Self-Assessment of Nursing Standards of Practice

Self-Assessment of Nursing Standards of PracticeKaytlyn M. JordanFerris State University School of NursingSelf-Assessment of Nursing Standards of PracticeThe American Nurses Association created the Scopes and Standards of Practice as guidelines for nurses to follow throughout the care their care to all patients. In this paper I will discuss how I have met these standards and how I plan to continue meeting the standards in the future. Standards of Professional PerformanceEthics. It is very important to understand and practice ethics as a health care provider. At this stage in my nursing career I feel that I have met this standard to the best of my ability. I practice ethics in all of the care that I provide by treating each individual with respect and dignity. I have maintained confidentiality throughout my experiences in the clinical setting. In all the care that I, I maintain a therapeutic and professional relationship with appropriate professional role boundaries (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 47). In the clinical setting, I have been able to assist patients in self-determination and informed decision-making by getting to know the patient and communicating what best suits their needs. As an example, while in the mental health clinical rotation, I used therapeutic communication to effectively converse with the patient regarding their eating disorder and their plan of care for the best possible outcome. I did not treat this patient any different than I would treat anyone else. It was important that we individualized each patient’s plan of care. Class discussions in nursing leadership have allowed me opportunities to talk about my experiences and reflect on my attitude in those situations. Knowledge and understanding of the moral principles of ethics is necessary to guide nurses in safe, effective patient care. Communications skills and a positive, non-biased, attitude is absolutely necessary to fulfill the ethics nursing standard of professional performance. As I get more experience in the health care setting I will continue to practice my nursing skills in a professional manner doing what is morally right as I provide care to each patient. Education.Standard eight in the standards of professional performance examines the importance of education throughout the nursing practice. I have and will continue to demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning through reflection of myself and address my personal learning growth needs (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 49). During all clinical rotations, there was time set aside to discuss what had occurred that day and reflect on the care we provided and the experiences we gained. These experiences have helped me to become aware of areas that I need to focus more attention and how I can improve my skills. This time is a great opportunity to share my thoughts with my peers and receive feedback (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 49). Through all of my clinical experience and classes, I have sought out many learning experiences that have and will continue to guide/aid me in becoming the best nurse that I can be. During my clinical rotation in the mental health setting, I showed investment in my education taking initiatives to gain as much experience as possible. As the day started just after 0700, I looked at the unit schedule and sought out the appropriate staff to obtain permission to partake in the various events of the day. I attended many group therapy sessions which gave me first-hand insight and personal experience on many different areas of mental health. I plan to continue my ongoing education throughout my nursing career by using resources available to me and attending conferences to stay current with the ever changing practice of nursing. To meet this standard fully I will need to keep an open mind free of biases, practice my skills, and maintain a positive attitude. Evidence-Based Practice and Research.Evidence-based practice and research aims to ensure safe, quality, and effective care to all patients. The evidence-based practice and research nursing standard is in place to find interventions that result in the best outcomes. “Evidence-based practice is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care” (Duke University Medical Center, 2015). I have used evidence-based practice and research in many assignments in nursing school thus far. This standard is important because it guides the practice of nursing to provide safe and quality care. Since I am a student, I have not had the opportunity to initiate changes in nursing practice through evidence-based practice and research. Whenever I provide patient care I make sure that I am knowledgeable of the most current practice guidelines. When I had the opportunity to provide tracheostomy care I followed the hospital protocol that was created based off of evidence and research. I learned this skill in my skills lab in my first semester of nursing school and while doing it hands-on, I was able to better understand the reason for holding the plate while changing the ties. By following these guidelines I was able to provide safe and quality care to the patient. I plan to continue my education of evidence-based practice and research by reading articles and making myself aware of changes in the practice of nursing. In order to achieve this goal and maintain safe and quality nursing skills, I will need to keep a positive attitude and use any resources available to me. As I become more confident in my nursing practice I will be able to better use evidence-based practice and research in patient care.** Quality of Practice. How will you meet it and what is your plan of evaluation?Practicing quality care results in the best possible outcomes for the consumer. As a student nurse I have practiced quality care in all aspects of my clinical experiences. I have not fully met this standard due to being a student. munication is key in all health care settings to ensure safe and effective patient care. It is necessary to be aware of your own communication habits so that you can ultimately better care for the patient. I feel that I have exceeded this standard throughout my school so far. I have made it a point to express to my clinical instructors that I appreciate their feedback so that I can better prepare myself for being a nurse. I write notes down all the time that I can refer to so that I can communicate the most effectively and efficiently. When I am with a nurse in the clinical setting I make sure that I let them know what I can do and assist with at the beginning of the shift so that I can participate in as many opportunities as possible. I have learned that it is very important to get a feel for each person that I encounter because everyone is different and therefore the way that they communicate may be different than mine as well. I believe that I have used my communication skills in a positive way through being involved in class discussions, completing assignments and responding to peers, as well as in the clinical setting. I will continue to keep a positive attitude and take constructive criticism so that I can further exceed this standard of nursing practice and carry it with me throughout my career. Leadership.Through my experiences in nursing school so far, I don’t feel I have had the opportunity to meet the leadership standard of nursing practice. I plan to continue using my communication skills effectively to meet this goal in the future. I have the best way to be a leader is. I hope that one day I will be able to be a leader in the health care setting. Collaboration.As a nurse it is important to collaborate with the patient, family, and others in the conduct of nursing practice to best care for the patient (American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 57). Throughout nursing school I have collaborated with classmates in regards to group work, class material, and experiences. I don’t believe I have met this standard yet due to being a student.Professional Practice Evaluation.Because I do not have my nursing license yet and I am not completely confident in practicing nursing, I don’t feel that I have met the guidelines for professional practice evaluation or resource evaluation. I plan to use my experience in the future to help me fulfill this goal and evaluate the care that I provide as well as how I do my job. Resource Utilization.Although I believe with more confidence and experience I can better utilize resources available to me, I do think that I have partially met this standard for nursing practice. I learned that the short amount of time that it takes to check the patient chart for clarification on orders can reduce waste. I observed a nurse gathering supplies for a dressing change without first assessing what she needed so when we got to the room she not only needed to go back and get the correct supplies, but wasted the ones that she had already brought to the patient room. I recognize the importance for utilizing the appropriate resources and planning care (American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 60). I plan to grow in this area as I continue to learn and experience the clinical setting. Environmental Health.I have practiced this by ensuring safety to the best of my ability in the clinical practice setting by being aware of patients’ mobility status, checking bed and chair alarms, using the proper personal protective equipment when necessary, and practicing hand hygiene. I have partially met the environmental health standard and I plan to continue using my safety skills to fulfill this standard as I transition into a nurse. Conclusion. Self-assessment is an important aspect of the ongoing process of growth. I have learned quite a bit about myself through all of my experiences in nursing school. The American Nurses Association standards of practice will guide me in being a great nurse and providing the best patient care possible. I will continue to assess myself throughout my career so that I can better care for patients and do my job well. **Be Sure to have clear, concise goals that include a plan to meet each outcome. References BIBLIOGRAPHY American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd?ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author. Duke University Medical Center. (2015, July 12). Overview - Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice - LibGuides at Duke University Medical Center. Retrieved?July?12, 2015, from ................

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