37719000001400175889000-40957530480000THE ASTROLOGER 4 .COMQUESTION 1. The answers are shown at the bottom of the essential curriculum books list.Under the MEMBERSHIP CONTENT title is the 3 main zodiacs - so important to everyday life in ancient Egypt. (A) SPHINX fixed /seasonal zodiac - (B) PYRAMID variable/precessional zodiac- (C) GEO-CENTRIC visual zodiac around the constellational Sun- Number the cycles for each zodiac pattern as either 1-2-3or 4 shown below. A. ------B. --------C. -------. -114300812165001656080812165004226560738505001. Zodiac signs vary from 19 to 45 days within each zodiac year. 2. The zodiac contains 12 signs @ 30 days each - within a complete 25,620 years cycle. 3. There are 12 signs of 30 days each for a Helio-centric system. 4. There is 3 x 30 day signs within 4 cycles - equinoxes / solstices each year. A. B. C.QUESTION 2,3,4,5. In the BOOK REVIEWS file within the Membership Content Section is the three best essential curriculum zodiac books - on the market today. (A) Numerology and the Divine Triangle (B) The Lost Zodiac and- (C) Mythic Astrology. 2. Which book title contains the grand, archetypal zodiac model? (A)-------- (B) ----------(C) ------------. 3. Name the title that details the 78 Tarot ORACLE archetypes along with the personal destiny and soul purpose - a complete guide. (A) ----- (B) -----(C) ------. 4. The Sphinx, Pyramid & Geo-centric models are based on characteristics of Gods. (A) --- (B) ---(C) --. 5. Zodiac patterns align with the appropriate 22 Hebrew letters beginning with ‘Aleph & Uranus’ - a comphrensive model described in the books by the author T.CURTISS. (A)------ (B) ------(C) -----.INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF LARNSTE BRIEFAKASHIC READING - preferable - please send a recent photo and tell me a little about yourself. Essential - exact time and date of birth along with the geographic location. - City or town. Personal astrology readings cost $250 with access to the Order’s web sites - transcendental literature and related spiritual videos.147256577216000EARN EXTRA INCOME - AS AN ASTROLOGER - readers- will be required to assist with personal charts with the aim to read the Akashic Record: relevant for intra-galactic spawned entities and inter- galactic star seeds etc. An additional donation of $250 is required for each of the two enlightening-self empowerment stages. Kauai Hawaii Hindu Monastery: Lemurian ScrollsThe following list of books is a recommended and provides a balanced read- across many related subjects - on behalf of the Temple Masters.center2222500THE SACRED TEMPLE OF URESSENTIAL CURRICULUM BOOKS AS LISTED BELOWEmail contact -orderlarnste@right33305750010477528257500SHAMANS, ANIMALS AND STAR PEOPLE A NEW GUINEA FAITHAppearing in diverse and only partly interacting discourses, the Mudmen function as a local commodity-cum-marker-of-identity, as a symbol of Papua New Guinea national culture, and as a sign of primitiveness in western (commercial) discourses on self and other. 15240008509000ASARO MUDMEN - Virginia Woolf Photography | Xhosa | Pinterest ... (PDF) The Asaro Mudmen: Local Property, Public Culture? Available from: [accessed Aug 23 2018].I asked where we were and was told this was a galactic council located in the Alpha Centauri star system.168592517970500Shamans, Animals and Star People - Page 94 - Google Books ResultREFERENCE/COURTESY - William Murphy - 2015 - ?ReligionHE-SHOU-WU1362075000Drawings depict imaginary plants, supposedly growing on the island of Atlantis, that whimsically resemble insects, birds, and animals.1732280939800015716255270500Amarant -the Flora and Fauna of Atlantis by una Woodruff - AbeBook167195520193000The whole of Catherine Tennant's 'The Lost Zodiac: 22 Ancient star signs Rediscovered' is now on line for the first time at her new website, Interactive Stars, where you can read about your other Star Sign in depth. To find out more click this link here - you ever read a description of your zodiac sign and thought that's nothing like me? Or have you wondered why, of all the constellations in the sky, we only use 12? Catherine Tennant has rediscovered the 22 stars (which complement the existing zodiac star signs we use), which were known to the ancients over 2000 years ago, and which more accurately describe us. This kit contains a list of them and their dates, an astronomical description of each one, the myths and legends relating to each star and its constellation, a description of those born under each star as well as an explanatory introduction and a short piece on the historical background to this system.LOST ZODIAC OF THE BABYLONIAN KINGScenter43815000At last a truly comprehensive and authoritative text on numerology! Part I is a complete introduction to esoteric numerology. Covers Life lesson, Soul number, Outer Personality, Destiny Number.This is the best numerology book I have ever read. It is synchronized with the Tarot, and the Kabbalah, and astrology, lots of symbolic meaning. I call it my Numerology Bible. I have been using it for 20 years! And have never seen a book that compares to it.Part II includes extensive delineations of each of the numbers 1 to 78 and, for the first time in book form, a synthesis of numerology, astrology and the Tarot. Each number is explained as personal number vibrations, as a temporary number vibration, in terms of its astrological correspondence and in terms of its Tarot symbolism. Each of the Tarot cards is...center1968500WORKING DIRECTLY WITH THEOSOPHICAL MASTERS132080000right0001790700171577000Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree is a study of human beings as seen by contemporary Kabbalists. After a brief exposition of the Tree of Life, the mystical tool of Kabbalah, the author sets out in modern terms how eternal principles operate throughout the four Worlds present in a human being. Beginning with the body, the process and laws of biology are related Kabbalistically, so that students can see the connection between body and psyche. This is followed by a detailed study of the anatomy of the psyche, the ancient and modern approaches to which prepare the reader for an examination of the Soul. The latter part of the book is concerned with the awakening of the Soul and its growing consciousness of the upper Kabbalistic Worlds of Creation and Emanation. The conclusion describes human progress into the realm of the Spirit of the Presence of the Divine.Z'ev ben Shimon HaleviThe Teachings of the Order of Christian Mystics Explain the Mysteries of Life and Renews Faith through Knowledge. This work is not only the most comprehensive and authoritative book on the significance and spiritual interpretation of numbers and symbols, but its 40 chapters contain more new, reliable and spiritually helpful information on numbers, letters, the Tarot Cards, the circle, triangle, square, pentacle, Seal of Solomon, the Commandments, including the esoteric interpretation of many Bible and classic myths heretofore little understood, also Masonic symbols, the Trinity, the Elohim, angels, mythology, evolution, cycles, initiations, etc., than many separate books on those subjects.center1079500Shows that all personal experiences are expressions of the one Great Law manifesting according to mathematical principles, demonstrating that the unfoldment of the godlike possibilities inherent in each Soul follows, step by step, the same order of events that is followed in the Cosmos.The Teachings of the Order of Christian Mystics Satisfy Both Head and Heart and have Remodelled Men’s Lives. This volume presents three revelations of supreme importance, concerning the origin of the Zodiac, the Labours of Hercules, and the relation of the Sun Myth to the Christian religion. Why is the Zodiac divided into 12 signs and not some other number? Why should there be only four elements, earth, air, fire, water?center-254000Nowhere in all literature can the interpretation of the 12 Labours of Hercules be found. In this volume the authors not only give the interpretation, but connect each labour with its proper zodiacal sign. This one feature might well form a valuable book in itself. The Universal Sun Myth has been the basis of the life-narrative of every Sun God or spiritual Light Bearer sent to humanity. This volume shows that this is more than a myth and why it is a spiritual reality. These chapters are a direct challenge to the so-called "higher critics" of the Bible and a complete refutation of their chief claims against the Bible story. Of great importance to all students of comparative religion, to ministers and to Bible students generally. These are only a few of the many revelations of this truly wonderful volume.6762758572500379857010160001651043053000THE ALEPH KEYThe Kabbalah Unveiled: IntroductionSacred TextsPROPER ZODIAC and PLANETARY ASSOCIATIONS1579880000WHAT IS TRANSFERENCE?Understanding transference in psychology can be a difficult concept to grasp. However, with a common-sense explanation, it can be understood. In psychology, transference is described as a situation that occurs when an individual's emotions and expectations toward one person are usually unconsciously redirected toward another person.center889000An account of Jung's handling of the transference between psychologist and patient in the light of his conception of the archetypes. Based on the symbolic illustrations in a sixteenth century alchemical text.THE ARCHETYPAL WORLD IN DETAIL129540011000SEPARATION OF THE ELEMENTScenter27114500Highly innovative work presenting a piercing interpretation of the tarot in terms of Jungian psychology. Through analogy with the humanities, mythology and the graphic arts, the significance of the cards is related to personal growth and individuation. The major arcana becomes a map of life, and the hero's journey becomes something that each individual can relate to the symbolism of the cards and therefore to the personal life.ACCESSING FORMER DOMINIONScenter30900Enter a new dimension of spiritual self-discovery when you probe the mythic archetypes represented in your astrological birth chart. Myth has always been closely linked with astrology. Experience these myths and gain a deeper perspective on your eternal self.center698500Mythic Astrology: Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope Paperback – 1998By Ariel Guttman; Kenneth Johnson (Author)Learn how the characteristics of the gods developed into the meanings associated with particular planets and signs. Look deeply into your own personal myths, and enjoy a living connection to the world of the deities within you. When you finally stand in the presence of an important archetype (through the techniques of dream work, symbolic amplification, or active imagination described in the book), the god or goddess will have something to tell you.INTERGRATION OF THE SHADOW2132330000First published in 1986, The Mythic Tarot is now established as a classic deck. Its beautiful cards depict the archetypal characters and life experiences of Greek mythology. Retold here in concise and accessible form by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke, these dramatic and exciting tales reveal profound truths that are reflected in every facet of our lives today.Presented now in a distinctive new pack design, The Mythic Tarot is the complete package for both beginners and more experienced readers alike. It contains a 224 page illustrated guidebook, a full deck of 78 cards with stunning art by Tricia Newell and a cloth that can be used for card layouts and to keep the deck wrapped safely when the cards are not in use.2209800000"A legendary work of religious scholarship and art history, available in English for the first time. This extraordinary - and extraordinarily beautiful - volume introduces readers to a compendium of animal symbolism that ranks with the greatest of classical and medieval bestiaries. 17513302349500 (It) was the life's work of the French Catholic scholar Louis Charbonneau-Lessay, who combed the religious traditions of ancient Egypt, classical Greece and Rome, early and medieval Christianity, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and alchemy to research it.DREAM INTERPRETATIONESTABLISHING A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MASTERS6921501143000Djwhal Khul, the Light Master of strength and wisdom-AttunementsTHE MASTER’S MYSTERIES -DWAJ KHUL and ‘JESUS THE SHEPARD’This book, therefore, contains the Fifteen Rules for Magic, and for soul control, based on these words in the Bhagavad-Gita: "Though I am Unborn, the Soul that passes not away, though I am the Lord of Being, yet as Lord over My nature I become manifest, through the magical power of the Soul."990600-190500Through these underlying postulates runs the theme of energy, of the one informing life as a centre of energy, pervading and uniting all within the divine flow. Man is essentially and inherently divine; and the soul, the centre of consciousness, the result of the pervasive union of Spirit with matter, is the means whereby man evolves a consciousness of divinity and unity, redeems the gross matter of his vehicles and liberates the pure flame of life energy from the limitation of form. The soul is the vital link, therefore, between God and man.NOTEScenter20955000A vibrant and inspiring journey to the heart of the rich and magical realm of archetypal Buddhist figures.Meeting the Buddhas: A Guide to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric Deities Paperback – August 1, 2004…….By Vessantara (Tony McMahon) (Author)A vivid and inspiring journey to the heart of the rich and magical realm of Buddhist visualisation and devotional practices. In this informed account we are introduced to the main Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric deities we are likely to meet in that miraculous realm. A unique resource.center1079500RECONSTRUCTION OF THE REFUGE TREE. 2014 Reprint of 1932 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. Not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. "The Secret of the Golden Flower" is a Chinese Taoist book about meditation, first was translated by Richard Wilhelm, a friend of Carl Jung. Jung wrote a forward and an appendix for the book. 12084051016000The meditation technique described in the book is a straightforward, silent method; the book's description of meditation has been characterized as 'Zen with details'.The meditation technique, set forth in poetic language, reduces to a formula of sitting, breathing and contemplating. Sitting primarily relates to a straight posture. Breathing is described in detail, primarily in terms of the esoteric physiology of the path of "qi" (also known as "chi" or "ki"), or breath energy. The energy path associated with breathing has been described as similar to an internal wheel vertically aligned with the spine. When breathing is steady, the wheel turns forward, with breath energy rising in back and descending in front.ANSWERS1. Number the cycles for each zodiac pattern as either 1-2-3-4 shown below. A. --4-- B. ---2-- C. --1--. 2. Which book title contains the grand, archetypal zodiac model? (A)-------- (B) ----------(C) ------------.3. Name the title that details the 78 Tarot ORACLE archetypes along with the personal destiny and soul purpose - a complete guide. (A) ----- (B) -----(C) ------. 4. The Sphinx, Pyramid & Geo-centric models are based on characteristics of Gods. (A) --- (B) ---(C) --. 5. Zodiac patterns align with the appropriate Hebrew letters beginning with ‘Aleph & Uranus’ - a comphrensive model described in the books by the author T.CURTISS. (A)------ (B) ------(C) -----.NOTES ................

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