karl G son Dec 1896 3 S Nebr Russia

5. From Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery website


BREHM, HENRY 08N-08-06-09 9/17/1857 1/29/1931

BREHM, KATHRINE ELIZABETH 08N-08-06-10 5/31/1856 8/20/1918

6. 1910 USFirst Sect Line Road West, Sutton Twp, Clay Co. NE (ED47 p.18) Henry Brehm

7. This family looks like they are on the 1920 census of Clay Co. Nebraska.

Henry has remarried. see Census information on the Website.

name age year birth

Brehm, Henry M 59 1860/1861

Brehm, Lena M 49 1870/1871

Brehm, Fred S 39 1880/1881 ED 47 page 11 at the bottom

Brehm, Dora S 31 1888/1889

Brehm, Frieda P. Wd 27 1892/1893

Brehm, Carl S 24 1895/1896 ED 47 page 11 at the bottom

Brehm, Paul A. S 19 1900/1901 ED 47 page 11 at the bottom

Traut, Gerald S 7 1912/1913 This says he is the "son" on the census

Those under ED 47, pg 11, there is a note at the bottom of page 11 that these 3 are in the wrong place.

They belong to House 19, line 80, Sutton Twp, which Henry Brehm is head.

Children of Catharina Deines and Heinrich BREHM are:

+ 1652 i. Elisabeth8 Brehm, born 03 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Aug 1975 in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

+ 1653 ii. Margaret (Maggie) Brehm, born 05 Oct 1878 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 06 Dec 1909.

1654 iii. Frederick (Fred) Brehm, born 25 Oct 1880 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 28 Oct 1954 in Harvard, Nebraska.

Notes for Frederick (Fred) Brehm:

1. From Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery website


BREHM, FRED 08N-08-06-08 1880 1954

2. Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002

3. Obit from AHSGR: Frederick Brehm, son of Henry and Katherine Brehm, was born on Oct 25, 1880 in Friend. He passed away suddenly on Oct 28, 1954, at the Rest Haven Home in Harvard at the age of 74 years and 3 days. Mr. Brehm moved with his family to Sutton in 1883; He grew to manhood and attended the Sutton public schools. In 1941, he moved to CA with his sister, Clara. In 1946 he moved back to NE and entered the Rest Haven Home in Harvard.

+ 1655 iv. Nicholas (Nick) Brehm, born 14 Oct 1883 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 18 Mar 1939.

+ 1656 v. John Adam Brehm, born 08 Oct 1885 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 31 May 1965.

+ 1657 vi. Clara Marie Augusta Brehm, born 01 Aug 1888 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 11 Sep 1946.

+ 1658 vii. Doretta (Dora) Brehm, born 03 Dec 1890 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 12 Apr 1975 in Miami, Dade Co, Florida.

1659 viii. Frieda P (J) Brehm, born 27 Oct 1892 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 29 Nov 1994 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado. She married (1) John Pauley 14 Sep 1914; born 05 Jan 1890; died 05 Oct 1918. She married (2) Earl M. Adkins 03 Feb 1923; born 13 Sep 1890; died 05 Apr 1974 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Frieda P (J) Brehm:

Information updated by Shirley Anderson May 2002

Notes for Earl M. Adkins:

From Jerry Fueher via email Oct 2002: "Then much later Lydia and John A and Fred sold the property to a Earl Adkins. Earl sold the property to my dad sometime in the late 40’s early 50’s."

+ 1660 ix. Esther Henrietta Brehm, born 22 Oct 1894 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 04 Jan 1992 in Laguna Hills, Orange, California.

+ 1661 x. Carl Henry Brehm, born 19 Dec 1896 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 02 Dec 1976 in Shorewood Hills, Dane Co, Wisconsin.

+ 1662 xi. Dr. Paul Albert Brehm, Sr., born 06 Mar 1901 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 30 Apr 1949 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

640. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Jan 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina SCHREIBER 01 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Sep 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina SCHREIBER are:

1663 i. Anna Margaretha8 HELZER, born 27 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1664 ii. Johann Adam HELZER, born 09 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1665 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 02 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1666 iv. Elisabeth HELZER, born 09 Jun 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1667 v. Johannes HELZER, born 13 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1668 vi. Still Born HELZER, born 05 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jun 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1669 vii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 17 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1670 viii. Dorothea HELZER, born 01 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1671 ix. Nicolaus HELZER, born 20 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1672 x. Anna Maria HELZER, born 02 Apr 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

642. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Aug 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes SCHAFER 06 Feb 1873 in Scheremetjerka, Russia. He was born 02 Oct 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth HELZER and Johannes SCHAFER is:

1673 i. Conrad8 Schafer, born 27 Feb 1876 in Scheremetjerka, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Antonova Abt. 1898 in Norka, Saratov, Volga, Russia; born Abt. 1878 in Norka, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Schafer:

Sept 2006: This child is added from

Jan 2009: from Dave's site.

SCHAFER surname chart - Village of Norka

644. Jacob7 Deines (Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Nov 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Albert 03 Jan 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Jan 1844 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Jacob Deines and Margaretha Albert is:

+ 1674 i. Heinrich8 Deines, born 16 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

646. Anna Maria7 Deines (Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jun 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Weigandt 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 05 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Deines and Jacob Weigandt are:

+ 1675 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Weigandt, born 31 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1676 ii. Catharina Weigandt, born 26 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

647. Philipp7 Deines (Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 May 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Weigandt 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 05 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Philipp Deines and Elisabeth Weigandt are:

1677 i. Catharina Maria8 Deines, born 03 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1678 ii. Child Deines, born 12 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1679 iii. Child Deines, born 13 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1680 iv. Adam Deines, born 16 Mar 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1681 v. Catharina Deines, born 14 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1682 vi. Margaretha Deines, born 05 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1683 vii. Anna Catharina Deines, born 23 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1684 viii. Anna Maria Deines, born 03 May 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1685 ix. Jacob Deines, born 11 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1686 x. Johann Deines, born 14 Dec 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

649. Adam7 Deines (Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Aug 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Wlisabeth Weitzel 27 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 04 Mar 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Adam Deines and Wlisabeth Weitzel are:

+ 1687 i. Johann Georg8 Deines, born 02 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1688 ii. Christina Deines, born 22 Nov 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Mar 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1689 iii. Wilhelm Deines, born 24 Apr 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1690 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 19 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1691 v. Philipp Jacob Deines, born 06 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1692 vi. Elisabeth Deines, born 10 Jul 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1693 vii. Amalie Deines, born 11 Dec 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1694 viii. Catharina Maria Deines, born 09 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

651. Elisabeth7 Deines (Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Sep 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) ? Schreiber Abt. 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born Abt. 1846. She married (2) Johann Georg Scheidemann 10 Feb 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Scheidemann and Anna Grun. He was born 09 May 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Deines:

Feb 2010: It is unclear if she was married before. The Pleve chart has Deines. But various other records have her as Elisabeth Schreiber. It could be she was born before her mother was married.

Children of Elisabeth Deines and Johann Scheidemann are:

1695 i. Johannes8 Scheidemann, born 14 Dec 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1696 ii. Johann Adam Scheidemann, born 27 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Evdocia Kwazenkova 21 May 1893 in Russia; born Abt. 1871 in Russia.

1697 iii. Elisabeth Louise Scheidemann, born 07 May 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1698 iv. Anna Elisabeth Scheidemann, born 20 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1699 v. Heinrich Scheidemann, born 24 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1700 vi. Sophia Scheidemann, born 31 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

654. Johannes7 Deines (Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Apr 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Feb 1925 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado. He married Catharina Elisabeth Giebelhaus 23 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 24 Dec 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Nov 1932 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Johannes Deines:

Dec 2009: 1899 to US;

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Giebelhaus:

Dec 2009: Added death.

Children of Johannes Deines and Catharina Giebelhaus are:

+ 1701 i. Adam8 Deines, born 04 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jan 1930.

1702 ii. Heinrich Deines, born 04 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Mar 1964 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Barbara Maria Speaker 03 Jan 1903 in Windsor, Weld, Colorado; born 30 Sep 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1969 in Loveland, Larimar, Colorado.

Notes for Heinrich Deines:

Apr 2009: Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Jefferson, CO

Dec 2009:

arr 2 Jun 1899 New York City aboard the SS Pennsylvania

1703 iii. Dorothea Maria Deines, born 19 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1953. She married Lawrence Lehl; born Jun 1879 in Russia; died 1965.

Notes for Dorothea Maria Deines:

Dec 2009: Added her spouse.

1704 iv. Catharina Christina Deines, born 13 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Jun 1978. She married George Schlitt; born Abt. 1887.

Notes for Catharina Christina Deines:

Dec 2009: Added her spouse.

1705 v. Johann Philipp Deines, born 30 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1706 vi. Elisabeth Deines, born 26 Jan 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

655. Adam7 Deines (Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Mar 1937 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Anna Catharina Hohnstein 14 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Hohnstein and Margaretha YOST. She was born 21 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Nov 1924 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Adam Deines:

Dec 2009: Added death information from this site. They arrived in the US 1886.

Jan 2010: Received a letter from Pat Yost Sharp with information on her line.

Adam Deines died in Hastings, NE.

"They came to the USA Jan 1887"

Jan 2010: I changed his death location from Harvard.

Notes for Anna Catharina Hohnstein:

Dec 2009: Added death information from this site.

Jan 2010: Received a letter from Pat Yost Sharp with information on her line.

She died in Hastings, NE.

Jan 2010: I changed her death location from Harvard.

Burial: Harvard, NE

Children of Adam Deines and Anna Hohnstein are:

1707 i. Anna Margaretha8 Deines, born 07 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jul 1915. She married John Hohnstein; born Abt. 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Margaretha Deines:

Dec 2009: Added spouse and death information. Nickname: Margaret Deines

1708 ii. Catharina Deines, born 03 Dec 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1709 iii. Heinrich Jacob Deines, born 25 Apr 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jan 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

+ 1710 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 20 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jul 1970 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

1711 v. Amelia Deines, born 06 Sep 1888 in Friend, Saline Co, Nebraska. She married Pete Schleiger; born Abt. 1888.

Notes for Amelia Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

1712 vi. Adam H Deines, born 13 Jan 1891 in Friend, Saline Co, Nebraska; died 07 Apr 1968 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Blanche Alvirda Young 19 Dec 1933; born 13 Oct 1900; died 21 Apr 1995.

Notes for Adam H Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

1713 vii. Anna Deines, born 13 Jan 1891 in Friend, Saline Co, Nebraska; died 29 May 1959. She married Harry Pettengill; born Abt. 1891.

Notes for Anna Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

1714 viii. Wilhelmina Martha Deines, born 30 Jun 1896 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska; died 09 Sep 1938.

Notes for Wilhelmina Martha Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

661. Heinrich7 Deines (Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Mar 1940. He married Margaretha Traudt 30 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Ludwig Traudt and Catharina YOST. She was born 22 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

More About Heinrich Deines:

Burial: Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska

More About Margaretha Traudt:

Immigration: Moved to America in 1892

Child of Heinrich Deines and Margaretha Traudt is:

1715 i. Elisabeth8 Deines, born 16 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

664. Catharina7 Schnell (Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Sep 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Deines Abt. 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Wilhelm Deines and Catherina Wacker. He was born 09 Feb 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Schnell and Conrad Deines are:

1716 i. Johannes8 Deines, born 22 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena Brehm 15 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 13 Oct 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1717 ii. Philipp Deines, born 09 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1718 iii. Conrad Deines, born 22 Mar 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1719 iv. Heinrich Deines, born 07 Apr 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Apr 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

666. Nicolaus7 Schnell (Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Jul 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Elisabeth Dill 01 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 24 Nov 1858 in Moore, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Nicolaus Schnell and Maria Dill are:

1720 i. Catharina Maria8 Schnell, born 27 Oct 1879 in Schilling, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

+ 1721 ii. Alexander Schnell, born 08 Apr 1881 in Kamischin, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

667. Christina Maria7 Schnell (Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Heinrich Deines 08 Feb 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 15 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Christina Schnell and Johann Deines are:

1722 i. Johann Heinrich8 Deines, born 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1723 ii. Maria Catharina Deines, born 31 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1724 iii. Lydia Deines, born 27 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1725 iv. Johann Friedrich Deines, born 13 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1726 v. Johannes Deines, born 13 Jun 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Bef. 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1727 vi. Johannes Deines, born 02 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1728 vii. Johann Jacob Deines, born 25 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1729 viii. Johann Jacob Deines, born 09 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

673. Anna Maria7 Schnell (Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Jun 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Spady Abt. 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 06 Feb 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Schnell and Heinrich Spady are:

1730 i. Georg Philipp8 Spady, born 27 Mar 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1731 ii. Heinrich Spady, born 18 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1732 iii. Johannes Spady, born 28 Aug 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1733 iv. Nicolaus Spady, born 07 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

674. Alexander7 Schnell (Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Kahm 20 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Alexander Schnell and Anna Kahm are:

1734 i. Alexander8 Schnell, born 10 Dec 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1735 ii. Constantin Schnell, born 11 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

677. Heinrich7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Muller 23 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Muller and Catharina HELZER. She was born 19 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Anna Maria Mueller, Anna Maria Miller

Children of Heinrich Deines and Anna Muller are:

+ 1736 i. Catharina Margaretha8 Deines, born 12 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1737 ii. Heinrich Deines, born 07 Jul 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1738 iii. Georg Philipp Deines, born 16 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1739 iv. Johann Peter Deines, born 10 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1740 v. Elisabeth Deines, born 19 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 May 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1741 vi. Melchior Deines, born 17 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1742 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 15 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 May 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1743 viii. Nicolaus Deines, born 13 Apr 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1744 ix. Elisabeth Deines, born 04 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

679. Johann George7 Deines, Sr. (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Jan 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Jun 1941 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. He married Elisabeth Yost 10 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich YOST and Christina SINNER. She was born 01 May 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Feb 1960 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johann George Deines, Sr.:

1. German name: Johann Georg Deines, George Deines, Sr., Georg Deines

2. Jul 2003 some info from website:

Johann Georg Deines "George", s of Adam Deines & Maria Elisabeth Maul (Family 4868), b 24 Jan 1859 Norka Russia; d 11 Jun 1941. He m 10 Feb 1887 Norka Russia to Elisabeth Yost, dau of Heinrich Peter Jost & Christina Sinner. She b 1 May 1864 Norka Russia; d 2 Feb 1960. They arr 1892 US. They have 8 known children.

Children of Johann Deines and Elisabeth Yost are:

1745 i. Johann Wilhelm (William)8 Deines, born 22 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Nov 1934 in Riverton, Wyoming.

Notes for Johann Wilhelm (William) Deines:

Johann Wilhelm Deines "Wilhelm", b 22 Nov 1887 or 23 Nov 1887 Norka Russia; arr 1892 US; d 13 Nov 1934 Riverton WY.

1746 ii. Johann Jacob (Jacob) Deines, born 25 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1747 iii. Katharina (Katie) Deines, born 25 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 May 1989.

+ 1748 iv. George Deines, Jr., born 29 Apr 1896 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska; died Nov 1979.

1749 v. Elizabeth Deines, born Abt. 1900. She married ? Bietz; born Abt. 1900.

1750 vi. Anna Deines, born Abt. 1903. She married David Keller; born Abt. 1900.

1751 vii. Minnie Deines, born Abt. 1905. She married Karl Ehrlich; born Abt. 1904.

1752 viii. Emma Deines, born Abt. 1907. She married Merle Denning; born Abt. 1908.

680. Catharina7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Philipp Dick 01 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 28 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Deines:

July 2003: moved to Canada;

Children of Catharina Deines and Philipp Dick are:

1753 i. Johann Georg8 Dick, born 06 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1754 ii. Christina Elisabeth Dick, born 01 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

681. Johannes7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Apr 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Giebelhaus 22 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 16 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Deines and Anna Giebelhaus are:

1755 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines, born 13 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1756 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 22 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1757 iii. Johann Conrad Deines, born 17 Dec 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Dec 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1758 iv. Conrad Deines, born 01 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1759 v. Amalie Deines, born 04 Oct 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1760 vi. Johannes Deines, born 06 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

682. Jacob7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Sep 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth Schafer 06 Mar 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Jan 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth Schafer:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Anna Elisabeth Schaefer

Children of Jacob Deines and Anna Schafer are:

1761 i. Johann Jacob8 Deines, born 04 Jul 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1762 ii. Johann Heinrich Deines, born 10 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1763 iii. Gertrude Elisabeth Deines, born 24 Jul 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1764 iv. Anna Elisabeth Deines, born 12 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1765 v. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 05 Sep 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1766 vi. Heinrich Adam Deines, born 18 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1767 vii. Elisabeth Deines, born 12 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1768 viii. Johann Georg Deines, born 05 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

683. Wilhelm7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jul 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Sauer 14 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 16 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Wilhelm Deines and Catharina Sauer are:

1769 i. Heinrich8 Deines, born 26 Jul 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 May 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1770 ii. Anna Maria Deines, born 12 Sep 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1771 iii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 05 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Oct 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1772 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 23 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

684. Conrad7 Deines (Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Maria Yost 25 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Yost and Christina Albert. She was born 07 Sep 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria Yost:

Husband found off LDS website: Jun 2003

More About Catharina Maria Yost:

Comment 1: Possible birth date July 7, 1875

Children of Conrad Deines and Catharina Yost are:

1773 i. Georg Heinrich8 Deines, born 09 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jan 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1774 ii. Elisabeth Deines, born 28 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1775 iii. Johannes Deines, born 06 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1776 iv. Conrad Deines, born 22 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

685. Johann Georg7 Weber (Anna Maria6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Nov 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Weber 10 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Mar 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Weber and Elisabeth Weber are:

+ 1777 i. Ludwig8 Weber, born 28 Nov 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1778 ii. Wilhelm Weber, born 15 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jan 1957 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.

1779 iii. Heinrich Weber, born 26 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Magdalena Spady 19 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 05 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1780 iv. Georg Philipp Weber, born 05 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1952 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. He married Elisabeth Gobel 26 Feb 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 15 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Jul 1978 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.

Notes for Elisabeth Gobel:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Elizabeth Goebel, Elizabeth Goebel, Elizabeth Gobel

1781 v. Elisabeth Weber, born 21 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1782 vi. Georg Alexander Weber, born 29 Mar 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Feb 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1783 vii. Johannes Weber, born 15 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Sayler; born Abt. 1895.

1784 viii. Magdalena Weber, born 15 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Philipp Schafer; born 20 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Philipp Schafer:

Apr 2011: Another spelling Philipp Schaefer, Phillip Schaefer, Phillip Schafer

689. Maria Margaretha7 Weber (Anna Maria6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Schlitt 13 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Schlitt and Margaretha Fuchs. He was born 15 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Maria Weber and Johannes Schlitt is:

1785 i. Christina8 Schlitt, born 03 Aug 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

696. Ludwig7 Kaiser (Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Jun 1919 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Christina Schleiger 19 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Lorenz Schleicher and Catharina Gobel. She was born 04 Dec 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Feb 1930 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Christina Schleiger:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Christina Schleicher, Christina SCHLEICHER, Christina SCHLEIGER, Christina Schleicher

Children of Ludwig Kaiser and Christina Schleiger are:

+ 1786 i. Anna Maria8 Kaiser, born 29 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 May 1944 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

1787 ii. Margaretha Kaiser, born 24 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1788 iii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 10 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Oct 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1789 iv. Anna Elisabeth Kaiser, born 06 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1790 v. Christina Kaiser, born 10 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Schleuning 22 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 28 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1791 vi. Anna Catharina Kaiser, born 28 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1792 vii. Catharina Maria Kaiser, born 05 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1793 viii. Catharina Elisabeth Kaiser, born 17 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1794 ix. Catharina Kaiser, born 14 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Jul 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1795 x. Johann Ludwig Kaiser, born 24 Sep 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

698. Anna Maria7 Kaiser (Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jan 1916 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married Johannes Yeager 25 Nov 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Ludwig Yeager and Anna Hessler. He was born 01 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Dec 1943 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes Yeager:

Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery records website


YAEGER, JOHANNAS 01N-20-09-04 1860 1943

Apr 2009: Another spelling: John Yeager, John Yager, Johannes Yager

More About Johannes Yeager:

Immigration: Came to America 1889 with family.

Children of Anna Kaiser and Johannes Yeager are:

1796 i. Child8 Yeager, born 17 Aug 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Aug 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1797 ii. Child Yeager, born 04 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1798 iii. Ludwig (Yager) Yeager, born Abt. 1890.

+ 1799 iv. Christina Anna Yeager, born 25 Jul 1894 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 21 May 1973 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

700. Johannes7 Hohnstein (Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jun 1837 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Sterkel 27 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 12 Mar 1838 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Hohnstein and Elisabeth Sterkel are:

+ 1800 i. Anna Maria8 Hohnstein, born 05 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1801 ii. Johannes Hohnstein, born 02 Jul 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Nov 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1802 iii. Catharina Hohnstein, born 15 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1803 iv. Heinrich Hohnstein, born 01 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1804 v. Adam Hohnstein, born 08 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1805 vi. Jacob Hohnstein, born 12 Aug 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Frueauf 26 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 07 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Frueauf:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Maria Fruauf, Maria Frueauf

1806 vii. Johann Jacob Hohnstein, born 22 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 May 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1807 viii. Johannes Hohnstein, born 06 Mar 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1808 ix. Friedrich Hohnstein, born 06 Apr 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1809 x. Elisabeth Hohnstein, born 25 Nov 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Dec 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1810 xi. Child Hohnstein, born 09 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

701. Margaretha7 Hohnstein (Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Schnell 28 Jan 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 20 Jul 1833 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Margaretha Hohnstein and Conrad Schnell are:

+ 1811 i. Jacob8 Schnell, born 22 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1812 ii. Louise Schnell, born 16 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1813 iii. Catharina Schnell, born 28 Jun 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Aug 1865 in .

1814 iv. Elisabeth Schnell, born 09 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Aug 1865 in .

+ 1815 v. Heinrich Schnell, born 05 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1816 vi. Peter Schnell, born 04 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1817 vii. Conrad Schnell, born 24 Sep 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1818 viii. Johannes Schnell, born 10 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jun 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1819 ix. Johann Georg Schnell, born 25 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1820 x. Child Schnell, born 30 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1821 xi. Catharina Elisabeth Schnell, born 16 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

702. Jacob7 Hohnstein (Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Mar 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Elisabeth Popp 23 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Sep 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Margaretha Krieger 27 Nov 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 31 Jul 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Jacob Hohnstein and Elisabeth Popp are:

1822 i. Conrad8 Hohnstein, born 01 Mar 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Nolde; born 18 Aug 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1823 ii. Catharina Hohnstein, born 27 Nov 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Jacob Hohnstein and Margaretha Krieger are:

+ 1824 i. Johann Georg8 Hohnstein, born 04 Feb 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1825 ii. Margaretha Hohnstein, born 13 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1826 iii. Heinrich Hohnstein, born 31 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1827 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Hohnstein, born 29 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1828 v. Peter Hohnstein, born 24 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1829 vi. Conrad Hohnstein, born 16 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

707. Conrad7 Hohnstein (Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Kaiser 09 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Kaiser and Anna Pauley. She was born 23 Jul 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Conrad Hohnstein and Elisabeth Kaiser is:

1830 i. Catharina8 Hohnstein, born 22 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

709. Johann Georg7 Hohnstein (Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Nov 1928 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. He married Elisabeth Fink Abt. 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Nov 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Hohnstein and Elisabeth Fink are:

+ 1831 i. Georg8 Hohnstein, born 14 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Oct 1939 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 1832 ii. Christina Hohnstein, born 27 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jul 1957 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

713. Heinrich7 Kaiser (Johannes6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Nagel 27 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Aug 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Kaiser and Elisabeth Nagel are:

1833 i. Catharina8 Kaiser, born 19 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1834 ii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 22 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1835 iii. Anna Elisabeth Kaiser, born 21 Jun 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1836 iv. Georg Heinrich Kaiser, born 08 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1837 v. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 29 Mar 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1838 vi. Peter Kaiser, born 11 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1839 vii. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 12 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1840 viii. Heinrich Kaiser, born 03 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1841 ix. Johannes Kaiser, born 01 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1842 x. Child Kaiser, born 29 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

714. Catharina7 Kaiser (Johannes6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Sep 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Catharina Kaiser is:

1843 i. Elisabeth8 Kaiser, born 29 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

716. Peter7 Kaiser (Johannes6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jun 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Carolina ? Abt. 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Aug 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Peter Kaiser and Carolina ? is:

1844 i. Johann Georg8 Kaiser, born 09 Jun 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

717. Johannes7 Kaiser (Johannes6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jun 1854 in Warenburg, Samara, Volga, Russia. He married Susanna Elisabeth Kampf Abt. 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Kaiser and Susanna Kampf are:

1845 i. Johannes8 Kaiser, born 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1846 ii. Heinrich Peter Kaiser, born 16 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1847 iii. Dorothea Kaiser, born 28 Jun 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1848 iv. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 17 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1849 v. Catharina Kaiser, born 21 Mar 1885 in Mÿust, Volga, Russia.

1850 vi. Jacob Kaiser, born 28 Dec 1893 in Armavir Town, Volga, Russia.

719. Louise7 Kaiser (Johannes6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Louise Kaiser is:

1851 i. Child8 Kaiser, born 14 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

726. Elisabeth7 Kaiser (Elisabeth6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Dec 1839 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth Kaiser is:

1852 i. Peter8 Jacoby, born 26 Oct 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

728. Conrad7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Jan 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Weitzel 11 Feb 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 21 Feb 1849 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad Jacoby and Anna Weitzel are:

1853 i. Anna Christina8 Jacoby, born 29 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 May 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1854 ii. Conrad Jacoby, born 30 Apr 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1855 iii. Catharina Christina Jacoby, born 30 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1856 iv. Philipp Jacoby, born 07 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Apr 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1857 v. Johannes Jacoby, born 18 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1858 vi. Adam Jacoby, born 10 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1859 vii. Catharina Amalie Jacoby, born 11 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1860 viii. Maria Elisabeth Jacoby, born 10 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1861 ix. Anna Maria Jacoby, born 11 Mar 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

729. Christina7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Sep 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Weitzel 31 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 21 Dec 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Christina Jacoby and Heinrich Weitzel are:

+ 1862 i. Johannes8 Weitzel, born 06 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1863 ii. Catharina Margaretha Weitzel, born 18 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1864 iii. Conrad Weitzel, born 11 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1865 iv. Sebastian Weitzel, born 15 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1866 v. Catharina Weitzel, born 04 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1867 vi. Heinrich Weitzel, born 30 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1868 vii. Christina Elisabeth Weitzel, born 01 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1869 viii. Johann Georg Weitzel, born 04 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Schleicher 15 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Mar 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1870 ix. Elisabeth Weitzel, born 10 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1871 x. Child Weitzel, born 06 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1872 xi. Anna Maria Weitzel, born 23 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

730. Catharina7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Aug 1848 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Adam Weber 10 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 03 Nov 1845 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Jacoby and Johann Weber are:

1873 i. Catharina8 Weber, born 18 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1874 ii. Anna Maria Weber, born 22 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1875 iii. Anna Margaretha Weber, born 03 Sep 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Sep 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1876 iv. Anna Catharina Weber, born 01 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Hohnstein 17 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 24 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1877 v. Conrad Weber, born 22 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1878 vi. Magdalena Weber, born 11 Nov 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1879 vii. Johann Georg Weber, born 13 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1880 viii. Johann Georg Weber, born 11 Sep 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1881 ix. Wilhelm Weber, born 07 Jul 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Oct 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1882 x. Catharina Magdalena Weber, born 09 Aug 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

731. Sebastian7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Apr 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Elisabeth Weitzel 30 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Sep 1851 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Sebastian Jacoby and Christina Weitzel are:

1883 i. Johannes8 Jacoby, born 16 Oct 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1884 ii. Johann Georg Jacoby, born 31 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1885 iii. Johannes Jacoby, born 11 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1886 iv. Catharina Margaretha Jacoby, born 28 Aug 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Mar 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1887 v. Catharina Margaretha Jacoby, born 21 Dec 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1888 vi. Anna Elisabeth Jacoby, born 02 Dec 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1889 vii. Johann Heinrich Jacoby, born 28 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1890 viii. Catharina Louise Jacoby, born 16 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

733. Anna Catharina7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 May 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Anna Catharina Jacoby is:

+ 1891 i. Alexander8 Jacoby, born 30 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

738. Johannes7 Jacoby (Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Schneider 13 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Schneider and Louise Hamburger. She was born 29 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Jacoby and Anna Schneider are:

1892 i. Georg Alexander8 Jacoby, born 10 Jun 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1893 ii. Johann Heinrich Jacoby, born 18 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1894 iii. Heinrich Jacoby, born 01 Jun 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1895 iv. Johannes Jacoby, born 23 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Dec 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1896 v. Elisabeth Jacoby, born 01 Nov 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1897 vi. Amalie Jacoby, born 16 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Jan 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1898 vii. Anna Maria Jacoby, born 25 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

743. Johann Georg7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1927 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Grieta YOST 01 Nov 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter YOST and Christina Schleicher. She was born 09 Aug 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Grieta YOST:

Sept 2008: Added spouse and children from this site. Also added her middle name.

Children of Johann Kaiser and Margaretha YOST are:

1899 i. Johannes8 Kaiser, born 23 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1900 ii. Elisabeth Kaiser, born 16 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Feb 1942 in Weld Co, Colorado.

1901 iii. Anna Maria Emma Kaiser, born Abt. 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1896.

Notes for Anna Maria Emma Kaiser:

Oct 2008: She is not listed on any other site. But on the one that follows.

1902 iv. Heinrich Kaiser, born 09 Mar 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jun 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1903 v. Johann Ludwig Kaiser, born 17 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1904 vi. Johann Georg Kaiser, born 03 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1905 vii. Catharina Maria Kaiser, born 23 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Maria Kaiser:

Oct 2008: She is not listed on any other site. But on the one that follows.

1906 viii. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 03 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1907 ix. Conrad Kaiser, born 01 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Dec 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1908 x. Anna Catharina Kaiser, born 06 May 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina Kaiser:

Oct 2008: She is not listed on any other site. But on the one that follows.

1909 xi. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 03 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Kaiser:

Oct 2008: She is not listed on any other site. But on the one that follows.

744. Johannes7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Jun 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Hohnstein 17 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Hohnstein and Elisabeth Sterkel. She was born 05 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Hohnstein:

Apr 2009: Previously I had the name "Amalia Annalis ?"

This could be another spouse.

Children of Johannes Kaiser and Anna Hohnstein are:

+ 1910 i. Elisabeth Hohnstein8 Kaiser, born 10 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1911 ii. Catharina Kaiser, born 17 May 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Helzer 10 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 01 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1912 iii. Margaretha Kaiser, born 04 May 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Hessler 30 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 21 Dec 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1913 iv. Nathalie Kaiser, born 11 Mar 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1914 v. Johannes Kaiser, born 15 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1915 vi. Anna Elisabeth Kaiser, born 03 Apr 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1916 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Kaiser, born 03 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1917 viii. Anna Margaretha Kaiser, born 26 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1918 ix. Magdalena Kaiser, born 30 Jun 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Sep 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1919 x. Ludwig Kaiser, born 13 Apr 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1920 xi. Peter Kaiser, born 09 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

745. Christina7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Dec 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Nov 1935 in Lincoln, Clay, Nebraska. She married Heinrich Peter YOST 01 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Peter YOST and Christina Schleicher. He was born 07 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Oct 1939 in Lincoln, Clay, Nebraska.

Notes for Christina Kaiser:

Another spelling: Christine Kaiser, Christina Keiser

Oct 2008: Received email from Norma Schmidt.

Mar 2009: Matched Christina Kaiser to the entry I already had under the Helzer line.

Apr 2009: Added death from Ruth Schultz's site.

Notes for Heinrich Peter YOST:


1920 U.S. CENSUS Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska

Yost, Henry (Y12)Married 61 1858/59 M Head Russia Pending 1892

Yost, Christina Married 63 1856/57 F Henry (Y12) Russia Alien 1892

Yost, Conrad Single 24 1895/96 M Henry (Y12) Russia Alien 1892

Yost, Henry Single 21 1898/99 M Henry (Y12) Russia Alien 1892

Oct 2008: 1900 United States Federal Census

Henry Yost 42 married in 1877 immigration in 1892

Cristina Yost 43

Adden Yost 16 b Jul 1883 Russia (Adam)

Conrod Yost 14 b Nov 1885 Russia

Kattie Yost 12 b Nov 1887 Russia (must be Christina Eliz)

Lowes Yost 8 b Oct 1891 Russia (Louis)

Willie Yost 6 b Jun 1895 Nebraska (William)

Henry Yost 2 b Apr 1898 Nebraska

Oct 2008:

Looking for info on Christina Kaiser born in Norka, Russia, died in Lincoln, Nebraska. I would say her birth was around the 1850's. No dates on marriage or death, or when she came to the U.S. She married Henry Peter Yost in Norka, Russia. Any info appreciated. Thanks. Posted by: norma schmidt

Oct 2008: Received email from Norma Schmidt.

Oct 2008:

Heinrich Yost 07 DEC 1858

Christina Keiser 21 Dec 1856 Conrad Keiser; Anna Maria Pauly

marriage 1 Feb 1877

Children, Elizabeth, Lydia, Katherine, Louis, Henry, Adam. Conrad

Oct 2008 email received from Norma Waite Schmidt.

Well, my sister-in-law sent this to me several years ago. She didn't have any dates for Henry Peter, or Christina, but these are the names of the children of this couple.

1. Katherine (no date for birth or death) Norka married to Henry Weber buried in Lincoln, Ne.

2. Elizabeth b. 6/16/1881 in Norka married to John Rohrig 1/3/1900, died 11/15/1951. (These were my husband's grandparents)

3. Adam married Anna Rider (The following were born in Norka, and died in various cities. No dates for birth or death.

4. Conrad

5. Louis married Ruth

6. Christina Elizabeth married Jack Bott

7. William b. 6/8/1891 born in Inland Ne. married Bertha died, 6/15/1976

8. Henry born in Inland, Ne.Maeeied Leona Warwick

Mar 2009: Matched Heinrich Yost to the entry I already had under the Yost line.

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. She sent alot of information on his line.

Jun 2009: Norma Schmidt had his death as died 1934. I have updated this to 26 Oct 1939 per Elizabeth.

Jun 2010: Received email from Shelley Markstaller adding census information.

Children of Christina Kaiser and Heinrich YOST are:

+ 1921 i. Catharina8 Yost, born 21 Nov 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Apr 1927 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 1922 ii. Elisabeth Yost, born 16 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1923 iii. Adam Georg Yost, born 10 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jan 1952 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

1924 iv. Conrad Yost, born Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Yost:

Jun 2009: This Conrad was on the census records. But Elizabeth McKeon added another Conrad born 1 Jan 1888.

+ 1925 v. Christina Elizabeth Yost, born Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1924 in Denver, Colorado.

1926 vi. Conrad Yost, born 01 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Aug 1944 in Fresno, Fresno, California.

Notes for Conrad Yost:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added this child.

Jun 2009: Per the census records, there was a Conrad born Nov 1885. This Conrad may be Heinrich Conrad or something close.

1927 vii. Louis Yost, born Oct 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Ruth ?; born Abt. 1885.

1928 viii. William Yost, born 08 Jun 1894 in Inland, Nebraska; died 11 Nov 1978 in Santa Clara, California. He married Bertha ?; born Abt. 1890.

Notes for William Yost:

Oct 2008: Kathy,

Since my last correspondence, I have learned that my mother-in-law lived with her Uncle Bill Yost for a short period of time after the death of my father-in-law. I remember meeting him during that time. I believe that he had married a woman many years older, and that she had recently died. Lydia, my mom-in-law, told us about it, as he, Bill, also did. I believe she was 20 or so years older, and that he took extremely good care of her before her death. It's funny how things gradually pop up in the old "memory holder." Norma

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added his middle name.

Changed his birth year from 1891-1895 to 1894.

Jun 2009: From Norma: "I realized that it was Bill that Lydia had lived with, not Conrad"

+ 1929 ix. Henry Yost, born Apr 1898 in Inland, Nebraska.

746. Elisabeth7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jul 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Hohnstein 09 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Hohnstein and Margaretha Kaiser. He was born 15 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child is listed above under (707) Conrad Hohnstein.

749. Catharina7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Schlitt 12 Feb 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Schlitt and Margaretha Deines. He was born 06 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child is listed above under (628) Peter Schlitt.

750. Ludwig7 Kaiser (Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jun 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Doring 25 Jan 1893 in Catharina Elisabeth DÖRING. She was born 18 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Doring:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Catharina Elisabeth DÖRING

Children of Ludwig Kaiser and Catharina Doring are:

1930 i. Elisabeth8 Kaiser, born 24 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1931 ii. Christina Kaiser, born 26 Jul 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1932 iii. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 21 Oct 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1933 iv. Amalie Kaiser, born 24 Dec 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1934 v. Conrad Kaiser, born 16 May 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1935 vi. Adam Kaiser, born 11 Jul 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

761. Peter7 Kaiser (Johann Peter6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Jorg 23 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 23 Apr 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Jorg:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Anna Maria Yorg

Children of Peter Kaiser and Anna Jorg are:

1936 i. Georg8 Kaiser, born 16 Mar 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1937 ii. Johann Adam Kaiser, born 19 Sep 1892 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

1938 iii. Heinrich Kaiser, born 23 Aug 1894 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

762. Johannes7 Kaiser (Johann Peter6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Feb 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Hinkel 17 Feb 1887 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 24 Jun 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Kaiser and Elisabeth Hinkel are:

1939 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Kaiser, born 18 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1940 ii. Anna Maria Kaiser, born 09 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Mar 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

763. Louise Magdalena7 Kaiser (Johann Peter6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Schnell 24 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad Schnell and Margaretha Hohnstein. He was born 05 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Louise Kaiser and Heinrich Schnell are:

1941 i. Louise Elisabeth8 Schnell, born 09 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1942 ii. Georg Schnell, born 08 Apr 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1943 iii. Johann Heinrich Schnell, born 23 Mar 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1944 iv. Anna Maria Schnell, born 04 Mar 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

764. Adam7 Kaiser (Johann Peter6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Sauer 24 Nov 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 22 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Adam Kaiser and Margaretha Sauer is:

1945 i. Anna Catharina8 Kaiser, born 13 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

773. Johannes7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Sep 1842 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Schmidt 17 Jan 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 11 Sep 1841 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Muller and Elisabeth Schmidt are:

1946 i. Child8 Muller, born 03 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Dec 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1947 ii. Peter Muller, born 15 May 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1948 iii. Heinrich Muller, born 01 Nov 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1949 iv. Johannes Muller, born 16 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1950 v. Nicolaus Lorenz Muller, born 02 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1951 vi. Catharina Elisabeth Muller, born 11 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1952 vii. Amalia Maria Muller, born 08 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1953 viii. Elisabeth Muller, born 30 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

777. Lorenz7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Aug 1850 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Magdalena Yeager 15 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Yeager and Anna HELZER. She was born 02 Jan 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Christina Kern 09 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 04 Oct 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (318) Magdalena Yeager.

Children of Lorenz Muller and Christina Kern are:

1954 i. Philipp8 Muller, born 10 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1955 ii. Peter Muller, born 20 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1956 iii. Elisabeth Muller, born 02 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1957 iv. Catharina Muller, born 03 Jun 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

779. Catharina7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Dec 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Wacker 04 Feb 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 08 Sep 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Catharina Muller and Johann Wacker is:

1958 i. Jacob8 Wacker, born 09 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

781. Anna Maria7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Feb 1859 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Deines 23 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Adam Deines and Maria Maul. He was born 14 Jan 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Anna Maria Mueller, Anna Maria Miller

Children are listed above under (677) Heinrich Deines.

782. Margaretha7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Wilhelm Frueauf 08 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 15 Oct 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Johannes Weigandt Abt. 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 24 Aug 1852 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Margaretha Muller and Wilhelm Frueauf are:

1959 i. Johannes8 Frueauf, born 08 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1960 ii. Elisabeth Frueauf, born 07 Aug 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1961 iii. Amalie Elisabeth Frueauf, born 05 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1962 iv. Heinrich Frueauf, born 30 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1963 v. Christina Margaretha Frueauf, born 15 Jul 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

783. Elisabeth7 Muller (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Wilhelm Trueber 22 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 17 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth Muller and Johann Trueber is:

1964 i. Johannes8 Trueber, born 23 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

784. Johannes7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Apr 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria KNIPPEL 20 Jan 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 02 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2006: Per the Helzer Pleve chart, they moved to America in 1903.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Anna KNIPPEL are:

1965 i. Heinrich8 HELZER, born 07 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1966 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 12 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1967 iii. Johann Heinrich HELZER, born 18 Mar 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

790. Johann Adam7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Nov 1847 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth BACKER 23 Jan 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Oct 1846 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Adam HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line.

Jan 2008: From the Pleve chart, I had the date 29 Nov 1847. The info was hard to read. I am updating that date to read 22 Nov 1847, as given to me by Betsy.

Jan 2008:

Hockenberry-Helzer- Family Tree

May 2008: . from Betsy H. Beaulieu's site.

Notes for Elisabeth BACKER:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line.

Another spelling of her name: Elisabeth Baecher, Elisabeth Becker, Elizabeth Becker, Elizabeth Backer

Children of Johann HELZER and Elisabeth BACKER are:

+ 1968 i. Melchior8 HELZER, born 01 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1969 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 26 Jun 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jan 1950 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan.

+ 1970 iii. Adam HELZER, born 24 Sep 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1971 iv. Peter HELZER, born 09 Jul 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Dec 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1972 v. Conrad HELZER, born 09 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1973 vi. Lorenz HELZER, born 11 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1974 vii. Heinrich HELZER, born 13 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1975 viii. Peter HELZER, born 08 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1976 ix. Johann Georg Helzer, born 16 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Nov 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1977 x. Nicolaus HELZER, born 07 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1978 xi. Catharina HELZER, born 02 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

792. Dorothea7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg MAUL 28 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich MAUL and Margaretha HELZER. He was born 09 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Apr 2009: From Ruth Schultz's site. Added her family.

Notes for Johann Georg MAUL:

Sept 2008: George Maul, John George Maul

Children of Dorothea HELZER and Johann MAUL are:

+ 1979 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Maul, born 24 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1980 ii. Heinrich Maul, born 03 Aug 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1981 iii. Anna Maria Maul, born 12 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1982 iv. Catharina Maul, born 07 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

+ 1983 v. Magdalena Elisabeth Maul, born 22 Jun 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1984 vi. Elisabeth Maul, born Abt. 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1985 vii. Johann Ludwig Maul, born Abt. 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

795. Conrad7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jul 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina Margartha GLANTZ 08 Jun 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 06 Dec 1862 in Bettingen Colony, Russia, and died 17 Oct 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Elisabeth SPIEGEL 17 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 05 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Catharina Margaretha Glanz (b. 6 Dec 1862), my third cousin twice removed, married Conrad Helzer (b. 8 Jul 1860)."

Notes for Catharina Margartha GLANTZ:

Sept 2006: Another spelling: Catharina Margartha GLANZ

Notes for Anna Elisabeth SPIEGEL:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Anna Elisabeth SPICKER, Anna Elisabeth Spiegel

Children of Conrad HELZER and Catharina GLANTZ are:

1986 i. Christina8 HELZER, born 23 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 May 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1987 ii. Dorothea HELZER, born 01 Jun 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jun 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1988 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 11 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1989 iv. Johann Melchiot HELZER, born 08 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Sep 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1990 v. Catharina HELZER, born 30 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Anna SPIEGEL are:

1991 i. Anna Maria8 Helzer, born 24 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1992 ii. Catharina Helzer, born 18 Oct 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Oct 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1993 iii. Conrad Helzer, born 28 Jun 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1994 iv. Catharina Helzer, born 16 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

799. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Feb 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Dec 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Justus REUSPICH 27 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Reispich and Christina Dillman. He was born 01 Jul 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Notes for Justus REUSPICH:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Tustus REUSPICH, Tustus Reispich, Justis Reispich

Apr 2009: For children by his 2nd spouse Anna Elisabeth Nagel. See this site.

Child of Elisabeth HELZER and Justus REUSPICH is:

1995 i. Heinrich8 Reuspich, born Abt. 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Reuspich:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Heinrich Reuspich, Henry Reispich, Heinrich Reispich

802. Dorothea7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Reispich 22 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 10 Dec 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea Muller:

Apr 2009: This child added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Dorothea Muller and Johannes Reispich are:

1996 i. Conrad8 Reispich, born 06 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1997 ii. Anna Maria Reispich, born 24 Dec 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

804. Conrad7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Nov 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Loos 14 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Loos and Catharina SCHMER. She was born 27 Sep 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad Muller:

Jun 2009: Another spelling Conrad Mueller, Conrad Miller

Notes for Anna Maria Loos:

Dec 2007: Added this child and her spouse from .

Children of Conrad Muller and Anna Loos are:

1998 i. Johannes8 Muller, born 21 Dec 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1999 ii. Catharina Muller, born 26 Sep 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

806. Johannes7 Muller (Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1904. He married Sophia Bauer 09 May 1892 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She was born 01 Sep 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1952 in Wapato, Washington.

Children of Johannes Muller and Sophia Bauer are:

2000 i. Emma8 Muller, born 1894 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2001 ii. Margaret Muller, born 1894 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2002 iii. William Muller, born 1902 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

810. Johannes (John)7 Brehm (Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Sep 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Mar 1899 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. He married Anna Elizabeth (Alice) Nolde 17 Aug 1879 in Sutton, Nebraska, daughter of Johannes Nolde and Anna YOST. She was born 06 Jun 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Apr 1934 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes (John) Brehm:

1. A cousin of Mrs. E.V. Burns mother has found his stone.

2. John Brehm was burnt in a straw stack fire when Deloris Ross Altman's mother Anna Brehm Ross was two years old. Per Freida Burns, he lit a straw stack on fire before he went to bed & my grandmother happened to look out later & saw a turkey on the haystack. My G.F. went to rescue it, the stack fall in & he got burnt & died.

3. From Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery records


BREHM, JOHN 06N-06-06-03 9/15/1857 3/12/1899

SCHLITT, ALICE BREHM 06N-06-06-02 1853 1934 Alice remarried a Schlitt

More About Johannes (John) Brehm:

Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876

Notes for Anna Elizabeth (Alice) Nolde:

1. Alice Nolde remarried John Schlitt after Johannes Brehm died.

From Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery records

NAME Maiden name plot born died

SCHLITT, ALICE BREHM 06N-06-06-02 1853 1934

Burial: Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska with first husband.

2. May 2009: One record has her married to a Heinrich Schlitt. But the year 1893 can't be correct. So I have not listed him.

Children of Johannes Brehm and Anna Nolde are:

+ 2003 i. Catharine Marie8 Brehm, born 07 Aug 1880 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 27 May 1950 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

+ 2004 ii. John Brehm, born 19 Nov 1881 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 09 Mar 1957 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

2005 iii. George Brehm, born Abt. 1885 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died Abt. 1905 in Tilden, Nebraska.

Notes for George Brehm:

Died of pneumonia.

2006 iv. Louis H (Louie) Brehm, born 22 Jan 1887 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 23 Mar 1944 in Clearwater, Nebraska.

Notes for Louis H (Louie) Brehm:

Louis H Brehm, 57, of Clearwater, NE passed away at ....Norfolk, Thurday, March 23, 1944, according to word received by relatives here. Funeral services were conducted at Tilden. Born at Sutton on Jan 22, 1887, Mr. Brehm attained the age of 57 years, 2 months and 1 day. Mrs. Brehm was well known in this community and at Clay Center where he made his home before moving to Clearwater about 25 years ago. He was a great impertator and whistler and had visited here on numerous occasions at which time he publicly gave many of his imitations. continues....The Sutton News, NE March 30 1944

Burial: Tilden Cemetery, Tilden, Nebraska

Apr 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has his death as 23 Mar 1950. This doesn't seem right.

+ 2007 v. Anna Brehm, born 03 Mar 1897 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 10 Jul 1968 in Indianola, Nebraska.

812. Nicholas O (Nick)7 Brehm (Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Oct 1933 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska - died at the homestead. He married Margaret (Maggie/Margaretha) Yost 19 Nov 1882 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, daughter of Peter YOST and Anna SCHMER. She was born 21 Jun 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Jan 1933 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska - died at the homestead.

Notes for Nicholas O (Nick) Brehm:

1. Nicholas and his parents came to America in 1877), on the "Wieland".

Immigration: Moved to America May 18, 1876 with his parents; 1900 census Hitchcock Co NE says 1877.

2. per Freida Brehm Burns: When Nick Brehm & Margaret Yost got married, Nick evidently said that Louie Brehm & Catherina were his parents. This Catherina was in our (Freida's) home at Superior in 1914. She was my mother's - step Grandma Brehm.

3. family on the 1900 census of Hitchcock Co. Ed 112 pgs 7 & 8. NOTE: that name is under BRAHM.

Brahm: Nicholas Apr 1860 immigrated 1877

Margaret Jun 1865 immigrated 1880

John Nov 1884 Nebr

Elisabeth Aug 1886 Nebr

Dora Dec 1887 Nebr

Alice Nov 1889 Nebr 9

Anna Feb 1892 Nebr 7 (This is Emma)

William Nov 1893 Nebr 6

Pauline Aug 1895 Nebr 4

Sammel Dec 1898 Nebr 2 (This is Sam)

Benjamin Nov 1900 Nebr 1/2

4. On the death certificate: Name of father - Ludwig William Brehm.

5. Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Notes for Margaret (Maggie/Margaretha) Yost:

See the "story of the family on the website."

"Of particular significance is the SS WIELAND that carried some 400 Volga Germans in May, 1878. "

Immigration: Came to USA about 1878, with her parents.

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Children of Nicholas Brehm and Margaret Yost are:

+ 2008 i. John8 Brehm, born 21 Nov 1884 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 21 Mar 1955 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2009 ii. Elisabeth Brehm, born 17 Aug 1886 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 11 Oct 1956 in Julesburg, Sedgewick, Colorado.

+ 2010 iii. Dora Brehm, born 07 Dec 1887 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 15 Aug 1974 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 2011 iv. Alice B Brehm, born 25 Nov 1889 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 28 Jun 1931 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 2012 v. Emma Brehm, born 12 Feb 1892 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 15 Nov 1969 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

+ 2013 vi. William (Bill) Brehm, born 04 Nov 1893 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 05 May 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2014 vii. Pauline Brehm, born 04 Aug 1895 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 06 Jan 1982 in Los Angeles, California. She married Darrell D Martin 06 May 1917 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; born 23 Apr 1896 in Orleans, Harlan Co, Nebraska; died 15 Sep 1968 in Los Angeles, California.

Notes for Pauline Brehm:

Sept 2008:

A pretty wedding took place Sunday at the country home of Mr. And Mrs. N. Brehm when their daughter Pauline and Mr. Darrell D. Martin of McCook were married. Mr. And Mrs. Martin received many pretty and useful gifts. They will make their home in McCook, where he is employed in the dray service. Friday 18 May 1917

2002: Burial: Inglewood Park Cemetery

Notes for Darrell D Martin:

They had no children.

More About Darrell D Martin:

Burial: Inglewood Park Cemetery

+ 2015 viii. Sam Brehm, born 14 Dec 1898 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 26 Jan 1968 in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

+ 2016 ix. Benjamin (Ben) Brehm, born 24 Nov 1900 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 11 Mar 1953 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 2017 x. Alma Brehm, born 12 Jan 1902 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 24 Nov 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2018 xi. Mae Margaret Brehm, born 08 May 1903 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 10 May 1991 in Goleta, California.

2019 xii. Mary Theola Brehm, born 12 Sep 1906 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 15 Sep 1999 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Mary Theola Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Aunt Mary, Esther, and Elsie lived together in Culbertson NE for decades. They did everything together.

A great lady!; never married.

clippings from the newspapers about my great Aunts.

Tuesday, June 28, 1982, McCook Daily Gazette 7

Friday visitors of Mary and Elsie Brehm were Clara Barth and Delores Gettman of Cheyenne, WY, Lillian Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Nicholson and Mark of Lebanon and Henry Brehm.

Wednesday, April 20, 1983, McCook Daily Gazette 5

Mary and Elsie Brehm of Culbertson returned over the weekend from Goleta, CA where they visited their sister, Mae Bradley, and Rog [sic], Sharon, and Brad Reginato. During their stay, Brad raced in the Cyclone Coast Cup No 1 and took second place in his boat, "12 Square".

Thursday, October 9, 1980, McCook Daily Gazette 5

Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Romersheuser of Hayes Center and Mary and Elsie Brehm of Culbertson went to Chappell Monday to attend the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Harry Kotch.

Friday, July 3, 1981, McCook Daily Gazette


WE WOULD LIKE to express our sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me with prayers, cards, flowers, and everyone who took my sister to McCook during my stay in the hospital. Our sincere thanks to Rev. Atherton, Dr. Batty Jeff Thuman and all the hospital staff. God bless all - Mary and Elsie Brehm

More About Mary Theola Brehm:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

2020 xiii. Esther R Brehm, born 03 Nov 1908 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 14 May 1979 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Esther R Brehm:

A great lady. See Mary Brehm for info

She worked many years for Glenn Gott. At an Oil Company or Gas Station

She lived in Culbertson, NE with Mary & Elsie.

More About Esther R Brehm:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

2021 xiv. Elsie Grace Brehm, born 16 Feb 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm; died 19 Oct 1997 in Trenton, Nebraska.

Notes for Elsie Grace Brehm:

A 3rd great lady. She loved to write letters. She is buried with her wonderful sisters. All together again.

She worked at the Culbertson IGA for several years and a store called Walkers. She taught Sunday School at the Methodist Church. Every kid in Culbertson knew and loved Elsie.

Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr 1980.

See Mary Brehm for more information.

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

815. Christina7 HELZER (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Oct 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg REUSPICH 21 Oct 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 27 Aug 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg REUSPICH:

Also called: Johann Georg Reispich, George Reispich

Apr 2009: Children added from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Christina HELZER and Johann REUSPICH are:

+ 2022 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Reispich, born 25 Jun 1882 in Alexandrowka, Volga, Russia.

+ 2023 ii. Elisabeth Reispich, born 18 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2024 iii. Louise Reispich, born 14 Oct 1885 in Gologrejewka, Volga, Russia; died 01 Mar 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2025 iv. Georg Reispich, born 04 Apr 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2026 v. Heinrich Reispich, born 01 Oct 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2027 vi. Johannes Reispich, born 01 Jan 1890 in Gologrejewka, Volga, Russia.

2028 vii. Louise Reispich, born 18 Apr 1891 in Alexandrowka, Volga, Russia; died 28 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2029 viii. Nicolaus Reispich, born 18 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2030 ix. Christina Reispich, born 25 Mar 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Apr 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2031 x. Wilhelm Reispich, born 18 Dec 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2032 xi. Heinrich Peter Reispich, born 03 May 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2033 xii. Conrad Reispich, born 28 Dec 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2034 xiii. Peter Reispich, born 24 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2035 xiv. Jacob Reispich, born 08 May 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2036 xv. Philipp Reispich, born 01 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 May 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2037 xvi. Anna Margareetha Reispich, born 06 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

816. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth SODER 22 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 03 Dec 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth SODER:

Another spelling: Anna Elisabeth SEDER

Children of Johann HELZER and Anna SODER are:

2038 i. Anna Maria8 HELZER, born 02 Dec 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2039 ii. Conrad HELZER, born 07 Jun 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2040 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 21 Jul 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

820. Heinrich7 HELZER (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jun 1927 in Portland, Oregon. He married (1) Elisabeth Yost 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad YOST and Anna Krieger. She was born 23 Jan 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Jan 1901 in America. He married (2) Margaret (Marguirite) Albert 1901. She was born 24 Aug 1877 in Russia, and died 05 Dec 1949 in Vancouver, Washington.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Mar 2008: Received email from Sue McKechnie "My great-grandfather was Heinrich(Henry) Helzer. Sixth generation. He was born 25 Aug 1871 in Norka and died 07 Jun 1927 in Portland, Oregon. "

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

"Henry immigrated with his son, William Helzer to the USA about 1900. He married Elisabeth Yost in 1896. There is a discrepancy with William's birth date and Henry's marriage to Elisabeth. It appears from Henry's obituary, and four other children did not come to the United States. It appears they died in Russia, but there are no facts to comfirm this. After arriving in the USA, he married Margareta Albert.

Henry worked in the dairy products industry."

Oct 2008: Germans from Russia in the 1920 Oregon Census

Transcribed by Terri Williams.


Helzer, Henry, OF, 47, 1902 na 1914, Russia,Saratov, German, truck driver, scavenger

Margaret, 41, 1898, na 1914, Russia, Saratov,German

Edith, 16, OR, filing clerk, hardware firm

Hilda, 14, OR

Beattrice, 12, OR

Esther, 9, OR

Flora, 4-9/12, OR

Oct 2008: Burial: 10 Jun 1927, Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Apr 2009: From Sue McKechnie: "Henry Helzer immigrated to the United States 25 May 1900 aboard the passenger ship, Pennsylvania. His port of departure was Hamburg Germany and his port of entry was NewYork. Accompanying him was his wife Elizabeth Yost Helzer, their son Conrad and William from a previous marriage. According to the ship manifest, their passage was paid by Elizabeth Yost Helzer’s brother, Henry Yost. "

Notes for Elisabeth Yost:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included. It does not include a birth date for Elisabeth Yost.

Another spelling: Elizabeth Yost, Elisabeth Jost, Elizabeth Jolt

Aug 2008: Received email Sue Myers McKechnie. Nothing on Elisabeth yet.


Apr 2009: Received email from Sue Myers McKechnie. "I made contact with another cousin in Florida. Her grandmother, Beatrice Helzer Brethauer and my grandmother, Edith Helzer Cook, were sisters. She had found a 1900 census with Henry, Elizabeth, William and Conrad, living with a Peter Bauer and his family. My cousin did remember an Elizabeth Yost, but didn't know how she fit in. Bottom line is I finally have it all figured out. They went to live with Peter Bauer and his family, but the census had Elizabeth listed as Peter's daughter, not true. Elizabeth's parents where Conrad Yost and Anna Maria Krieger. I went through your Yost charts and found Elizabeth's family. One of her brothers married a Bauer and I've got a census that has not only Bauer's listed, but also Yost's, so that is where the connection is. I also noticed that the information regarding Elizabeth's family was made by a Jim Reynolds in Beaverton."

Apr 2009: From Sue Myers McKechnie "From all indications, Conrad died 26 September 1900 at the age of 2or3. Elizabeth died 8 January 1901 at the age of about 29. "

Notes for Margaret (Marguirite) Albert:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Immigration: 1899, arrived from Russia to Portland, Oregon

After the death of Henry Helzer in 1927, Margaret married Albert Fink.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Elisabeth Yost are:

+ 2041 i. William8 Helzer, born 27 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jun 1968 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2042 ii. Child Helzer, born Abt. 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Abt. 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2043 iii. Conrad Helzer, born Abt. 1900; died 26 Sep 1900.

Notes for Conrad Helzer:

Apr 2009: From Sue Myers McKechnie "From all indications, Conrad died 26 September 1900 at the age of 2or3. Elizabeth died 8 January 1901 at the age of about 29. "

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaret Albert are:

2044 i. Lillian8 Helzer, born 13 Jan 1902 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 31 Jul 1987 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Lillian Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

+ 2045 ii. Edith Louise Helzer, born 01 Oct 1903 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 31 Jul 1946 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2046 iii. Hilda Helzer, born 22 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 11 Aug 1987 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2047 iv. Beatrice Mary Helzer, born 19 Apr 1907 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 30 Sep 1949 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2048 v. Esther Helzer, born 29 Apr 1909 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 20 Feb 1993 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2049 vi. Flora Helzer, born 08 Mar 1915 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 09 Sep 1995 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2050 vii. Infant Helzer, born 28 Mar 1917 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 28 Mar 1917 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Infant Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

822. Maria Catharina7 HELZER (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Weitzel 04 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Peter WEITZEL and Catharina HELZER. He was born 02 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Catharina HELZER:

Apr 2009: Added spouse per Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Maria HELZER and Heinrich Weitzel are:

2051 i. Elisabeth8 Weitzel, born 19 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Oct 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2052 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Weitzel, born 17 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2053 iii. Elisabeth Weitzel, born 03 Jan 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

823. Johannes7 HELZER (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Yost Abt. 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad YOST and Anna Krieger. She was born 10 Jan 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Name also spelled: Holzer (Umlaut on the O), Hoelzer, Holzer

Notes for Catharina Yost:

Mar 2003: Email from Jim Reynolds "My information you will note that I have added a Katharina Yost as a daughter of Conrad and Anna Maria. Katharina was born after the time frame of the Dr. Pleve Yost chart. She is referenced in Anna Marie's Obit and as a sister in Adam Yost's Obit."

Oct 2008: Germans from Russia in the 1920 Oregon Census

Transcribed by Terri Williams.


Helzer, Catherine (head), wd, 1902 na 1915, Russia,Saratov, German

Catherine, daughter, 20, 1902 na 1915, Russia,Saratov, German, office girl, wholesale, hardware

Harry, 13, OR

Helen, 10, OR

George, 8, OR

Elma, 6, OR

John 4-8/12, OR

Children of Johannes HELZER and Catharina Yost are:

2054 i. Katharina8 Helzer, born 17 Dec 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2055 ii. Paulina Helzer, born 29 Dec 1903 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2056 iii. Harry Helzer, born 31 Mar 1906 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 15 Sep 1988 in Washington County, Oregon.

2057 iv. Helena Helzer, born 10 Apr 1909 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2058 v. George J Helzer, born 22 Feb 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 27 Jul 1962 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2059 vi. Elma Rosette Helzer, born 23 May 1913 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2060 vii. Johannes Helzer, born 24 Sep 1915 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

830. Anna7 Schnell (Anna Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Mar 1879 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 10 Jun 1952 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She married John Wilhelm Yost 09 Feb 1898 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of Wilhelm Yost and Margaretha Loos. He was born 08 May 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Apr 1950 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Anna Schnell:

From AHSGR records - part of Obit: She became a member of her church in early girlhod. She was united in marriage to John W Yost on Feb 8, 1898, and Mr. and Mrs. Yost celebrated their 50th anniversary on Feb 8, 1948 at Lincoln. Mrs. Yost and her husband moved to Scotia, NE in 1907 where they were engaged in farming and rearing of heir family. ..Due to ill health Mrs. Yost and her husband moved to Lincoln in 1945 in order to be near their family. Mr. Yost preceded her in death on April 3, 1950. She is survived by three sons, Rollie and Irvin of Lincoln and Glenn of Central City, NE. one sister, Ida Williams of Long Beach, Calif.; two brothers, Adam Schnell of Giltner, Nebr.; and Peter Schnell of Phillips, Nebr.; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren;

Nov 2008: Also spelled Anna Schenell

Notes for John Wilhelm Yost:

1. Immigration: Moved to America 1878 with parents

2. John and Anna Yost are on the 1900 census of Clay Co NE ED 34 page 9; Lancaster

Census shows no children yet, so Rollie must have been born after June 1900.

name birthday age married yrs marr born parents born occupation

Yost John Head May 1873 27 M 2 Russia Russia farmer

Anna Wife Mar 1879 21 M 2 Nebr Russia

3. note: date of death was fixed from Anna's obit.

4. Another spelling: John William Yost

Children of Anna Schnell and John Yost are:

2061 i. Glenn E8 Yost, born Abt. 1900 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. He married ? Sauttergill; born Abt. 1900.

2062 ii. Rollie P Yost, born 15 Jan 1902 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; died Jul 1987 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. He married ? Hermsmeyer; born Abt. 1904.

2063 iii. Irvin F Yost, born 25 Feb 1916 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; died Jul 1982 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. He married ? Anderson; born Abt. 1917.

849. Catharina Elisabeth7 HELZER (Conrad6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes SCHNELL 09 Feb 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 02 May 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth HELZER:

Apr 2009: Children from Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Johannes SCHNELL are:

2064 i. Adam Heinrich8 Schnell, born 19 Nov 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2065 ii. Anna Maria Schnell, born 24 Apr 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Aug 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2066 iii. Adam Schnell, born 22 Apr 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2067 iv. Christina Louise Schnell, born 05 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2068 v. Catharina Elisabeth Schnell, born 05 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2069 vi. Johann Georg Schnell, born 31 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2070 vii. Conrad Schnell, born 24 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

851. Adam7 HELZER (Conrad6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Emilie NAGEL 01 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Jul 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Adam HELZER and Emilie NAGEL are:

2071 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 HELZER, born 04 Dec 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2072 ii. Alexander HELZER, born 08 Mar 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

853. Conrad7 HELZER (Conrad6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Mar 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Mar 1964 in Maryland. He married Anna Elisabeth (Alice) Rohrig 27 Nov 1900 in Lincoln, Nebraska. She was born 02 Dec 1879 in Wiesenmueller, Samara, Russia, and died in Maryland.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart "He moved to America"

Oct 2006: From this site:

By Glenn LaRoy Sitzman

"Conrad Helzer, Jr, became known as Conrad Kindsvater. The surname for both John and Conrad appeared in print and official documents at times as Kindsvater, and at times as Kinsfater. For example, when Conrad married Anna Rohrig at Lincoln on 27 Nov 1900, his name was recorded for the license Conrad Kinsfater, with his parents recorded as John KInsfater and Anna E. Krieger. But in the Census of 1913-1915 both John and Conrad were recorded as Kindsvater. When Conrad's five-year-old daughter Amelia died on 8 Dec 1907, her death was reported in the newspaper under Kinsfater. When John died, the death notice appeared in the Lincoln Star of 10 Mar 1928 as Kinsfater."

"Conrad and family used the surname Kinsfater until the 1940s, when Conrad had his name officially changed back to Helzer. He was apparently persuaded to do so by his daughter Marie, who worked for the FBI in Washington, DC. The change may have been advisable because of Social Security, or it may have been simply that Marie wanted it. Whether he was Conrad Kindsvater or Conrad Helzer has caused some confusion for genealogical researchers. In naming Conrad's children, I will record their surnames as Kindsvater/Helzer."

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McLeon. This is part of her line.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth (Alice) Rohrig:

Oct 2006:

"Anna Elizabeth (Alice) apparently also died in Maryland, as Marie took them to live with her in their old age."

Dec 2009: Added her dates from this site. It says from Betty Ashley.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Anna Rohrig are:

2073 i. Amelia8 Kindsvater, born Abt. 1902; died 08 Dec 1907.

2074 ii. Marie Helzer, born Abt. 1903; died Abt. 1985.

Notes for Marie Helzer:

Oct 2006:

"Marie Kindsvater/Helzer (age ten in census of 1913-1914) She never married and lived to be almost 82 years old."

+ 2075 iii. Adam Helzer, born Abt. 1908.

2076 iv. Esther Helzer, born Abt. 1910. She married Marion Steward; born Abt. 1910.

Notes for Esther Helzer:

Oct 2006:

"Esther Kindsvater/Helzer (age three in the census of 1913-1914) Esther married Marion Steward, had ten children, and lived to be 86 years old."

2077 v. Elmer Helzer, born Abt. 1913. He married Lois ?; born Abt. 1913.

Notes for Elmer Helzer:

Oct 2006:

"Elmer Kindsvater/Helzer (age seven months in the census of 1913-1914) Elmer and wife Lois had four children. Lois has survived Elmer, who lived past his 80th birthday."

855. Adam7 HELZER (Peter6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria NAGEL 17 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 23 Aug 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Adam HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1899 they moved to America"

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna NAGEL are:

2078 i. Conrad8 HELZER, born 20 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Dec 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2079 ii. Philipp HELZER, born 03 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2080 iii. Johann Heinrich HELZER, born 29 Apr 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2081 iv. Magdalena HELZER, born 27 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

861. Philipp7 HELZER (Peter6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Apr 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria NAGEL 06 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Jun 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Philipp HELZER and Anna NAGEL are:

2082 i. Johann Georg8 HELZER, born 11 Dec 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2083 ii. Heinrich HELZER, born 20 Feb 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

867. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Apr 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Aug 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Margaretha Reisbich 17 Jan 1892 in Hastings, Nebraska. She was born 08 Jul 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Jul 1958 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Dec 2002: Family information from Gary Davenport via email.

Oct 2006: I changed his name from Johann Heinrich to Heinrich per the Helzer Pleve chart.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha Reisbich are:

+ 2084 i. Selma Letha8 Helzer, born 08 Nov 1892 in Hastings, Nebraska; died 27 Mar 1963 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2085 ii. Herman Helzer, born 28 Sep 1894 in Hastings, Nebraska; died 29 May 1955 in Modoc, California.

+ 2086 iii. Esther Maria Helzer, born 17 Jan 1897; died Mar 1923.

+ 2087 iv. Johannes Harold Helzer, born 19 Mar 1899; died 14 Feb 1968 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2088 v. Lidia Gladys Helzer, born 04 Oct 1901 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 18 Oct 1951 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Edward Bauder Abt. 1930; born Abt. 1900.

+ 2089 vi. Albert Frederick Helzer, born 18 Feb 1904; died Jul 1983.

+ 2090 vii. Edna Helzer, born 16 Aug 1906; died 01 Feb 1997 in California.

2091 viii. Lucille Helzer, born 07 Jan 1911 in Oregon; died 02 Dec 1929 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2092 ix. Evelin Helzer, born 08 May 1913 in Oregon; died 31 Oct 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

868. Catharina (Kate)7 HELZER (Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jul 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Aug 1945 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Heinrich H Helzer 28 Feb 1891 in Nebraska, son of Heinrich Helzer and Christina Ross. He was born 10 Sep 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Sep 1936 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Catharina (Kate) HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death date from

Children are listed above under (398) Heinrich H Helzer.

871. Adam7 HELZER (Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 May 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Jennie Reichle Abt. 1906. She was born Abt. 1886.

Children of Adam HELZER and Jennie Reichle are:

2093 i. Carl8 Helzer, born Abt. 1908.

2094 ii. Unknown Helzer, born Abt. 1910.

872. Elisabeth7 Helzer (Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1886 in America. She married Fred Graber Abt. 1906. He was born 16 Jan 1884, and died 15 Jul 1950.

Notes for Elisabeth Helzer:

Oct 2006: Elisabeth isn't on the Helzer Pleve chart. She was added from Gary's information.

Children of Elisabeth Helzer and Fred Graber are:

2095 i. Byron8 Graber, born Abt. 1910.

2096 ii. Verna Graber, born Abt. 1912.

876. Heinrich Jacob7 HELZER (Johann Adam6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth HELZER 31 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann HELZER and Elisabeth HUCK. She was born 04 May 1877 in Huck Colony, Russia.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Elisabeth HELZER are:

2097 i. Jacob8 HELZER, born 14 May 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2098 ii. Conrad HELZER, born 06 Oct 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2099 iii. Heinrich HELZER, born 09 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2100 iv. Catharina HELZER, born 27 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

884. Philipp7 Weitzel (Catharina6 HELZER, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1921. He married Anna Maria Schnell 25 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1914 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Philipp Weitzel and Anna Schnell are:

2101 i. Heinrich8 Weitzel, born 08 Dec 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Amelia Kneiss 30 Jan 1917 in Russia; born 18 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2102 ii. Peter Weitzel, born 13 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2103 iii. Catharina Elisabeth Weitzel, born 09 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2104 iv. Adam Weitzel, born 10 Aug 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2105 v. Catharina Weitzel, born 27 Sep 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Blum; born 17 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

887. Heinrich7 Weitzel (Catharina6 HELZER, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Catharina HELZER 04 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Nicolaus HELZER and Anna HELZER. She was born 11 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Catharina HELZER:

Apr 2009: Added spouse per Ruth Schultz's site.

Children are listed above under (822) Maria Catharina HELZER.

889. Margaretha7 Weitzel (Catharina6 HELZER, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1953. She married Conrad Scheidemann 16 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Jacob Scheidemann and Louise YOST. He was born 09 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Weitzel:

Apr 2009: This website listed her as a child. This matched her to the spouse information I had.

Notes for Conrad Scheidemann:

Mar 2008: Gedcom from Ruth Schultz. Added children.

Children of Margaretha Weitzel and Conrad Scheidemann are:

2106 i. Johann Georg8 Scheidemann, born 14 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2107 ii. Conrad Scheidemann, born 24 Aug 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2108 iii. Philipp Scheidemann, born 04 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

892. Johann Georg7 Weitzel (Catharina6 HELZER, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Gerlach 10 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Gerlach and Christina Bauer. She was born 19 Jan 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Weitzel and Elisabeth Gerlach are:

2109 i. Margaretha8 Weitzel, born 23 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2110 ii. Peter Weitzel, born 23 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2111 iii. Christina Weitzel, born 26 May 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

896. Jacob7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Aug 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Mar 1953 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He married Catharina Sittner 21 Jan 1895 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. She was born 20 Dec 1872 in Hook, Russia, and died 13 Feb 1960 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Notes for Jacob HELZER:

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner with a copy of a Bio, see his son Solomon.

Sept 2007: From , added his death information and additional children.

Burial: Parkview Cemetary--Hastings, Nebraska

Notes for Catharina Sittner:

Aug 2007: Email received from Carol Sinner. See the article under her son Solomon (Sam).

Sept 2007: From , added her death information.

Children of Jacob HELZER and Catharina Sittner are:

2112 i. Jacob8 Helzer, born 06 Aug 1895 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 15 Nov 1918 in Beaufort, France.

Notes for Jacob Helzer:

Sept 2007: From , added child.

Burial: French Communal Cemetary--Beaufort, France

2113 ii. Rosemarie Helzer, born 08 Sep 1897 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 02 Dec 1970 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Notes for Rosemarie Helzer:

Sept 2007: From , added child.

2114 iii. John Conrad Helzer, born 17 Nov 1899 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 04 Mar 1950 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska.

Notes for John Conrad Helzer:

Sept 2007: From , added child.

+ 2115 iv. Solomon Albert (Sam) Helzer, born 12 Dec 1901 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

2116 v. Sarah Helen Helzer, born 08 Dec 1907 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 27 Aug 1965 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Notes for Sarah Helen Helzer:

Sept 2007: From , added child.

2117 vi. Five Helzer, born Abt. 1908.

2118 vii. Six Helzer, born Abt. 1909.

2119 viii. Seven Helzer, born Abt. 1910.

898. Wilhelm7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Dec 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1916 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Rose Anna Sittner 01 Apr 1899 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. She was born 1879 in Huck, Russia, and died 21 Jun 1913 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Wilhelm HELZER:

Sept 2008: Per added his death, spouse and child.

Children of Wilhelm HELZER and Rose Sittner are:

2120 i. Edward James8 Helzer, born 13 Jul 1899 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 23 May 1981 in California.

2121 ii. Viola Helzer, born 21 Jun 1907 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 13 Jan 1991 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

901. Ludwig H (Louis)7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Sep 1950 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Amelia (Minnie) Yost 24 Mar 1909, daughter of Ludwig YOST and Magdalena Yost. She was born 09 Aug 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Mar 1972 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Notes for Ludwig H (Louis) HELZER:

Dec 2011: This website has him born in Brunnental, Russia.

More About Amelia (Minnie) Yost:

Burial: Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska

Immigration: Came to America 1892 with parents.

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Amelia Yost are:

2122 i. Evelyn8 Helzer, born Abt. 1910 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

More About Evelyn Helzer:

Comment 1: Colorado Springs, Colorado

+ 2123 ii. Richard Helzer, born Abt. 1912; died 19 Feb 1972 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2124 iii. Grayce Helzer, born Abt. 1914.

902. Maria Catharina7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jun 1886 in Brunnental, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 18 Apr 1961 in Redwood City, San Mateo, California. She married (1) Johann Peter Traudt 07 Jun 1905 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska, son of Johann Traudt and Margaretha Hamburger. He was born 11 Aug 1882 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska, and died 30 Jun 1910 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. She married (2) Johannes Schneider 11 Jul 1911 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He was born 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Apr 1913 in Sidney, Cheyenne, Nebraska. She married (3) John Hohnstein 16 Mar 1916 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He was born 17 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Aug 1945 in Worland, Washakie, Wyoming.

Notes for Maria Catharina HELZER:

June 2007: Information from .

Burial: Worland, Washakie, Wyoming

Also called Mary Catharina Helzer, Mary Hoelzer, Mary Traudt

May 2009: Ruth Schultz's site has Brunnental as birth place.

Notes for Johann Peter Traudt:

Sept 2008: Per added Peter as the 1st spouse to Mary Helzer.

Burial: Parkview Cemetery

Notes for John Hohnstein:

June 2007: Information from .

Children of Maria HELZER and Johann Traudt are:

2125 i. Christina Margaretha8 Traudt, born 05 May 1905 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 17 Jun 1988 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co, California.

Notes for Christina Margaretha Traudt:

Apr 2009: Added this child

2126 ii. Clara Marie Traudt, born 11 Jul 1907 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; died 08 Mar 1988 in Redmond, King Co, Washington. She married Harry Richard Nielson; born Abt. 1906; died Abt. 1976.

Notes for Clara Marie Traudt:

Apr 2009: Added this child

Child of Maria HELZER and Johannes Schneider is:

2127 i. Genevieve Anna8 Schneider, born 03 May 1912 in Alliance, Box Butte, Nebraska; died 1985 in Cody, Park, Wyoming.

903. Johannes7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Jan 1967 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Catharina Traudt Abt. 1915 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. She was born 26 Oct 1891 in Juniata, Adams, Nebraska, and died 06 Jan 1967 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Sept 2008: Per added his death, spouse and child.

Notes for Catharina Traudt:

Sept 2008: Another spelling: Katherine Thaut

Child of Johannes HELZER and Catharina Traudt is:

2128 i. Phyllis8 HELZER, born 20 Aug 1923 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska; died 01 May 1973 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

904. Jenny7 Helzer (Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jun 1891 in Hastings, Nebraska.

Child of Jenny Helzer is:

2129 i. Dorothy8 Fahrenbruch, born Abt. 1920. She married Gay Henderson; born Abt. 1920.

907. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 May 1877 in Huck Colony, Russia. She married Heinrich Jacob HELZER 31 Jan 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann HELZER and Anna BURBACH. He was born 29 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (876) Heinrich Jacob HELZER.

908. Catharina Maria7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Traudt 16 Feb 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich Traudt and Catharina Wolf. He was born 26 Sep 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Conrad Traudt are:

2130 i. Emilie8 Traudt, born 30 May 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2131 ii. Magdalena Traudt, born 02 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2132 iii. Heinrich Traudt, born 26 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2133 iv. Johann Georg Traudt, born 10 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

912. Catharina7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Sep 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Catharina HELZER is:

2134 i. Conrad8 HELZER, born 15 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Conrad HELZER:

Jan 2006: Father not listed on Helzer/Holzer Pleve chart.

913. Magdalena7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1984 in Eugene, Oregon. She married Georg Philipp Schnell Abt. 1910, son of Conrad Schnell and Catharina Hein. He was born 05 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1942 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, OR

Notes for Georg Philipp Schnell:

May 2009: Added his death.

Child of Magdalena HELZER and Georg Schnell is:

2135 i. Nicolaus8 Schnell, born 12 Jul 1911 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

929. Johann Georg7 Pfenning (Catharina6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Nov 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Yeager 23 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Yeager and Anna HELZER. She was born 19 Jan 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (321) Elisabeth Yeager.

937. Johannes (John)7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 May 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Aug 1945 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. He married Anna Maria (Emma) TRAUDT 05 Oct 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Traudt and Elisabeth Wacker. She was born 21 Jul 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Aug 1955 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johannes (John) HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, it says 12 May as the birthdate. Most others use the 13th.

From the chart: "they moved to America in 1892"

Sept 2006: Another name: John Helzer, Johannes Helzer, Johannes Hoelzer, Johannes Holzer

Oct 2006: Email from Teri Helzer on 2 generations.

Oct 2006: Email from Teri Helzer. Obit: John Helzer, 83, resident of this community more than 50 years, died suddenly this morning in the family home at 232 So Oak St. He appeared in his usual health yesterday and was able to be about the house, doing his usual work. Shortly after he awakened this morning he was stricken with a heart attack.

Furnerl services: xxx Burial will be held at Grand Island Cemetery.

John Helzer was a native of Norka, Russia, having been born there on May 13, 1862, to Johna dn Christina Helzer. He attended school and grew to manhood in his native community.

He was married on Oct 5, 1886, to Miss Mary Trod. They made their home in Norka until they came to this community in June 1891. (?) Helzer worked for the Union Pacific railroad for many years, before moving to his farm in the Cairo Community, where he became a general farmer and stockman. He and Mrs Helzer retired to Grand Island in 1915. He was a member of Pilgrims Congregational Church and had been active in the affairs of the church in his younger years.

Mr. and Mrs Helzer observed their golden wedding anniversary on Oct 5, 1936. Both were in good health at the time and able to enjoy the occasion to the full with their large family and many friends.

Surviving are his wife, five sons, Henry and John of Palmer, Phillip of ?, and Con Helzer of Mich., four caughters, Mrs Anna Prince of Glendale, CA, Mrs. William Hurstman of ?City, Mrs. Harry Hunge of Auburn, NE and Mrs Andy Wieland of Quincy, ILL; a brother Henry Helzer of Portland, OR, a sister, Mrs. John Kehm of this city and 22 grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren. He was proceded in death by two infant children, a daughter, Marie who died at the age of six years, and two brothers, Louis and Peter Helzer.

Friends may call at the family home at 232 So Oak Street, Monday Evening.

Mar 2008:

By Ellen Campbell wrote a story that was printed in the Grand Island Independent, Grand Island, Nebraska, February 18, 2005.

The family's history can be found in a Helzer-Trout family book compiled by Phyllis Lorene Helzer Pressler of North Platte, a cousin of Mamie and Frieda.

Notes for Anna Maria (Emma) TRAUDT:

Oct 2006: Other spellings of the name: Anna Maria Traudt, Anna Traudt, Emma Traudt, Mary Emma Troudt, Mary Emma Trout, Emma Trout, Mary Trout

Children of Johannes HELZER and Anna TRAUDT are:

+ 2136 i. Heinrich8 HELZER, born 29 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Nov 1948 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

+ 2137 ii. Johann Philipp HELZER, born 04 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Dec 1953 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

+ 2138 iii. Anna Elisabeth Helzer, born 11 Apr 1893 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 20 Jun 1980 in Fresno, Fresno, California.

+ 2139 iv. John George Helzer, born 11 Oct 1894 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 12 Feb 1967 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

+ 2140 v. Louie Christian (Louie) Helzer, born 07 Oct 1896 in Edgemont, Fall River, South Dakota; died 01 Apr 1985 in Thomasville, Georgia.

+ 2141 vi. Katherine Christina (Kate) Helzer, born 01 Mar 1900 in Hall, Nebraska; died 27 Nov 1976 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

2142 vii. Marie Helzer, born Jan 1902; died Jan 1908 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska.

Notes for Marie Helzer:

Jan 2011: From Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site, she died of spinal meningitus.

+ 2143 viii. Caroline Lena Helzer, born 12 Jan 1904 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska; died in Osage, Mitchell, Iowa.

2144 ix. Conrad Helzer, born 24 Nov 1905 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 25 May 1985 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan. He married Pauline Kirchen 12 Jan 1946; born 16 Jul 1900 in Perth, Amboy, New Jersey; died 28 Jul 1968 in Flint, Michigan.

+ 2145 x. Frieda Louise Helzer, born 27 Apr 1909 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska.

939. Ludwig Louis7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Oct 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Dec 1941 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska. He married (1) Elisabeth ALT 21 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 26 May 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Oct 1927 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. He married (2) Elisabeth Brugard 19 Sep 1932 in Grand Island, Nebraska, daughter of Heinrich Helzer and Annie ?. She was born 23 Oct 1863 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Jan 1956 in Billings, Montana.

Notes for Ludwig Louis HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart. "In 1890 they moved to America"

Sept 2006: Death information per .

Another spelling of names: Ludwig HELZER, Louis Helzer, Ludwig Holzer, Ludwig Hoelzer, Louis Holzer

Oct 2006: Added family/children per email from Teri Helzer.

Notes for Elisabeth ALT:

Sept 2006: Another spelling Elizabeth Ault, Elisabeth Ault, Elizabeth Alt.

Jan 2011: An email from Kathleen Turnquist. She has her death location as St. Paul, Howard, Nebraska

Notes for Elisabeth Brugard:

Oct 2009:

p643 #I-643 2 Oct 1932 Worms, Merrick, NE

Helzer, Ludwig66bp: Russia res: St. Libory, Nebraskaocc: Blacksmith

Parents: Johan Helzer & Christian Prisendorf

Brugard, Elizabeth (Mrs)68bp: Russia res: Billings, Mont. occ: Housekeeper

Parents: Henry Halzer & Annie Helzer

Married by F. J. F. Frese, St. Libory, Nebr. (Both widowed). Witnesses: Peter Helzer

& Mrs Peter Helzer of Chapman, Nebraska

Jan 2011: Last name added from Kathleen Turnquist's website.

I have 19 Sep 1932 as the marriage date. She has Oct 2, 1932.

Oct 2009: Email from Mary Forman on the German form Russia obit listing.

"OK, let me preface this obit by saying her parents are listed as Mr. & Mrs. Adam Helzer, not my typo."

Published January 12, 1956

Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana)

Billings Woman Dies at Age 92

Mrs. Elizabeth Helzer, 92, of S. 35th St., died at 7 a.m. Wednesday of infirmities where she had been a patient since July.

Funeral services at 2 p.m. Friday in the First German Congressional Church will be conducted by the Rev. Philip Reich, pastor. The Smith Funeral Home will be in charge of burial in Mountview Cemetery.

Mrs. Helzer was born Oct. 23, 1863 in Norka, Russia, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Helzer. She came to the United States in 1907, settling at Loveland, Colo. The next year she came to Billings.

She was married to Louis Helzer Sept., 19, 1932 in Grand Island, Neb., where they lived until his death in 1941. Mrs. Helzer was a member of the First German Congregational Church.

She is survived by her son, John Vashler of 318 Custer Ave., two daughters, Mrs. Christian Giebelhaus of Longmont, Colo., and Mrs. Peter Ehli of 419 S. 35th St., her step-son, Henry Brungard of Tacoma; 16 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Elisabeth ALT are:

+ 2146 i. Nicholas P8 HELZER, born Bet. 14 - 17 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Oct 1962.

+ 2147 ii. John Henry Conrad Helzer, born 02 Jul 1892 in Merrick, Nebraska; died 21 May 1982.

+ 2148 iii. Pauline Helzer, born 02 Jan 1895; died 20 Jun 1961.

+ 2149 iv. Christina M Helzer, born 05 May 1897 in Hall, Nebraska; died 18 Jun 1969 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

+ 2150 v. August Anton Helzer, born 20 Dec 1900 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska; died 24 Aug 1968 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

2151 vi. Clara Helzer, born 07 Aug 1903; died 06 Feb 1905.

+ 2152 vii. Frieda Caroline Elizabeth HELZER, born 01 Feb 1907 in Howard, Nebraska; died 17 Jan 1970 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

+ 2153 viii. Hanna Helzer, born 28 Oct 1910 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska; died 24 Jan 1978 in Edar Rapids, Linn, Iowa.

943. Philipp Peter7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 May 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 May 1944 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. He married Margaretha DICK 01 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Jul 1957 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Philipp Peter HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Notes for Margaretha DICK:

Jan 2007:

Some information confirmed from this site. She used the "Dick" Pleve chart.

Children of Philipp HELZER and Margaretha DICK are:

2154 i. Christina8 Helzer, born 01 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, RussiaNorka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Helzer:

Oct 2006: Added per email from Teri Helzer.

2155 ii. Philipp Peter Helzer, born 28 Oct 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Philipp Peter Helzer:

Oct 2006: Added per email from Teri Helzer.

+ 2156 iii. Elizabeth Agnes Helzer, born 09 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 Aug 1998 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

2157 iv. Heinrich George Helzer, born 21 May 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1951 in Central City, Merrick, Nebrasia.

Notes for Heinrich George Helzer:

Oct 2006: Added per email from Teri Helzer.

Oct 2006: Another name: Heinrich Helzer, Henry Helzer, Henry George Helzer.

2158 v. John Helzer, born 29 Jul 1909 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 17 Apr 1954 in California. He married Fronnie Mae Partike 20 Nov 1928 in Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska; born 28 Jun 1909 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska; died 14 Apr 1985 in Rose Hills, California.

2159 vi. Hildea Christina Louise Helzer, born 16 Sep 1910 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 25 Dec 1995 in Missouri Viego, Orange, California. She married Orville Willard Wibe 27 Jul 1933 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska; born 08 Jun 1908 in Osage, Mitchell, Iowa; died 20 Jan 1989 in Laguna Hills, Orange, California.

2160 vii. Pauline Helzer, born 16 Sep 1910 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 19 Feb 1986 in Whittier, Los Angeles, California.

+ 2161 viii. Samuel Philipp Helzer, born 25 Nov 1916 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 15 Dec 1971 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

947. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Feb 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Margaretha Elisabeth Brehm 06 Jan 1909 in Grand Island, Nebraska, daughter of Peter Brehm and Catharina Krieger. She was born 20 Dec 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Jun 1972 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2006: Another spelling Heinrich Hölzer, Henry Hölzer, Henry Helzer, Henry Holzer

More About Heinrich HELZER:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon

Notes for Margaretha Elisabeth Brehm:

1. Moved to America in 1892 with parents.

2. 2002: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Cypress, California

3. Feb 2002: According to Doris Brehm Sundermeier, in her letter, Margaretha was born Dec 20, 1891.

4. Doris has information regarding her parents in the letter.

5. Jan 2005: Received email from Bruce Caron. He has 1892 as her year of birth.

He also provided all descendants.

6. Jan 2007: Another spelling of her name - Elisabeth Brehm, Margaretha Brehm, Margaret Brehm, Elizabeth Brehm

7. Feb 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee with information on her family.

"The first Heinrich Helzer was my Great Grandfather. I knew my Great Grandmother as Elizabeth. "

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Margaretha Brehm are:

+ 2162 i. George8 Helzer, born 04 Aug 1911 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 20 Mar 1958 in Los Angeles, California.

+ 2163 ii. John Helzer, born Jun 1913 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 28 Nov 1973 in Elma, Grays Harbor, Washington.

+ 2164 iii. Ruben Helzer, born 08 Feb 1915 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 18 Dec 1985 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2165 iv. Donald Helzer, born 20 Jan 1917 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 21 Sep 1972 in Long Beach, California.

+ 2166 v. Frederick Helzer, born 08 Jul 1920 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 16 Sep 1984 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2167 vi. Eleanor Helzer, born 14 Aug 1922 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 23 Mar 2007 in Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2168 vii. Dorothy Helzer, born Aug 1925 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 1927 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

+ 2169 viii. Harold Helzer, born 03 Jul 1928 in Gering, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska; died 1983 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

948. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Sep 1969 in Grand Island, Nebraska. She married John Kehm 19 Apr 1908 in Grand Island, Nebraska. He was born 20 Sep 1887 in Belzer, Russia, and died 07 Apr 1952 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Notes for Elisabeth HELZER:

Sept 2006: Another spelling: Elizabeth Hölzer, Elisabeth Holzer, Elisabeth Hoelzer

Oct 2006: Family added per email from Teri Helzer.

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and John Kehm are:

2170 i. Walter8 Kehm, born 16 Feb 1909 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

2171 ii. Leo Kehm, born 25 Jun 1911 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 15 Aug 1961 in Riverton, Fremont, Wyoming. He married Ruth Jane Tressler 16 Jun 1934 in Harrison, Sioux, Nebraska; born 02 Sep 1915 in Dunbar, Fayette, Pennsylvania; died 03 Jan 1987 in Riverton, Fremont, Wyoming.

2172 iii. Harold Henry Kehm, born 03 Jul 1914 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 15 Jan 1987 in Casper, Natrona, Wyoming.

2173 iv. ? Kehm, born Abt. 1918.

2174 v. Florine Marie Kehm, born 10 Feb 1921 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 15 Feb 1983 in Riverton, Fremont, Wyoming.

2175 vi. Samuel John Kehm, born 16 Feb 1926 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 17 Apr 1979 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska.

950. Christina Margaretha7 HELZER (Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes HELZER 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Ludwig HELZER and Christina SCHNEIDER. He was born 14 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children of Christina HELZER and Johannes HELZER are:

2176 i. Catharina Sophia8 HELZER, born 05 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Aug 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2177 ii. Jacob HELZER, born 17 Sep 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2178 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 04 Mar 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2179 iv. Anna Maria HELZER, born 08 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2180 v. Catharina Magdalena HELZER, born 25 Mar 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2181 vi. Margaretha HELZER, born 07 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

952. Heinrich7 HELZER (Johann Philipp6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina SCHLITT 22 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Schlitt and Margaretha Fuchs. She was born 13 Apr 1871 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Jan 2009: Added their marriage date from Dave's site.

Notes for Catharina SCHLITT:

Sept 2006: On Helzer Pleve chart.

Sept 2006: On it has her birth location as Balanda, USSR.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina SCHLITT are:

2182 i. Maria8 HELZER, born 27 Feb 1894 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

2183 ii. Amalia HELZER, born 27 Feb 1896 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

2184 iii. Alexander HELZER, born 14 Sep 1897 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

2185 iv. Johannes HELZER, born 17 Aug 1899 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia; died 01 Sep 1900 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

2186 v. Lydia Helzer, born 28 Apr 1901 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

Notes for Lydia Helzer:

Jan 2009: Added this child from Dave's site.

953. Johannes7 HELZER (Johann Philipp6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Jun 1871 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia. He married Emilie GROSCH 09 Oct 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 10 Jun 1875 in Grimm Colony, Russia.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Emilie GROSCH are:

2187 i. Martha8 HELZER, born 23 Apr 1903 in Grimm Colony, Russia.

2188 ii. Reinhold HELZER, born 11 Dec 1904 in Grimm Colony, Russia.

954. Alexander7 HELZER (Johann Philipp6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Feb 1876 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia, and died 11 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna SCHEILET 27 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Jul 1880 in Dietel Colony, Russia, and died in America.

Notes for Anna SCHEILET:

Sept 2006: This site has the city of Dietel:

Sept 2006: On the Helzer Pleve chart "In 1903 they moved to America."

Children of Alexander HELZER and Anna SCHEILET are:

2189 i. Linda8 HELZER, born 19 Dec 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Linda HELZER:

Sept 2006: From the Pleve Helzer chart. It isn't clear the spelling of this name. It could be Amelia Helzer, Oinda Helzer etc

2190 ii. Maria HELZER, born 05 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

955. Philipp7 HELZER (Johann Philipp6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth CLAUS 22 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 05 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Philipp HELZER and Elisabeth CLAUS are:

2191 i. Nathalie8 HELZER, born 10 May 1901 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia; died 31 May 1902 in Balanda, Kalininsk, Russia.

2192 ii. Amalia HELZER, born 26 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

961. Johann Georg7 MAUL (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Dec 1853 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Dorothea HELZER 28 Jan 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich HELZER and Anna BRILL. She was born 05 Mar 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg MAUL:

Sept 2008: George Maul, John George Maul

Notes for Dorothea HELZER:

Sep 2006: Original information from Dr. Pleve's Helzer chart.

Apr 2009: From Ruth Schultz's site. Added her family.

Children are listed above under (792) Dorothea HELZER.

965. Conrad7 Maul (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Sophia Seder 21 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad Maul and Christina Seder are:

2193 i. Conrad8 Maul, born 07 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2194 ii. Johann Georg Maul, born 15 Apr 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2195 iii. Johann Georg Maul, born 11 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2196 iv. Johannes Maul, born Abt. 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2197 v. Elisabeth Maul, born Abt. 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2198 vi. Heinrich Maul, born Abt. 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2199 vii. Catharina Maul, born 17 Apr 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jun 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

966. Anna Maria7 Maul (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Oct 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 22 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Schleicher 29 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann Schleicher and Anna Schleicher. He was born 31 Aug 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Maul and Conrad Schleicher are:

2200 i. Wilhelm8 Schleicher, born 14 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Aug 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2201 ii. Johannes Schleicher, born 09 May 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2202 iii. Johann Geog Schleicher, born 20 Oct 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2203 iv. Heinrich Schleicher, born 31 Aug 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

972. Johannes7 Maul (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Dorothea Huck 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of ? Huck and Margaretha HELZER. She was born 30 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea Huck:

Apr 2009: This child added from Ruth Schultz's website.

It does not have Margaretha Helzer's 2nd spouse. Her father's name.

Children of Johannes Maul and Dorothea Huck are:

2204 i. Johannes8 Maul, born 01 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2205 ii. Catharina Maul, born Abt. 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

973. Elisabeth7 Maul (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg Schnell 23 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Peter SCHNELL and Elisabeth HELZER. He was born 18 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Maul and Johann Schnell are:

2206 i. Magdalena Elisabeth8 Schnell, born 27 Oct 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2207 ii. Margaretha Schnell, born 19 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

974. Dorothea7 Huck (Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Dec 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Maul 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich MAUL and Margaretha HELZER. He was born 10 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Dorothea Huck:

Apr 2009: This child added from Ruth Schultz's website.

It does not have Margaretha Helzer's 2nd spouse. Her father's name.

Children are listed above under (972) Johannes Maul.

976. Heinrich7 Blum (Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Aug 1854 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Maria Grun 07 Feb 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 23 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Blum:

Apr 2009: Added this child from this site. Ruth Schultz

Notes for Catharina Maria Grun:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Catharina Maria Gruen

Children of Heinrich Blum and Catharina Grun are:

+ 2208 i. Johannes8 Blum, born 14 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2209 ii. Melchior Blum, born 14 Aug 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Oct 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2210 iii. Conrad Sebastian Blum, born 20 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2211 iv. Catharina Magdalena Blum, born 19 Feb 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Lofink; born 05 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2212 v. Catharina Sophia Blum, born 10 Jun 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Oct 1953. She married Jacob Burbach; born 16 Sep 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1974.

2213 vi. Heinrich Gottlieb Blum, born 11 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2214 vii. Johann Heinrich Blum, born 14 Dec 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2215 viii. Christina Elisabeth Blum, born 27 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2216 ix. Johann Georg Blum, born 12 Jul 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2217 x. Georg Heinrich Blum, born 07 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

977. Catharina7 Blum (Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Jul 1856 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Jan 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (1) Melchior Brehm 06 Nov 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes BREHM and Catharina Soder. He was born 23 Nov 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Oct 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Heinrich Muller 15 Jan 1884 in Norka, Saratov, Russia. He was born 06 Jun 1857 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Blum:

Nov 2006:

From this website, created by Ray Peterson. The same person who is related to Magdalena Brehm b Jan 22, 1864 who isn't related yet.

I added the death information for Catharina Brehm nee Blum. I added her 2nd marriage to Heinrich Muller.

Children of Catharina Blum and Melchior Brehm are:

2218 i. Elisabeth8 Brehm, born 20 Mar 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Brehm:

I found this child on the Internet.

+ 2219 ii. Christina Magdalena Brehm, born 02 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Mar 1930 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Children of Catharina Blum and Heinrich Muller are:

2220 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Muller, born 09 May 1885 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

2221 ii. Magdalena Muller, born 10 Jul 1886 in Norka, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Aug 1887 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

2222 iii. Catharina Sophia Muller, born 21 Jan 1888 in Norka, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Aug 1889 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

2223 iv. Jacob Muller, born 18 Feb 1889 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

2224 v. Elisabeth Muller, born 28 Sep 1890 in Norka, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Mar 1893 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

2225 vi. Catharina Magdalena Muller, born 02 Mar 1892 in Norka, Saratov, Russia.

979. Sebastian7 Blum (Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Backer 30 Mar 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 29 Jun 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Sebastian Blum and Catharina Backer are:

2226 i. Peter8 Blum, born 10 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2227 ii. Christina Sophia Blum, born 08 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2228 iii. Catharina Elisabeth Blum, born 29 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2229 iv. Catharina Margaretha Blum, born 06 Aug 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2230 v. Justus Conrad Blum, born 24 Oct 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Sep 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2231 vi. Georg Peter Blum, born 08 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2232 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Blum, born 27 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2233 viii. Johann Heinrich Blum, born 30 Dec 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2234 ix. Johann Georg Blum, born 19 Sep 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Jan 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

983. Sophia7 Blum (Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Nov 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married (2) Justus Schleuning Abt. 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 01 Oct 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Justus Schleuning:

Another spelling Justus SCHLEINING, Justus Schleuming

Child of Sophia Blum is:

2235 i. Sebastian8 Blum, born 18 Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Oct 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

985. Johannes7 Blum (Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Apr 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Jan 1972 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Catharina Louise Doring 01 Oct 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 01 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Mar 1940 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Johannes Blum:

Mar 2009: Per email received from Michael Bateman. I have added this Johannes Blum as a child of Philipp Blum and Anna Elisabeth Helzer.

I added his spouse and children.

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Apr 2009: Marriage date from

Notes for Catharina Louise Doring:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Catharina Louise DÖRING Ruth Schultz's site.

Children of Johannes Blum and Catharina Doring are:

2236 i. Anna Catharina8 Blum, born 19 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Catharina Blum:

Apr 2009: Added child from

+ 2237 ii. Anna Katherine Blum, born 08 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1977 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2238 iii. Catharina Elizabeth Blum, born 21 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Dec 1977 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2239 iv. Lydia Blum, born 14 Dec 1919 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 21 Dec 1985 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

988. Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Apr 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Apr 1948 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Johannes Glantz 12 Dec 1881 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of Conrad Glantz and Margaretha Yost. He was born 03 Oct 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Dec 1918 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Alice Elizabeth HELZER:

Sept 2008: Another spelling: Anna Elisabeth Holzer, Anna Elizabeth Hoelzer, Anna Elisabeth Hoelzer, Anna Elisabeth Helzer

Notes for Johannes Glantz:

1. Information confirmed off census of NE, Hitchcock Co.

2. info off internet; confirmed by the 1900 US census for Hitchcock Co, NE; District 107

3. Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Anna Elisabeth Helzer (b. 10 April 1860) married my second cousin three times removed, Johannes Glantz (b. 3 Oct 1857)."

4. Sept 2008: Another spelling - Johannes A Glantz, John Glantz, Johannes Glantz

Children of Alice HELZER and Johannes Glantz are:

+ 2240 i. John Edward8 Glantz, born 01 Mar 1884 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 03 Apr 1933 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

2241 ii. Elizabeth Glantz, born Sep 1885 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 1901.

More About Elizabeth Glantz:

Comment 1: Died of diphtheria

+ 2242 iii. William (Willie) Glantz, born 16 Nov 1886 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 22 Oct 1971 in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado.

+ 2243 iv. Katherine (Katie) Glantz, born 04 Jan 1888 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 17 Feb 1980 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2244 v. Minnie Glantz, born 12 Oct 1889 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 07 Jun 1968 in Liberal, Kansas. She married (1) Dudley Stewart Abt. 1910; born Abt. 1885 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married (2) Harry L Davis Aft. 1940; born Abt. 1887.

More About Minnie Glantz:

Burial: Hooker, Oklahoma

Comment 1: No children

+ 2245 vi. Mollie Glantz, born 02 Jun 1892 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 17 Dec 1984 in Calimesa, California.

2246 vii. Joseph Glantz, born 20 Jul 1893 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 30 Apr 1986 in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado. He married Leola B Barber 27 Mar 1917; born Abt. 1897.

More About Joseph Glantz:

Burial: Hastings, Nebraska

+ 2247 viii. Sarah Glantz, born 02 Apr 1896 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 14 Jul 1988 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

2248 ix. Rachel Glantz, born Nov 1899 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 1901.

More About Rachel Glantz:

Comment 1: Died of diphtheria

1018. Ludwig7 HELZER (Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Jan 1958 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Christina Elisabeth Weitzel Abt. 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johannes Weitzel and Catharina Bott. She was born 03 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Nov 1969 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Ludwig HELZER:

Oct 2006: Per Helzer Pleve chart, "In 1903 he moved to America"

Feb 2009: Email received from Sue Myers McKechnie: "I had an email from a Michael Bateman, who it turns out is a Helzer cousin. He starts with the Johann Adam, and then his line splits with Johann Nicolaus Helzer, than Ludwig Helzer, son of Johann. You don't have any further information in your chart, but he did have more. In fact, Ludwig Helzer's son, Conrad Helzer, married my great aunt, Mollie Koch. Conrad was Michael's great uncle. "

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. "My great aunt Catherine Elizabeth Blum married Henry Helzer. He was the oldest of three sons born to Ludwig Helzer and Christina Weitzel."

Mar 2009: Per email from Michael Bateman. I added his 'nickname' Louis and his death.

Burial: Skyline Memorial Gardens, Multnomah, Oregon

Notes for Christina Elisabeth Weitzel:

Mar 2009: Per email from Michael Bateman. I added her middle name, birth and death dates.

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Christina Weitzel are:

+ 2249 i. Heinrich Henry8 Helzer, born 24 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Oct 1968 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

+ 2250 ii. Conrad Coney Helzer, born 24 Feb 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jun 1988 in Sonora, Tuolumne, California.

+ 2251 iii. Peter Heinrich Helzer, born 14 Jan 1909 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Oct 1999 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

1019. Catharina Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Adam BLUM 22 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 01 Mar 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina HELZER and Adam BLUM are:

2252 i. Ludwig8 BLUM, born 04 Aug 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2253 ii. Johann Georg Blum, born 15 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jun 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg Blum:

Apr 2009: Added this child from

2254 iii. Catharina Blum, born 10 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Blum:

May 2009: Added per Ruth Schultz's site.

1020. Catharina7 Helzer (Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Helzer:

May 2009: Added per Ruth Schultz's site.

Child of Catharina Helzer is:

2255 i. Heinrich8 Helzer, born 23 Dec 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich Helzer:

May 2009: Added per Ruth Schultz's site.

1025. Nicholas7 HELZER (Johannes6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Feb 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Anna Maria SCHEIDEMANN 22 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Scheidemann and Magdalena Schnell. She was born 05 Jul 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 03 Oct 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Magdalena Scheidemann 11 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Scheidemann and Magdalena Schnell. She was born 12 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Nicholas HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Mar 2006: There are many more children on the chart that died young. I have not listed.

Notes for Anna Maria SCHEIDEMANN:

Sept 2006: changed name from Anna Maria Scheidermann.

Children of Nicholas HELZER and Anna SCHEIDEMANN are:

2256 i. Johann Georg8 HELZER, born 20 Jul 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2257 ii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 12 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2258 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 20 Dec 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2259 iv. Magdalena HELZER, born 08 Mar 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Jul 1975 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. She married Heinrich Peter Bott; born 28 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Sep 1971 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Notes for Magdalena HELZER:

Sept 2006: Magdalena is on the Pleve chart. But I can not read the birth date.

Jun 2012: On Ruth's website. She has March 8, 1891. I changed from 08 Feb 1891. Added her spouse.

Children of Nicholas HELZER and Magdalena Scheidemann are:

2260 i. Anna Paulina8 HELZER, born 01 Jan 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 18 Jul 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2261 ii. Johann Phillip HELZER, born 20 Sep 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Phillip HELZER:

Sept 2006: Johann Phillip is on the Pleve chart, but I can not read the date.

2262 iii. Elisabeth HELZER, born 01 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Mar 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2263 iv. Lucas HELZER, born 23 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2264 v. Elisabeth HELZER, born 22 Oct 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2265 vi. Johann Georg HELZER, born 23 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2266 vii. Conrad HELZER, born 06 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 31 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1037. Johannes7 HELZER (Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Margaretha HELZER 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich HELZER and Anna Hohnstein. She was born 29 Nov 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Children are listed above under (950) Christina Margaretha HELZER.

1038. Elisabeth7 HELZER (Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes MULLER 08 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Ludwig Muller and Catharina Weber. He was born 03 Jun 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes MULLER:

Jan 2009:

Added the children.

Miller Ancestral chart: Village of Norka

Johannes Müller, [child of Ludwig Müller and Catharina Maria Weber], b. 3.06.1877, m. Elisabeth Hölzer, b. 5.11.1873, married 8.02.1896.


1. Christina Margaretha, b. 5.10.1897.

2. Johann Georg, b. 13.10.1899.

3. Maria, b. 19.02.1902.

4. Jacob, b. 21.04.1904.

Children of Elisabeth HELZER and Johannes MULLER are:

2267 i. Christina Margaretha8 Muller, born 05 Oct 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina Margaretha Muller:

Jan 2009:

Added the children.

2268 ii. Johann Georg Muller, born 13 Oct 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg Muller:

Jan 2009:

Added the children.

2269 iii. Maria Muller, born 19 Sep 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Maria Muller:

Jan 2009:

Added the children.

2270 iv. Jacob Muller, born 21 Apr 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Jacob Muller:

Jan 2009:

Added the children.

1040. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jan 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Mar 1959 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Anna Margaret Ross 27 Nov 1904 in Denver, Colorado. She was born 08 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jan 1969 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

May 2012: From Ruth Schultz

According to the 1920 and 1930 US Census records,

Home in 1920: Winter Creek, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska

Father's Name: George L Helzer Father's Birthplace: Russia

Mother's Name: Maggie Helzer Mother's Birthplace: Russia

George L Helzer 41; Maggie Helzer 37; Lillian Helzer 14

Rachel Helzer 12; Willie Helzer 8; Daniel Helzer 4

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

He was known as: George L Helzer

He sent a picture of the tombstones. Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

George L: Jan 29, 1879 Mar 7, 1959; Anna M: Jan 8, 1884 Jan 15, 1969

Obit: George L Helzer, 80, of 1605 Fifth Ave, Scottsbluff, a resident of Western Nebraska since 1905, died Saturday at a Scottsbulff Hospital.

Born Jan 19, 1879, at Norka, Russia, he came to the United States Jan 7, 1900, and worked in the cotton mills at Denver.

He was married Nov 27, 1904, at Denver to Anna Margarete Ross and the following March they moved to Alliance where he was emplyed as a car repairman by the Burlington Railroad. He came to Scottsbulff in 1909 and farmed east of town until 1917 when he purchased his own farm northeast of the city. He farmed 25 years until ill health forced his retirement. He moved to Scottsbluff in 1942.

Survivors, in addition to his wife, include two sons, William and Daniel, both of Scottsbluff; three daughters, Mrs. Lillian Fink of Portland, Ore, Mrs Raychel Yost and Mrs. Meriam Neuwirth of Scottsbluff, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A brother and sister preceded him in death.

Services will be at 2 pm Tuesday from the First Emmanuel Congregational Church of Scottsbluff with the Rev. Henry Schneider officiating. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery.

Dec 2009: Scott noted that I had the wrong birth date for Johann Georg. 19 Jan 1879.

I looked it up on the Helzer Pleve chart. He was correct. I changed it to 29 Jan 1879.

Notes for Anna Margaret Ross:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

Obit: Anna M Helzer

Anna Margaret Helzer, 85, a long-time resident of Scottsbluff died at a local rest home early Wednesday morning.

She was born Jan 8, 1884, in Norka, Russia. She came to the United States with her parents in 1901 to Kearney.

She was married to George L Helzer at Denver Nov. 27, 1904. They moved to Alliance the same year and came to Scottsbluff in 1909, where she and her husband farmed northeast of town.

They moved to the city of Scottsbluff in 1942.

She was the oldest living member of the Emmanuel Congregational Church and was a charter member of the church and the Church Senior Aid.

Survivors include two sons, William and Daniel, both of Scottsbluff. Three daughters, Mrs. Lillian Fink of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Joseph (Rachel) Yost and Mrs. Henry (Miram) Neuwirth, both of Scottsbluff; and nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband in 1959 and by two brothers and three sisters.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 am at the Emmanuel Congregation Church in Scottsbluff.

Rev. Carl F Brost will officate and burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. xxxx

Children of Johann HELZER and Anna Ross are:

+ 2271 i. Lillian8 Helzer, born 22 Sep 1906; died 06 Nov 1989.

+ 2272 ii. Rachel Louise Helzer, born 02 Oct 1907 in Alliance, Nebraska; died 14 Jul 1987 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

+ 2273 iii. William Helzer, born 10 Apr 1912 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska; died 14 Apr 1995 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

+ 2274 iv. Daniel Helzer, born 31 Jan 1916; died 28 Sep 1998 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska.

+ 2275 v. Miriam Virginia Helzer, born 17 Feb 1923 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

2276 vi. Caroline Emma Helzer, born 20 Apr 1924; died 19 May 1925.

Notes for Caroline Emma Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Dec 2009: I do not know for sure who this child is. The "OWNER" of the plot is George Helzer.

It is a very good chance that these are 2 children that died young.

2277 vii. Coral Mae Helzer, born Abt. 1927; died 18 Sep 1937.

Notes for Coral Mae Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Dec 2009: I do not know for sure who this child is. The "OWNER" of the plot is George Helzer.

It is a very good chance that these are 2 children that died young.

1044. Ludwig7 HELZER (Philipp6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth NOLDE 18 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Nolde and Anna Schwindt. She was born 11 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Ludwig HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Sept 2008: Added marriage date from

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Elisabeth NOLDE are:

2278 i. Ludwig8 HELZER, born 17 Dec 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2279 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 04 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2280 iii. Johann Georg HELZER, born 23 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2281 iv. Christina HELZER, born 08 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1046. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Philipp6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Schlitt 18 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Schlitt and Christina Hahn. She was born 20 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Notes for Catharina Schlitt:

Jan 2009: This site has her last name as Schlitt. My copy of the Pleve chart is hard to read.

Apr 2009: On Ruth Schultz's site she has the name Schlitt.

Schmidt could be another marriage.

Child of Johann HELZER and Catharina Schlitt is:

2282 i. Christina8 HELZER, born 09 Jan 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1050. Conrad George7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Jan 1958 in Ventura, California. He married Mary Ann Bath 14 Oct 1912 in Denver, Colorado. She was born 25 Oct 1895 in Frank, Russia, and died 29 May 1971 in Searcy, Arkansas.

Notes for Conrad George HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death date and middle name. .

Sept 2009: Added spouse and children.

Another marriage date 1 Dec 1912 Fort Morgan, CO

Children of Conrad HELZER and Mary Bath are:

2283 i. Erma Ruth8 Helzer, born 14 Nov 1915 in Loveland, Boulder, Colorado; died 24 Mar 1955.

2284 ii. James Leroy Helzer, born 26 Jul 1929 in Lliff, Logan, Colorado; died 01 Sep 1930.

1051. Johannes7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Mar 1950 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. He married Katharina (Katie) Deines 17 Feb 1916 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska, daughter of Johann Deines and Elisabeth Yost. She was born 25 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 May 1989.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England. Helzer family came to the U S in July 1892. the trip took 6 weeks. The family went to the home of George Deines cousin in Friend, NE

Apr 2009: Information updated from Ruth Schultz's site.

Updated changes are: 1. married: 17 Feb 1914

.....................................2. John's birth date from 29 Nov 1891

Apr 2009: Another spelling: John Hoelzer, Johannes Hoelzer, John Holzer, John Helzer

Notes for Katharina (Katie) Deines:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

Children of Johannes HELZER and Katharina Deines are:

2285 i. Harry John8 Helzer, born 29 Nov 1916 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Harry John Helzer:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

+ 2286 ii. Wilma Kathryn Helzer, born 23 Jan 1918 in Mitchell, Scottsbluff Co, Nebraska; died 27 Jun 2010 in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

2287 iii. Mildred E Helzer, born 02 Nov 1920 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married William R Bree Abt. 1940; born Abt. 1918.

Notes for Mildred E Helzer:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

+ 2288 iv. Doris A Helzer, born 21 Mar 1925 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

1053. Johann Georg7 HELZER (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 19 Jan 1975 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming. He married (1) Emma Benzel 26 Feb 1922 in Minatare, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. She was born 1901 in Volga, Altai Mountains, Russia, and died 08 May 1950 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming. He married (2) Katie Brittheur Abt. 1950. She was born Abt. 1899, and died 11 Apr 1962. He married (3) Evelyn Lebsack Abt. 1964. She was born Abt. 1900.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

Sept 2008: Added death dates. .

George Helzer, George Hoelzer, George Holzer

Apr 2011: Added from this site

Arrival: 1899; Added death place.

Residence 1910 - North Berthoud, Colorado; 1930 - Rawlins, Carbon, WY

Notes for Emma Benzel:

Apr 2011: Added dates

Depart: Oct 1906; Antwerp, Belgium; Arrival: 31 Oct 1906 New York, NY

Residence 1910: Gering, NE

Children of Johann HELZER and Emma Benzel are:

2289 i. Lorrdale L8 Helzer, born Abt. 1923; died Aug 1985 in Sparks, Washoe, Nevada.

Notes for Lorrdale L Helzer:

Apr 2011: Residence: 1930 Rawlins, WY

2290 ii. Carol Helzer, born 20 Apr 1924 in Nebraska; died 18 May 1925 in Nebraska.

2291 iii. Wesley Paul Helzer, born 28 Aug 1926 in Haig, Nebraska; died 09 Apr 2010 in Merced, Merced Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Wesley Paul Helzer:

Apr 2011: Burial: Oakhurst, CA

1055. Heinrich7 Helzer (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Sep 1900 in Kearney, Nebraska, and died 13 Sep 1929 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Edith Boston Abt. 1920. She was born 24 Dec 1905, and died 24 Sep 1991.

Notes for Heinrich Helzer:

Apr 2009: Added child from Ruth Schultz's site.

Sept 2009: Another possible birth date 5 Sept 1900

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Dec 2009: Per the cenetery records, I have changed his birth date from 09 Sep 1900 to 5 Sept.

Notes for Edith Boston:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Edith 12/24/1905 9/24/1991 Owner: Edith Helzer 01-07-0045

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Child of Heinrich Helzer and Edith Boston is:

2292 i. Dorothy8 Helzer, born Abt. 1921.

Notes for Dorothy Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Dorothy Owner Henry Helzer

There are no dates connected with this name. This is a guess that she is his daughter.

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

1056. Phillip7 Helzer (Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jun 1902 in Eaton, Weld, Colorado, and died 09 Sep 1974 in Casper, Natrona, Wyoming. He married (1) Rose Groskopf Abt. 1924. She was born Abt. 1904. He married (2) Pauline Elizabeth Schlager 22 Jun 1940 in Torrington, Wyoming. She was born 30 Dec 1909 in Burlington, Iowa.

Notes for Phillip Helzer:

Nov 2008:

This site has Phillip being born in Philipp Helzer. He b 22 Jun 1902 Eaton CO; d 9 Sep 1974 Casper WY.

It does not mention his parents names.

Nov 2008: Per

It shows on this site that his parents were George Helzer and Catharina Glantz.

It shows Phillip was born in Kearney, NE.

Notes for Pauline Elizabeth Schlager:

Nov 2008:

Her first husband: She married 18 Dec 1935 Torrington WY to David Dillman.

Children of Phillip Helzer and Pauline Schlager are:

+ 2293 i. Sharon Rae8 Helzer, born 1941.

2294 ii. Karen Kay Helzer, born 1941; died 1942.

Notes for Karen Kay Helzer:

Nov 2008: added this child -

+ 2295 iii. Ronald Eugene Helzer, born 1943.

1067. Christina Elisabeth7 HELZER (Johannes6, Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Mar 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes TRAUDT 12 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Traudt and Maria Repp. He was born 26 Apr 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes TRAUDT:

Mar 2006: Fixes the spelling of his last name from "Johannes Fraudt" to Traudt per .

Children of Christina HELZER and Johannes TRAUDT are:

2296 i. Catharina Elisabeth8 Traudt, born 20 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2297 ii. Amalie Traudt, born 08 May 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 26 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2298 iii. Johann Heinrich Traudt, born 12 Jul 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1071. Ludwig7 HELZER (Johannes6, Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Aug 1949 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Margaret Katherine Melcher Abt. 1901, daughter of Philip Melcher and Mary Becker. She was born 15 Jun 1885 in Brunnental, Seelmann, Russia, and died 12 Oct 1935 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Ludwig HELZER:

Descendants from

Sept 2008: This looks like the same Ludwig found on this site.

WORLD WAR I DRAFT REGISTRATIONS For those from Brunnental, Samara, Russia

Ludwig Hilzer (Helzer)

age 38 born Oct 16, 1880

living at 823 E 6th St., Portland, Multnomah, OR

white, naturalized citizen

"team driver" for E & W Lumber Co, Portland OR

nearest relative, Caatherine Hilzer, same address, wife

blue eyes, and brown hair no special characteristics

dated Sep 12, 1918 RIN 478

2002: Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

More About Margaret Katherine Melcher:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Children of Ludwig HELZER and Margaret Melcher are:

2299 i. John8 Helzer, born 18 Apr 1902 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 13 Sep 1955. He married Clara Delvina Delco Lewis; born Abt. 1906; died in Piedmont Cemetry, Alameda, California.

Notes for John Helzer:

Burial: Golden Gate Mc, San Mateo, California

2300 ii. Henry Helzer, born 02 Jun 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 13 Jul 1904 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Henry Helzer:

Burial: Columbia Cemetery

2301 iii. Louise Helzer, born 20 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 21 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2302 iv. Louis Helzer, born 03 Jul 1913 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 02 Dec 1970 in Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California.

More About Louis Helzer:

Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery

+ 2303 v. Edward Helzer, born 26 Jul 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 14 Jun 1981 in Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada.

1090. Peter7 Biehn (Elisabeth6 Schleuning, Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jul 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Susanna Griess 07 May 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Nov 1875 in Kukkus, Samara, Volga, Russia.

Child of Peter Biehn and Susanna Griess is:

2304 i. Catharina Margaretha8 Biehn, born 29 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1094. Anna Elisabeth7 Biehn (Elisabeth6 Schleuning, Catharina Elisabeth5 HELZER, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Elisabeth Biehn are:

2305 i. Conrad8 Biehn, born 06 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Mar 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2306 ii. Heinrich Biehn, born 15 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 04 Mar 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1126. George7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Jan 1996 in Oakland Co, Michigan. He married Anna Catharina Ramig. She was born 23 Feb 1908 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Sep 1996 in White Lake, Oakland, Michigan.

Notes for George Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

She filled in all his family's information.

Residence: Independence, Oakland, Michigan

Children of George Helzer and Anna Ramig are:

2307 i. George C8 Helzer, born 18 Nov 1929 in Russia; died 28 Dec 1996 in White Lake, Oakland Co, Michigan. He married Donna ?; born Abt. 1930.

Notes for George C Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child.

2308 ii. Robert Helzer, born 1932.

Notes for Robert Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child. Janet did not have a year of birth listed.

2309 iii. Jackie D Helzer, born 15 Jan 1934 in Oakland Co, Michigan. He married Lois ?; born Abt. 1934.

Notes for Jackie D Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child. Residence: White Lake, Oakland, Michigan

2310 iv. Eugene Edward Helzer, born 23 Mar 1936 in Oakland Co, Michigan. He married Betty June Heifner; born 13 Oct 1938; died 14 Jul 2005.

Notes for Eugene Edward Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child.

2311 v. Harry R Helzer, born 17 May 1943 in Oakland Co, Michigan; died 29 Aug 1995 in Keego Harbor, Oakland, Michigan. He married Mary ?; born Abt. 1945.

Notes for Harry R Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child.

2312 vi. Paul Mickel Helzer, born 01 Jun 1946 in Oakland Co, Michigan. He married (1) Linda ? Abt. 1967; born Abt. 1947. He married (2) Mary ? Aft. 1980; born Abt. 1947.

Notes for Paul Mickel Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child. The spelling of his middle name is as listed on Janets information.

2313 vii. John H Helzer, born 14 May 1948 in Oakland Co, Michigan. He married Janice ?; born Abt. 1950.

Notes for John H Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

Added this child.

1127. Lydia7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 May 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Sep 1995 in Oakland Co, Michigan. She married Harold Schell. He was born 07 Feb 1907, and died 12 May 1984 in Oakland Co, Michigan.

Notes for Lydia Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

She filled in all her information.

Arrival: 02 Feb 1911; Philadelphia, PA

Custom: Russia

Departure: Liverpool, England

Residence: Michigan

Children of Lydia Helzer and Harold Schell are:

2314 i. Shirley Ruth8 Schell, born 15 Jun 1930 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan. She married George W Carter; born 22 Feb 1926; died 11 Jun 1999 in Attica, Lapeer, Michigan.

2315 ii. Reed Schell, born 15 Apr 1932; died 20 Jul 1998 in South Lyon, Oakland Co, Michigan. She married Glenn Rose; born Abt. 1930.

2316 iii. Daniel L Schell, born 03 Nov 1937; died 08 Dec 1994 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan.

1128. Mary Marie7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jul 1911 in Saginaw, Michigan, and died 17 Nov 2004 in Smiths Creek, Saint Clair, Michigan. She married James Arthur Davis Abt. 1928. He was born 05 Mar 1912, and died 20 May 1986 in West Branch, Ogemaw, Michigan.

Notes for Mary Marie Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

I added this child from her information. Residence: Mills, Ogemaw, Michigan

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Bachschmidt Landenburg. "Immigrated to the USA from Russia in the early 1900's. Amelia was pregnant with my grandmother Mary"

Children of Mary Helzer and James Davis are:

2317 i. Virginia Mae8 Davis, born 14 Jun 1930 in Detroit, Michigan. She married Donald H Smith; born 15 Mar 1922 in St. Clair, St. Clair Co, Michigan; died in Florida.

+ 2318 ii. Betty Davis, born 1931 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan.

2319 iii. Arthur Davis, born 1933 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. He married Beverly E Davis; born 27 Nov 1937; died 02 Aug 2003 in Lake Orion, Oakland, Michigan.

2320 iv. Genevieve Davis, born 23 Jul 1936 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. She married Charles I Woolman; born 05 Sep 1931; died 05 Jan 1996 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan.

2321 v. James Davis, born 02 Jul 1938 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. He married Ardis ?; born Abt. 1940.

2322 vi. Darlene M Davis, born 13 Aug 1940 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. She married Warren Lee Snover; born 02 Mar 1939; died 16 Apr 2004 in Smiths Creek, Saint Clair, Michigan.

1129. Nicholas Nick7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Nov 1912 in Saginaw, Michigan, and died 11 Oct 1997 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He married Vonda Beatrice Ashley 11 Apr 1936 in Emmet, Michigan. She was born 12 Sep 1919 in St. Clair Co, Michigan, and died 19 Dec 1988 in Capac, Michigan.

Notes for Nicholas Nick Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

I added this child from her information.

"Nick enjoyed his family. He worked for General Motors over 30 years. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and helping out at the Senior Citizen dinners with his wife, who cooked there."

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Landenburg.

Notes for Vonda Beatrice Ashley:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

"Vonda raised her family, then started working in a small Cafe in Capac as a cook and waitress. She then got a position with the Senior citizens as a cook. She catered and cooked for the Lions Club special meetings. She worked up until just a few months before her illness and passing."

Children of Nicholas Helzer and Vonda Ashley are:

2323 i. Byron Dennis8 Helzer, born 01 Nov 1940 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; died 21 Jun 1999 in Richmond, Macomb, Michigan. He married Diane Wansedel Oct 1960 in Armada, Michigan; born 06 Dec 1942.

2324 ii. Janet Marie Helzer, born Private in St. Clair Co, Michigan. She married John Lorenzo Arnott 29 Aug 1958 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; born Private in Tuscola Co, Michigan.

Notes for Janet Marie Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

2325 iii. Rita Gail Helzer, born Private in St. Clair Co, Michigan. She married (1) Ronald Leroy Ramin 28 Jul 1972 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; born Private. She married (2) Terry Walker 16 Aug 1993 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; born Private.

2326 iv. Cathy Jean Helzer, born Private in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. She married (1) Benny Randall Grey 25 Feb 1972 in St. Clair Co, Michigan; born Private. She married (2) Jack Leroy Withum 11 Nov 1994 in Capac, St. Clair Co, Michigan; born Private in Imlay City, Michigan.

Notes for Cathy Jean Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

2327 v. Lonnie Lynn Helzer, born Private in Lapeer Co, Michigan.

1130. Katherine Elizabeth7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Jul 1914 in Michigan, and died 14 Feb 1997 in Oakland Co, Michigan. She married Jack E Callender. He was born 24 Dec 1916 in Michigan, and died 14 Sep 1990 in Birmingham, Oakland, Michigan.

Notes for Katherine Elizabeth Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

I added this child from her information.

Children of Katherine Helzer and Jack Callender are:

2328 i. Arnold L8 Callender, born 14 Jul 1934. He married Rita Carol ?; born 15 Jun 1938.

2329 ii. Beverly Ann Callender, born 15 Jun 1935 in Oakland Co, Michigan. She married William Henry King; born 11 Jun 1920; died 12 Jan 1994 in Oxford, Oakland Co, Michigan.

1132. John7 Helzer (Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Dec 1917 in Capac, St Clair Co, Michigan. He married Ruby M Helzer Abt. 1940. She was born 13 Feb 1920, and died 12 Jun 1997 in Harrison, Clare, Michigan.

Notes for John Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received a letter from Janet Helzer Arnott with information on her family.

I added this child from her information.

Notes for Ruby M Helzer:

Feb 2009: I do not know for sure if her last name is Helzer. kel

Children of John Helzer and Ruby Helzer are:

2330 i. Ilene8 Helzer, born Abt. 1942.

2331 ii. John Helzer, born Abt. 1944.

1140. Heinrich7 Reispich (Johann Conrad6, Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Dec 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Mohr 18 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 19 Jan 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Reispich and Anna Mohr are:

2332 i. Christina Maria8 Reispich, born 19 Sep 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2333 ii. Johann Georg Reispich, born 02 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2334 iii. Catharina Maria Reispich, born 28 Jan 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1143. Johann Georg7 Reispich (Johann Conrad6, Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Elisabeth Mohr 12 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Reispich and Christina Mohr are:

2335 i. Anna Maria8 Reispich, born 08 Mar 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2336 ii. Heinrich Reispich, born 19 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1153. Elisabeth7 Heinrich (Catharina Heinrich nee6 Reuspich, Maria Elisabeth5 HELZER, Nicolaus4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Jul 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Sep 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Pfenning 14 Mar 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 09 Feb 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Jul 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth Heinrich and Johannes Pfenning is:

2337 i. Conrad8 Pfenning, born 06 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Generation No. 8

1187. Margaretha8 Yeager (Philipp7, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 May 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Georg Reispich 30 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Margaretha Yeager and Georg Reispich is:

2338 i. Heinrich9 Reispich, born 22 Sep 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1200. Christina Maria8 Scheidemann (Elisabeth7 Lofink, Magdalena6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Oct 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Traudt 28 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 20 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Christina Scheidemann and Peter Traudt is:

2339 i. Wilhelmine9 Traudt, born 19 Mar 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1207. Johann Georg8 Brehm (Margaretha7 Muller, Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jul 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Maria Blum 15 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Jul 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Johann Brehm and Maria Blum is:

2340 i. Johannes9 Brehm, born 28 Nov 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1227. Jacob8 Helzer (Conrad7, Johannes6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1902 in Eaton, Colorado, and died 1987. He married Katherine Sitzman Abt. 1922. She was born 1901.

Notes for Jacob Helzer:

Dec 2011: Added this child per Karen Ann Helzer's website posted Feb 26, 2001

email at time: kcocoa@ as of Dec 2011 doesn't work.

My family started out in Germany and emigrated to Russia, and than immagrated to the United States. The names that are in my search are as follows: Conrad Helzer married to a Catherine Yost. They came over from Russia on a ship. Jacob Helzer born 1902 in Eaton Colo. He was married to a Katherine Sitzman, who was born in 1901.Am looking for info.Conrad Sitzman, married to a Amalia (Molly) Eckhardt. on a Carl Sitzman, married to a Barbara Schafer, she was born on Feb.18th, 1873 and died May 19th, 1930. Barbara Shafers dad was a Henry Schafer who was married to a Katherine Barbara Frambrook.I am still trying to piece together dates.I am also searching for a George Batt, not sure how he fits in. He might be Katherine Sitzmans biological father. The search also includes Molly Sitzman who was born in 1901 and died 1999, never married. Martha Sitzman, never married. Elsie Sitzman, Daniel Sitzman, John Sitzman. There are more, but these are the main ones to get started with. We usually have a family reunion in Windsor Colo. every August.

Dec 2011: Karen posted the following: Jan 2001

"My Grandma Katherine Barbara Shaefer born july 11 1901 died in 1985, she was born to Carl and Barbara Sitzman. My grandma Katerine Helzer had sisters and step sisters, this is where it gets confusing. She had a sister Martha and Molly. Molly just died a couple years ago at the latest. She was my dads aunt. My dad Melvin Charles Helzer was born to Jacob Helzer and Katherine Helzer. I know that Katherine, my grandma also had Elsie as a sister. Brothers names were Daniel Sitzman, John sitzman, Joe sitzman. Now my grandpa Jacob Helzer born 1902 died 1987 had brothers, Adam, George, Fritz, Ben, and a couple more I think.I think he had sisters by the name of Christina, Esther, and Lydia. Somewher I have a last name of Hess for somebody. My dad Melvin has no info on his mothers side at all. She was a stepchild, so no idea who her mother was. "

Child of Jacob Helzer and Katherine Sitzman is:

2341 i. Melvin Charles9 Helzer, born Abt. 1925.

1235. Anna Maria8 HELZER (Johannes7, Heinrich6, Johannes5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Jul 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg ALT 15 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 29 Mar 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria HELZER:

Oct 2006: Added children per Alt Pleve chart.

Notes for Johann Georg ALT:

Oct 2006: Added children per Alt Pleve chart.

Children of Anna HELZER and Johann ALT are:

2342 i. Catharina9 Alt, born 12 Jul 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2343 ii. Heinrich Alt, born 28 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2344 iii. Heinrich Alt, born 05 Mar 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Apr 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2345 iv. Johannes Alt, born 07 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2346 v. Johann Georg Alt, born 26 Dec 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2347 vi. Johann Georg Alt, born 26 Mar 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2348 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Alt, born 13 Jul 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1292. Roy Herman8 Helzer (Heinrich H7, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died Abt. 1994. He married Dorothy Wahl Abt. 1932. She was born Abt. 1912.

Notes for Roy Herman Helzer:

Nov 2006: Another spelling of the name Roy Herman Helser, Roy Helzer, Roy Helser

Children of Roy Helzer and Dorothy Wahl are:

2349 i. J Dennis9 Helser, born Abt. 1935.

2350 ii. Roy Helser, Jr., born Abt. 1940.

2351 iii. Susan Helser, born Abt. 1942.

1295. Letha8 Schinaman (Magdalena (Lena)7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Oct 1897 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 29 Mar 1947 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Jacob (Jack) Schafer 02 Oct 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born 10 Jun 1893 in Splavnucka, Huck, Russia, and died 10 Sep 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

More About Letha Schinaman:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

More About Jacob (Jack) Schafer:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Children of Letha Schinaman and Jacob Schafer are:

2352 i. Baby9 Schafer, born 26 Apr 1919 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 26 Apr 1919 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2353 ii. Richard Jack (Dick) Schafer, born 28 May 1920 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 22 Jul 1975 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California. He married Doris Silverstein 27 Mar 1943 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; born 1923.

More About Richard Jack (Dick) Schafer:

Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

+ 2354 iii. Allan Schafer, born 25 May 1922 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 30 Nov 1990 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1309. Marnell Raymond8 Helser (John Charles7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 27 Aug 1948 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Lucy Lee Thomas. She was born Abt. 1906.

Children of Marnell Helser and Lucy Thomas are:

+ 2355 i. Robert John9 Helser, born 06 Aug 1925 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 25 Apr 2001 in Mohler, Oregon.

+ 2356 ii. Marna Lee Helser, born 1941 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

1323. Johann Georg8 Schnell (Elisabeth7 HELZER, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Maul 23 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich MAUL and Margaretha HELZER. She was born 29 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (973) Elisabeth Maul.

1358. Heinrich8 Schnell (Anna Maria7 Spady, Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Dec 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth Pauley 13 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 02 Jan 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Schnell and Anna Pauley are:

2357 i. Anna Maria9 Schnell, born 03 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Apr 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2358 ii. Catharina Schnell, born 13 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 02 May 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1363. Pauline8 Schnell (Anna Maria7 Spady, Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Aug 1879 in Duborji, Saratov, Volga, Russia. She married Wilhelm Spady 28 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Ludwig SPADY and Catharina HELZER. He was born 31 May 1876 in Tscherbakovka, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Pauline Schnell and Wilhelm Spady are:

2359 i. Catharina9 Spady, born 03 May 1899 in Friedenfeld, Samara, Volga, Russia.

2360 ii. Heinrich Spady, born 18 Jan 1901 in Katharinenstadt, Samara, Volga, Russia.

2361 iii. Alexander Spady, born 07 Mar 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2362 iv. Eduard Spady, born 09 Feb 1905 in Dubov Gai, Samara, Volga, Russia.

1370. Wilhelm8 Spady (Ludwig7, Margaretha6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 May 1876 in Tscherbakovka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. He married Pauline Schnell 28 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Peter Schnell and Anna Spady. She was born 13 Aug 1879 in Duborji, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children are listed above under (1363) Pauline Schnell.

1376. Christina8 HELZER (Johann Georg7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Feb 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Glantz 17 Sep 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Glantz and Catharina Schwartz. He was born 26 Mar 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Christina HELZER:

July 2008: Email from Jerry Goertzen. "Heinrich Glantz (b. 26 Mar 1874) (His parents were Johannes Glanz and Catharina Swartz) and Christina Helzer (b. 5 Feb 1882), had two children. They were Paulina Glantz (b. 21 Jul 1902) and Conrad (b. 20 Sept 1903)."

Notes for Heinrich Glantz:

Mar 2008: Received email from Jerry Goertzen. "Christina Helzer (b. 5 Feb 1882) is the wife of my third cousin, twice removed, Heinrich Glantz (b. 26 Mar 1874)."

Children of Christina HELZER and Heinrich Glantz are:

2363 i. Paulina9 Glantz, born 21 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2364 ii. Conrad Glantz, born 20 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1390. Elisabeth8 Weber (Catharina7 Glantz, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Ludwig Weber 01 Mar 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johannes Weber and Anna Schlitt. He was born 25 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Weber and Ludwig Weber are:

2365 i. Anna Maria9 Weber, born 29 Oct 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2366 ii. Johann Georg Weber, born 13 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2367 iii. Peter Weber, born 13 Sep 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2368 iv. Catharina Weber, born 04 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1391. Conrad8 Weber (Catharina7 Glantz, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Sep 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Vogler 14 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 07 Apr 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Vogler:

Another spelling: Anna Maria VÖGLER

Children of Conrad Weber and Anna Vogler are:

2369 i. Amalie9 Weber, born 08 Sep 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2370 ii. Magdalena Weber, born 09 Dec 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2371 iii. Catharina Weber, born 28 Apr 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2372 iv. Nathalie Weber, born 17 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 03 Nov 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2373 v. Nathalie Weber, born 15 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1395. Christina Maria8 Weber (Catharina7 Glantz, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 May 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Peter Muller 30 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Sep 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Christina Weber and Peter Muller is:

2374 i. Wilhelm9 Muller, born 25 Dec 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1411. Georg Conrad8 HELZER (Conrad7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 07 Aug 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He married Amalie Elisabeth Weidenkeller 14 Feb 1906 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann WEIDENKELLER and Christina HELZER. She was born 05 Sep 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Jul 1956 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Notes for Georg Conrad HELZER:

2006: Original information is from the Helzer Pleve chart.

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

All information on his wife and decendents are from her. I added his death information.

"Only 3 of the children lived to adulthood."

In 1925 the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Stony Plain, Alberta. George and Elizabeth later lived in Calgary.

Notes for Amalie Elisabeth Weidenkeller:

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Monson. Added George's wife.

Oct 2008: Found this website:

Elizabeth Weidenkeller was born 5 Sep 1883 in Norka, Saratov,

Russia to George Weidenkeller and Christine Helzer.

She married George Conrad Helzer on 14 Feb 1906 in Norka.

They had 6 children:

John, b. 30 Jun 1910

Katherine, b. 12 Jun 1912

Christine, b. 13 Sep 1913




Only 3 of the children lived to adulthood.

In 1925 the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Stony Plain,

Alberta. George and Elizabeth later lived in Calgary.

Elizabeth died on 24 Jul 1956 in Calgary, Alberta.

Children are listed above under (481) Amalie Elisabeth Weidenkeller.

1414. Catharina Magdalena Lena8 Krieger (Anna Maria Emma7 Weidenkeller, Christina6 HELZER, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jun 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Aug 1968 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married John Sinner. He was born 30 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Jun 1938 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Catharina Magdalena Lena Krieger:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

Apr 2009: Nickname: Lena Krieger

Children of Catharina Krieger and John Sinner are:

2375 i. John Leroy9 Sinner, born 25 Sep 1914 in Oregon; died 28 Jan 1994 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2376 ii. Walter H Sinner, born 09 Jan 1916 in Oregon; died 24 Dec 1996 in Lincoln City, Lincoln, Oregon.

2377 iii. Wilbert C Sinner, born 16 Dec 1920 in Oregon; died 17 Aug 1996 in Troutdale, Multnomah, Oregon.

2378 iv. Lorraine K Sinner, born Abt. 1923 in Oregon.

1427. Katherine8 Helzer (Georg Conrad8, Conrad7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jun 1912 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Emmanuel Schnell 24 Dec 1933 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, son of John Schnell and Amelia Stertz. He was born 11 May 1912 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada, and died 22 Oct 1994 in Ponoka, Alberta, Canada.

Notes for Katherine Helzer:

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

"She was born in Norka in 1912 and came to Canada in 1925. Her name is Katherine Helzer. "

She immigrated to Quebec, Canada in 1925 with her father George and her older brother John. Her mother (Elizabeth Weidenkeller) and sister Christine stayed in England for a short time as her sister needed to have surgery on her eyes before she would be allowed to immigrate. Katherine's family settled in Stony Plain, Alberta and she met the son of other German-Russian immigrants, Emmanuel Schnell. They married in 1933 and lived in Ponoka, Alberta. My mother (Dianne) was their 5th child. My grandfather's parents came to Canada in 1911. I was very fortunate to know my great grandparents, John and Amelia (Stertz) Schnell. "

Notes for Emmanuel Schnell:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

Children of Katherine Helzer and Emmanuel Schnell are:

+ 2379 i. Dianne9 Schnell, born Abt. 1934.

2380 ii. Leah Schnell, born 1937 in Ponoka, Alberta, Canada; died Abt. 1999. She married William Rosenkranz; born Abt. 1935.

Notes for Leah Schnell:

Nov 2008: I received an email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family line.

1458. Ludwig8 Spady (Catharina Maria7 Krieger, Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Mathilde Stroh 04 Jul 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Jul 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Jan 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Catharina Feuerstein 23 Jun 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 28 Sep 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Ludwig Spady and Mathilde Stroh is:

2381 i. Adam9 Spady, born 01 Mar 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Ludwig Spady and Anna Feuerstein is:

2382 i. Ludwig9 Spady, born 06 Mar 1901 in Kiev, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1460. Margaretha8 Spady (Catharina Maria7 Krieger, Catharina Elisabeth6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Nov 1962 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married Heinrich Conrad Krieger Abt. 1899. He was born 09 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Apr 1945 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

Child of Margaretha Spady and Heinrich Krieger is:

2383 i. Johann Heinrich9 Krieger, born 21 Jan 1900 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 29 Dec 1993 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Elizabeth Burbach 21 Jun 1929 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado; born 24 Oct 1907 in Brush, Morgan, Colorado; died 09 Dec 1989.

1490. Elizabeth8 Scheidemann (Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Feb 1964. She married William (Bill) Burbach 24 Jan 1909, son of Johannes Burbach and Sophia Ross. He was born 04 Jan 1881 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 02 Jun 1957.

Notes for Elizabeth Scheidemann:

Mrs. Elizabeth Scheidemann Burbach was born in Norka Russia to John and Anna Catherine Scheidemann on Oct 18, 1889 and passed into eternal life on Feb 14, 1964 at the age of 74. The family came to the United States when Elizabeth was only 6 months old and settled near Sutton. She was married to William Burbach Jan 24, 1909. To this union were born two daughters, Inez and Laurietta. She was a member of the Eastern Star and the Federated church. She was preceded in death by her husband, William, one daughter, Inez, one sister, Mary Schleiger and one brother, Conrad Scheidemann.

Notes for William (Bill) Burbach:

1. I originally had Jan 4, 1880 as the birthyear.

2. Informatin on the family was updated via email by Shirley Cantrell October 2002

3. Obit: William Burbach, son of John & Sophia Burbach, was born on a farm 7 miles northwest of Sutton on Jan 4, 1881. His early years were spent on the farm. In infancy he was baptized and received his religious instruction in the Sutton Baptist Church. As a young man he moved to Sutton where he was employed by the Lincoln Telephone Co. During these years he also ran a steam threshing machine and was favorably known over the Sutton territory for his work and ability. The deceased was married to Elizabeth Scheidemann on January 24, 1909. To this union two daughters' Inez, Mrs. Wilfred Fuehrer, who preceded her father in death Aug 15, 1949 and Laurietta, Mrs. Edwin Fuehrer of Sutton. Going to work for the city light and water department "Bill" as he was known to all devoted 37 yrs of his life to this work. He served the city faithfully and well, being available day or night, regardless of weather conditions and during these years he saw the Sutton light system grow and expand. Following his retirement from the light commissioner job, he was employed in the Griess Clothing Co for a number of years. Mr. Burbach suffered a number of heart attacks in 1953 and from that date on was forced to take things easier. On January 27, 1956 he suffered a stroke and was confined to a wheel chair for the remainder of his life's span. In spite of his condition, he remained cheerful and enjoyed visiting with friends and neighbors. Especially did he enjoy the company of his four grand-

children. Another heart attack was suffered a week ago Wednesday night and "Bill" passed away early Thursday morning, June 20, at the age of 76 years, 5 months, and 16 days.

Children of Elizabeth Scheidemann and William Burbach are:

+ 2384 i. Inez Marie9 Burbach, born 15 Dec 1911 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 15 Aug 1949 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

+ 2385 ii. Laurietta Elizabeth Burbach, born 23 Sep 1917 in Sutton, Nebraska; died 15 Jul 2001 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

1495. George8 Krieger (John7, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Aug 1891 in Sutton, Clay, Nebraska, and died 02 Aug 1960 in Denver, Colorado. He married Mary Ellen Clodfelder 29 May 1917 in Sterling, Logan, Colorado. She was born 25 Dec 1902 in Wallace, Fountain, Indiana, and died 24 Mar 1989 in Denver, Colorado.

Notes for George Krieger:

Dec 2006: Crown Hill Cemetery

Child of George Krieger and Mary Clodfelder is:

2386 i. Estel Oma9 Krieger, born 18 Jul 1922 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska; died 14 Jun 1952 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska.

1503. Heinrich8 HELZER (Heinrich7, Heinrich6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Jan 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 1930 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Schneider in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1870 in Kope, Ukraine, Russia, and died 1930 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Sept 2009:

Found really good match on this site. Parents: Henry Helzer and Emma Lehl

Child: Henry Helzer born 1870 Died 1930

Added spouse and family.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Catharina Schneider are:

+ 2387 i. Catharina Elisabeth9 Helzer, born 04 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Mar 1981 in Portland, Oregon.

2388 ii. Jacob Helzer, born Abt. 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2389 iii. Molly Helzer, born Abt. 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1517. Johannes8 Schwindt (Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Apr 1953 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado. He married Anna Marie (Emma) (not yet) Schmer 07 Jul 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Schmer. She was born 18 Jun 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Mar 1953 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Johannes Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

grandparents Johann Schwindt and Christine Hart Schwindt.

5 Aug 1906 > SS Koln > ship manifest, from Bremen, Germany to Galveston, Texas; German ethn., last lived in Norka Russia. All going to stay with In-law Conrad SCHMER.

Johann Schwindt, 50 Years old, b. abt 1856, Male, Col Alt Norka, going to Globeville Colo, in law, Conrad Schmer, Globeville

Christine Schwindt, 50 Years, 1856 Female;

Jakob Schwindt, 14, Years 1892, Male, uncle Conrad Schmer;

(note this is their adult son, with his family)

Johannes Schwindt, 34 Years, 1872, Male, brother in law Conrad Schmer;

Anna Maria Schwindt, 35 Years, 1871 Female;

Margaretha Schwindt, 11 Years, 1895 Female, going to stay with uncle Conrad Schmer;

Johann Schwindt, 9 Years, 1897, Male;

Georg Schwindt, 6 Years ,1900, Male;

Philipp Schwindt, 4 Years, 1902, Male;

Jakob Schwindt, 2 Years, 1904, Male;

Heinrich Schwindt, 6 mnths, b.abt dec 1905, Male.

(Note: the Jacob b.1892, listed above is my great grandfather)


Census --

27 Apr 1910: Precinct 10, Denver, Colorado, living at 4662 Lincoln

John Schwint, head, m,w, 37, m1, 19, rus ger, rus, rus, 1906 al

Emma Schwint, wife, f,w, 38,m1, 19, 7 babes, 6 living, rus ger, rus,rus, 1906

Maggie Schwint, dau,f,w, 16, s, rus, 1906

John Schwint, son, 12, rus

George Schwint, son, 10, rus

Phillip Schwint, son 8, rus

Henry Schwint, son, 4, rus

Mary Schwint 8/12 (abt aug 1909), Colo


Per 1910 city directory Conrad Schmer and John Schwindt both in Globeville, living near each other--

1910 Denver City directory:

Conrad Schmer, laborer, r 4651 Lincoln

John Schwindt, r 4662 Lincoln


1920 Colorado > Larimer > North Berthoud > District 169 > Image 2

John Schmidt, head, r, m,w,46, mrd, 1906, al, russ,ger,russ,ger,russ, ger

Emma Schmidt, wife, f,w, 48, mrd, 1906, al, russ,ger,russ,ger,russ, ger

John Schmidt, son,m,w, 22,s, 1906, al, russ

George Schmidt, son,m,w, 20,s, 1906, al, russ

Philip Schmidt, son,m,w, 17,s, 1906, al, russ

Henry Schmidt, son,m,w, 14,s, 1906, al, russ

Marie Schmidt, dau,f,w 9, s,CO, rus, sus


1930 Colorado > Adams > Eastlake > District 15 > Image 3

John Schwindt, head, r,m,w, 57, mrd, 20 whn mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1906,al, Farmer, general farm

Emma Schwindt, wife,f,w, 58, 21 whn mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1906, al

John Schwindt, son, m,w, 32, mrd, 28 when mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1906,al, partner, general farm

Pauline Schwindt, dau-in-law,w,f, 26, 24 when mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1913, al

George Schwindt, son, m,w, 30, mrd 22 whn mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1906,al, partner, general farm

Mollie Schwindt, dau-in-law,f,w, 26, mrd, 18 whn mrd, Rus, Rus,Rus, 1906, al

Florence Schwindt, grand dau,f,w, 7, s, CO, Rus,Rus

next family

Henry Schwindt, head, r, m,w, 24,m, 22 whn mrd, RUS,Rus, Rus, 1906, al, partner, general farm

Lydia, wife, f,w,19, mrd, 17 when mrd, CO,Rus, Rus


Nine years later, they moved to Berthoud, which has been their home since....

Obituary for her husband, John Schwindt Jr.

Loveland Reporter-Herald, Wednesday, April 22, 1953.

Obit: John Schwindt, 80, died suddenly early Tuesday morning at his home in Berthoud. Born in Norka, Russia, Feb. 25, 1873, he married Anna Schmer there July 7, 1891....

Notes for Anna Marie (Emma) (not yet) Schmer:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

"From Anna Marie Emma's Schmer Schwindt's obituary*: "born at Norka, Russia, June 18, 1871, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmer". I estimate that her father, Heinrich Schmer, was born approximately 1844 in Norka. From Anna Marie Emma's husband's obituary*: "John Schwindt ...Born in Norka, Russia, Feb. 25, 1873, he married Anna Schmer there July 7, 1891."

"I think that Anna Marie Emma Schmer's brother might be Conrad Schmer, who was born in about 1865, Norka, img about 1899, and lived in Globeville Colo 1910, 1920, etc.... This is who Hank's family is going to stay with, per the ship manifest. The relationship is identifed as "Brother in law, Conrad Schmer" to Anna Marie Emma's husband.


Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Obituary for Emma Schmer Schwindt

Loveland Reporter-Herald, Monday, March 2, 1953

Mrs. John Schwindt died at her home in Berthoud early Sunday morning after four month's illiness. She was born at Norka, Russia, June 18, 1871, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmer. On July 7, 1891, she was united in marriage to John Schwindt at Norka. In 1906 they came to the United States and first settled in Denver.

Apr 2012: Received an email from Judy Curtis, with the AHSGR. "she is not on the SCHMER chart, however, it's likely that her father Heinrich SCHMER b. abt 1845/1850 ."

Children of Johannes Schwindt and Anna Schmer are:

2390 i. Margaretha Maggie9 Schwindt, born 18 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Mar 1982 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married John Ross Abt. 1911; born 13 Feb 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Margaretha Maggie Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2391 ii. Johannes Schwindt, born 09 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Jul 1950 in Colorado. He married Pauline Deines 18 Jan 1928 in Berthoud, Larimoer Co, Colorado; born 10 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Aug 1983 in Colorado.

Notes for Johannes Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

2392 iii. George Schwindt, born 11 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Mar 1959 in Colorado. He married Mollie Kline Abt. 1922 in Colorado; born 28 Sep 1903 in Russia; died 15 Feb 1969 in Littleton, Arapahoe, Colorado.

Notes for George Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Lafayette Cemetery, Lafayette, CO

2393 iv. Phillip Schwindt, born 19 Mar 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 25 Aug 1970 in Lyman, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. He married Katherine Hammer; born 11 Nov 1903 in Russia; died 03 Sep 1978 in Mitchell, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska.

Notes for Phillip Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2394 v. Jacob Schwindt, born 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 1910 in Colorado.

Notes for Jacob Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2395 vi. Henry P (Hank) Schwindt, born 29 Dec 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Aug 1982 in Yakima, Yakima, Washington. He married (1) Lydia E Freauff 29 Apr 1928 in Colorado; born 09 Apr 1910 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 17 Nov 2001 in Yakima, Washington. He married (2) Mildred E Osborn Abt. 1973 in Yakima, Washington; born 26 Oct 1915; died 26 Sep 1997 in Yakima, Washington.

Notes for Henry P (Hank) Schwindt:

2009: Original, incorrect, information on parents was from Ruth Schultz's site.

Jun 2009: aka Hank Owned and operated Freauff Market, Pipe Finisher

Apr 2012: Email received from Sherri Steele correcting his parents.

These details are all correct, but this Henry is not the child of the couple you have listed. In other word you have him linked to the wrong parents. Henry was my mom's god father, and her first cousin 1 time removed. I have LOTs of documentation to show his correct parents. You see, his grandparents (Johannes Schwindt, 1854-1936 and Christine Hart/Hardt, 1854-1931) my great great grandparents!

Henry P. Schwindt's parents are as follows:

Father: Johannes Schwindt, b.25 Feb 1873 in Norka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. D. 21 Apr 1953, Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado, USA

Mother: Anna Marie Emma SCHMER, b.18 Jun 1871 Norka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. D.1 Mar 1953, Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado, USA

Apr 2012: Email received from Sherri Steele with information on her family.

Here are my notes tracking Hank Schwindt, his mom Anna Marie Emm Schmer, and family... in the public records:

Below is Hank Schwindt (Heinrich, very bottom) he's traveling with his parents and siblings, as well as his grandparents Johann Schwindt and Christine Hart Schwindt.

5 Aug 1906 > SS Koln > ship manifest, from Bremen, Germany to Galveston, Texas; German ethn., last lived in Norka Russia. All going to stay with In-law Conrad SCHMER.

Notes for Lydia E Freauff:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Marriage ended in divorce

Burial: Terrace heights Memorial Park, Yakima, WA

2396 vii. Mary Schwindt, born 20 Aug 1909 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 29 Jan 1990 in Colorado. She married Troy Buehler Abt. 1927 in Colorado; born 26 May 1906; died 13 Mar 1986 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Mary Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

1518. Elizabeth8 Schwindt (Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Jul 1922 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. She married Jacob M Jake Schreiner Abt. 1896. He was born 25 Sep 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1954.

Notes for Elizabeth Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Children of Elizabeth Schwindt and Jacob Schreiner are:

2397 i. Jacob Jake9 Schreiner, born 1903 in Russia; died 2004. He married Pauline ? Abt. 1924 in Wyoming; born Abt. 1904 in Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Jacob Jake Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2398 ii. Elizabeth Schreiner, born 1904 in Russia; died 2004. She married Adam Schreiber Abt. 1922 in Wyoming; born 1896 in Russia.

Notes for Elizabeth Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2399 iii. Henry Schreiner, born Abt. 1910 in Colorado; died 2002. He married Emma Schwindt 22 Nov 1933 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming; born 13 Mar 1915 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado; died 07 Aug 2003 in Torrington, Goshen, Wyoming.

Notes for Henry Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Notes for Emma Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Valley View Cemetery

2400 iv. William Bill Schreiner, born Abt. 1913 in Nebraska; died 2004. He married Doris McLintosh Abt. 1934; born Abt. 1917.

Notes for William Bill Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2401 v. Frieda Schreiner, born 20 Jun 1915 in Alliance, Nebraska; died 05 Nov 2002 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado. She married Henry Schwindt, Jr 28 Jul 1940 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado; born 29 Sep 1920 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado; died 17 Dec 2006 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado.

Notes for Frieda Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Sunset Memorial Gardens

2402 vi. John Schreiner, born 02 Jul 1917 in Minitare, Nebraska; died 20 Oct 2004 in Torrington, Goshen, Wyoming. He married Lucille Wells 02 Jan 1938 in Wyoming; born 14 Aug 1915; died 25 Jun 1987 in Torrington, Goshen, Wyoming.

Notes for John Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Valley View Cemetery

2403 vii. Phillip Schreiner, born 11 Oct 1919 in Nebraska. He married Lila Milberger Abt. 1942; born 01 Dec 1922.

Notes for Phillip Schreiner:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

1520. Jacob8 Schwindt (Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Sep 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 21 Jan 1959 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado. He married Marie Meyer 08 Dec 1912 in Denver, Colorado. She was born 16 Jul 1894 in Michaelsdorf, North Caucasus, Russia, and died 08 Jul 1977 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado.

Notes for Jacob Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

Children of Jacob Schwindt and Marie Meyer are:

2404 i. Alex9 Schwindt, born 31 Aug 1913 in LaSalle, Weld, Colorado; died 17 Mar 2001 in Colorado. He married Elizabeth Erbes 17 Jan 1936 in Berthoud, Larimoer Co, Colorado; born 30 Jul 1913 in Windsor, Colorado; died 11 Dec 2008 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Alex Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Notes for Elizabeth Erbes:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Foothills Gardens of Memory

+ 2405 ii. Walter Schwindt, born 17 Feb 1915 in Johnstown, Weld, Colorado; died 25 Jul 1995 in Victoria, Victoria, Texas.

+ 2406 iii. Juanita Margaret Schwindt, born 17 Feb 1917 in Johnstown, Weld, Colorado; died 12 Sep 1983 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado.

2407 iv. Eleanor Florence Schwindt, born 23 Dec 1919 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 08 Aug 2001 in Gradalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She married Robert Bateman Neathery 28 Nov 1939; born 08 Sep 1918; died 15 Mar 1998.

Notes for Eleanor Florence Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2408 v. Helen Marie Schwindt, born 11 Jan 1922 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 24 Jul 2009 in Montgomery, Montgomery, Texas. She married Edward Eddie Edwards 1944; born Abt. 1920.

Notes for Helen Marie Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2409 vi. Elmer Jake Schwindt, born 04 Jan 1924 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 14 Mar 1990 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado. He married Marion Bath 25 Sep 1948; born 05 Feb 1929; died 24 Feb 1988.

Notes for Elmer Jake Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2410 vii. Betty Love Schwindt, born 11 Nov 1926 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 13 Jul 1995 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado. She married Jake Hart 25 Nov 1945 in Berthoud, Larimoer Co, Colorado; born 26 Nov 1919 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 25 Mar 1981 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Betty Love Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

1524. Peter Ira8 Sinner (Helena Lena7 HELZER, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jan 1890 in Harvard, Nebraska, and died 07 Jun 1957 in Des Moines, Iowa. He married Violet Evelyn Matheny 1936. She was born 09 Aug 1913 in Beaumont, Texas, and died Abt. 1964 in Queen City, Missouri.

Notes for Peter Ira Sinner:

Jul 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner. "I have attached a picture of Conrad and Lena holding their first child - Peter Ira Sinner - my father. The picure is not dated but my father was born 06 Jan 1890."

July 2007: My father and mother were married in 1936 (his second marriage and her first) and they settled in a small farming community - Queen City, MO. They had four children.

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner.

May 2009: Received email from Carol Sinner. Added death date.

May 2009: Added spouse.

Children of Peter Sinner and Violet Matheny are:

2411 i. Carol May9 Sinner, born Private in Queen City, Missouri.

Notes for Carol May Sinner:

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner.

Oct 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner

Dec 2007: Received Christmas email from Carol Sinner.

2412 ii. Thomas Ira Sinner, born Private in Queen City, Missouri. He married Mary Inez Avins; born Private.

Notes for Thomas Ira Sinner:

Sept 2008: Found this entry on Rootsweb

Peter Ira Sinner - Nebraska Thomas I sinner Posted: 4 Aug 1999 3:23PM GMT

Looking to find out about my father Peter Ira Sinner who was born in Nebraska to C.J. Sinner and Helena Sinner. I think we are related to the Helzer family I have heard my father talk about an uncle named cooney. I would like to here from anyone with information on the above named famili

Thank you very much. also all of the named people are deceased

+ 2413 iii. Larry Lee Sinner, born Private in Queen City, Missouri.

2414 iv. Leslie Gene Sinner, born Private in Queen City, Missouri.

1527. William G8 Sinner (Helena Lena7 HELZER, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Dec 1899 in Nelson, Nebraska, and died 19 Oct 1965 in Elkhart, Indiana. He married Mary Easterday 13 Feb 1945 in Elkhart, Nebraska. She was born 05 Oct 1917, and died 06 Aug 1995 in Elkhart, Indiana.

Notes for William G Sinner:

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner. "My uncle, William G Sinner ws born in Nelson, NE on December 25, 1899 and died October 19, 1965 in Elkhart, IN. He married Mary Easterday in Elkhart on Febreary 13, 1945. "

Child of William Sinner and Mary Easterday is:

2415 i. Cynthia9 Sinner, born Private.

Notes for Cynthia Sinner:

Aug 2007: Received email from Carol Sinner. " She is listed in her father's obit as Mrs. Terry (Cynthia S.) Lyon. " "Cynthia is listed in her mother's obit as Mrs. Lonnie (Cindy) Smith of Lancaster, PA."

1544. Paul Frederick Bud8 Helzer (Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Apr 1917 in Harvard, Nebraska, and died 04 Jan 1990 in Aurora, Nebraska. He married Neoma Christine Griess 07 Jun 1942 in Clay Co, Nebraska at her parents home.. She was born 11 Aug 1922 in Near Sutton, Nebraska on family farm, and died 03 Feb 2011 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Notes for Paul Frederick Bud Helzer:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line. Added his family.

Notes for Neoma Christine Griess:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Norm Helzer with her obituary.

Neoma Helzer, age 88, of Grand Island, formerly of Aurora, passed away on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at Tiffany Square in Grand Island OBITUARY: NEOMA HELZER

Neoma Christine Helzer, the daughter of John and Ida (Nuss) Griess, was born on the family farm near Sutton, Nebraska on August 11, 1922 and died in Grand Island, Nebraska on February 3, 2011, at the age of 88.

She grew up and graduated with honors from Sutton High School in 1940. Following her graduation she attended Kearney College for one summer session and then taught country school for three years.

Neoma was united in marriage to Paul Frederick Helzer on June 7, 1942 at her parents’ home in Clay County, Nebraska. Following their marriage they lived most of their life on a farm in Clay County where she was a homemaker and farmer’s wife. They retired from farming in 1980 and moved to Aurora, Nebraska. Paul passed away on January 4, 1990. She moved to Grand Island in July of 1997.

Neoma was also an avid seamstress, 4-H leader and Sunday School teacher. She belonged to an extension club for 30 years and served on the 4-H council and the Clay County Extension Board.

She was a member of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ for 60 years. Neoma enjoyed word and card games and traveling.

She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, four brothers, Oscar Griess, Rudolph Griess, and Robert and Ivan Griess in infancy, two sisters, Annetta Roseburg and Marie Fitzgerald, daughter-in-law, Susan Helzer and great-grandson, Hunter Henry.

Those who remain to cherish her memory are her son, Norman (Linda Mae) Helzer of Lincoln; two daughters, Linda (Ralph) Kulm of O’Neill and Arlis (Michael) Henry of Lindsborg, Kansas; 6 grandchildren, Scott Cerveny, Christopher Helzer, Debra Sturgeon, Tina Henry, Ross Cerveny and James Henry; 10 great-grandchildren; 1 brother, Walter Griess; and 3 sisters, Linnea Benke, Talitha Wach and Sedonia Trautman.

Children of Paul Helzer and Neoma Griess are:

+ 2416 i. Norman Paul9 Helzer, born 1944 in Aurora, Nebraska.

2417 ii. Linda Marie Helzer, born 1946. She married Ralph Kulm; born 1942.

+ 2418 iii. Arlis Neoma Helzer, born 1947.

1547. Conrad Junior Hap8 Helzer, Jr. (Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Jun 1924, and died 1957 in Caney, Kansas. He married ? 24 Apr 1948.

Notes for Conrad Junior Hap Helzer, Jr.:

Apr 2009: From a posting by Laura Mattingly. Aug 1, 2008

"“Conrad Helzer Killed When Car Hits Train in Fog"

Conrad J. Helzer, 32, of Caney, Kan., was killed instantly early last Thursday morning when the car he was driving collided with a Missouri Pacific freight train at a crossing one-half mile east of Niotasze, Kan., on highway 166.

He was enroute to Wichita for two days’ work. His car hit the sixth boxcar from the rear of the train which was moving in a southeasterly direction. Apparently the Helzer car and the freight train were both going slowly due to a heavy fog.

Funeral services were held at Caney last Saturday and from the EUB church at Harvard on Monday, with Mrs. Helzer’s grandfather, Rev. L. A. Moser of Lowell, Wis., officiating, assisted by Rev. E. A. Katterhenry.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Helzer, Sr., of Aurora, he was born at Harvard June 5, 1924. He and Mrs. Helzer were married at Aurora on April 24, 1948.

He was a member of the Caney Masonic Lodge and attended the Presbyterian church. He served in the Air Force during World War II. The family had lived in Caney about four years.

Survivors include his wife, and five children, Diane, 8; Connie, 7; Marsha, 5; Sonya, 3; and Roxie, 8 months.”

Children of Conrad Helzer and ? are:

2419 i. Diane9 Helzer, born Private.

2420 ii. Connie Helzer, born Private.

2421 iii. Marsha Helzer, born Private.

2422 iv. Sonya Helzer, born Private.

2423 v. Roxie Helzer, born Private.

1548. Sarah8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Sep 1896 in Kearney, Nebraska. She married Lee Manny. He was born Abt. 1895, and died 10 Jun 1925.

Notes for Sarah Helzer:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates and lots of missing information.

"Sarah Hoelzer b: 9-26-1896 (My great grandmother and namesake) born in Kearney, NE"

Child of Sarah Helzer and Lee Manny is:

+ 2424 i. Vivian Margaret9 Manny, born 14 Mar 1920.

1549. Daniel8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Apr 1899 in Denver, Colorado. He married Alice Geneva Brinkley 19 Jun 1919. She was born 20 Apr 1899, and died 06 Dec 1985.

Notes for Daniel Helzer:

July 2003: Received an email from Kathleen with some information.

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates and lots of missing information.

Added his children. "Schotzel Jane is the name of Daniel and Alice Hoelzer's first born daughter. She was born: 1-17-1923"

Notes for Alice Geneva Brinkley:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates. Added her dates.

Children of Daniel Helzer and Alice Brinkley are:

2425 i. Schotzel Jane9 Helzer, born 17 Jan 1923.

Notes for Schotzel Jane Helzer:

Oct 2008: This name is mentioned on Sarah Graff's email. I am not sure it's meaning.

+ 2426 ii. Beverly Colleen Helzer, born 06 Dec 1924.

2427 iii. Keala June Helzer, born 1931.

Notes for Keala June Helzer:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates.

1557. Heinrich8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jun 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Sep 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Barbara Brotzmann 02 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Nov 1862 in Huck, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Schlitt and Barbara Brotzmann are:

2428 i. Conrad9 Schlitt, born 27 Mar 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2429 ii. Christina Schlitt, born 18 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2430 iii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 10 Mar 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Feb 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2431 iv. Catharina Schlitt, born 22 Nov 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 29 Aug 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2432 v. Johannes Schlitt, born 03 Sep 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Aug 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2433 vi. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 25 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2434 vii. Johannes Schlitt, born 24 Aug 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1558. Jacob8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Feb 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Elisabeth Scharf 22 Jan 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1861 in Huck, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 12 Mar 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Elisabeth Yost 06 Feb 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Anton Yost and Anna Zilch. She was born 19 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Jacob Schlitt and Elisabeth Scharf are:

2435 i. Child9 Schlitt, born 01 Jul 1880 in Bachmetjevka, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Jul 1880 in Bachmetjevka, Saratov, Russia.

2436 ii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 10 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 28 Oct 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2437 iii. Anna Catharina Schlitt, born 27 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Lehl 04 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; born 25 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2438 iv. Johannes Schlitt, born 05 Oct 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2439 v. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 29 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2440 vi. Catharina Schlitt, born 09 Jul 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Jacob Schlitt and Elisabeth Yost are:

2441 i. Elisabeth9 Schlitt, born 11 Sep 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2442 ii. Peter Schlitt, born 04 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2443 iii. Jacob Schlitt, born 10 Sep 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2444 iv. Anna Maria Schlitt, born 30 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2445 v. Magdalena Schlitt, born 12 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Nov 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1559. Conrad8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Nov 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Glantz 17 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Apr 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad Schlitt and Catharina Glantz are:

2446 i. Jacob9 Schlitt, born 03 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2447 ii. Johann Heinrich Schlitt, born 02 Aug 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2448 iii. Maria Margaretha Schlitt, born 19 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2449 iv. Catharina Elisabeth Schlitt, born 16 Aug 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2450 v. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 05 Apr 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Apr 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2451 vi. Jacob Schlitt, born 26 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Aug 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2452 vii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 18 Nov 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 01 Nov 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2453 viii. Anna Schlitt, born 26 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2454 ix. Ludwig Schlitt, born 23 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1563. Johannes8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Maria Margaretha Weber 13 Feb 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Philipp Weber and Anna Deines. She was born 01 Oct 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Mar 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Anna Maria Trueber 07 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child is listed above under (689) Maria Margaretha Weber.

Child of Johannes Schlitt and Anna Trueber is:

2455 i. Johann Ludwig9 Schlitt, born 21 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1565. Catharina8 SCHLITT (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Apr 1871 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia. She married Heinrich HELZER 22 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Johann HELZER and Margaretha SPADY. He was born 20 Jun 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina SCHLITT:

Sept 2006: On Helzer Pleve chart.

Sept 2006: On it has her birth location as Balanda, USSR.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Jan 2009: Added their marriage date from Dave's site.

Children are listed above under (952) Heinrich HELZER.

1567. Georg8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Mar 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Elisabeth Giebelhaus 10 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 05 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Georg Schlitt and Catharina Giebelhaus is:

2456 i. Anna9 Schlitt, born 16 Dec 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1569. Peter8 Schlitt (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Mar 1880 in Bachmetjevka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. He married Anna Maria Spady 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Wilhelm Spady and Magdalena Helzer. She was born 15 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (412) Anna Maria Spady.

1571. Johann Georg8 Schlitt (Heinrich7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Jan 1862 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (1) Catharina Giebelhaus 22 Feb 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 20 Nov 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Oct 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Elisabeth Klaus 03 Feb 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 22 Nov 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Schlitt and Catharina Giebelhaus are:

2457 i. Johann Georg9 Schlitt, born 05 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Aug 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2458 ii. Child Schlitt, born 10 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 10 Aug 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2459 iii. Anna Schlitt, born 01 Sep 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Schlitt and Elisabeth Klaus are:

2460 i. Christina9 Schlitt, born 13 Dec 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2461 ii. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 01 Jun 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2462 iii. Heinrich Schlitt, born 12 Jan 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2463 iv. Anna Catharina Schlitt, born 08 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1573. Anna8 Schlitt (Heinrich7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Feb 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Lorenz Muller 29 Jan 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Jul 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Lorenz Muller:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Lorenz Mueller, Lorenz Miller

Children of Anna Schlitt and Lorenz Muller are:

2464 i. Christina9 Muller, born 14 Apr 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2465 ii. Johann Jacob Muller, born 01 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 23 May 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2466 iii. Elisabeth Muller, born 14 Mar 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2467 iv. Johann Georg Muller, born 10 Apr 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Apr 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2468 v. Peter Muller, born 15 May 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2469 vi. Johann Philipp Muller, born 05 Sep 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1575. Christina8 Schlitt (Heinrich7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Dec 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Glantz 29 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 10 Aug 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Christina Schlitt and Johannes Glantz is:

2470 i. Ludwig9 Glantz, born 01 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1578. Catharina Magdalena8 Schlitt (Heinrich7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Feb 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Spady 07 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 08 Feb 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Schlitt and Conrad Spady are:

2471 i. Anna Elisabeth9 Spady, born 17 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2472 ii. Conrad Spady, born 25 Aug 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2473 iii. Christina Spady, born 08 Jul 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1579. Catharina8 Schlitt (Heinrich7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Georg HELZER 18 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Philipp HELZER and Elisabeth HAHN. He was born 25 Oct 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Schlitt:

Jan 2009: This site has her last name as Schlitt. My copy of the Pleve chart is hard to read.

Apr 2009: On Ruth Schultz's site she has the name Schlitt.

Schmidt could be another marriage.

Notes for Johann Georg HELZER:

Mar 2006: Added per the Helzer Pleve chart, however, I can not read the spelling or the dates very well at all. So this information is not confirmed correct from the chart.

Child is listed above under (1046) Johann Georg HELZER.

1591. Ludwig8 Weber (Anna7 Schlitt, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Oct 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Weber 01 Mar 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Weber and Catharina Glantz. She was born 21 Dec 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (1390) Elisabeth Weber.

1592. Johannes8 Weber (Anna7 Schlitt, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 May 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Maria Claus 23 Nov 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Klaus and Catharina Miller. She was born 20 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Jan 1930 in Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Johannes Weber:

May 2009: See Ruth Schultz's site. From Pleve charts.

Notes for Catharina Maria Claus:

Jan 2007: Added information from website by Kari Northup.

Jun 2008: Email received from Kari Northup with lots of information. She cleared up information on her name and her spouse. She is also called Maria Katherine Claus.

January 27, 1930 (Monday) Greeley Daily Tribune, Greeley, Colorado

Funeral for Mrs. Jacoby to be Held in Denver Wed.

Windsor Jan. 27 - A large number of Windsor relatives will go to Denver Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Jacoby, who died at her home in the city Sunday. Mrs. Jacoby died near the anniversary of her son, a year ago.

She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Clouse of Windsor and a sister of Mrs. William Thoennes, Mrs. Harry Cadwalder, Mrs. John Mahl, Pete Clouse, John Clouse and Adam Clouse, all of Windsor; Mrs. Henry Propp of Denver, and Mrs. John Foos of Nebraska, and Mrs. Conrad Clouse of the east.

Mrs. Clouse is survived by her husband and five children, the youngest of whom is 12 years old.

All of the Windsor relatives plan to attend the funeral, which will be held Wednesday in the Presbyterian Church of Denver.

Note - This is Mary Katherine Claus Jacoby, daughter of Conrad Claus and first wife Katie Miller.

May 2009: Another spelling Catharina Maria KLAUS, Mary Katherine Claus

See Ruth Schultz's site. This has more information on the line.

Mul 2011: This persons website is wonderful on this line.

Maria Mary Catharina Claus. "She was about age 9 when her mother died, and her father remarried in 1890 when she was age 10. She is listed as Marie, age 11, with her family on the passenger list of the ship Auguste Victoria, which arrived in NY in 1891. She is listed as Mary, age 20, with her parents on the 1900 census of Kearney, Buffalo Co., NE. She probably moved to Colorado with her parents in 1902." Mary married John Jacoby about 1905, probably in Colorado. They are listed on the 1920 census of Denver, Denver Colorado with 5 children born between 1906-1918 in Colorado. The 1920 census taker spelled the last name "Chickobi".

Children of Johannes Weber and Catharina Claus are:

2474 i. Conrad9 Weber, born 08 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2475 ii. Elisabeth Weber, born 03 Mar 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2476 iii. Johann Heinrich Weber, born 18 Apr 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1594. Johannes8 Weber (Anna7 Schlitt, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Oct 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Margaretha Sauer 10 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Sauer and Anna Klaus. She was born 17 Feb 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johannes Weber:

Apr 2009: Questions on marriage year to 2nd spouse. Last child of 1st marriage was born before.

May 2009: Catharina Maria Klaus b 12 Aug 1879. I had her as the 2nd spouse. However, she is married to Johannes Weber b 15 May 1878. (It looks like)

May 2009: Questions still are around as to which spouse goes with which. I went with what is on Ruth Schultz's site, as this is from Pleve charts.

Child of Johannes Weber and Catharina Sauer is:

2477 i. Anna9 Weber, born 24 Jan 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1604. Magdalena8 Schlitt (Johannes7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Spady 27 Jan 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 20 Apr 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Magdalena Schlitt and Johannes Spady is:

2478 i. Christina9 Spady, born 21 Nov 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1610. Johannes8 Schlitt (Nicolaus7, Margaretha6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Sep 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Elisabeth Weitzel 10 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 26 Mar 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Johannes Schlitt and Christina Weitzel is:

2479 i. Anna Maria9 Schlitt, born 20 Oct 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1619. Magdalena8 Schafer (Anna Sabina7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jan 1869 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Conrad Kohler 24 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 16 Jun 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Johann Conrad Kohler:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Johann Conrad Koehler

Child of Magdalena Schafer and Johann Kohler is:

2480 i. Adam9 Kohler, born 09 May 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Dec 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1626. Christina (Grace)8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Apr 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 01 Aug 1935. She married Harry J Noyes Abt. 1892. He was born 09 Apr 1866, and died 17 Apr 1912.

Notes for Christina (Grace) Deines:

Immigration: arr 5 Jun 1878 New York City aboard the SS Wieland;

Children of Christina Deines and Harry Noyes are:

2481 i. Katie9 Noyes, born Abt. 1895.

2482 ii. Otis Noyes, born Abt. 1897.

1627. Wilhelm8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Dec 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Jul 1968. He married Alvina Schroeder 26 Aug 1897. She was born 28 Nov 1878 in Kehdingbruch, Hanover, Germany, and died 24 Jun 1970.

More About Wilhelm Deines:

Immigration: 5 Jun 1878 New York City aboard the SS Wieland

More About Alvina Schroeder:

Immigration: arr 27 Aug 1880 New York City aboard the SS Rhein

Children of Wilhelm Deines and Alvina Schroeder are:

+ 2483 i. Ruby9 Deines, born Sep 1897 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

+ 2484 ii. Irene Deines, born Jul 1899 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

2485 iii. Roland Edward Deines, born 27 Apr 1903 in Clay Center, Nebraska; died 11 Sep 1980 in Clay Center, Nebraska. He married Gladys Koher 17 Jun 1935; born 23 May 1906; died Feb 1996.

+ 2486 iv. Harold Deines, born 03 Dec 1905 in Clay Center, Nebraska; died Aug 1979.

+ 2487 v. Adella Deines, born 1910 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

+ 2488 vi. Willis Deines, born Abt. 1912.

1628. Nicolaus (Nick O)8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Nov 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Sep 1949 in Clay Center, Nebraska. He married Elisabeth H Schwingel 09 Mar 1904 in Clay Center, Clay Co, Nebraska. She was born Abt. 1877 in Nebraska, and died 1945.

More About Nicolaus (Nick O) Deines:

Immigration: arr 5 Jun 1878 New York City aboard the SS Wieland

Children of Nicolaus Deines and Elisabeth Schwingel are:

+ 2489 i. Helen9 Deines, born 18 Sep 1904; died 08 Oct 1976.

+ 2490 ii. Burnette M (Nick) Deines, born 01 Oct 1905 in Nebraska; died 10 Dec 1976.

2491 iii. Kathryn Louise Deines, born 12 Jul 1907 in Nebraska; died 07 Oct 1997 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Kathryn Louise Deines:

educ: Lincoln General Hospital School of Nursing; career: nurse with Lincoln General Hospital, Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital, Hall County Health Services

More About Kathryn Louise Deines:

Burial: Clay Center, Nebraska

+ 2492 iv. Norval Deines, born 25 Jan 1912; died 23 Aug 1979.

2493 v. Royce Deines, born 23 Nov 1914. He married Marie Fern Stahnke; born 22 Jan 1923.

2494 vi. Mary Deines, born Feb 1918. She married Les Snyder; born Abt. 1915.

1629. John8 Deines, Jr. (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Nov 1878 in Nebraska, and died 26 Mar 1966. He married Jessie Farley Abt. 1900. She was born 12 Nov 1880, and died 17 Aug 1950.

Child of John Deines and Jessie Farley is:

+ 2495 i. Dorothy9 Deines, born Abt. 1902.

1631. Margaret A8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Jan 1882 in Nebraska, and died 04 Mar 1959. She married Charles Harris Abt. 1902. He was born 16 Aug 1873, and died 24 Nov 1943.

Children of Margaret Deines and Charles Harris are:

2496 i. Audrey9 Harris, born Abt. 1904.

2497 ii. Margaret Harris, born Abt. 1906.

2498 iii. Marie Harris, born Abt. 1908.

2499 iv. Maude Harris, born Abt. 1910.

2500 v. Mildred Harris, born Abt. 1912.

2501 vi. Virginia Harris, born Abt. 1914.

1633. Mildred A (Millie)8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jan 1886 in Nebraska, and died 31 Jan 1972. She married Frank M Swanson Abt. 1906. He was born 14 Jan 1873, and died 11 Jun 1945.

Child of Mildred Deines and Frank Swanson is:

2502 i. Jean9 Swanson, born Abt. 1908.

1637. Daniel A (Dan)8 Deines (Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Oct 1893 in Nebraska, and died 12 Jul 1970. He married Rose Schlick Abt. 1914. She was born 19 Oct 1894, and died 13 Jun 1983 in Clay Center, Nebraska.

Children of Daniel Deines and Rose Schlick are:

2503 i. Dean9 Deines, born Abt. 1915.

2504 ii. Irma Louise Deines, born Abt. 1917.

1649. Caroline (Lena)8 Deines (Johann Georg7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jun 1893 in Friend, Saline, Nebraska, and died 1975. She married Daniel William Popp 27 Oct 1915 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of William Popp and Catharina Hahn. He was born 14 Sep 1893 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 23 Dec 1959 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Daniel William Popp:

Sept 2007:

Family 4908. Carolina Deines “Lena”, dau of Johann Georg Deines “George” & Christina Popp “Christine” (Family 4788), b 17 Jun 1893 Friend NE; d 1975. She m 27 Oct 1915 to Daniel W. Popp, s of Wilhelm Popp & Katharina Margaretha Hahn. He b 14 Sep 1893 Sutton NE; career: Saronville Grain Elevator; d 23 Dec 1959 Lincoln NE; bur 26 Dec 1959 Sutton NE. They have 3 ch:

i Arline Popp. Res: Bellflower CA. [233a]

ii Dan Popp Jr. Res: Lincoln NE. [233a]

iii Jane Popp “Janie”. She m Norman Geske. Res: Chicago IL; 2638 High, Lincoln NE. [233a;235a]

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. Added this child.

Children of Caroline Deines and Daniel Popp are:

2505 i. Arline Jeannette9 Popp, born 30 Jul 1916 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Arline Jeannette Popp:

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. Added additional information.

2506 ii. Jane Lucile Popp, born 17 Nov 1918 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married Norman Geske; born Private.

Notes for Jane Lucile Popp:

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. Added additional information.

2507 iii. Daniel Popp, born 30 Nov 1920 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Daniel Popp:

Sept 2007: Email received from Cathy Popp Ullrich. Added additional information.

1652. Elisabeth8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Aug 1975 in Cedar Falls, Iowa. She married Lawrence Sohl 30 Jun 1907. He was born 08 Jul 1876, and died 09 Jul 1937.

Notes for Elisabeth Brehm:

May 2002: Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson.

Came to America 1878 with parents.

2005: From website -

Jan 2007: Nickname - Lizzie

Jan 2007: Another spelling of her name - Elizabeth Brehm, Elisabeth Sohl, Elizabeth Sohl, Lizzie Sohl, Lizzie Brehm

Children of Elisabeth Brehm and Lawrence Sohl are:

+ 2508 i. Gerald9 Sohl, born 12 Jun 1908.

+ 2509 ii. May Belle Elizabeth Sohl, born 03 May 1910.

+ 2510 iii. Evelyn Sohl, born 22 Aug 1915.

1653. Margaret (Maggie)8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Oct 1878 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 06 Dec 1909. She married William Hinz 06 Jan 1901. He was born 04 Jul 1870, and died 23 Jul 1934.

Notes for Margaret (Maggie) Brehm:

Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002

Children of Margaret Brehm and William Hinz are:

+ 2511 i. Clara Marie9 Hinz, born 30 Dec 1901.

+ 2512 ii. Roselma Wilhelmina Hinz, born 23 Jul 1903.

+ 2513 iii. Daniel Harvey Hinz, born 09 Aug 1905.

1655. Nicholas (Nick)8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Oct 1883 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 18 Mar 1939. He married Lydia C Zieitlow 01 Feb 1905. She was born 21 Aug 1885, and died Jun 1961.

Notes for Nicholas (Nick) Brehm:

1. Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002

2. This information is from Jerry Fuehrer.

"Seems that Nicholas (Nick) owned the store. He passed away and the probate assigned the interest to his wife and two daughters. The daughters conveyed their interest to their mom Lydia.

Then much later Lydia and John A and Fred sold the property to a Earl Adkins. Earl sold the property to my dad sometime in the late 40’s early 50’s.

Seems like one of the Brehm’s was a butcher in Sutton and then moved to Lincoln? The store had been a butcher shop for as long as I can remember (which in time isn’t long when this property goes back at least to 1883) and I remember hearing dad talk about his cousin Ben Wieland operating the butcher shop before he became part of it before WWII. Also remember hearing about a Brehm that owned the store."

Notes for Lydia C Zieitlow:

another spelling: Lydia Ziritlow

Children of Nicholas Brehm and Lydia Zieitlow are:

+ 2514 i. Alice9 Brehm, born 28 May 1906.

+ 2515 ii. Genevieve V Brehm, born 26 Aug 1910.

1656. John Adam8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Oct 1885 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 31 May 1965. He married Cora Frances Selzer 25 Nov 1909. She was born 11 Feb 1889, and died 24 Aug 1978 in Denver, Colorado.

Notes for John Adam Brehm:

1. Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002

2. John Brehm was born Oct 1885.

I believe that SS 523-03-1361 issued in Colorado is the same person.

I believe this is the census record from 1920 Clay Co Nebraska. See the Census information on the Website.

Name age year born born in

Brehm, John A. M 34 1885/1886 Head Nebraska

Brehm, Dora F. M 29 1890/1891 Wife Ohio

Brehm, Maurice V. S 8 1911/1912 Dau Nebraska

Brehm, Dorothy B. S 6 1913/1914 Dau Nebraska

Brehm, Cora Grace S 3 1916/1917 Dau Nebraska

Children of John Brehm and Cora Selzer are:

+ 2516 i. Maurice V9 Brehm, born 18 Mar 1911; died 22 Apr 1945.

+ 2517 ii. Dorothy Della Brehm, born 15 Jan 1913.

+ 2518 iii. Grace Cora Brehm, born 04 Mar 1916.

+ 2519 iv. Annette Lillian Brehm, born 25 Jul 1921.

1657. Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Aug 1888 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 11 Sep 1946. She married Harry Callen Gladfelder 12 Nov 1913. He was born 17 May 1876, and died 31 Aug 1940.

Children of Clara Brehm and Harry Gladfelder are:

+ 2520 i. Ruth Brehm9 Gladfelder, born 02 Nov 1914; died 11 Jun 1951.

+ 2521 ii. Glenn Callen Gladfelder, Sr., born 30 Jan 1916 in Iowa; died 30 May 1987 in Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, California.

+ 2522 iii. Doris Katherine Gladfelder, born 18 Dec 1917; died 26 Apr 1991.

+ 2523 iv. Paul Kenneth Gladfelder, born 12 Oct 1919.

1658. Doretta (Dora)8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Dec 1890 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 12 Apr 1975 in Miami, Dade Co, Florida. She married Robert H. Graham 14 Aug 1923. He was born 13 Jun 1870, and died 10 Jun 1929.

Notes for Doretta (Dora) Brehm:

Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002

Child of Doretta Brehm and Robert Graham is:

2524 i. Robert Lee9 Graham, born 29 Aug 1929.

1660. Esther Henrietta8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Oct 1894 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 04 Jan 1992 in Laguna Hills, Orange, California. She married Charles H Moon 28 Feb 1916. He was born 21 Jul 1892, and died 16 Dec 1972 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Children of Esther Brehm and Charles Moon are:

+ 2525 i. Robert9 Moon, Sr., born 23 Jan 1918 in Santa Cruz, California.

+ 2526 ii. Janet Moon, born 01 Nov 1921.

+ 2527 iii. Thomas Neal Moon, Sr., born 18 Jan 1924.

1661. Carl Henry8 Brehm (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Dec 1896 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 02 Dec 1976 in Shorewood Hills, Dane Co, Wisconsin. He married (1) Hazel Dell Nigh 17 Nov 1923. She was born 12 Aug 1897, and died 17 Mar 1924. He married (2) Alice Elizabeth Lambert 30 Jun 1927 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin, daughter of Joseph Lambert and Pearl Prouty. She was born 08 Apr 1903 in Beloit, Wisconsin, and died 27 May 1971 in Elm Grove, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin.

Notes for Carl Henry Brehm:

Information updated by Shirley Anderson May 2002. Info from her website.

Notes for Alice Elizabeth Lambert:

aka Alice Elizabeth Cummings

More About Alice Elizabeth Lambert:

Burial: Brookfield, Wisconsin

Children of Carl Brehm and Alice Lambert are:

+ 2528 i. Deines Dale9 Brehm, born 1931 in Wayne Co, Michigan.

+ 2529 ii. Thomas Lambert Brehm, born Private in Private.

1662. Dr. Paul Albert8 Brehm, Sr. (Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1901 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 30 Apr 1949 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He married Mary Harrison 22 Jan 1935. She was born 22 Dec 1908, and died 06 Sep 1972 in Sturgeon Bay, Door Co, Wisconsin.

Notes for Dr. Paul Albert Brehm, Sr.:

1. Information updated by Shirley York (Brehm) Anderson May 2002.

2. Obit: Funeral services were held at ....for Dr. Paul A Brehm, 48, director of the industrial hygiene division of the Wisconsin state health department since 1937, who died at his home...Saturday. Dr. Brehm was born in Sutton, NE March 6, 1901, and graduated from the Sutton public school in 1919. He graduated from the Univ of Nebraska medical school in 1924. He served his interneship at Columbia hospital, Milwaukee and practiced in Milwaukee before his appointment to the state post with the board of health. .... Survivors are his wife; three daughters, Mary, Katherine, and Agnes, and two sons, Paul and Henry; three brothers, Fred of Harvard, John of Denver and Carl H, Elm Grove, Wis; and four sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Sohl, Greenfield, Iowa, Mrs. R H Graham, Lincoln, Mrs. Earl Adkins, Sutton and Mrs. C.H. Moon, Los Angeles.

Children of Paul Brehm and Mary Harrison are:

+ 2530 i. Mary Ellen9 Brehm, born 1935.

+ 2531 ii. Paul Albert Brehm, Jr., born 1938.

+ 2532 iii. Katherine Elizabeth Brehm, born 1939.

+ 2533 iv. Agnes Lucille Brehm, born 1942.

+ 2534 v. Henry Harrison Brehm, born 1944.

1674. Heinrich8 Deines (Jacob7, Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Sep 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Weitzel 21 Feb 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 21 Aug 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Deines and Anna Weitzel are:

2535 i. Johann Conrad9 Deines, born 25 Nov 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2536 ii. Heinrich Deines, born 01 Oct 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 19 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2537 iii. Heinrich Deines, born 17 Jun 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2538 iv. Jacob Deines, born 14 Aug 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2539 v. Catharina Maria Deines, born 24 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2540 vi. Wilhelm Deines, born 17 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2541 vii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 07 Sep 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1675. Catharina Elisabeth8 Weigandt (Anna Maria7 Deines, Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Peter Krieger 27 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 28 Feb 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Weigandt and Heinrich Krieger are:

2542 i. Catharina9 Krieger, born 18 Apr 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2543 ii. Peter Krieger, born 04 May 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2544 iii. Wilhelm Krieger, born 14 Jun 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2545 iv. Johannes Krieger, born 04 Mar 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1687. Johann Georg8 Deines (Adam7, Heinrich6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Dec 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Fink 19 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 08 May 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Deines and Anna Fink are:

2546 i. Wilhelm9 Deines, born 12 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2547 ii. Peter Deines, born 09 Oct 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1701. Adam8 Deines (Johannes7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Jan 1930. He married Elisabeth Hohnstein 02 Feb 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 04 May 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Oct 1967.

Notes for Adam Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

Adam Deines, s of Johannes Deines & Katharina Elisabeth Giebelhaus (Family 4861), b 4 Sep 1878 Norka Russia, d 15 Jan 1930. He m 2 Feb 1899 Norka Russia to Elisabeth Hohnstein. They arr 2 Jun 1899 New York City aboard the SS Pennsylvania.

Res: Norka, Russia; 1899 to Ames, NE; Eaton, CO; Johnstown, CO; Berthoud, CO.

Children of Adam Deines and Elisabeth Hohnstein are:

+ 2548 i. Henry9 Deines, born 19 Oct 1901 in Ames, Douglas Co, Nebraska; died 28 Jul 1993 in Berthoud, Larimer Co, Colorado.

2549 ii. John Deines, born Abt. 1905; died in Berthoud, Colorado. He married Helen ?; born Abt. 1905.

Notes for John Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

2550 iii. George Deines, born Abt. 1907; died in Longmont, Colorado.

Notes for George Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

2551 iv. Margaretha Deines, born Abt. 1908. She married ? Ostermiller; born Abt. 1908.

Notes for Margaretha Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

2552 v. Pauline Deines, born Abt. 1910. She married John Krieger, Jr; born Abt. 1910; died in Berthoud, Colorado.

Notes for Pauline Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

1709. Heinrich Jacob8 Deines (Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Apr 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Jan 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. He married Maren Katherine Hansen 14 Jan 1907 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. She was born 19 Jun 1882 in Denmark, and died 26 May 1956 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Heinrich Jacob Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this childs full birth date, spouse and children.

Children of Heinrich Deines and Maren Hansen are:

2553 i. Margaret Annett9 Deines, born 22 Jan 1907 in Cortland Beach, Gage Co, Nebraska; died in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. She married Irvin Halvor Jacobsen; born Abt. 1907.

Notes for Margaret Annett Deines:

Dec 2009: Added this child.

2554 ii. Katherine Deines, born 22 May 1908 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska; died 08 Sep 1953 in Whittier, Los Angeles Co, California. She married Oscar Odin Christiansen; born Abt. 1908.

2555 iii. Fred Edwin Deines, born 01 Nov 1911 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska. He married Mildred Trobaugh; born Abt. 1911.

+ 2556 iv. Dean Arthur Deines, born 05 Aug 1915 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 31 Jul 1977 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

1710. Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines (Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Jul 1970 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married George Hamburger 27 Feb 1907 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of Jacob Hamburger and Catharina Schwindt. He was born 20 Oct 1882 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 26 Apr 1970 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Deines:

Dec 2009: Added death information from this site. They arrived in the US 1886.

Notes for George Hamburger:

Jan 2010: Received a letter from Pat Yost Sharp with information on her line. "My Grandpa Hamburger's name was George (not Georg). He was born in Harvard, NE."

Jacob and Catharina Schwindt Hamburger "had 10 children" and came to the US Apr 5, 1878.

Jan 2010: I changed his name from Georg to George. Changed his birthplace from Norka.

Child of Catharina Deines and George Hamburger is:

+ 2557 i. Florence E.9 Hamburger, born 28 Jun 1912 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 19 Dec 1998 in Lexington, Nebraska Tri-County Hospital.

1721. Alexander8 Schnell (Nicolaus7, Catharina6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Apr 1881 in Kamischin, Saratov, Volga, Russia. He married Amalie Engel 05 Sep 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 11 May 1879 in Anton, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Alexander Schnell and Amalie Engel are:

2558 i. Alexander9 Schnell, born 29 Mar 1901 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

2559 ii. Nicolaus Schnell, born 27 Jun 1902 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia; died 30 Jul 1903 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

2560 iii. Maria Schnell, born 05 Dec 1904 in Balanda, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

1736. Catharina Margaretha8 Deines (Heinrich7, Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Oct 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Wacker 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 17 May 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Deines and Jacob Wacker are:

2561 i. Johann Georg9 Wacker, born 12 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2562 ii. Amalie Wacker, born 25 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1738. Georg Philipp8 Deines (Heinrich7, Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Louise Blum 29 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 15 Sep 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Georg Deines and Christina Blum are:

2563 i. Heinrich9 Deines, born 28 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2564 ii. Catharina Elisabeth Deines, born 29 Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1747. Katharina (Katie)8 Deines (Johann George7, Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Feb 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 May 1989. She married Johannes HELZER 17 Feb 1916 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska, son of Johann HELZER and Catharina GLANTZ. He was born 28 Nov 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Mar 1950 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Katharina (Katie) Deines:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

Notes for Johannes HELZER:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England. Helzer family came to the U S in July 1892. the trip took 6 weeks. The family went to the home of George Deines cousin in Friend, NE

Apr 2009: Information updated from Ruth Schultz's site.

Updated changes are: 1. married: 17 Feb 1914

.....................................2. John's birth date from 29 Nov 1891

Apr 2009: Another spelling: John Hoelzer, Johannes Hoelzer, John Holzer, John Helzer

Children are listed above under (1051) Johannes HELZER.

1748. George8 Deines, Jr. (Johann George7, Adam6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Apr 1896 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska, and died Nov 1979. He married Natalie Sieb Abt. 1920. She was born Abt. 1900.

Children of George Deines and Natalie Sieb are:

2565 i. Rosella9 Deines, born Abt. 1922. She married (1) ? Rossetter; born Abt. 1922. She married (2) ? Durbin; born Abt. 1920.

2566 ii. Judi Deines, born Abt. 1924. She married ? Cochran; born Abt. 1923.

2567 iii. Pati Deines, born Abt. 1926. She married ? Redler; born Abt. 1926.

1777. Ludwig8 Weber (Johann Georg7, Anna Maria6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Nov 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Margaretha Vogler 30 Jan 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 07 Jan 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Ludwig Weber and Anna Vogler are:

2568 i. Wilhelm9 Weber, born 14 Oct 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2569 ii. Elisabeth Weber, born 05 Jul 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2570 iii. Catharina Weber, born 07 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2571 iv. Conrad Weber, born 29 Jan 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1778. Wilhelm8 Weber (Johann Georg7, Anna Maria6 Deines, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Nov 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 Jan 1957 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. He married (1) Elisabeth Traudt 03 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Ludwig Traudt and Catharina YOST. She was born 19 Nov 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Mar 1909 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. He married (2) Christina Albrecht 26 Jan 1910 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. She was born 12 Aug 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 12 Sep 1967 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.

Notes for Wilhelm Weber:

Apr 2011: Added 2nd spouse per Ruth's site

Children of Wilhelm Weber and Elisabeth Traudt are:

2572 i. Margaretha Elisabeth9 Weber, born 14 Dec 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Apr 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2573 ii. Mary Weber, born 15 Nov 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Gottlieb Schauer; born Abt. 1906.

2574 iii. Elisabeth Weber, born 17 Aug 1908 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada; died 23 Jan 1977 in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. She married Heinrich Hinkel 19 Oct 1930 in Glory Hills, Alberta, Canada; born 04 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Wilhelm Weber and Christina Albrecht is:

2575 i. ?9 Weber, born Private. She married Munro Davis; born Abt. 1910.

1786. Anna Maria8 Kaiser (Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jan 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 May 1944 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married Johannes Reispich 30 Jan 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 14 Mar 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 Dec 1923 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Anna Maria Kaiser:

Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Jefferson, CO

Notes for Johannes Reispich:

Another spelling: John Reispick

Children of Anna Kaiser and Johannes Reispich are:

2576 i. Johannes9 Reispich, born 16 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Jan 1977 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married (1) Irene Lynch 02 Feb 1913; born Abt. 1892. He married (2) Marge Ranger Abt. 1930; born Abt. 1890.

2577 ii. Katherine Marie Reispich, born 02 Apr 1892 in York, York, Nebraska; died 09 Jul 1892 in York, York, Nebraska.

2578 iii. Katie Reispich, born 19 Oct 1893 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died Feb 1976. She married (1) David Kissler 10 Nov 1912 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; born 09 Oct 1890; died 19 Nov 1924 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married (2) Henry Kammerzell Aft. 1924; born 12 Feb 1886 in Bujerak, Russia; died 05 Apr 1958 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

2579 iv. Ludwig Reispich, born 10 Nov 1895 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 18 Feb 1976 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Katherine Hoffman 09 Aug 1916; born Abt. 1897.

Notes for Ludwig Reispich:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Louie Reispick

2580 v. Margaret Reispich, born 26 Jun 1897 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married William O Swanson 26 Jul 1919; born Abt. 1896.

2581 vi. Anna Maria Elisabeth Reispich, born 15 Jun 1899 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 16 Apr 1994 in Norhglenn, Adams, Colorado. She married (1) Heinrich Kuhlthau 05 Dec 1920 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; born 01 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Jun 1939 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married (2) Henry Richards 13 Apr 1947; born Abt. 1899.

Notes for Heinrich Kuhlthau:

Another spelling: Henry KIlthau, Henry Jr., Kildau

Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Jefferson, CO

2582 vii. Heinrich Peter Reispich, born 27 Oct 1900 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 10 Dec 1941 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Mary Seder 19 Mar 1920; born Abt. 1900.

2583 viii. Conrad Reispich, born 27 Jul 1903 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 01 Mar 1958 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Edith Sauer 06 Nov 1927; born Abt. 1904.

2584 ix. Adam Reispich, born 05 Jan 1908 in Denver, Denver, Colorado; died 19 Jul 1938 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. He married Mollie Krieger 26 Aug 1929; born 22 Jun 1907; died 04 Feb 1997.

2585 x. ? Reispich, born Private in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married ? Miller; born Private.

1789. Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser (Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Oct 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johann Heinrich Grun 03 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 12 Feb 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 20 Oct 1950 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

Notes for Johann Heinrich Grun:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Johann Heinrich Gruen

Child of Anna Kaiser and Johann Grun is:

+ 2586 i. Kathryn Margaret9 Green, born 13 May 1912 in Denver, Colorado; died 30 Aug 1955 in Denver, Colorado.

1799. Christina Anna8 Yeager (Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jul 1894 in Denver, Denver, Colorado, and died 21 May 1973 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married Fredrick Henry (Fred) Yost 21 Apr 1918 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of Heinrich Yost and Elisabeth Schoenemann. He was born 14 Dec 1893 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 23 Jul 1952 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Christina Anna Yeager:

Sept 2008: Another spelling: Christina Anna Yager, Christina Jäger, Christina Yäger

Notes for Fredrick Henry (Fred) Yost:

1. Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska cemetery

name plot birth date death date

YOST, CHRISTINA A. 01N-20-09-07 1894 1973

YOST, FRED 01N-20-09-06 1893 1952

2. 2001: Gloria Yost Griess wrote a book on her entire line.

Yost Obit: Fred H Yost, son of Henry and Elizabeth Yost, was born at Harvard, Nebr., December 14, 1893, and passed away July 23, 1952, in the Veterans Hospital at Grand Island at the age of 58 years, seven months and Nine days. He was baptized and confirmed in Zion Reformed church at Harvard.

He was married to Christina A Yearger, April 21, 1918. to this union three children were born, a son, Edmond Fred, who preceded him in death in infancy and two daughters, Janice and Gloria.

Mr. Yost serviced in the United States Army during World War I from 1918 to 1919 and served overseas in France.

He farmed northeast of Harvard for 13 years, worked in the Veterans Conservation Corps, worked for the Air Force at the Harvard Air Base and at the Veterans hospital in Lincoln. From there he transferred to the Veterans hospital in Grand Island where he suddenly passed away.

He is survived by Mrs. Christine Yost, two daughters, Mrs. Janice Sterkel of Cheyenne, Wyo, and Mrs. Gloria Griess of Stockham. There are two grandchildren, four sisters and two brothers, a large number of nieces and nephews and a host of friends.

Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Federated Church, Sutton, with Rev. Arthur H Krebs officiating. Burial was in the Sutton Cemetery.

Pallbearers were six nephews, Rheinhold Glantz, Wayne Yost, Clayton Yost, C.J. Helzer, Dean Hohnstein and Edward Wenske.

3. Burial: Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska

Children of Christina Yeager and Fredrick Yost are:

2587 i. Edmond Fred9 Yost, born 07 Feb 1919 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 07 Feb 1919 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

+ 2588 ii. Janice Fredleen Yost, born 29 Jul 1920 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska; died 02 Mar 1998 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 2589 iii. Gloria Eileen Yost, born 01 Mar 1922 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

1800. Anna Maria8 Hohnstein (Johannes7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Apr 1857 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Kaiser 17 Jun 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Conrad Kaiser and Anna Pauley. He was born 19 Jun 1855 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Anna Maria Hohnstein:

Apr 2009: Previously I had the name "Amalia Annalis ?"

This could be another spouse.

Children are listed above under (744) Johannes Kaiser.

1811. Jacob8 Schnell (Margaretha7 Hohnstein, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Dec 1858 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Jorg 25 Jan 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 19 Oct 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Elisabeth Jorg:

Apr 2009: Another spelling Elisabeth JÖRG

Children of Jacob Schnell and Elisabeth Jorg are:

2590 i. Louise9 Schnell, born 07 Dec 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Oct 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2591 ii. Catharina Schnell, born 06 Nov 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2592 iii. Heinrich Schnell, born 26 Sep 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2593 iv. Christina Schnell, born 02 Sep 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 13 Apr 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2594 v. Christina Schnell, born 03 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2595 vi. Anna Elisabeth Schnell, born 24 Mar 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2596 vii. Conrad Schnell, born 13 Sep 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 Oct 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1812. Louise8 Schnell (Margaretha7 Hohnstein, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Mar 1861 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Conrad Schlitt 23 Jan 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 06 Mar 1860 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Louise Schnell and Conrad Schlitt are:

2597 i. Christina9 Schlitt, born 18 Sep 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2598 ii. Jacob Schlitt, born 13 Sep 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2599 iii. Adam Schlitt, born 18 May 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2600 iv. Johann Georg Schlitt, born 02 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1815. Heinrich8 Schnell (Margaretha7 Hohnstein, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Sep 1865 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Louise Magdalena Kaiser 24 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Johann Kaiser and Catharina Urbach. She was born 24 Dec 1864 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children are listed above under (763) Louise Magdalena Kaiser.

1816. Peter8 Schnell (Margaretha7 Hohnstein, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Sep 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Margaretha Hessler 29 Jan 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 03 Feb 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Peter Schnell and Margaretha Hessler are:

2601 i. Catharina9 Schnell, born 03 Jun 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2602 ii. Johann Heinrich Schnell, born 15 May 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 22 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2603 iii. Georg Heinrich Schnell, born 26 Oct 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Feb 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2604 iv. Johann Peter Schnell, born 16 Aug 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2605 v. Johann Georg Schnell, born 14 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2606 vi. Johannes Schnell, born 16 Jul 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2607 vii. Conrad Schnell, born 20 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1819. Johann Georg8 Schnell (Margaretha7 Hohnstein, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Nov 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Maria Baum 15 May 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 18 Feb 1882 in Baum, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

Children of Johann Schnell and Anna Baum are:

2608 i. Anna Maria9 Schnell, born 26 Sep 1901 in Beidick, Saratov, Volga, Russia.

2609 ii. Heinrich Schnell, born 21 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1824. Johann Georg8 Hohnstein (Jacob7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Feb 1867 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Christina Magdalena Muller 02 Feb 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Ludwig Muller and Catharina Weber. She was born 28 Nov 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johann Hohnstein and Christina Muller are:

2610 i. Chistina Maria9 Hohnstein, born 05 Jul 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 16 Mar 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2611 ii. Catharina Margaretha Hohnstein, born 06 Nov 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2612 iii. Catharina Christina Hohnstein, born 14 May 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2613 iv. Maria Elisabeth Hohnstein, born 27 Mar 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1831. Georg8 Hohnstein (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Oct 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 14 Oct 1939 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Amelia K Ceder 18 Jan 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 23 Jun 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Nov 1974.

Notes for Georg Hohnstein:

Feb 2011: Added children from Ruth's site.

Sep 2012: Another spelling: George Hohnstein

Notes for Amelia K Ceder:

Sept 2012: Another spelling of her name - Amelia K Seder

Per obit, I changed to Amelia Ceder

Children of Georg Hohnstein and Amelia Ceder are:

2614 i. Elizabeth9 Hohnstein, born 23 Aug 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 15 Jun 1964.

+ 2615 ii. Christina Hohnstein, born 20 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 09 Jun 1998 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado.

+ 2616 iii. Pauline Hohnstein, born 04 Feb 1906 in Norka, Balzer, Saratov, Russia.

+ 2617 iv. Catharina Hohnstein, born 20 Oct 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Jul 1987 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado.

2618 v. Anna Elisabeth Hohnstein, born 20 Jul 1909 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Henry Sterkel 29 Nov 1927 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado; born 08 Apr 1908 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado; died 14 Dec 1981 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado.

2619 vi. Katherine Hohnstein, born Abt. 1910.

2620 vii. Alice Hohnstein, born Abt. 1912. She married ? Sterkel; born Abt. 1912.

Notes for Alice Hohnstein:

Sept 2012: Added spouse info per sister Catharina's obit.

2621 viii. Henry Hohnstein, born Abt. 1914.

2622 ix. Marie Hohnstein, born Abt. 1916.

2623 x. Helen Hohnstein, born Abt. 1918. She married ? Schmidt; born Abt. 1918.

Notes for Helen Hohnstein:

Sept 2012: Added spouse info per sister Catharina's obit.

2624 xi. George Hohnstein, born Abt. 1920.

2625 xii. Harold Hohnstein, born Abt. 1922.

1832. Christina8 Hohnstein (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Nov 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Jul 1957 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado. She married (2) Jacob Sterkel Abt. 1907, son of Johannes Sterkel and Magdalena Yeager. He was born 24 Oct 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Jan 1941 in Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado.

Notes for Jacob Sterkel:

Sept 2008: Another spelling Jacob Starkel

Child of Christina Hohnstein is:

2626 i. Magdalena9 Hohnstein, born 24 May 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1862. Johannes8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Hahn 19 Jan 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Apr 1866 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Johannes Weitzel and Elisabeth Hahn are:

2627 i. Catharina Margaretha9 Weitzel, born 19 Oct 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 12 Nov 1888 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2628 ii. Christina Weitzel, born 16 Oct 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 20 Apr 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2629 iii. Catharina Maria Weitzel, born 26 Nov 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 17 Jul 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2630 iv. Johannes Weitzel, born 22 Jun 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Feb 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2631 v. Philipp Weitzel, born 14 Feb 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2632 vi. Catharina Maria Weitzel, born 02 Jun 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 08 Jul 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2633 vii. Anna Catharina Weitzel, born 06 Feb 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1864. Conrad8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 May 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Elisabeth Alt 02 Feb 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Jacob Alt and Dorothea Klehr. She was born 16 Jul 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad Weitzel and Anna Alt are:

2634 i. Heinrich9 Weitzel, born 14 Jul 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2635 ii. Magdalena Weitzel, born 02 Mar 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2636 iii. Elisabeth Weitzel, born 09 Jan 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2637 iv. Catharina Weitzel, born 02 Jan 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2638 v. Margaretha Weitzel, born 14 Aug 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1866. Catharina8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Ludwig Deines 07 Jan 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 20 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Weitzel and Ludwig Deines are:

+ 2639 i. Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, born 07 Oct 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Mar 1967 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2640 ii. Peter Deines, born 15 Jun 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 21 Aug 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2641 iii. Barbara Deines, born 20 Mar 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2642 iv. Johann Heinrich Deines, born 25 May 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2643 v. Margaretha Deines, born 15 Dec 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2644 vi. Conrad Deines, born 20 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2645 vii. Heinrich Deines, born 25 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1867. Heinrich8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Aug 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Schneider 03 Jun 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Heinrich Schneider and Christina Kneiss. She was born 20 Sep 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Heinrich Weitzel and Elisabeth Schneider are:

2646 i. Elisabeth9 Schneider, born 18 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 30 Nov 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2647 ii. Johann Jacob Weitzel, born 15 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2648 iii. Georg Heinrich Weitzel, born 26 May 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2649 iv. Elisabeth Weitzel, born 24 Nov 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 27 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2650 v. Heinrich Weitzel, born 24 Jan 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1868. Christina Elisabeth8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 May 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Christina Elisabeth Weitzel is:

2651 i. Ludwig9 Weitzel, born 26 Jan 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 06 Jul 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1870. Elisabeth8 Weitzel (Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Feb 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Johannes Weitzel 15 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 01 Jan 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth Weitzel and Johannes Weitzel is:

2652 i. Johannes9 Weitzel, born 24 Dec 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1874. Anna Maria8 Weber (Catharina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jan 1873 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Anna Maria Weber is:

2653 i. Maria Elisabeth9 Weber, born 17 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1877. Conrad8 Weber (Catharina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Schwindt 26 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad Weber and Catharina Schwindt are:

2654 i. Johannes9 Weber, born 19 Apr 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2655 ii. Philipp Weber, born 21 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1891. Alexander8 Jacoby (Anna Catharina7, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Elisabeth Jacoby 21 May 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born Abt. 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Alexander Jacoby and Elisabeth Jacoby is:

2656 i. Victor9 Jacoby, born 24 Jun 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1900. Elisabeth8 Kaiser (Johann Georg7, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Dec 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Feb 1942 in Weld Co, Colorado. She married Johannes Sauer 05 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Georg Sauer and Catharina Strauch. He was born 01 Aug 1876 in Beideck Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 16 May 1948 in Grover, Weld Co, Colorado.

Notes for Elisabeth Kaiser:

Oct 2008: From this site added death information and all children.

Notes for Johannes Sauer:

Oct 2008: From this site added death information and all children.

Oct 2008:

His 1st spouse may have been Margaretha Muller b 2 Apr 1876 married 23 Jan 1896

Added his parents. Burial: Eaton Cemetery

Children of Elisabeth Kaiser and Johannes Sauer are:

2657 i. Catharine Maria9 Sauer, born 04 Jul 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died Feb 1977 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado. She married Harry Doughman; born 14 Jan 1898; died May 1976 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado.

Notes for Catharine Maria Sauer:

Apr 2009: Another spelling: Katherine Maria Sauer

2658 ii. Catharine Sauer, born 15 Feb 1905 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; died 20 Jun 1906 in Fort Collins, Colorado.

2659 iii. John Sauer, born 03 Jun 1906 in Fort Collins, Larimer Co, Colorado; died 22 Jul 1906 in Fort Collins, Colorado.

2660 iv. George Sauer, born 12 Oct 1907 in Fort Collins, Colorado; died 20 Jul 1971 in Weld Co, Colorado. He married Erna Wonnenberg 11 Apr 1936 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado; born 28 Sep 1912; died Aug 1985 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado.

2661 v. Katherine Sauer, born 28 Dec 1908 in Loveland, Larimer Co, Colorado; died 01 Jul 1995 in North Platte, Nebraska. She married John Schwab 14 Jul 1934 in Weld Co, Colorado; born Abt. 1905.

2662 vi. Lydia Sauer, born 20 Apr 1911 in Grover, Weld Co, Colorado. She married (1) Ben Fox 13 Oct 1945 in Weld Co, Colorado; born 18 Jun 1890; died Jun 1966 in Virginia. She married (2) John Annan Sep 1978 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado; born 22 Sep 1897; died Jun 1990 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado.

2663 vii. Elizabeth Sauer, born 22 Apr 1913 in Weld Co, Colorado. She married Albert Floyd Cashman 19 Jan 1937 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming; born Abt. 1910; died 28 Feb 1992 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

2664 viii. Harry Sauer, born 04 Jun 1915 in Grover, Weld Co, Colorado; died 31 Aug 1916 in Grover, Weld Co, Colorado.

2665 ix. Julia Sauer, born 06 Sep 1916 in Grover, Weld Co, Colorado. She married Charles Fay Wittmer 17 Jan 1951 in Weld Co, Colorado; born 02 Jun 1905 in Albia, Kansas; died 26 Oct 1986 in Fort Collins, Colorado.

+ 2666 x. Ruby Lucille Sauer, born 28 Apr 1922 in Weld Co, Colorado; died 05 May 1980 in Weld Co, Colorado.

1910. Elisabeth Hohnstein8 Kaiser (Johannes7, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Apr 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Weigandt 22 Feb 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 19 Aug 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Elisabeth Kaiser and Jacob Weigandt are:

2667 i. Margaretha9 Weigandt, born 11 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2668 ii. Johann Georg Weigandt, born 22 Mar 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2669 iii. Christina Weigandt, born 18 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 11 May 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1921. Catharina8 Yost (Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Nov 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 29 Apr 1927 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Henry Weber 07 Oct 1897 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He was born 09 May 1875 in Beideck, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 May 1933 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharina Yost:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. She sent alot of information on this line.

Notes for Henry Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. She sent alot of information on this line.

Per her information, I have changed his birth date from 21 Sep 1875.

Children of Catharina Yost and Henry Weber are:

2670 i. George9 Weber, born 19 Jun 1898 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 25 Jul 1943 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Freida ?; born Abt. 1900.

Notes for George Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. I added his death date.

+ 2671 ii. Marie Weber, born 07 Jan 1902 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 14 Mar 1972 in Campbell, Franklin, Nebraska.

+ 2672 iii. Harry Weber, born 06 Dec 1907 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 02 Sep 1985 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2673 iv. Edward Weber, born 20 Feb 1908 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died Mar 1983 in Wayne, Nebraska. He married Ellen ?; born Abt. 1910.

Notes for Edward Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. I added this child.

2674 v. Ruby Weber, born 06 Dec 1911 in Campbell, Franklin, Nebraska; died 21 May 1998 in Fremont, Nebraska. She married (1) Burton S Huff 29 Jun 1933 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 25 Mar 1911 in Seneca, Ohio; died 29 Dec 1969 in Seneca, Ohio. She married (2) Ernest N Wagner 08 Sep 1946 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 06 Dec 1897 in Nebraska; died Sep 1966 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Ruby Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. I added her spouse and children.

+ 2675 vi. Ralph Harold Weber, born 01 Nov 1916 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 07 Apr 1958 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

1922. Elisabeth8 Yost (Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Jun 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married John Rohrig 03 Jan 1900 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He was born 18 Mar 1876 in Russia, and died 26 Jul 1968 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Elisabeth Yost:

Oct 2008: Norma Schmidt

My husband doesn't know of anyplace else the Yost's might have lived. As for Elizabeth not being mentioned, It's possible that she too, was gone and married at this time. My mother-in-law said that she attended her parents wedding, as she was born in July, 1900, 6 months after the marriage.

Elizabeth b. 6/16/1881 in Norka married to John Rohrig 1/3/1900, died 11/15/1951. (These were my husband's grandparents)

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. She sent alot of information on this line.

Mar 2011: Another spelling - Elizabeth Yost

Notes for John Rohrig:

Mar 2009: Added this from the Who's Who in Nebraska - Lascaster County

"ROHRIG, JOHN: President Bottling Co; b Russia Mar 18, 1876; s of John H Rohrig-Barbara Lich; ed Russia; m Elizabeth Yost Jan 3, 1900 Lincoln; s Jacob E, Robert B, Edward H, Richard H; d Lydia (Mrs John Schmidt Jr), Leah (Mrs E M Steinbecker), Rachel (Mrs Roy E Goodale), Mildred (Mrs Harry Betz); came to US, Lincoln 1898, worked 1 year with CB&Q RR; 1900-03 tinner; 1903-09 bldg contr; 1909-11 farmed in Franklin Co; 1911-13 bIdg contr; 1913- pres & owner Shogo-Lithia Springs Co & Dr Pepper Bottling Co; pres Neb Dr Pepper Bottlers Assn; C of C; dir Lincoln Baseball Park Assn: Forward Assn; BPOE; St Paul's Evang Ch; Dem; hobbies, traveling, fishing, sports; off 1001 L; res 3411 S 14th, Lincoln."

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Per Elizabeth and the above obit, I changed his death from 15 Nov 1951.

Children of Elisabeth Yost and John Rohrig are:

+ 2676 i. Lydia9 Rohrig, born 18 Jul 1900 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 22 Jun 1987 in Paradise, California.

2677 ii. John Rohrig, born 18 Aug 1901 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 26 Mar 1916 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for John Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added this child.

+ 2678 iii. Jacob E Rohrig, born 19 Jun 1903 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 13 Feb 1981 in Fresno, California.

2679 iv. Leah Rohrig, born 15 Nov 1904 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 31 May 1991 in Santa Clara, California. She married (1) Emmanuel M Steinbecker 15 Jun 1936 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 11 Apr 1905 in Nebraska; died 09 May 1949 in Santa Clara, California. She married (2) Mathew Belan Mar 1960 in Santa Clara, California; born 12 Jan 1897 in Yugoslavia; died 21 Sep 1973 in Santa Clara, California. She married (3) Arthur B Jones 26 Jun 1980; born 31 Aug 1911 in Santa Clara, California; died 23 Nov 1983 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Leah Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Updated information on her spouses.

+ 2680 v. Robert B Rohrig, born 15 Feb 1907 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 24 Mar 1988 in Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California.

2681 vi. Rachel Rohrig, born 08 Dec 1908 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 03 Mar 2009 in Union City, California. She married Edgar LeRoy Goodale 12 May 1931 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 02 Jul 1907 in Nebraska; died 01 Nov 1983 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Rachel Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added their dates.

Notes for Edgar LeRoy Goodale:

Nickname: Roy

+ 2682 vii. Mildred Rohrig, born 23 Feb 1911 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 2683 viii. Edward H Rohrig, born 30 May 1913 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 15 Sep 1968 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2684 ix. Richard H Rohrig, born 10 Apr 1915 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married (1) Mary Helen White 12 Oct 1937 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 23 Jan 1917 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 25 Nov 1967 in Santa Clara, California. He married (2) Jean Hartman 27 Jun 1970 in Santa Clara, California; born 12 Jul 1918; died 18 Mar 1999 in Santa Cruz, California.

Notes for Richard H Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added information on his spouses.

1923. Adam Georg8 Yost (Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Jul 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Jan 1952 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Anna Rider 1901 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 19 Mar 1881 in Frank, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 03 Jun 1949 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Adam Georg Yost:

Apr 2009: Added spouse and family per Ruth Schultz's site.

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. She sent alot of information on this line. The only child I had was Harry.

Jun 2010: Received email from Shelley Markstaller adding census information.

1920 U.S. CENSUS Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska

Yost, Adam G. (Y13) Married 35 1884/85 M Head Russia Pending 1893

Yost, Annie Married 37 1882/83 F Adam (Y13) Russia Alien 1899

Yost, Martha Single 16 1903/04 F Adam (Y13) Nebraska

Yost, Harry Single 13 1906/07 M Adam (Y13) Nebraska

Yost, Edward Single 11 1908/09 M Adam (Y13) Nebraska

Yost, Raymond Single 8 1911/12 M Adam (Y13) Nebraska

Yost, Helen Single 4 1915/16 F Adam (Y13) Nebraska

Children of Adam Yost and Anna Rider are:

2685 i. Martha9 Yost, born Abt. 1904 in Nebraska.

2686 ii. Harry Yost, born 01 Oct 1906 in Monroe, Nebraska; died 27 Nov 1960 in Springfield, Nebraska. He married Marie Walter 18 Jun 1929 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; born 18 Aug 1904 in Sibwing, Michigan; died 07 May 1955 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2687 iii. Edward Yost, born Abt. 1909 in Nebraska.

+ 2688 iv. Raymond Yost, born 18 Jun 1911 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 29 Jul 1996 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2689 v. Helen Yost, born Abt. 1915 in Nebraska.

2690 vi. Robert Yost, born Abt. 1925 in Nebraska.

1925. Christina Elizabeth8 Yost (Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Nov 1887 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died Abt. 1924 in Denver, Colorado. She married Jacob Jack Batt Abt. 1907. He was born 13 Oct 1885 in Russia, and died Sep 1972 in Hastings, Nebraska.

Notes for Christina Elizabeth Yost:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Sent in information on her spouse and children.

Jun 2009: The original information has her name as Christina. Another version of her name Kate E Yost, Catharina Elisabeth Yost. The census has Katie.

Notes for Jacob Jack Batt:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Changed his name from Jack Bott to Jack Batt.

Children of Christina Yost and Jacob Batt are:

2691 i. Raymond9 Batt, born 07 Sep 1908 in Denver, Colorado; died Jul 1985 in Greeley, Colorado.

2692 ii. Harold L Batt, born 19 Apr 1912 in Colorado; died 24 Dec 1983 in Riverside, California. He married Dorothy ?; born Abt. 1914.

1929. Henry8 Yost (Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Apr 1898 in Inland, Nebraska. He married Leona Warwick Abt. 1920. She was born 1897.

Notes for Henry Yost:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added his birth date, information on his spouse and children.

Children of Henry Yost and Leona Warwick are:

2693 i. Henry John9 Yost, born 26 Sep 1921 in Nebraska; died 20 Dec 1998 in Oregon. He married Janet ?; born Abt. 1922.

2694 ii. Warren Leroy Yost, born 10 Nov 1923 in Nebraska; died 15 Dec 1987 in Florida.

1968. Melchior8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1868 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Eva Elisabeth WEGELIN 10 Nov 1891 in Azmarie Town, Russia. She was born 28 Oct 1873 in Merkel Colony, Russia.

Children of Melchior HELZER and Eva WEGELIN are:

2695 i. Heinrich9 HELZER, born 02 Oct 1893 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2696 ii. Alexander HELZER, born 02 Jun 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2697 iii. Conrad HELZER, born 06 Sep 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 07 Jan 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2698 iv. Jacob HELZER, born 01 Sep 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2699 v. Conrad HELZER, born 20 Sep 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2700 vi. Adam HELZER, born 17 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 24 Jun 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2701 vii. Catharina HELZER, born 13 Aug 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1969. Heinrich8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Jun 1870 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 08 Jan 1950 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan. He married (1) Amalie Grun 25 May 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 08 Mar 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married (2) Elisabeth Catharina Nagel 30 May 1909 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She was born 29 Apr 1884 in Brunnental, Samara, Russia, and died 11 Feb 1936 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line.

This is her grandfather. Heinrich and Elizabeth had 7 children.

Jan 2008:

Hockenberry-Helzer- Family Tree. This is Betsy's site.

Feb 2012: From Ruth's site, added marriage info.

Jun 2012: Received an email from Betsy Hockenberry.

Notes for Amalie Grun:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line.

no children

Notes for Elisabeth Catharina Nagel:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line. She added the information on Elisabeth.

Jan 2008: Another spelling of her name: Elizabeth Katherine Nagel, Elizabeth Catherine Nagel

Jan 2008:

Hockenberry-Helzer- Family Tree. This is Betsy's site. Added death information.

Burial: Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, Michigan

Jan 2008: Notes from Emma Helzer Hockenberry

Mother was Elizabeth Catherine Nagel form Brunnental Russia

For those of you who are wondering where Brunnental Russia was located? I came across a letter dated 1982 to my mother's sister and she states:

"Our mother said she was born in Brunnental in the Province of Samara, now called (Kuybyshev) in Russia. Samara is on the east side of the Volga River. It is about 80 miles N.E. of Saratov. Saratov is on the west side of the Volga River. Brunnental is also on the east side of the Volga River but S.E. of Saratov. All of our relatives lived on the southern end of the Volga. There were over 100 colonies on either side of the Volga who formed the Germans from Russia. These would be Nagels.Vogels, from Brunnental and Helzers from Norka." Also related to Lebsack, Stroh

PS: If your confused so was I. This would be quite a boat trip.

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Elisabeth Nagel are:

2702 i. Pauline9 Helzer, born 09 Oct 1910 in Kilmanagh, Huron, Michigan; died 18 Jan 1981 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan. She married William R Bridenbaugh 09 Oct 1937 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan; born Abt. 1910.

2703 ii. Bertha Helzer, born 19 Aug 1912 in Kilmanagh, Huron, Michigan; died 22 Jun 1974 in Bowie, Prince Georges, Maryland. She married ? Green; born Abt. 1910.

2704 iii. Anna Helzer, born Abt. 1909.

2705 iv. Esther Helzer, born Abt. 1911.

2706 v. Henry Helzer, born Abt. 1915.

2707 vi. Emilie Elizabeth Helzer, born Feb 1917 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan; died 27 Sep 1917 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan.

+ 2708 vii. Emma Marie Helzer, born 01 Apr 1921 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan; died 23 May 1998 in Springfield, Massachusetts.

1970. Adam8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Sep 1872 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Anna Catharina BRILL 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 27 Jul 1874 in Friedenthal Colony, Russia.

Children of Adam HELZER and Anna BRILL are:

2709 i. Adam9 HELZER, born 09 Sep 1893 in Friedenthal Colony, Russia; died 15 May 1895 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2710 ii. Anna Maria HELZER, born 09 Sep 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2711 iii. Catharina Elisabeth HELZER, born 14 Feb 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2712 iv. Maria HELZER, born 10 Apr 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1972. Conrad8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Aug 1876 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina FINK 30 May 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 14 Apr 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Conrad HELZER and Catharina FINK are:

2713 i. Johann Georg9 HELZER, born 13 Aug 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2714 ii. Catharina HELZER, born 10 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2715 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 10 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1973. Lorenz8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Jul 1878 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Dorothea Elisabeth KRIEGER 05 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She was born 09 Sep 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Lorenz HELZER and Dorothea KRIEGER are:

2716 i. Adam9 HELZER, born 17 Dec 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2717 ii. Amalie HELZER, born 15 Jun 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2718 iii. Johannes HELZER, born 06 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2719 iv. Heinrich HELZER, born 26 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1978. Catharina8 HELZER (Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jan 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Alexander Mohr 30 May 1906. He was born Abt. 1888.

Notes for Catharina HELZER:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H. Beaulieu with information updating her line.

She gave me the information on her spouse Alexander Mohr. They had 10 children.

Child of Catharina HELZER and Alexander Mohr is:

2720 i. Pauline9 Mohr, born Private. She married ? Ortloff; born Private.

1979. Catharina Elisabeth8 Maul (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Dec 1875 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Nicolaus Sauer Abt. 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Elisabeth Sauer. He was born 12 Aug 1874 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Maul and Nicolaus Sauer are:

2721 i. Heinrich9 Sauer, born 31 Jan 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2722 ii. Magdalena Sauer, born 03 Sep 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2723 iii. Johannes Sauer, born 01 Sep 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 05 Aug 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2724 iv. Johann Georg Sauer, born 12 Jul 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2725 v. Conrad Sauer, born 14 Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia; died 14 Feb 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1981. Anna Maria8 Maul (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Aug 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Blum 25 Feb 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Jacob Blum and Catharina Fink. He was born 21 Feb 1871 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Anna Maul and Jacob Blum are:

2726 i. Catharina Elisabeth9 Blum, born 22 Nov 1897 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2727 ii. Georg Philipp Blum, born 14 Apr 1900 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2728 iii. Jacob Blum, born 08 Apr 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2729 iv. Heinrich Blum, born 10 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2730 v. Conrad Blum, born 28 Dec 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1982. Catharina8 Maul (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jul 1882 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Heinrich Gerlach 25 May 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 13 Mar 1881 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Maul and Heinrich Gerlach are:

2731 i. Heinrich9 Gerlach, born 07 Aug 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2732 ii. Johannes Gerlach, born 30 Jun 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

1983. Magdalena Elisabeth8 Maul (Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jun 1885 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Magdalena Elisabeth Maul is:

2733 i. Elisabeth9 Maul, born Abt. 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2003. Catharine Marie8 Brehm (Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Aug 1880 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 27 May 1950 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. She married Conrad Schafer 03 Nov 1903 in Tilden, Nebraska. He was born 22 Sep 1876 in Frank, Russia, and died 15 Mar 1951 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Catharine Marie Brehm:

Another spelling: Katherine Marie Brehm

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

Notes for Conrad Schafer:

Another spelling: Conrad Schaefer

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

Children of Catharine Brehm and Conrad Schafer are:

+ 2734 i. Katherine Elizabeth9 Schafer, born 09 Mar 1905 in Jewell Co, Kansas near Superior, Nebraska.

+ 2735 ii. Freida Christina Schafer, born 02 Jan 1910 in Jewell Co, Kansas; died 28 Apr 1997 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

2736 iii. Ray Schafer, born 09 May 1914 in Superior, Nebraska; died 23 Feb 1931 in Palisade, Nebraska.

More About Ray Schafer:

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

+ 2737 iv. Edna Schafer, born 01 Feb 1916 in Jewell Co, Kansas.

2004. John8 Brehm (Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Nov 1881 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 09 Mar 1957 in Rapid City, South Dakota. He married Emma Urbach 21 Mar 1906 in Superior, Nebraska. She was born 12 Aug 1882 in Germany, and died 19 Nov 1960 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Notes for John Brehm:

obit: of Rapid City, SD died Saturday. He was born Nov 19,, 1881 at Sutton, NE. He was married to Emma Urbach, also of Sutton, in 1906 at Superior. The family moved to South Dakota in 1909, homesteading north of New Underwood, where they maintained the ranch until 1944 when they retired and moved to Rapid City. Surviving are his wife, Emma; two daughters, hyllis, Mrs. Victor Erickson, Rapid City and Bessie, Mrs. John Bielmaer, of Wall, SD; four sons, Arwood of San Jose, CA, Raymond of Rapid City, Wayne and Clarence, Box Elder, SD. One son preceded him in death. He was killed in the service.

More About John Brehm:

Burial: Mountain View Cemetery

Children of John Brehm and Emma Urbach are:

+ 2738 i. Bessie Marie9 Brehm, born 03 Jan 1907 in Tilden, Nebraska; died 16 Jan 1988 in Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota.

2739 ii. Raymond George Brehm, born 06 Oct 1909 in Tilden, Nebraska. He married Katharine Hale 06 Sep 1933 in Rapid City, South Dakota; born Abt. 1910.

2740 iii. Melven Lewis Brehm, born 16 Sep 1911 in Box Elder, South Dakota; died 23 Dec 1946 in Philippine Islands during WWII.

Notes for Melven Lewis Brehm:

Of course WWII ended in 1945, not 1946.

2741 iv. Wayness Henry Brehm, born 26 Mar 1914 in Box Elder, South Dakota; died 12 Sep 1997 in Pennington County, South Dakota.

Notes for Wayness Henry Brehm:

SS records have the city as: New Underwood or Viewfield.

+ 2742 v. Clarence John Brehm, born 20 May 1917 in Ranch, Nebraska or New Underwood, South Dakota; died 21 Mar 1971 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

+ 2743 vi. Arwood Russel Brehm, born 14 May 1919 in Rapid City, South Dakota; died Mar 1986 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California.

+ 2744 vii. Phyllis Elaine Brehm, born 27 Feb 1927 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

2007. Anna8 Brehm (Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Mar 1897 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 10 Jul 1968 in Indianola, Nebraska. She married Henry Ross 03 Mar 1923 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He was born 21 Jun 1881, and died 28 Aug 1965.

Notes for Anna Brehm:

Then lived in Culbertson, NE until 1943, then moved to Trenton, NE. They had a farm in West Indianola.

Obituary for Anna Brehm Ross:

Anna Ross, 71, died this morning at her home after a lingering illness. She was born ..., near Sutton, in Clay County.

The younges daughter of Johna dn Alice Brehm. She spent her shildhood on a farm near Tilden, later moving to Clay Center. She was married to Henry Ross and they lived in Culbertson until 1943 when they moved to Trenton. They then moved to a farm southwest of Indianola.

More About Anna Brehm:

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

Children of Anna Brehm and Henry Ross are:

2745 i. Verna9 Brehm, born 08 May 1918 in Clay Co (Center).

+ 2746 ii. Carolyn Ross, born 22 Jan 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska 10 miles NW.

2747 iii. Deloris A Ross, born 30 Mar 1928 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska 10 miles NW. She married John C Altman 22 Sep 1948 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; born Abt. 1925.

Notes for Deloris A Ross:

Has sent a lot of letters, information, and pictures.

2008. John8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Nov 1884 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Mar 1955 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He married Katie Wilmar 18 Dec 1907 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, daughter of John Wilmar and Kate ?. She was born 12 Feb 1887 in Frank, Russia, and died 24 Nov 1918 in Beverly, Nebraska.

More About John Brehm:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Notes for Katie Wilmar:

1. Katie Wilmar was a cousin of J. J. Frank.

2. According to Elsie Brehm, her name was Katie Wilmar. We have had Katie Wilman. ? correct

3. Katie died of the flu.

4. Katie's mother was born in Russia & came over with her Bro & 1 sis. They said the sister had sore eyes & they wouldn't let her off the boat. She returned to Russia and never heard from her again.

5. On Katie's tombstone in Culbertson, NE it says: Kath

More About Katie Wilmar:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Children of John Brehm and Katie Wilmar are:

+ 2748 i. Henry9 Brehm, born 13 Nov 1908 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 20 Jun 2006 in Kansas City, Kanasa.

2749 ii. Albert Brehm, born 21 Oct 1909 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 02 Nov 1929 in Laramie, Wyoming Killed in a rodeo.

+ 2750 iii. Joe Brehm I, born 26 Nov 1911 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 02 Dec 1984 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2751 iv. Freida Brehm, born 30 Sep 1913 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 26 Apr 2011 in Superior, Nebraska.

2752 v. Reuben Brehm, born 17 Feb 1915 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 22 Jan 1916 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska died of pneumonia.

+ 2753 vi. Elmer (Sarge) Brehm, born 23 Aug 1917 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE; died 24 Aug 2002 in Mesa, Arizona.

2009. Elisabeth8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Aug 1886 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 11 Oct 1956 in Julesburg, Sedgewick, Colorado. She married James Kotch 21 Jan 1907 in Trenton, Nebraska. He was born 17 Nov 1885 in Austro-Hungarian Empire, and died 11 Apr 1956 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west.

Notes for Elisabeth Brehm:

Jan 2007: Another spelling of her name - Lizzie Brehm, Lizzie Koch, Elizabeth Koch, Elizabeth Brehm

Children of Elisabeth Brehm and James Kotch are:

+ 2754 i. James (Jimmie)9 Kotch, born 20 Nov 1907 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west; died 04 Feb 1984 in Leavenworth, Kansas.

+ 2755 ii. Frank Kotch, born 28 Oct 1909 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west; died 06 Jun 1995 in Ovid, Colorado.

+ 2756 iii. Harry Alvin Kotch, born 02 Jun 1913 in Ovid, Colorado on the farm 3 miles west.

+ 2757 iv. Irene Kotch, born 22 May 1916 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west; died 23 Apr 1994 in Ovid, Colorado.

2758 v. William J Kotch, born 19 Jun 1920 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west. He married Pansy ?; born Abt. 1921.

Notes for William J Kotch:

1. The address information is from Harry Kotch 5/2001

2. per William Jun 2001.

Middle name J. He doesn't believe his mom had a middle name.

He was born in 1920 instead of 1919

His wife Pansy is in a rest home.

+ 2759 vi. Pauline Kotch, born 17 Dec 1922 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west.

2760 vii. Margaret Kotch, born 20 Sep 1924 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west; died 15 Aug 1994 in Ovid, Colorado.

2010. Dora8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Dec 1887 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 15 Aug 1974 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Jacob (Jake) Frank 24 Dec 1903 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 18 Apr 1885 in Frank, Russia, and died Sep 1970.

Notes for Dora Brehm:

Marriage certifcate on file.

More About Dora Brehm:

Burial: McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska

Notes for Jacob (Jake) Frank:

Jacob Franks parents: Jacob C. Frank & Anna Schillereff

Born in Russia & came to America.

Jacob J Frank came to America at age 7 & grew up in Sugar City CO.

Abraham Frank thinks that his dad had 1 brother that died in infancy.

More About Jacob (Jake) Frank:

Burial: McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska

Children of Dora Brehm and Jacob Frank are:

+ 2761 i. Pauline9 Frank, born 29 Nov 1904 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 23 Sep 1971 in Los Angeles, California.

+ 2762 ii. Abraham (Abe) Frank, born 17 Mar 1906 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 21 Mar 1989 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming.

2763 iii. Ruben Frank, born 01 Nov 1908 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 19 Nov 1971 in California. He married Mary ?; born Abt. 1909.

+ 2764 iv. Marian (Ming) Frank, born 21 Jan 1913 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 06 Dec 1975 in California.

2765 v. Maurice Melvin Frank, born 07 Aug 1917 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 24 Jan 1983 in El Monte, California.

2766 vi. Jane Frank, born 14 Sep 1918 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 26 Sep 1918 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 2767 vii. June Frank, born 14 Sep 1918 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2768 viii. Virginia Dorothy Frank, born 31 Aug 1920 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Edwin (Eddie) Roth 19 Sep 1944; born Abt. 1919.

2769 ix. Fern Jean Frank, born 27 Sep 1922 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 12 Oct 1922 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2011. Alice B8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Nov 1889 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 28 Jun 1931 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Conrad C Yost 02 May 1909 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, son of Conrad Yost and Catherine Vogal. He was born 31 May 1882 in Grafton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 20 Sep 1965 in Merced, Nebraska or California ?.

Notes for Alice B Brehm:

1. RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA OBITUARIES 1963 - 2000 Yost Alice b 11-25-1889 d 6-27-1931 MP

The obit below agrees that she died on June 28.

Her obit says: June 29, 1931

Mrs. Alice Yost, 41, wife of Con Yost, 211 West Fourth Street, died at noon yesterday. She had been in failing health for several months and Friday her condition bacame suddenly critical.

Born at Culberton, Mrs. Yost had lived in McCook for the past 22 years. She is survived by her husband, her daughter Freida, her parents and several brothers and sisters.

2. Marriage License on file. Alice wrote her name as "Anna Lisse Brehm" on the marriage record. So it doesn't look like her middle name starts with a "B" as I had it listed.

3. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery

4. Apr 2011: Ruth Schultz has her name as Anna Elisabeth Brehm. I do not know where this came from.

Notes for Conrad C Yost:

1. Jan 2003: Family updated per Nancy Parrigon Anders.

2. Conrad C Yost lived with Frieda Yost Sharpe for 33 years.

We are not sure about his mothers maiden name.

RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA OBITUARIES 1963 - 2000 Yost Conrad b 5-31-1882 d 9-20-1965 MP

His obit 1965 McCook Daily Gazette:

He was employed by the Burlington Railroad as a machinist helper for 30 years. He lived in McCook for 17 years. After his retirement he lived with his daughter, Mrs. Frieda Sharp, Merced.

Besides his daughter, he is survived by one granddaughter and four great grandchildren.

3. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery; McCook, Nebraska

Child of Alice Brehm and Conrad Yost is:

+ 2770 i. Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, born 19 Mar 1910 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 10 Jul 1995 in Sun City, California.

2012. Emma8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Feb 1892 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 15 Nov 1969 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. She married Henry Yost 05 Sep 1912 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, son of Johann Yost and Anna Schlenning. He was born 20 May 1891 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 23 Dec 1966 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

Notes for Emma Brehm:

June 2001: No middle name per Lois Jean Yost Jones.

NOTE: Emma is the sister of Kathy Brehm LaPella's grandpa Sam Brehm.

June 2007: Per Lois Yost Jones (Jeannie) Emma Brehm died in 1969 not 15 Nov 1929.

Notes for Henry Yost:

June 2001: no middle name per Lois Jean Yost Jones.

Children of Emma Brehm and Henry Yost are:

2771 i. Henry9 Yost, born 18 Jun 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 25 Jun 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2772 ii. Francis (Yosty) Yost, born 23 Nov 1916 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 15 Mar 1988 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

2013. William (Bill)8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Nov 1893 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 05 May 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Catharina Margaretha (Margaret) Dietz 25 Jun 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, daughter of George Deitz and Lizzie Geise. She was born 20 Jan 1895 in Walter, Volder, Russia, and died 04 May 1958 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for William (Bill) Brehm:

1. William Brehm obit: Tuesday May 5, 1936

Infection sets into gash sustained week ago in cutting a tree.

William Brehm died this morning of infection which developed in an ax wound he sustained about a week ago while cutting down a tree in the yard of a local residence. He had been employed for the past 14 years by the Barnett Lumber company.

Mr. Brehm, who was 43 last November, was born north of Culbertson to a family which pioneered in that region. Married in June 1913, he came here about 23 years ago and was employed for several years by the Burlington. ...etc

2. The marriage record at Trenton, Nebraska gives William's age as 19 and Catharina's as 18. William had written consent of his father, Nicholas Brehm. Her name is shown as Catharina Margaretha on her father's passport and Margaret on her marriage record.

3. 1920 census of McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska

name age born in immigration city lived parents born

father mother

Brehm, William M. M 26 Head Nebraska McCook Russia Russia

Brehm, Margaret M 25 Wife Russia N 1902 1913 McCook Russia Russia

Brehm, Clara S 6 Dau Nebraska McCook Nebraska Russia

Brehm, Harry S 3 Son Nebraska McCook Nebraska Russia

Brehm, June S 6m Dau Nebraska McCook Nebraska Russia

4. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery; McCook, NE: William 11-4-1895 5-2-1936 4-40-4 Our loving Father

Notes for Catharina Margaretha (Margaret) Dietz:

1. Obituaries of Mrs Margaret Jones (Margaret Dietz) May 4, 1958

Mrs. Jones died Sunday in St. Catherine's Hospital. She was born in Walter, Russia, coming to Culbertson when she was five. She married William Brehm, who died May 6, 1936. On Dec 4, 1952 she was remarried to Clark Jones and the couple made their home in McCook, NE.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Jones is survived by eight children, 18 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, six brothers and two sisters. Her children are Mrs. Fordynce Steinhauer, Mrs. Dean Hiersekorn, and Mrs. Elwood Gettman of Cheyenne, Mrs. Lloyd Hoagland of Menlo Park, CA, Mrs. John Brady of Great Falls, MT, Mrs. Ralph Rucker of Frankfort, KY, Mrs. James Nicholson of Lebanon, NE and Harry Brehm of Springfield, OR. (have copy)

2. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery: McCook, NE

Margaret J 1-20-1895 5-4-1958 4-40-3 Our loving mother

Children of William Brehm and Catharina Dietz are:

+ 2773 i. Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, born 08 Jan 1914 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 07 Feb 2003 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 2774 ii. Harry William Brehm, born 02 Aug 1916 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 12 Apr 1978 in Springfield, Lane Co, Oregon.

+ 2775 iii. June Rose Brehm, born 10 Jun 1919 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 14 Feb 2011 in Watsonville, California.

+ 2776 iv. Eleanor Mae Brehm, born 10 Dec 1921 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 2777 v. Louise Marjorie Brehm, born 18 Jul 1924 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 2778 vi. Virginia Olive Brehm, born 14 Sep 1927 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 27 Mar 1982 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky.

2779 vii. Darlene B Brehm, born 29 Dec 1929 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 16 Mar 1930 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Darlene B Brehm:

Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery

+ 2780 viii. Delores Marie Brehm, born 04 Mar 1932 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 20 Jun 1994 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 2781 ix. Lillian Margaret Brehm, born 02 Jun 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 27 Jan 2001 in Lebanon, Nebraska.

2782 x. William Cecil Brehm, born 14 Jul 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 17 Jul 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for William Cecil Brehm:

Obit: William Cecil, three-day-old son of Mrs. Margaret Brehm was buried this morning. Rev Charles Schmitz officiating. William Brehm, the father died several weeks before the birth of the infant.

2015. Sam8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Dec 1898 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 26 Jan 1968 in Seattle, King Co, Washington. He married Katie Scheidt 21 Jun 1922 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, daughter of Johann SCHEIDT and Pauline SINNER. She was born 28 Dec 1901 in Sioux City, Iowa, and died 12 Jul 1961 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Sam Brehm:

1. There is a "Story" for Sam Brehm in the Story section of Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

Red Willow County, Nebraska OBITUARIES 1963 - 2000 Brehm Sam 12-14-1898 1-27-1968 MP (actual death Jan 26 - obit: died Jan 26, in Seattle, WA)

2. Full name is Sam; on 1900 census Hitchcock Co, NE is says Sammuel

3. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery; McCook, Nebraska

Notes for Katie Scheidt:

There is a "Story" for Katie Scheidt Brehm on Kathy Brehm LaPella Website.

Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery; McCook, Nebraska

Child of Sam Brehm and Katie Scheidt is:

+ 2783 i. Harold Eugene9 Brehm, born 24 Sep 1924 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 23 Jun 2002 in Federal Way, King Co, Washington.

2016. Benjamin (Ben)8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Nov 1900 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 11 Mar 1953 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Mollie Gettman 02 Dec 1924 in Oberlin, Kansas, daughter of Jacob Gettman and Katherine ?. She was born 27 Jan 1903 in Frank, Russia, and died 22 Dec 1978 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

Notes for Benjamin (Ben) Brehm:

His obit in the McCook Daily Gazette March 11, 1953.

Ben Brehm, 53, died this morning in St. Catherine's hospital.

Mr. Brehm was born in Culbertson and married Molly Gettman at Oberlin. He had worked in the Burlington RR shops since 1921.

More About Benjamin (Ben) Brehm:

Burial: Riverview Cemetery

Notes for Mollie Gettman:

1. Mollie's mother Katherine Gettman was 1st cousin to Katie/Elsie.

2. Katie, Mollie's mom, while visiting home, asked about Sam Brehm's kid.

3. Obit: Mollie Brehm, 75, Denver, died Friday in Denver. She was born Jan 27, 1903 in Frank, Russia. The daughter of the late Jacob and Katherine Gettman. She came with her parents, as a young girl, to the United States and the family settled in Fruita, Colo in 1912.

4. Full name could be Amalie Gettman.

More About Mollie Gettman:

Burial: Riverview Cemetery; McCook, Nebraska

Child of Benjamin Brehm and Mollie Gettman is:

+ 2784 i. Eugene Junior9 Brehm, born 15 Feb 1927 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2017. Alma8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jan 1902 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 24 Nov 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married Walter William Riemer 02 Dec 1920 in Culbertson, NE or Jun/12/1920 in Trenton, NE. He was born Abt. 1902 in Nebraska.

Notes for Alma Brehm:

Alma and Gladys died of food poisoning.

More About Alma Brehm:

Cause of Death: died food poisoning

Notes for Walter William Riemer:

His name could be spelled Reimer.

Child of Alma Brehm and Walter Riemer is:

2785 i. Gladys Mae9 Riemer, born 13 Dec 1921 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 25 Nov 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Gladys Mae Riemer:

Died of food poisoning

2018. Mae Margaret8 Brehm (Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 May 1903 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska on Brehm farm, and died 10 May 1991 in Goleta, California. She married Edwin Bradley 21 Oct 1929 in Oberlin, Kansas. He was born 03 Oct 1902 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Nov 1977 in Goleta, California.

More About Mae Margaret Brehm:

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

Notes for Edwin Bradley:

Moved to Goleta, CA in 1960.

The information was updated by Sharon Bradley Reginato May 2001.

Edwin's name was changed from Edward. No middle name.

More About Edwin Bradley:

Burial: Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska

Child of Mae Brehm and Edwin Bradley is:

+ 2786 i. Sharon Kay9 Bradley, born 1946 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2022. Catharina Elisabeth8 Reispich (Christina7 HELZER, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jun 1882 in Alexandrowka, Volga, Russia. She married Conrad Alt 27 Nov 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich Alt and Anna Schmer. He was born 22 Feb 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Children of Catharina Reispich and Conrad Alt are:

2787 i. Johannes9 Alt, born 24 Feb 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2788 ii. Elisabeth Alt, born 23 Mar 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2023. Elisabeth8 Reispich (Christina7 HELZER, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Nov 1883 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. She married Jacob Heinrich 15 Nov 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He was born 04 Jan 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Elisabeth Reispich and Jacob Heinrich is:

2789 i. Johann Georg9 Heinrich, born 06 Jan 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2041. William8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Dec 1892 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 26 Jun 1968 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Magdalena Lena ? Abt. 1914. She was born 04 Apr 1896 in Russia, and died Oct 1978.

Notes for William Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Sept 2008:

"William immigrated to the United States with his father Henry Helzer about 1900. It appeared that Elizabeth Jost/Yost was his mother, however, there is a discrepancy with his birth date and the marriage date of Henry and Elizabeth. It is unclear if this was an error in facts or that William may have had a different mother."

Apr 2009: From Sue Myers McKechnie "William’s biological mother is still a mystery. Henry would have been about 21 when William was born, 27 December 1892, and since Henry married Elizabeth in 1896, she’s not his biological mother. "

Children of William Helzer and Magdalena ? are:

2790 i. Edward9 Helzer, born 09 Jun 1915 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 15 Nov 1988 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2791 ii. Leroy Helzer, born 03 Sep 1918 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 10 Jun 1998 in California.

2792 iii. William Helzer, born Abt. 1920 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2045. Edith Louise8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1903 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 31 Jul 1946 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married (1) Henry Adam Cook 22 Apr 1924 in Portland, Oregon. He was born 09 Mar 1902 in Sinabath, Russia, and died 29 Nov 1933. She married (2) Harold Cook Abt. 1938. He was born 1906, and died 09 Apr 1966.

Notes for Edith Louise Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

"Edith Helzer married Henry Cook on Apr 22, 1924, after his death in 1933, she married Harold Cook around 1938. No relation."

Mar 2009: Received an email from Sue McKechnie. "Edith Louise Helzer Cook, you've got it listed as 1987. I either sent you the wrong date or it just got miss typed, anyway her death date is 1946. "

Notes for Henry Adam Cook:

Apr 2009: From Sue McKechnie: Henry Adam Koch (old spelling)

Children of Edith Helzer and Henry Cook are:

2793 i. Infant9 Cook, born Abt. 1925 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died Abt. 1925 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Infant Cook:

Prior to the birth of Henry (Sonny) in 1927, Edith and Henry Cook had an infant that did not survive.

2794 ii. Henry Cook, born 16 Jan 1927 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married (1) Jean McGlumphy Abt. 1948; born 1928 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married (2) Esther ? Abt. 1958; born Abt. 1927.

Notes for Henry Cook:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Henry and Jean Cook adopted brothers, Steve and Kim.

Henry was widowed from his second wife, Esther and divorced from his third wife, Jackie.

+ 2795 iii. Beatrice Edith Cook, born 07 Jul 1928 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 18 Jun 1988 in Sublimity, Marion Co, Oregon.

2046. Hilda8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Apr 1905 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 11 Aug 1987 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married William Hohnstein Abt. 1926. He was born Abt. 1906 in Oregon.

Notes for Hilda Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Children of Hilda Helzer and William Hohnstein are:

2796 i. William9 Hohnstein, born 1927; died Deceased.

2797 ii. ? Hohnstein, born Abt. 1929.

2047. Beatrice Mary8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Apr 1907 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 30 Sep 1949 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Samuel Brethauer. He was born 17 Feb 1908, and died 02 Aug 1982.

Notes for Beatrice Mary Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

May 2009: Email from Sue McKechnie: "I made contact with another cousin in Florida. Her grandmother, Beatrice Helzer Brethauer and my grandmother, Edith Helzer Cook, were sisters. "

Children of Beatrice Helzer and Samuel Brethauer are:

2798 i. Monte Leon9 Brethauer, born 08 Apr 1931; died 14 Oct 1994.

Notes for Monte Leon Brethauer:

Oct 2009: Received an email from Sue Myers McKechnie with more information. "Beatrice also had another son, Monte and his kids are in the surrounding Portland area."

+ 2799 ii. Dale Everett Brethauer, born 11 Aug 1932; died 14 Nov 1988.

2048. Esther8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Apr 1909 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 20 Feb 1993 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married (1) Willard Bergren Abt. 1928. He was born Abt. 1908. She married (2) Lavene Cook Abt. 1950. He was born 18 Jul 1912, and died 27 Sep 1981.

Notes for Esther Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Child of Esther Helzer and Willard Bergren is:

2800 i. Mona9 Lee, born Abt. 1929.

Notes for Mona Lee:

Mar 2008: Received email from Sue McKechnie. "I got Henry's obituary from my cousin, Mona Lee, who found it in her mother's things after she passed away. Her mom was Esther, Henry and Margaret's daughter. "

2049. Flora8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Mar 1915 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 09 Sep 1995 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Jacob Poppenheim. He was born 28 Mar 1914, and died 01 May 2003.

Notes for Flora Helzer:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Children of Flora Helzer and Jacob Poppenheim are:

2801 i. Yvonne9 Poppenheim, born 23 Jul 1932; died Deceased.

2802 ii. Private Poppenheim, born Abt. 1934. She married ? Tooze; born Private.

2056. Harry8 Helzer (Johannes7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Mar 1906 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 15 Sep 1988 in Washington County, Oregon. He married (1) Mary M Melcher Abt. 1928. She was born 29 Oct 1909 in America. He married (2) Ruby ? Abt. 1940. She was born Abt. 1906.

Notes for Harry Helzer:

Jan 2007: There is a question on his birth year. 1905 or 1906.

Feb 2007: Email received from Bill Wainwright, with information from Garry Helzer.

"1. Cards from Dad's funeral which give the date as 3/31/06

2. A program for Palm Sunday 1920 (3/28/20) from the First German Congregational Ebenezer Church (7-th and Stanton) which lists Harry Helzer as one of the confirmands.

3. A June 1921 certificate indicating that Harry Helzer had completed the course of study at the Albina Homestead School (grammar school) and a June 1923 certificate for Mary M. Melcher (My mother, although if she had a middle name I don't recall ever hearing it.)

4. A Melcher family genealogy compiled by Barbara Claire (Melcher) Stump. I don't know her, she lists Harry Helzer's birth date as 3/31/06 and Mary' Melcher's (no middle name) birth date as 10/29/09.

*** I'd say that 3/31/06 is a more probable birthdate than 3/31/05, but not by much."

Feb 2007: Per the above information, I have changed his birth year to 1906.

Notes for Mary M Melcher:

Feb 2007: Receive email from Garry Helzer. "My mother Mary was his first. She was, according to Barbara Claire Stump, one of seven children born to John George Melcher and Marie Elizabeth Linker, who were married in the Volga German colony of Brunnental and came to the USA in 1898."

Child of Harry Helzer and Mary Melcher is:

2803 i. Garry9 Helzer, born Abt. 1930.

Notes for Garry Helzer:

Feb 2007: Email received from Bill Wainwright, with information from Garry Helzer.

2075. Adam8 Helzer (Conrad7, Conrad6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1908.

Notes for Adam Helzer:

Oct 2006:

"Adam Kindsvater/Helzer (age five in the census of 1913-1914) Adam was married several times and had one son, Adam Jr. He retired from the Colorado Bureau of Mines and lived to be 76."

Child of Adam Helzer is:

2804 i. Adam9 Helzer, Jr., born Abt. 1928.

2084. Selma Letha8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Nov 1892 in Hastings, Nebraska, and died 27 Mar 1963 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Richard Freitag 16 Jan 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born 24 Apr 1891 in Harburg ??, and died 09 Nov 1982 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Selma Letha Helzer:

Dec 2002: Family information from Gary Davenport via email.

Children of Selma Helzer and Richard Freitag are:

+ 2805 i. Margaret Lois9 Freitag, born 01 Dec 1917 in Kankakee, Illinois.

+ 2806 ii. James Freitag, born Abt. 1919.

+ 2807 iii. Evelyn Marie Freitag, born 26 Apr 1920 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 16 Dec 1991 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2808 iv. Ruth Esther Freitag, born 18 Jan 1922 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2085. Herman8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Sep 1894 in Hastings, Nebraska, and died 29 May 1955 in Modoc, California. He married Ruth Kammerzell Abt. 1916. She was born Abt. 1896.

Children of Herman Helzer and Ruth Kammerzell are:

2809 i. Joyce9 Helzer, born Abt. 1920.

2810 ii. Wade Helzer, born Abt. 1922.

2086. Esther Maria8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jan 1897, and died Mar 1923. She married Herman Schiewe Abt. 1920. He was born Abt. 1896.

Child of Esther Helzer and Herman Schiewe is:

2811 i. Lorene9 Schiewe, born Nov 1922.

2087. Johannes Harold8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Mar 1899, and died 14 Feb 1968 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Esther Ida Hoffman Abt. 1920. She was born Abt. 1900.

Child of Johannes Helzer and Esther Hoffman is:

2812 i. Shirley9 Helzer, born Abt. 1922.

2089. Albert Frederick8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Feb 1904, and died Jul 1983. He married Opal Wynn Abt. 1925. She was born Abt. 1905.

Child of Albert Helzer and Opal Wynn is:

2813 i. Stanley9 Helzer, born Abt. 1930.

2090. Edna8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Aug 1906, and died 01 Feb 1997 in California. She married Theodore Samuel Weiss 05 Jun 1928 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1900.

Notes for Edna Helzer:

Birth Date: 16 Aug 1906

Death Date: 1 Feb 1997 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: California

Social Security Number: 569-88-4914

Death Residence Localities: ZIP Code: 95382 Localities: Turlock, Stanislaus, California

Child of Edna Helzer and Theodore Weiss is:

+ 2814 i. David Theodore9 Weiss, born Abt. 1930.

2115. Solomon Albert (Sam)8 Helzer (Jacob7, Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Dec 1901 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He married Gladys Frederike Serofia Ruebsamen 24 Dec 1929. She was born 08 Nov 1908.

Notes for Solomon Albert (Sam) Helzer:

Aug 2007: Email received from Carol Sinner. She found this in the Harvard, Nebraska 100 Years book.

HELZER Biography

Solomon Albert Helzer, known as Sam, was born in Hastings, NE December 12, 1901. His ancestors were of a group from Germany who migrated to a colony in Russia. Grandfather Henry Helzer, 5 sons and 2 daughters came to Nebraska from Norka, Russia. Two daughters and one son were born here from a second marriage. Father Jacob Helzer, born August 6, 1873 located in Hastings, where in 1895 he married Katherine Sittner, born December 20, 1872, in Hook, Russia. Her parents, 6 daughters and one son, also came from Russia to Nebraska.

Jacob and Katherine had a family of seven children, 4 boys and 3 girls. Sam, the fourth child, attended schools in several towns where his father worked for the Burlington Railroad. At age 14 he started working for his father, and spent almost 49 years maintaining tracks to keep them in condition for trains to run safely.

December 24, 1929 he married Gladys Frederike Serofia Ruebsamen, born November 8, 1908, and named for both grandmothers. She graduated from Harvard High School in 1925, attended Kearney State College. They lived in many towns in the Lincoln Division during the years, moved to Harvard in 1956, retired in 1964, and still (1973) live on North Clay. Their only son, Don Solomon, was born January 14, 1931 in Inland, NE. He graduated from Kenesaw High School in 1948, attended Hastings College, University of NE, and served in the Marine Air Corps.

November 22, 1956 he married Saralynn Newman, a registered nurse, in Atlanta, GA. They have two daughters, Donna Louise born PRIVATE, and Ellen Elizabeth born PRIVATE. They now live in Greensboro, NC where Don is salesman engineer in the machine tool division for Tide Water Supply Company.

Child of Solomon Helzer and Gladys Ruebsamen is:

+ 2815 i. Don Solomon9 Helzer, born 1931 in Inland, Nebraska.

2123. Richard8 Helzer (Ludwig H (Louis)7, Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1912, and died 19 Feb 1972 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Verdila Adkins Abt. 1932. She was born Abt. 1912.

Children of Richard Helzer and Verdila Adkins are:

2816 i. John9 Helzer, born Abt. 1934.

2817 ii. Tim Helzer, born Abt. 1936.

2818 iii. Ned Helzer, born Abt. 1938.

2124. Grayce8 Helzer (Ludwig H (Louis)7, Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1914. She married Maurice Phillips Abt. 1934. He was born Abt. 1913.

More About Grayce Helzer:

Comment 1: lived in Monterey CA

Child of Grayce Helzer and Maurice Phillips is:

2819 i. Charles9 Phillips, born Private.

2136. Heinrich8 HELZER (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Dec 1886 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 11 Nov 1948 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. He married Elizabeth Bader 03 Mar 1910 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She was born 17 Jan 1887 in Prairie Creek, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 26 Nov 1971 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Notes for Heinrich HELZER:

2005: Helzer Pleve chart.

June 2007: Information from has 28 Dec 1886

Mar 2008:

"Henry, father of Frieda Oakeson and Mamie Leth, was born in Norka and came to the United States with his parents at age 4. He married Elizabeth Bader on March 8, 1910, and the couple had six children: Emma, Albert, Walter, Martin, Frieda and Meta (called Mamie). Henry and Elizabeth raised their family on a farm in Gage Valley, located between St. Paul and Palmer."

Children of Heinrich HELZER and Elizabeth Bader are:

2820 i. Emma Christine9 Helzer, born 22 Jul 1912 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 09 Jan 1995 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska. She married Michel Wadislaus Knothe 15 Jul 1935 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska; born Abt. 1900 in St. Paul, Howard, Nebraska; died 14 Oct 1979 in St. Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Notes for Emma Christine Helzer:

June 2007: Information from .

Burial: St. Paul, Howard Co, Nebraska

Notes for Michel Wadislaus Knothe:

June 2007: Information from .

note: this site has Michel not spelled "Michael"

2821 ii. Albert John Helzer, born 16 Mar 1914 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 15 Jul 1976 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska. He married Dorothy Irene Ross 02 Jun 1938 in Palmer, Nebraska; born 12 Dec 1918 in Palmer, Howard, Nebraska; died 29 Apr 1990 in Nebraska.

Notes for Albert John Helzer:

June 2007: Information from

Jan 2011: Added spouse from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

Burial: West Lawn Cemetery, Grand Island, Nebraska

Notes for Dorothy Irene Ross:

June 2007: Information from

2822 iii. Walter Henry Helzer, born 22 Dec 1916 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 30 Jan 1976 in Palmer, Howard, Nebraska. He married Helga Elizabeth Paulsen 19 Apr 1940 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; born 08 Oct 1916 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; died 08 Dec 2004 in Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Notes for Walter Henry Helzer:

June 2007: Information from .

Jan 2011: Added spouse from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

2823 iv. Martin Louie Helzer, born 30 Dec 1918 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 12 Mar 1963 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Edna Catherine Petersen 18 Mar 1942 in Walla Walla, Yakima, Washington; born 12 Feb 1917 in Cusing, Howard, Nebraska; died 21 Nov 2005 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska.

Notes for Martin Louie Helzer:

June 2007: Information from .

Jan 2011: Added spouse from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

2824 v. Frieda Marie Helzer, born 29 Feb 1920 in Gage, Valley, Nebraska; died 15 Sep 2006 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married Howard Marvin Oakeson 16 May 1941 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; born 13 Sep 1920 in Cushing, Howard, Nebraska; died 25 Apr 2008 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska.

Notes for Frieda Marie Helzer:

Mar 2008:

Today, Marnie Helzer leth, 82 and her sister Frieda Helzer Oakeson, 84, are the last surviving children of Henry and Elizabeth Helzer.

"Frieda recalled that the Henry Helzer family spoke German in the home until the oldest sister, Emma, started school. Their church services were also in German for many years.

"Emma didn't learn English until she went to school," Frieda said. "The other kids picked it up from her and also from our parents who, at that point, began speaking English in our home for the sake of their children. They had been told that in the United States, they had to speak English."

Frieda and Mamie didn't see their grandparents much. In those early days, it took awhile to get from rural Howard County to Grand Island, so the entire family didn't make the trip very often."

Jan 2011: Added spouse and other info from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

2825 vi. Meta F Mamie Helzer, born 03 May 1922 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. She married Clarence Leth 06 Jun 1942 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California; born 12 Sep 1920 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Notes for Meta F Mamie Helzer:

Mar 2008:

They were all farmers," Mamie said of grandparents Henry and Emma, "and life was rough for them. Grandma Helzer was from a rich family and her parents didn't want her to marry our grandfather because he had little money. Families had to live together, two or three generations in one house."

"In recalling family stories, Mamie's strongest impression was of the hard life the Germans had in Russia.

Grandmother Emma worked as a hired girl before marrying. She remembered the homes in Norka as being wooden, with papered walls and dirt floors covered with white sand. Her five brothers all came to America together, arriving on June 28, 1889. They embarked from Bremen, Germany."

Jan 2011: Added spouse from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

2137. Johann Philipp8 HELZER (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 May 1890 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 06 Dec 1953 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. He married Eunice Irene Snyder 11 Feb 1915 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. She was born 05 Jul 1893 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 13 Jul 1986 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Johann Philipp HELZER:

May 2010: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on her line. She has set up a site on: She has he was born in 1891.

May 2010: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with his children. "Johann Phillip Helzer on the big Norka tree and came to America when he was 3. He had 3 children. Phyllis Lorene Helzer Pressler, Paul Helzer and Irene Dorothy Helzer Woodburn (my mother)."

Children of Johann HELZER and Eunice Snyder are:

2826 i. Paul Albert9 Helzer, born 07 Jan 1916 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska; died 16 Sep 1997 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He married Leota Fern Meyer 17 Feb 1937 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; born 25 Jan 1916 in St Michael, Mebraska; died 07 Dec 1988 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Paul Albert Helzer:

Jan 2011: Added spouse from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

+ 2827 ii. Irene Dorothy Helzer, born 22 Aug 1918 in Mayfield, Hall Co, Nebraska; died 31 Jul 2002 in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska.

2828 iii. Phyllis Lorene Helzer, born 16 Sep 1928 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska. She married Roy Charles Pressler 26 Jun 1949 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska; born 03 Nov 1927 in Central City, Merrick, Nebraska.

2138. Anna Elisabeth8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Apr 1893 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 20 Jun 1980 in Fresno, Fresno, California. She married Harry Clifton Prince 07 Aug 1916 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He was born 21 Sep 1891 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 23 Dec 1975 in Fresno, Fresno, California.

Notes for Anna Elisabeth Helzer:

Jan 2011: Added per Kathleen Turnquist's site.

Children of Anna Helzer and Harry Prince are:

2829 i. Vern Clifton9 Prince, born 08 Aug 1917 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 08 Sep 1917 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska.

2830 ii. John Henry Prince, born 07 Dec 1919 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Ida Mae Ludington 01 Aug 1942 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California; born 1921.

+ 2831 iii. Jean Elizabeth Prince, born 31 Dec 1923 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska.

2832 iv. Rene Mae Prince, born 03 Sep 1929 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California. She married (1) Richard Stahlberg 11 Aug 1950 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California; born 19 Oct 1925 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California; died 25 Aug 1987 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California. She married (2) Thomas William Mitchell 17 Jun 1978 in Ojac, California; born 25 Mar 1920 in Springfield, Missouri; died 10 May 2010 in Camarilo, California.

2139. John George8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Oct 1894 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 12 Feb 1967 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. He married Mabel May Jackson 25 Jun 1919 in Dannelbrog, Howard, Nebraska. She was born 28 Nov 1898 in Dannebrog, Howard, Nebraska, and died 17 Dec 1983 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for John George Helzer:

Jan 2011: Added children from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

Children of John Helzer and Mabel Jackson are:

2833 i. John Dale9 Helzer, born 18 Oct 1921 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska. He married Billy Jean Lee 24 Mar 1953 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; born Abt. 1921.

2834 ii. Donald James Helzer, born 25 Nov 1923 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. He married (1) Charlene Florence Crowe 08 Sep 1942 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska; born 15 May 1924 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. He married (2) Frances Alice Showalter 04 Mar 1992 in Parker, Arizona; born 12 Jun 1922 in Aliquipa, Pennsylvania.

2140. Louie Christian (Louie)8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Oct 1896 in Edgemont, Fall River, South Dakota, and died 01 Apr 1985 in Thomasville, Georgia. He married Hazel Irene Hartford 02 Mar 1921 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She was born 13 Jun 1901 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 26 Apr 2003 in Thomasville, Thomas, Georgia.

Child of Louie Helzer and Hazel Hartford is:

+ 2835 i. Mary Ellyn9 Helzer, born 29 Jun 1927 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska.

2141. Katherine Christina (Kate)8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Mar 1900 in Hall, Nebraska, and died 27 Nov 1976 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. She married William John Horstman 12 Jan 1920 in Hasting, Adams, Nebraska. He was born 13 Jan 1900 in Wood River, Hall, Nebraska, and died 11 Dec 1965 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Children of Katherine Helzer and William Horstman are:

2836 i. Raymond William9 Horstman, born 08 Aug 1920 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; died 30 Jul 1986 in Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania. He married (1) Norma Elayne Bouchard 1941 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; born Abt. 1920. He married (2) Rose ? Abt. 1960 in Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania; born Abt. 1920.

2837 ii. Robert Lee Horstman, born 23 Feb 1928 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He married Shirley Elaine Wyss 26 Jun 1949 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; born Abt. 1928.

2143. Caroline Lena8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jan 1904 in Cairo, Hall, Nebraska, and died in Osage, Mitchell, Iowa. She married Harry Gideon Bunge 05 Jul 1927 in Delmont, South Dakota. He was born 05 May 1903 in Davenport, Scott, Iowa, and died 11 Jan 1981 in Osage, Mitchell, Iowa.

Notes for Caroline Lena Helzer:

Jan 2011: Updated alot of info from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

Notes for Harry Gideon Bunge:

June 2007: On the internet, there is an artical in a newsletter from "Mittchell County Regional Health Center - North Iowa.". It has a notice that a gift was given in member of Harry and Lena.

Child of Caroline Helzer and Harry Bunge is:

2838 i. Paul John9 Bunge, born 1934 in Auburn, Nebraska. He married (1) Nadine Diane Tjarks 19 Mar 1954 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; born 1934 in Inland, Nebraska; died 27 Jun 1954 in Fremont, Nebraska. He married (2) Gloria Mae Thompson 10 Feb 1957 in Inwin, Iowa; born 1932 in Irwin, Iowa.

2145. Frieda Louise8 Helzer (Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Apr 1909 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married (1) Andrew Weiland 21 Jun 1930 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He was born 27 Jul 1904 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, and died 23 Jan 1962 in Leavenworth, Kansas. She married (2) Loren Murphy 25 Jan 1962 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California. He was born Abt. 1908.

Notes for Frieda Louise Helzer:

Jan 2011: Added this child and family from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist's site.

Children of Frieda Helzer and Andrew Weiland are:

2839 i. Roy Tom9 Weiland, born 1931 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He married Donna Rae Reynolds 03 Sep 1954 in Maywood, Cook, Illinois; born 1937 in Cook Co, Illinois.

2840 ii. Jannis Louise Weiland, born 1933 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married (1) Donald Beck Dec 1951 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska; born 1932. She married (2) Philip Argaill Wilson 31 Mar 1969 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California; born 27 Aug 1917 in Jackson, Wyoming.

2841 iii. James Dean Weiland, born 1938 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He married Linda ? 1956; born Abt. 1938.

2842 iv. Glenn Ray Weiland, born 1944 in Quincy, Illinois. He married (1) Marilyn Smith 1970; born Abt. 1944. He married (2) Susan Beck 04 Mar 1978 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California; born 1943.

2843 v. Linda Kay Weiland, born 1948 in Quincy, Illinois. She married Dennis St Amand 04 Jul 1969 in Redondo Beach, Calilfornia; born Abt. 1948.

2146. Nicholas P8 HELZER (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Bet. 14 - 17 May 1889 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 17 Oct 1962. He married Ida H Niemoth 15 Mar 1914 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska. She was born 07 Jun 1889, and died 26 Apr 1961 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Nicholas P HELZER:

Oct 2006: Added family per email from Teri Helzer.

Oct 2009:


p106 #2647 15 Mar 1914 Worms, Merrick, NE

Helzer, Nick P. 24 bp: Russia res: Merrick

Parents: Louis Helzer & Lizzie Alt

Niemoth, Ida H. W. 24 bp: Merrick res: Merrick

Parents: Charles Niemoth & Louise Quant

Married by W. Ludwig, Cath Pastor. Witnesses: Otto Niemoth, Pauline Helzer, John Helzer & Clara Danherd?

Jan 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Turnquist, added information.

Children of Nicholas HELZER and Ida Niemoth are:

2844 i. Norma9 Helzer, born 09 Dec 1914; died 03 Oct 1997 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. She married (1) August Thede 15 Aug 1936; born Abt. 1914; died 11 Jan 1963. She married (2) Harold Akerman 23 May 1981 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska; born Abt. 1914; died 10 Feb 1987.

Notes for Norma Helzer:

Jan 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Turnquist, added information.

2845 ii. Milton Helzer, born 23 Sep 1917.

2846 iii. Lucille L Helzer, born 13 Aug 1920; died 29 Apr 2008 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. She married Lawrence Wieck 17 May 1940; born Abt. 1920.

2147. John Henry Conrad8 Helzer (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jul 1892 in Merrick, Nebraska, and died 21 May 1982. He married Erna Louis Niemoth 27 Apr 1921 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska. She was born 08 Oct 1900 in Buffalo, Nebraska, and died 10 Apr 1981 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Children of John Helzer and Erna Niemoth are:

2847 i. Violet Louise9 Helzer, born 04 Jun 1922 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska; died 30 Nov 2003 in Los Angeles, California.

2848 ii. Bernice L Helzer, born 04 May 1924 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska; died 04 Feb 2000 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. She married Welden Dale Hellwege 21 Dec 1947 in Worm, Merrick, Nebraska; born Abt. 1924; died 10 May 1972.

2849 iii. Shirley Jan Helzer, born 28 Jul 1934.

2148. Pauline8 Helzer (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jan 1895, and died 20 Jun 1961. She married Andrew Simonson 11 Apr 1917 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska. He was born 04 Sep 1892 in Merrick Co, Nebraska, and died 03 Apr 1971 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska.

Notes for Pauline Helzer:

Oct 2009:

p374 #2908 11 Apr 1917 Worms, Merrick, NE

Simonson, Andrew 24 bp: Nebr res: Palmer, Neb

Parents: Simon Simonson & Anna M. Jenson

Helzer, Pauline 22 bp: Nebr res: Prairie Creek, Neb

Parents: Ludwig Helzer & Elizabeth Alt

Married by W. Ludwig, Ev. Luth Pastor. Witnesses: John Hodges of Worms & Mrs. Emma Simonson of Worms

Child of Pauline Helzer and Andrew Simonson is:

2850 i. Ruth9 Simonson, born Abt. 1920.

2149. Christina M8 Helzer (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 May 1897 in Hall, Nebraska, and died 18 Jun 1969 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. She married August H Bader 10 Apr 1916 in Worms, Merrick Co, Nebraska. He was born 06 Nov 1895 in Merrick, Nebraska, and died 14 Feb 1962 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska.

Notes for August H Bader:

Jan 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Turnquist, added information.

Children of Christina Helzer and August Bader are:

2851 i. Harold9 Bader, born 13 Jan 1917 in Merrick Co, Nebraska; died 16 Sep 1993 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He married Evelyn Niemoth 03 Oct 1948 in Worm, Merrick, Nebraska; born 08 Feb 1925.

2852 ii. Ellen Bader, born 28 Oct 1922 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 05 Jul 2008 in Ravenna, Buffalo, Nebraska. She married Lyman Wedemeyer 25 Aug 1946 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska; born 01 Oct 1922 in Ravenna, Buffalo, Nebraska; died 07 Oct 2007 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska.

2150. August Anton8 Helzer (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Dec 1900 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 24 Aug 1968 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Emma Margaret Simonson 03 Mar 1924 in Prairie Creek Twp, Merrick, Nebraska. She was born 24 Jan 1901 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska.

Notes for August Anton Helzer:

Oct 2009:

p35 #3587 3 Mar 1924 Prairie Creek Twp, Merrick, NE

Helzer, August A.23bp: Nebraskares: St. Libory, NEocc: Farmer

Parents: Louis Helzer & Elizabeth Ault

Simonson, Emma M.23bp: Nebraskares: St. Libory, NE

Parents: Simon Simonson & Anna Jensen

Married by P. Langrath, Luth. Minister. Witnesses: Miss Frieda Helzer of

St. Libory & Henry Helzer of St. Libory, NE

Jan 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Turnquist, added information. Marriage could be Mar 9.

Oct 2006: Buried Caldwell, Canyon Co, Idaho

Children of August Helzer and Emma Simonson are:

2853 i. Broyce Allen9 Helzer, born 26 Mar 1925 in Merrick Co, Nebraska. He married (1) June Kinley Jan 1949 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska; born Abt. 1925. He married (2) Iris Kathleen Polly Sumner 24 May 1974 in Reno, Washoe, Nevada; born Abt. 1925.

2854 ii. Grace Adelaide Helzer, born 17 Jul 1926 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. She married Smith Girard Jennings 17 Aug 1948 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; born 11 Jan 1924 in Billings, Montana.

2855 iii. Leon Louis Helzer, born 27 Aug 1929 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Patsy Ruth Harpt 11 Jan 1956 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho; born 13 Sep 1931 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho.

2856 iv. Albert John Helzer, born 1930 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Edilma R Pense 21 Aug 1954 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; born Abt. 1930.

2857 v. Elmer Paul Helzer, born 1933 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Sandra Mitchel 12 Oct 1955 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho; born Abt. 1934.

2858 vi. Gladys May Helzer, born 1935 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. She married Tolly Gwynn 17 Oct 1954 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho; born Abt. 1935.

2859 vii. Gerald Harian Helzer, born 1937 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska. He married Eunice Maurine Gilbetrtson 06 Nov 1959 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho; born 1939 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho.

2860 viii. Gary Dale Helzer, born 1944 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho. He married Anita Louise Torchio-Hetvick 21 May 1976 in Sparks, Washoe, Nevada; born 1939 in Edinburgh, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.

2152. Frieda Caroline Elizabeth8 HELZER (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Feb 1907 in Howard, Nebraska, and died 17 Jan 1970 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska. She married Milton Fredrick Henry Loffelbein 18 Jun 1937 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He was born 01 Apr 1907 in Merrick, Nebraska, and died 18 Mar 1972 in Merrick, Nebraska.

Notes for Frieda Caroline Elizabeth HELZER:

Oct 2006: Buried Worms, Nebraska

Children of Frieda HELZER and Milton Loffelbein are:

2861 i. Darlene Yvonne9 Loffelbein, born 1938 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska.

2862 ii. Kenneth Milton Loffelbein, born 09 Mar 1941 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 28 Sep 2008 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska.

2863 iii. Dean Herman Loffelbein, born 03 May 1944 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska; died 16 May 1997 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska.

2153. Hanna8 Helzer (Ludwig Louis7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Oct 1910 in St Libory, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 24 Jan 1978 in Edar Rapids, Linn, Iowa. She married Clarence Windfield 12 Apr 1928 in Worms, Merrick, Nebraska. He was born Abt. 1907.

Notes for Hanna Helzer:

Oct 2009:

p324 #I-324 12 Apr 1928 Worms, Merrick,, NE

Windfield, Clarence21bp: Nebraskares: Chapman, Nebr occ: Farmer

Parents: Thomas Windfield & Lydia Wagner

Helzer, Hannah18bp: Nebraskares: St. Libory, Nebr occ: Housekeeper

Parents: Louis Helzer & Elizabeth Ault

Married by F. J. F. Frese, St. Libory, Nebr. Permission for Hannah to marry was signed by her father. Witnesses: Frieda Helzer of St. Libory & Mabel Windfield of Chapman, Nebr. Surname also appears as Winfield.

Children of Hanna Helzer and Clarence Windfield are:

2864 i. Romona9 Windfield, born Abt. 1930.

2865 ii. Loren C Windfield, born Abt. 1932.

2866 iii. Deanna Windfield, born Abt. 1934.

2156. Elizabeth Agnes8 Helzer (Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Jun 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Aug 1998 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska. She married William Henry Meyer 24 Jun 1925 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. He was born 20 Nov 1898 in Grone, Germany, and died 09 Apr 1983 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska.

Notes for Elizabeth Agnes Helzer:

Oct 2009:

p104 #3656 24 Jun 1925 Worms, Merrick, NE

Meyer, William Henry26bp: Germanyres: Palmer, NEocc: Farmer

Parents: Frederick Meyer & Carolina Horstman

Helzer, Elizabeth Agnes22bp: Russiares: Palmer, NE

Parents: Peter Helzer & Margaret Dick

Married by F. J. F. Trese, Ev. Minister. Witnesses: Fred Meyer of St. Libory, NE &

Frieda Helzer of St Llibory, NE

Oct 2006: Added per email from Teri Helzer.

Notes for William Henry Meyer:

Dec 2009: Burial: Lutheran Cemetery, Worms, NE

On the above site, there ia a quote: "Alfred says that Bill claimed he could pick a 100 bushels of corn in a day and that is how he got the nick name, "60 Bushell Bill. "

Dec 2009: I do not know who Alfred is.

Dec 2009:

Obit: PALMERR--William H. Meyer, 84, of rural Palmer died unexpectedly Saturday at his home.

Services will be Tuesday at 2. P.M. at Zion Lutheran Church in Worms. The Rev. Richard Kothe will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Visitation will be Monday from 7-9 P.M. at Greenway Funeral Home in Palmer.

Memorials are suggested to the church.

Mr. Meyer was born Nov. 20, 1898 at Graue, Germany. The son of Frederick and Caroline Horstman Meyer. They came to the U.S. in 1903 and settled near Palmer. He grew up and recieved his education at District 39 and Zion Lutheran Schools. He married Elizabeth Helzer on June 24, 1925. They farmed south of Palmer. He was baptized and confirmed in the Zion Lutheran Church at Worms.

Survivors include his widow; three sons, Eugene of Murray; Orville of Lincoln and Marlon of Palmer; a daughter, Mrs. Adeline Nelson of Lincoln; a sister, Mrs. Marie Possin of Grand Island; 19 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. He was preceeded in death by two brothers and a great-grandchild.

Children of Elizabeth Helzer and William Meyer are:

+ 2867 i. Eugene William9 Meyer, born 21 Apr 1926 in Palmer, Nebraska; died Abt. 1994 in Palmer, Nebraska.

+ 2868 ii. Adeline Rose Meyer, born 30 Jun 1927.

+ 2869 iii. Orvill Lloyd Meyer, born 04 Mar 1929 in Palmer, Nebraska.

+ 2870 iv. Marlon Lee Meyer, born 07 Nov 1932 in Palmer, Nebraska; died 25 Aug 1997.

2161. Samuel Philipp8 Helzer (Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Nov 1916 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska, and died 15 Dec 1971 in Hastings, Adams, Nebraska. He married Dora Christina Weitzel 21 Aug 1940 in Mankato, Jewell, Kansas, daughter of George Weitzel and Christina Schmer. She was born 07 Nov 1917 in Harvard, Clay, Nebraska, and died 27 Dec 1987 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Children of Samuel Helzer and Dora Weitzel are:

2871 i. Thomas9 Helzer, born Private.

2872 ii. Robert Helzer, born Private.

+ 2873 iii. Ronald Ray Helzer, born Private.

+ 2874 iv. Janice Helzer, born Private.

2162. George8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Aug 1911 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 20 Mar 1958 in Los Angeles, California. He married Minna Hagelcanz Abt. 1933 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born Abt. 1913, and died in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Children of George Helzer and Minna Hagelcanz are:

2875 i. Donna9 Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Manuel Arrts; born Private.

2876 ii. Steve Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2163. John8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Jun 1913 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 28 Nov 1973 in Elma, Grays Harbor, Washington. He married Irene ?. She was born Abt. 1914.

Notes for John Helzer:

Oct 2006: Buried Olympia, Thurston, Washington

Children of John Helzer and Irene ? are:

2877 i. Kathy9 Helzer, born Private.

2878 ii. Susan Helzer, born Private.

2164. Ruben8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Feb 1915 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 18 Dec 1985 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Esther Metzler 24 Sep 1938 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 17 Sep 1917 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Child of Ruben Helzer and Esther Metzler is:

+ 2879 i. Charles D9 Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2165. Donald8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Jan 1917 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Sep 1972 in Long Beach, California. He married Margie Stump 12 Oct 1945 in Vancouver, Washington. She was born 03 Nov 1921 in Wapato, Yakima Co, Washington.

Notes for Donald Helzer:

Oct 2009: Received an email Jessica Helzer Rivas updating her family history.

"I spoke to my Dad and he said that my grandmother and grandfather were married October 12th, 1945 in Vancouver, Washington. "

Notes for Margie Stump:

Oct 2009: Received an email Jessica Helzer Rivas updating her family history.

"His Mom's maiden name was Stump. On her birth certificate her last name was spelled Stumpf. "

Child of Donald Helzer and Margie Stump is:

+ 2880 i. Brad9 Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2166. Frederick8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jul 1920 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 16 Sep 1984 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Lura Claudina Walsborn 29 Mar 1945 in Oakland, Alameda, California. She was born 15 Nov 1925 in Spokane, Washington, and died 19 Jun 1994 in Kennewick, Benton, Washington.

Children of Frederick Helzer and Lura Walsborn are:

+ 2881 i. Michael Bruce9 Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 2882 ii. Lura Claudine Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2167. Eleanor8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Aug 1922 in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 23 Mar 2007 in Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Charles Walsborn 14 Nov 1942 in Corpus Christi, Texas. He was born 21 Dec 1917 in Odessa, Washington, and died 26 Jul 2004 in Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Eleanor Helzer:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

She added her death information.

Notes for Charles Walsborn:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

She added his death information.

Children of Eleanor Helzer and Charles Walsborn are:

+ 2883 i. Dennis9 Walsborn, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2884 ii. Barry Walsborn, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Judith Miller; born Private.

2169. Harold8 Helzer (Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Jul 1928 in Gering, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska, and died 1983 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Colleen ?. She was born Abt. 1928.

Notes for Harold Helzer:

Jan 2005: Iinformation provided by Bruce Caron.

Children of Harold Helzer and Colleen ? are:

2885 i. Bruce Helzer9 Caron, born Private.

Notes for Bruce Helzer Caron:

Jan 2005: Bruce sent in the information on the family.

2886 ii. Mark Helzer, born Private.

2208. Johannes8 Blum (Heinrich7, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia. He married Catharina Schleicher 06 Feb 1901 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, daughter of Conrad Schleicher and Catharina Gerlach. She was born 02 Aug 1877 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Child of Johannes Blum and Catharina Schleicher is:

2887 i. Amalie9 Blum, born 09 Jul 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

2219. Christina Magdalena8 Brehm (Catharina7 Blum, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jul 1880 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 28 Mar 1930 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) Johannes Yeager 07 Apr 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, son of Heinrich Yeager and Magdalena Muller. He was born 14 Jul 1879 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 25 Nov 1916 in White Salmon, Washington. She married (2) George Wagner Aft. 1917. He was born Abt. 1876 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Christina Magdalena Brehm:

Aug 2003: Don Spence's book has another son John Yeager.

Notes for Johannes Yeager:

1. Went by the name of John Yeager.

2. Nov 2006: Another spelling of his name - John Jager, Johannes Yeager, John Yeager, John Yeager

3. Sept 2008: Burial: Portland, OR

Notes for George Wagner:

Aug 2003: Don Spence's book doesn't have a 2nd husband.

Children of Christina Brehm and Johannes Yeager are:

2888 i. Catharina9 Yeager, born 01 Apr 1899 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia.

Notes for Catharina Yeager:

Apr 2009: This child added from Ruth Schultz's site.

2889 ii. George Yeager, born 28 Oct 1901 in Denver, Colorado; died 04 May 1954 in Dayton, Ohio.

2890 iii. Lillian (Lydia) Yeager, born 27 Jul 1902 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 02 Aug 1972 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Henry W Wagner; born Abt. 1898 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2891 iv. Peter Yeager, born 21 Mar 1907 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 1960 in Oregon.

2237. Anna Katherine8 Blum (Johannes7, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Dec 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Sep 1977 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Kenneth Douglas Nicoll Abt. 1921. He was born 22 Jul 1902 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 15 Feb 1964 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Anna Katherine Blum:

Mar 2009: Email from Michael Bateman.

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Child of Anna Blum and Kenneth Nicoll is:

+ 2892 i. Arline Florence9 Nicoll, born 06 Mar 1923 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 01 Sep 2000 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2238. Catharina Elizabeth8 Blum (Johannes7, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Dec 1977 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Heinrich Henry Helzer, son of Ludwig HELZER and Christina Weitzel. He was born 24 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Oct 1968 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Heinrich Henry Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. "My great aunt Catherine Elizabeth Blum married Henry Helzer. He was the oldest of three sons born to Ludwig Helzer and Christina Weitzel."

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Mar 2009: Email from Mike Bateman. Added his child.

Child of Catharina Blum and Heinrich Helzer is:

2893 i. Rose Jeanette9 Helzer, born 23 Dec 1926 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Charles Ellsworth 15 Jul 1946 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; born Abt. 1925.

2239. Lydia8 Blum (Johannes7, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Dec 1919 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 21 Dec 1985 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Alexander Fink. He was born 25 Jul 1913 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 15 Feb 1996 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Child of Lydia Blum and Alexander Fink is:

2894 i. Janice Louise9 Fink, born 1948 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Jimmie ? 14 Feb 1982 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; born Abt. 1948.

2240. John Edward8 Glantz (Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Mar 1884 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 03 Apr 1933 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He married (1) Christina Yost 09 Jan 1906 in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado, daughter of Johann YOST and Christina Glantz. She was born 02 Apr 1885 in Balzer Colony, Samara, Russia, and died 15 Oct 1913 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He married (2) Emma Pauline Yost 30 Aug 1914 in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado, daughter of Johann YOST and Christina Glantz. She was born 28 May 1894 in Yuma, Yuma Co, Colorado, and died 24 Apr 1952 in Billings, Yellowstone, Montana.

Notes for John Edward Glantz:

The family moved from Culbertson to Billings in 1911.

July 2008: There is an obit filed with the AHSGR Soar project. Billings, MT Gazette, Tuesday, April 4, 1932. submitted by Louise C England.

"Pneumonia takes John E Glantz - prominent farmer of West Billings Area here since, 14." continues.

Also called: Johann Edward Glantz

Burial: Montview Cemetery

Notes for Christina Yost:

1. Family info from Louise Christina (Glantz) England on a letter from 1978.

This is Louise's paternal grandmother.

2, The first name of 'Catherine' is on the family passport, the only place where it shows. She used the name Christine. Another spelling: Christine Yost

More About Christina Yost:

Burial: Montview Cemetery

Immigration: Moved to America 3 Mar 1891 via New York; naturalized in Arapahoe Co CO Oct 21, 1898.

Children of John Glantz and Christina Yost are:

+ 2895 i. Harold9 Glantz, born 06 Jul 1907 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 05 Nov 1946 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

+ 2896 ii. Raymond (Ray) Glantz, born 06 Sep 1908 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 17 Sep 1949 in Helena, Montana.

+ 2897 iii. Russell Glantz, born 23 May 1910 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 11 Jul 2001 in Red Lodge, Carbon Co, Montana.

2898 iv. Infant Glantz, born 24 Oct 1911 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 24 Oct 1911 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

More About Infant Glantz:

Comment 1: Peggy Glantz has death certificate

2899 v. Infant Glantz, born 12 Sep 1912 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 19 Sep 1912 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

More About Infant Glantz:

Burial: Old Montview Cemetery, Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana

+ 2900 vi. Harry Glantz, born 31 Aug 1913 in Canyon Creek, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 23 Nov 2001 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Children of John Glantz and Emma Yost are:

2901 i. James9 Glantz, born Abt. 1917.

+ 2902 ii. Ralph Glantz I, born 17 Jan 1917 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 27 Jul 1993 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

2903 iii. Esther Glantz, born Abt. 1921. She married ? Harding; born Abt. 1920.

2904 iv. Helen Christine Glantz, born 17 Apr 1923 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 20 Nov 1931 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

2905 v. Dorothy Glantz, born Abt. 1925. She married ? Johnson; born Abt. 1925.

2906 vi. John Glantz, born Abt. 1928.

2907 vii. Wilma Louise Glantz, born 25 May 1930 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 18 Aug 1973.

2242. William (Willie)8 Glantz (Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 16 Nov 1886 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 22 Oct 1971 in Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado. He married Anna Hein 31 Jan 1909. She was born Abt. 1890 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

More About William (Willie) Glantz:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Comment 1: City died from SS records

More About Anna Hein:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Children of William Glantz and Anna Hein are:

2908 i. Elmer9 Glantz, born Abt. 1912.

2909 ii. Helen Marie Glantz, born Abt. 1914; died in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

More About Helen Marie Glantz:

Burial: Culbertson Cemetery

Comment 1: Died at age 10

2910 iii. Erma Glantz, born Abt. 1916.

2911 iv. Arthur Glantz, born Abt. 1918.

More About Arthur Glantz:

Comment 1: Died as a infant

2912 v. Bernice Glantz, born Abt. 1920.

2913 vi. William Glantz, born Abt. 1922.

2914 vii. Melvin Glantz, born Abt. 1924.

2915 viii. Dorothy Glantz, born Abt. 1926.

2243. Katherine (Katie)8 Glantz (Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jan 1888 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 17 Feb 1980 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Henry H Yost 10 Feb 1909, son of Johann Yost and Elisabeth Yost. He was born 07 Sep 1887 in Fairfield, Clay, Nebraska, and died 27 Jul 1970 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

More About Katherine (Katie) Glantz:

Burial: Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska

Notes for Henry H Yost:

on 1900 census, see fathers notes,

Children of Katherine Glantz and Henry Yost are:

2916 i. Rachel9 Yost, born 29 Apr 1911 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. She married William J George 01 Mar 1934 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; born 04 Dec 1898.

More About Rachel Yost:

Comment 1: No children

+ 2917 ii. Ralph E Yost, born 31 Jul 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 20 Feb 1982 in Ventura, Ventura Co, California.

+ 2918 iii. Eunice Louise Yost, born 21 Jan 1922 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2919 iv. Norma Naomi Yost, born 05 May 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

2245. Mollie8 Glantz (Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jun 1892 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 17 Dec 1984 in Calimesa, California. She married John E Young 12 Apr 1916. He was born Abt. 1895.

Child of Mollie Glantz and John Young is:

2920 i. June9 Young, born Abt. 1920.

2247. Sarah8 Glantz (Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Apr 1896 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 14 Jul 1988 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married Frederick (Fred) Gottfried Scheidt 25 Dec 1916 in Trenton, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, son of Johann SCHEIDT and Pauline SINNER. He was born 03 Oct 1893 in Stahl Am Tarlyk Colony, Saratov, Russia (Kukkas Canton-per Louise Glantz England), and died 11 Jul 1995 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Sarah Glantz:

Burial: Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery

Notes for Frederick (Fred) Gottfried Scheidt:

1. Arrived USA Oct 2, 1901. Ellis Island records show the name of Gottfried Scheidt. 6 yrs old.

2. Fred was the oldest that came to America. The 4 older children died young in Russia.

3. Lived in Scottsbluff, Nebraska

4. I, Kathy Brehm LaPella, went to visit him at him home in Scottsbluff, NE in 1980.

5. NEGenWeb Project - Red Willow County Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940

SCHEIDT, FRED: Assistant Manager Gas Company; b Russia, Oct 3, 1893; s of Peter Scheidt-Pauline Sinner; ed Culbertson; York Comml Coll; m Sarah Glantz Dec 25, 1915 Trenton; s Kenneth Harley, Robert Frederick; with parents came from Russia to Greeley Colo then Culbertson; 1915-16 fireman CB&Q RR, McCook div; 1916-17, 1919-22 farmed in Hitchcock Co; 1918 star route mail carrier Culbertson to Hayes Center; 1922-26 train messenger, Amer Rwy Express; off in McCook; 1925- with citizens Gas Co as service man, meter reader, repairman, 1937- asst mgr; chmn publicity com, Kiwanis; mbr retail com C of C; Country Club; hobbies, woodworking, golf, archery; off 109 Main; res 1106 4th West, McCook.

6. Burial: Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery

Children of Sarah Glantz and Frederick Scheidt are:

+ 2921 i. Kenneth Harley (Ken)9 Scheidt, born 09 Aug 1918 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 2922 ii. Robert Frederick (Bob) Scheidt, born 11 Feb 1921 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 15 Mar 1997 in Longview, Washington.

2249. Heinrich Henry8 Helzer (Ludwig7, Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Oct 1902 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 Oct 1968 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Catharina Elizabeth Blum, daughter of Johannes Blum and Catharina Doring. She was born 21 Oct 1905 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 15 Dec 1977 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Heinrich Henry Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. "My great aunt Catherine Elizabeth Blum married Henry Helzer. He was the oldest of three sons born to Ludwig Helzer and Christina Weitzel."

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Mar 2009: Email from Mike Bateman. Added his child.

Child is listed above under (2238) Catharina Elizabeth Blum.

2250. Conrad Coney8 Helzer (Ludwig7, Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Feb 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Jun 1988 in Sonora, Tuolumne, California. He married Mollie Koch. She was born 27 Jan 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 Oct 1977 in Sonora, Tuolumne, California.

Notes for Conrad Coney Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. "My great aunt Catherine Elizabeth Blum married Henry Helzer. He was the oldest of three sons born to Ludwig Helzer and Christina Weitzel. The other sons wrere Conrad C and Peter H."

Added his family and dates.

Notes for Mollie Koch:

Mar 2009: Email received from Michael Bateman. Another spelling: Mollie Cook, Molly Cook

Another possible birth date 24 Jan 1911

Children of Conrad Helzer and Mollie Koch are:

2923 i. Harold9 Helzer, born 1928 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2924 ii. Conrad Delbert Helzer, born 22 Apr 1937 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died 09 Jan 1990 in Sonora, Tuolumne, California.

2925 iii. Marvin Helzer, born Abt. 1940 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

2251. Peter Heinrich8 Helzer (Ludwig7, Johann Nicolaus6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jan 1909 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 30 Oct 1999 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Katherine Elizabeth Traudt 05 Sep 1931 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, daughter of Heinrich Traudt and Sophia Krieger. She was born 26 Aug 1910 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 10 Nov 1975 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Peter Heinrich Helzer:

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. "My great aunt Catherine Elizabeth Blum married Henry Helzer. He was the oldest of three sons born to Ludwig Helzer and Christina Weitzel. The other sons wrere Conrad C and Peter H."

Feb 2009: Received an email from Mike Bateman. Added his dates and spouse.

Notes for Katherine Elizabeth Traudt:

Feb 2009: Email from Michael Bateman. Another spelling: Catherine Elisabeth Traut

Mar 2009: Email from Michael Bateman. I filled in her dates.

Burial: Skyline Memorial Gardens

Children of Peter Helzer and Katherine Traudt are:

2926 i. Shirley Ann9 Helzer, born 10 Jun 1935 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; died Dec 2001 in Battleground, Clark, Washington. She married Leon Hood 10 Jun 1954 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; born Abt. 1940.

2927 ii. Delbert LeRoy Helzer, born 28 Jul 1939 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He married Colleen Kay Fleck 24 Oct 1959 in Phoenix, Arizona; born Abt. 1940.

2271. Lillian8 Helzer (Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Sep 1906, and died 06 Nov 1989. She married Johannes Fink, son of Heinrich Fink and Margaretha Brotzmann. He was born 28 Jan 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 02 Apr 1960.

Notes for Lillian Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

Notes for Johannes Fink:

Jun 2012: Connected Johannes Fink aka John Fink to his parents/grandparents.

Children of Lillian Helzer and Johannes Fink are:

+ 2928 i. JoAnn9 Fink, born 1931 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

+ 2929 ii. William Fink, born 1932 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

2930 iii. George Fink, born 1934 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

2272. Rachel Louise8 Helzer (Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Oct 1907 in Alliance, Nebraska, and died 14 Jul 1987 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married Joseph (Joe) Yost 08 Jan 1931 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska, son of John Yost and Christine Spady. He was born 20 Oct 1905 in Eldorado, Nebraska, and died 21 Nov 1998 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Rachel Louise Helzer:

2007: Per Gloria Yost Griess's book I added Rachel. But do not know her parents.

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

He had Rachel's parents. Also he added her complete death date.

Notes for Joseph (Joe) Yost:

2007: Per Gloria Yost Griess's book I added information on this line.

Child of Rachel Helzer and Joseph Yost is:

+ 2931 i. Roger Lee9 Yost, born 1936 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

2273. William8 Helzer (Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Apr 1912 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and died 14 Apr 1995 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Leah Meisner 03 Sep 1935 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She was born 16 May 1914 in Fort Collins, Colorado, and died 22 Oct 2002 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Notes for William Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

Child of William Helzer and Leah Meisner is:

+ 2932 i. Shirley Ann9 Helzer, born 1939 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

2274. Daniel8 Helzer (Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Jan 1916, and died 28 Sep 1998 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. He married Esther Lackman 23 Jun 1950 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. She was born 22 Jun 1926 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and died 02 Oct 2009 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Notes for Daniel Helzer:

Sept 2009:

Copy of the tombstone.

Daniel HELZER Fairview / Scottsbluff City Cemetery Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Daniel 1/31/1916 9/28/1998 Daniel or Esther Helzer

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Notes for Esther Lackman:

Oct 2009:

Scottsbluff Star Herald Scottsbluff, NE 6 October 2009

Esther Lackman Helzer, 83, of Scottsbluff, died Friday, Oct. 2, 2009, at Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff.

Her funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 5, at Emmanuel Congregational Church in Scottsbluff with Pastor John Adams officiating. Interment will be held at Fairview Cemetery.

Friends may call from 2-5 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 4, at Jolliffe Funeral Home. A memorial has been established in Esther's honor to the church or to the donor's choice. Jolliffe Funeral Home in Scottsbluff is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be left at .

Esther was born on June 22, 1926, to Jacob J. and Sophia (Jerger) Lackman in Scottsbluff. Esther worked on her parent's farm in Minnesota. She received her education in Mitchell Valley Schools and in Minnesota.

Esther married Daniel (Dan) Helzer on June 23, 1950. They lived and farmed north of Scottsbluff for 32 years where they raised their daughters, Sandra and Jean Ann. Esther was a member of Emmanuel Congregational Church for 59 years. She was active in church activities and did volunteer work for the church.

Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Sandra and Mike Crandall of Atlanta, Jean Ann and Mike Sleep of Olathe, Kan.; and three grandchildren, Michael and Katie Crandall and Courtney Sleep.

Her parents, husband, Dan, brothers Alec, Jake, Paul and Henry and sisters Martha, Pauline and Mollie preceded her in death.

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on the Cemetery in Scottsbluff.

Helzer Esther Lackman 6/22/1926 10/2/2009 Daniel or Esther Helzer

Burial: Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff

Children of Daniel Helzer and Esther Lackman are:

+ 2933 i. Sandra9 Helzer, born Private.

+ 2934 ii. Jean Ann Helzer, born Private.

2275. Miriam Virginia8 Helzer (Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Feb 1923 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She married Henry Neuwirth 24 Feb 1948 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He was born 14 Mar 1918 in Scheboygan, Wisconsin, and died 07 Dec 2001 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Notes for Miriam Virginia Helzer:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

"The only correction that I noticed was that Miriam (Helzer) Neuwirth is still alive and doing well. She is the last remaining of the siblings. I am planning on talking to her sometime in the next couple of weeks. She has told us that her dad (George L.) used to send clothes, etc. back to Russia for his older brother. She also said that her dad had a sister that was killed by the Bolsheviks. I don't know which of the two. He was the only one of the siblings that immigrated to the US."

Children of Miriam Helzer and Henry Neuwirth are:

+ 2935 i. James Henry9 Neuwirth, born 1948 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

+ 2936 ii. Larry Alan Neuwirth, born 1954 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

2286. Wilma Kathryn8 Helzer (Johannes7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jan 1918 in Mitchell, Scottsbluff Co, Nebraska, and died 27 Jun 2010 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She married Albert Moore 18 May 1941 in Mitchell, Nebraska. He was born 01 Mar 1908.

Notes for Wilma Kathryn Helzer:

From 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

Jun 2010: Moore, Wilma Kathryn (Helzer), Jan. 23, 1918- June 27, 2010

Wyoming Tribune-Eagle Cheyenne, WY 30 Jun 2010

Mrs. Wilma Kathryn (Helzer) Moore, 92, of Albin went to her heavenly home June 27 at Cheyenne Health Care.

Wilma was born Jan. 23, 1918, in Mitchell, Neb., to John and Catherine (Deines) Helzer.

Her family lived in Mitchell and Scottsbluff, Neb., before moving to Kimball, Neb., in 1931.

Wilma graduated from Kimball High School and attended business college in Hastings, Neb., returning to Kimball to work in the Torgeson Law Office and the American National Bank.Wilma married Albert Moore in 1941 and moved to Albin as his new bride, living there until February.

Al and Wilma owned and operated Moore's Grocery together for 36 years. They were both active in the Albin community and, whenever given the opportunity, expressed their love for the community and the good people in it. Wilma was a member of the Albin Baptist Church and served as a church secretary for more than 40 years, retiring her duties at age 89. She was a member of the church

choir and Delta Club for more than 40 years. She was also a willing worker for vacation bible school, GMG Girls Club, Albin Day, Albin Community Club and especially enjoyed being involved in community plays. Wilma was honored as grand marshall for the 79th Albin Day celebration. She was very patriotic and displayed the flag with great pride. Her grandchildren were the pride and joy of her life. She was a fun grandma, making a positive influence in their lives while supporting them by attending their many activities. Her family always knew grandma was praying from them.

Wilma is survived by a daughter, Kay Goodschmidt of Garden City, Kan.; a son, Jon Moore and wife, Wanda, of Albin; four grandchildren, Tricia Hodges and husband, Dean, of Garden City, Katie Moore of Laramie, Alan Moore of Cheyenne and Rebecca Hyatt and husband, Daniel, of Douglas; two great-grandchildren,

Angelica and Amanda Hodge of Garden City; two sisters, Mildred Bree of Laramie and Doris Spearow of Sidney, Neb.; a brother, Bob Helzer and wife, Ruth, of Marble Falls, Texas, and numerous nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Al Moore; and a brother, Harry Helzer.

Visitation will be private. The funeral will be 1 p.m. Saturday at the Albin Baptist Church with the Rev. Donald Blomberg officiating. An interment service will follow at the Albin Cemetery. xxxxx

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Schrader Funeral Home, Cheyenne.

Children of Wilma Helzer and Albert Moore are:

2937 i. Jon9 Moore, born 1950 in Kimball, Kimball Co, Nebraska. He married Wanda Broyler 22 Aug 1976; born Abt. 1952.

+ 2938 ii. Kay Moore, born Private in Kimball, Kimball Co, Nebraska.

2288. Doris A8 Helzer (Johannes7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Mar 1925 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married Merle G Spearow 06 Apr 1947 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. He was born 28 Feb 1925 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Doris A Helzer:

from 2003 Convention information. Louise C England.

Children of Doris Helzer and Merle Spearow are:

+ 2939 i. Jamalee9 Spearow, born 1949 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

+ 2940 ii. Sandra Ann Spearow, born 1951 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

2941 iii. Diana Jo Spearow, born 1956 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. She married John R Woodill 25 Jul 1981; born Abt. 1950.

2293. Sharon Rae8 Helzer (Phillip7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1941. She married ? Penton. He was born Abt. 1940.

Notes for Sharon Rae Helzer:

Nov 2008: added this child -

Family 9642. Sharon Rae Helzer

Children of Sharon Helzer and ? Penton are:

2942 i. Tyrone Allen9 Penton, born Private.

2943 ii. Elizabeth Delath Penton, born Private.

2295. Ronald Eugene8 Helzer (Phillip7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943.

Notes for Ronald Eugene Helzer:

Nov 2008: added this child -

Family 9643. Ronald Eugene Helzer

Child of Ronald Eugene Helzer is:

2944 i. Shelly Elizabeth9 Helzer, born Private.

2303. Edward8 Helzer (Ludwig7, Johannes6, Peter5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Jul 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 14 Jun 1981 in Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada.

Child of Edward Helzer is:

2945 i. Patricia Elaine9 Helzer, born 1935 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 1935 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

More About Patricia Elaine Helzer:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

2318. Betty8 Davis (Mary Marie7 Helzer, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Johannes4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1931 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. She married Wiliam Bachschmith. He was born 1929, and died in Florida.

Notes for Betty Davis:

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Bachschmidt Landenburg.

Child of Betty Davis and Wiliam Bachschmith is:

2946 i. Vicki9 Bachschmith, born Private. She married ? Landenburg; born Private.

Notes for Vicki Bachschmith:

Sept 2010: Received an email from Vicki Bachschmidt Landenburg.

Generation No. 9

2354. Allan9 Schafer (Letha8 Schinaman, Magdalena (Lena)7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 May 1922 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 30 Nov 1990 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Velma Lorraine Frack 25 Oct 1946 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, daughter of Lloyd Frack and Pearl Kegley. She was born 1923 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

More About Allan Schafer:

Burial: Willamette National Cemetery

Children of Allan Schafer and Velma Frack are:

2947 i. Sandra Lee10 Schafer, born 1950 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Wayne Lowell Leymaster 25 Jan 1969 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; born 1949.

Notes for Sandra Lee Schafer:

The information on this family is provided by: Eileen Weidner. She is a cousin to Sandra.

2948 ii. Wayne Allan Schafer, born 26 Dec 1953 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 30 Nov 2000 in Boring, Clackamas, Oregon. He married Linda Muriel White 05 Apr 1986 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; born 1949 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2355. Robert John9 Helser (Marnell Raymond8, John Charles7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Aug 1925 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 25 Apr 2001 in Mohler, Oregon.

Child of Robert John Helser is:

2949 i. Douglas10 Helser, born 1946 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2356. Marna Lee9 Helser (Marnell Raymond8, John Charles7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1941 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) Harry Charles (Buz) Carsh 15 Nov 1959 in Tigard, Oregon. He was born 1939 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (2) Gordon Robert Hing 27 Jun 1964 in Tigard, Oregon. He was born 1941.

Notes for Marna Lee Helser:

Oct 2006: Marna wrote information on . "My G-G-G grandmother was a NAGEL, Magdalene, she married Georg Helzer on Jan. 29, 1835 in Norka, Saratov, Russia. She was born June 26, 1818, and Georg was b. March 1, 1814 in Norka Russia. He died Feb.. 18, 1888 in Norka Russia. They had seven children and my G-G- Grandparents, Heinrich H. Helzer and his wife Christina Rosh, came to NB (Adam Co.) between 1876 and 1880. They left NB in 1891 and came to Portland, OR. Marna Helser Hing Lorane, OR"

Jan 2008: I added part of Marna's story to her grandfather's notes.

Children of Marna Helser and Harry Carsh are:

+ 2950 i. Kerry Marnell10 Carsh, born 1960 in Corvallis, Oregon.

+ 2951 ii. Kandice Gay Carsh, born 1962.

2379. Dianne9 Schnell (Katherine9 Helzer, Georg Conrad8, Conrad7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1934. She married ? Hallin. He was born Abt. 1934.

Notes for Dianne Schnell:

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson updating her family.

Child of Dianne Schnell and ? Hallin is:

2952 i. Michelle10 Hallin, born Private. She married ? Monson; born Private.

Notes for Michelle Hallin:

Apr 2008: Received email from Michelle Hallin Monson. Her website is:

2384. Inez Marie9 Burbach (Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Dec 1911 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 15 Aug 1949 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. She married Wilfred H. Fuehrer in Denver, Denver, Colorado, son of David Fuehrer and Sophia Nuss. He was born 17 Jan 1913 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 26 Nov 1965 in Santa Clara, California.

Children of Inez Burbach and Wilfred Fuehrer are:

+ 2953 i. Richard Lee10 Fuehrer, born 20 Sep 1943 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California; died 31 Oct 1999 in Neligh, Nebraska.

2954 ii. Cynthia Fuehrer Parsons, born Abt. 1945. She married ? McDaniel; born Private.

Notes for Cynthia Fuehrer Parsons:

Cynthia was adopted by an aunt in Colorado, Cynthia had one son

2385. Laurietta Elizabeth9 Burbach (Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Sep 1917 in Sutton, Nebraska, and died 15 Jul 2001 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She married Edwin John Fuehrer 21 Sep 1942 in Sutton, Nebraska, son of John Fuehrer and Johana Griess. He was born 28 Nov 1915 in Stockham, Nebraska, and died 17 Mar 2002 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Laurietta Elizabeth Burbach:

The family information was updated by Gerald (Jerry) Fuehrer via email Sept 2002.

Sutton resident Laurietta Elizabeth (Burbach) Fuehrer, 83, died Sunday, July 15, 2001 at Bryan LGH Medical Center East in Lincoln.

Services are 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Kohler Mortuary in Sutton with the Rev. Carol Prochaska officiating. Burial will be in the Sutton Cemetery with rites conducted by the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 54.

Mrs. Fuehrer was born Sept. 23, 1917, to William and Elizabeth (Scheidemann) Burbach in Sutton. She graduated from Sutton High School in 1935. On Sept. 21, 1942, she married Edwin J. Fuehrer at the German Evangelical Church in Sutton. She lived in several locations with her husband, who served in the U.S. Army during World War II. After the war, they returned to Sutton. She was employed by Lincoln Telephone Co. She was co-owner and co-manager of Fuehrer Market in Sutton.

She was a member of the Federated Church and the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 54 of Sutton, and was a past Worthy Matron. She was a member of the Sutton American Legion Auxiliary.

Survivors are her husband; one son, Jerry of Kearney; one daughter, Deanna Adkins of Lincoln; and two grandchildren.

She is preceded in death by one sister.

More About Laurietta Elizabeth Burbach:

Burial: Sutton Cemetery

More About Edwin John Fuehrer:

Burial: Sutton Cemetery

Children of Laurietta Burbach and Edwin Fuehrer are:

+ 2955 i. Gerald Lee (Jerry)10 Fuehrer, born 1943 in Orlando, Florida.

+ 2956 ii. Deanna Inez Fuehrer, born 1952 in Henderson, Hamilton, Nebraska.

2387. Catharina Elisabeth9 Helzer (Heinrich8, Heinrich7, Heinrich6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Jan 1894 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 05 Mar 1981 in Portland, Oregon. She married Henry Schafer 31 Jan 1914 in Vancouver, Washington. He was born 09 Feb 1884 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Jul 1961 in Portland, Oregon.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Helzer:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery

Children of Catharina Helzer and Henry Schafer are:

2957 i. Henry10 Schafer, born Bet. 15 Jan 1914 - 1915 in Portland, Oregon; died Abt. 1915 in Portland, Oregon.

2958 ii. Marie Elizabeth Schafer, born 26 Jul 1916 in Portland, Oregon; died 24 Aug 1971.

2405. Walter9 Schwindt (Jacob8, Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Feb 1915 in Johnstown, Weld, Colorado, and died 25 Jul 1995 in Victoria, Victoria, Texas. He married (1) Florence Lillian Dreith 13 Feb 1938, daughter of George Dreith and Amalia SPOMER. She was born 21 Oct 1916 in Berthoud, Colorado, and died 25 Jan 2008 in Fort Collins, Larimer Co, Colorado. He married (2) Frances Margaret Glasnapp Schneider 19 Feb 1961. She was born 25 Jul 1914, and died 28 May 1993.

Notes for Walter Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

Apr 2012: Per Sherri's info, I have completed his name and information.

Notes for Florence Lillian Dreith:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

2008: The Coloradoan Fort Collins, CO 27 Jan 2008

Florence L. Sterling

Florence L. Sterling, 91, passed away Jan. 25, 2008, at Good Samaritan Village.

Florence Lillian Dreith was born Oct. 21, 1916, the second of seven children, to George Jr. and Amelia (Spomer) Dreith on the family farm east of Berthoud. She graduated from Johnstown High School in 1934.

Florence moved to Fort Collins in 1950. She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church for almost 60 years. She was a homemaker who was devoted to family, helping others and doing volunteer work. She was a volunteer at Columbine East for 28 years.

Florence married Wilfred (Fritz) Sterling on Dec. 4, 1963. Together, they enjoyed being with family and traveling.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her daughter, Shirley Jean Schwindt; husband, Fritz Sterling; brother, Harold Dreith; and sisters, Dorothy Jean Dreith and Virginia Manning.

Florence is survived by sons, Kenneth (Janice) Schwindt, Robert (Patty) Schwindt, David (Michelle) Sterling, all of Fort Collins, Mike (Connie Kovach) Sterling of Powell, Wyo., and Roger (Bernita) Sterling of LaPorte; 12 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; her sisters, Helen Axelson of Longmont, Frances Rutt of Johnstown and Mary Ann Yocky of Loveland; and numerous relatives.

A viewing will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008, as well as from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008, at Allnutt Funeral Service Drake Road Chapel.

Interment will follow at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Roselawn Cemetery.

A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. John's Lutheran Church, 305 East Elizabeth St., with a reception to follow.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. John's Lutheran Church or Fort Collins Good Samaritan in care of Allnutt Funeral Service, 650 W. Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80526.

Please visit to view Florence's online obituary, sign the family guest book and send condolences.

Originally published January 27, 2008

Notes for Frances Margaret Glasnapp Schneider:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.

Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

Children of Walter Schwindt and Florence Dreith are:

2959 i. Kenneth10 Schwindt, born Mar 1944. He married Janice ?; born Abt. 1930.

Notes for Kenneth Schwindt:

2002-2003: Emails received from Ken Schwindt updating his family. He also sent me Dreith passenger listings.

2960 ii. Shirley Jean Schwindt, born Abt. 1948 in Colorado; died 30 Aug 1960.

Notes for Shirley Jean Schwindt:

Jan 2008: Added per obit of Florance Lillian Dreith.

Nov 2010: Email received from Clay Spomer with information from researcher Barbara Wilkinson.

Burial: Roselawn Cemetery, Ft Collins, CO

2961 iii. Robert Schwindt, born Jul 1951 in Colorado. He married Patty ?; born Abt. 1940.

Notes for Robert Schwindt:

Jan 2008: Added per obit of Florance Lillian Dreith.

2962 iv. David Schwindt, born Abt. 1942. He married Michelle ?; born Abt. 1942.

Notes for David Schwindt:

Jan 2008: Added per obit of Florance Lillian Dreith.

2406. Juanita Margaret9 Schwindt (Jacob8, Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Feb 1917 in Johnstown, Weld, Colorado, and died 12 Sep 1983 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado. She married Harry Conrad Schleiger 14 Jun 1936 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado. He was born 16 Dec 1913 in Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado, and died 03 Sep 1981 in Longmont, Boulder, Colorado.

Notes for Juanita Margaret Schwindt:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Sherri Steele with information on this line.


Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Berthoud, CO

Child of Juanita Schwindt and Harry Schleiger is:

+ 2963 i. ?10 Schleiger.

2413. Larry Lee9 Sinner (Peter Ira8, Helena Lena7 HELZER, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Queen City, Missouri. He married (1) Janice Ardis Abt. 1960. She was born Private. He married (2) Lisa Goff Abt. 1978. She was born Private.

Children of Larry Sinner and Janice Ardis are:

2964 i. Larry O'Brian10 Sinner, born Private.

2965 ii. Ashley Sinner, born Private.

2966 iii. Sandy Sinner, born Private.

Children of Larry Sinner and Lisa Goff are:

2967 i. Amanda Elaine10 Sinner, born Private.

2968 ii. Cynthia Sinner, born Private.

Notes for Cynthia Sinner:

May 2009: I think this is the same Cynthia with this site.

2969 iii. Rebecka Evelyn Sinner, born Private.

2416. Norman Paul9 Helzer (Paul Frederick Bud8, Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1944 in Aurora, Nebraska. He married (1) Susan Ruth Hubbard 12 Aug 1967 in Mitchell, South Dakota. She was born 24 Oct 1944, and died 29 Jan 2004. He married (2) Linda Mae Rasp 28 May 2005. She was born 1944.

Notes for Norman Paul Helzer:

Feb 2011: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on Norman Paul Helzer's line.

Children of Norman Helzer and Susan Hubbard are:

+ 2970 i. Christopher John10 Helzer, born Private.

+ 2971 ii. Debra Marie Helzer, born Private.

2418. Arlis Neoma9 Helzer (Paul Frederick Bud8, Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947. She married Michael Dean Henry Abt. 1966. He was born 1946.

Child of Arlis Helzer and Michael Henry is:

+ 2972 i. ?10 Henry, born Private.

2424. Vivian Margaret9 Manny (Sarah8 Helzer, Johannes (John)7, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Mar 1920. She married Lawrence Robert Christensen. He was born 30 Jul 1914, and died 31 Dec 1995.

Children of Vivian Manny and Lawrence Christensen are:

2973 i. Fred James10 Christensen, born 05 Sep 1952; died 06 Sep 1952.

+ 2974 ii. Lois Jean Christensen, born Private.

2975 iii. Jens Allen Christensen, born Private.

2976 iv. Lawrence David Christensen, born Private.

2977 v. Robert Frank Christensen, born Private.

2978 vi. John Mark Christensen, born Private.

2426. Beverly Colleen9 Helzer (Daniel8, Johannes (John)7, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1924. She married ? Green. He was born Abt. 1922.

Notes for Beverly Colleen Helzer:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with updates.

Child of Beverly Helzer and ? Green is:

2979 i. Kathleen10 Green, born Private.

Notes for Kathleen Green:

July 2003: Received an email from Kathleen with some information.

Sept 2008: Sent Kathleen an email to see if she knows when her Margaret Giebelhaus died. I have another Margaret who died 14 Dec 1925. Could be the same person.

2483. Ruby9 Deines (Wilhelm8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Sep 1897 in Clay Center, Nebraska. She married Henry Hoyt Abt. 1917. He was born Abt. 1895.

Children of Ruby Deines and Henry Hoyt are:

2980 i. William (Bill)10 Hoyt, born Abt. 1920.

2981 ii. Donald Hoyt, born Abt. 1922.

2982 iii. Lowell Hoyt, born Abt. 1924.

2484. Irene9 Deines (Wilhelm8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Jul 1899 in Clay Center, Nebraska. She married Otto Northrop Abt. 1920. He was born Abt. 1898.

Children of Irene Deines and Otto Northrop are:

2983 i. Jack10 Northrop, born Abt. 1922.

2984 ii. Jerry Northrop, born Abt. 1924.

2985 iii. Leo Northrop, born Abt. 1926.

2986 iv. Max Northrop, born Abt. 1928.

2987 v. Tommy Northrop, born Abt. 1930.

2486. Harold9 Deines (Wilhelm8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Dec 1905 in Clay Center, Nebraska, and died Aug 1979. He married Fannie Sanderson Abt. 1927. She was born 13 Feb 1907, and died 24 Apr 1995.

Notes for Harold Deines:

res: Minneapolis, MN; Dolan Springs, AZ

Children of Harold Deines and Fannie Sanderson are:

2988 i. Janet10 Deines, born Abt. 1930.

2989 ii. Jo Ann Deines, born Abt. 1932.

2487. Adella9 Deines (Wilhelm8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1910 in Clay Center, Nebraska. She married (1) ? Smith Abt. 1930. He was born Abt. 1908. She married (2) ? Bricka Abt. 1935. He was born Abt. 1908. She married (3) ? Harrell Abt. 1950. He was born Abt. 1908.

Child of Adella Deines and ? Smith is:

2990 i. Shirley10 Smith, born Abt. 1932.

2488. Willis9 Deines (Wilhelm8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1912. He married Helen Williamson Abt. 1932. She was born Abt. 1912.

Notes for Willis Deines:

res: Harlingen, Texas

Children of Willis Deines and Helen Williamson are:

2991 i. Bonnie10 Deines, born Abt. 1934.

2992 ii. Robert Deines, born Abt. 1936.

2993 iii. Steven Deines, born Abt. 1938.

2489. Helen9 Deines (Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Sep 1904, and died 08 Oct 1976. She married Earl Buchtel Abt. 1924. He was born 08 Sep 1893.

Children of Helen Deines and Earl Buchtel are:

+ 2994 i. Royce Irwin10 Buchtel, born 14 Jul 1929.

+ 2995 ii. Gail Buchtel, born 1935.

2996 iii. Duane Buchtel, born Abt. 1937.

2490. Burnette M (Nick)9 Deines (Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Oct 1905 in Nebraska, and died 10 Dec 1976. He married Beulah Mauler Abt. 1928. She was born 03 Aug 1908.

Notes for Burnette M (Nick) Deines:

res: Gering, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska

Children of Burnette Deines and Beulah Mauler are:

+ 2997 i. Maurice10 Deines, born Abt. 1930.

2998 ii. Bruce Deines, born Abt. 1932. He married Dorothy (Dottie) ?; born Abt. 1933.

Notes for Bruce Deines:

res Omaha Nebraska

2492. Norval9 Deines (Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jan 1912, and died 23 Aug 1979. He married Wilma Mock Abt. 1937. She was born 21 Nov 1917.

Children of Norval Deines and Wilma Mock are:

+ 2999 i. Dennis10 Deines, born Abt. 1938.

+ 3000 ii. Vickie Deines, born Abt. 1940.

2495. Dorothy9 Deines (John8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1902. She married (1) Rolland Stevens Abt. 1920. He was born Abt. 1900. She married (2) ? West Abt. 1922. He was born Abt. 1902.

Child of Dorothy Deines and ? West is:

3001 i. Jean10 West, born Abt. 1924.

2508. Gerald9 Sohl (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Jun 1908. He married Roberta Young 12 Aug 1939. She was born 26 Sep 1913, and died Aug 1987.

Children of Gerald Sohl and Roberta Young are:

3002 i. Robert10 Sohl, born 1941.

3003 ii. Tommy Sohl, born 15 Nov 1950; died Aug 1985.

Notes for Tommy Sohl:

July 2003: has Aug 1984 as the death year.

2509. May Belle Elizabeth9 Sohl (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 May 1910. She married Hobart Mark Ward 04 Nov 1939. He was born 20 Jan 1897 in Nebraska, and died 19 May 1986 in Orange County, California.

Children of May Sohl and Hobart Ward are:

3004 i. Mark Thomas10 Ward, born 1940. He married Caroline Simonson 01 Nov 1969; born 1948.

+ 3005 ii. John Riley Ward, born 1943.

2510. Evelyn9 Sohl (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Aug 1915. She married Harlan W Rigby 25 Aug 1939. He was born 14 Apr 1910.

Children of Evelyn Sohl and Harlan Rigby are:

+ 3006 i. James Bruce10 Rigby, born 1942.

+ 3007 ii. Mary Linda Rigby, born 1944.

+ 3008 iii. Roxanne Carol Rigby, born 1953.

3009 iv. Craig Alan Rigby, born 1955. He married Sandra Scherrmann Abt. 22 Dec 1975; born 28 Aug 1950; died 28 Dec 1991.

2511. Clara Marie9 Hinz (Margaret (Maggie)8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Dec 1901. She married John Manford McDonald 05 Jun 1927. He was born 03 Jul 1904.

Children of Clara Hinz and John McDonald are:

3010 i. Donald Dale10 McDonald, born 1930.

3011 ii. Mary Margaret McDonald, born 1939.

2512. Roselma Wilhelmina9 Hinz (Margaret (Maggie)8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jul 1903. She married Kenneth Fred Jones 24 Jun 1928. He was born 26 Jan 1905, and died 09 Jan 1945.

Child of Roselma Hinz and Kenneth Jones is:

+ 3012 i. Barbara10 Jones, born 1933.

2513. Daniel Harvey9 Hinz (Margaret (Maggie)8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Aug 1905. He married Helen Ruth Stump 08 Aug 1937. She was born 26 May 1912.

Children of Daniel Hinz and Helen Stump are:

3013 i. William Daniel10 Hinz, born 1938.

3014 ii. Marilyn Jean Hinz, born 1940.

3015 iii. Janet Ruth Hinz, born 1942.

3016 iv. John Harvey Hinz, born 1944.

2514. Alice9 Brehm (Nicholas (Nick)8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 May 1906. She married Herbert Krueger 06 Jul 1930. He was born 04 Jun 1903.

Notes for Herbert Krueger:

another spelling: Herbert Keveaar

Child of Alice Brehm and Herbert Krueger is:

3017 i. Karen10 Krueger, born 1935.

Notes for Karen Krueger:

another spelling: Karen Keveaar

2515. Genevieve V9 Brehm (Nicholas (Nick)8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Aug 1910. She married John A Schmidt 04 Dec 1939. He was born 19 Jul 1905.

Notes for Genevieve V Brehm:

res: Walla Walla, WA

Children of Genevieve Brehm and John Schmidt are:

3018 i. Johnny10 Schmidt, born 1945.

3019 ii. Mary Alice Schmidt, born 1946.

2516. Maurice V9 Brehm (John Adam8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Mar 1911, and died 22 Apr 1945. He married Eleanor Wooten 05 Sep 1934. She was born 05 Dec 1917.

Children of Maurice Brehm and Eleanor Wooten are:

3020 i. Riekens10 Brehm, born 1936.

3021 ii. Judith Margaret Brehm, born 1943.

2517. Dorothy Della9 Brehm (John Adam8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Jan 1913. She married Varel Kenneth Gustafson 21 Jan 1931. He was born 30 Aug 1906, and died 24 May 1985.

Child of Dorothy Brehm and Varel Gustafson is:

+ 3022 i. Donald Varel10 Gustafson, born 1937.

2518. Grace Cora9 Brehm (John Adam8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Mar 1916. She married James Michael Siles 14 Dec 1938. He was born 29 Jul 1905.

Children of Grace Brehm and James Siles are:

3023 i. James M10 Siles, born 1940.

3024 ii. Mickie Dean Siles, born 23 Jun 1942; died 19 Nov 1945.

2519. Annette Lillian9 Brehm (John Adam8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Jul 1921. She married Douglas W Bell 08 Jun 1938. He was born 18 Nov 1917.

Children of Annette Brehm and Douglas Bell are:

3025 i. Patricia Annette10 Bell, born 1940.

Notes for Patricia Annette Bell:

another birthdate: Patricia Bell, b 7 Sep 1946

3026 ii. Larry Douglas Bell, born 1944.

3027 iii. Barbara Angie Bell, born 1949.

2520. Ruth Brehm9 Gladfelder (Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Nov 1914, and died 11 Jun 1951. She married Gordon L Bergman 06 Aug 1946. He was born 29 Apr 1922, and died 19 Mar 1994 in Bozeman, Gallatin, Montana.

Notes for Gordon L Bergman:

Last name could be: Gordon L Brennan

Child of Ruth Gladfelder and Gordon Bergman is:

+ 3028 i. Gary Allen10 Bergman, born 1947.

2521. Glenn Callen9 Gladfelder, Sr. (Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Jan 1916 in Iowa, and died 30 May 1987 in Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, California. He married Jane Gibson 07 Jun 1941. She was born 28 Nov 1916.

Children of Glenn Gladfelder and Jane Gibson are:

3029 i. Ann Marie10 Gladfelder, born Private. She married Robert Morgan 17 Jan 1975; born Private.

+ 3030 ii. Glenn Callen Gladfelder, Jr., born Private.

3031 iii. Hal Gladfelder, born Private.

2522. Doris Katherine9 Gladfelder (Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Dec 1917, and died 26 Apr 1991. She married Anthony Gene Richter 09 Aug 1950. He was born 16 Apr 1915.

Children of Doris Gladfelder and Anthony Richter are:

+ 3032 i. Jill Anita10 Richter, born Private.

3033 ii. Janet Rise Richter, born Private.

2523. Paul Kenneth9 Gladfelder (Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Oct 1919. He married Chrystal Armstrong Gregory 16 May 1942. She was born 07 Jul 1921.

Children of Paul Gladfelder and Chrystal Gregory are:

3034 i. Paul Gregory10 Gladfelder, born 1953.

+ 3035 ii. Susan Kay Gladfelder, born 1956.

3036 iii. Dean Alan Gladfelder, born 1961.

2525. Robert9 Moon, Sr. (Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Jan 1918 in Santa Cruz, California. He married Virginia Maxy 28 Jan 1950. She was born 06 Sep 1922.

Notes for Virginia Maxy:

Name also could be: Virginia Manley

Children of Robert Moon and Virginia Maxy are:

+ 3037 i. Robert10 Moon, Jr., born Private.

+ 3038 ii. Tia Moon, born Private.

+ 3039 iii. Brian Moon, born Private.

2526. Janet9 Moon (Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Nov 1921. She married Jack Blanchard 02 Jan 1943. He was born 08 Nov 1915.

Children of Janet Moon and Jack Blanchard are:

+ 3040 i. Sherrill Lee10 Blanchard, born 1944 in Phoenix, Arizona.

+ 3041 ii. Bonnie Blanchard, born 1947.

3042 iii. Robert Blanchard, born 1950.

3043 iv. Richard Blanchard, born 1953.

2527. Thomas Neal9 Moon, Sr. (Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jan 1924. He married Fannie Jean Crawford 06 Jun 1949. She was born 11 Dec 1920.

Children of Thomas Moon and Fannie Crawford are:

+ 3044 i. Diane Michele10 Moon, born Private.

+ 3045 ii. Thomas Neal Moon, Jr., born Private in Los Angeles, California.

2528. Deines Dale9 Brehm (Carl Henry8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1931 in Wayne Co, Michigan. He married (1) Marian Ellen Schnell 01 Aug 1953 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She was born 1933 in Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin. He married (2) Lori Ellen Hollfelder 11 Dec 1979 in Madison, Wisconsin. She was born 1957 in Wisconsin.

Notes for Deines Dale Brehm:

res: Madison, WI

Notes for Marian Ellen Schnell:

Carl Henry Brehm was my father-in-law.

Her webpage:

Child of Deines Brehm and Lori Hollfelder is:

3046 i. Jennifer Ann10 Brehm, born Private.

2529. Thomas Lambert9 Brehm (Carl Henry8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Private. He married (1) Shirley York 05 Sep 1953 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She was born Private in Private. He married (2) Maureen Sim MacBain 25 Jun 1966 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin. She was born Private in Scotland.

Notes for Shirley York:

June 2002: Shirley York Anderson provided the descendant information for this and other families.

Children of Thomas Brehm and Maureen MacBain are:

3047 i. Stephen10 Brehm, born Private in Scotand.

3048 ii. Christopher Brehm, born Private in Scotland.

2530. Mary Ellen9 Brehm (Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1935. She married James R Harrington 20 Aug 1960. He was born 1935.

Children of Mary Brehm and James Harrington are:

+ 3049 i. Michael10 Harrington, born 1962.

3050 ii. Daniel Paul Harrington, born 1965.

2531. Paul Albert9 Brehm, Jr. (Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1938. He married Dorothy Mae Fedyczkowski 1963. She was born Abt. 1940.

Children of Paul Brehm and Dorothy Fedyczkowski are:

3051 i. Paul Albert10 Brehm III, born Abt. 1965.

3052 ii. Rebecca Ann Brehm, born Abt. 1967.

2532. Katherine Elizabeth9 Brehm (Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1939. She married Sergio Polanco Abt. 1959. He was born Abt. 1938.

Children of Katherine Brehm and Sergio Polanco are:

3053 i. Barbara10 Polanco, born Private.

3054 ii. Anna Marie Polanco, born Private.

2533. Agnes Lucille9 Brehm (Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1942. She married Gary D Hinz 12 Jun 1965. He was born 1942.

Children of Agnes Brehm and Gary Hinz are:

3055 i. Elizabeth Marie10 Hinz, born 1967.

3056 ii. Lynda Gail Hinz, born 1970.

2534. Henry Harrison9 Brehm (Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1944. He married Carol Ann Geier 25 Jun 1965. She was born 1943.

Children of Henry Brehm and Carol Geier are:

3057 i. Lisa10 Brehm, born 1967.

3058 ii. Gregory Brehm, born 1969.

2548. Henry9 Deines (Adam8, Johannes7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Oct 1901 in Ames, Douglas Co, Nebraska, and died 28 Jul 1993 in Berthoud, Larimer Co, Colorado. He married Freda May Lebsack 04 Mar 1926 in Berthoud, Larimer Co, Colorado. She was born 11 Nov 1902, and died 14 Jun 1984.

Notes for Henry Deines:

Dec 2009: Added spouse and children.

Children of Henry Deines and Freda Lebsack are:

3059 i. Donald10 Deines, born Abt. 1930.

3060 ii. Jon Deines, born Abt. 1932. He married Patricia ?; born Abt. 1932.

3061 iii. Donna Deines, born Abt. 1934. She married Edwin R Shefferd; born Abt. 1934.

3062 iv. Marjorie Deines, born Abt. 1936. She married Warren Blodgett; born Abt. 1936.

2556. Dean Arthur9 Deines (Heinrich Jacob8, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Aug 1915 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 31 Jul 1977 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. He married Eugenia May Martin 09 Jan 1937 in Papillion, Sarpy Co, Nebraska. She was born 28 Apr 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Dean Arthur Deines:

They Div in 1940

Children of Dean Deines and Eugenia Martin are:

+ 3063 i. Dean Alan10 Deines, born 1937 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

3064 ii. Darryl Fred Deines, born 1944 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

3065 iii. Fredrick Gordon Deines, born 1945 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

2557. Florence E.9 Hamburger (Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Jun 1912 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 19 Dec 1998 in Lexington, Nebraska Tri-County Hospital. She married Robert Howard Yost 05 Sep 1942 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of John Yost and Gertrude Ablott. He was born 15 Dec 1908 in Stockham, Nebraska, and died 23 Mar 1982 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska on the farm.

Notes for Florence E. Hamburger:

Former Harvard resident Florence E. (Hamburger) Yost, 86, of Lexington died Saturday, Dec. 19, 1998, at Tri-County Hospital in Lexington.

Services are 7 p.m. Tuesday at Reynolds-Love Chapel in Lexington with the Rev. Dr. Larry Kline officiating. Additional services are 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Harvard United Methodist Church in Harvard with the Rev. Marvin Coffey officiating. Burial will be in Harvard Cemetery at Harvard. Alberding-Wilson Funeral Home of Harvard is in charge of Harvard arrangements.

Mrs. Yost was born June 28, 1912, to George and Katherine (Deines) Hamburger on a farm east of Harvard. She graduated from Harvard High School in 1930. She also graduated from Hastings Business School. She worked as clerk of the Clay County Court in Clay Center for 13 years. On Sept. 5, 1942, she married Robert Howard Yost at her parents' rural home. They farmed near Harvard until her husband's death March 23, 1982. She later moved into Harvard. In 1993 she moved to Lexington to be closer to her daughter.

She was a member of Harvard United Methodist Church and its circle and Chapter L, P.E.O. of Harvard. She was a past member of the Order of the Eastern Star and Daughters of the Nile.

Survivors are one son, Ronald of Omaha; one daughter, Patricia Sharp of Lexington; one brother, Donald D. Hamburger of Harvard; and four grandchildren.

She also was preceded in death by one sister, one brother and one grandchild.

Memorials may be given to First Presbyterian Church in Lexington or the Harvard United Methodist Church in Harvard.

Children of Florence Hamburger and Robert Yost are:

+ 3066 i. Ronald Dean10 Yost, born 1943 in Hastings, Nebraska.

+ 3067 ii. Patricia Ann (Pat) Yost, born 1947 in Hastings, Nebraska.

2586. Kathryn Margaret9 Green (Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 May 1912 in Denver, Colorado, and died 30 Aug 1955 in Denver, Colorado. She married Johann George Spomer 10 Jun 1934 in Denver, Colorado, son of Johann Spomer and Catharina Zubicks. He was born 12 Dec 1910 in Beideck, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 03 Aug 1996 in Lakewood, Jefferson Co, Colorado.

Notes for Kathryn Margaret Green:

Mar 2010: Received email from Ralph Spomer with his family file. The file connected Kathryn Margaret Green's father Johann Heinrich Grun with my Helzer family line.

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer

Baptism: Jun 25, 1912, 1st German Congregational Church, Denver

Burial: Kathryn was laid to rest at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens in Littleton, CO

Notes for Johann George Spomer:

Mar 2010: Ralph Spomer sent an email to Clay with information on his line.

My grand dad was George, born Aug. 27, 1881, dad was a Jr. born Dec. 12, 1910 both in Beideck. My great grandfathers name was Walter or Balthasar, so I've been told. He was married to a Kathrine York. My grandmothers maiden name was Kathirina Margaretha Zubicks, born in Neu Laub

Russia. Hope this helps. Thanks a mil. Ralph

Mar 2011: Many emails from Ralph Spomer connecting his line.

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer, fixed his death date from Aug 13, 1996 to Aug 3.

Naturalization: Sept 24, 1926 he became a US citizen.

Burial: Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Littleton, CO

Children of Kathryn Green and Johann Spomer are:

+ 3068 i. Ralph Eugene10 Spomer, born 1935 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

+ 3069 ii. Shirley Ann Spomer, born 13 Jan 1940 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado; died Jun 1993 in Hudson, Weld, Colorado.

+ 3070 iii. Claudia June Spomer, born 1943 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

+ 3071 iv. Judith Kay Spomer, born 1947 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

2588. Janice Fredleen9 Yost (Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jul 1920 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska, and died 02 Mar 1998 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married (1) Robert George Sterkel 07 Apr 1946 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado. He was born 18 Sep 1920 in Denver, Colorado, and died 15 Mar 1960 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married (2) Alexander M Fisher Aft. 1955. He was born 16 Oct 1920, and died Bef. 1998.

Notes for Janice Fredleen Yost:

From Gloria Yost Griess's book:

Janice Y Fisher: Former Harvard resident Janice Y (Yost) Fisher, 77, of Cheyenne, Wyo, died Monday, March 2, 1998, at Life Care Center in Cheyenne.

Memorial services were March 6 at Wiederspahn-Radomsky Chapel of the Chimes in Cheyenne. She (sic) remains were cremated. Burial was in Cheyenne Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Fisher was born July 28, 1920, to Fred and Christine (Yeager) Yost in Harvard. She married Robert Sterkel and later Alexander Fisher. They both preceded her in death. She had retired as a clerk/typist for F.E. Warren Air Force Base supply and education building after 30 years of service. She also had worked at Lowery Air Force Base in Denver. In the 1950s, she owned and operated the Chief Services Station with her first husband. She moved to Cheyenne in 1951.

She was a member of First Congregational Church in Cheyenne, National Association of Retired Federal Employees, Red Dale Jackalopes and Good Sam Club.

Survivors are one daughter, Debora Retz of Cheyenne; one sister, Gloria Griess of Sutton; and one grandchild. She also was preceded in death by one grandchild.

Memorials may be given to Living Bank, Meals on Wheels or the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Clinic.

More About Robert George Sterkel:

Burial: Denver, Colorado

Child of Janice Yost and Robert Sterkel is:

+ 3072 i. Debra Lynn10 Sterkel, born 1954 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

2589. Gloria Eileen9 Yost (Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Mar 1922 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska. She married Rudolf Henry Griess 12 Jun 1942 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, son of John Griess and Ida Nuss. He was born 21 May 1921 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Gloria Eileen Yost:

2001: Gloria Yost Griess wrote a book on her entire line.

Notes for Rudolf Henry Griess:

Dec 2006: This site has alot of Griess information.

Children of Gloria Yost and Rudolf Griess are:

+ 3073 i. Angela Jo10 Griess, born Private in Sutton or Aurora, Nebraska.

+ 3074 ii. Bradley Wad Griess, born Private in Sutton or Aurora, Nebraska.

+ 3075 iii. Sandra Dilorri Griess, born Private in Sutton or Hastings, Nebraska.

+ 3076 iv. Woodrow Winfield Griess, born Private in Sutton or Hastings, Nebraska.

2615. Christina9 Hohnstein (Georg8, Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Feb 1904 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 09 Jun 1998 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado. She married Jacob Sterkel 20 Feb 1921 in Berthoud, Larimer Co, Colorado. He was born 06 Jul 1898 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 04 Aug 1956 in Loveland, Larimer Co, Colorado.

Notes for Christina Hohnstein:

Burial: Loveland, Larimer, Colorado

Notes for Jacob Sterkel:

Burial: Berthoud, Larimer, Colorado

Children of Christina Hohnstein and Jacob Sterkel are:

3077 i. Elizabeth10 Sterkel, born 08 Jan 1918 in Johnstown, Weld Co, Colorado; died 30 Jun 2007.

3078 ii. Edward William Sterkel, born 02 Sep 1921; died 18 Feb 1927.

3079 iii. Elmer Jacob Sterkel, born 09 Nov 1922 in Berthoud, Larimer Co, Colorado; died 12 Dec 2009.

3080 iv. Earl Dewayne Sterkel, born 08 Mar 1940 in Loveland, Larimer Co, Colorado; died 28 Jul 2009.

2616. Pauline9 Hohnstein (Georg8, Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Feb 1906 in Norka, Balzer, Saratov, Russia. She married John Dreith 11 Nov 1923 in Colorado, son of David Dreith and Catharina Dreith. He was born 27 Nov 1897 in Talofka, Saratov, Russia, and died 18 May 1967.

Notes for Pauline Hohnstein:

Feb 2008: Email received from researcher Barbara Wilkinson. Added spouse.

Jan 2010: Added birth date

Jan 2010: This site has the obit of her sister. "July 28, 1987 Katherine H. Sterkel, 79, 2432 W. 22nd St., Loveland, died July 27 in McKee Medical Center. She was born Oct. 20, 1907, in Russia, to George and Amelia Ceder (Seeder) Hohnstein. She married Adam Sterkel Nov. 10, 1924, in Fort Collins. He died in 1977. She was a homemaker and lived here most of her life. She is survived by sons Clarence Sterkel, Bayview, Idaho, and Donald Sterkel, Kennewick, Wash.; a brother, Harold Hohnstein, Bishop, Calif; sisters, Christina Sterkel, Loveland, Alice Sterkel, Berthoud, Pauline Dreith, McMinnville, Ore."

Jul 2010: Sitting with Dianne Zoro, she corrected her birth date from 02 Feb 1906.

Notes for John Dreith:

June 2007: Email received from Hugh Lichtenwald. Added child.

He works as a farmer for his father David Dreith in Berthoud. he is tall and stout with blue eyes and brown hair.

Feb 2008: Email received from researcher Barbara Wilkinson. Added death date.

1930 Census Cheyenne City, Laramie, WY5 April 1930Ed 11-1Sheet 4A

Dreith John Head R 22- Radio MW 32M at 25Russia Russia German 1899 Na Laborer UPRR

PaulineWifeFW 24M at 17Russia Russia Russia German 1911Na None

WilburSonMW 5SCO Russia RussiaNone

John JrSonMW 2SWY Russia RussiaNone

Children of Pauline Hohnstein and John Dreith are:

3081 i. Wilbur10 Dreith, born Abt. 1924 in Colorado.

3082 ii. John Dreith, born Abt. 1927 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming.

2617. Catharina9 Hohnstein (Georg8, Johann Georg7, Margaretha6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Oct 1907 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 27 Jul 1987 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado. She married Adam Sterkel 10 Nov 1924 in Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado. He was born 30 May 1903 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 13 Feb 1977 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado.

Notes for Catharina Hohnstein:

Sept 2012: Added her obit. July 28, 1987

Katherine H. Sterkel, 79, 2432 W. 22nd St., Loveland, died July 27 in McKee Medical Center.

She was born Oct. 20, 1907, in Russia, to George and Amelia Ceder Hohnstein. She married Adam Sterkel Nov. 10, 1924, in Fort Collins. He died in 1977. She was a homemaker and lived here most of her life. She was a member of the First Congregational Church in Loveland.

She is survived by sons Clarence Sterkel, Bayview, Idaho, and Donald Sterkel, Kennewick, Wash.; a brother, Harold Hohnstein, Bishop, Calif; sisters, Christina Sterkel, Loveland, Alice Sterkel, Berthoud, Pauline Dreith, McMinnville, Ore., and Helen Schmidt, Chinook, Wash.; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Services will be held 10 a.m. Thursday at Hunter Funeral Home. Burial will be in Loveland Burial Park.

Contributions may be made to the First Congregational Church in care of Hunter Funeral Home.

Viewing will be held 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Hunter Funeral Home.

Hunter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Children of Catharina Hohnstein and Adam Sterkel are:

3083 i. Clarence10 Sterkel, born Abt. 1925.

3084 ii. Donald Sterkel, born Abt. 1927.

2639. Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines (Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Oct 1896 in Norka Colony, Saratov, Russia, and died 24 Mar 1967 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Heinrich Yost 13 Nov 1913 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, son of Adam Yost and Catherine Spady. He was born 20 May 1892 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 17 Sep 1964 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Catharina Elisabeth Deines:

Another spelling of her name: Elisabeth Catharina Deines, Elizabeth Katherine Deines, Katherine Elizabeth Deines

Immigration: Elizabeth immigrated in 1906 with her parents

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Notes for Heinrich Yost:

June 2003 - information from

Children of Catharina Deines and Heinrich Yost are:

+ 3085 i. Lucille Barbara Elizabeth10 Yost, born 27 Jun 1914 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3086 ii. Wallace Henry Yost, born 15 May 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3087 iii. Florence Margaret Yost, born 25 Aug 1920 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 22 Oct 1998 in Washington County, Oregon.

2666. Ruby Lucille9 Sauer (Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Johann Georg7, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Apr 1922 in Weld Co, Colorado, and died 05 May 1980 in Weld Co, Colorado. She married Lester Pearl Wittmer 06 Aug 1950 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado. He was born 28 Oct 1918 in Weld Co, Colorado, and died 17 Dec 1991 in Sterling, Logan Co, Colorado.

Notes for Ruby Lucille Sauer:

Oct 2008: From this site, added Ruby's family. Direct line for the owner of the site.

Child of Ruby Sauer and Lester Wittmer is:

+ 3088 i. Janice Kay10 Wittmer, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

2671. Marie9 Weber (Catharina8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jan 1902 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 14 Mar 1972 in Campbell, Franklin, Nebraska. She married John Scheibel 20 May 1925 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He was born 30 Sep 1896 in Campbell, Nebraska, and died 30 Dec 1972 in Campbell, Nebraska.

Notes for Marie Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added her spouse and children.

Children of Marie Weber and John Scheibel are:

3089 i. Russell Weber10 Scheibel, born 1927 in Campbell, Nebraska. He married Patrica Lee Faler; born 1934.

3090 ii. Living Scheibel, born Private.

2672. Harry9 Weber (Catharina8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Dec 1907 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 02 Sep 1985 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Naomi Henry 02 Sep 1934 in Rock Port, Missouri. She was born 31 Jan 1909 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 16 Mar 1983 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Harry Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added spouse and children.

Children of Harry Weber and Naomi Henry are:

3091 i. Chris10 Weber, born Private. She married Jack Portenier; born Private.

3092 ii. Kathy Weber, born Private. She married Michael Clark; born Private.

2675. Ralph Harold9 Weber (Catharina8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Nov 1916 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 07 Apr 1958 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Helen Schmaker 15 Feb 1941 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 18 Jan 1918.

Notes for Ralph Harold Weber:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added this child.

Children of Ralph Weber and Helen Schmaker are:

3093 i. Ralph10 Weber, born 1944.

3094 ii. Edwin Lynn Weber, born 21 Jan 1949 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 21 Jan 1949 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2676. Lydia9 Rohrig (Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jul 1900 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 22 Jun 1987 in Paradise, California. She married John Schmidt 12 Dec 1918 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He was born 08 Apr 1897 in Russia, and died 20 Jul 1973 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Lydia Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Updated alot of information on her spouse and children.

Children of Lydia Rohrig and John Schmidt are:

3095 i. Florence10 Schmidt, born 07 Sep 1919 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 21 Sep 1919 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 3096 ii. Leon Schmidt, born 13 Aug 1920 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 25 Nov 1971 in Santa Clara, California.

+ 3097 iii. Howard Schmidt, born 05 Nov 1922 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 05 Jul 2008 in Fresno, California.

+ 3098 iv. Herbert Schmidt, born 11 Sep 1928 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3099 v. Sister Schmidt, born Abt. 1932; died Oct 2008.

2678. Jacob E9 Rohrig (Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Jun 1903 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 13 Feb 1981 in Fresno, California. He married Martha Bender 20 Oct 1926 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 25 Jul 1901 in Nebraska, and died 26 Jan 1975 in Fresno, California.

Notes for Jacob E Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Updated alot of information on his spouse and children.

Children of Jacob Rohrig and Martha Bender are:

+ 3100 i. Jacquelyn10 Rohrig, born 1929 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3101 ii. Donald Rohrig, born 13 Feb 1946 in Fresno, California; died 27 Mar 2005 in Fresno, California. He married Alma Hedenskog; born Abt. 1949.

2680. Robert B9 Rohrig (Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Feb 1907 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 24 Mar 1988 in Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California. He married Katherine Eitel 03 Jun 1928 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 02 Jun 1907 in Nebraska, and died 15 Jun 1985 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Robert B Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Updated information on his spouse. I changed his death date from 22 Aug 1982.

Children of Robert Rohrig and Katherine Eitel are:

+ 3102 i. Robert10 Rohrig, born 1929 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 3103 ii. Dorothy Rohrig, born 1934 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2682. Mildred9 Rohrig (Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Feb 1911 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Harry F Betz 20 Dec 1931 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He was born 01 Feb 1908 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 13 Mar 1975 in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Mildred Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKaon. "My grandmother Mildred Rohrig's mother was Elizabeth Yost whose parents were Henry Peter and Cristina Kaiser."

She added information on her spouse and children.

Jun 2009: From Norma Schmidt: "Elizabeth is a virtual book of information." "Her grandmother Mildred, is a very remarkable woman."

Children of Mildred Rohrig and Harry Betz are:

+ 3104 i. Marilyn J10 Betz, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 3105 ii. Dolores Jane Betz, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 3106 iii. Harry Richard Betz, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2683. Edward H9 Rohrig (Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 May 1913 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 15 Sep 1968 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Amelia Rohrig 01 Nov 1934 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 08 Jul 1913 in Atlantic, New Jersey, and died 04 Apr 2007 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Notes for Edward H Rohrig:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKeon. Added information on his spouse and children.

Child of Edward Rohrig and Amelia Rohrig is:

+ 3107 i. John Edward10 Rohrig, born 12 Nov 1936 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska; died 21 Feb 2000 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

2688. Raymond9 Yost (Adam Georg8, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jun 1911 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 29 Jul 1996 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Child of Raymond Yost is:

3108 i. Dale10 Yost, born Abt. 1932.

2708. Emma Marie9 Helzer (Heinrich8, Johann Adam7, Heinrich6, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Apr 1921 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan, and died 23 May 1998 in Springfield, Massachusetts. She married Frank Clayton Hockenberry 10 May 1941 in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He was born 03 Apr 1917 in Springfield, Massachusetts, and died 06 Dec 1976 in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Notes for Emma Marie Helzer:

Jan 2008:

Hockenberry-Helzer- Family Tree. This is Betsy's site.

Jun 2012: Received an email from Betsy Hockenberry.

Child of Emma Helzer and Frank Hockenberry is:

3109 i. Betsy10 Hockenberry, born Private. She married ? Beaulieu; born Private.

Notes for Betsy Hockenberry:

Jan 2008: Received email from Betsy H Beaulieu with information updating her line. Her mother gave her hand written notes on the family her grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Jun 2012: Received an email from Betsy Hockenberry.

2734. Katherine Elizabeth9 Schafer (Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Mar 1905 in Jewell Co, Kansas near Superior, Nebraska. She married James O Strayer 01 Sep 1933 in Imperial, Nebraska. He was born Abt. 1904.

Children of Katherine Schafer and James Strayer are:

+ 3110 i. Richard Norman10 Strayer, born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska.

3111 ii. James Conrad Strayer, born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Eleanor Jean Senn 02 Jul 1966 in Denver, Colorado; born Abt. 1937.

+ 3112 iii. Ivan Eugene Strayer, born 1938 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2735. Freida Christina9 Schafer (Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jan 1910 in Jewell Co, Kansas, and died 28 Apr 1997 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She married Ernest Vernon (E V) Burns 18 Oct 1932 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 04 Dec 1906 in Greencastle, Missouri, and died 25 Jan 1999 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Freida Christina Schafer:

She has sent lots of letters, pictures, information.

From Freida Burns Schafer 1976 letter: she believes that her grandfather, John Brehm, was a half brother to Nicholas & Adam. However, according to Dr. Pleve's BREHM chart, they were all 3 full brothers.

Notes for Ernest Vernon (E V) Burns:

Sept 2003: Looked up his birthdate and place on a 1976 letter from Freda and corrected. (She spells her name Freda on the letters)

Children of Freida Schafer and Ernest Burns are:

+ 3113 i. Donald Jean10 Burns, born 1933 in Palisade, Nebraska.

+ 3114 ii. Phyllis Christina Burns, born 1934 in Palisade, Nebraska.

+ 3115 iii. Betty Eileen Burns, born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska.

+ 3116 iv. Roberta Nadine Burns, born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3117 v. Mavis Marlene Burns, born 1947 in Denver, Colorado.

2737. Edna9 Schafer (Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Feb 1916 in Jewell Co, Kansas. She married Ruben Frick 30 Mar 1935 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 02 Sep 1911.

Children of Edna Schafer and Ruben Frick are:

+ 3118 i. Ronald Dean10 Frick, born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska.

+ 3119 ii. Ruben Edward Frick, born 1937 in Trinidad, Colorado.

+ 3120 iii. Karen Carlene Frick, born 1939 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 3121 iv. Marvin Ray Frick, born 14 Feb 1941 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 08 Jul 1967.

2738. Bessie Marie9 Brehm (John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 03 Jan 1907 in Tilden, Nebraska, and died 16 Jan 1988 in Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota. She married John Bielmaier 15 Feb 1930 in Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota. He was born 02 Jan 1901, and died 17 Feb 1993 in Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota.

Notes for John Bielmaier:

Aug 2003: SS records for birth/death

Children of Bessie Brehm and John Bielmaier are:

+ 3122 i. Eliane10 Bielmaier, born 1932 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3123 ii. Robert Bielmaier, born 1933 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

2742. Clarence John9 Brehm (John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 May 1917 in Ranch, Nebraska or New Underwood, South Dakota, and died 21 Mar 1971 in Rapid City, South Dakota. He married Grace Outka 25 Aug 1944 in Rapid City, South Dakota. She was born Abt. 1919.

Notes for Clarence John Brehm:

I can't find "Ranch, Nebraska", so it probably just means some ranch in Nebraska.

Children of Clarence Brehm and Grace Outka are:

+ 3124 i. Julia Mae10 Brehm, born Abt. 1945 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3125 ii. James Brehm, born 17 Oct 1946 in Rapid City, South Dakota; died 04 Oct 1974 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

2743. Arwood Russel9 Brehm (John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 May 1919 in Rapid City, South Dakota, and died Mar 1986 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. He married Gloria Hall Abt. 1940 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. She was born Abt. 1920.

Notes for Arwood Russel Brehm:

State where Social Security number was issued: South Dakota

Children of Arwood Brehm and Gloria Hall are:

3126 i. Beverly10 Brehm, born Abt. 1942.

3127 ii. Bonnie Brehm, born Abt. 1944.

2744. Phyllis Elaine9 Brehm (John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Feb 1927 in Rapid City, South Dakota. She married Victor Erickson 14 Jan 1950 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He was born Abt. 1925.

Children of Phyllis Brehm and Victor Erickson are:

3128 i. Donna10 Erickson, born Abt. 1952.

3129 ii. Lois Erickson, born Abt. 1954.

More About Lois Erickson:

Comment 1: twins with Doris

3130 iii. Doris Erickson, born Abt. 1956.

More About Doris Erickson:

Comment 1: twins with Lois

2746. Carolyn9 Ross (Anna8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jan 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska 10 miles NW. She married William (Bill) Wallace 03 Oct 1945 in Sharon Springs, Kansas. He was born 27 Jan 1923 in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas.

Children of Carolyn Ross and William Wallace are:

+ 3131 i. Delmer10 Wallace, born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas.

+ 3132 ii. Duane Wallace, born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas.

+ 3133 iii. Terri Wallace, born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas.

2748. Henry9 Brehm (John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Nov 1908 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE, and died 20 Jun 2006 in Kansas City, Kanasa. He married Esther Hein 03 Dec 1933 in Beverly, Nebraska. She was born 15 Jun 1912 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 05 Jul 1983 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Henry Brehm:

Obituary Henry "Hank" Brehm Nov 13, 1908 - June 20, 2006

Henry “Hank” Brehm died Tuesday, June 20, at Presbyterian Manor of Kansas City, Kan. He was 97 years old.

He was born November 13, 1908, to John and Kate (Wilman) Brehm at Beverly, Nebraska. He graduated from Palisade High School. His parents and four brothers preceded him in death – Albert, Joe, Ruben, and Elmer. One sister, Freida Romersheuser, lives in Indianola.

One son, Kenneth, preceded him in death as well. Other children are Donald Brehm and wife Patricia of Omaha, Dennis Brehm and wife Rebecca of Kansas City, and daughter Leona Sigwing and husband Larry of Kansas City. Henry always grew emotional at family gatherings when he was reminded of his 10 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.

Boxing was a main pastime as he grew up and then his passion for football took over when he entered high school.

Henry was a wonderful source of living history and storytelling as he reflected on details of family, entertainment, jobs and equipment, horse-pulled wagons for transportation, horses smarter than owners, the first automobiles and on and on.

Born and raised in a community of German immigrants, he was required to learn yet another German dialect, that of Esther Hein, before courting was an option. He won her heart instead of another suitor when she asked each one for a piece of gum. The other suitor gave her one piece. Henry gave her the entire package. Henry and Esther were married December 3, 1933. He lovingly took care of Esther many years while she was bedfast. She died July 5, 1983.

Henry worked hard at whatever he did whether farming, trucking, or “pumping gas.” He always seemed to help others and put a bright spot in lives he touched with a corny joke or a raised arm and “Hi, Bub!” … that was everyone’s name.

He was a faithful Christian, spent many hours praying and reading the Bible. He frequently made comparisons of Biblical events to current events.

Henry was a determined man, loved and now missed by family and friends.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given in his name.

Visitation will be Monday, 8:30 to noon at Carpenter Breland Funeral Home in McCook. The family will be present to greet friends from 10-11 a.m. Friends may also leave condolences on-line at carpenterbreland.c

A 1:00 p.m. family graveside service will be at the Culbertson Cemetery with Rev. Richard Melano officiating.

Carpenter Breland Funeral Home of McCook is in charge of the arrangements.

Notes for Esther Hein:

McCook, NE DAILY GAZETTE died Tuesday, July 5, 1983

CULBERTSON - Esther Brehm died Tuesday at the Community Hospital, McCook, NE. She was born Jun 15, 1908 to John C and Anna Hein. She was married to Henry Brehm at Culbertson Dec 3, 1933.

Survivors are her husband, Henry of Culbertson; two sons Donald of Omaha and Dennis of Kansas City, MO; one daughter, Mrs. Larry (Leona) Sigwing of Kansas City, Kansas; six grandchildren; three brothers, Jake Hein of Fort Morgan, CO, Harry Hein and Wylie Hein, both of McCook and two sisters; Mrs Anna Walters of McCook and Mrs Lydia Sinner of Wauneta. She was preceded in death by one son, Kenneth, her parents, a brother John and a sister Lena.

Services will be at 10:30 am Friday in the United Methodist Church, Culbertson. The Rev Lisle Mewmaw will officiate. Burial will be in the Culbertson Cemetery under the direction of the Carpenter-Breland Funeral Home of McCook.

Children of Henry Brehm and Esther Hein are:

+ 3134 i. Donald Wayne10 Brehm, born 1936 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

3135 ii. Kenneth Kay Brehm, born 20 Oct 1939 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska; died 23 Jan 1943 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 3136 iii. Leona Ann Brehm, born 1943 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

+ 3137 iv. Dennis Leroy Brehm, born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2750. Joe9 Brehm I (John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Nov 1911 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE, and died 02 Dec 1984 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He married Louise Spaur 15 Jun 1932 in Overland, now Overland Park, Kansas. She was born 01 Sep 1915 in Wallace, Nebraska.

More About Louise Spaur:

Comment 1: Lived in Boulder, CO

Child of Joe Brehm and Louise Spaur is:

+ 3138 i. Joe10 Brehm II, born 1934 in Longmont, Colorado.

2751. Freida9 Brehm (John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Sep 1913 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE, and died 26 Apr 2011 in Superior, Nebraska. She married Ludwig (Louis) Romersheuser 25 Jan 1942 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska - Peace Lutheran, son of Philip Romersheuser and Ida Tilgner. He was born 07 Jun 1899 in Frontier Co, Nebraska homestead, and died 29 Aug 1983 in Hayes Center, Nebraska.

Notes for Freida Brehm:

1997: Freida visited & helped Aunt Mary, Elsie, & Esther Brehm a lot in Culbertson, NE. She especially helped Mary in the last months, because Elsie and Esther were not there to help take care of her.

2000: Freida visited Cara/Harold Brehm in Seattle, WA.

2000: We have a picture of her.

March 2001: Freida looks a lot like Aunt Mary Brehm.

Jul 2004: The LaPella family stopped by and saw Freida on their trip to Ohio.

Freida Elizabeth Brehm Romersheuser

Thursday, April 28, 2011

McCook Daily Gazette Sept. 30, 1913-April 26, 2011

HAYES CENTER, Nebraska -- Always with a ready smile and a positive attitude, Freida passed away peacefully at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Superior, Nebraska.

She grew up in the Culbertson, Nebraska Community and graduated from Culbertson High School in 1931. She worked at Hills Cafe in Culbertson for 12 years before moving to McCook, Nebraska where she worked at Modrell's Cafe. While working at the cafe she met and eventually married Louis Romersheuser of Hayes Center on Jan. 4, 1942, at Peace Lutheran Church in McCook. They moved to the family farm nine miles northeast of Hayes Center.

Freida was preceded in death by her husband, Louis (Aug. 28, 1982) {s/b 1983}; and her five brothers, Hank, Elmer, Albert, Joe and Reuben.

She is survived by her children, Lois Chipperfield and friend Tim Hottinger of Columbus, Ohio, Sonya Pelzer (Ron) of Superior, Steven Romersheuser (Barbara) of Eagle, Colorado, and Pam McConville (Don) of Indianola, Nebraska; 10 grandchildren, Amber (Rex) Robbins of Valrico, Florida, Chanda (Scott) Foster of Johnstown, Ohio, Gaynor (June) Collison of Kearney, Nebraska, Crale (Bobbie) Collison of Hildreth, Nebraska, Jean Romersheuser of Houston, Texas, Louis Romersheuser of Golden, Colorado, Vicki (Mark) Jones of Cambridge, Nebraska, Beth (Michael) Green of Kansas City, Missouri, Boyd (Toya) Huff of Lawton, Oklahoma, and Cliff (Aurelia) Huff of McCook; and 20 great-grandchildren, Autmn, Scarlet and Alexander Robbins, Stihl and Bodhi Foster, Norman, Avery and Carly Collison, Mazie Collison, Abby and Debby Jones, Rheanna, Susanna and David Green, Marquis and Nick Huff, Bekah, Josh, Nate and Hannah Huff.

Freida loved to cook, sew, knit, crochet and do embroidery. She enjoyed doing these things right up until the time of her death. Until a few years ago, she traveled to Hayes Center to quilt with long-time friends from the area.

Notes for Ludwig (Louis) Romersheuser:

He was killed on the farm by a tractor.

Apr 2011: His SS entry is under L ROMERSHEUSER

Birth: 7 Jun 1899 State Where Number was Issued: Nebraska Death: Aug 1983 Hayes Center, NE

Children of Freida Brehm and Ludwig Romersheuser are:

+ 3139 i. Lois Loraine10 Romersheuser, born 1942 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3140 ii. Sonya Freida Romersheuser, born 1944 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE.

+ 3141 iii. Louis Steven (Steve) Romersheuser, born 1946 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE.

+ 3142 iv. Pamela Ann Romersheuser, born 1947 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE.

2753. Elmer (Sarge)9 Brehm (John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Aug 1917 in Beverly, Nebraska on farm 4 miles SE, and died 24 Aug 2002 in Mesa, Arizona. He married Doris Perfect 23 Jan 1946, daughter of Lewis Perfect and Ruth Fleming. She was born 14 Jun 1916 in Wilsonville, Furnas County, Nebraska, and died 17 Nov 1994 in Apache Junction, Pinal Co, Arizona.

Notes for Elmer (Sarge) Brehm:

Mesa, Ariz - Elmer "Sarge" Brehm, 85, died Saturday (Aug 24, 2002) in Mesa, Ariz.

Elmer was born Aug 23, 1917, to John and Katie (Willmann) Brehm of Culbertson. He married Doris Perfect on Jan 23, 1946. He spent four years in the U.S. Air Force as a mechanic, then worked as a contractor in Missoula, Mont., until he retired and moved to Mesa in 1979.

Preceding him in death was his wife, Doris; his parents; and three broths.

He is survived by his son, Mark of Littleton, Colo.; a brother, Henry Brehm of McCook; a sister, Freida Romersheuser of Indianola; and a host of nieces and nephews.

For the last seven years Elmer enjoyed entertaining at senior centers and nursing homes in Mesa with his best friend, Carol Botting as his accompanist. Singing was the love of his life.

More About Elmer (Sarge) Brehm:

Burial: Wilsonville, Nebraska

Notes for Doris Perfect:

1. According to the SS records her birthdate was: 14 Jun 1916

2. The family of Doris Perfect is on this website -

3. Updated information on Doris from Kay Fleming via email March 2003.

More About Doris Perfect:

Burial: Wilsonville, Nebraska

Child of Elmer Brehm and Doris Perfect is:

3143 i. Mark E10 Brehm, born 1950 in Missoula, Montana. He married Linda Bliss; born 1949.

Notes for Mark E Brehm:

Middle name is E

2754. James (Jimmie)9 Kotch (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Nov 1907 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west, and died 04 Feb 1984 in Leavenworth, Kansas. He married (1) Marjorie Herod 16 Nov 1931. She was born Abt. 1908. He married (2) Agnes ? Aft. 1940. She was born Abt. 1908.

More About James (Jimmie) Kotch:

Comment 1: Birthdate from SS records

Child of James Kotch and Marjorie Herod is:

3144 i. Kenneth James10 Kotch, born Abt. 1933.

2755. Frank9 Kotch (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 28 Oct 1909 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west, and died 06 Jun 1995 in Ovid, Colorado. He married Neva Thode Abt. 1932. She was born Abt. 1912 in Nebraska.

Notes for Frank Kotch:

Birth and death information from Harry Kotch 5/2001

Child of Frank Kotch and Neva Thode is:

3145 i. Richard10 Kotch, born 1944.

Notes for Richard Kotch:

Sept 2003: This child added per Don Spence's book.

2756. Harry Alvin9 Kotch (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jun 1913 in Ovid, Colorado on the farm 3 miles west. He married Rose Elizabeth Kaiser 25 Jan 1937 in Crook, Colorado. She was born 07 Jun 1917 in Crook, Colorado at home, and died 04 Oct 1980 in Ovid, Colorado on the farm NW of town.

Notes for Harry Alvin Kotch:

Harry updated info on his family and address 5/2001.

More About Rose Elizabeth Kaiser:

Burial: Sedgwick, Colorado

Children of Harry Kotch and Rose Kaiser are:

3146 i. Dorothy Lennete10 Kotch, born 1942 in Ovid, Colorado. She married Robert Dee Moist 15 Sep 1962 in Chappell, Nebraska; born 1941 in Gallup, McKinley Co, New Mexico.

Notes for Dorothy Lennete Kotch:

address for Dorothy from Harry Kotch 5/2001.

+ 3147 ii. Diana Lynn Kotch, born 1950 in Chappell, Nebraska.

+ 3148 iii. Donna Lee Kotch, born 1952 in Julesburg, Colorado.

2757. Irene9 Kotch (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 May 1916 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west, and died 23 Apr 1994 in Ovid, Colorado. She married Peter Walter 26 Jan 1936 in Ovid, Colorado. He was born 08 Apr 1914 in Sterling, Colorado, and died 07 May 1983 in Ovid, Colorado.

Children of Irene Kotch and Peter Walter are:

+ 3149 i. Marie Katherine10 Walter, born 1938 in Denver, Colorado.

+ 3150 ii. Robert Walter, born 1946 in Ovid, Colorado.

2759. Pauline9 Kotch (Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Dec 1922 in Ovid, Colorado on a farm 3 miles west. She married Darrell Douglas. He was born 07 Oct 1923, and died 18 Apr 1966 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Child of Pauline Kotch and Darrell Douglas is:

3151 i. Patricia10 Douglas, born 1944.

2761. Pauline9 Frank (Dora8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Nov 1904 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 23 Sep 1971 in Los Angeles, California. She married Johnnie J Walker 04 Jan 1928 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 08 Dec 1901 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 03 Dec 1973 in Los Angeles, California.

Child of Pauline Frank and Johnnie Walker is:

3152 i. Sue Ann10 Walker, born 1935 in Los Angeles, California.

Notes for Sue Ann Walker:

She used to live in Downey, CA and then moved to Whittler, CA. I wrote her May 2001, but she said she didn't have addt'l information.

More About Sue Ann Walker:

Comment 1: picture

2762. Abraham (Abe)9 Frank (Dora8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Mar 1906 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Mar 1989 in Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming. He married Katherine H Hendricks 17 Apr 1952 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming, daughter of Edward Hendricks and Clara Coonce. She was born 10 May 1918 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming, and died 05 Sep 1981 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming; DePaul Hospital.

More About Abraham (Abe) Frank:

Burial: Beth El Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming

More About Katherine H Hendricks:

Burial: Beth El Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Child of Abraham Frank and Katherine Hendricks is:

3153 i. Maurice Clifford10 Frank, born 1954 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He married Patricia A Sheheen 21 Dec 1994 in Wyoming; born Abt. 1955.

2764. Marian (Ming)9 Frank (Dora8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Jan 1913 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 06 Dec 1975 in California. She married Elmer McLafferty 05 May 1937 in California. He was born 21 Jun 1907 in St. Louis, Missouri.

Child of Marian Frank and Elmer McLafferty is:

+ 3154 i. Sally Jane10 McLafferty, born 1937 in Los Angeles, California.

2767. June9 Frank (Dora8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Sep 1918 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Joseph L Searcy 23 Jul 1955 in Alhambria, Los Angeles Co, California. He was born 14 Jul 1918.

Child of June Frank and Joseph Searcy is:

3155 i. Eric Louis10 Searcy, born 1956 in Alhambra, California.

Notes for Eric Louis Searcy:

have a picture

2770. Frieda Dorothy9 Yost (Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 19 Mar 1910 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 10 Jul 1995 in Sun City, California. She married William Marion Sharpe 27 Dec 1931 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, son of Isaac Sharp and Catherine Durham. He was born 25 Oct 1899 in Jellico, Campbell Co, Tennessee, and died 13 Nov 1989 in Sun City, California.

Notes for Frieda Dorothy Yost:

1. I have received lots of letters, pictures & information from Her. She worked a lot on family history.

2. She lived in Sun City, CA. She was in a car accident.

3. Burial: Genoa, Colorado

More About William Marion Sharpe:

Burial: Genoa, Colorado

Child of Frieda Yost and William Sharpe is:

+ 3156 i. Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe, born 23 May 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 03 Sep 1994 in Modesto, California.

2772. Francis (Yosty)9 Yost (Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 Nov 1916 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 15 Mar 1988 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Nancy Arline Nelson 08 Jan 1936 in Oberlin, Kansas. She was born 15 Mar 1920 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska at home, and died 07 May 2007 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

Notes for Francis (Yosty) Yost:

1. Jun 2001: No middle name per Lois Yost Jones

2. He lived in Boise ID

3. Jun 2001: Info on children/grandchildren updated by Lois Yost Jones.

Notes for Nancy Arline Nelson:

June 2007: Received email from Lois Jeannie Jones.

May 2007: From Yost genforum. Obit: Nancy Arline (Nelson) Yost, b. 1920, Culbertson, NE; lived ID.

Obit dated 13 May 2007 available obituaries. Arline was preceded by her parents, Charles and Minnie E. (Hubler) Nelson and by her husband, Francis "Yosty" Yost; survivors include 2 children.

Children of Francis Yost and Nancy Nelson are:

+ 3157 i. Ronney Gerald10 Yost, born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3158 ii. Lois Jean (Jeannie) Yost, born 1939 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

2773. Clara Dorothy9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 08 Jan 1914 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 07 Feb 2003 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married (1) Fordyce Cecil Steinhour 18 Oct 1931 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 09 Apr 1914 in Cambridge, Furnas Co, Nebraska, and died 10 Feb 1972 in Kimball, Kimball Co, Nebraska. She married (2) Philip Raymond Barth 06 May 1966 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 29 Apr 1906 in Schoenendohl, Russia, and died 07 Jan 1978 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Clara Dorothy Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

May 2001: Family info updated by Clara Brehm Barth

May 22, 2001: She sent another letter.

Notes for Fordyce Cecil Steinhour:

Burial: Memorial Gardens, Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming

More About Philip Raymond Barth:

Burial: Bell View Cemetery, Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming

Children of Clara Brehm and Fordyce Steinhour are:

+ 3159 i. Dorothy May10 Steinhour, born 1932 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3160 ii. Donna Lee Steinhour, born 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3161 iii. Fordyce William Cecil Steinhour, born 1940 in Atwood, Rawlins Co, Kansas.

+ 3162 iv. Evelyn Leona Steinhour, born 1941 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

+ 3163 v. Gerald Dean Steinhour, born 1949 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

2774. Harry William9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Aug 1916 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 12 Apr 1978 in Springfield, Lane Co, Oregon. He married June Ola Renquist 06 Nov 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She was born 14 Aug 1917 in Holdrege, Phelps Co, Nebraska, and died 21 Feb 1991 in Springfield, Lane Co, Oregon.

Notes for Harry William Brehm:

Sept 2003: A note from Don Spence's book.

"Some of the family members thought that Harry's middle name was William; but his daughter, Connie states that 'it is Conrad and her name, Connie, was derived from Conrad'"

Child of Harry Brehm and June Renquist is:

3164 i. Connie Javeola10 Brehm, born 1941 in Holdrege, Nebraska. She married Frank Cleo Duncan 12 May 1961 in Springfield, Lane Co, Oregon; born 1931 in Los Angeles, California.

More About Connie Javeola Brehm:

Comment 1: Middle name could be "Junola"

2775. June Rose9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Jun 1919 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 14 Feb 2011 in Watsonville, California. She married Lloyd Walter (Clark) Hoagland 16 Feb 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 13 Nov 1914 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 29 Oct 2001 in Watsonville, California.

Notes for June Rose Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Feb 2011: Email reeived from her daughter, Pat Hoagland Spence, regarding her mom's passing.

June Rose Hoagland (02/21/11) McCook Daily Gazette

June 10, 1919 -- Feb. 14, 2011 WATSONVILLE, California -- June passed away Feb. 14, 2011, in Watsonville after a short illness. She was born June 10, 1919, in McCook, Nebraska, one of seven sisters and one brother to Margaret [Dietz] and William M. Brehm.

Notes for Lloyd Walter (Clark) Hoagland:

1. Lloyd has worked a lot on the Brehm/Yost family history.

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

2. Per a letter from Clara Brehm Barth, May 2001, he has gotten ill and hasn't been able to work on the family history. He and his wife June are living in a senior home.

3. Following the death of his father Wareham Bartlett Clark, Lloyd's mother, Augusta Rose Morosic remarried to Samuel Clinton Hoagland. Lloyd and his brothers, Neal and Keith, were adopted in 1923 by Samuel Clinton Hoagland.

Lloyd Walter (Clark) Hoagland died Monday, October 29, 2001, in Watsonville. He was 86.

Born in Red Willow Co., Nebr., Mr. Hoagland moved to Watsonville in 1962. He was a 20 year employee of United Airlines, where he converted Boeing 247's and Douglas C47's for use during World War II. He retired in 1972 and was active in the community. He played the guitar (self taught) at the Watsonville Senior Center for the Merry Music Makers and the 5th Street Rhythmaires. He worked with Project Scout and was a member of the Golden State Mobile Home Owners League.

His favorite pastime for 20 years after retiring was genealogy research and he was a member of the Pajaro Valley Genealogy Society. He authored "Descendants of John Clark of New Haven, Connecticut," in which he traced his family roots to one of the founders of New Haven Colony in Massachusetts in 1612.

Mr. Hoagland is survived by his wife of 65 years, June Rose (Brehm) Hoagland of Watsonville; two daughters and sons-in-law, Beatrice J. and Kenneth Lichtenstein of Santa Clara and Patricia A and Donald A. Spence of Watsonville; a son and daughter-in-law Robert C and Sue Hoagland of Orangevale; nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He was preceded

in death by his brothers Neal W. and Keith Hoagland.

No services are planned. The Neptune Society of Central California is making burial arrangements and Mr. Hoagland will be buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in McCook, Neb. (He was buried on 11/7/01)

The family prefers memorial donations be made to Cabrillo Stroke Center, 501 Upper DeLaveaga Park, Santa Cruz, Ca.

95065; Maurine Church Coburn School of Nursing, 980 Fremont St., Monterey, Ca. 93940; or a favorite charity.

A last note from Lloyd:

He knew he was going, and made the statement many times "ya know they ought to make a law about getting 'old'". He had dementia.

Children of June Brehm and Lloyd Hoagland are:

+ 3165 i. Beatrice June (Bea)10 Hoagland, born 22 Jul 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 29 Jul 2010 in Santa Clara, California.

+ 3166 ii. Robert Clinton (Bob) Hoagland, born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3167 iii. Patricia Ann Hoagland, born 1939 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

3168 iv. Evelyn Frances Hoagland, born 17 Sep 1940 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska; died 08 May 1943 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

More About Evelyn Frances Hoagland:

Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery; McCook, Nebraska

2776. Eleanor Mae9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 10 Dec 1921 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (1) Melvin Denton 24 Dec 1941 in Oberlin, Decatur Co, Kansas. He was born Abt. 1920. She married (2) Wendell Dean Hiersekorn 11 Jan 1947 in Norton, Norton Co, Kansas, son of McKinley Hiersekorn and Mildred Adams. He was born 24 Mar 1921 in Lebanon, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 23 May 2000 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Eleanor Mae Brehm:

1. 1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

2. May 2001: sent out letter requesting updates of info.

3. May 2001: received letter updating info.

4. Sept 2003 from Don Spence's book: "from Eleanor on Sept 15, 1991 states: Eleanor and Dean lived in McCook from 1947 to 1950 when they moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming. We ranched from 11970 to 1980, 25 miles from Cheyenne. After selling the ranch we retired and now live on Kingham Drive in Cheyenne. Dean served in the E.T.O. during WW II and again in 1950 for 8 months. He was awarded the Bronze Star Metal, and six silver stars. ...... We are now running errands for our daughter and grand daughters.

Child of Eleanor Brehm and Wendell Hiersekorn is:

+ 3169 i. Cheryl Ann10 Hiersekorn, born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2777. Louise Marjorie9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jul 1924 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (1) John Francis Brody 06 Jun 1942 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 01 May 1923 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (2) James Morford 18 Mar 1963 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was born 11 Jul 1921 in Freelandville, Knox Co, Indiana, and died 1999 in Elmhurst, Illinois.

Notes for Louise Marjorie Brehm:

Received this info from Delores Brehm Gettman.

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Children of Louise Brehm and John Brody are:

+ 3170 i. Mary Louise10 Brody, born 1943 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3171 ii. Denise Marie Brody, born 1953 in Clark Air Force Base, Philippines.

3172 iii. Gail Elaine Brody, born 1955 in Rapid City, South Dakota. She married William Thomas (Bill) Van Demon 12 Jun 1976 in Elmhurst, Illinois; born 1952.

More About Gail Elaine Brody:

Comment 1: No children

2778. Virginia Olive9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Sep 1927 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 27 Mar 1982 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky. She married Ralph Alver Rucker 26 Feb 1945 in Hays Center, Ellis Co, Kansas. He was born 21 Sep 1921 in Polsgrove, Franklin Co, Kentucky, and died 14 Apr 1998 in Lawrenceburg, Anderson Co, Kentucky.

Notes for Virginia Olive Brehm:

Mar 6, 1980: Information from Virginia Brehm Rucker.

She was an employee of Schenley Distillers for 26 yrs.

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Sept 2010: I received an email from Linda Rucker Games.

Notes for Ralph Alver Rucker:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Child of Virginia Brehm and Ralph Rucker is:

+ 3173 i. Linda Joyce10 Rucker, born 1949 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky.

2780. Delores Marie9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Mar 1932 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 20 Jun 1994 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Elwood (Butch) Henry Gettman 14 Jan 1951 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming, son of Henry Gettman. He was born 25 Mar 1931 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming, and died 12 May 1982 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Delores Marie Brehm:

Received this info from Delores Brehm Gettman.

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Notes for Elwood (Butch) Henry Gettman:

He worked for Union Pacific Railroad. Then he opened an appliance repair called B & B Appliance.

Nickname: Butch

Burial: Bethel Cemetery

Jun 2009: Elizabeth McKeon asked about his family.

Jul 2009: Received email from Elizabeth McKaon. "It says that Elwood (Butch) Henry Gettman's dad was George Gettman. He was actually Henry Gettman who married Mollie Sitzman."

Children of Delores Brehm and Elwood Gettman are:

+ 3174 i. Pamela (Pam)10 Gettman, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 3175 ii. Bruce Wayne Gettman, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

2781. Lillian Margaret9 Brehm (William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 02 Jun 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 27 Jan 2001 in Lebanon, Nebraska. She married James Miller Nicholson 07 Jun 1953 in Lebanon, Nebraska. He was born 12 Aug 1929 in Wilsonville, Furnas Co, Nebraska, and died 25 Jan 2000 in Lebanon, Nebraska.

Notes for Lillian Margaret Brehm:

Her family lived in Wilsonville, NE and in Lebanon NE.

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

May 2001: Updated info was received from Clara Brehm Barth.

Children of Lillian Brehm and James Nicholson are:

+ 3176 i. Diana Sue10 Nicholson, born 1954 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3177 ii. Kent Dewayne Nicholson, born 1957 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

+ 3178 iii. William Albert Nicholson, born 1961 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2783. Harold Eugene9 Brehm (Sam8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 24 Sep 1924 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 23 Jun 2002 in Federal Way, King Co, Washington. He married Cara Ruth Walker 14 Jun 1953 in Bayard, Nebraska, daughter of Scott Walker and Columbia Powelson. She was born 1928 in Pleasant Valley Twp, Johnson Co, Iowa on Walker farm.

Notes for Harold Eugene Brehm:

There is a 'story' about Harold Brehm on Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

Burial: Tahoma Cemetery, Kent, Washington

Notes for Cara Ruth Walker:

There is a story about Cara Walker Brehm on Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

Children of Harold Brehm and Cara Walker are:

3179 i. Sally Ann10 Brehm, born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington. She married (1) Walter Thomas Lee 25 Aug 1981 in Des Moines, King, Washington; born 1952 in Sioux City, Iowa. She married (2) William Ring 05 Jul 1997 in La Conner, Washington; born Private in Private.

Notes for Sally Ann Brehm:

See the Harold and Cara Brehm story on Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

Notes for William Ring:

In 2000, he works for Boeing. He likes fishing, boats, cars, and camping out.

+ 3180 ii. Katherine Elizabeth (Kathy) Brehm, born 1958 in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

2784. Eugene Junior9 Brehm (Benjamin (Ben)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 Feb 1927 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Nancy Rae Hower 08 Dec 1952 in Tampa, Florida. She was born 21 Jul 1934 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado, and died 30 Sep 1998 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

Notes for Eugene Junior Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Notes for Nancy Rae Hower:

Obit: Nancy R Brehm Littleton Homemaker, died Wednesday in Denver. She was 64. PPrivate services were held. There was a cremation.

She ws born July 21, 1934, in Denver. On Dec 8, 1952, she married Eugene H Brehm. She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Lugene, Littleton; a son, Craig, Littleton and three grandchildren. Rocky Mountain News CO Oct 5, 1998

Children of Eugene Brehm and Nancy Hower are:

3181 i. Lugene Nancy10 Brehm, born 1953 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

Notes for Lugene Nancy Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

+ 3182 ii. Craig Douglas Brehm, born 1963 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

2786. Sharon Kay9 Bradley (Mae Margaret8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1946 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Leroy Reginato 23 Sep 1966 in Santa Barbara, California. He was born 1943 in Los Angeles, California.

Notes for Sharon Kay Bradley:

This information was on May 2001.

Child of Sharon Bradley and Leroy Reginato is:

3183 i. Bradley L10 Reginato, born 1967 in Santa Barbara, California. He married Tracey Lee Haiph 25 May 1996 in Santa Barbara, California; born Private.

Notes for Bradley L Reginato:

Middle initial on "L" only per Sharon Bradley Reginato 5/2001

2795. Beatrice Edith9 Cook (Edith Louise8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Jul 1928 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 18 Jun 1988 in Sublimity, Marion Co, Oregon. She married Harold Lloyd Myers 10 Nov 1945 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He was born 28 Nov 1919 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 24 Feb 2002 in Salem, Marion, Oregon.

Notes for Beatrice Edith Cook:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Note: Beatrice was fondly called "Sister" within the family.

Burial: Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Child of Beatrice Cook and Harold Myers is:

3184 i. Sue10 Myers, born Private. She married ? McKechnie; born Private.

Notes for Sue Myers:

Mar 2008: Received a letter from Sue Myers McKechnie with all of Heinrich Helzer's descendants included.

Aug 2008: Received email from Sue with lots of information.

Feb 2009: Received an email from Sue Myers McKechnie with information on Michael Bateman.

Oct 2009: Received an email from Sue Myers McKechnie with more information.

2799. Dale Everett9 Brethauer (Beatrice Mary8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Nicolaus6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Aug 1932, and died 14 Nov 1988.

Notes for Dale Everett Brethauer:

Oct 2009: Received an email from Sue Myers McKechnie with more information. "Their dad was Dale Brethauer, who's mother was Beatrice Helzer, my grandmother' sister."

Child of Dale Everett Brethauer is:

3185 i. Jill10 Brethauer, born Private.

2805. Margaret Lois9 Freitag (Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 01 Dec 1917 in Kankakee, Illinois. She married (1) Ross Seeman 30 Aug 1945 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1915. She married (2) William Buchholz 23 Dec 1977. He was born Abt. 1915. She married (3) Jay Rhea 29 Dec 1978. He was born Abt. 1915. She married (4) Morton Wohl 20 Nov 1982. He was born Abt. 1915.

Children of Margaret Freitag and Ross Seeman are:

+ 3186 i. Rebecca Lynn10 Seeman, born 1949 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3187 ii. Douglas Ross Seeman, born 1950 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3188 iii. Daniel Andrew Seeman, born 1953 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2806. James9 Freitag (Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1919. He married Rosemary Collins Abt. 1940. She was born Abt. 1920.

Children of James Freitag and Rosemary Collins are:

3189 i. Charleen10 Freitag, born Abt. 1942.

3190 ii. Roseann Freitag, born Abt. 1944.

+ 3191 iii. Brian Freitag, born Abt. 1946.

2807. Evelyn Marie9 Freitag (Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 26 Apr 1920 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 16 Dec 1991 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Lee Sandborn Davenport 11 Jan 1941 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born 21 May 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 03 Aug 1985 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Notes for Lee Sandborn Davenport:

Family information from Gary Davenport via email Dec 2002.

Children of Evelyn Freitag and Lee Davenport are:

+ 3192 i. Judity Lee10 Davenport, born 1942 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3193 ii. Gregory Dean Davenport, born 1948 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3194 iii. Dennis Scott Davenport, born 1950 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3195 iv. Randy William Davenport, born 1955 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3196 v. Gary Richard Davenport, born Private. He married Susanne Elaine Elmgren 21 Jul 1994 in Las Vegas, Nevada; born Private.

Notes for Gary Richard Davenport:

Dec 2002: Gary sent email with his family. Also lots of info on the Helzer chart. He wrote "Hi Katherine- we already corresponded over a question i had and you helped me. I am under the impression that your Helzer pleve chart was wearing thin since you were having trouble reading off of it. Do you also have the Reispich chart? I would like to t "

2808. Ruth Esther9 Freitag (Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 18 Jan 1922 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Phillip Ralph Fishburn 02 Mar 1945 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1920.

Children of Ruth Freitag and Phillip Fishburn are:

+ 3197 i. Carol Joann10 Fishburn, born 1946 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3198 ii. Philip Charles Fishburn, born 21 Mar 1951 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon; died 14 Mar 1952 in Oregon City, Oregon.

+ 3199 iii. Martha Lynne Fishburn, born 1953 in Oregon City, Oregon.

2814. David Theodore9 Weiss (Edna8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1930. He married Joann Anderson 1963. She was born Abt. 1930.

Children of David Weiss and Joann Anderson are:

3200 i. Linda10 Weiss, born Abt. 1964.

3201 ii. Diane Weiss, born Abt. 1966.

2815. Don Solomon9 Helzer (Solomon Albert (Sam)8, Jacob7, Heinrich6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1931 in Inland, Nebraska. He married Saralynn Newman 22 Nov 1956. She was born Abt. 1932.

Notes for Don Solomon Helzer:

Aug 2007: Email received from Carol Sinner. See the article under his father.

Children of Don Helzer and Saralynn Newman are:

3202 i. Donna Louise10 Helzer, born Private.

3203 ii. Ellen Elizabeth Helzer, born Private.

2827. Irene Dorothy9 Helzer (Johann Philipp8, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Aug 1918 in Mayfield, Hall Co, Nebraska, and died 31 Jul 2002 in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska. She married Alfred Virgil Woodburn 15 Nov 1939 in Brady, Lincoln, Nebraska. He was born 30 Apr 1913 in Sodtown, Buffalo, Nebraska, and died 21 Nov 1976 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

Children of Irene Helzer and Alfred Woodburn are:

+ 3204 i. Kathleen Ann10 Woodburn, born Private in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska.

+ 3205 ii. Gayleen Lou Woodburn, born Private in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska.

3206 iii. Donald David Woodburn, born Private in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska. He married Vicki Ann Hertzler 20 Dec 1969 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska; born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3207 iv. Phyl Alan Woodburn, born Private in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska.

2831. Jean Elizabeth9 Prince (Anna Elisabeth8 Helzer, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Dec 1923 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. She married Vance LaVern Clark 21 Nov 1942 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California. He was born 17 Sep 1923 in St Paul, Howard, Nebraska, and died 17 Oct 2002 in California.

Child of Jean Prince and Vance Clark is:

3208 i. Thomas Harry10 Clark, born Private in Glendale, Los Angeles, California. He married Laurie Anne Claudon 26 Jun 1971 in Burlingome, Caliofnria; born Private in San Jose, California.

2835. Mary Ellyn9 Helzer (Louie Christian (Louie)8, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 29 Jun 1927 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. She married Simon David Parrish, Jr. 29 Sep 1946 in Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska. He was born 08 Sep 1922 in Baconton, Georgia, and died 24 Apr 1997.

Children of Mary Helzer and Simon Parrish are:

3209 i. David Lou10 Parrish, born Private.

3210 ii. Jerry Mark Parrish, born Private.

3211 iii. Jo Ellyn Parrish, born Private.

2867. Eugene William9 Meyer (Elizabeth Agnes8 Helzer, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Apr 1926 in Palmer, Nebraska, and died Abt. 1994 in Palmer, Nebraska. He married Geraldine Lucille Rojeuski 12 Nov 1947 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She was born 06 Jan 1929.

Notes for Eugene William Meyer:

Dec 2009: Information from this site.

"Eugene served in the Army 43rd Division January 1945 to November 1946."

Children of Eugene Meyer and Geraldine Rojeuski are:

3212 i. Robyn Ellizabeth10 Meyer, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska. She married Lonny Gene Raftery 04 Nov 1967 in St Paul, Nebraska; born Private in Palmer, Nebraska.

3213 ii. Eve Lynne Meyer, born Private.

3214 iii. Leanne Carol Meyer, born Private in Glendive, Montana.

3215 iv. Warren Eugene Meyer, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska.

3216 v. Joy Louise Meyer, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska.

2868. Adeline Rose9 Meyer (Elizabeth Agnes8 Helzer, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 30 Jun 1927. She married Paul Duane Nelsen 01 Feb 1947. He was born 21 Aug 1927 in Cushing, Nebraska, and died 06 Jul 1979.

Notes for Paul Duane Nelsen:

Dec 2009:

Lives in Lincoln, NE. Paul was in the Navy from July 1945 to August 1946 , he has worked as a deliveryman for Weaver Potato Chip: Adeline is assistant supervisor of Operator Services for Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph. Paul graduated Saint Paul High School and attended the University of Nebraska. He then worked for Roberts Dairy as a deliveryman, and currently is a deliveryman for Weaver Potato Chip in Lincoln. Adeline attended grade school District 49 in Palmer, 8th grade at Worms Lutheran School, and Saint Paul High School. Adeline worked for Northwestern Bell in Grand Island until 1947. She then raised five children. On August 30, 1966, Adeline went to work for Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph where she is corrently an Assistant Supervisor of Operator Services.

Children of Adeline Meyer and Paul Nelsen are:

3217 i. Douglas Dean10 Nelsen, born Private in Saint Pual, Nebraska.

3218 ii. Roger William Nelsen, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska.

3219 iii. Mary Elizabeth Nelsen, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3220 iv. Paula Jean Nelsen, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3221 v. Ronald Steven Nelsen, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

2869. Orvill Lloyd9 Meyer (Elizabeth Agnes8 Helzer, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 04 Mar 1929 in Palmer, Nebraska. He married Alfrieda Irene Nietfeld 10 Sep 1946 in Gaylord, Kansas. She was born 1931 in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Notes for Orvill Lloyd Meyer:

Sept 2009:

They Farmed near Palmer, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska. They farmed and raised turkeys and broilers until February 1951. Orville also worked at an alfalfa mill North of Grand Island; The family moved to Lincoln where Orville worked at Roberts Cheese Factory, 1951 Western Brick, Burlington Northern Railroad, Western Brick, Johnson Cashway, owned F & M Supply, Overhead Door Co, then purchased Pioneer Overhead Door. Alfrieda worked at home sewing for people and also Terry Lee Dolls. Later she worked at Lincoln Drapery, Kings Food Host, and Pioneer Overhead Door

Children of Orvill Meyer and Alfrieda Nietfeld are:

3222 i. David Alan10 Meyer, born Private in Saint Pual, Nebraska.

3223 ii. Susan Diann Meyer, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She married Terence Neal Anderson 13 Mar 1970; born Private in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

3224 iii. Katherine Ann Meyer, born Private.

3225 iv. DeeAnn Meyer, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

2870. Marlon Lee9 Meyer (Elizabeth Agnes8 Helzer, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 07 Nov 1932 in Palmer, Nebraska, and died 25 Aug 1997. He married Mary Lou Miller 08 Jul 1951 in Palmer, Nebraska. She was born 19 Feb 1934 in Palmer, Nebraska.

Children of Marlon Meyer and Mary Miller are:

3226 i. Patricia Ann10 Meyer, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska.

3227 ii. Debra Sue Meyer, born Private in Grand Island, Nebraska.

3228 iii. Cythia Lou Meyer, born Private in Saint Paul, Nebrasia.

3229 iv. Carol Jean Meyer, born Private in Saint Paul, Nebrasia.

3230 v. Rebecca Meyer, born Private in Saint Paul, Nebrasia.

2873. Ronald Ray9 Helzer (Samuel Philipp8, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Teresa Gae Sterkel, daughter of Harry Sterkel and Virginia Ankele. She was born Private.

Notes for Teresa Gae Sterkel:

Mar 2008: Gedcom from Ruth Schultz. 1st marriage ??? maybe Trout?? Teresa Gae Sterkel Trout

Nov 2009: This is Teresa Sterkel Helzer from the AHSGR that has exchanged information.

Child of Ronald Helzer and Teresa Sterkel is:

3231 i. Jason Samuel10 Helzer, born Private.

2874. Janice9 Helzer (Samuel Philipp8, Philipp Peter7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Steve Wright. He was born Private.

Child of Janice Helzer and Steve Wright is:

3232 i. Suzanne Cheyenne10 Wright, born Private.

2879. Charles D9 Helzer (Ruben8, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Janet Stevens 28 Mar 1964 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born Private.

Children of Charles Helzer and Janet Stevens are:

3233 i. Melinda Jan10 Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3234 ii. Allson Ann Helzer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

2880. Brad9 Helzer (Donald8, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Debbie Torres Abt. 1978. She was born Private. He married (2) Laurie Hermosillo Abt. 1996. She was born Private.

Notes for Debbie Torres:

Oct 2009: Received an email Jessica Helzer Rivas updating her family history.

I changed her last name from Debbie Molina.

Child of Brad Helzer and Debbie Torres is:

+ 3235 i. Jessica Rene10 Helzer, born Private in La Puenta, California.

Child of Brad Helzer and Laurie Hermosillo is:

3236 i. Daniel Phillip10 Helzer, born Private in La Puente, California.

2881. Michael Bruce9 Helzer (Frederick8, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Kathy Lorraine Hand 23 Sep 1968 in Kalispell, Flathead Co, Montana. She was born Private in Kalispell, Flathead Co, Montana.

Children of Michael Helzer and Kathy Hand are:

3237 i. Lorraine K10 Helzer, born Private in Kalispell, Flathead Co, Montana.

3238 ii. John Michael Helzer, born Private in Kennewick, Washington.

3239 iii. Daniel Wade Helzer, born Private in Kennewick, Washington.

2882. Lura Claudine9 Helzer (Frederick8, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Elwin Lee Ackerman 18 Oct 1963 in Coeur D'Alene, Dootena Co, Idaho. He was born Private in Atkin, Minnesota.

Children of Lura Helzer and Elwin Ackerman are:

3240 i. Shawn Lee10 Ackerman, born 16 Dec 1964 in Kennewick, Washington; died 16 Dec 1964 in Kennewick, Washington.

3241 ii. James Ackerman, born 06 Mar 1977 in Kennewick, Washington; died 06 Mar 1977 in Kennewick, Washington.

3242 iii. Casy Brian Ackerman, born 25 Jun 1980 in Pasco, Washington; died 20 Jul 1980 in Spokane, Washington.

3243 iv. Jeffrey Joe Ackerman, born Private in Kennewick, Washington.

3244 v. Christy Lee Ackerman, born Private in Pasco, Washington.

3245 vi. William Howard Ackerman, born Private in Kennewick, Washington.

2883. Dennis9 Walsborn (Eleanor8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Joyce Friedman Abt. 1962. She was born Private. He married (2) Manuela Paredes Abt. 1970. She was born Private.

Notes for Dennis Walsborn:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

Children of Dennis Walsborn and Joyce Friedman are:

+ 3246 i. Tracee Lee10 Walsborn, born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles City, California.

3247 ii. Steven Dennis Walsborn, born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles City, California.

Notes for Steven Dennis Walsborn:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

Never married

2892. Arline Florence9 Nicoll (Anna Katherine8 Blum, Johannes7, Anna Elisabeth6 HELZER, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Mar 1923 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, and died 01 Sep 2000 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. She married Richard Grimmer Bateman 20 Sep 1947 in Vancouver, Washington. He was born 23 Aug 1922 in Great Falls, Montana, and died 28 Oct 2007 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Child of Arline Nicoll and Richard Bateman is:

3248 i. Michael Richard10 Bateman, born Private in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon.

Notes for Michael Richard Bateman:

Mar 2009: Received email from Michael Bateman updating his family.

2895. Harold9 Glantz (John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Jul 1907 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 05 Nov 1946 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He married Louise Carolina Rudio 08 Apr 1934 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She was born 13 Sep 1911 in Huntley, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Children of Harold Glantz and Louise Rudio are:

3249 i. Carol Laverne10 Glantz, born 1936 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She married Edward Glenn Morris 29 Jun 1953; born Abt. 1935.

3250 ii. Sandra Raola Glantz, born 1938 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She married Mitchell Wayne Williamson 26 Jul 1953; born Abt. 1935.

2896. Raymond (Ray)9 Glantz (John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 06 Sep 1908 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 17 Sep 1949 in Helena, Montana. He married Alma Freida Amend 19 Apr 1931 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana Trinity Lutheran Church. She was born 21 Nov 1912 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska, and died 07 Feb 1934 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Notes for Raymond (Ray) Glantz:

Burial: Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana

Notes for Alma Freida Amend:

After Almas death, the children, Louise and Helen were raise by their Maternal Grandparents Jacob & Amalia Amend.

Children of Raymond Glantz and Alma Amend are:

+ 3251 i. Louise Christina (Chris)10 Glantz, born 1931 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

3252 ii. Dorothy Helen Glantz, born 1933 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She married Ronald Henry Schulke 26 Aug 1956; born Abt. 1933.

2897. Russell9 Glantz (John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 May 1910 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 11 Jul 2001 in Red Lodge, Carbon Co, Montana. He married Helena Hein 03 Jan 1932 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She was born 22 Mar 1912 in Laurel, Yellowstone Co, Montana, and died 24 Dec 1992 in Mesa, Arizona.

More About Russell Glantz:

Burial: Mountview Cemetery; Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana

More About Helena Hein:

Burial: Mountview Cemetery; Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana

Children of Russell Glantz and Helena Hein are:

3253 i. Kenneth Dean10 Glantz, born 1932 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He married Patricia Oneill 18 Sep 1954; born Abt. 1934.

3254 ii. Gary Wayne Glantz, born 10 Mar 1935 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 13 Nov 1964 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

More About Gary Wayne Glantz:

Burial: Mountview Cemetery; Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana

2900. Harry9 Glantz (John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Aug 1913 in Canyon Creek, Yellowstone Co, Montana, and died 23 Nov 2001 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He married May Harper 21 Dec 1941 in Columbus, Stillwater Co, Montana. She was born 19 Jul 1909 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and died 14 May 1981 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Notes for Harry Glantz:

1. Kathy Brehm LaPella talked to Harry on the phone June 2001. He was very helpful in giving address for Peggy Glantz and Louise Glantz England.

2. Harry Glantz, 88, a World War II veteran and longtime rancher, died of heart failure on Friday morning, Nov. 23, 2001.

He was born on the family farm on Canyon Creek on Aug. 31, 1913, the sixth son of John and Christina (Yost) Glantz. His mother died six weeks after his birth. His paternal Aunt Minnie in Nebraska raised him until he was 4 years old. His father remarried in late 1914 to Emma Yost, sister of his first wife, and he rejoined his family in Montana in 1917. He attended grade school at Elysian School and Billings Senior High Schoo

Mr. Glantz worked on farms and ranches west of Billings, including his father’s and several brothers’ farms until 1936. He then joined the construction crew to build Fort Peck Dam. He moved to Seattle in 1940 to work for Boeing Aircraft.

On Dec. 26, 1941, he married May Harper of Billings in Columbus. She joined him in Seattle, and he enlisted in the Navy in early 1942, serving as an aviation metalsmith, second class, with a blimp crew out of Tillamook, Ore. He also did duty in Hawaii. He was discharged in October 1945 in Bremerton, Wash.

Mr. and Mrs. Glantz spent 32 years ranching and farming on Duck Creek. He also worked for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service for 15 years. He retired in 1977.

Mr. Glantz was a lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1634, American Legion Post 4, Disabled American Veterans and the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks 394. He was a longtime member of the Billings Athletic Club.

Survivors include three daughters, Karen Glantz of Germany, Peggy Glantz and Betty Glantz, both of Portland Ore.; two grandchildren; and two sisters, Esther Harding and Dorothy Johnson.

Services were on Nov. 28 at Pilgrim Congregational Church.

Memorials may be given to the May Harper Glantz scholarship Fund of Montana State University-Billings, 1500 N. 30th St., Billings, MT 59101, to the Montana Land Reliance, P.O. Box 171, Billings, MT 59103 or to the Elks Club of Billings.

Notes for May Harper:

I couldn't find any Columbia, Stillwater, MT, past or present. Good guesses: Columbus, Stillwater County, MT. Columbia Falls, Flathead County, MT. Stillwater, Columbia, PA.

More About May Harper:

Comment 1: Came to the America at 9 months in 1910.

Children of Harry Glantz and May Harper are:

3255 i. Karen Ann10 Glantz, born 1944 in Seattle, King Co, Washington. She married Robert Clark Allen 28 Aug 1982; born Abt. 1944.

3256 ii. Peggy May Glantz, born 1947 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Notes for Peggy May Glantz:

She had the YOST chart prepared. Kathy Brehm LaPella talked to her father Harry on the phone June 2001. He gave both Peggys and Louise Glantz Englands addresses.

More About Peggy May Glantz:

Comment 1: Peggy is the one who had the YOST chart made.

3257 iii. Betty Jean Glantz, born 1950 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

2902. Ralph9 Glantz I (John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 17 Jan 1917 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana, and died 27 Jul 1993 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He met (1) Amelia Blehm 1933. She was born 18 Dec 1916 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana, and died 29 May 1996 in Montaque, California. He married (2) Clara Kamerzel 24 May 1935 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She was born 11 Nov 1914 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

More About Ralph Glantz I:

Burial: Sunset Memorial Gardens

Child of Ralph Glantz and Amelia Blehm is:

+ 3258 i. Dewayne Jacob10 Blehm, born 13 Sep 1934 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana; died 19 Apr 1991 in Ojai, California.

Children of Ralph Glantz and Clara Kamerzel are:

3259 i. Darlene10 Glantz, born Abt. 1937. She married John Skees; born Abt. 1936.

Notes for Darlene Glantz:

res: Great Falls, Montana

+ 3260 ii. Ralph Glantz II, born Abt. 1940.

2917. Ralph E9 Yost (Katherine (Katie)8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 31 Jul 1913 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 20 Feb 1982 in Ventura, Ventura Co, California. He married (1) Nancy G Clover 10 Apr 1939. She was born 08 Apr 1917. He married (2) Harriet A Sandifer 15 Dec 1944. She was born 31 Jul 1921.

Child of Ralph Yost and Nancy Clover is:

3261 i. Cherilyn10 Yost, born 1941 in Glendale, California. She married William Hathaway; born Abt. 1940.

Children of Ralph Yost and Harriet Sandifer are:

3262 i. Stephen B10 Yost, born 1946 in Vallejo, California.

3263 ii. Laura K Yost, born 1949 in Vallejo, California.

3264 iii. Margaret J Yost, born 1951 in Vallejo, California.

3265 iv. Anne L Yost, born 1956 in Vallejo, California.

2918. Eunice Louise9 Yost (Katherine (Katie)8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 21 Jan 1922 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married Bernard Archie Owen 05 Feb 1940 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He was born 05 May 1920 in Oconto, Nebraska.

Children of Eunice Yost and Bernard Owen are:

3266 i. Dixie Lee10 Owen, born 1940 in Bristol, Pennsylvania. She married Lowell W Gaswick 24 May 1959; born Abt. 1940.

3267 ii. Beverly Jo Owen, born 1942 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Vernon J Peterson 29 Jul 1962; born Abt. 1940.

3268 iii. Terry Eugene Owen, born 1952 in Boulder, Colorado. He married Brenda Voth 27 May 1971; born Private.

3269 iv. Cynthia Louise Owen, born 1955 in Rushville, Sheridan, Nebraska.

2919. Norma Naomi9 Yost (Katherine (Katie)8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 May 1924 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married Gail F Skinner Abt. 1944. He was born 20 Feb 1923 in Wisconsin.

Children of Norma Yost and Gail Skinner are:

+ 3270 i. Judy10 Skinner, born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

3271 ii. Gail Forrest Skinner, born 1948 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Elane Deibel 17 Aug 1969; born Abt. 1950.

2921. Kenneth Harley (Ken)9 Scheidt (Sarah8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 09 Aug 1918 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He married Esther Maxine (Jo) Thomas 22 Mar 1942 in McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska. She was born 24 Mar 1920, and died 28 Sep 2003.

Notes for Kenneth Harley (Ken) Scheidt:

Ken owned the Ken's photography Studio.

Jul 2007: Kathy Brehm LaPella, Cara Walker Brehm, Sam and Anna LaPella went to see Ken on vacation. He was full of life and told many stories about the family. His daughter Susan was there with him.

Child of Kenneth Scheidt and Esther Thomas is:

+ 3272 i. Susan Leigh10 Scheidt, born 1949 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska; Adopted child.

2922. Robert Frederick (Bob)9 Scheidt (Sarah8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Feb 1921 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 15 Mar 1997 in Longview, Washington. He married Marion Luana Leeder 23 Jun 1946 in Great Falls, Montana. She was born 03 Jul 1921 in Mitchell, South Dakota, and died 27 Apr 1996 in Longview, Washington.

Notes for Marion Luana Leeder:

Nov 2005: Per email from Tobyann Scheidt Ellis. Updated Marion's birthdate and death information.

Children of Robert Scheidt and Marion Leeder are:

3273 i. Robin Diane10 Scheidt, born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Douglas K Mang 06 Aug 1969 in Colorado Springs, Colorado; born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Robin Diane Scheidt:

Nov 2005: They had no children.

Dec 2007: An article about Robin in the newspaper.

"Small, medium or large, Christmas trees cast the same glow


A fitting tree for the queen

Years back, Robbie Mang's sister dubbed her "the Queen."

Now friends call her Queenie.

Mang doesn't mind. She even plays into it: A small accent pillow on a chair reads, "The Queen is not accepting an audience today." Her license plate reads "THE Q."

And her Christmas tree is fit for one.

Standing 20 feet tall, the tree is covered in crystal and gold.

The crystal is real. The gold is not. But the effect is jaw-dropping anyway.

You try to take in what you're seeing: basketball-size gold ornaments, gold butterflies as wide as an open hand, gold crosses. And so much crystal: snowflakes, garlands of faceted beads and dozens of big crystal teardrops - the kind that dangle from dining-room chandeliers.

Her 89-year-old uncle, Ken Scheidt of Scottsbluff, Neb., provided the inspiration in 2000: a gift of a crystal snowflake. With it came a note that read: "Hang this where it gets light and you'll have rainbows in the room. Grandma Alice said it's a sign God loves us."

That ornament started a collection. She searches out crystal snowflakes and buys one a year, from places like Borsheim's. Friends help, too. One friend in Texas sent her a box full of gold butterflies. A crystal star tree-topper was $300.

As she takes the crystal ornaments out of their boxes, she cleans each with window cleaner and a soft cloth and hands them to her husband of 38 years, who's waiting on his scaffold-style ladder.

He's used to heights. Doug is a retired Air Force colonel who now works for the Boeing Co. in Omaha.

He said he enjoys decorating, indoors and out, which he knows is unusual in their tony Linden Estates neighborhood in west Omaha.

Decorating is a two-day job, one to rearrange furniture and put up the tree (it's artificial) and the second day, to hang the ornaments.

As late afternoon light enters the room from arched windows that nearly reach the cathedral ceiling, it's a Kodak moment.

Light falls on the snowflakes. Rainbows dance around the room. ,"

+ 3274 ii. Toby Ann Scheidt, born 1950 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

2928. JoAnn9 Fink (Lillian8 Helzer, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1931 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She married (1) Bob Reid Abt. 1951. He was born Abt. 1931. She married (2) James Iverson 20 Nov 1976 in Vancouver, Washington. He was born 1937 in North Dakota.

Children of JoAnn Fink and Bob Reid are:

3275 i. Mary Ann10 Reid, born Private in Portland, Oregon.

3276 ii. John Reid, born Private in Portland, Oregon.

3277 iii. Robert Reid, born Private in Portland, Oregon.

2929. William9 Fink (Lillian8 Helzer, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1932 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Janet Ann Kratochvil 11 Aug 1962 in Vancouver, Washington. She was born 1935 in Friend, Saline Co, Nebraska.

Child of William Fink and Janet Kratochvil is:

3278 i. William10 Fink, Jr., born Private in Portland, Oregon. He married Suzanne Ragnone; born Private.

2931. Roger Lee9 Yost (Rachel Louise8 Helzer, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1936 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. He married Judith Ann Nuss 05 Aug 1956 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She was born 1935 in Minatare, Nebraska.

Notes for Roger Lee Yost:

2007: Per Gloria Yost Griess's book I added information on this line.

Children of Roger Yost and Judith Nuss are:

3279 i. Debra Lynn10 Yost, born Private in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married Paul Krantz; born Private.

3280 ii. Douglas Roger Yost, born Private in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

2932. Shirley Ann9 Helzer (William8, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1939 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She married Roger Dale Schaub 15 May 1960 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He was born 1934 in Gering, Nebraska.

Children of Shirley Helzer and Roger Schaub are:

3281 i. Scott Alan10 Schaub, born Private in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Melissa Jean Heitman 15 Jun 1985 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska; born Private in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Notes for Scott Alan Schaub:

Dec 2009: Received an email from Scott Schaub with information on his line.

3282 ii. Jonelle Lynn Schaub, born Private in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She married James Worden 01 Aug 1986 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska; born Private.

2933. Sandra9 Helzer (Daniel8, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Mike Crandall. He was born Private.

Children of Sandra Helzer and Mike Crandall are:

3283 i. Michael10 Crandall, born Private.

3284 ii. Katherine Crandall, born Private.

2934. Jean Ann9 Helzer (Daniel8, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Mike Sleep. He was born Private.

Child of Jean Helzer and Mike Sleep is:

3285 i. Courtney10 Sleep, born Private.

2935. James Henry9 Neuwirth (Miriam Virginia8 Helzer, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1948 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married Cindy Rohrick 27 Nov 1971 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She was born 1953 in Lyman, Nebraska.

Child of James Neuwirth and Cindy Rohrick is:

3286 i. James10 Neuwirth, born Private. He married Lisa Zdeller 04 Nov 2000 in St Louis, Missouri; born Private.

2936. Larry Alan9 Neuwirth (Miriam Virginia8 Helzer, Johann Georg7, Ludwig6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1954 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He married (1) Luray ? Abt. 1974. She was born Abt. 1954. He married (2) Angie Smith 03 Oct 1987 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She was born Abt. 1954.

Child of Larry Neuwirth and Angie Smith is:

3287 i. Ellis Marie10 Neuwirth, born Private.

2938. Kay9 Moore (Wilma Kathryn8 Helzer, Johannes7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Kimball, Kimball Co, Nebraska. She married Richard Harold Goodschmidt 05 Jun 1966, son of Harold Goodschmidt and Freida Lofing. He was born Private in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Richard Harold Goodschmidt:

May 2005: Updated spelling of name from "Richard Goodschmiedt". Per letter from Edna Lofing.

Child of Kay Moore and Richard Goodschmidt is:

3288 i. Tricia Kay10 Goodschmidt, born Private in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She married Carey Dean Hodge 2003; born Private.

2939. Jamalee9 Spearow (Doris A8 Helzer, Johannes7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1949 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. She married Daniel E Wright 20 Sep 1969 in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska. He was born 1948.

Children of Jamalee Spearow and Daniel Wright are:

3289 i. Todd Andrew10 Wright, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3290 ii. Laurie Lynn Wright, born Private in North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska.

3291 iii. Shawn Gregory Wright, born Private in North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska.

2940. Sandra Ann9 Spearow (Doris A8 Helzer, Johannes7, Johann Georg6, Johannes5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1951 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. She married John White 14 Aug 1971 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. He was born 1950 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska.

Child of Sandra Spearow and John White is:

3292 i. Christopher Jess10 White, born 1978 in North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska.

Generation No. 10

2950. Kerry Marnell10 Carsh (Marna Lee9 Helser, Marnell Raymond8, John Charles7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1960 in Corvallis, Oregon. He married Christine Coy. She was born 1961.

Child of Kerry Carsh and Christine Coy is:

3293 i. Emily Marnell11 Coy-Carsh, born 15 Oct 1997 in Eugene, Oregon; died 16 Feb 2000 in Eugene, Oregon.

2951. Kandice Gay10 Carsh (Marna Lee9 Helser, Marnell Raymond8, John Charles7 Helzer, Heinrich H6, Georg5, Johann Conrad4, Johann Conrad3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1962. She married Dennis Patrick Waters 03 Sep 1983 in Saco, Maine. He was born 1961.

Child of Kandice Carsh and Dennis Waters is:

3294 i. Amanda Marie11 Waters, born Private.

2953. Richard Lee10 Fuehrer (Inez Marie9 Burbach, Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 20 Sep 1943 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California, and died 31 Oct 1999 in Neligh, Nebraska. He married Judy Schmidt 08 May 1964 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska, daughter of Edwin Schmidt and Edith Heinz. She was born Abt. 1943 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Richard Lee Fuehrer:

Neligh-Obit Richard Lee Fuehrer of Neligh died October 31, 1999 of an apparent heart attack while hunting at the age of 56. Memorial services were held at United Methodist Church in Neligh with the Reverend Gary Main officiating.

Richard Lee Fuehrer was born September 20, 1943 at Glendale, Los Angeles, CA to Wilfred and Inez (Burbach) Fuehrer. On May 8, 1964, he married Judy Schmidt in Sutton

He taught school in Sutton, as a counselor at Hastings High School and supervisor/consultant at Educational Service Unit # 9 for special education, a counselor at Central Community College, and a diagnostician at the Diagnostic Resource Center in Cozad. He was on advisory boards for Kearney State College and the state Commission of Education on Counseling, co-chair for the NPCA Licensure Committee, and he was past president of the Nebraska Professional Counselors Association (NPCA) and past member of the Nebraska. He was a school psychologist for Education Service Unit # 8 in Neligh at the time of his death. He was a member of the American Association of Counseling Development, Council for Exceptional Children, National Association of for School Psychologists, the Nebraska Professional Counselors Association (NPCA) and past member of the Nebraska College Personnel. He was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors include his wife; one son, Cory and wife Jodi of Creighton; a sister Cynthia McDaniel of Denver, Denver, CO and one granddaughter, Madison; sister Cynthia McDaniel and family of Brighton Co.

Child of Richard Fuehrer and Judy Schmidt is:

+ 3295 i. Cody Richard11 Fuehrer, born Private.

2955. Gerald Lee (Jerry)10 Fuehrer (Laurietta Elizabeth9 Burbach, Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in Orlando, Florida. He married Linda Elaine Curren 20 Sep 1969 in Ogallala, Nebraska. She was born 1947 in Central City, Merrick, Nebraska.

Child of Gerald Fuehrer and Linda Curren is:

3296 i. Tracy Lynn11 Fuehrer, born 1977 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2956. Deanna Inez10 Fuehrer (Laurietta Elizabeth9 Burbach, Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1952 in Henderson, Hamilton, Nebraska. She married (1) Gary Worster 1978. He was born Private. She married (2) Jim Adkins 10 Aug 1997. He was born Abt. 1950.

Child of Deanna Fuehrer and Gary Worster is:

3297 i. Scott David11 Worster, born Private.

2963. ?10 Schleiger (Juanita Margaret9 Schwindt, Jacob8, Christine7 Hardt, Anna Maria6 HELZER, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER)

Notes for ? Schleiger:

Apr 2012: Email received from Sherri Steele with information on her family.

Child of ? Schleiger is:

3298 i. Sherri11 Steele, born Private.

Notes for Sherri Steele:

Apr 2012: Email received from Sherri Steele with information on her family.

"My mother was born at Hank and Lydia's Schwindt's home in Berthoud in Jan 1942; they were her godparents. I have a journal written by my grandmother (my mom's mom, Juanita Schwindt) that provides a good amount of detail about Hank and Lydia in the early - mid 1940's, including address for when they moved between Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State; enlistment date for Hank in wwII, etc... This grandmother that I mention above was first cousins' with Hank. Their respective father's were brothers. From the 1920's - 30's these two families lived in the same communites, around Berthoud Colo."

2970. Christopher John10 Helzer (Norman Paul9, Paul Frederick Bud8, Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Gennevieve Michelle Weiss. She was born Private.

Children of Christopher Helzer and Gennevieve Weiss are:

3299 i. Anna Louise11 Helzer, born Private.

3300 ii. John Thomas Helzer, born Private.

3301 iii. Daniel Mathias Helzer, born Private.

2971. Debra Marie10 Helzer (Norman Paul9, Paul Frederick Bud8, Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Joe Sturgeon. He was born Private.

Children of Debra Helzer and Joe Sturgeon are:

3302 i. Samuel Robert11 Sturgeon, born Private.

3303 ii. David Alexander Sturgeon, born Private.

2972. ?10 Henry (Arlis Neoma9 Helzer, Paul Frederick Bud8, Conrad Jacob (Cooney)7, Johann Conrad6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private.

Child of ? Henry is:

3304 i. Hunter11 Henry, born Abt. 1987; died Unknown.

2974. Lois Jean10 Christensen (Vivian Margaret9 Manny, Sarah8 Helzer, Johannes (John)7, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Virgil Graff. He was born Private.

Notes for Lois Jean Christensen:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with information on her line.

Children of Lois Christensen and Virgil Graff are:

3305 i. Sarah Katherine11 Graff, born Private.

Notes for Sarah Katherine Graff:

Oct 2008: Received email from Sarah Graff with information on her line.

3306 ii. Lisa Ellen Graff, born Private.

3307 iii. Shelly Margaret Graff, born Private.

2994. Royce Irwin10 Buchtel (Helen9 Deines, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Jul 1929. He married Peg ? Abt. 1950. She was born Abt. 1930.

Children of Royce Buchtel and Peg ? are:

+ 3308 i. Barbara11 Buchtel, born Private.

3309 ii. Steven Buchtel, born Private.

2995. Gail10 Buchtel (Helen9 Deines, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1935. She married Walton Lovercheck Abt. 1955. He was born Abt. 1935.

Children of Gail Buchtel and Walton Lovercheck are:

3310 i. Anne11 Lovercheck, born Private.

3311 ii. Kristen Lovercheck, born Private.

2997. Maurice10 Deines (Burnette M (Nick)9, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1930. He married Petty (Peg) Sams Abt. 1950. She was born Abt. 1930.

Children of Maurice Deines and Petty Sams are:

3312 i. Jennifer11 Deines, born Abt. 1952.

3313 ii. Mathew Deines, born Abt. 1954.

3314 iii. Rebecca Deines, born Abt. 1956.

2999. Dennis10 Deines (Norval9, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1938. He married Pat ? Abt. 1958. She was born Private.

Children of Dennis Deines and Pat ? are:

3315 i. David11 Deines, born Private.

3316 ii. Debbie Deines, born Private.

3000. Vickie10 Deines (Norval9, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1940. She married Rocky Prorock Abt. 1960. He was born Abt. 1940.

Children of Vickie Deines and Rocky Prorock are:

3317 i. Michelle11 Prorock, born Abt. 1962.

3318 ii. Stacy Prorock, born Abt. 1964.

3005. John Riley10 Ward (May Belle Elizabeth9 Sohl, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943. He married Evelyn Frances Mercer 28 Apr 1984. She was born 1947.

Child of John Ward and Evelyn Mercer is:

3319 i. Jessica Lindsey11 Ward, born Private.

3006. James Bruce10 Rigby (Evelyn9 Sohl, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1942. He married Barbara Baldwin 22 May. She was born 1944.

Children of James Rigby and Barbara Baldwin are:

3320 i. Timothy James11 Rigby, born 1969.

3321 ii. Tara Lynn Rigby, born 1973.

3007. Mary Linda10 Rigby (Evelyn9 Sohl, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1944. She married Robert Ernest Hackney 17 Jul 1969. He was born Abt. 1942.

Children of Mary Rigby and Robert Hackney are:

3322 i. Robert Ernest11 Hackney, born 1968.

3323 ii. Kristen Lea Hackney, born 1972.

3008. Roxanne Carol10 Rigby (Evelyn9 Sohl, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1953. She married Jim Hugley 03 May 1980. He was born 1942.

Children of Roxanne Rigby and Jim Hugley are:

3324 i. Adam Michael11 Hugley, born Private.

3325 ii. Sara Ann Hugley, born Private.

3012. Barbara10 Jones (Roselma Wilhelmina9 Hinz, Margaret (Maggie)8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1933. She married James Zaroban Abt. 1953. He was born Abt. 1930.

Notes for Barbara Jones:

res: Hastings, Nebraska

Children of Barbara Jones and James Zaroban are:

3326 i. Julie11 Zaroban, born Abt. 1955.

3327 ii. Kenneth Zaroban, born Abt. 1957.

3328 iii. Todd Zaroban, born Abt. 1959.

3022. Donald Varel10 Gustafson (Dorothy Della9 Brehm, John Adam8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937. He married Ana Estelle Garcia Abt. 1958. She was born Abt. 1938.

Child of Donald Gustafson and Ana Garcia is:

3329 i. Turi Aleta11 Gustafson, born Abt. 1960.

3028. Gary Allen10 Bergman (Ruth Brehm9 Gladfelder, Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947. He married Colleen ? 18 Mar 1978. She was born 1949.

Child of Gary Bergman and Colleen ? is:

3330 i. Kiova Patricia11 Bergman, born 1978.

3030. Glenn Callen10 Gladfelder, Jr. (Glenn Callen9, Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Dale Graves Abt. 1985. She was born Private.

Child of Glenn Gladfelder and Dale Graves is:

3331 i. Kari Jenae11 Gladfelder, born Private.

3032. Jill Anita10 Richter (Doris Katherine9 Gladfelder, Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Robert Craig Kazer 15 Mar 1979. He was born Private.

Children of Jill Richter and Robert Kazer are:

3332 i. Grace Rose Richter11 Kazer, born Private.

3333 ii. Joseph Leon Richter Kazer, born Private.

3035. Susan Kay10 Gladfelder (Paul Kenneth9, Clara Marie Augusta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1956. She married Evan Gantz 20 Dec 1980. He was born 1950.

Children of Susan Gladfelder and Evan Gantz are:

3334 i. Rachel Erin11 Gantz, born Private.

3335 ii. Sophie Rose Gantz, born Private.

3037. Robert10 Moon, Jr. (Robert9, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Teri Warner 19 May 1985. She was born Private.

Child of Robert Moon and Teri Warner is:

3336 i. Ryannon Bright Water11 Moon, born Private.

3038. Tia10 Moon (Robert9, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Michael Demars 12 May 1986. He was born Private.

Child of Tia Moon and Michael Demars is:

3337 i. Austin11 Demars, born Private.

3039. Brian10 Moon (Robert9, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Janice Lopez 04 Apr 1982. She was born Private.

Child of Brian Moon and Janice Lopez is:

3338 i. Crystal11 Moon, born Private.

3040. Sherrill Lee10 Blanchard (Janet9 Moon, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1944 in Phoenix, Arizona. She married Don Lynn Presar 26 Oct 1963 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was born 1938 in Wapakoneta, Ohio nearby.

Children of Sherrill Blanchard and Don Presar are:

3339 i. Pamela Dee11 Presar, born 1964.

3340 ii. Debra Ann Presar, born 1966 in Boulder, Colorado. She married Richard Dale Walsh 27 May 1989 in Arlington, Virginia; born 1966.

3041. Bonnie10 Blanchard (Janet9 Moon, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947. She married (1) ? Paxton Abt. 1967. He was born Abt. 1947. She married (2) Rick Serres Abt. 1980. He was born Abt. 1945.

Children of Bonnie Blanchard and ? Paxton are:

3341 i. Damon11 Paxton, born Private.

3342 ii. Danielle Paxton, born Private.

3343 iii. Amber Paxton, born Private.

3044. Diane Michele10 Moon (Thomas Neal9, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Creg Carlton 12 Sep 1969. He was born Private.

Children of Diane Moon and Creg Carlton are:

3344 i. Brendan11 Carlton, born Private.

3345 ii. Dylan Carlton, born Private.

3045. Thomas Neal10 Moon, Jr. (Thomas Neal9, Esther Henrietta8 Brehm, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Los Angeles, California. He married Naomi Alex 01 Jul 1972. She was born Private.

Children of Thomas Moon and Naomi Alex are:

3346 i. Elysia Megan11 Moon, born Private.

3347 ii. Darren Thomas Moon, born Private.

3049. Michael10 Harrington (Mary Ellen9 Brehm, Paul Albert8, Catharina Elisabeth7 Deines, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1962. He married Judy Ann Small 16 Oct 1988. She was born 1963.

Children of Michael Harrington and Judy Small are:

3348 i. Ellen Rose11 Harrington, born Private.

3349 ii. David Franklin Harrington, born Private.

3063. Dean Alan10 Deines (Dean Arthur9, Heinrich Jacob8, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. He married Joyce Carol Franklin 31 Dec 1959 in Los Angeles, California. She was born 1940 in Missouri, Valley Harrison Co, Iowa.

Child of Dean Deines and Joyce Franklin is:

3350 i. Duane Anthony11 Deines, born Private in El Cajon, San Diego Co, California.

3066. Ronald Dean10 Yost (Florence E.9 Hamburger, Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in Hastings, Nebraska. He married Suzianne Reagan 21 Jan 1967 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She was born 1945.

Children of Ronald Yost and Suzianne Reagan are:

+ 3351 i. Shane11 Yost, born Private.

3352 ii. Melissa Yost, born 19 Apr 1977; died 21 Jan 1978.

3353 iii. Jason Yost, born Private.

3354 iv. Sarah Ashley Yost, born Private.

3067. Patricia Ann (Pat)10 Yost (Florence E.9 Hamburger, Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in Hastings, Nebraska. She married Dann Lewellyn Sharp 28 Jun 1969 in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska. He was born 1943 in Miles City, Montana.

Notes for Patricia Ann (Pat) Yost:

Aug 2002: Information from Pat Yost Sharp via letter.

Dec 2005: Pat updated her family via email.

Dec 2008: Received a Christmas card.

Jan 2010: Received a letter from Pat Yost Sharp with information on her line.

Child of Patricia Yost and Dann Sharp is:

3355 i. Brynn Amber11 Sharp, born 1977 in Omaha, Nebraska.

3068. Ralph Eugene10 Spomer (Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1935 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado. He married Maxine Diane White 18 Oct 1958 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. She was born 1940 in Kelseyville, Lake, California.

Notes for Ralph Eugene Spomer:

All of 2010: Ralph sent many emails with information on his family.

Jun 2011: Ralph Spomer sent a lot of information over the past year. His line has been connected to the Pleve chart. Georg Balthasar Spomer 12 Nov 1839 and Susanna Catharina Georg 1843.

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer with a lot more information.

Children of Ralph Spomer and Maxine White are:

+ 3356 i. Kathryn Diane11 Spomer, born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California.

+ 3357 ii. Karen Virginia Spomer, born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California.

+ 3358 iii. Ronald Eugene Spomer, born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California.

3069. Shirley Ann10 Spomer (Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Jan 1940 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado, and died Jun 1993 in Hudson, Weld, Colorado. She married Kenneth Jack Foos 1959 in Denver, Colorado. He was born 15 Feb 1935 in Brighton, Adams Co, Colorado, and died 17 Jun 2003 in Brighton, Adams Co, Colorado.

Notes for Shirley Ann Spomer:

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer

Baptism Apr 7, 1940; Confirmation: 1954; 1st German Congregational Church, Denver

Burial: Elmwood Cemetery, Brighton, CO

Notes for Kenneth Jack Foos:

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer: Burial: Elmwood Cemetery, Brighton Co

Children of Shirley Spomer and Kenneth Foos are:

3359 i. Timothy Ty11 Foos, born Private.

3360 ii. Kevin Lee Foos, born Private.

3361 iii. Mark Dwayne Foos, born Private.

3070. Claudia June10 Spomer (Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado. She married Richard Dean McCauley 01 Jun 1961 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. He was born Abt. 1941.

Notes for Claudia June Spomer:

Jun 2011: residence: Colville, Washington, USA & Fort Mohave, Arizona, USA

Notes for Richard Dean McCauley:

Aug 2011: Email from Ralph Spomer - fixed spelling of his name.

Children of Claudia Spomer and Richard McCauley are:

3362 i. Richard Dean11 McCauley, born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. He married Charmian Kay Pederson 31 Dec 1988 in Spokane, Washington; born Private.

3363 ii. Jaci Lynn McCauley, born Private in Palo Alto, California. She married Rod Leroy Weilep 20 Jun 1981 in Northport, Washington; born Private.

3071. Judith Kay10 Spomer (Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado. She married (1) Claude Brewer 21 Aug 1964 in Denver, Colorado. He was born Abt. 1945. She married (2) Larry Henry 13 Jan 1990. He was born Abt. 1945.

Children of Judith Spomer and Claude Brewer are:

3364 i. Michelle11 Brewer, born Private. She married Michael Ybarra 22 Jun 1985; born Private.

3365 ii. Debra Brewer, born Private. She married Wayne Lewton 18 Oct 1986; born Private.

3366 iii. Lori Ann Brewer, born Private. She married Eric Christian 31 Mar 1993; born Private.

3072. Debra Lynn10 Sterkel (Janice Fredleen9 Yost, Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1954 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married John Charles Retz 08 Nov 1975 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1951 in Elmira, New York.

Children of Debra Sterkel and John Retz are:

3367 i. Miranda Lynn11 Retz, born Oct 1994 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming; died 23 Oct 1994.

3368 ii. Charles Alexander Retz, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3073. Angela Jo10 Griess (Gloria Eileen9 Yost, Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Sutton or Aurora, Nebraska. She married Ronald Pease 11 May 1968 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. He was born Private in California.

Children of Angela Griess and Ronald Pease are:

3369 i. Marcus Allen11 Pease, born Private in Los Angeles, California.

3370 ii. Rebecca (Becky) Jo Pease, born Private in West Conina.

Notes for Rebecca (Becky) Jo Pease:

West Conina probably means West Covina, California.

3074. Bradley Wad10 Griess (Gloria Eileen9 Yost, Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Sutton or Aurora, Nebraska. He married (1) Paula Brown 24 Nov 1974 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. She was born Private. He married (2) Gloria Dene Galbraith-Gardner 03 Jun 1978 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska. She was born Private in Culver City, California.

Children of Bradley Griess and Gloria Galbraith-Gardner are:

3371 i. Shannon11 Gardner, born Private.

3372 ii. Carrie Gardner, born Private.

3075. Sandra Dilorri10 Griess (Gloria Eileen9 Yost, Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Sutton or Hastings, Nebraska. She married Steven Dowse 25 Jun 1973 in Sutton, Clay Co, Nebraska. He was born Private in Harvard, Clay Co, Nebraska.

Children of Sandra Griess and Steven Dowse are:

3373 i. Katherine Christine11 Dowse, born Private in Portsmouth, Virginia.

3374 ii. Patrick Michael Dowse, born Private in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

3076. Woodrow Winfield10 Griess (Gloria Eileen9 Yost, Christina Anna8 Yeager, Anna Maria7 Kaiser, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Sutton or Hastings, Nebraska. He married (1) Brenda Springer 05 Oct 1984 in Aurora, Nebraska. She was born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married (2) Brenda Friesen-Nunnenkamp-Rampel Abt. 1989. She was born Abt. 1962.

Children of Woodrow Griess and Brenda Springer are:

3375 i. Samuel Lewis11 Griess, born Private in Geneva, Nebraska.

3376 ii. Anthony Ray Griess, born Private in Geneva, Nebraska.

3377 iii. Rachel (Holeman) Griess, born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

More About Rachel (Holeman) Griess:

Comment 1: Adopted by Woodrow

3378 iv. Donald (Holeman) Griess, born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

More About Donald (Holeman) Griess:

Comment 1: Adopted by Woodrow

Children of Woodrow Griess and Brenda Friesen-Nunnenkamp-Rampel are:

3379 i. Jess11 Nunnenkamp, born Private.

3380 ii. Chelsie Rampel, born Private.

3381 iii. Cody Rampel, born Private.

3085. Lucille Barbara Elizabeth10 Yost (Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 27 Jun 1914 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) Alan M Ray. He was born 03 Jan 1914 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (2) Daniel Harding 16 May 1937 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born 19 Dec 1911 in Walla Walla, Washington, and died 02 Mar 1969.

More About Daniel Harding:

Burial: Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon

Children of Lucille Yost and Daniel Harding are:

+ 3382 i. Judith Lynn11 Harding, born 1947 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3383 ii. Stephen Robert Harding, born 1951.

3086. Wallace Henry10 Yost (Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 15 May 1917 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Jane McFarland 17 Aug 1941 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 08 Feb 1921 in Transfer, Pennsylvania, and died 22 Aug 2001 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Children of Wallace Yost and Jane McFarland are:

+ 3384 i. Susan Jane11 Yost, born 1943 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

+ 3385 ii. Jan Wallace Yost, born 1947.

3087. Florence Margaret10 Yost (Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 25 Aug 1920 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon, and died 22 Oct 1998 in Washington County, Oregon. She married (1) Robert Noyes Feemster 18 May 1941. He was born 19 Feb 1918, and died Mar 1952. She married (2) Walter Myers Hulden 11 Jul 1953 in Portland, Oregon. He was born 28 Jan 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

More About Florence Margaret Yost:

Burial: Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Children of Florence Yost and Walter Hulden are:

+ 3386 i. Leslie Lynn11 Hulden, born 1954 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3387 ii. Richard Martin Hulden, born 1957.

3088. Janice Kay10 Wittmer (Ruby Lucille9 Sauer, Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Johann Georg7, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Michael Lee Dixon 22 Jun 1978 in Fort Collins, Colorado. He was born Private in Washington, Daviess Co, Indiana.

Notes for Janice Kay Wittmer:

Oct 2008: From this site, added Janice's family. Direct line for the owner of the site.

Child of Janice Wittmer and Michael Dixon is:

3388 i. Claire Elizabeth11 Dixon, born Private in Fort Morgan, Morgan Co, Colorado.

Notes for Claire Elizabeth Dixon:

Oct 2008: From Claire's site, I added Claire's line back to where it matches the Helzer/Yost lines.

3096. Leon10 Schmidt (Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Aug 1920 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 25 Nov 1971 in Santa Clara, California. He married Naoma Nye 21 May 1942 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 05 Jun 1911 in Indiana, and died 14 Oct 1992 in Stanislaus, California.

Children of Leon Schmidt and Naoma Nye are:

+ 3389 i. Richard11 Schmidt, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

+ 3390 ii. Patricia Ann Schmidt, born Private.

3097. Howard10 Schmidt (Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 05 Nov 1922 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 05 Jul 2008 in Fresno, California. He married Neva Calkin 22 Nov 1942 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born 06 Nov 1924 in Lancaster, Canada, and died 25 Feb 1992 in Butte, California.

Children of Howard Schmidt and Neva Calkin are:

3391 i. Norma Paul11 Schmidt, born 28 Nov 1960 in Bakersfield, California; died 28 Nov 1960 in Bakersfield, California.

+ 3392 ii. Barbara JoAnn Schmidt, born Private.

3393 iii. Stephen Schmidt, born Private in Fresno, Fresno, California. He married (1) Marie Van Haut Abt. 1970; born Abt. 1950. He married (2) Kimbra Bardwell Abt. 1970; born Private.

3394 iv. David Allen Schmidt, born Private in Kern, California. He married Leslie Smallbach; born Private.

3395 v. Katherine Schmidt, born Private in Kern, California.

3098. Herbert10 Schmidt (Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 11 Sep 1928 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Norma Waite 05 Dec 1953 in Hartford, California. She was born Abt. 1930.

Notes for Norma Waite:

Oct 2008: I received an email from Norma Waite Schmidt. She has sent many emails with information on her family.

Child of Herbert Schmidt and Norma Waite is:

+ 3396 i. Rebecca Anna11 Schmidt, born Private in Lake Moses, California.

3100. Jacquelyn10 Rohrig (Jacob E9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1929 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Robert Christensen. He was born Abt. 1929.

Children of Jacquelyn Rohrig and Robert Christensen are:

3397 i. Terry Lee11 Christensen, born Private in Fresno, California.

3398 ii. Robert L Christensen, born Private in Fresno, California.

3102. Robert10 Rohrig (Robert B9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1929 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Gloria Sunseri 26 Dec 1950. She was born Private.

Children of Robert Rohrig and Gloria Sunseri are:

3399 i. Robert B11 Rohrig, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

+ 3400 ii. Kathryn Rohrig, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3401 iii. Mary Rohrig, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3103. Dorothy10 Rohrig (Robert B9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1934 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Joseph Francisco 15 Feb 1955 in San Jose, California. He was born Private.

Children of Dorothy Rohrig and Joseph Francisco are:

3402 i. David11 Francisco, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3403 ii. Kathleen Francisco, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3104. Marilyn J10 Betz (Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Anthony McKeon 11 Apr 1953 in Denver, Colorado. He was born Private in Ireland.

Children of Marilyn Betz and Anthony McKeon are:

3404 i. Elizabeth11 McKaon, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

Notes for Elizabeth McKaon:

Jun 2009: Received an email from Elizabeth McKaon. "My grandmother Mildred Rohrig's mother was Elizabeth Yost whose parents were Henry Peter and Cristina Kaiser."

Jun 2009: I sent a copy of the Yost Pleve chart.

+ 3405 ii. Stephen Thomas McKaon, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

+ 3406 iii. Kathleen Anne McKaon, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3407 iv. Michael McKaon, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3105. Dolores Jane10 Betz (Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married (1) Keith Watts 11 Dec 1953 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was born 17 Jun 1932, and died 17 Apr 1998 in Fairfax, Virginia. She married (2) Clayton Baron Aft. 1965. He was born Private in Tulare, California.

Children of Dolores Betz and Keith Watts are:

+ 3408 i. Laurie11 Watts, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

+ 3409 ii. Linda Watts, born Private in Alamda, California.

+ 3410 iii. David Keith Watts, born Private in Tom Green, Texas.

+ 3411 iv. Douglas Watts, born Private in Brazos, Texas.

3106. Harry Richard10 Betz (Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Irene Townsend. She was born Private.

Children of Harry Betz and Irene Townsend are:

3412 i. Kristine11 Betz, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married Mark Hildibrand; born Private.

3413 ii. Richard Betz, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3107. John Edward10 Rohrig (Edward H9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 12 Nov 1936 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, and died 21 Feb 2000 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Marilyn Ness 04 Mar 1961 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She was born Abt. 1936 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Children of John Rohrig and Marilyn Ness are:

+ 3414 i. Cathy11 Rohrig, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3415 ii. Edward Rohrig, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3110. Richard Norman10 Strayer (Katherine Elizabeth9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska. He married Evelyn M Schmelzer 31 Aug 1957 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She was born Abt. 1940.

Children of Richard Strayer and Evelyn Schmelzer are:

3416 i. Katherine Ann11 Strayer, born 1958 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3417 ii. Julie Mae Strayer, born 1960 in Boulder, Colorado.

3418 iii. Sara Eileen Strayer, born 1963 in Pomona, California.

3112. Ivan Eugene10 Strayer (Katherine Elizabeth9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1938 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Ingrid Deitz 20 May 1961 in Denver, Colorado. She was born Abt. 1939.

Children of Ivan Strayer and Ingrid Deitz are:

3419 i. Mark Alan11 Strayer, born Private in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3420 ii. John Ivan Strayer, born Private in New Orleans, Louisiana.

3421 iii. Jeffrey Adam Strayer, born Private in Pomona, California.

3113. Donald Jean10 Burns (Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1933 in Palisade, Nebraska. He married Elizabeth Hussey 15 Aug 1954 in San Francisco, California. She was born 1932 in San Francisco, California.

Child of Donald Burns and Elizabeth Hussey is:

3422 i. Donna Marie11 Burns, born 1955 in Long Beach, California. She married John Calarda 04 Mar 1974 in Martinez, California; born Abt. 1954.

3114. Phyllis Christina10 Burns (Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1934 in Palisade, Nebraska. She married David Parsons 18 Oct 1953. He was born 1933.

Notes for David Parsons:

David drives for Navajo Truck line

Children of Phyllis Burns and David Parsons are:

3423 i. Kristie Lynn11 Parsons, born 1954 in Denver, Colorado.

3424 ii. Ernest Varon Parsons, born 1955.

3425 iii. Ronda Key Parsons, born 1956. She married Michael Reddy 01 May 1976 in Aurora, Colorado; born Abt. 1955.

3426 iv. David Neal Parsons, born 1957.

3427 v. Dean Nevin Parsons, born 1966.

3115. Betty Eileen10 Burns (Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska. She married Louis Omar Anderson 18 Jun 1954 in Denver, Colorado. He was born 1932 in Kearney, Nebraska.

Children of Betty Burns and Louis Anderson are:

+ 3428 i. Terri Eileen11 Anderson, born 1955 in Denver, Colorado.

3429 ii. Robert Allen Anderson, born 1957 in Fort Morgan, Colorado.

3430 iii. Roland Arnold Anderson, born 1958 in Fort Morgan, Colorado.

3431 iv. Robin Allison Anderson, born 1960 in Sterling, Colorado.

3432 v. Tanya Ellen Anderson, born 1965 in Holdrege, Nebraska.

3116. Roberta Nadine10 Burns (Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (1) James Bishop Abt. 1960. He was born Abt. 1936. She married (2) Gerald Frick 03 Jul 1963. He was born 1930 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

Child of Roberta Burns and James Bishop is:

3433 i. Jody Annete Bishop11 Frick, born 1960.

More About Jody Annete Bishop Frick:

Comment 1: Jody adopted by Gerald Frick

Child of Roberta Burns and Gerald Frick is:

3434 i. Michael Shawn11 Frick, born 1964.

3117. Mavis Marlene10 Burns (Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in Denver, Colorado. She married Harry V Poynter 21 Aug 1963 in Denver, Colorado. He was born 1941 in Maysville, Kentucky.

Children of Mavis Burns and Harry Poynter are:

3435 i. James Kevin11 Poynter, born 1966 in Denver, Colorado.

3436 ii. Tina Renee Poynter, born 1971 in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

3118. Ronald Dean10 Frick (Edna9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1936 in Palisade, Nebraska. He married Emily Ann Moore 02 Nov 1957 in Aurora, Colorado. She was born 1939.

Children of Ronald Frick and Emily Moore are:

3437 i. Tammi Annette11 Frick, born 1959.

3438 ii. Timothy Dean Frick, born 1960.

3439 iii. Todd Ronald Frick, born 1964.

3119. Ruben Edward10 Frick (Edna9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in Trinidad, Colorado. He married Linda Lee Lynsh. She was born 1939.

Children of Ruben Frick and Linda Lynsh are:

3440 i. Randall Eugene11 Frick, born 1957 in Denver, Colorado.

3441 ii. Lori Lynn Frick, born 1959 in Denver, Colorado.

3442 iii. Russell Evan Frick, born 1964 in Denver, Colorado.

3443 iv. Robert Edwin Frick, born 1966 in Denver, Colorado.

3120. Karen Carlene10 Frick (Edna9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1939 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married John Robert Wachob 07 Dec 1957. He was born 1939.

Children of Karen Frick and John Wachob are:

3444 i. Vicki Lynn11 Wachob, born 1958 in Denver, Colorado.

3445 ii. Cheryl Lech Wachob, born 1961 in Denver, Colorado.

3446 iii. Jeffrey Alan Wachob, born 1964 in Denver, Colorado.

3121. Marvin Ray10 Frick (Edna9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 14 Feb 1941 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska, and died 08 Jul 1967. He married Nancy E Geiger 12 May 1962. She was born 1942.

More About Marvin Ray Frick:

Burial: Overland Park, Kansas

Notes for Nancy E Geiger:

Nancy remarried John Barrington. The children were adopted.

Children of Marvin Frick and Nancy Geiger are:

3447 i. Michael Ray Frick11 Barrington, born 1963 in Denver, Colorado.

3448 ii. Christopher Mark Frick Barrington, born 1965 in Denver, Colorado.

3122. Eliane10 Bielmaier (Bessie Marie9 Brehm, John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1932 in Rapid City, South Dakota. She married George Beherns in Rapid City, South Dakota. He was born Abt. 1930.

Child of Eliane Bielmaier and George Beherns is:

3449 i. Donald11 Beherns, born 1972 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3124. Julia Mae10 Brehm (Clarence John9, John8, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1945 in Rapid City, South Dakota. She married Russell Madsen Abt. 1964. He was born Abt. 1944.

Children of Julia Brehm and Russell Madsen are:

3450 i. Michael11 Madsen, born Abt. 1965 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3451 ii. Kevin Madsen, born Abt. 1967 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

3131. Delmer10 Wallace (Carolyn9 Ross, Anna8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas. He married (1) Susan Ann Homer 25 Aug 1973. She was born Abt. 1950. He married (2) Judy Christen 11 Sep 1976 in Denver, Colorado. She was born Abt. 1950.

Children of Delmer Wallace and Susan Homer are:

3452 i. Toby11 Wallace, born 1971; Adopted child.

3453 ii. Jason Wallace, born 1974.

3132. Duane10 Wallace (Carolyn9 Ross, Anna8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas. He married Noreen Young 09 Oct 1970 in Lakewood, Colorado. She was born Abt. 1952.

Children of Duane Wallace and Noreen Young are:

3454 i. Barry11 Wallace, born 1972 in Denver, Colorado.

3455 ii. Randy Wallace, born 1973 in Denver, Colorado.

More About Randy Wallace:

Comment 1: twins

3456 iii. Rusty Wallace, born 1973 in Denver, Colorado.

More About Rusty Wallace:

Comment 1: twins

3133. Terri10 Wallace (Carolyn9 Ross, Anna8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Colby, Thomas Co, Kansas. She married Mark Schibara 04 Aug 1973 in Littleton, Colorado. He was born Private.

Children of Terri Wallace and Mark Schibara are:

3457 i. Christy Ann11 Schibara, born Private in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

3458 ii. Lori Renee Schibara, born Private in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

3134. Donald Wayne10 Brehm (Henry9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1936 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He married Patricia Ellis 01 Jun 1957 in Trenton, Nebraska. She was born 1937 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska.

Children of Donald Brehm and Patricia Ellis are:

3459 i. Kathy Lynn11 Brehm, born 1958 in Kimball, Nebraska.

3460 ii. Lisa Ann Brehm, born 1961 in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska.

3136. Leona Ann10 Brehm (Henry9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. She married Larry Sigwing 31 Aug 1963 in Culbertson, Hitchcock Co, Nebraska. He was born 1941 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Leona Ann Brehm:

Mar 2001: Information from Freida Romersheuser

Oct 2001: Leona updated the family.

Children of Leona Brehm and Larry Sigwing are:

+ 3461 i. Rebecca Ann11 Sigwing, born 1968 in Saint Joseph, Missouri.

3462 ii. Renee Elaine Sigwing, born 1971. She married ? Richards; born Abt. 1970.

3137. Dennis Leroy10 Brehm (Henry9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married (1) Ruth ? Abt. 1967. She was born Abt. 1948. He married (2) Sherry ? 06 Aug 1972. She was born Private. He married (3) Connie ? Abt. 1976. She was born Abt. 1947. He married (4) Becca ? 30 Mar 1992. She was born Private.

Notes for Dennis Leroy Brehm:

Apr 2012: Received an email from Harvey Fries.

"I went to Culbertson High School class of 1965. Dennis Brehm was in my high school class. He had an older sister named Leona (If my memory serves me). His dad's name was Henry (I believe). Everybody called him Hank. I remember the Brehm sisters. My mother had nice stories about them. Her Aunt, my great aunt Molly Hock used to run around with them."

Child of Dennis Brehm and Sherry ? is:

3463 i. Sherry Lee11 Brehm, born Private in Kansas City, Missouri.

Child of Dennis Brehm and Connie ? is:

3464 i. Dennis Henry11 Brehm, born Private.

3138. Joe10 Brehm II (Joe9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1934 in Longmont, Colorado. He married Paula Jane McQuigg 17 Jun 1956 in Boulder, Colorado. She was born 1938 in Reading, Iowa.

Children of Joe Brehm and Paula McQuigg are:

+ 3465 i. Janelle Lynn11 Brehm, born 1962 in Boulder, Colorado.

+ 3466 ii. Jodene Lucille Brehm, born 1964 in Longmont, Colorado.

3139. Lois Loraine10 Romersheuser (Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1942 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Michael Arlen Chipperfield 19 Jun 1965 in Hayes Center, Nebraska. He was born 1941 in Chadron, Nebraska.

Notes for Lois Loraine Romersheuser:

March 2001: Info from Freida Brehm Romersheuser.

Children of Lois Romersheuser and Michael Chipperfield are:

+ 3467 i. Amber Drew11 Chipperfield, born 1970 in Columbia, Missouri.

3468 ii. Chanda Loraine Chipperfield, born 1972 in Columbus, Ohio. She married Scott Foster 20 Jun 2000 in St. Augustine, Florida; born 1972 in Newark, Ohio.

3140. Sonya Freida10 Romersheuser (Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1944 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE. She married (1) Lynn Kenneth Collison 15 Aug 1965 in Campbell, Nebraska Methodist Church. He was born 1936 in Campbell, Nebraska. She married (2) Ron Pelzer Abt. 1980. He was born Abt. 1944.

Notes for Sonya Freida Romersheuser:

Mar 2001: Info from Freida Romersheuser.

Children of Sonya Romersheuser and Lynn Collison are:

+ 3469 i. Gaynor John11 Collison, born 1968 in Sidney, Nebraska.

+ 3470 ii. Crale Lynn Collison, born 1971 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

3141. Louis Steven (Steve)10 Romersheuser (Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1946 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE. He married Barbara Jean Brownell 19 Jun 1982 in Edwards, Colorado at the home of Bob & Gail Newman. She was born 1953 in Wakefield, Nebraska.

Notes for Louis Steven (Steve) Romersheuser:

1. He visited Harold and Cara Brehm in Seattle, WA lots of times during the 1960's and 70's.

2. He was a supervisor for New Electric of Vail, CO (info abt 1998)

In 1999 he started his own electric company. The BEST Electric.

3. Info updated by Steve, Jun 2001.

Notes for Barbara Jean Brownell:

In 2001, She is a school library-media specialist. Finished her 25th yr of teaching.

Children of Louis Romersheuser and Barbara Brownell are:

3471 i. Jean Marie11 Romersheuser, born Private in Vail, Colorado.

3472 ii. Louis Lynn Romersheuser, born Private in Vail, Colorado.

3142. Pamela Ann10 Romersheuser (Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in Hayes Center, Nebraska 9 Miles NE. She married (1) George Boyd Huff I 03 Jul 1966 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 1947 in McCook, Nebraska. She married (2) Donald J McConville 19 Feb 1993 in Indianola, Nebraska, son of Charles McConville and Cecilia R. He was born 1951 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Pamela Ann Romersheuser:

Apr 2011: Received an email from Pam, that her mom, Freida, passed away.

Notes for George Boyd Huff I:

Jan 2007: Email from Vicki Huff Jones. I had his birth place as Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. Vicki's mom said she thinks it is McCook, NE.

Children of Pamela Romersheuser and George Huff are:

+ 3473 i. Vicki Lorene11 Huff, born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

+ 3474 ii. Elizabeth Ann (Beth) Huff, born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska.

+ 3475 iii. George Boyd Huff II, born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska.

+ 3476 iv. George Clifford Huff, born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska.

3147. Diana Lynn10 Kotch (Harry Alvin9, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1950 in Chappell, Nebraska. She married Stan Olsen in Fort Morgan, Colorado. He was born Abt. 1950.

Notes for Diana Lynn Kotch:

address for Diana from Harry Kotch 5/2001

Child of Diana Kotch and Stan Olsen is:

3477 i. Jeremy Todd11 Olsen, born Private.

3148. Donna Lee10 Kotch (Harry Alvin9, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1952 in Julesburg, Colorado. She married Jack O McClary 26 Dec 1971 in Julesburg, Colorado. He was born Private in Julesburg, Colorado.

Notes for Donna Lee Kotch:

I have a picture.

Children of Donna Kotch and Jack McClary are:

3478 i. Natalie Jean11 McClary, born Private in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Notes for Natalie Jean McClary:

address & info from Harry Kotch 5/2001

Natalie teaches 1st grade in Ellicott, CO. (east of Colo Springs CO)

3479 ii. Mitchell (Mitch) Gunn McClary, born Private in Sterling, Colorado.

Notes for Mitchell (Mitch) Gunn McClary:

from Harry Kotch 5/2001: he loves sports - in school plays football, basketball, & baseball. He golfs in the summer.

He also works on the family farm.

3149. Marie Katherine10 Walter (Irene9 Kotch, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1938 in Denver, Colorado. She married Larry Zimmerman 03 May 1957 in Ovid, Sedgwick Co, Colorado. He was born Abt. 1936.

Notes for Marie Katherine Walter:

I have a picture.

Children of Marie Walter and Larry Zimmerman are:

3480 i. Douglas11 Zimmerman, born 1958 in Denver, Colorado.

3481 ii. Jeffery Zimmerman, born 1959 in Brighton, Colorado.

3150. Robert10 Walter (Irene9 Kotch, Elisabeth8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1946 in Ovid, Colorado. He married Delle France 28 Jan 1972 in Las Vegas, Nevada. She was born 1951 in Casa Grande, Arizona.

Notes for Robert Walter:

have picture of family.

address found on Mary Brehm's will. 2000

updated information on his family Jun 2001

Children of Robert Walter and Delle France are:

3482 i. Peter Andrew11 Walter, born 1973 in Haxtun, Phillips, Colorado.

3483 ii. Elizabeth Ann Walter, born 1975 in Ovid, Colorado.

3484 iii. John Robert Walter, born 1976 in Ovid, Colorado.

3154. Sally Jane10 McLafferty (Marian (Ming)9 Frank, Dora8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in Los Angeles, California. She married Charles Budd McAuley 05 Sep 1964. He was born 1930.

Notes for Sally Jane McLafferty:

It says the kids were born in Lynwood, Nebraska but I can't find it. It could be Lynwood, California or Lynnwood, Washington.

More About Sally Jane McLafferty:

Comment 1: picture

Children of Sally McLafferty and Charles McAuley are:

3485 i. John Elmer11 McAuley, born 1966 in Lynwood, Nebraska.

3486 ii. Erin K McAuley, born 1967 in Lynwood, Nebraska.

3487 iii. Kelly P McAuley, born 1970 in Lynwood, Nebraska.

3156. Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe (Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 23 May 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 03 Sep 1994 in Modesto, California. She married Alan Frederick Parrigon 15 May 1955 in Merced, California. He was born 1935 in Pierce City, Missouri.

Notes for Alice Rebecca Sharpe:

1. have picture; lots of family history exchanged. 1976 etc

2. Jan 2003: From Susan Parrigon Dowd, I changed the death date from the 2nd to the 3rd.

3. A letter from Alan says she died on the 2nd. But I left it the 3rd.

Children of Alice Sharpe and Alan Parrigon are:

+ 3488 i. Nancy Alice11 Parrigon, born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

3489 ii. Robert Alan Parrigon, born Private in Renton, King Co, Washington.

+ 3490 iii. Susan Kay Parrigon, born Private in Renton, King Co, Washington.

3491 iv. Mark Edward Parrigon, born Private in Renton, King Co, Washington.

3157. Ronney Gerald10 Yost (Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married DeLoris Candace (Candy) Lee 27 Aug 1966 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. She was born 1941 in Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Children of Ronney Yost and DeLoris Lee are:

+ 3492 i. Ray Aaron11 Yost, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3493 ii. Jill Echo Yost, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

+ 3494 iii. Jay Aric Yost, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3495 iv. Ty Yost, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

Notes for Ty Yost:

no middle name per Lois Jean Yost Jones June 2001

3496 v. Katy Gail Yost, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

Notes for Katy Gail Yost:

Oct 2003: Katy is her real name.

3158. Lois Jean (Jeannie)10 Yost (Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1939 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. She married Michael Lee Jones 21 Jul 1962 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He was born 1939 in Toledo, Lincoln Co, Oregon.

Notes for Lois Jean (Jeannie) Yost:

Oct 2003: Updated her family.

June 2007: Received email from Lois Jeannie Jones.

Jan 2010: Received an email from Lois with updated address.

Children of Lois Yost and Michael Jones are:

+ 3497 i. Sheldon Lynn11 Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

+ 3498 ii. Jeffrey Loren Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3159. Dorothy May10 Steinhour (Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1932 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Robert Gordon Allen 09 Apr 1950 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1931 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Dorothy May Steinhour:

May 2001: Information updated by Clara Brehm Barth.

We have a picture.

Child of Dorothy Steinhour and Robert Allen is:

+ 3499 i. Robert Lee11 Allen, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3160. Donna Lee10 Steinhour (Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1934 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Bernard Buel Newland 15 Jul 1951 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1931 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Donna Lee Steinhour:

info & address updated May 2001 by Clara Brehm Barth

Children of Donna Steinhour and Bernard Newland are:

+ 3500 i. Bernadine Elaine11 Newland, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

+ 3501 ii. Connie Lee Newland, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3161. Fordyce William Cecil10 Steinhour (Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1940 in Atwood, Rawlins Co, Kansas. He married Valerie Jane Johnson 28 Dec 1963 in Anaheim, California. She was born 1942 in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington.

Notes for Fordyce William Cecil Steinhour:

info & address updated May 2001 by Clara Brehm Barth

Children of Fordyce Steinhour and Valerie Johnson are:

+ 3502 i. Richard Fordyce (Teel)11 Steinhour, born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles Co, California; Adopted child.

3503 ii. Bryan Fordyce Steinhour, born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles Co, California. He married Nancy Ann Kriener 10 Mar 1984 in Phoenix, Arizona; St. Joseph Catholic Church; born Private.

3504 iii. Denise Jane Steinhour, born Private in Phoenix, Maricopa Co, Arizona.

3162. Evelyn Leona10 Steinhour (Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1941 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. She married Jesse Lee Grooms 14 Feb 1960 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1938 in Rockingham, North Carolina.

Notes for Evelyn Leona Steinhour:

info & address updated May 2001 by Clara Brehm Barth

Child of Evelyn Steinhour and Jesse Grooms is:

+ 3505 i. Sheila Ann11 Grooms, born Private in Los Angeles, California.

3163. Gerald Dean10 Steinhour (Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1949 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He married Carol Ann Cline 27 Jun 1969 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She was born 1951 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Gerald Dean Steinhour:

info & address updated May 2001 by Clara Brehm Barth

Children of Gerald Steinhour and Carol Cline are:

3506 i. Gerald Gene11 Steinhour II, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3507 ii. Kevin Dean Steinhour, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3165. Beatrice June (Bea)10 Hoagland (June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 22 Jul 1936 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska, and died 29 Jul 2010 in Santa Clara, California. She married Kenneth Lorel Lichtenstein 19 Jun 1960 in Palo Alto, California. He was born 1937 in San Francisco, California.

Notes for Beatrice June (Bea) Hoagland:

Oct 2010: Received an email from Melissa Lichtenstein with the following obit.

Beatrice J. Lichtenstein Resident of Santa Clara 7/22/36-7/29/10

After a valiant fight against multiple medical problems , Bea Lichtenstein now sits at the right hand of god and is at peace.

Bea was born to Lloyd and June Hoagland, July 22, 1936 in McCook, Nebraska. She was the oldest of four children, Robert (Sue), Oranglevale, CA; Patricia (Don), Watsonville, CA and Evelyn (deceased).

A gradate San Jose State, Bea married Ken Lichtenstein, June 19, 1960 and was the mother of two, Jeffrey, San Mateo, CA and Brian (Melissa), Salt Lake City, UT and grandmother of two, David and Lissann, of Salt Lake.

A resident of Santa Clara since 1962, Bea was involved in the community, including the PTA, Santa Clara Historic Commission, a founding member of the Santa Clara Arts and Historical Consortium. She was a founder of the Santa Clara Historic Preservation Society. Bea helped save two historic properties, the Haeden-Inman House and the Harris-Lass House.

Her interest in the history of Santa Clara resulted in her writing two Images of America books, Santa Clara and Cemeteries of Santa Clara.

A Memorial will be held Saturday, August 7, 2 PM at Lima Family Mortuary, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara. Donations can be made in Bea's name to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Box 4464, Houston, TX, 77210-4464 or to Haeden-Inman House, 1509 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95050.

Published in San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County

Children of Beatrice Hoagland and Kenneth Lichtenstein are:

3508 i. Jeffrey Eric11 Lichtenstein, born 1961 in Palo Alto, California.

+ 3509 ii. Brian Daniel Lichtenstein, born 1964 in Mt. View, California.

3166. Robert Clinton (Bob)10 Hoagland (June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1937 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married (1) Patricia Ann Lower 23 Jan 1960 in Arcata, Humboldt Co, California. She was born Abt. 1939 in Sacramento, California. He married (2) Nancy Marie Branstetter 15 Apr 1962 in Sacramento, California. She was born 1939 in Clinton, Henry Co, Missouri. He married (3) Sue Ann Koch 09 Aug 1969 in Carmichael, California. She was born 1942 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co, Ohio.

Children of Robert Hoagland and Nancy Branstetter are:

3510 i. Debra Ann11 Hoagland, born 04 Oct 1962 in Sacramento, California; died 25 Jun 1963 in Sacramento, California.

3511 ii. Craig Dean Hoagland, born 1964 in Sacramento, California. He married Betty Sue Wilson 15 Jun 1985 in Long Beach, California; born 1964 in Sacramento, California.

Children of Robert Hoagland and Sue Koch are:

3512 i. James Allen (Jimmy)11 Hoagland, born 1971 in Sacramento, California. He married Clarissa Ferreras Paule 17 Nov 2001 in Emeryville, California; born Abt. 1973 in Rodeo, Solano Co, California.

3513 ii. Thomas Clifford (Tommie) Hoagland, born 1973 in Sacramento, California.

3167. Patricia Ann10 Hoagland (June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1939 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Donald Allen Spence 18 Feb 1962 in Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co, California, son of Floyd Spence and Dorothy Farenkamm. He was born 1932 in Marysville, Yuba Co, California.

Notes for Donald Allen Spence:

The family information was updated by Don Spence, Jun 2001.

Children of Patricia Hoagland and Donald Spence are:

3514 i. Sharon Lee11 Spence, born 1963 in Woodland, California.

3515 ii. Anne Marie Spence, born 1966 in Woodland, Yolo Co, California.

+ 3516 iii. Sandra Dee Spence, born 1969 in Redding, California.

+ 3517 iv. Stephen Allen Spence, born 1971 in Redding, California.

3169. Cheryl Ann10 Hiersekorn (Eleanor Mae9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Frank Edward (Ed) Downey 27 Nov 1968 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1942 in Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Cheryl Ann Hiersekorn:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

May 2001: Information updated by Eleanor Brehm Hiersekorn.

Child of Cheryl Hiersekorn and Frank Downey is:

3518 i. Celie Renee11 Downey, born 1973 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Jason Daniel Foye 19 Jun 1999 in Wheatland, Wyoming; born 1974 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Celie Renee Downey:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

3170. Mary Louise10 Brody (Louise Marjorie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Edward Reindl 29 Apr 1962 in Butte, Silver Bow Co, Montana. He was born 22 Sep.

Children of Mary Brody and Edward Reindl are:

+ 3519 i. Steven Edward11 Reindl, born 1962 in Butte, Silver Bow Co, Montana.

+ 3520 ii. Shelly Marie Reindl, born 1963 in Missoula, Missoula Co, Montana.

+ 3521 iii. Scott Allen Reindl, born 1966 in Missoula, Missoula Co, Montana.

3522 iv. Sheila Ann Reindl, born 1973 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co, Minnesota.

3171. Denise Marie10 Brody (Louise Marjorie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1953 in Clark Air Force Base, Philippines. She married Richard Dubay 20 Jul 1974 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co, Minnesota. He was born 1951.

Children of Denise Brody and Richard Dubay are:

3523 i. Anthony David11 Dubay, born Private in St. Paul, Ramsey Co, Minnesota.

3524 ii. Christopher John Dubay, born Private in St. Paul, Ramsey Co, Minnesota.

3173. Linda Joyce10 Rucker (Virginia Olive9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1949 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky. She married (1) Larry Milton O'Nan 03 Jun 1967 in Frankfort Kentucky. He was born 1949 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky. She married (2) Anthony Wayne Games 24 Jun 1969 in Frankfort, Kentucky. He was born 1948 in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky.

Notes for Linda Joyce Rucker:

Sept 2010: I received an email from Linda Rucker Games. She remembers "Aunt Lil, who died in 2001. I wish I could have talked to her those 20 years after my mom died but I didn’t have any information on how to reach her. She was my mom’s favorite sister. I remember going to Aunt Lil’s farm in Wilsonville, Nebraska when I was 9 and surprising her. I have fond memories of the chickens & the big dinner table where she fed the workers (she called them thrashers) the noontime meal."

Child of Linda Rucker and Larry O'Nan is:

3525 i. Michael Troy11 O'Nan, born Private in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky.

Child of Linda Rucker and Anthony Games is:

3526 i. Joetta Lynn11 Games, born Private in Frankfort, Franklin Co, Kentucky. She married Tony Johnson 27 Jun 2009; born Private.

3174. Pamela (Pam)10 Gettman (Delores Marie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Michael James Hendricks 02 Dec 1973 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Pamela (Pam) Gettman:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Notes for Michael James Hendricks:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Children of Pamela Gettman and Michael Hendricks are:

3527 i. Brian James11 Hendricks, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Brian James Hendricks:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

3528 ii. Kimberly Margaret Hendricks, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3175. Bruce Wayne10 Gettman (Delores Marie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He married (1) Barbara Ann Quirk 09 Aug 1980 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She was born Private. He married (2) Diana Maria Greenough 03 Jun 1989 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She was born 1959 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, Colorado.

Child of Bruce Gettman and Barbara Quirk is:

3529 i. Brandon Wayne11 Gettman, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He married Debra Ladeen Sommer; born Private.

Children of Bruce Gettman and Diana Greenough are:

3530 i. Darrell Matthew11 Gettman, born 15 Sep 1989 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming; died 15 Sep 1989 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3531 ii. Kayla Marie Gettman, born Private.

3176. Diana Sue10 Nicholson (Lillian Margaret9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1954 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (1) Francis William Langhorst 26 May 1973 in Lebanon, Nebraska. He was born 1953 in Blair, Nebraska. She married (2) Rodney Gene Johnson 29 Nov 1980 in North Bend, Nebraska. He was born 1957 in Fremont, Dodge Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Diana Sue Nicholson:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Jun 2001: Updated family info.

Child of Diana Nicholson and Francis Langhorst is:

3532 i. Tracey Lynn11 Langhorst, born 1974 in Fremont Township, Johnson Co, Iowa.

Children of Diana Nicholson and Rodney Johnson are:

3533 i. Matthew James11 Johnson, born Private in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

3534 ii. Steven Ray Johnson, born Private in Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska.

3177. Kent Dewayne10 Nicholson (Lillian Margaret9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1957 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Carol Ann Allen 08 Aug 1981 in Daykin, Nebraska. She was born 1958 in Platte, Mix Co, South Dakota.

Notes for Kent Dewayne Nicholson:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Children of Kent Nicholson and Carol Allen are:

3535 i. Mark David11 Nicholson, born Private in Oberlin, Decatur Co, Kansas.

3536 ii. Megan Dawn Nicholson, born Private in Oberlin, Decatur Co, Kansas.

3178. William Albert10 Nicholson (Lillian Margaret9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1961 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He married Zoie Ann Schutz 08 Mar 1997 in Lebanon, Nebraska. She was born 1972.

Child of William Nicholson and Zoie Schutz is:

3537 i. Bethany Kathleen11 Nicholson, born Private in Cambridge, Nebraska.

3180. Katherine Elizabeth (Kathy)10 Brehm (Harold Eugene9, Sam8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1958 in Seattle, King Co, Washington. She married Arthur Michael (Art) LaPella 31 Jul 1993 in Des Moines, King Co, Washington, son of Paul LaPella and Stella Tastad. He was born 1951 in Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois.

Notes for Katherine Elizabeth (Kathy) Brehm:

See stories in Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

Scotch, Irish, English, Dutch, German

Notes for Arthur Michael (Art) LaPella:

See stories in Kathy Brehm LaPella's Website.

1/2 Italian, 1/2 Norwegian

Children of Katherine Brehm and Arthur LaPella are:

3538 i. Sam Newton11 LaPella, born Private in Federal Way, King Co, Washington.

Notes for Sam Newton LaPella:

He was named after his great grandpa Sam Brehm. His middle name is after Sir Isaac Newton.

He walked 3 days before 9 months.

3539 ii. Anna Amelia LaPella, born Private in Federal Way, King Co, Washington.

Notes for Anna Amelia LaPella:

She was named after Aunt Sally's middle name Ann. Her middle name was after Amelia Earhart.

3182. Craig Douglas10 Brehm (Eugene Junior9, Benjamin (Ben)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1963 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado. He married Kelley Ann McComas 25 Aug 1990 in Littleton, Colorado. She was born 1962 in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

Notes for Craig Douglas Brehm:

1980: Came to the Brehm/Yost reunion in Lincoln, Nebr.

Children of Craig Brehm and Kelley McComas are:

3540 i. Jason Joseph11 Brehm, born Private in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado; Adopted child.

3541 ii. Ashley Marie Brehm, born Private in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado; Adopted child.

3542 iii. Benjamin Eugene Brehm III, born Private in Denver, Denver Co, Colorado.

3186. Rebecca Lynn10 Seeman (Margaret Lois9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1949 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) Robert Charles Mount, Sr. 05 Nov 1968 in Salem, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1949, and died 20 Jun 1972. She married (2) Nicholas Frank Wusz 05 Apr 1974 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1948, and died 20 Jul 1994. She married (3) Bill Mitchell 15 Jan 2001 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was born Abt. 1949.

Child of Rebecca Seeman and Robert Mount is:

3543 i. Robert Charles11 Mount, Jr., born 1970 in Salem, Oregon. He married Amy Beth Maw; born Private.

Children of Rebecca Seeman and Nicholas Wusz are:

3544 i. Nicholas Ross11 Wusz, born 1976 in Concord, California.

3545 ii. Paul Alexander Wusz, born 07 Dec 1977 in La Habra, California; died 12 Dec 1987 in Fullerton, California.

3187. Douglas Ross10 Seeman (Margaret Lois9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1950 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Mary Jean Reihl 27 Jun 1970. She was born Abt. 1950. He married (2) Kimberly Ann Kistler 22 Feb 1986. She was born Abt. 1952. He married (3) Colleen Kay Ebaugh 10 Apr 1997 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born Abt. 1950.

Notes for Mary Jean Reihl:

Apr 2012: Another spelling: Mary Jean Riehl

Children of Douglas Seeman and Mary Reihl are:

3546 i. Darren Douglas11 Seeman, born Private.

3547 ii. Troy Seeman, born Private.

3188. Daniel Andrew10 Seeman (Margaret Lois9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1953 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Toshiko Sasaki Matsuda 18 May 1986 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born Abt. 1954.

Children of Daniel Seeman and Toshiko Matsuda are:

3548 i. Rachel11 Seeman, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3549 ii. Ross Seeman, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3191. Brian10 Freitag (James9, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1946. He married Gayle ?. She was born Abt. 1946.

Child of Brian Freitag and Gayle ? is:

3550 i. Tyler11 Freitag, born Abt. 1966.

3192. Judity Lee10 Davenport (Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1942 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Mell Vale, Jr. 13 Jan 1965 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1940.

Children of Judity Davenport and Mell Vale are:

+ 3551 i. Fay LoAnn11 Hauser, born Private.

3552 ii. Gary David Vale, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Christina Dee Gibbens 02 Oct 1995 in Las Vegas, Nevada; born Private. He married (2) Penny Stonecypher 10 Mar 2001 in Clackamas, Oregon; born Private.

3553 iii. Timothy Allan Hauser, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3554 iv. David Lee Hauser, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3193. Gregory Dean10 Davenport (Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1948 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Bonnie Jean Jenkins 13 Jun 1970 in Corbett, Oregon. She was born 1951 in Eugene, Oregon.

Children of Gregory Davenport and Bonnie Jenkins are:

3555 i. Wendy Nichole11 Davenport, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3556 ii. Amanda LeAnne Davenport, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3557 iii. Andrew Gregory Davenport, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3558 iv. Julie Ann Davenport, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3194. Dennis Scott10 Davenport (Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1950 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married Kathleen Marie Horrocks 22 Apr 1972 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She was born 1951 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Children of Dennis Davenport and Kathleen Horrocks are:

+ 3559 i. Kimberly Ann11 Davenport, born 1974 in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington.

3560 ii. Scott Brian Davenport, born 1978 in Milwaukie, Oregon.

3195. Randy William10 Davenport (Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1955 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He married (1) Randi Lee Garner 18 Dec 1976 in St George, Utah. She was born 1954 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (2) Thersa M. Allen 06 Mar 1999 in Santa Clara, Utah. She was born Abt. 1956. He married (3) Cristina Carvajal 06 Sep 2001 in Quito. She was born Abt. 1956.

Children of Randy Davenport and Randi Garner are:

3561 i. Michelle Leila11 Davenport, born Private. She married Joshua Christian Boatright 25 Jan 1997 in St. George, Utah; born 1975 in Murray, Utah.

3562 ii. Ryan Eugene Davenport, born Private.

3563 iii. Shannon Marie Davenport, born Private.

3564 iv. Daniel Ronald Davenport, born Private.

3565 v. Jeffery Randall Davenport, born Private.

3566 vi. Heidi McKay Davenport, born Private.

3197. Carol Joann10 Fishburn (Ruth Esther9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1946 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married Stanley Sherman Stark 06 Apr 1974 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1946.

Child of Carol Fishburn and Stanley Stark is:

3567 i. Cameron Philip11 Stark, born Private in Santa Anna, California.

3199. Martha Lynne10 Fishburn (Ruth Esther9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1953 in Oregon City, Oregon. She married Ernie Brooks 31 May 1980 in Carver, Oregon. He was born Abt. 1952.

Children of Martha Fishburn and Ernie Brooks are:

3568 i. Evan Jeffrey11 Brooks, born Private in Vancouver, Washington.

3569 ii. Ernest Kyle Brooks, born Private in Vancouver, Washington.

3204. Kathleen Ann10 Woodburn (Irene Dorothy9 Helzer, Johann Philipp8, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska. She married Donald Dale Turnquist 03 Jan 1961 in Greeley, Weld Co, Colorado. He was born Private in Wayne Twp, Custer Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Kathleen Ann Woodburn:

May 2010: Received an email from Kathleen Woodburn Turnquist with information on her line. She has set up a site on:

Jan 2011: Received an email from Kathleen with information on her family.

Child of Kathleen Woodburn and Donald Turnquist is:

+ 3570 i. Rodney Lane11 Turnquist, born Private in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska.

3205. Gayleen Lou10 Woodburn (Irene Dorothy9 Helzer, Johann Philipp8, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Kearney, Buffalo Co, Nebraska. She married (1) Stephen Bratt Flood 06 Aug 1966 in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska. He was born Private. She married (2) Steve Fries 28 Jul 1995 in McCook, Nebraska. He was born Private.

Child of Gayleen Woodburn and Stephen Flood is:

3571 i. Michael Sean11 Flood, born Private.

3235. Jessica Rene10 Helzer (Brad9, Donald8, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in La Puenta, California. She married Danny Rivas. He was born Private.

Notes for Jessica Rene Helzer:

Oct 2009: Received an email Jessica Helzer Rivas updating her family history.

Children of Jessica Helzer and Danny Rivas are:

3572 i. Mikayla Rene11 Rivas, born Private in Pomona, California.

3573 ii. Jacob Bradley Rivas, born Private in San Diego, California.

3246. Tracee Lee10 Walsborn (Dennis9, Eleanor8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles City, California. She married Robert Whistler. He was born Private.

Notes for Tracee Lee Walsborn:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

Child of Tracee Walsborn and Robert Whistler is:

3574 i. Mallory Ann Whistler11 McComas, born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles City, California.

Notes for Mallory Ann Whistler McComas:

Jan 2012: Received an email from Tracee Lee Walsborn with information on her family.

Changed her last name.

3251. Louise Christina (Chris)10 Glantz (Raymond (Ray)9, John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1931 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. She married Marshall (Jack) Jackson England 10 Jun 1951 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana. He was born 1928 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana.

Notes for Louise Christina (Chris) Glantz:

letters were sent between Jake Sinner and Louise Glantz England trying to see if the Sinners were related. Nothing was matched.

More About Louise Christina (Chris) Glantz:

Comment 1: updated family info Aug 2001.

Children of Louise Glantz and Marshall England are:

3575 i. Jeffrey Amend11 England, born 1954 in Sidney, Cheyenne Co, Nebraska. He married Sandra Santoy Bocanegra 16 Sep 1977; born Abt. 1956.

3576 ii. Kristina Terri England, born 1956 in Lusk, Niobrara Co, Wyoming.

3577 iii. Kathryn Mary England, born 1956 in Lusk, Niobrara Co, Wyoming. She married Thomas Don Amo 16 Apr 1979; born Abt. 1956.

3578 iv. Raymond Jackson Louis England, born 1959 in Cody, Park Co, Wyoming. He married Teddi Lue Barron 21 Apr 1990; born Abt. 1960.

3258. Dewayne Jacob10 Blehm (Ralph9 Glantz I, John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 13 Sep 1934 in Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana, and died 19 Apr 1991 in Ojai, California. He married Sue Ellen Thomas 09 Aug 1956 in Las Vegas, Clark Co, Nevada. She was born 1937 in Springfield, Ohio.

Notes for Dewayne Jacob Blehm:

July 2003: It looks like Amelia Blehm and Ralpha Glantz didn't marry. Do Dewayne took his mothers maiden name.

Information from website:

More About Dewayne Jacob Blehm:

Burial: Pacific Ocean

Children of Dewayne Blehm and Sue Thomas are:

+ 3579 i. Jack Thomas11 Blehm, born 1958 in Missoula, Montana.

3580 ii. Michael Ernest Blehm, born 1961 in Ojai, Ventura Co, California.

+ 3581 iii. Christina Sue Blehm, born 1963 in Ojai, Ventura Co, California.

3260. Ralph10 Glantz II (Ralph9, John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Abt. 1940. He married Diane ? Abt. 1960. She was born Abt. 1940.

Child of Ralph Glantz and Diane ? is:

3582 i. Taylor11 Glantz, born Abt. 1962.

3270. Judy10 Skinner (Norma Naomi9 Yost, Katherine (Katie)8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married Guss Klesh 25 Apr 1965. He was born Abt. 1946.

Children of Judy Skinner and Guss Klesh are:

3583 i. August J11 Klesh, born 1970.

3584 ii. Kenen Klesh, born Abt. 1974.

3272. Susan Leigh10 Scheidt (Kenneth Harley (Ken)9, Sarah8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1949 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. She married William J Lehr 15 Aug 1970 in Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co, Nebraska. He was born 1949.

Notes for Susan Leigh Scheidt:

June 2007: Emailed with information on her family.

Child of Susan Scheidt and William Lehr is:

+ 3585 i. Kenneth Clark11 Lehr, born Private.

3274. Toby Ann10 Scheidt (Robert Frederick (Bob)9, Sarah8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1950 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. She married (1) Donald Sowell 05 Dec 1969 in Longview, Washington. He was born Abt. 1949. She married (2) Alan Harvey Ellis 13 Jul 1973 in McCook, Red Willow Co, Nebraska. He was born 1943.

Notes for Toby Ann Scheidt:

Nov 2005: Harold, Cara and Kathy went to visit them about 1976.

Nov 2005: Per email from Tobyann. I have updated the spelling of her name to one word. Changed the wedding year from 1972 to 1973.

Nov 2005: from Tobyann: "I was born in McCook Nebraska and I remember Katie and Sam so well. I used to love to go over to their house. So many good memories. "

Child of Toby Scheidt and Alan Ellis is:

3586 i. Kory Frederick11 Ellis, born 1973.

Generation No. 11

3295. Cody Richard11 Fuehrer (Richard Lee10, Inez Marie9 Burbach, Elizabeth8 Scheidemann, Anna Catharina7 Krieger, Catharina Maria6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Eckhard4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Jodi Marie Peters 04 Jan 1992 in Henderson, Nebraska. She was born Private.

Child of Cody Fuehrer and Jodi Peters is:

3587 i. Madison12 Fuehrer, born Private.

3308. Barbara11 Buchtel (Royce Irwin10, Helen9 Deines, Nicolaus (Nick O)8, Johannes (John)7, Christian6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Don Holmes Abt. 1972. He was born Abt. 1950.

Children of Barbara Buchtel and Don Holmes are:

3588 i. Jeremiah12 Holmes, born Private.

3589 ii. Micah Holmes, born Private.

3590 iii. Sue Ann Holmes, born Private.

3591 iv. Timothy Holmes, born Private.

3351. Shane11 Yost (Ronald Dean10, Florence E.9 Hamburger, Catharina Elisabeth8 Deines, Adam7, Nicolaus6, Catharina Elisabeth5 Burbach, Amalie4 HELZER, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Kellie ?. She was born Abt. 1970.

Child of Shane Yost and Kellie ? is:

3592 i. Evan Dean12 Yost, born Private.

3356. Kathryn Diane11 Spomer (Ralph Eugene10, Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. She married Joseph Ashley Phillips 05 Aug 1978 in Denver, Colorado. He was born Private in Denver, Colorado.

Notes for Kathryn Diane Spomer:


Children of Kathryn Spomer and Joseph Phillips are:

3593 i. Jessica Marie12 Phillips, born Private in Wheatridge, Colorado.

3594 ii. Joseph Phillips, born Private.

3595 iii. Christian Ryan Phillips, born Private.

3596 iv. Jennifer Diane Phillips, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

3597 v. Brian Patrick Phillips, born Private in Beuford, South Carolina.

Notes for Brian Patrick Phillips:

May 2011: Per Clay Spomer, I added his birth place. Residence: Arvada, CO

3357. Karen Virginia11 Spomer (Ralph Eugene10, Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. She married Adrian P Gonzalez 17 Jun 1983 in Arvada, Colorado. He was born Private in Los Angeles, California.

Notes for Karen Virginia Spomer:


Children of Karen Spomer and Adrian Gonzalez are:

3598 i. Megen Leighane12 Gonzalez, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

3599 ii. Andrew Paul Gonzalez, born Private in Tracy, California.

3358. Ronald Eugene11 Spomer (Ralph Eugene10, Kathryn Margaret9 Green, Anna Elisabeth8 Kaiser, Ludwig7, Heinrich6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. He married (1) Stephanie Lynn Bishop Sep 1983 in Carson City, Nevada. She was born Private in Denver, Colorado. He married (2) Sandra Kay Flanagan 20 May 1995 in Arvada, Colorado. She was born Private in Bitburg, Germany.

Children of Ronald Spomer and Stephanie Bishop are:

3600 i. Ronald12 Spomer, Jr, born Private in Englewood, Colorado.

3601 ii. Shawn Paul Spomer, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

3602 iii. Lauren Elizabeth Spomer, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

Children of Ronald Spomer and Sandra Flanagan are:

3603 i. Rachel Kay12 Spomer, born Private in Parker, Colorado.

3604 ii. Brandon Lee Spomer, born Private in Parker, Colorado.

3382. Judith Lynn11 Harding (Lucille Barbara Elizabeth10 Yost, Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) Stephen R Parker 12 Jun 1972 in Portland, Oregon. He was born 1949 in Lucedale, George Co, Mississippi. She married (2) Richard Gary Wilderman Sep 1984 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was born 1939.

Children of Judith Harding and Stephen Parker are:

3605 i. Justin Daniel12 Parker, born 1974 in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington.

3606 ii. Ryan Matthew Parker, born 1976 in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington.

Child of Judith Harding and Richard Wilderman is:

3607 i. Susan Elizabeth12 Wilderman, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3384. Susan Jane11 Yost (Wallace Henry10, Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1943 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (1) James Timothy Boscole 01 Aug 1964. He was born 1944 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married (2) Raymond Richard Berger 22 May 1976. He was born 1936.

Child of Susan Yost and James Boscole is:

3608 i. Cameron James12 Boscole, born 1966 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3385. Jan Wallace11 Yost (Wallace Henry10, Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1947. He married Dale Louise Andrews 21 Sep 1974 in Portland, Oregon. She was born 1950 in Great Falls, Cascade Co, Montana.

Children of Jan Yost and Dale Andrews are:

3609 i. Andrew Wallace12 Yost, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3610 ii. Kelley Dale Yost, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3611 iii. Krisi Jan Yost, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3386. Leslie Lynn11 Hulden (Florence Margaret10 Yost, Catharina Elisabeth9 Deines, Catharina8 Weitzel, Christina7 Jacoby, Elisabeth6 Kaiser, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1954 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon. She married John Victor Hoffer 16 Jun 1978 in Arlington, Oregon. He was born 1945 in Silverton, Oregon.

Child of Leslie Hulden and John Hoffer is:

3612 i. Jill Victoria12 Hoffer, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3389. Richard11 Schmidt (Leon10, Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. He married Marie Macri. She was born Abt. 1945.

Child of Richard Schmidt and Marie Macri is:

3613 i. Melissa12 Schmidt, born Private.

3390. Patricia Ann11 Schmidt (Leon10, Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Ralph Dickman. He was born Private.

Child of Patricia Schmidt and Ralph Dickman is:

3614 i. Rachael12 Dickman, born Private.

3392. Barbara JoAnn11 Schmidt (Howard10, Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married William Landsborough. He was born Private.

Children of Barbara Schmidt and William Landsborough are:

3615 i. Donna12 Landsborough, born Private.

3616 ii. Teresa Landsborough, born Private.

3396. Rebecca Anna11 Schmidt (Herbert10, Lydia9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lake Moses, California. She married Nathaniel Johnson 28 Dec 1984 in Wasco, California. He was born Private.

Children of Rebecca Schmidt and Nathaniel Johnson are:

3617 i. Stephen12 Johnson, born Private in Sacramento, Calfornia.

3618 ii. Sarah Johnson, born Private in Sacramento, Calfornia.

3619 iii. Rachel Johnson, born Private in Sacramento, Calfornia.

3400. Kathryn11 Rohrig (Robert10, Robert B9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Santa Clara, California. She married William Wittmers. He was born Private.

Children of Kathryn Rohrig and William Wittmers are:

3620 i. Michael12 Wittmers, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3621 ii. Kimberly Wittmers, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3622 iii. Daniel Wittmers, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3405. Stephen Thomas11 McKaon (Marilyn J10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Santa Clara, California. He married Margaret Hall 23 Dec 1978 in Oakland, California. She was born Private in Hawaii.

Children of Stephen McKaon and Margaret Hall are:

3623 i. Bridget12 McKaon, born Private in Sacramento, Calfornia.

3624 ii. John Patrick McKaon, born Private in Sacramento, Calfornia.

3406. Kathleen Anne11 McKaon (Marilyn J10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Santa Clara, California. She married John Zenker 22 Apr 1989 in Virginia. He was born Private.

Children of Kathleen McKaon and John Zenker are:

3625 i. Annette12 Zenker, born Private.

3626 ii. Claire Zenker, born Private.

3408. Laurie11 Watts (Dolores Jane10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Denver, Colorado. She married (1) John Wetherholt 07 Aug 1976 in Santa Clara, California. He was born Private in Michigan. She married (2) Richard Heims Aft. 1981. He was born Private.

Children of Laurie Watts and John Wetherholt are:

3627 i. Brian12 Wetherholt, born Private in Riverside, California.

3628 ii. Jacquleine Wetherholt, born Private in Olmstead, Minnesota.

3409. Linda11 Watts (Dolores Jane10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Alamda, California. She married (1) Arthur Walden 14 Feb 1979 in Santa Clara, California. He was born Private in San Leandro, California. She married (2) William Smeck 31 Dec 1987 in Santa Clara, California. He was born Private.

Child of Linda Watts and Arthur Walden is:

3629 i. Lindsey Watts12 Walden, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

Child of Linda Watts and William Smeck is:

3630 i. Heidi12 Smeck, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3410. David Keith11 Watts (Dolores Jane10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Tom Green, Texas. He married Carolyn Larsen 05 Jun 1982 in Santa Clara, California. She was born Private in San Francisco, California.

Children of David Watts and Carolyn Larsen are:

3631 i. Adam12 Watts, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3632 ii. Laura Watts, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3411. Douglas11 Watts (Dolores Jane10 Betz, Mildred9 Rohrig, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Brazos, Texas. He married Karen Koerber 19 Feb 1983 in Santa Clara, California. She was born Private.

Children of Douglas Watts and Karen Koerber are:

3633 i. Stacey12 Watts, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3634 ii. Julie Watts, born Private in Santa Clara, California.

3414. Cathy11 Rohrig (John Edward10, Edward H9, Elisabeth8 Yost, Christina7 Kaiser, Conrad6, Amalia5 HELZER, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska. She married William Sabata Abt. 1980. He was born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

Children of Cathy Rohrig and William Sabata are:

3635 i. Jamie12 Sabata, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3636 ii. Kelley Sabata, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.

3428. Terri Eileen11 Anderson (Betty Eileen10 Burns, Freida Christina9 Schafer, Catharine Marie8 Brehm, Johannes (John)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1955 in Denver, Colorado. She married Jeffrey Ewing 26 Nov 1971 in Kearney, Nebraska. He was born Abt. 1955.

Child of Terri Anderson and Jeffrey Ewing is:

3637 i. Geoffrey Benjamin12 Ewing, born Private in Kearney, Nebraska.

3461. Rebecca Ann11 Sigwing (Leona Ann10 Brehm, Henry9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1968 in Saint Joseph, Missouri. She married James (Jim) M Gunzenhauser 30 Apr 1988 in Kansas City, Kansas. He was born 1966.

Notes for Rebecca Ann Sigwing:

Sent family info 3/2001. family was updated by Freida Romersheuser 2000.

Children of Rebecca Sigwing and James Gunzenhauser are:

3638 i. Larry James Michael12 Gunzenhauser, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3639 ii. Janalyn Ray Gunzenhauser, born Private in Kansas City, Kansas.

3465. Janelle Lynn11 Brehm (Joe10, Joe9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1962 in Boulder, Colorado. She married Eric Erven 14 Nov 1984 in Grand Junction, Colorado. He was born Abt. 1960.

Children of Janelle Brehm and Eric Erven are:

3640 i. Justin Joseph12 Erven, born Private in Grand Junction, Colorado.

3641 ii. Calvin Lee Erven, born Private in Denver, Colorado.

3642 iii. Jennie Wilma Erven, born Private in Garden City, Kansas.

3466. Jodene Lucille11 Brehm (Joe10, Joe9, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1964 in Longmont, Colorado. She married Justin Johnson 05 Oct 1991 in Boulder, Colorado. He was born 20 Feb.

Children of Jodene Brehm and Justin Johnson are:

3643 i. Jaden Tylor12 Johnson, born Private in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

3644 ii. Jerran Clay Johnson, born Private in Laramie, Wyoming.

3467. Amber Drew11 Chipperfield (Lois Loraine10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1970 in Columbia, Missouri. She married Rex G Robbins 27 Sep 1997 in Delaware, Ohio. He was born 1970 in Parma, Ohio.

Child of Amber Chipperfield and Rex Robbins is:

3645 i. Autumn Marie12 Robbins, born Private in Columbus, Ohio.

3469. Gaynor John11 Collison (Sonya Freida10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1968 in Sidney, Nebraska. He married June Birtner 28 Aug 1997 in Campbell, Nebraska. She was born 1970 in Chadron, Nebraska.

Children of Gaynor Collison and June Birtner are:

3646 i. Norman Reinks12 Collison, born Private in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, Nebraska.

3647 ii. Avery Collison, born Private in Kearney, Nebraska.

3470. Crale Lynn11 Collison (Sonya Freida10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1971 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. He married Lisa King 01 Jan 1997 in Kearney, Nebraska. She was born 1968 in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Child of Crale Collison and Lisa King is:

3648 i. Amazing Grace Crayle12 Collison, born Private in Kearney, Nebraska.

3473. Vicki Lorene11 Huff (Pamela Ann10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska. She married Mark Jones 14 Feb 2000. He was born Private in Cambridge, Nebraska.

Notes for Vicki Lorene Huff:

Mar 2001: Info from Freida Romersheuser

May 2009: Information received from Vicki Hiff Jones. "Mark and I were married Feb 14, 2000"

Also added Deborah's birth place.

Jan 2010: Email sent about the Romersheuser line.

Children of Vicki Huff and Mark Jones are:

3649 i. Abigail Martha12 Jones, born Private in Cambridge, Nebraska.

3650 ii. Deborah Ann Jones, born Private in Cambridge, Nebraska.

3474. Elizabeth Ann (Beth)11 Huff (Pamela Ann10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska. She married Michael Green 20 Sep 2001 in Curtis, Nebraska. He was born Private.

Children of Elizabeth Huff and Michael Green are:

3651 i. Rheanna Ray12 Green, born Private in Hastings, Adams Co, Nebraska.

Notes for Rheanna Ray Green:

Rheanna was adopted by Michael.

3652 ii. Susanna Lorene Green, born Private in Cozad, Nebraska.

Notes for Susanna Lorene Green:

Jun 2005: Updated information per Vicki Huff Jones.

3653 iii. David Michael Green, born Private in Kansas City, Missouri.

3475. George Boyd11 Huff II (Pamela Ann10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska. He married (1) Gwen Houston 02 Sep 1991 in Oklahoma, Ohio. She was born Private. He married (2) LaToya Nicole Clay 15 Oct 2004 in Lawton, Oklahoma. She was born Private.

Notes for George Boyd Huff II:

Dec 2007: Email received from Vicki Huff Jones. George and Gwen were div about 2001.

Mar 2008: The Camp Fire Group from Seattle, sent Boyd a box of treats to Iraq.

Child of George Huff and Gwen Houston is:

3654 i. Marquise Allen12 Huff, born Private in Oklahoma, Ohio.

Notes for Marquise Allen Huff:

Dec 2007: Email received from Vicki Huff Jones. She fixed the spelling of his name.

Child of George Huff and LaToya Clay is:

3655 i. Nicholas Perry12 Clay-Huff, born Private in Lawton, Oklahoma.

3476. George Clifford11 Huff (Pamela Ann10 Romersheuser, Freida9 Brehm, John8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in St. Paul, Nebraska. He married Aurelia Kottman 15 Jul 1995 in California. She was born Private.

Notes for George Clifford Huff:

Dec 2007: Received email from Vicki Huff Jones updating his wifes name and family.

Children of George Huff and Aurelia Kottman are:

3656 i. Rebekah Margaret12 Huff, born Private in California.

3657 ii. Joshua George Huff, born Private in California.

3658 iii. Nathaniel Richard Huff, born Private in California.

3659 iv. Hannah Joy Huff, born Private in North Platte, Nebraska.

3488. Nancy Alice11 Parrigon (Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe, Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington. She married Robert Winfred Anders 24 Apr 1976 in Modesto, California. He was born Private.

Notes for Nancy Alice Parrigon:

1. have picture

2. Mar 2007: Received email from Nancy Parrigon Anders.

Children of Nancy Parrigon and Robert Anders are:

3660 i. Christina Dorothy12 Anders, born Private in Modesto, California.

Notes for Christina Dorothy Anders:

Jan 2003: She email and updated information. On my guestbook she said "I am always interested in family history so my mom sent me some information you had and gave me the web address. Keep up the good work soon you will have more pieces to the story."

+ 3661 ii. Sarah Jane Anders, born Private in Modesto, California.

+ 3662 iii. Elizabeth Rose Anders, born Private in Modesto, California.

3490. Susan Kay11 Parrigon (Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe, Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Renton, King Co, Washington. She married John Martin Dowd 25 Jun 1983 in Modesto, California. He was born Private in Visalia, California.

Notes for Susan Kay Parrigon:

Jan 2003: Susan updated her family.

Children of Susan Parrigon and John Dowd are:

3663 i. Connemara Maria12 Dowd, born Private in Modesto, California.

3664 ii. William James Alan, born Private in Modesto, California.

3492. Ray Aaron11 Yost (Ronney Gerald10, Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Amy Lynn Grimm 22 Jun 1991 in Vancouver, Washington. She was born Private in Vancouver, Washington.

Notes for Ray Aaron Yost:

Oct 2003: "Ray" Aaron Yost is correct.

Children of Ray Yost and Amy Grimm are:

3665 i. Mackenzie Hannah12 Yost, born Private in Vancouver, Washington.

3666 ii. Hunter Colby Yost, born Private in Vancouver, Washington.

3494. Jay Aric11 Yost (Ronney Gerald10, Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Naomi Kinghorn 17 Apr 1998 in Nampa, Idaho. She was born Private in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co, Idaho.

Notes for Jay Aric Yost:

Aug 2007: Received email from Lois (Jeannie) Yost Jones correcting the date they were married. "married on the 17th not the 19th."

Children of Jay Yost and Naomi Kinghorn are:

3667 i. Kristopher John12 Kinghorn, born Private in Nampa, Idaho.

Notes for Kristopher John Kinghorn:

Stepson to Jay

3668 ii. Adrianna Lynn Yost, born Private in Nampa, Idaho.

3669 iii. Joslynn Elise Yost, born Private in Ontario, Oregon.

Notes for Joslynn Elise Yost:

Aug 2007: Received email from Lois (Jeannie) Yost Jones correcting the place of birth from Idaho to Oregon.

3670 iv. Isabel Marie Yost, born Private in Ontario, Oregon.

3671 v. Natasha Amoretta Yost, born Private in Ontario, Oregon.

3497. Sheldon Lynn11 Jones (Lois Jean (Jeannie)10 Yost, Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Christina Dawn Banks 26 Aug 1989 in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. She was born Private in Eugene, Oregon.

Children of Sheldon Jones and Christina Banks are:

3672 i. Jordan Taylor12 Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3673 ii. Keegan Alexander Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3674 iii. Bailey MaKay Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3675 iv. Hayden Alexa Jones, born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho.

3498. Jeffrey Loren11 Jones (Lois Jean (Jeannie)10 Yost, Francis (Yosty)9, Emma8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Boise, Ada Co, Idaho. He married Betty Jo McDaniel 30 Jun 1995 in Kuna, Idaho. She was born Private in Collins, Mississippi.

Children of Jeffrey Jones and Betty McDaniel are:

3676 i. Anna Marie12 McDaniel, born Private in Collins, Mississippi.

Notes for Anna Marie McDaniel:

Stepdaughter to Jeffrey.

3677 ii. Loren Colleen Jones, born Private in Laurel, Mississippi.

3499. Robert Lee11 Allen (Dorothy May10 Steinhour, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He married Patricia Ann Hermreck 23 Aug 1972 in Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado. She was born Private in Roseburg, Douglas Co, Oregon.

Notes for Robert Lee Allen:

May 2001: Information updated by Clara Brehm Barth.

Children of Robert Allen and Patricia Hermreck are:

+ 3678 i. Kristi Lee12 Allen, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

3679 ii. John Robert Allen, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for John Robert Allen:

May 2001: Information updated by Clara Brehm Barth.

3500. Bernadine Elaine11 Newland (Donna Lee10 Steinhour, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Richard Lynn (Rick) Woods 09 Jun 1973 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born Private in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington.

Children of Bernadine Newland and Richard Woods are:

3680 i. Cynthia (Cindy) Lee12 Woods, born Private in Sierra Vista, Cochise Co, Arizona. She married David Joseph Durgan 28 Dec 2000 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming; born 1978.

3681 ii. Rebecca (Becky) Lynn Woods, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Steven Reid Miller 28 Dec 2000; born Private.

3682 iii. Angela (Angie) Carol Woods, born Private in Tucson, Pima Co, Arizona.

3501. Connie Lee11 Newland (Donna Lee10 Steinhour, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married (1) William E Dolan 30 Oct 1976 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. He was born 1955 in Pleasanton, Alameda Co, California. She married (2) Paul Francis Fournier 23 Apr 1983 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was born 1953 in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

Child of Connie Newland and Paul Fournier is:

3683 i. Matthew Newland12 Fournier, born Private.

3502. Richard Fordyce (Teel)11 Steinhour (Fordyce William Cecil10, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Bellflower, Los Angeles Co, California.

Child of Richard Fordyce (Teel) Steinhour is:

3684 i. Rachelle Ashley12 Steinhour, born Private in Phoenix, Maricopa Co, Arizona.

3505. Sheila Ann11 Grooms (Evelyn Leona10 Steinhour, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Los Angeles, California. She married Jeffrey Lyle (Jeff) Young Abt. 1990 in California. He was born 1965 in LaMesa, San Diego Co, California.

Notes for Sheila Ann Grooms:

Sheila is of Asian ancestry and was adopted Apr 22, 1970 Bakersfield, Kern Co, California.

Children of Sheila Grooms and Jeffrey Young are:

3685 i. Nathaniel Steven12 Young, born Private.

3686 ii. Haily Dawn Young, born Private.

3509. Brian Daniel11 Lichtenstein (Beatrice June (Bea)10 Hoagland, June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1964 in Mt. View, California. He married Melissa Ann Haroldsen 09 Jun 1990 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, daughter of Ancel Haroldsen and Sharon Larkin. She was born 1964 in Spanish Fork, Utah..

Notes for Brian Daniel Lichtenstein:

Oct 2010: I received an email from Melissa Ann Haroldsen with corrected information.

Notes for Melissa Ann Haroldsen:

Oct 2010: I received an email from Melissa Ann Haroldsen with corrected information.

Oct 2010: I changed the spelling of her name from Melissa Anne Haroldson, fixed her birth date and place.

Children of Brian Lichtenstein and Melissa Haroldsen are:

3687 i. David Brian12 Lichtenstein, born Private in Salt Lake City, Utah.

3688 ii. Rozetta Lissann Lichtenstein, born Private in Salt Lake City, Utah.

3516. Sandra Dee11 Spence (Patricia Ann10 Hoagland, June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1969 in Redding, California. She married Joseph Clark Mattingly 20 Apr 1997 in Santa Cruz, California. He was born 1970 in Gridley, Butte Co, California.

Children of Sandra Spence and Joseph Mattingly are:

3689 i. Allison Paige12 Mattingly, born Private.

3690 ii. Jason Michael Joseph Mattingly, born Private in Gilroy, Santa Clara Co, California.

3517. Stephen Allen11 Spence (Patricia Ann10 Hoagland, June Rose9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1971 in Redding, California. He married Jennifer Nichole Bettencourt 23 Sep 1995 in Santa Cruz, California. She was born 1971 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, California.

Children of Stephen Spence and Jennifer Bettencourt are:

3691 i. Tanner Stephen12 Spence, born Private in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, California.

3692 ii. Carson Randall Spence, born Private in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, California.

3693 iii. Taylor Lauren Spence, born Private in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, California.

3519. Steven Edward11 Reindl (Mary Louise10 Brody, Louise Marjorie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1962 in Butte, Silver Bow Co, Montana. He married Vickie ? Mar 1984. She was born Private.

Children of Steven Reindl and Vickie ? are:

3694 i. Bradley Steven12 Reindl, born Private.

3695 ii. Britney Nicole Reindl, born Private.

3696 iii. Brock Allen Reindl, born Private.

3520. Shelly Marie11 Reindl (Mary Louise10 Brody, Louise Marjorie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1963 in Missoula, Missoula Co, Montana. She married Scott Warren Anderson 13 Oct 1990. He was born Abt. 1960.

Children of Shelly Reindl and Scott Anderson are:

3697 i. Lauren Marie12 Anderson, born Private.

3698 ii. Hailee Marie Anderson, born Private.

3699 iii. Jordan Scott Anderson, born Private.

3521. Scott Allen11 Reindl (Mary Louise10 Brody, Louise Marjorie9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1966 in Missoula, Missoula Co, Montana. He married Margaret Sather 27 Sep 1991. She was born Abt. 1967.

Children of Scott Reindl and Margaret Sather are:

3700 i. Kaitlin Grace12 Reindl, born Private.

3701 ii. Kyle Edward Reindl, born Private.

3551. Fay LoAnn11 Hauser (Judity Lee10 Davenport, Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. She married Michael Alan Brawner 30 Jul 1988 in Mukilteo, Washington. He was born Private.

Children of Fay Hauser and Michael Brawner are:

3702 i. Danielle Christine12 Brawner, born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

3703 ii. Jordan Patrick Brawner, born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

3704 iii. Natalie Suzanne Brawner, born Private in Seattle, King Co, Washington.

3559. Kimberly Ann11 Davenport (Dennis Scott10, Evelyn Marie9 Freitag, Selma Letha8 Helzer, Heinrich7, Johannes6, Adam5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1974 in Tacoma, Pierce Co, Washington. She married Scott Thomas Orth 16 Jul 1994 in Clackamas, Oregon. He was born 1974 in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

Children of Kimberly Davenport and Scott Orth are:

3705 i. Tayler Kathleen12 Orth, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3706 ii. Liam Alexander Orth, born Private in Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon.

3570. Rodney Lane11 Turnquist (Kathleen Ann10 Woodburn, Irene Dorothy9 Helzer, Johann Philipp8, Johannes (John)7, Johannes6, Heinrich5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Gothenburg, Dawson, Nebraska. He married (1) Rhodona Rodisa Wyer 18 Jun 1983 in Plains, Meade, Kansas. She was born Private. He married (2) Rebecca Renee Prideaux Abt. 1994. She was born Private in Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas.

Children of Rodney Turnquist and Rhodona Wyer are:

3707 i. Dustin12 Turnquist, born Private.

3708 ii. Casey Turnquist, born Private.

3709 iii. Cody Turnquist, born Private.

3579. Jack Thomas11 Blehm (Dewayne Jacob10, Ralph9 Glantz I, John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1958 in Missoula, Montana. He married Mary Anne Shacochis 22 Oct 1983 in Santa Barbara, California. She was born 1959 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Children of Jack Blehm and Mary Shacochis are:

3710 i. Kolby Jackson12 Blehm, born Private in Ventura, California.

3711 ii. Eva Marie Anne Blehm, born Private in Ventura, California.

3581. Christina Sue11 Blehm (Dewayne Jacob10, Ralph9 Glantz I, John Edward8, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born 1963 in Ojai, Ventura Co, California. She married Lawney Joe Falloon, Jr. 14 Jul 1984 in Ojai, California. He was born 1960 in Sacramento, California.

Children of Christina Blehm and Lawney Falloon are:

3712 i. Krysta Michelle12 Falloon, born Private in Santa Barbara, California.

3713 ii. Chad Michael Falloon, born Private in California.

3714 iii. Brynn Marie Falloon, born Private in California.

3585. Kenneth Clark11 Lehr (Susan Leigh10 Scheidt, Kenneth Harley (Ken)9, Sarah8 Glantz, Alice Elizabeth7 HELZER, Johann Georg6, Conrad5, Heinrich4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private. He married Rebecca ? Abt. 1980. She was born Private.

Children of Kenneth Lehr and Rebecca ? are:

3715 i. Anna12 Lehr, born Private.

3716 ii. Mia Lynn Lehr, born Private.

Generation No. 12

3661. Sarah Jane12 Anders (Nancy Alice11 Parrigon, Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe, Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Modesto, California.

Child of Sarah Jane Anders is:

3717 i. Alex Jay13 Anders, born Private.

3662. Elizabeth Rose12 Anders (Nancy Alice11 Parrigon, Alice Rebecca10 Sharpe, Frieda Dorothy9 Yost, Alice B8 Brehm, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Modesto, California. She married Billy Joe Adams 21 Oct 2000. He was born Private.

Children of Elizabeth Anders and Billy Adams are:

3718 i. Rose Ann13 Adams, born Private.

3719 ii. Adam Terry Anders, born Private.

3678. Kristi Lee12 Allen (Robert Lee11, Dorothy May10 Steinhour, Clara Dorothy9 Brehm, William (Bill)8, Nicholas O (Nick)7, Dorothea6 HELZER, Heinrich5, Conrad4, Johann Adam3, Father of Original 32 brothers, ORIGINAL1 HELZER) was born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming. She married Alan Paul Matie 08 Apr 1994 in North Warren, Warren Co, Pennsylvania. He was born Private in Jamestown, Mercer Co, Pennsylvania.

Notes for Kristi Lee Allen:

May 2001: Information updated by Clara Brehm Barth.

Notes for Alan Paul Matie:

Mar 2008: Received an email from Alan P Matie updating his family.

Children of Kristi Allen and Alan Matie are:

3720 i. Randi Lee13 Matie, born Private in Warren, Warren Co, Pennsylvania.

3721 ii. Kaitlyn Mari Matie, born Private in Cheyenne, Laramie Co, Wyoming.

Notes for Kaitlyn Mari Matie:

Mar 2008: Received an email from Alan P Matie. I changed her middle name from Marie to Mari and her birth place from Warren, PA.


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