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LeadActionLeadDeadlineOutcome and MeasureUpdate1.1. Play an active role in national debates and agendas relating to key issue in custody, gathering information, translating it into relevant guidance for ICV schemes and using ICV data to report back to national debates. In particular:Engage with police custody inspectorates in order to understand key issues of vulnerability in police custody and how custody visiting can respond.Engage with the National Appropriate Adult Network to understand key issues with Appropriate Adult provision and how custody visiting can respond.Engage with HMIC and HMIP in order to deliver complementary oversight of custody.Engage with the IOPC in order to keep up to date on current issues in police custody.Attend relevant national meetings such as the PACE Strategy Group in order to represent the role of independent custody visitors and understand how custody visiting can contribute to national work.Translate relevant findings into member briefings, guidance, projects and training.Chief ExecutiveThis is an on going, strategic role for ICVAOutcomesSchemes are informed of key issues in custody and empowered to respond.Custody visiting informs national debates on custody.MeasuresBriefings shared with schemes.Custody visiting reports used for national work.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA continues to be a part of national debates and work on police custody, namely:ICVA has worked with the Universities of Warwick, Sheffield and Cardiff to scope research that will articulate dignity and impact of police custody by gender.ICVA has joined the National Custody Forum subgroup that will articulate measures of ‘good police custody’, focussing on detainee dignity.ICVA has agreed shared processes with the inspectorates and is co-ordinating work with them, currently focussing on spitguards.ICVA summarises all published inspectorate reports and contacts the OPCC to offer a one-to-one meeting and / or phonecall to discuss the implications. ICVA has completed this for Northamptonshire and Thames Valley as the published reports in Q1.ICVA’s COO will attend the next PACE Strategy Group, presenting on detainee dignity.Quarter two updateOn trackContinued to develop academic research – methodology design is complete and at university ethics committee.ICVA has established working relationships with the new members of the IAP representing police detention – John Wadham and Jenny Talbot.ICVA has strengthened relationships with the APCC, planning joint work and co-ordinating responses to national issues, notably the response to the Home Office consultation on menstrual care.ICVA has shared information with inspectorates for police custody. Where required, ICVA has delivered one to one support to a specific police force area. Quarter three updateOn track, in Q3 ICVA has:Overseen, co-ordinated and overseen the results of research into the needs of women in police custody.Joined the NPCC working group tasked with developing a balanced scorecard for good police custody and is coordinating the response for detainee dignity / detainee perspective.Worked with the Police Federation and inspectorates and develop and disseminate guidance on the oversight of spitguards in police custody.Attended and contributed to the PACE Strategy Group.Developed guidance on drug stuffing alongside NPCC representatives.Developed guidance for PCCs, alongside Max Hill QC and TACT scheme managers, on how to oversee terrorism detention whilst the IRTL post is vacant.Co-ordinated a joint letter with all PCCs, supporting proposed changes to strengthen menstrual care in police custody.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEIn quarter four, ICVA has:Engaged with the National Appropriate Adult Network on their updated research, providing comment and information and will include NAAN’s requirements in the ICOP pilot to add value over the next financial year.Provided updates to the National Preventive Mechanism that help the UK to prepare for forthcoming work including the CAT work, the SPT visit and their annual report.Continued to work with the inspectorates in order to understand key findings from inspections and update local ICV schemes in order to ensure that OPCCs pick up on inspectorate findings.Established a relationship with the new IOPC stakeholder engagement team, providing them with information from our stakeholder briefings, ongoing work and arranging to deliver training to IOPC staff.Worked with the Home Office and PACE Strategy Group to progress updates to PACE Codes C and H.Delivered member briefings to convey key information to all schemes.Attended the PACE Strategy Meeting, updating all members on findings in the final quarter of the year and plans for the ICOP pilot.1.2. Implement the new Quality Assurance Framework across schemes and evolve into new National Standards in order to promote high performing custody visiting schemes that meet ICVA’s vision.Chief Operating OfficerEnd of Q4OutcomeICV schemes are able to demonstrate compliance with statutory requirements and good practice.MeasureNumber of schemes piloting QAF.Number of schemes adopting QAF.Framework established as new National Standards.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has asked all schemes to report which level they are aiming for by the end of July 2018.In mid July, 21 schemes have responded as follows:Platinum – no schemesGold – nine schemesSilver – four schemesCode compliant – eight schemesQuarter two updateOn track42 schemes have now signed up to the QAF and are working to their desired level, which are as outlined below:Platinum – three schemesGold – 11 schemesSilver – 15 schemesCode compliant – 13 schemesThe three schemes who are not taking part have also given reasonable reasons for their inability to do so.The Chief Operating Officer has delivered a webinar to train QAF peer assessors and all schemes requiring an assessor (silver or above) have been allocated and introduced to one.ICVA directly assesses platinum schemes and has begun engaging with, and assessing, the three schemes aiming for this level.Quarter three updateOn trackSchemes are completing and assessing QAFs. ICVA has been offering intensive support / assessment to Sussex and Derbyshire as schemes aiming for Platinum. ICVA expects both areas to attain platinum status. ICVA is regularly reminded schemes to complete their assessments.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEAll schemes in England, Wales and Scotland have adopted the QAF.All schemes except for Avon and Somerset and Wiltshire (who have an extension) have completed their QAF assessments.21 have self assessed as Code Compliant10 have been peer assessed as Silver10 have been peer assessed as Gold2 have been ICVA assessed as Platinum(Two schemes are still returning their assessments)ICVA is planning a celebration and media release for 15 May.ICVA will assess the QAF and whether it should replace the National Standards in 2019/20.1.3. Implement new data collection standards and corresponding documentation in order to provide schemes with guidance and to ascertain robust data reporting on the state of police custody.Chief Operating OfficerEnd of Q2OutcomeICVA is able to provide robust quarterly reports to stakeholders and a final, robust annual report.MeasureProportion of schemes reporting required data to ICVA in Q3 and Q4.Quarter one updateOn trackNew national report form has been launched and is in use with some schemes. Waiting for quarterly update from schemes.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA was able to deliver a quarterly update on the back of feedback reports from Q1. However, at the time of writing, we are waiting for Q2 updates and will not be able to report fully until these are received.Quarter three updateOn trackICVA received a strong quarterly update with some schemes using ICVA’s guidance. This should be further reviewed next quarter in order to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the guidance.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEThis action is complete, but with limited success. ICVA continues to receive quarterly updates, but continue to be concerned whether the data is comparable and robust. This question will now be taken forward via the ICOP pilot, which will provide more significant and robust data.1.4. Formalise new working relationships between ICVA, HMICFRS, HMIP and schemes that will optimise the use of ICV data in custody inspections and the recommendations within inspectorate reports.Chief ExecutiveEnd of Q2OutcomeInspectorates and ICV schemes use the data and findings of each organisation to ensure continuous improvements to police custody.MeasureInspectorates used ICV data to inform inspections.Scheme managers feel confident to contribute to inspections.Scheme managers take forward relevant inspection findings.Quarter one updateCompleteICVA, HMICFRS and HMIP have agreed formal guidance and processes for inspections.ICVA has issued a National Annual Report Template that will inform inspections. ICVA has developed guidance for schemes on what to do before, during and following inspections. This has been published and widely shared.HMIP inform ICVA whenever they announce an inspection, ICVA then get in touch with the relevant scheme manager and brief them on the process. This process is underway and working.ICVA summarise all inspection reports, contact the scheme manager, offer a one-on-one meeting to discuss findings of note and how to use them.ICVA’s Chair contacts each PCC when a report is published and offers a one-to-one phonecall with them.ICVA highlights any thematic findings and co-ordinates our work with the inspectorates.1.5. Provide strategic leadership on equality and diversity issues to schemes, empowering scheme managers to improve diversity of volunteers, reporting on equality issues in order to ensure that custody visiting plays a central role in redressing disproportionate or discriminatory practice.Chief ExecutiveEnd of Q4OutcomeScheme managers understand diversity and equality issues relating to police custody and custody visiting.Scheme managers feel equipped to recruit and manage a diverse workforce.Scheme managers are confident that their ICVs are able to report on diversity and equality issues.MeasureDesktop research exercise complete.Needs assessment for schemes complete.Plan to address issues developed.Plan implemented.Member surveyQuarter one updateOn trackICVA has developed and consulted on a programme of work on equality and diversity. It is implementing this work. ICVA has completed the following in Q1:Consult the National Expert Forum on their requirements for the diversity and equality thematic in order to gain a qualitative understand of scheme’s needs.Draft an action plan that meets the initial needs outlined by the National Expert Forum and is informed by recent trends and national reports on diversity and equality issues.Consult on the initial action plan with schemes and key stakeholders in order to ensure that all stakeholders and partner workstreams inform the work.Refine and implement the action plan based on stakeholder feedback.Conduct a baseline survey for scheme managers in order to understand current skills and requirements on diversity and equality. (Not completed due to time restraints / lack of capacity, to be replaced with survey in Q3)Develop a bitesize module of ‘transgender awareness’ outlining requirements in PACE and what ICVs should look out for and report on. Quarter two updateOn track, ICVA has:Written an ethnicity bitesize training module, to be published early in Q3 as ICVA has published an additional ‘assertiveness’ bitesize on the request of schemes.Published hints and tips / supporting documents on how to recruit a diverse group of volunteers.Developed and published guidance on storage of religious items.Developed visual aids to assist ICVs in communicating with detainees who have barriers to communication.Quarter three update:On track, ICVA has:Developed and published a bitesize learning module on learning disabilities.Developed and published a range of resources, including photos, for schemes to use when recruiting diverse groups of volunteers. Poster to be discussed at NEF January meeting.Run a scheme managers’ conference that trained schemes in completing / scrutinising equality impact assessments and recruiting diverse groups of volunteers. The conference also had speakers on mental health, transgender and learning disabilities in custody.Shared guidance / resources (including a YouTube tutorial) on how to recruit diverse volunteers.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEIn quarter four, ICVA has:Delivered a bitesize module on religion in police custody.Delivered a folder of resources in the members’ forum.Consulted with all members of translation and interpretation issues, fed back to the Home Office and has delivered supportive resources with pictorial prompts.Ran a National Conference on the theme of diversity and equality for ICVs.Support2.1. Provide training resources, maintain the members’ website and give ad hoc advice in order to deliver ongoing support to ICV schemes.Chief Operating OfficerOn going throughout the year.OutcomeMajority of schemes feel supported by ICVA’s services.MeasureMember survey – set baseline measure.Quarter one updateOn trackIn Q1, ICVA has:Updated the ICVA website with current resources including presentations, videos and blog.Planned a ‘train the trainer’ induction session to take place in Q2.Run a face-to-face briefing on the Angiolini Review and Five Year Good Police Custody study.Added and populated a ‘guidance’ section on the members’ website.Promoted the members’ forum via newsletters, overseeing ongoing and new dialogue every week.Ad hoc advice provided on request.Quarter two updateOn trackIn Q2, ICVA has:Updated the members’ forum, adding new guidance documentation and forum updates, as well as responding to ad hoc questions.Delivered a train the trainer induction sessions.Published an assertiveness bitesize module.Delivered a webinar on QAF assessments.Delivered a YouTube tutorial for schemes taking part on research with female detainees.Quarter three updateOn trackIn Q3, ICVA has:Delivered a second train the trainer session, focusing on TACT detention.Published a learning disability bitesize module.Delivered a masterclass on holding the police to account.Published online support and tutorials on completing and using Equality Impact Assessments.Shared guidance on how to visit detainees suspected of drug stuffing.Shared guidance with PCCs on how to oversee terrorism detention whilst the IRTL post was vacant.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEIn quarter four, ICVA has:Delivered a bitesize training module on religion in police custody.Delivered a National Conference.2.2. Write and distribute a newsletter at least every two weeks, usually weekly, in order to communicate national work and horizon scanning to schemes Chief ExecutiveOngoing throughout the yearOutcomeSchemes feel informed about national work.MeasureMember survey.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has published nine newsletters in Q1, these have covered areas including:The Quality Assurance Framework,Detainee dignity,Volunteers’ Week,Annual Report Template,Inspection reports, andNew bitesize module.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has published six newsletters in Q2, a total of 15 across the two quarters. This quarter has included newsletter topics on:Proposed amendments to PACE Codes on menstrual care.The Quality Assurance Framework.Guidance on prisoners in police custody.ICVA’s AGM and Annual Report.Deaths in Police Custody.AA Commissioning.Inquests.Prevention of Further Death reports.Masterclasses.Use of force.Guidance for visiting detainees who are suspected of drug stuff or packing.Guidance if ICVs view a spitguard in use.Quarter three updateICVA has published 11 newsletters in Q3, a total of 26 across three quarters. This quarter has included newsletter topics on:Consultations on PACE Code amendments.Guidance on drug stuffing.Use of force.How to perform TACT visiting whilst the IRTL post is vacant.Learning lessons from a death in custody (Thames Valley)Support on the Quality Assurance Framework (Craig Spencer)Inspection reports (Norfolk / Suffolk, MerseysideEquality Impact Assessments/ Public Sector Equality Duty.INQUEST updates.IOPC Learning the Lessons briefings.PACE Strategy Group update.A video stressing the importance of diversity in independent custody visiting.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEICVA has delivered 12 newsletters in Q4, making a total of 38 newsletter across the full financial year. The quarter has included topics on:Religion and belief in custody,The Quality Assurance Framework,Samaritans in custody,Children’s experience of custody,IOPC Learning the Lessons relevant to custody,The Ministerial Board on Deaths in Custody,Spitguards,The results of relevant inquests and prevention of future death reports.2.3. Deliver a Scheme Managers’ Conference in order to provide briefings on key national issues, professional development and peer support to members.Chief ExecutiveQ3OutcomeScheme members feel satisfied that conference has briefed them on important issues, provided professional development and enabled peer support.MeasureConference survey.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has consulted on the content of the scheme managers’ conference, has set a November date and will hold it in London.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has organised the event and agenda for 7 November 2018 in London. At the time of writing 37 scheme managers were set to attend.Quarter three updateCompleteICVA ran a conference on the theme of diversity and equality. The agenda included both speakers and information for schemes including:The Chief Executive delivered a session on the Public Sector Equality Duty for schemes.Tony Herbert – Father of James Herbert who died in custody. Tony assisted with the then IPCCs 6 missed chances report. Tony spoke regarding James’ death in 2010 in custody.Ben Lindley-Rychwalski – a transgender police officer speaking on trans issues and raising awareness of trans people.Chris Hilliard – Chris has autism and has been wrongfully arrested previously, he spoke of his experiences. The Chief Operating Officer delivered a session on diverse recruitment for schemes.The conference was well attended, with 40 scheme managers in attendance. Respondents gave the conference an overall satisfaction score of 91%.2.4. Offer and provide one regional event to each policing region in the UK.Chief Executive and Chief Operating OfficerEnd of Q4OutcomeMembers feel more engaged with ICVA.Members feel that ICVA is meeting their regional needs.MeasureMember surveyQuarter one updateUnderwayICVA has attended the following events:Eastern Region,East Midlands Region, andSussex Annual Event.ICVA has agreed to attend future events in the West Midlands and North West & North Wales region.Quarter two updateUnderwayICVA has attended events in:West Midlands.Quarter three updateUnderwayICVA has attended events in:North EastNorth West, andSurrey.Quarter four updateCOMPLETE – ICVA has attended all requested regional events, including additional events in:South West, andEastern Region.2.5. Deliver four size bite size briefings on pertinent issues for scheme managers to deliver to their ICVs.Chief Operating OfficerOne training module per quarterOutcomeMembers feel equipped to deliver training on key issues to ICVs.MeasureMember surveyQuarter one updateOn trackICVA has completed and published its ‘transgender awareness’ module, written in collaboration with transgender groups and representatives.ICVA has agreed to deliver three further modules on ethnicity, learning disabilities and religion in police custody.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has published a module on assertiveness as requested by schemes. ICVA has written a module on ethnicity, to be published shortly.Quarter three updateOn trackICVA has published modules on ethnicity and learning disabilities in police custody.Quarter four updateCompleteICVA has published its bitesize on religion in police custody, taking this to a total of five bitesize modules over the financial year.2.6. Create and deliver two train-the-trainer sessions in order to empower scheme managers to deliver induction training to ICVs.Chief Operating OfficerBy the end of Q4OutcomeMembers feel equipped to deliver induction to ICVs.MeasureMember survey Quarter one updateOn trackICVA will run an ‘induction’ train the trainer session in Q2, July, in Stevenage.ICVA will run a ‘TACT” train the trainer session in Manchester in the autumn.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has delivered the ‘induction’ train the trainer session and is due to deliver the TACT session in Q3.Quarter three updateCompleteICVA delivered its second train the trainer session on TACT visiting in Manchester in November.2.7. Deliver a National Conference in order to provide professional development for members and volunteers, thank volunteers and provide briefings on key issues in custody to volunteers and members.Chief Operating OfficerQ4OutcomeMembers feel that the conference has delivered professional development.ICVs feel valued by day.MeasureConference surveyQuarter one and two updatesOn trackICVA has designed the content of the conference and will take this forward later in the year.Quarter three updateOn trackICVA has a draft agenda with speakers Nick Hardwick, Tony Herbert and ‘G’ as well as further input from ICVA. The event will take place on 23 March and ICVA has already sold 50 places.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEICVA ran its largest ever conference with speakers Nick Hardwick, Tony Herbert, G, Martyn Underhill, Natasha Plummer and Katie Kempen. The event received very high satisfaction ratings with many commenting that it was the best conference they had attended as an ICV.2.8. Agree a list of resources that schemes would like to see standardised and develop and publish shared resources to meet scheme requirements in order to ensure consistent, high standard schemes.Chief Operating OfficerNew resources to be developed each quarter on request from NEFOutcomeSchemes have high quality resources in place.MeasureAttainment of schemes in Quality Assurance Framework.Quarter one updateOn trackThe National Expert Forum (NEF) requested the following resources on recruitment in Q1:Draft job description for ICVs,Draft person specification for ICVs,Application form,Equality and diversity monitoring form, andInterview questions bank.The COO will consult on these documents at the July NEF meeting and then finalise and publish them.The COO is developing national guidance on the storage of religious items in police custody for Q2, on request from the NEF.Quarter two updateOn trackThe COO has published all requested forms on recruitment. Additionally, ICVA has published guidance on visiting detainees who are prisoners (overflow), spitguards, how to store religious items, reprisals and drug stuffing.Quarter three updateCOMPLETEICVA has published resources to assist scheme managers in recruiting a diverse set of volunteers as well as guidance on visiting detainees suspected on stuffing drugs.ICVA has published all requested guidance and resources.2.9. Deliver at least three ‘masterclass’ sessions for schemes in order to support the roll out of the Quality Assurance Framework and ensure that scheme managers are empowered to complete their roles.Chief ExecutiveTo be completed at roughly one per quarterOutcomeScheme managers feel better informed and equipped following masterclass sessions.MeasureFeedback following events.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has delivered a masterclass on the Angiolini Review and the Five Year Good Police Custody study.ICVA is planning to deliver a masterclass on ‘holding the force to account’, ideally by webinar, in Q2.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has completed a webinar masterclass on assessing Quality Assurance Framework. The ‘Holding the Police to Account’ masterclass is planned for 30 October.Quarter three updateCompleteICVA has run a masterclass on holding the force to account. This brings the total masterclasses to three for the year.ICVA has also published a YouTube tutorial on Equality Impact Assessments and the Public Sector Equality Duty.2.10. Develop and implement mechanisms that will ensure maximum coverage of support for scheme managers and ICVs in order to ensure ICVA support is shared nationally.Chief Operating OfficerOngoing throughout the yearOutcomeICVA support is shared across UK.MeasureOutput via webinars, YouTube and other shared resources.Member surveyQuarter one updateOn trackICVA has run a series of YouTube videos, blogs and live tweeting over Volunteers’ Week 2018.ICVA has published additional resources on its new website.ICVA is planning its first webinar in Q2.Quarter two updateCompleteICVA has run a webinar on assessing the Quality Assurance Framework and a YouTube tutorial for schemes conducting research with female detainees.Whilst ICVA has developed and used these mechanisms, and met this action, we will continue to use this technique throughout the year.Represent3.1. Attend National Preventive Mechanism meetings and Steering Group in order to represent the views and experiences of custody visiting and to communicate key issues back to members.(May attend via conference call if grant cut)Chief ExecutiveThis is an on going statutory duty for ICVA with four steering group conference calls and two meetings annually.OutcomeICVA contributed to NPM work and key issues.MeasureCustody visiting represented in key work by NPM.Quarter one updateOn trackThe last NPM Business Meeting clashed with the ICVA Board so ICVA could not attend, but provided written updates and reports.The Chief Executive attended the steering group meeting.The Chief Operating Officer attended the Policing Subgroup, reporting on ICVA’s work on menstrual care and spitguards. ICVA is leading the way on these key areas of work.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA is due to attend an NPM networking event and Business Meeting in early October 2018 and has completed all requested work contributing to the annual report and other documents.Quarter three updateOn trackICVA’s Chair and Chief Executive attended an NPM networking event, sharing its work on menstrual care and since advising other agencies on their work.The Chief Operating Officer attended the NPM Business meeting and has both developed NPM returns for ICVA and co-ordinated responses for the annual report across police visitors as a whole.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEThe Chief Operating Officer delivered all work required for the forthcoming CAT submission and to prepare for the SPT visit in preparation for the Business Meeting very early in 2019/20. ICVA is up to date on all required NPM work, is a leader in much of it and has share key learning and information with schemes.3.2. Represent members in quarterly meetings with the Home Office presenting questions, issues or challenges from members, attaining appropriate responses and communicating this with members in order to ensure that custody visiting is appropriately represented with the Home Office.Chief Executive On going throughout the year.OutcomeHome Office are confident that ICVA are delivering on workplan.Schemes are able to raise issues with Home Office.MeasureQualitative feedback from the Home Office.Ongoing feedback reports completed.Issues raised with Home Office from schemes.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has completed its end of year / Q4 update with the Home Office; Q1 update to follow.Quarter two updateOn trackICVA has completed a quarterly meeting reporting on Q1.Quarter three updateWill not complete quarterly meetingsThe Home Office has indicated that we should move to bi-annual meetings. ICVA has its next meeting booked for February 2019.Quarter four updateICVA completed a meeting in February 2019 and has complemented this with further informal meetings. The Home Office has appointed a new civil servant and regular quarterly meetings have been agreed for 2019/20.3.3. Deliver communication campaigns on key issues highlighted by scheme managers and ICVs in order to promote understanding of custody visiting and deliver continuous improvement to police custody.Chief ExecutiveOn going throughout the year.OutcomeImproved public awareness of custody visiting.MeasureExposure of individual campaigns.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA successfully conducted a ‘custody visiting awareness’ campaign as part of Volunteers’ Week 2018. The campaign included YouTube videos from PCCs, ICVs and scheme managers, guest blogs and live tweeting.Quarter twoICVA has focused on internal communications and external blogs over this quarter, with additional external communications planned for Q3.Quarter three updateThe Chief Operating Officer has instigated a new, weekly communications campaign to highlight areas where ICVs have made a difference. We will welcome any support / amplifying of this message.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEICVA has continued with weekly communicationICVA has planned significant further communication campaigns for changes to PACE Codes on menstrual care and on the Quality Assurance Framework awards.3.4. Represent and promote schemes within the networks in which they work including PCC networks, other authorities and the Chief Executive network. We will celebrate and promote the success of schemes through awarding achievement under the Quality Assurance Framework.Chief ExecutiveOn going throughout the year.OutcomeStakeholders are aware of custody visiting and value it.MeasureNumber of engagements completed.Quarter one updateOn trackICVA has used the APACE network to promote the Quality Assurance Framework. ICVA has also met with the new Chief Executive of the APCC who has offered resources to increase ICVA’s presence amongst OPCCs. A planning meeting will take place in Q2.Quarter two updateICVA has promoted custody visiting alongside the APCC, who have developed their own communication video about ICVA’s work and how it relates to PCCs.ICVA worked with the APCC for all PCCs to sign a letter supporting changes to menstrual care in PACE Codes. ICVA also wrote to all PCCs to promote the Quality Assurance Framework.Quarter three updateICVA worked with the APCC to co-ordinate a letter from every PCC, supporting the proposed changes to strengthen menstrual care in police custody. The letter was signed by every PCC.Quarter four updateCOMPLETEICVA has held regular updates with our APCC rep and the Chair of APACE. ICVA will attend the next APACE meeting.ICVA’s Chair is now national lead for preventing suicides, which links to ICVA’s work in custody.Internal priorities4.1. ICVA will refresh its skills audit for the Board of Directors in order to use current members to best effect.ChairQ2OutcomeICVA’s Board has the correct mix of skills included within it.MeasureAll required skills met in skills audit.Quarter one updateCompleteSkills audit is complete and has been presented to directors.The Chief Executive has drafted MoUs for all directors, including objectives and development goals. To be agreed with the Chair in Q2.4.2. Meeting ICVA’s requirements under Companies House and the Home Office grant agreement in order to ensure a well-run pany SecretaryOngoing throughout the year.OutcomeICVA is compliant with Companies House requirements.MeasureCompanies House requirements and page up-to-date.Quarter one updateOn trackCompany Secretary to provide report to July meeting.Quarter two updateOn trackCompany Secretary filed all required reports for 2018/19.All grant agreement paperwork complete.Quarter three updateOn trackCompany Secretary filed all required reports for 2018/19.All grant agreement paperwork complete.Quarter four updateCompleteAll Companies House requirements met.Final Q4 meeting with Home Office due on 20 May. ................

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