Letters to Non-Christians - Agape Project International USA

Sample Letter to Non-Christians (Support Donors)


Prospective Donor’s Name

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

Dear [Prospective Donor’s Name],

I have an exciting opportunity to be part of a medical team working with Kenyan doctors and nurses. We leave for Kenya on [insert date] and return [insert date, year]. Our Team, led by Agape Project International USA staff, ministers to a group of 60+ pastors from different denominations and provides humanitarian services to the general population of Kenya. We will be providing free medical treatment for up to 1200 people in areas where there is limited access to healthcare. In addition, we minister to children and adults with the desire to plant a new church or enhance the membership of an existing one.

[Add a couple of sentences of your expected involvement and why you want to go. Remember, this is not a vacation to Africa but an opportunity to serve people who are poor and disadvantaged.]

We fly from the USA to Nairobi and visit El Shaddai Children’s Centre (boy’s orphanage) in Limuru where we spend the night at API USA’s new home base. We then drive to the town of [see itinerary] that will serve as our medical camp home base. We will spend 1 ½ days preparing the medications used to treat our patients. We will leave our base each day to travel to one of two remote locations to treat patients. We usually have the opportunity of spending a day at a Kenyan National Game Park to view and photograph wild animals in one of the best game parks in all of Africa. If possible, we will also visit an elephant rehabilitation center in Nairobi.

Your help is needed and I’m asking you to partner with me in this adventure. I could really use your assistance in covering part of the cost for this trip. Would you please consider making a donation as one of my Core Donors to help guarantee my airfare. The total cost for the trip is [see itinerary]. All gifts are tax-deductible. Agape Project International USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

If you would like to join me in this, please send your check to the following address:

Agape Project International USA Make your check payable to API USA

P.O. Box 5047 and put my name on the Memo line.

Encinitas, CA 92023-5047

You are important to me and I thank you in advance for your sincere consideration of this request. Your friendship is a blessing to me and your financial support will be a blessing to the people of Kenya whom we will be helping.


Sign your name

Phone number

Email address


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