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West Broward High School 2019 -2020 United States History Summer Assignment Welcome to United States History. You will be exposed to the historical, social, political, economic and cultural (SPEC) events which influenced the development and the effects of the Civil War. All 2019 - 2020 US History students will be responsible for completing reading assignments. Any questions you may ask any US History teacher BEFORE leaving for the summer break. The assignment is due on Monday, August 19, 2019. Teachers: Donikian (172), Houston (516), Laham (186), Ramirez (170), Ramsey (165)? Part 1: Complete a Vocabulary Instructional Chart you must complete all Vocabulary Words to receive credit; you must use a chart, write the word in a chart, write definition, and tell me why this word is important for you to know. ? Part 2: How did our decisions for war effect the other countries? Social Development and Effects of the Civil War Political Development and Effects of the Civil War Economic Development and its effect on the civil war Cultural effects on the civil war US History Honors only? Part 3: Questions: Read the novel “Life of a slave girl by Harriet Ann Jacobs” 1. CONTEXT-Provide the historical context of the book you selected (use the introduction to help you). 2. ARGUMENT-What is the thesis or main argument of the book (use the introduction to help you)? 3. INTENDED AUDIENCE-Who seems to be the intended audience for the book (historians, popular culture, mainstream audiences)? Why do you think the author chose this type of audience? 4. STRUCTURE OF ARGUMENT- What is the structure of the book, and how does this structure support the author’s argument? Summarize the major points of each chapter and explain how these points support the author’s argument. (Basically, a mini-book report) 5. HISTORICAL EVIDENCE-Historians provide Notes or a Bibliography at the end of their work to show the primary and secondary sources used when researching information for their book. Research and summarize the ideas about each source you selected and explain how the source supports the author’s argument (thesis). Research about two other slave narratives that were published during the Antebellum period and compare those slave narratives to Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. West Broward High School 2017 -2018 United States History Summer Assignment 6. YOUR ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK-What did you think about the book you chose? Explain and provide specific evidence to support your point of view. Make sure to use parenthetical citations when providing evidence. 7. ANALYSIS OF AUTHOR’ ARGUMENT- How persuasive was the author in supporting his/her argument? Explain and provide specific evidence to support your point of view. 8. FINAL THOUGHTS-What did you learn about American history by reading this book? Notes about Citations: If you use quotes or paraphrase an idea from the book, you need to cite the quote or paraphrase by putting the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Vocabulary Words Civil War Secession Popular Sovereignty Missouri Compromise 1820 Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act “Bleeding Kansas” Underground Railroad Uncle Tom’s Cabin Dred Scott Decision Radical Republicans Nadir Ostend Manifesto Ft. Sumter, SC Bull Run Anaconda Plan Battle of Gettysburg Gettysburg Address Battle of Antietam 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments Emancipation Proclamation Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Black Codes Reconstruction Radical Republicans Freedmen’s Bureau Carpetbaggers Scalawags Sharecropping ................

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