Kendall Atkinson, Weimin Han, David Stewart University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations / Kendall E. Atkinson . . . [et al.]. p. cm.--(Wiley series in ???????)

"Wiley-Interscience." Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN ????????????? (pbk.) 1. Numerical analysis. 2. Ordinary differential equations. I. Atkinson, Kendall E. II. Series.

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To Alice, Huidi, and Sue


This book is an expanded version of supplementary notes that we used for a course on ordinary differential equations for upper-division undergraduate students and beginning graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and sciences. The book introduces the numerical analysis of differential equations, describing the mathematical background for understanding numerical methods and giving information on what to expect when using them. As a reason for studying numerical methods as a part of a more general course on differential equations, many of the basic ideas of the numerical analysis of differential equations are tied closely to theoretical behavior associated with the problem being solved. For example, the criteria for the stability of a numerical method is closely connected to the stability of the differential equation problem being solved.

This book can be used for a one-semester course on the numerical solution of differential equations, or it can be used as a supplementary text for a course on the theory and application of differential equations. In the latter case, we present more about numerical methods than would ordinarily be covered in a class on ordinary differential equations. This allows the instructor some latitude in choosing what to include, and it allows the students to read further into topics that may interest them. For example, the book discusses methods for solving differential algebraic equations (Chapter 10) and Volterra integral equations (Chapter 12), topics not commonly included in an introductory text on the numerical solution of differential equations.



We also include MATLAB R programs to illustrate many of the ideas that are introduced in the text. Much is to be learned by experimenting with the numerical solution of differential equations. The programs in the book can be downloaded from the following website.

This site also contains graphical user interfaces for use in experimenting with Euler's method and the backward Euler method. These are to be used from within the framework of MATLAB.

Numerical methods vary in their behavior, and the many different types of differential equation problems affect the performance of numerical methods in a variety of ways. An excellent book for "real world" examples of solving differential equations is that of Shampine, Gladwell, and Thompson [74].

The authors would like to thank Olaf Hansen, California State University at San Marcos, for his comments on reading an early version of the book. We also express our appreciation to John Wiley Publishers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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