NURS 1327 – Transition from Vocational to Professional Nursing

RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing

Unit I – Transition from LVN & Paramedic to ADN Role

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Discuss professional role development and the |I. Professional Role Development |Serve as a positive role model for |Read: |

|transition from the LVN or Paramedic to the RN role. |Role socialization |students, peers, and members of the |Lewis (2011) |

| |Role transition |interdisciplinary health care team. | |

| |Role conflict | |Berman & Snyder (2012) |

| |Change process |Support the client’s right of | |

| |Returning to student role |self-determination and choice even when |Zerwekh (2012) |

|2. Compare and contrast the roles of the Licensed | |these choices conflict with values of | |

|Vocational Nurse & Paramedic and the Associate Degree|II. LVN & Paramedic vs. ADN roles |the individual professional. |Required - My Nursing Lab: |

|Nurse. |Historical Origins | | |

| |Nursing models | |Module I: Nursing Foundations |

| |Nursing theories | |Lesson 1: Nursing Basics |

| |Paramedic origins | |Lesson 2: Nursing Roles and Health Care Delivery |

| | | |Do Pretest, Content and Posttest |

| |Knowledge, skills, and abilities |Act as a role model in maintaining | |

| |Education |client confidentiality. | |

| |Job analysis | | |

| |NCLEX test plans |Provide nursing care within limits of | |

| |Competencies |professional nursing knowledge, | |

| |Scope of practice |education, experience, and ethical/legal|TVCC Library – Nursing Education in Video |

| |Roles |standards of care. | |

| |Provider of client centered care | |HIPAA for Health Care Workers |

| |Member of health care team | | |

| |Member of a profession | | |

| |Patient safety advocate | | |

| |Change agent | | |

| |Counselor | | |

| |Teacher | | |

| |Resource person | | |

| |Client advocate/principles | | |

| |Regulations, policies, standards | | |

| |Nursing Practice Act | | |

| |RN vs. LVN vs. Paramedic licensure | | |

| |BON policies | | |

| |Standards of practice | | |

| |Professional boundaries | | |

| |Directed nursing practice vs. autonomous nursing practice | | |

| |Collaborative nursing practice | | |

| | | | |

| |Role in varying heath care services | | |

| |Primary settings | | |

| |Secondary settings | | |

| |Tertiary settings | | |

| |Role in health care team | | |

| |Patterns of nursing care delivery | | |

| |Clinical pathways | | |

| |Collaboration with multidisciplinary team | | |

| |Delegation/supervision | | |

| |Referral & community resources | | |

| |Working within organizations | | |

| |Chain of command | | |

| |Group process | | |

| |Current issues/trends affecting profession | | |

| |National patient safety goals | | |

|Review factors affecting ethical nursing practice |III. Ethical nursing practice | | |

|with regard to the level of the associate degree |Factors affecting ethical decision making | | |

|nurse. |Legislative and judicial factors | | |

| |Scientific and technological advances | | |

| |Societal influences | | |

| |Values clarification | | |

| |Professional values vs. client values | | |

| |ANA Code of Ethics | | |

| |Patient Bill of Rights | | |

| |Client advocacy | | |

| |Ethical principles | | |

| |Autonomy | | |

| |Nonmalficience | | |

| |Beneficience | | |

| |Justice | | |

| |Veracity | | |

| |Fidelity | | |

| |Ethical decision making | | |

| |Ethical dilemmas | | |

|Review legal factors affecting the nursing practice |IV. Legal parameters | | |

|considering the level of the associate degree nurse. |Classifications of law | | |

| |Civil law/torts | | |

| |Assault & battery | | |

| |False imprisonment | | |

| |Restraints | | |

| |Seclusion | | |

| |Invasion of privacy | | |

| |Defamation | | |

| |Fraud | | |

| |Negligence & malpractice | | |

| |Contract law | | |

| |Accountability | | |

| |Documentation | | |

| |Standards | | |

| |Standards of practice | | |

| |Joint Commission | | |

| |OBRA | | |

| |Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) | | |

| |Unprofessional conduct/disciplinary action | | |

| |Sexual misconduct | | |

| |Sexual harassment | | |

| |Boundary crossing | | |

| |Liability | | |

| |Risk management | | |

| |Legal issues | | |

| |Advance directives/wills/DNR | | |

| |Informed consent | | |

| |Confidentiality | | |

| |a) HIPAA | | |

| |4. Impaired nurses | | |

| | | | |

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