North Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association Nurse ...

North Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association

Improving Health Care Through Education and Service

Nurse Practitioner Forum

PO Box 14055, Huntsville, Alabama 35815 nanpa@

Spring 2004

Upcoming Meetings

June 8 Lipid Management sponsored by Pfizer

July 13 HTN sponsored by Reliant

Aug 10 Infectious Disease in Children sponsored by Abbott

Board Members

Cindy Cooke President


Luann Holloway President Elect


Kathryn Teare Vice President


Gary Lawson Past President


Beverly Johnson Treasurer


Dr. Joan Williamson 256-824-6512 Symposium Director

Anna Thors


Secretary/Newsletter Editor


! Full Time position available in pain management. Send resume to: TVPC Attn: Nurse Manager 927 Franklin St. 2nd Floor Huntsville, AL 35801 Fax (265) 256-7017 Email to stacil@.

! Family nurse practitioner-- Muscle Shoals area: Fulltime and/or part-time shifts available for this flexible schedule including 1st and 2nd shifts in this primary/ urgent care setting; bilingual skills helpful; full benefits package. Send CV to Gary Roberson at

(Jobs, Continued on page 2)

Legislative Update

Reimbursement for APN's in Alabama

This is certainly an exciting time for advanced practice nurses. The reimbursement bill for ANP's went to the Senate courtesy of Senator Pat Lindsey. Our bill went to Senator Lindsay's committee, the Committee on Economic Expansion and Trade. We owe Sen. Pat Lindsey a great big thank you for moving this legislation for us. But since there is so much legislation pending in the senate we are not sure we will have enough time to get to the floor and get it passed. I am very pleased with our progress thus far. With an opponent like BCBS, the fact that our bill is still viable at this point shows how far we have come in this state. For the first time, we have nurse practitioner unity across the state. We are also gaining support from nonnursing groups and forming strong alliances. ASNA is supporting our efforts, which is definitely a step forward for all. Our bill has weathered some storms ? some strong efforts to divide and conquer and scatter our efforts. However, the groups are remaining "on message". Kim Adams, our lobbyist, has been putting forth tremendous efforts both in the state house and with the Hospital Association and MASA. At this point, we have continued support from both associations ? thanks to Kim's efforts.

Our challenges ? our legislature is in turmoil. Over 1000 bills have been introduced and not many even addressed. Our state budget is in crisis, etc, etc. This is a great opportunity for all nurses, especially APNs. With our state financial crisis, this is a perfect opportunity for nursing to step up to the plate and fill the medical care void. We provide cost effective, safe care ? we are a major part of the solution to our state's healthcare crisis! Nursing has been proclaiming this message for a long time but now is a time when those in power are eager to HEAR and LISTEN to the message. We are needed now more than ever and our elected officials are recognizing that as fact instead of propaganda. We must take advantage of these opportunities. This takes a lot of unity and EFFORT ? most of us have been fighting these battles for a long time and may even be a little frazzled ? okay, a lot frazzled. We're making progress, we've got to keep it going. Luann Holloway has been in the state house numerous times over the past 20 years, and has never seen a time when the legislators were more willing to hear us out. This is a dramatic change.

Now that we are truly presented with the openings, we have to have clear, concise, evidence based suggestions to offer-- i.e. a plan and agenda. The lawmakers don't want to hear that many warm fuzzy stories---they want facts,

(Update, Continued on page 2)

President's Corner

Greetings NANPA members! This is an exciting time to be a part of Nurse Practitioners in Alabama. We are being taken seriously in the state legislature by working together with other NP groups all over the state. This has taken some Herculean efforts by many to promote the name of NPs and reimbursement issues to our legislators and hopefully the constituents they serve. NPs have been proven to be cost effective and a first line of defense in providing health care. We have known this for a long time. Now others are finally coming to the same realization. Please help out by continuing to email and write your legislators, contributing funds, and getting the message out. We are here to stay!

The American Academy of Nurse Practitioner National conference is in New Orleans in June ? come join the fun, earn CEUs, and network with NPs from across the country. Getting to know folks who have already fought some of these same battles helps tremendously. Also coming up are several opportunities to network with Alabama NPs. Keep your eye out for mailings. Of course there is always the monthly NANPA meetings that offer CEUs, a meal, and networking.

Our nation continues to be at war and many of our Alabama men and women are a part of that effort. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

(Update, Continued from page 1)

methods and possible outcomes. Having our lobbyist is critical to this effort. I am hopeful that she will attend the NANPA symposium. Of course, as we all know, lobbying efforts aren't cheap. We are doing pretty well with our individual contributions, but are only about half-way there. We need $36,000.00 (this covers a one year contract). We have collected $19,000.00 so far, have spent $13.50 on a box of checks and have sent our lobbyist $16,000.00. We are asking, if you can, for each APN to contribute $100.00 toward the efforts. Contributions go to: AAAPN, 906 Cassandra Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802.

It is critical for folks to send their letters to their representatives, and, if they need to know who their representatives are, they can check the Alabama Legislature website, or call Luann Holloway. Please email, call, or write your legislators ASAP! You are a registered voter in their district and think it's critical to our state that HB 482 be supported, that's all you have to say!

In the meantime, be wary of rumors (there have been some real humdingers!) and remember we must stay on message: We are safe, cost effective, and a solution to Alabama's poor access to care and healthcare financial crisis.

(Jobs, Continued from page 1)

gary@; fax 770-924-5925; phone 877-295-8708.

! Pediatric Nurse Practitioner -- Decatur, AL: Thriving Pediatric practice needs a take charge PNP desiring autonomy in patient care; Put your education and experience to use as you work along side and/or separate from the Pediatrician; full benefits with base salary plus incentive. Send CV to Gary Roberson at gary@; fax 770-924-5925; phone 877-295-8708.

NANPA PO Box 14055 Huntsville, AL 35815

Visit us online at

NANPA Membership Form

Name (Print please) ________________________________________________ Credentials __________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________ State ___________ Zip Code ___________ - ________

Home phone (________) _______ - _________ E-mail _________________________________________________

Professional Information/Qualifications: Regular Membership (Circle one): NP

NP Student



Affiliate member: PA MD


Other: Specify______________

Employment/Institution __________________________________________________________________________

Initial membership fees are $20.00. Please email nanpa@ if you have any questions.

Mail form and membership fee to:

NANPA, P.O. Box 14055, Huntsville, AL 35815


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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