Georgia Department of Education
End-of-Pathway Assessment (EOPA) Special Accommodations
Referenced by: Participating Testing Agencies
|Testing Agency |Accommodations |Steps to Take to Receive Accommodations |Testing Agency Contact |
|American Assn. of Family & |Accommodations/modifications that are documented through |When the test site (school) submits the Test Site Agreement to be |Lori Myers |
|Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) |individualized education plans –IEPs (or other similar |approved as a test site, the Test Site Administrator is signing and |lmyers@ |
|Pre-Professional Assessment |documentation) within the school are allowed on the |indicating that they will abide by any documented IEP | |
|and Certification (Pre-PAC) |credentialing exam. |modification/accommodations. Thus, the administrator is taking | |
|program |Assessments are administered online. Any accommodations/ |responsibility for ensuring that those modifications are provided and| |
| |modifications documented at the school are allowed as long|do fit within the testing parameters. There is no separate | |
| |as they fit the scope of an online exam and do not breach |notification needed. | |
| |the security of the exam. Our assessments are not timed; | | |
| |thus, extended testing time is available. The | | |
| |screen/display size can be modified to accommodate the | | |
| |large print. Regarding the breaks, it is important to | | |
| |know that if the assessment sits idle for 15 minutes or | | |
| |more, it will automatically log off. The exams must be | | |
| |proctored by test site employees so if there is a need for| | |
| |a reader to read the items, the reader would need to have | | |
| |the same criteria as the proctor (these guidelines are | | |
| |posted on our website.) | | |
|NOCTI |It is important to use Individualized Education Plans |The coordinator guide is available to all NOCTI customers and is |Heidi Speese |
| |(IEPs) as guidelines when determining necessary |posted at their Client Services Center, a password protected site for|heidi.speese@ |
| |accommodations for NOCTI assessments. NOCTI offers the |managing their NOCTI testing programs |1-800-334-6283 |
| |following accommodations: Text-to-speech delivery option | | |
| |provides a test taker with the ability to view questions | | |
| |and answer choices in a larger font and to hear the | | |
| |questions and answer choices via a computerized voice that| | |
| |speaks the questions and the answer choices. A reader may| | |
| |be used to read and clarify, as appropriate, all sections | | |
| |of the assessment to participants who have been identified| | |
| |as needing this accommodation. If a participant’s | | |
| |disability requires a large print version of the | | |
| |assessment, the request must be made on the order | | |
| |submitted to NOCTI well in advance of the assessment date | | |
| |(at least four weeks). | | |
| |Time extensions may be granted to participants whose | | |
| |disability makes completion of the assessment within | | |
| |prescribed time limits unreasonable. Time extensions for | | |
| |online test administrations must be requested in writing | | |
| |(email is acceptable) at least three business days in | | |
| |advance of the test administration date. | | |
|Skills USA Work Force Ready |Testing agency provides the capability of turning on sound|There is no process to apply for accommodations since the school |Patty Duncan |
|System |to accommodate the student who learns by auditory as well |manages that part. The school needs to place the order in sufficient |Direct: (703) 737-0633 |
| |as visual. All other accommodations are up to the schools’|time for them to configure their computers for sound if that is |pduncan@ |
| |discretion. |needed. Agency requires a 72 business hour turn-around from the time |Once the order is placed both the designated |
| |It typically takes an average of an hour to complete (50 |the order is placed before the test is ready to access. An e-mail |proctor & instructor on the order will receive an |
| |questions per test). Tests are all on-line so large print |will be sent to the designated proctor & instructor once the access |e-mail with instructions to access the on-line test|
| |or test booklets are not offered at this time. Schools may|is available. |as well as support phone numbers and other methods |
| |test in any size group. The student may take breaks; | |of help. The instructors will also receive |
| |however, the test must be completed in one setting. Once | |references on the SkillsUSA web site providing |
| |the student exits the test (logs-out, shuts computer down,| |instructions on requesting sound for IEP students |
| |clicks the submit & exit button on the test), the system | |requiring this accommodation. |
| |will not allow the student to log back on for a 2nd | | |
| |attempt. If there are special circumstances where the | | |
| |student has logged out and needs a 2nd access the proctor | | |
| |may call SkillsUSA to have the access re-set. | | |
|National Registry of | |Candidate needs to apply for accommodations at the following site |Jean Davidson handles ADA requests |
|Emergency Medical Technicians| |nremt/about/policy_accommodations.asp |jeandavidson@ |
|(NREMT) | |All requests are handled individually after candidate applies for |(614) 888-4484 x 116 |
|First Responder Certification| |accommodations. | |
|Georgia State Board of | |Complete application at the following link at least forty (40) days |1-866-888-1176 |
|Cosmetology | |prior to examination. | |
|Licensed Master Cosmetologist| | |
| | |Accommodation%20Guidelines.pdf | |
|Prometric |Additional Testing Time, or a Reader and/or Recorder for | |Regina Y. Royster |
| |sight impaired candidates. Agency may also grant |Requests for Special Accommodations must be reasonable, approved |Candidate Care Specialist Prometric |
| |permission to bring special items into the testing room |based upon appropriate documentation, and arranged for prior to |1501 South Clinton Street |
| |for medical purposes (i.e. food, drink, medication, |scheduled examination. |Baltimore, MD 21224 USA |
| |devices that make sounds, etc.). |For candidates requiring special accommodations, please call us so |800 853 6769 TOLL FREE |
| | |that we can discuss your request for a special accommodation and/or |800-853 6781 FAX |
| | |schedule your examination. |IT Examinations: |
| | |ADA Accommodations Request Packet: |1-800-443-1684 |
| | | Licensures: 1-888-226-9406 |
| | |fuwcofsgg6wv4urowwlr2z5hqo7f65lxtrkznyb45t4ezfhomofl3nid/ADAApplicati|All Other Examinations: |
| | |on20091215.pdf |1-800-967-1139 |
|National Healthcareer |Each student will be assessed on a case by case analysis. |Email Nic Hestand and request the “NHA Request for Accommodations” |Name: Lyndsey Hall (NHA Initial Contact Person) |
|Association | |form. Must submit all required documentations as indicated. This |Title: CTE Certification Director |
| | |process can take up to 4 weeks to complete so get it in no later than|Telephone Number: |
| | |4 weeks prior to testing. |1-913-661-6525 |
| | | |Email Address: lyndsey.hall@ |
| | | | |
| | | |Name: Pat Dougherty |
| | | |Title: Senior Healthcare Education Consultant |
| | | |Telephone: 913-661-6453 |
| | | |Email Address: patrick.dougherty@ |
|Certiport |Accommodating examinees with disabilities may include |Complete the Exam Accommodation Authorization Form at |Wes Madrid |
| |providing extended testing time, a separate testing room, |, |Territory Manager |
| |or larger testing area, or a test assistant. A test |obtain the necessary endorsements from a qualified expert, and submit|Office: 801.772 |
| |assistant may be a reader or a surrogate. Accommodations |the documentation to Certiport. |3254 |
| |requiring a separate testing room, larger testing area, a |Also, read the Accommodations of Disability page at |Mobile: 801.550.9032 |
| |reader or a surrogate require the examinee to schedule in |: 801.492.4118 |
| |advance as well as present the Center with Certiport’s |library/Disabilities.htm |wmadrid@ |
| |written approval. |Examinees approved by Certiport must notify the Certiport Center of | |
| | |the disability accommodation when scheduling the exam. | |
| | | |
| | |library/Disabilities.htm | |
|NATEF |Students with special needs (i.e. students with Individual|Agency does not require the school to apply for accommodations, nor |Wanda Bloomer |
| |Education Plans) may receive reasonable accommodations, as|does it require copies of IEPs. |Special Projects Coordinator |
| |defined by the school, for their special needs provided | |NATEF |
| |that those accommodations do not compromise test | |101 Blue Seal Dr., #101 |
| |integrity. ASE considers each school participating in the| |Leesburg, VA 20175 |
| |NA3SA tests to be an active partner in the test delivery | |Direct: 703-669-6642 |
| |process. As such, ASE expects all school staff involved in| |Fax: 703-669-6125 |
| |the testing program to exercise a good and reasonable | |wbloomer@ |
| |effort to maintain the integrity of the testing program. | | |
|American Design Drafter |For the extra time, the individual teachers determine the |Special accommodations can be requested on the Examination |Pennie King |
|Association (ADDA) |time since they are more familiar with the student’s |Application. The type of accommodations needed should also be |Programs Manager ADDA International |
| |needs. Large print books are not available but an extra |indicated on the Examination Application also. |105 East Main Street Newbern, TN 38059 |
| |exam can be sent for someone to read the questions for the| |Telephone 731-627-0802 Fax 731-627-9321 |
| |student. ADDA will try to work with any instructor to | |email: pking@ website: |
| |help meet the individual students’ needs. Each student | | |
| |will receive a review guide on CD but can be printed off | | |
| |at the discretion of the instructor. | | |
|Pearson Vue | |Email Peggy.Wanner@ and request the IT Accommodation |Peggy Wanner |
| | |Request Form. Once forms are completed they may be returned via fax |Peggy.Wanner@ |
| | |to 610-617-9397 or by email to pvacctest@. Once the IT | |
| | |forms are approved they are valid for 18 months. The candidate can | |
| | |take as many IT exams as needed during that time frame. In order to | |
| | |receive the approved accommodations, the Accommodations Dept. must be| |
| | |contacted to schedule an exam, as applying accommodations to an exam | |
| | |is a manual process. If an exam is scheduled on line or through the | |
| | |call center the exam will not have the approved accommodations. Page| |
| | |one needs to be completed by the candidate and page two needs to be | |
| | |completed by a licensed professional. If Double Time, Reader and/or | |
| | |a Recorder is requested then additional documentation must be | |
| | |supplied by the licensed professional who signed and dated page two | |
| | |indicating what the ADA condition is. | |
|Prometric for: |Dispensed by Prometric: | |IT Examinations: |
|Sun Microsystems |Additional Testing Time, or a Reader and/or Recorder for |Requests for Special Accommodations must be reasonable, approved |1-800-443-1684 |
| |sight impaired candidates. Agency may also grant |based upon appropriate documentation, and arranged for prior to |State Licensures: 1-888-226-9406 |
| |permission to bring special items into the testing room |scheduled examination. |All Other Examinations: |
| |for medical purposes (i.e. food, drink, medication, |For candidates requiring Special Accommodations, please call us in |1-800-967-1139 |
| |devices that make sounds, etc.). |advance to discuss requests for special accommodations and/or | |
| | |schedule examinations. | |
| | | | |
|Oklahoma Career Tech Testing |The test is not timed; therefore, additional time |Accommodations that are allowed on the student's IEP are also allowed|Jennifer Nuttle jnutt@ |
|& Multi-State Academic & |requested is not typically a problem. The only |and do not require special approval or application process to | |
|Vocational Curriculum |consideration is network security: your school's network |implement. | |
|Consortia (MAVCC) |must allow an "open" and inactive internet connection for | | |
| |the duration of the test. The test may be read to | | |
| |students. Frequent breaks and small groups are allowed as| | |
| |long as provisions are in place to ensure test security is| | |
| |not compromised (i.e. students are not allowed to visit | | |
| |with other students, students do not have access to | | |
| |curriculum or other resources, etc.). Since the test is | | |
| |available exclusively online and the questions are | | |
| |randomly ordered, there is not a booklet that can be | | |
| |marked. If this situation arises, testing agency will | | |
| |work with site administrators to come up with a workable | | |
| |alternative. | | |
|GA Medical Care Foundation/ |All ADA accommodations, are evaluated on a case by case |Please view the following PDF file on the Pearson VUE website under |Melody C. Suchowicki |
|GA Health Partnership/Nurse |basis for the NNAAP CNA examination (both written and |Georgia nurse aides, located at |Senior Program Manager Health Services |
|Aide Competency Evaluation |skills) in the state of Georgia. |publications/pdf/071121.pdf for additional |Pearson VUE |
|Service (NACES) | |information regarding Special Exam Request and Services for Nurse |3 Bala Plaza West, Suite 300 Bala Cynwyd, PA |
| | |Aide Testing. This document, as well as the candidate handbook, will |19004 |
| | |answer any questions you may have. For additional Information |Office: 610-617-5057 |
| | |regarding all ADA accommodations, see Page 7 in the GA Nurse Aide |Cell: 484-343-2537 |
| | |Handbook located on the PVUE website at the link below: |Fax: 610-617-9304 |
| | |publications/pdf/071100.pdf |Email: Melody.Suchowicki@ |
|ASE/AYES/NATEF/SkillsUSA |Students with special needs (i.e. students with Individual|Testing agency does not require the school to apply for | |
| |Education Plans) may receive reasonable accommodations, as|accommodations, nor does it require copies of IEPs. |Wanda Bloomer |
| |defined by the school, for their special needs provided | |Special Projects Coordinator |
| |that those accommodations do not compromise test | |NATEF |
| |integrity. ASE considers each school participating in the | |101 Blue Seal Dr., #101 |
| |NA3SA tests to be an active partner in the test delivery | |Leesburg, VA 20175 Direct: 703-669-6642|
| |process. As such, ASE expects all school staff involved in| |Fax: 703-669-6125 wbloomer@ |
| |the testing program to exercise a good and reasonable | | |
| |effort to maintain the integrity of the testing program. | | |
|Federal Aviation |Accommodations for those with dyslexia are provided |If you are a dyslexic applicant, you may request approval from the | |
|Administration | |local FSDO or International Field Office (IFO) to take airman | |
| | |knowledge test using one of the three | |
| | |options listed in preferential order: | |
| | |Option 1. Use current testing facilities and procedures whenever | |
| | |possible. | |
| | |Option 2. Use a Franklin Speaking Wordmaster® to facilitate the | |
| | |testing process. The Wordmaster® is a self-contained electronic | |
| | |thesaurus that audibly pronounces typed in words and presents them on| |
| | |a display screen. It has a built-in headphone jack for private | |
| | |listening. The headphone feature must be used during testing to avoid| |
| | |disturbing others. | |
| | |Option 3. Candidate may request a proctor to assist in reading | |
| | |specific words or terms from the test questions and supplement | |
| | |material. In the interest of preventing compromise of the testing | |
| | |process, the proctor must be someone who is non-aviation oriented. | |
| | |The proctor must provide reading assistance only, with no explanation| |
| | |of words or terms. When this option is requested, the FSDO or IFO | |
| | |inspector must contact the Airman Testing Standards Branch (AFS-630) | |
| | |for assistance in selecting the test site and proctor. Prior to | |
| | |approval of any option, the FSDO or IFO inspector must advise | |
| | |candidate of the regulatory certification requirement of being able | |
| | |to read, write, speak, and understand the English language. | |
|CIW (Certified Internet Web |Any CIW exam can be delivered with special accommodations |Standard procedure for CTC Proctors is to submit an "ADA |Lisa Harnish |
|Professionals) Dispensed by |as needed. |Accommodation Request form". This form is made available to CTC |Director of Certification |
|Certiport |Proctors and CTC Administrator(s) can extend a student's |Proctors (upon earning their Proctor status). The form collects basic|CIW/CTP |
| |exam time. All CIW high stakes exams are time limited. The|information and should be submitted 15 days before the first desired |Certification Partners, LLC |
| |amount of time varies per exam. Students with disabilities|testing date. Once submitted, the CTC Administrator(s) will review |1230 W. Washington, Suite 111 |
| |can have additional time to take the exam. Because exams |and approve (or request additional documentation, if necessary). One |Tempe, AZ 85281 |
| |are delivered via a web-based application, font size is |submission of the request applies to all CIW exams (and retakes of |602-794-4156 direct |
| |controlled by the web browser, and can be adjusted for |same exams) that the student may need. All documentation regarding |602-794-4190 fax |
| |vision-impaired students. A reader for students with |ADA requests are kept in strict confidence and security, in order to |lharnish@certification- |
| |cognitive disorders is also fine. Group size of students |protect to the student's privacy. | |
| |taking exams is controlled directly by the proctor as they| | |
| |schedule exams for their students. | | |
|NOCTI for the: |It is important to use Individualized Education Plans |The coordinator guide is available to all NOCTI customers and is |Heidi Speese |
|A*S*K Institute – Assessment |(IEPs) as guidelines when determining necessary |posted at their Client Services Center, a password protected site for|heidi.speese@ |
|of Skills & Knowledge |accommodations for NOCTI assessments. NOCTI offers the |managing their NOCTI testing programs. |800-334-6283 |
| |following accommodations: Text-to-speech delivery option | | |
| |provides a test taker with the ability to view questions | | |
| |and answer choices in a larger font and to hear the | | |
| |questions and answer choices via a computerized voice that| | |
| |speaks the questions and the answer choices. A reader may| | |
| |be used to read and clarify, as appropriate, all sections | | |
| |of the assessment to participants who have been identified| | |
| |as needing this accommodation. If a participant’s | | |
| |disability requires a large print version of the | | |
| |assessment, the request must be made on the order | | |
| |submitted to NOCTI well in advance of the assessment date | | |
| |(at least four weeks). | | |
| |Time extensions may be granted to participants whose | | |
| |disability makes completion of the assessment within | | |
| |prescribed time limits unreasonable. Time extensions for | | |
| |online test administrations must be requested in writing | | |
| |(email is acceptable) at least three business days in | | |
| |advance of the test administration date. | | |
|CISCO Systems |Special accommodations include time extensions to |If a student has a special testing need, they should contact Pearson |Name: Debi Hallman |
| |accommodate learning disabilities or physical challenges. |VUE directly and ask for special accommodations department. |Title: CISCO Academy Support Representative |
| |Students generally receive a time and a half extension. |Candidate must make their requests for accommodations at the time of |Telephone Number: (919) 392-9221 |
| |Vision impaired students who require a reader will have |registration. |Email: dhallman@ |
| |twice the amount of time to complete their exams in a | | |
| |separate room with a reader and recorder. Other requests | |Name: Jessie Pagan |
| |are reviewed on a case by case basis. | |Title: Area Academy Manager |
| | | |Telephone Number: (727) 460-8351 |
| | | |Email: jpagan@ |
|National Institute for |The exams can be administered manually to fit the needs of|There is no application for paper exams. The machining instructor who|For additional information, contact: |
|Metalworking Skills |the student. The testing agency can accommodate the |is registered as the NIMS sponsor or the NIMS proctor at the school |Kristie Doyle, Credentialing Specialist |
| |student with extra time, large print, the exam may be read|can send an email to kdoyle@nims- |703-352-4971 ext. 228 |
| |aloud, and the student may have breaks. |with the student names, the corresponding exam students will take, |Fax: 703-352-4991 |
| | |and the date of exam to ensure a timely arrival. For students with |Email address: |
| | |IEPs, testing agency can send a paper copy to the NIMS registered |kdoyle@nims- |
| | |proctor, not the instructor, prior to the examination. When the | |
| | |student is ready to begin, the proctor will administer the test | |
| | |assisting and accommodating the student as needed. The exam will be | |
| | |mailed via UPS to the proctor. The exam will be sealed in an envelope| |
| | |and should not be opened until the time of the exam. The proctor can | |
| | |accommodate the student as his IEP describes. | |
|National Center for |All accommodations as indicated in student’s IEP. |NCCER does not require any paperwork or request documentation. |Carla Sly |
|Construction Education and | | |Assessment Manager |
|Research (NCCER) | | |(352) 334-0911 x115 |
| | | |csly@ |
| | | | |
|CompTIA |Exams dispensed by Pearson Vue Testing Agency and |Pearson Vue - Email Peggy.Wanner@ and request the IT |home.aspx |
| |Prometric |Accommodation Request Form. Once forms are completed they may be | |
| | |returned via fax to 610-617-9397 or by email to |Pearson Vue |
| | |pvacctest@. Once the IT forms are approved they are valid|Peggy Wanner |
| | |for 18 months. The candidate can take as many IT exams as needed |Peggy.Wanner@ |
| | |during that time frame. In order to receive the approved | |
| | |accommodations, the Accommodations Dept must be contacted to schedule| |
| | |an exam, as applying accommodations to an exam is a manual process. | |
| | |If an exam is scheduled on line or through the call center the exam |Prometric |
| | |will not have the approved accommodations. Page one needs to be |Regina Y. Royster |
| | |completed by the candidate and page two needs to be completed by a |Candidate Care Specialist Prometric |
| | |licensed professional. If Double Time, Reader and/or a Recorder is |1501 South Clinton Street |
| | |requested then additional documentation must be supplied by the |Baltimore, MD 21224 USA |
| | |licensed professional who signed and dated page two indicating what |800 853 6769 TOLL FREE |
| | |the ADA condition is. |800-853 6781 FAX |
| | |Prometric - SA/default1.htm |IT Examinations: |
| | |Requests for Special Accommodations must be reasonable, approved |1-800-443-1684 |
| | |based upon appropriate documentation, and arranged for prior to |State Licensures: 1-888-226-9406 |
| | |scheduled examination. For candidates requiring special |All Other Examinations: |
| | |accommodations, please call in advance to discuss the request and/or |1-800-967-1139 |
| | |to schedule the examination. | |
| | |ADA Accommodations Request Packet: | |
| | | |
| | |fuwcofsgg6wv4urowwlr2z5hqo7f65lxtrkznyb45t4ezfhomofl3nid/ADAApplicati| |
| | |on20091215.pdf | |
|National Center for |The testing agency provides various accommodations based |NCCT provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance|Mercedes Allasriz |
|Competency Testing (NCCT) |on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) where |with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990) for individuals |Mercedes@ |
| |appropriate. Some general accommodations that are |with documented disabilities who request and demonstrate the need for|1-800-875-4404 |
| |provided include: offering extra time; distraction |accommodation on a case by case basis as required by law. NCCT | |
| |reduced settings; written proctoring guidelines (exact |requires documentation to validate that the individual is covered | |
| |script for proctor), large print; and other accommodations|under the ADA as a disabled individual and to allow accommodations to| |
| |based on the IEP. |be specifically matched with the identified functional limitation, in| |
| | |order to provide equal access to test functions for all examinees. | |
| | |Certain job competencies may be considered so essential to the | |
| | |professional practice in the field that some accommodations for | |
| | |eligibility or testing may not be available, as determined by NCCT. | |
| | |Any applicants with an ADA-qualifying disability that would like | |
| | |approval for accommodations during certification testing must send a | |
| | |written request and supporting documentation, along with the NCCT | |
| | |application form, at least 4 weeks before the anticipated test. To | |
| | |see additional details regarding the written request and the | |
| | |requirements for appropriate documentation, go to the following link:| |
| | |documents/Accommodations%20Form.pdf | |
|Working in Support of |This testing agency does provide specific accommodations |Schools wishing to request accommodations from W!SE should contact |For assistance, contact: |
|Education (W!SE) |to students with IEPs. Since exams are not timed, |the agency via email or by phone five working days before the exam is|David Anderson |
| |students are allowed extra time to complete certification |to be dispensed. |danderson@wise- |
| |exam. Readers are allowed. Large print exams are | |(212) 421-2700 |
| |available in paper/pencil format only. A Spanish version | | |
| |of the certification exam is available in paper/pencil | | |
| |format only. The agency will provide a Braille copy of | | |
| |exam to schools that currently have the software available| | |
| |to support Braille. Other accommodations may be available| | |
| |that are not referenced in this text. | | |
|National Bookkeepers |This agency does provide some accommodations to students |Schools wishing to request accommodations from NBA should contact the|For assistance, contact: |
|Association (NBA) |with IEPs. Some accommodations include, but are not |agency via email or by phone five working days before the exam is to |David Bybee |
| |limited to: allowing a reader; giving extra time; and |be dispensed. |david@ |
| |allowing large print. Other accommodations not referenced| |1-866-444-9989 |
| |in this narrative may possibly be available upon request. | | |
|National Restaurant |The NRAEF provides reasonable accommodations to |All Proctors should be notified of any accommodation requests for a |For additional information regarding Special |
|Association (NRA) Solutions |individuals with disabilities following procedures that |special needs examinee at least 10 business days prior to the exam |Accommodations, contact: |
|(ServSafe) |are consistent with the American with Disabilities Act, |date in order to obtain approval from the Association and to prepare |National Restaurant Association (NRA) Solutions |
| |Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures and |for the accommodation. If, at the time of the exam, an examinee |Customer Service: |
| |the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. |requests an accommodation that has not been preapproved by the |1-800-765-2122 ext. 6703 |
| |This includes alternate test formats (e.g., oral instead |Association, the examinee can either postpone the exam to another |Fax: 1-866-665-9570 |
| |of written) and test aids (e.g., readers or large-print |date OR take the exam without the requested accommodation. To |Email: servicecenter@ |
| |booklets). An examinee with limited proficiency in |request exam accommodations: | |
| |English is permitted to hire and pay for a qualified |Go to . Click the Instructors/Proctors | |
| |interpreter to assist the Proctor in administering the |tab and select INSTRUCTOR AND PROCTOR SUPPORT MATERIALS and then Exam| |
| |exam for a language that is not offered. |Forms and Help Documents. | |
| | |Select Request for Exam Accommodation Form to download or print the | |
| | |form. | |
| | |Complete the form then fax to (866-665-9570 or 312-583-9853) or mail | |
| | |it to Service Center. | |
| | |Requests are processed within five business days of receipt. | |
| | |The instructor/proctor will be contacted directly via email (if | |
| | |provided) concerning the outcome of request. | |
|Child Development Associate |Provided accommodations follow procedures that are |Special accommodations must be requested far in advance of the |For additional information regarding Special |
|(CDA) Council |consistent with the American with Disabilities Act. Each |Verification Visit. Such requests must be sent to the Council at the|Accommodations, contact customer services at: |
| |requested accommodation is evaluated on a case by case |following address: Council for Professional Recognition, 2460 16th |Customer Service: |
| |basis. Possible accommodations may include oral exams; |Street NW, Washington DC 20009. Candidates must receive letter of |1-800-424-4310 OR |
| |extended time for written exam; offering Sign Language |official Council approval and specific instructions before submitting|202-265-9090 |
| |Interpretation, etc. |their application for certification. |Email: webmaster@ |
| | | | |
| | | | |
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