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JENNIFER MOREN CROSS4800 Wedgewood Dr.Bellaire, TX 77401(832) 289-2655jmorencross@EMPLOYMENT2016XXXXXXXXX. Department of Sociology, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, AL2007-2008Research Associate, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, AL2005 Instructor of Statistics, Department of Sociology, Duke University; Durham, NC2004-2005 Managing Editor for Reviews, Journal of Health and Social Behavior; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC2000-2001 Registered Nurse, Critical Care Float Pool, University Hospital; Birmingham, AL1999-2000Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, Abbott Laboratories; Houston, TX1997-1999 Registered Nurse, Shock/Trauma Intensive Care, Hermann Hospital; Houston, TXEDUCATION2007Ph.D., Sociology, Duke University2004A.M., Sociology, Duke University2002M.A., Sociology, University of Alabama at Birmingham1997B.S., Nursing, Summa Cum Laude, University of Texas at AustinLICENSURERegistered Nurse, License #1-093647, Alabama Board of NursingAWARDS AND HONORSGraduate2003-2006 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Research Training Grant (T32 AG00139) NIA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Sociology and Center for Demographic Studies, Duke University 2005Vorsanger-Smith Scholar Award, Department of Sociology, Duke University Annual award given to one sociology graduate student for overall excellence, including coursework, examinations, professional presentations, publications and awards, evaluated contributions as teaching and/or research assistants and departmental citizenship ($1,000). 2004ICPSR Longitudinal Methods in Research on Aging Workshop 2004National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) Summer Workshop2003Travel Award Funding, Department of Sociology, Duke University ($800)2003Travel Award Funding, Asian Pacific Studies Institute, Duke University ($1,010)2002-2003Graduate Award Fellowship, Department of Sociology, Duke University 2002“Most Outstanding Graduate Student,” Department of Sociology, University of Alabama at BirminghamUndergraduate1997-1998USA Today All-USA College Academic Second TeamUniversity of Texas at Austin “Most Outstanding Graduating BSN Student”University of Texas Junior FellowUniversity of Texas Nursing Alumni Association ScholarshipEdith Blanche Jennings-Burns, R.N. Endowed Scholarship in NursingNational Student Nurses’ Association Delmar Publishers Scholarship1996-1997University of Texas Cactus Goodfellows AwardUniversity of Texas Junior FellowNational Collegiate Nursing AwardEdith Blanche Jennings-Burns, R.N. Endowed Scholarship in NursingAlma Piner ScholarshipSigma Theta Tau Nursing ScholarshipUniversity of Texas College Scholars1992-1996H.E.B. Grocery Company Scholarship1992-1994Southwest Texas State University Honors ProgramThe National Dean’s ListPUBLICATIONSCross, Jennifer Moren. 2014. “Parenthood and Health.” The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Edited by William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, and Stella Quah. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; Oxford. (Invited contribution.)Drentea, Patricia and Jennifer Moren Cross. 2011. “Online Motherhood: A Community of Mothers Revisited.” Pp. 45-59 in M. Moravec (Ed.) Motherhood Online. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Invited book chapter.) Brady, David, Andrew Fullerton, and Jennifer Moren Cross. 2010. “More Than Just Nickels and Dimes: A Cross-National Analysis of Working Poverty in Affluent Democracies.” Social Problems 57(4):559-585.McGwin, Gerald, Rita Khoury, Jennifer M. Cross, and Cynthia Owsley. 2010. “Vision Impairment and Eye Care Utilization among Americans 50 and Older.” Current Eye Research Jun;35(6)451-8.Brady, David, Andrew Fullerton, and Jennifer Moren Cross. 2009. “Putting Poverty in Political Context: A Multi-Level Analysis of Working-Aged Poverty across 18 Affluent Western Democracies.” Social Forces 88:271-300.Khoury, Rita, Jennifer M. Cross, Christopher A. Girkin, Cynthia Owsley, Gerald McGwin, Jr. 2009. “The Association between Self-Reported Glaucoma and Ginkgo Biloba Use.” Journal of Glaucoma 18(7):543-545.Cross, Jennifer M., Gerald McGwin Jr., GS Rubin, KK Ball, SK West, DL Roenker, and Cynthia Owsley. 2009. “Visual and Medical Risk Factors for Motor Vehicle Collision Involvement among Older Drivers.” British Journal of Ophthalmology 93(3):400-404.Cross, Jennifer Moren, Russell Griffin, Cynthia Owsley, and Gerald McGwin, Jr. 2008. “Pediatric Eye Injuries Related to Consumer Products in the United States, 1997-2006.” Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 12(6):626-628. Cross, Jennifer Moren, Christopher A. Girkin, Cynthia Owsley, and Gerald McGwin, Jr. 2008. “The Association between Thyroid Problems and Glaucoma.” British Journal of Ophthalmology 92(11):1503-1505. Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. and Nan Lin. 2008. “Access to Social Capital and Status Attainment in the United States: Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences.” Pp. 364-379 in N. Lin & B. Erickson (Eds.) Social Capital: Advances in Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Invited book chapter.)Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. and Nan Lin. 2006. “Social Networks and Health.” Pp. 111-126 in R.H. Binstock & L.K. George (Eds.) Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 6th ed. New York: Academic Press. (Invited book chapter.)Moren-Cross, Jennifer L., Darlene R. Wright, Mark LaGory, and Robin Gaines Lanzi. 2006. “Perceived Neighborhood Characteristics and Problem Behavior among Disadvantaged Children.” Child Psychiatry and Human Development 36:273-294.Drentea, Patricia and Jennifer L. Moren-Cross. 2005. “Social Capital and Social Support on the Web: The Case of an Internet Mother Site.” Sociology of Health and Illness 27:920-943.Moren, Jennifer L. 1997. “Medical Costs and Correlates of Gunshot Wounds in Travis County, 1995.” Proceedings for the Eleventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Volume II. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSBrady, David, Andrew Fullerton, and Jennifer Moren Cross. 2009. “More Than Just Nickels and Dimes: A Multi-level Analysis of Working Poverty in 18 Affluent Democracies.” 104th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.Brady, David, Andrew Fullerton, and Jennifer L. Moren-Cross. 2007. “Putting Poverty in Political Context: A Multi-Level Analysis of Working-Aged Poverty across 18 Affluent Western Democracies.” 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association; New York, NY.Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. 2005. “The Effects of Recent and Cumulative Poverty on Adult Depression.” 100th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association; Philadelphia, PA.Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. 2005. “Poverty and Mental Health across the Adult Life Course.” Population Association of America Annual Meeting; Philadelphia PA.Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. 2004. “Life Course Effects of Poverty on Mental Health.” Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting; Washington, D.C.Drentea, Patricia and Jennifer L. Moren-Cross. 2004. “Social Capital and Social Support on the Web: The Case of an Internet Mother Site.” 99th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association; San Francisco, CA.Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. 2003. “Children’s Problem Behavior: A Risk and Asset Factors Approach.” 67th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society; New Orleans, LA.Moren-Cross, Jennifer L. and Nan Lin. 2003. “Social Capital and Status Attainment among Different Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States.” XXIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference; Cancun, Mexico.Moren, Jennifer L. 1997. “Medical Costs and Correlates of Gunshot Wounds in Travis County, 1995.” National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Austin, TX.Moren, Jennifer L. and L. Michele Issel. 1997. “Medical Costs and Correlates of Gunshot Wounds in Travis County, 1995.” National Conference on Nursing Administration; Kansas City, MO.TEACHING EXPERIENCEDuke UniversityFall 2005Teaching Assistant: Basic Demographic Methods; Sociology 215. Professor Kenneth C. Land (graduate course) Summer 2005Instructor: Statistical Methods; Sociology 133/Psychology 117. (undergraduate course)Fall 2002Teaching Assistant: Social Psychology; Sociology 106/Psychology 116.Professor Linda K. George (undergraduate course)University of Alabama at BirminghamSummer 2002Teaching Assistant: Social Statistics; Sociology 310.Professor Sean-Shong Hwang (undergraduate course)Spring 2002Teaching Assistant: Social Statistics; Sociology 310.Professor Ferris Ritchey (undergraduate course)Spring 2002Teaching Assistant: Research Methods; Sociology 300.Professor Sean-Shong Hwang (undergraduate course)Fall 2001Teaching Assistant: Research Methods; Sociology 300.Professor Patricia Drentea (undergraduate course)Fall 2001Teaching Assistant: Data Management and Analysis; Sociology 701.Professor Ferris Ritchey (graduate course)Spring 2001Co-Instructor: Contemporary Social Problems; Sociology 245.(undergraduate course)DEPARTMENTAL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE2005Discussant, Third Annual Honors Workshop, Duke Sociology (invited)2004-2005Representative, Graduate Policy Committee, Duke Sociology (elected)2003-2005“Demography, Life Course, and Aging Workshop” Coordinator for Dr. Ken Land2004Discussant, Second Annual Honors Workshop, Duke Sociology (invited)2003-2004Graduate Student Representative to the Faculty, Duke Sociology (elected)2002-2003Prospective Student Coordinator, Duke Sociology (elected)Graduate Student Representative to the Faculty, Duke Sociology (elected)1997University of Texas Cabinet of College Councils (elected)1996-1997U.T. Nursing Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, student rep (elected)U.T. Nursing Teaching Excellence Teaching Awards Committee (elected)Gamma Beta Phi Society Scholarship Selection CommitteeU.T. Nursing Peer MentorU.T. Nursing Tutor1994-1995U.T. Nursing Students Helping Nursing Educators (S.H.I.N.E.) programDISCIPLINARY MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICEManuscript Referee for American Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Research on Aging, Social Biology, The Sociological QuarterlyInducted: Alpha Kappa Delta (2001), University of Texas Mortar Board (1997) Phi Kappa Phi (1997), Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Theta Chapter (1997), Gamma Beta Phi Society (1996), Golden Key National Honor Society (1996)2006-2007Graduate Student Representative, Nominations Committee, Medical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association (elected)2005Presider, Session on “Researching Motherhood,” 68th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society; Charlotte, NC2004-2005ICPSR User Advisory Group1997President, University of Texas Nursing Students’ Association (elected)1996-19972nd Vice President, U.T. Nursing Students’ Association (elected)Delegate, National Student Nurses’ Association Convention (elected)Fundraising Co-Chairperson, U.T. Nursing Students’ Association (elected)Project InTouch Recruiter, National Student Nurses’ AssociationADDITIONAL EDUCATION2007International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region Seminar; Atlanta, GA“Advances in Latent Variable Mixture Modeling Using Mplus”2005ASA Methodological Seminar“Counterfactual Causal Modeling”2004Pathways to the Professoriate: Developing Teaching Skills of Graduate StudentsSix-week pedagogical course offered by the Graduate School, Duke University2004Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR): Summer Program in Quantitative Methods“Introduction to Multilevel Models Using SAS”“Latent Trajectory/Growth Curve Analysis: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”“Longitudinal Methods in Research on Aging”2003The Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Mental Health: Summer Institute in Mental Health Research“Common Measures in Mental Health”“Principles of Measurement in Mental Health Research”“Psychosocial Processes in the Etiology of Mental Disorders”COMMUNITY SERVICE (most recent 3 years)2015-present Faith Lutheran Church Social Ministries Board member; Christian Community Service Center Liaison; 2016 Chair, Condit Elementary PTO Executive Board Nominating Committee Organizer, “Most Likely to Succeed” Film Screening and Panel Discussion2015-2016 Co-Chair, Condit Elementary Yearbook Committee Room Parent, Condit Elementary2014-2016 Vice President of School Services and Support, Condit Elementary Board of Directors2015 Search Committee, Faith Lutheran Church Youth and Family Director2014-2015 Vice-Chair, Youth and Family Board, Faith Lutheran Church2013-2015 Coach, Condit Elementary K-2nd Grade “Name That Book” Team Organizer, Family Service Projects, Faith Lutheran Church2013-2014 Room Parent, Condit Organizer, Family Volunteer Ministry, Faith Lutheran Church ................

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