Lists of posts on various topics—use to retrofit:

An Index of Articles on Donna Cunningham’s Astrology blog,

Sky Writer, As of October 31, 2010, with active links

In its 2 years of existence, Skywriter has published 415 articles on a wide variety of astrological and self-help topics. This index has been created for the convenience of new readers and astrology students who may want to focus on particular topics and see what’s available here. If you save it on your hard drive rather than printing it out, the links are active so that you can access the articles directly.

Skywriter’s readers are an intelligent and lively bunch. Many of the articles on this list set off an informative exchange of experiences and opinions in the comment section. If a topic stimulates you, scroll down past the article to see what others had to say—and add your own take on it! I hope you enjoy your visit! Donna Cunningham, MSW

Posts about the 12 houses:

• Download a chapter on the houses here: AGSA ch13-houses

• Download a chart blank here:  Blank chart with house meanings.

• Download: Shovel-Ready Projects for the 12 Astrological Houses

• Readers Ask: Basic Questions about the 12 Houses

• A Who’s Who of your Horoscope–the Players in all 12 Houses

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit #1—Houses & Areas of Life Affected

• The Houses–12 Different Ways to Heal from Stress and Trauma

• The Cosmic Piñata, Part 1 — Saturn Transits and Insights into the Houses

• How Does your First House Give the Wrong Impression?

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 2nd House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about Mercury, Gemini, and the 3rd House

• Viewing the 3rd House through Neptune’s Lens

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 4th House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 7th House

• Saturn Transits the 7th House—a Rare Interview with Father Time Himself

• Pluto in the Career Houses–The Power to Manifest or Fail for Spite

• Uranus In The Career Houses—“You’re Not The Boss Of Me!”

• Neptune’s in your Career House? It’s not a Transit, It’s an Epoch!

• Transits to the Vocational Houses–Temp Job or Career Departure?

• Neptune in the 11th House–Setting Boundaries in Friendship

• Things You May Not Know about the 3rd and 12th Houses

• The Incredible Vulnerability a Stellium Creates

• Readers’ Insights into their own Stelliums

• A Few Last Insights into Stelliums from Readers

• See more articles on the 12 houses in the category Houses of the Horoscope.

• See articles about the 2nd and 8th houses under Vocational Astrology

The Complete Miniseries on the 12th house:

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 12th House

• New Insights into the 12th House from our Q&A Session

• 7 Secrets You May not Know about the 12th House

• 12 Famous People with 12th House Suns

• Daybreak and the 12th House Sun

• Jupiter in the 12th—When Does Good Luck Turn Bad?

• Transits from the 12th House to the 1st–Like Night and Day

• The Twelfth House—Comparing Ancient and Modern Views

Readers Ask Series: (Readers’ questions and my Answers are in the Comment Sections)

• Readers Ask: Basic Questions about the 12 Houses

• Readers Ask: Q&A about the 1st House and Ascendant

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 2nd House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 3rd House, Mercury, and Gemini

• The Best of Readers’ Q & A about the 3rd House and Mercury

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 4th House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 6th House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 7th House

• Readers Ask—Q & A about the 9th House

• Readers Ask—Q & A about the 10th House

• Readers Ask: Q&A about the 11th House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 12th House

• New Insights into the 12th House from our Q&A Session

More Impertinent Articles about the Zodiac Signs:

• Why Cancer Isn’t a Popular Sign

• Spotlight on Leo—a Tale of three Queens

• WHAT IF….Virgos Ruled the World?

• Why It’s Hell Being a Libra any More!!

• Put Yourself in Scorpio’s Shoes

• How to Survive Your Pisces Sweetheart

• How to Survive a Pisces Dad—and How I Survived Mine

Posts about Saturn:

How Strong is your Saturn? Here’s the Score!

Saturn’s Delays and Why We Should Embrace Them

Venus-Saturn Aspects—Waiting for Love

Saturn Transits the 7th House—a Rare Interview with Father Time Himself

Saturn Retrograde in Libra: Relationship Revision Time

Saturn in Libra: How to Set Healthy Boundaries

Astrology and Conscious Parenting: Saturn in Synastry

Why Saturn has as much to do with Luck as Jupiter

Life Patterns of People Born with Uranus-Saturn Aspects

How the Pluto-Saturn Square may Affect People born with that Aspect

The Cosmic Piñata, Part 1 — Saturn Transits and Insights into the Houses

Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career?

Taming Transiting Saturn

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

Quotes about Saturn’s Issues—Wise Counsel from our Elders

The Saturn-Neptune Quincunx and its Part in our Economic Woes

Pluto meets Saturn on the Square—Fear and Loathing in America

Posts about Uranus:

• How Strong is your Uranus? Here’s the Score!

• 10 Things You May not Know about Uranus

• Uranus In The Career Houses—“You’re Not The Boss Of Me!”

• Career Challenges for the Pluto-Uranus in Virgo Generation

• Venus-Uranus Aspects among the Glitterati

• Venus-Uranus Aspects: Two-Minute Friends and other Modern Relationships

• The Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Pisces and Children Born with it

• Three Things I’ve Loved about Uranus in Pisces

• Celebrating the Last–and Future–Uranus in Pisces Generation

• Uranus in Aries and the Cosmic Soup

• Uranus in Aries—a Heads Up for the Accident Prone

• Uranus in Aries & Flower Essences–8 Years of Significant Change Ahead

• Relocating under Fire? Help from Astrology and Essences

• Life Patterns of People Born with Uranus-Saturn Aspects

• Neptune & Uranus in Mutual Reception

• Uranian Ideas—Exceptional Thoughts about an Exceptional Planet

Posts about Neptune:

How Strong is your Neptune? Here’s the Score!

22 Articles about Neptune on Skywriter

Planets Squaring the Midheaven—How They Affect your Career

Neptune and the Cosmic Soup

Relationship Patterns of Venus-Neptune Aspects

Neptune’s Role in Giving and Receiving

Difficult Neptune Aspects in Chart Comparison

Addicted to Anguish–a Sketch of one Neptunian Type

Viewing the 3rd House through Neptune’s Lens

Neptune in the 11th House–Setting Boundaries in Friendship

Fog in the Workplace—Neptune or Pisces in the Career Houses

Neptune’s in your Career House? It’s not a Transit, It’s an Epoch!

Skywriter’s Readers share their own Neptunian Career Tales

Neptunian Musings—Mysterious but Strangely Apt Quotations

The Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron Conjunction Hits the US Moon

The Saturn-Neptune Quincunx and its Part in our Economic Woes

Neptune & Uranus in Mutual Reception

Posts about Pluto: 

• How Strong is your Pluto? Here’s the Score!

• PlutoPaloozas, Here’s Plenty of Pluto Posts!

• 6 Things You May Not Know about Pluto

• Cosmic Piñata #3: A Plutonian Potpourri

• Pluto in the Career Houses–The Power to Manifest or Fail for Spite

• Career Challenges for the Pluto-Uranus in Virgo Generation

• Outtake from a Moon-Pluto Life

• And You Thought Pluto Wasn’t Funny!

• Pluto in Capricorn: A Laugh and a Half

• What to Tell Astrology Clients about Pluto in Capricorn

• How the Pluto-Saturn Square may Affect People born with that Aspect

• The Steamy Side of Venus-Pluto Aspects—A Photo Gallery

• High Maintenance–a Venus-Pluto Vignette

• Mars-Pluto Aspects? Use your Manifestation Mojo!

• Healing Tools For Plutonians: Transforming The Self And Others

• The Houses–12 Different Ways to Heal from Stress and Trauma

• Pluto and Bullying: How to Recognize and Deal with It

• Battling the Bully – Standing Up For Yourself With Confidence and Assertiveness

• Purge Yourself of Pluto’s Negativity—Get Free of Bitterness

• Pluto and the transiting Antiscia–not Over ’til It’s Over

• Planet or Not—Pluto IS Something!

In case you missed them, here are the popular astrology tests:

• How Strong is your Sun? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Moon? Here’s the Score?

• How Strong is your Mercury? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Mars? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Jupiter? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Saturn? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Uranus? Here’s the Score!

• How Strong is your Neptune? Here’s the Score! 

• How Strong is your Pluto? Here’s the Score! 

• From Joyce Mason: Chiron Quiz: How Strong is Your Chiron? and The Chiron Resonance Quiz: What’s Your Chi-Res Score?

• How Cardinal are You? Here’s the Score!

• How Fixed are You? Here’s the Score!

• How Mutable are You? Here’s the Score!

• Are You a Water Type? Here’s the Score!

More Articles from the Series about the Lesser-Known Aspects:

• The Not so Minor Aspects—Results of Our Research

• Understanding Semisquares—Your Input Needed

• Understanding the Sesquiquadrate—Your Input Needed

• Understanding Septiles–Your Input Needed

• Understanding Quintiles—What’s YOUR Talent?

• Understanding the BiQuintile—Your Input Needed

• Quincunx vs. BiQuintile–an Answer from Numerology?

• Understanding the Mundane Square—Your Input Needed

• Mundane square case study: Outtake from a Moon-Pluto Life

• Breathing Refined Air: The Esoteric Aspects

• Is the Semi-Sextile a Good Aspect or a Bad One?

• Pluto and the transiting Antiscia–not Over ’til It’s Over

• The Antiscia are Coming! The Antiscia are Coming!

Articles about the Cardinal T-Square

Posts from A Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit:

• The Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit—an Overview of the Series

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit #1—Houses & Areas of Life Affected

• Surviving the Pluto-Saturn Square—5 Helpful Articles

• The Pluto-Saturn Square—Two Examples of How It Works

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness 2: Best Case/Worst Case Scenarios

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit #3: How to Use these Energies Well

• Using the Pluto-Saturn Square–from Clutter to Closure

• Fun and Easy Ways to Use the Pluto-Saturn Square

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness #4–Taking Charge of your Life

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit #5: Key Players in your Drama

• A Who’s Who of your Horoscope–the Players in all 12 Houses

• People who Misuse Pluto and Saturn—Don’t be Fooled by Scare Tactics!

• Pluto, Saturn and the Blame Game

• Pluto-Saturn Kit #6: The Train is Coming. Are You Stalled on the Tracks?

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit #7: Projects for a Safer Future

• How the Pluto-Saturn Square may Affect People born with that Aspect

Posts for Using the Pluto-Saturn Transit to Change Unwanted Patterns:

Cash in on the Hidden Gold Beneath Your Fears

Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career?

Healing Tools For Plutonians: Transforming The Self And Others

Reclaiming Our Resilient Spirit

Understanding Healing Reactions or Healing Crises

Purge Yourself of Pluto’s Negativity—Get Free of Bitterness

Stuck For What Seems Like Forever? Maybe Areas of Unforgiveness are the Cause

What Makes a Person Controlling? How Can It Stop?

In a Crisis? Rescue Remedy Can Help You through It

Internet Find of the Week: New Resources for Healing Grief and Loss

More Insights into Healing Grief and Loss

Hope for Those in the Dark Night of the Soul

LINKS TO THE BLOGATHON ARTICLES COLLECTIONS ABOUT THE CARDINAL T-SQUARE:  The International Astrology Day Blogathon was dedicated to helping people understand and work with the Cardinal T-square and included collections of more than 70 articles about transits by Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn.  Go directly to the individual collections here:   

• Pluto Problems Got You Perplexed? Here’s What Helps!

•  Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You

•  Uranus in Aries: Claiming a Self-Reliant Future 

•  Passing the Tests and Trials of Saturn to Build Better Relationships

• A Collection of Articles about Combining Essences and Astrology

Articles about the Inner Planets:

Posts about the Sun and Leo:

12 Famous People with 12th House Suns

Daybreak and the 12th House Sun

10 Things You May Not Know about Solar Returns

10 Good Articles about Solar Returns

Spotlight on Leo—a Tale of three Queens

The Dance of the Primal Lights –How the Sun and Moon Light Up the Personality

Posts about the Moon and Cancer:

• How Strong is your Moon? Here’s the Score?

• Why Transits to the Birth Moon are so Challenging

• How Outer Planet Transits to the Moon Affect Family Life

• Why Cancer Isn’t a Popular Sign

• Cancerians, Memory and Emotion

• The Dance of the Primal Lights –How the Sun and Moon Light Up the Personality

• The Moon Signs and their Emotional Habits

• Outtake from a Moon-Pluto Life

• Understanding Mercury Aspects to the Moon

• Cosmic Piñata #6—a Moon Miscellany

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 4th House

• Fool’s Gold—the Slippery Slope of the South Node

Posts about the Transiting Moon and its Cycles:

• 2010 Eclipses–How do They Affect You?

• Eclipses: Moving Beyond the Four Walls of the Known

• Using the Daily Moon Sign to your Advantage

• How To Use The Moon For A Daily Emotional Weather Report

• The Void of Course Moon–A Lunar Sabbath?

Posts about Mars:

• How Strong is your Mars? Here’s the Score!

• Mars Mission 1: Mars and Conflict—Road Block or Productive Detour?

• Mars Mission 2: Anger—the Guard Dog of Denial

• Mars Alert—Code Red!

• Mars Retrograde 101—Answering your Questions

• Understanding Mars in the Fixed Signs

• Mars-Pluto Aspects? Use your Manifestation Mojo!

• The Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Pisces and Children Born with it

• The Law of Progressive Annoyance—Mars or Jupiter?

• Mars—What Great Minds say about Its Functions

• Depp’s Darker Roles—Where Do They Show in his Chart?

Posts about Mercury and the 3rd House on this Blog:

• How Strong is your Mercury? Here’s the Score!

• 22 Posts about Mercury and the 3rd House on Skywriter

• Four Kinds of Smart–Which One Are You?

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 3rd House, Mercury, and Gemini

• The Best of Readers’ Q & A about the 3rd House and Mercury

• Things You May Not Know about the 3rd and 12th Houses

• Viewing the 3rd House through Neptune’s Lens

• Understanding Mercury Aspects to the Moon

• Understanding Mercury-Saturn Combinations

• Understanding Mercury-Uranus Combinations—It’s DIY Time!

• Understanding Mercury-Pluto Combinations

• Cosmic Piñata #5—Mercurial Morsels

• Enough with the Mercury Retrograde Hysteria!

• Why Mercury Retrograde is a Good Thing–Its Helpful Uses

• Funny Quotes and Cartoons about Uranus, Venus, & Mercury

• Puzzle Lover? I’ll Bet your Mercury is Strong!

• A New Look at the Astrology of Twins

• English for Astrologers–No Astrobabble Please

Looking for articles about Venus? See the section below on relationships.

Posts about Jupiter:

How Strong is your Jupiter? Here’s the Score!

Hyperactive Jupiter Syndrome—The Down Side of an Upbeat Planet

What Jupiterians DON’T Know–but Think They Do

Readers Ask—Q & A about the 9th House

Jupiter in the 12th—When Does Good Luck Turn Bad?

Why Saturn has as much to do with Luck as Jupiter

Jupiter and the Astrology of Self-Justification

The Law of Progressive Annoyance—Mars or Jupiter?

Jumpin’ Jehosephat—Jupiterian Wisdom and Wisecracks

Posts about the Elements and Modes:

• How Cardinal are You? Here’s the Score!

• How Mutable are You? Here’s the Score!

• How Fixed are You? Here’s the Score!

• Mars Mission 3: Understanding Mars in the Fixed Signs

• Cardinal T-Square Articles

• The Dance of the Primal Lights –How the Sun and Moon Light Up the Personality

• Are You a Water Type? Here’s the Score!

• Get to Know the Water in your Chart–a Wetting Reception

• Bailing out the Water Signs–The Emotional Hangover Remedy

• Ways to Use Water to Heal Yourself and Others

• Much, Much More about your Watery Signs, Planets, and Houses!

• Our Precious Water Supply and How We Can Preserve It

• Flower Essences for Difficult Patterns of Water and Air Signs

• Flower Essences for Difficult Patterns of the Fire and Earth Signs

• Venus in the Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, & Water

• Missing Elements and How They Affect Your Relationships

• Four Kinds of Smart—Air, Earth, Fire, and Water

• How You Know You’re a Water Sign

• A Water Sign, in her Element at Last—Writing Wet, not Dry

• Cosmic Piñata #4: Astrological Oddities—or Not?

Career and Money Articles

Posts about Vocational Astrology: 

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 2nd House

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 6th House

• Readers Ask—Q & A about the 10th House

• Uranus In The Career Houses—“You’re Not The Boss Of Me!”

• Planets Squaring the Midheaven—How They Affect your Career

• Pluto in the Career Houses–The Power to Manifest or Fail for Spite

• Fog in the Workplace—Neptune or Pisces in the Career Houses

• Neptune’s in your Career House? It’s not a Transit, It’s an Epoch!

• Skywriter’s Readers share their own Neptunian Career Tales

• Chiron and Vocation: Do What You Love and Wholeness Will Follow

• Career Challenges for the Pluto-Uranus in Virgo Generation

• Life Patterns of People Born with Uranus-Saturn Aspects

• Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career?

• Transits to the Vocational Houses–Temp Job or Career Departure?

Posts in the Astrology and Personal Finances series:

• Astrologers’ Hang-ups about Money—How they Hurt our Clients

• Readers Ask: Q & A about the 2nd House

• The 2nd House and Money Management Patterns

• Your 2nd House—A Clue to Extra Income

• Living Off the Books—an 8th House Quicksand

• Uranus in the 2nd—Freedom & Individuality, vs. Financial Stability

• Saturn and Uranus Transits to the 2nd/8th House Axis

• Neptune in the 2nd—Money, Boundaries, & Codependency

• Neptune Transits to the 2nd-8th Axis—Time to Get Real about Money

• Money and Pluto in the 2nd House—The Haves vs. the Have Nots

• Pluto Transits to the 2nd or 8th —Money Issues Get Murky

• Thought Forms–How They Add to Money Blocks  

• More Help for Money Blocks—Clearing Past Life Barriers

Relocation and Astro*Carto*Graphy Articles:

• Cosmic Piñata #7: Astro*Carto*Graphy Stories

• Chart Patterns for Relocation—What’s Yours?

• "Am I Gonna Move?" (At )

• Can Relocation Help the Outer Planet Person?

• Relocating under Fire? Help from Astrology and Essences

Relationship and Self-Help Articles

Posts about Venus and Relationships:

Venus-Saturn Aspects—Waiting for Love

Chart Clues to Marriage—Will You or Won’t You?

Why It’s Hell Being a Libra any More!!

Why It’s Hell Being a Libra

Venus-Uranus Aspects among the Glitterati

Venus-Uranus Aspects: Two-Minute Friends and other Modern Relationships

Saturn in Libra: How to Set Healthy Boundaries

Saturn Transits the 7th House—a Rare Interview with Father Time Himself

Relationship Patterns of Venus-Neptune Aspects

Missing Elements and How They Affect Your Relationships

How to Survive Your Pisces Sweetheart

Difficult Neptune Aspects in Chart Comparison

What your Astrology Chart Says about your Boundary Issues

The Steamy Side of Venus-Pluto Aspects—A Photo Gallery

High Maintenance–a Venus-Pluto Vignette

Venus in the Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, & Water

Libra Alert: Personal Power & What It Looks Like in a Friendship

Libra Alert: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Posts Related to Boundaries:

What your Astrology Chart Says about your Boundary Issues

Boundaries 101 ~ A Course for Neptunians

Boundaries 201–Ten More Tips for Neptunians

Boundaries 301: How to Deal With a Moocher

Neptune in the 11th House–Setting Boundaries in Friendship

6 Common Misconceptions about Boundaries in a Relationship

Feeling Drained by a Relationship? Cut those Psychic Cords!

Libra Alert: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Libra Alert: Personal Power & What It Looks Like in a Friendship

Saturn in Libra: How to Set Healthy Boundaries

How to Recognize and Deal with an Abusive Person

Pluto and Bullying: How to Recognize and Deal with It

Battling the Bully – Standing Up For Yourself With Confidence and Assertiveness

FREE DOWNLOAD: One of the chapters of my ebook, Counseling Principles for Astrologers goes into codependency and its implications for practicing astrologers in depth.  Download it here: ch7 – codependency.

Series on Resentment, Bitterness, and Forgiveness:

• Purge Yourself of Pluto’s Negativity—Get Free of Bitterness

• Stuck For What Seems Like Forever? Maybe Areas of Unforgiveness are the Cause

• How to Handle Chronic Complainers

•  Forgiveness–the Final Frontier

• Healing Tools For Plutonians: Transforming The Self And Others

Articles about Essences on Skywriter:  

• Flower Essences for Difficult Patterns of Water and Air Signs

• Flower Essences for Difficult Patterns of the Fire and Earth Signs

• (Donna’s podcast on essences) .  

• In a Crisis? Rescue Remedy Can Help You through It

• Hope for Those in the Dark Night of the Soul

• Uranus in Aries & Flower Essences–8 Years of Significant Change Ahead

• Relocating under Fire? Help from Astrology and Essences

• Common Issues of Pluto and Saturn—and Flower Essences that Help

• Space Clearing, Flower Essences, and the Art of Sacred Space

• Saturn Remedies–Flower Essences for Overcoming Fear and Worry

Ways to Use Water to Heal Yourself and Others

Red Clover Essence–A Gentle Antidote to Mass Hysteria, by Sheryl Karas

Articles for Professional Astrologers

• English For Astrologers–No Astrologese Please

• Astrologers’ Hang-ups about Money—How they Hurt our Clients

• Awful Things Astrologers Say to Clients

• Real World Astrology—Continuing Ed for Professionals

• Tips for Working with Teenagers’ Charts

• Chart Clues to Marriage—Will You or Won’t You?

• More Insights into Healing Grief and Loss

Working with Difficult Transits in a Client’s Chart:

• Facing the Difficult Potentials of a Transit

• Talking to Clients about Difficult Transits–Readers Have Their Say

• A Promise Fulfilled: When Transits Echo Natal Aspects

• In the Eye of the Storm—How Outer Planet Transits Work

• Why Transits to the Birth Moon are so Challenging

• How Outer Planet Transits to the Moon Affect Family Life

• Transits to the Vocational Houses–Temp Job or Career Departure?

• Catastrophobia: What Causes it and How to Heal it

• What to Tell Astrology Clients about Pluto in Capricorn

• Pluto Problems Got You Perplexed? Here’s What Helps!

• Pluto-Saturn Preparedness 2: Best Case/Worst Case Scenarios

• See a series of 25 articles here: A Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit

 Common Concerns of Practicing Astrologers:

• Neptune and the Cosmic Soup–How Psychic Contagion Depletes Us

• Shields Up! Fight Second-hand Fear and Despair!

• Space Clearing, Flower Essences, and the Art of Sacred Space

• Boundaries 201–Ten More Tips for Neptunians

• Living Off the Books—an 8th House Quicksand

• Healing Tools For Plutonians: Transforming The Self And Others

• How to Make Sure a Birth Chart is Accurate

 Tips about Promoting Yourself:

• Free Advertising—How to Create Email Signatures

• What Website Visitors Need to Know First

• How to Add Impact to Your Site with Pictures

• Tips for Bloggers 1—Retooling your Astrology Posts to Keep them Fresh

• Testimonials that Work: Promote Yourself with Integrity, Credibility—and Class!

• Want to Speak at UAC 2012? Get Moving on It Now!

If you’re a professional astrologer or studying to become one, I haven’t run out of things to say by a long sight! The book I’m proudest of is Counseling Principles for Astrologers:  Becoming an Effective Change Agent, a text for the consulting astrologer. It takes my background of a Master’s degree in Social Work and translates it to the framework of the astrology session.  There are chapters on:

• how begin, focus, and end a session effectively

• communicating clearly and initiating a dialogue

• vocational astrology sessions

• working with the charts of children and teens

• ethical issues that arise in the course of a session

• referring clients to other professionals for further work

• building a practice

Add this book to your professional library for $15 at Moon Maven Publications.   

Ending with a Laugh or two: Clients Say the Darndest Things! The Astrologer with a Magic Lamp.


Strictly for Fun

Celebrity Charts:

• Depp’s Darker Roles—Where Do They Show in his Chart?

• Bruce Willis–the Man Who Has Everything Now Has a Second Wife

• Craig Ferguson Marries a Cunningham!

• Clowning Around with Chiron, Robin Williams, and an Eclipse

• Morgan Freeman and Nelson Mandela—Are their Charts Alike?

• 12 Famous People with 12th House Suns

• Things You May Not Know about the 3rd and 12th Houses

• Venus-Uranus Aspects among the Glitterati

• Betty White—the Very Essence of Uranus in Pisces

• Celebrating the Last–and Future–Uranus in Pisces Generation

Links to Sites featured as Internet Find of the Week:

• Internet Find of the Week—Research into Affirmations, Jealousy, and other Psychological Issues

• Internet Find of the Week: New Resources for Healing Grief and Loss 

• Back to School Time for Astrology Lovers– Internet Find of the Week

• The Planet ahead of your Sun—and What It Says about You

• Internet Find of the Week—the Arabian Parts Calculator

• Spend Time on Memory Lane—Visit the Astrologers’ Memorial

• Secret Moon Art–Jude Cowell’s Visionary Work

• 5 Funny Astrology Blogs to Visit

• The Cosmic Piñata #2: Treats from other Astrology Blogs

• A Multimedia Zodiac—Look, Listen and Enjoy!

• Hear Donna Cunningham on Web Radio 

• How to Add Impact to Your Site with Pictures

Other Editions of the Cosmic Piñata Column:

The Cosmic Piñata, Part 1 — Saturn Transits and Insights into the Houses

The Cosmic Piñata #2: Treats from other Astrology Blogs

Cosmic Piñata #3: A Plutonian Potpourri

Cosmic Piñata #4: Astrological Oddities—or Not?

Cosmic Piñata #5—Mercurial Morsels

Cosmic Piñata #6—a Moon Miscellany

Humor Posts:

Clients Say the Darndest Things!

Spotlight on Leo—a Tale of three Queens

The Astrologer with a Magic Lamp

And You Thought Pluto Wasn’t Funny!

Put Yourself in Scorpio’s Shoes

What’s So Rare as a Day in June? You tell me!

Funny Quotes and Cartoons about Uranus, Venus, & Mercury

The Law of Progressive Annoyance—Mars or Jupiter?

Hyperactive Jupiter Syndrome—The Down Side of an Upbeat Planet

Chiron: Send in the (Wounded) Clowns

Mayan Calendar Jokes: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the End of the World

10 Impossible Things—Do You Believe?

Beam Me Up? I don’t THINK so!!

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