EUROPE - Russia, Accession and Candidate Countries




Compiled by the WWF European Forest Programme March 2004 (Contact

Although exact figures are often difficult to obtain, given the illegal nature of the activity, in a number of countries observations and estimates can be made on the scale of illegal logging. More research is currently undertaken.

|EUROPE - Russia, Accession and Candidate Countries |Source for |

| |estimates |

|RUSSIA |27% North-West Russia (1) |1 |

| |50% Russian Far East (7) |7 |

| |100% of Caucasus chestnut (Castanea sativa) is cut illegally (8) |8 |

|ESTONIA |50% (6) |6 |

|LATVIA |15-20% more in-depth studies need to be undertaken (1;2) |1;2 |

|LITHUANIA |? fragmented information available – | |

| |see overview facts on illegal logging in Eastern Europe | |

|ROMANIA |? is estimated to be a significant issue – | |

| |the World Bank and WWF are currently compiling information | |

|BULGARIA |? is estimated to be a significant issue – | |

| |the World Bank and WWF are currently compiling information | |

|SLOVAKIA |? is estimated to be a significant issue - WWF is currently compiling information | |

|UKRAINE/GUS |? no adequate information available | |

|CZECH REPUBLIC |? fragmented information available – | |

| |see overview facts on illegal logging in Eastern Europe | |

|POLAND |? fragmented information available – | |

| |see overview facts on illegal logging in Eastern Europe | |

|HUNGARY |? fragmented information available – | |

| |see overview facts on illegal logging in Eastern Europe | |

|AFRICA - Central Africa | |

|CAMEROON |50% (2) |2 |

|EQUATORIAL GUINEA |50% (2) |2 |

|GABON |70% (2) |2 |

|CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC |? no adequate information available | |

|CONGO |? no adequate information available | |

|LIBERIA |80% (2) |2 |

|IVORY COAST |? no adequate information available | |

|GHANA |60% (2) |2 |

|SIERRA LEONE |? no adequate information available | |

|GUINEA |? no adequate information available | |

| | | |

| | |

|ASIA - South East Asia | |

|BURMA |? conflict timber/ tribal conflicts are estimated to be a big issue | |

|CHINA |20% (2) |2 |

|INDONESIA |73% (2) |2 |

|MALAYSIA |key transit country for wood products from Indonesia | |

|PAPUA NEW GUINEA |? no adequate information available | |

|SOUTH KOREA |30% (2) |2 |

|TAIWAN |45% (2) |2 |

|THAILAND |? no adequate information available | |

|PHILIPPINES |46% (4) |4 |

|VIETNAM |22% - 39% (11) |11 |

|LAOS |45% (12) |12 |

|CAMBODIA |94% (13) |13 |

| | | |


|BRAZIL | | |

| AMAZON BASIN |80% (2) |2 |

| STATE OF PARA |66% (9) |9 |

|BOLIVIA |? no adequate information available | |

|COLOMBIA |? no adequate information available |4 |

|PERU |80% (5) |5 |

|ECUADOR |70% (14) |14 |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sources for the estimates on illegal logging |

| |1= The features of illegal logging and related trade in the Baltic Sea region |

| |WWF Latvia, 2003 |

| |2= The Timber Footprint of the G8 and China WWF International 2002 |

| | |

| |3= Illegal logging in the context of the sound use of wood European Forest Institute 2003 |

| | |

| |4= Forest Law Enforcement Worldbank |

| |5= Case Study on the Development and Implementation of Guidelines for the Control of Illegal Logging with a view to |

| |Sustainable Forest Management in PeruThe Peruvian Environmental Law Society 2003 |

| | |

| |6= Illegal forestry and Estonian timber exports Estonian Green Movement 2004 |

| | |

| |7= Illegal Logging in the Southern Part of the Russian Far East. WWF Russia 2002 |

| | |

| |8= State Forest Service of Krasnodar region and State Customs Committee |

| |9 = State of Conflict Greenpeace 2003 |

| | |

| |10 = European League Table for the Import of Illegal Tropical Timber Friends of the Earth 2001 |

| | |

| |11= Forest Sector Review Vietnam 2000 |

| |12 = WWF estimates 1998/99 |

| |13 = A Vision fore Forestry Sector Development 1999 World Bank Study 1999 |

| |14 = Economist 1. Nov. 2003 |


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