MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Eighth (8th) Grade-World History


DRAFT AS OF 3-12-18:

Course Code: 2109010

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The 8th grade World History social studies curriculum consists of the following content area strands: World History, Geography, Civics, and Economics. The primary content for this course pertains to the world's earliest civilizations to the ancient and classical civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of world history including economics, geography, politics, and religion/philosophy. Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents.

Honors/Advanced courses offer scaffolded learning opportunities for students to develop the critical skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in a more rigorous and reflective academic setting. Students are empowered to perform at higher levels as they engage in the following: analyzing historical documents and supplementary readings, working in the context of thematically categorized information, becoming proficient in note-taking, participating in Socratic seminars/discussions, emphasizing free-response and document-based writing, contrasting opposing viewpoints, solving problems, etc. Students will develop and demonstrate their skills through participation in a capstone and/or extended researchbased paper/project (e.g., history fair, participatory citizenship project, mock congressional hearing, projects for competitive evaluation, investment portfolio contests, or other teacher-directed projects).

8th Grade World History Special Programs/Projects: Throughout this guide, besides the adopted textbook and the numerous activities suggestions, teachers will have access to two distinct programs designed to increase student engagement, historical thinking skills, and overall connection of World History content to today. The programs are: The Big History Project and Global Scholars .

The following pacing guide replaces the Competency-Based Curriculum for Social Studies as the required curriculum for grades K-12 in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Please note the following important general information regarding the Pacing Guides:

? The Pacing Guides outline the required curriculum for social studies, grades K-12, in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. ? Social Studies Pacing Guides have been developed for all elementary grade levels (K-5) and for each of the required social studies courses at the middle and senior high school

levels. ? The Social Studies Pacing Guides are to be utilized by all teachers, grades K-12, when planning for social studies instruction. ? The Pacing Guides outline the required sequence in which the grade level or course objectives are to be taught. ? The Pacing Guides outline the pacing in which instruction should occur. Specifically, the Pacing Guides are divided into 9-week segments and provide an estimate of the number

of traditional or block days needed to complete instruction on a given topic. Teachers should make every effort to stay on pace and to complete the topics in a given nine weeks. Slight variations in pacing may occur due to professional decisions made by the teacher or because of changes in school schedules. ? NOTE: Content benchmarks that are highlighted in red are relevant to important Civics concepts to emphasize Civic disposition and content as related to the study of World History. ? NOTE: Associated with each red highlighted benchmark is a link to a lesson plan (highlighted in yellow) complete with all readings, handouts, a detailed lesson plan, and a prepost quiz to be used during instruction in order to emphasize the importance of emphasizing Civics through World History. ? NOTE: All essential benchmarks are highlighted in Green. ? Each Social Studies Pacing Guide is divided into the following headings/categories to assist teachers in developing lesson plans:

? Grade Level or Course Title - The grade level and course title are listed in the heading of each page. ? Course Code - The Florida Department of Education Course Code is listed for the course. ? Topic - The general topic for instruction is listed; e.g., Westward Expansion. ? Pacing - An estimated number of traditional or block instructional days needed to complete instruction on the topic is provided. ? Strands and Standards ? Strands and Standards from the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) are provided for each topic. ? Nine Week Grading Period - Grading periods (1-4) are identified. ? Essential Content ? This critically important column provides a detailed list of content/topics and subtopics to be addressed during instruction.

Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Eighth (8th) Grade-World History

Course Code: 2109010


? NGSSS-SS Benchmarks ? This critically important column lists the required instructional Benchmarks that are related to the topic. The Benchmarks are divided into Content Benchmarks and Skill Benchmarks. These benchmarks should be identified in the teacher's lesson plans.

? Instructional Tools - This column provides suggested resources and activities to assist the teacher in developing engaging lessons and pedagogically sound instructional practices. The Instructional Tools column is divided into the following subparts: Core Textbook, Key Vocabulary, Technology (Internet resources related to a topic),

? Suggested Activities, Assessment, English Language Learner (ELL) Instructional Strategies, Related Programs (National, State, and/or District programs as they relate to a particular topic), and SPED (A link to the NGSSS-SS Access Points for Students with Cognitive Disabilities).

? Florida Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12:

Florida Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, grades 6-12, can be found at the end of each nine weeks Pacing Guide. When planning lessons for instruction, teachers should address these state standards during their teaching of social studies content to ensure a systematic and proven approach to literacy and writing development. The Florida Standards are research and evidenced-based, aligned with college and work expectations, rigorous, and internationally benchmarked. For a complete listing of all Florida Standards, please visit: . The specific pages for History/Social Studies 6-12 standards for Literacy and Writing have been extracted from the Florida Standards document and placed at the end of each nine weeks Pacing Guide for each required 6-12 social studies course.

Course Themes: Essential content that spans multiple topics. For Sixth Grade World History, the following themes are identified:

? Geography and its use to understand relationships between people, places, and environments o Location o Places and Regions o Human-Environmental Interaction o Movement and Cultural Diffusion

? Classical Civilizations in World History o Historical Inquiry o Foundation o Culture o Religions and philosophies o Science and technology o Arts and architecture

? Economic Systems o Agriculture o Trade and Commerce o Resources and Production

? Social Structures o Daily Life o Family & Kinship o Gender roles and relations o Race and ethnicity o Social and economic classes

? Civics and Political Systems o Principles of government o Political Structures o Forms of government o Citizenship ? roles, rights, and responsibilities

Financial Literacy: ? At the end of each nine weeks' 6th grade World History

Pacing Guides is an addendum highlighting resources for teachers to use to infuse the instruction of Financial Literacy in the curriculum

Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Eighth (8th) Grade-World History


o Colonization and Imperialism o Global Structures and global citizenship

Course Code: 2109010

History/Social Science Labs

History/Social Science Labs are an engaging and rigorous instructional approach designed to require in-depth learning and thinking on the part of the student guided by an essential question, analysis of primary or secondary source documents, and ending in a rigorous writing assignment or other rigorous learning task.

Steps to Conduct History/Social Science Labs

1. Identify the NGSSS-SS Benchmark(s) to be addressed. 2. Develop an essential question or use an essential question

already found in the pacing guide. 3. Build background knowledge with students about the topic. 4. FACILITATE student's conduction document/source analysis. 5. Have students report back about their analysis of the source(s). 6. Take the lab to an end and have students INDEPENDETLY

answer, in writing, the essential question

*History/Social Science labs, complete with sources, have been embedded in to this pacing guide. See next page for History/Social Science template.

? The History/Social Science lab icon (on your left) has been included next to benchmarks that have labs already created. Simply click on the icon and you will be taken to the webpage on socialsciennces. where the labs are located.

? To see a video that provides an overview of the History/Social Science lab process and benefits, please see:


Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Eighth (8th) Grade-World History


Course Code: 2109010

History/Social Science Lab Template

Name _____________________________________________ Period _____ Date _____________________ [Put benchmark here ? numbers and write it out]

Essential Question: [put essential guiding question here]


Source 1 [include source information as applicable]

Source 2

Main Idea / Message / Important Details

How does this document answer the essential question?

Source 3

Source 4

Thesis: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Pacing Guide- Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL OR COURSE TITLE: Eighth (8th) Grade-World History


Course Code: 2109010

Topic 1: HISTORY





5 days 08-20-18-08-24-18 2.5 days 08-20-18-08-245-18

Essential Questions: How does learning about the past help us understand the present and make decisions about the future? How do historians collect evidence from primary and secondary sources to understand the past?

STRAND(S) and STANDARD(S): World History: (Standard 1: Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes) Geography: (Standard 1: Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information)

The Big History Project


Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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