Number line intro:

Number line intro:


What type of number is at the center of this number line?

← Positive / Negative / Neutral (circle one)

← Sign ____________________

← Type ____________________

What type of number is to the right of the centre?

← Positive / Negative / Neutral (circle one)

← Sign ____________________

← Math name ____________________

What type of number is to the left of the centre?

← Positive / Negative / Neutral (circle one)

← Sign ____________________

← Math name ____________________

Number Concepts - Write the integer suggested by each of the following situations:

a) You move forward 9 spaces on a board game. ________

b) You climb down 10 feet. ________

c) You climb up 25 feet. ________

d) The temperature goes up 5 degrees. ________

e) The temperature drops 15 degrees. ________

Problem A You want to take a bath. What would you do if you have already filled the tub and:

o The water is too hot. __________________________

o The water is too cold. _________________________

Problem #1 The Water temperature is 60 deg. but you want 85 deg.

o What could you add? ____________________________

o How many units would you add? ___________________

o Write a math equation that explains what to do?


Problem #2 The Water temperature is 95 deg. but you want 85 deg.

*** You can not take any heat away! ***

o What could you add? ____________________________

o How many units would you add? ___________________

o Write a math equation that explains what to do?


Analyze – Circle True or False and explain why.

It is important to add a positive sign when adding positive integers? T F

It is important to add a negative sign when adding negative integers? T F


|Thermometers – use your thermometer copy to solve the following: |

| |

|If we start at a temperature of _A_and add _B_ units of _C_ what would the thermometer read? A + B = ? |

|*** If C = cold then B = (-B) *** |

|A |B |C |Equation |Answer |

|5o |6o |Heat |5 + 6 = 11 |11 o |

|3o |8o |Cold |3 + (-8) = -5 |-5 o |

|1o |9o |Heat | | |

|- 5o |5o |Heat | | |

|- 8o |6o |Heat | | |

|0o |7o |Cold | | |

|- 9o |15o |Heat | | |

|- 5o |3o |Cold | | |

|- 2o |6o |Cold | | |

|8o |10o |Cold | | |

|0o |11o |Cold | | |

|0o |11o |Heat | | |

--- +11o

--- +10o

--- + 9o

--- + 8o

--- + 7o

--- + 6o

--- + 5o

--- + 4o

--- + 3o

--- + 2o

--- + 1o

--- + 0o

--- - 1o

--- - 2o

--- - 3o

--- - 4o

--- - 5o

--- - 6o

--- - 7o

--- - 8o

--- - 9o

--- - 10o

--- - 11o

Model the above equations using INTEGER TILES?

Modeling Integers Using Integer Tiles

1. Write the integer represented by each set of tiles.

Step 1 – Circle Zero Pairs

Step 2 – Write the integer on the line to the side

Step 3 – Write the equation on the line below

a) + + + + + + + ______ b) + + + + + + + + + ______

– – – – – –

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

c) + + + + + + + + + ______ d) + + + + + + + ______

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

e) + + + + ______ f) + + + + + ______

– – – – – – – –

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

2. Model the following integers using integer tiles. Draw the tiles you used.

a) -6

b) +7

c) +6

d) -2

e) +9

f) -4

g) 0

h) +10

Next Steps:

1. Do Questions # 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 on Page 58 -59

2. Read the example on Page 62

3. Do questions # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

4. Complete the Mid-Unit Review on Page 65

5. Check your answers using the back of the book. Then correct any questions you got wrong. Hand in your corrected work with this package.

You are now ready for the Adding Integers Quiz

Number Lines













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