Satan's Seat in Berlin - Clover Sites

Satan's Seat in Berlin

Political and Religious Babylon

In 1898 the Germans took two significant things from Babylon and Turkey. The Seat of Satan mentioned in Revelation 2, from Pergamon in Turkey, and the Ishtar (GateMain Gate and one of eight gates from Babylon). In 1913 the reconstruction of the Seat of Satan was completed in Berlin and was followed by a tremendous opening ceremony of dedication. Within one year Germany was at war. Prior to WWII, Hitler built a model of the altar of the Seat of Satan in Nuremberg from which he made some of his famous speeches, including the one declaring extermination of the Jews.

Hitler envisioned himself as the Ceasar of the Roman Empire. The third reich

What Hitler tried and failed the Anti-Christ will accomplish.

The gigantic 'Altar of Pergamon' dominates Germany's Pergamon Museum in former East Berlin. Originally sited in Asia Minor, the Temple at Pergamon with its altar was the center of Emperor worship; the price of refusal to acknowledge the Emperor as God - ritual murder on the altar!

Revelation 2:13 calls it 'Satan's Seat' or 'the Throne of Satan', You can clearly see the images of the dragon god, lovingly restored to its former glory. Why would they bring 2 items like this, which speak of evil and have connections with Satan. Europe is becoming a Godless organization whose intentions are far from righteous.

Rev. 2:13, 14

I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel,( to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. (Fellowwhip with false religions)

Pergamom Museum in Berlin Germany


The front of the Pergamon Altar, as it is reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. (371 feet) long)


Click on You Tube below to see Video of Satan’s Seat inside Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany


Original Site of Seat of Satan

In Pergamon (Pergamas) Turkey


Seven Churches of Asia Rev:2and3

The altar appears to be mentioned in the Book of Revelation, Revelation 2:12-13: "In Pergamos where Satan's Throne is".

Pergamum or Pergamos was the capital city of the province of Asia mentioned in Revelation as one of the seven churches of Asia. It was a celebrated city of Mysia in the Caicus valley, 15 miles from the Aegean Sea about 60 miles north of Smyrna. The river Selinus flowed through it and the river Caicus ran just south of it. Founded by Philelaerus, the lieutenant of King Lysimachus during his wars with Seleucus, it is now modern Berghama.

Pergamon Altar Replica in Nuremberg, Germany

Zeppelin Field


Hitler’s Speaker Platform at Zeppelin Field as it is Today


United States Army Standing Zeppelin Field in World War 11


Hitler’s Rally at Pergamon Altar Replica in Nuremberg, Germany


International Criminal Court In Europe

This is the International Court where I was taken by the angel of the Lord on May, 26 1981 and I saw the pastor from the United States on trial for preaching the bible.

The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt)[1] was established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression ) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural,( religious), gender



Hitler was envolved with the Roman Church, and the Anti-Christ will be envolved with many Christian organizations and with false religions

Hitler and Roman Church Together





Number Americans Killed In World War 11 Fighting Against Hitler

Killed 408,306

Wounded In Action 671,485

This is nothing in comparison to the the Coming leader of Europe

Ishtar Gate

Images of the Dragon god, lovingly restored to its former glory

Originally the gate, as part of the Walls of Babylon, was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the world until, in the 6th century AD, it was replaced with the Lighthouse of Alexandria. It stands 47 feet high and 100 feet wide.

The Ishtar Gate is now in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin with Satan’s Seat


Rev. Ch. 12

Great Red Dragon

The Ishtar Gate was the gateway to go to the Temple of Istar. When the Jews went into captivity in Babylon they passed through this gate. The gate had pictures of 337 demons, the Babylonian snake-gods. 337 in Hebrew numerology means "Hell." Therefore, the Jews called this gate the "Gateway to Hell." The Germans took this gate from Babylon and rebuilt it in Berlin where it can be seen today.

There was considerable activity by German archaeologists during and after World War I. However, this activity was more of a nature of archaeological pillage, and certainly not reconstruction. The top 100 feet of the Ishtar Gate at Babylon was removed brick-by-brick and reassembled at the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. After the Germans, the French and English pillaged the ruins of Babylon under the sand. Many of the Babylonian artifacts are piled in the basement of the British Museum in London where there is so much junk from around the world that it Pergamon Alta

Red Dragon


King of God’s In Babylon

European Union The New Babylon

The Seventh Kingdom

Political Babylon


Religious (Mystery) Babylon

Nimrod’s Name (Means let us Revolt)



[pic] The inside has seats like seats in space ship

European Union Stamp

As Nimrod, Trying To Go To Heaven Without God


Flag of European Union 12 Stars of Sun Clothed Woman



The man who designed it was inspired by the 12 stars that in Catholic tradition halo the head of Mary. He still hopes she will be incorporated into the design. So the actual flag is of the `Queen of Heaven' as the Queen of Europe, at the very center of the EU. After some complaints it was withdrawn. In December 2000 the new EU Parliament building in Strasbourg in France was completed.


Old And New Babylon

There are two parliament buildings for Europe, one in Strasbourg, France, and the other in Brussels in Belgium - both contain murals depicting this woman. And outside the Council of Europe Building in Brussels is a crude sculpture of this evil, scarlet woman, riding the evil beast. Is she the woman referred to in Revelation 17.

Parliament Building As It Now Appears


E U Headquarters Brussels Belgium


Woman Riding The Beast At Brussels Headquarters of EU


European Union Stamp


European Union Coins


Woman With Cup in Her Hand


LEO XII  P. (ontifex) M. (aximus) ANNO II


Political and Religious Babylon in the Tribulation Period


Picture by Pat Marvenko Smith


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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