FOI 191101012 Terrror offence convictions and offender ...

|[pic] |November 2019 |

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request – 191101012

Thank you for your request received in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

It would be greatly appreciated if you would be able to advise, by way of FOI, the number of:

1. People convicted of terror offences by year for the last five years

2. Of those convictions, how many were convicted by jury based case

3. Of those convicted of terror offences, how many have been deported from the UK by year for the last five years

Your request has been handled under the FOIA.

I can confirm that the MoJ holds some of the information that you have requested, related to question 3 concerning offenders being deported and I have provided it below

2015 3

2016 0

2017 2

2018 0

2019 3

This information regarding deportations relates to prisoners convicted of Terrorism Act offences deported on release from custody. This information has been drawn from HMPPS case management systems.

The information to answer question 1 is exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA, because it is reasonably accessible to you. Information to answer question 1 can be accessed via the following link to the Home Office Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 publication. The data can be located in table C01 of the Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 : year to 31 March 2019: annual tables at the below link.

Question 2 asks for information that is a subset of those offenders identified in question 1. As the information provided above for question 1 is derived from data held by the CPS and published by the Home Office, MoJ do not hold the data required to produce the requested figure. You may wish to contact the CPS for this information. Their contact details are available below.

By email:-

By post:-

Information Management Unit

Crown Prosecution Service

102 Petty France

London SW1H 9EA


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