Hitting the Jackpot with a Persuasive Personal Statement

Hitting the Jackpot with a Persuasive Personal StatementKrysta Diehl, Beverley Childress, Ruth Bingham NACADA 2015 0 Las Vegas, NVSample Essays - Just Kidding!1"I felt fortunate to awaken from my weeks-long life-threatening coma in the Zimbabwe orphanage in which Iwas raised from infancy, until I realized the building was ablaze. After evacuating all the inhabitants including any stray insects who were drawn to the flames, I doused the fire with a water pump I had improvised from an old accordion bellows (on which I often played Bach fugues a la Albert Schweitzer) and a bamboo-like plant I had discovered in the jungle. I named the plant Medusa Abandona after my now forgiven American born mother, who forsook me in my cradle, only after it turned out to be an unknown genus and promised tohave exciting anti-cancer medicinal qualities as well. When Iwas convinced that everyone in the orphanage was safe, I escaped the holocaust in the solar powered wheel chair I had developed to give myself more mobility after the unfortunate accident I had as a child, breaking myseventh vertebra while wrestling a lion that had terrorized the village."The Ultimate AMCAS Essay by Daniel Guttman2'Eighty percent of success is showing up.' Ifeel this attitude correctly demonstrates my passion for Literature where, indeed, you on;ly have to 'turn up' and read the books nto fuly under stand the topic. Iwas form captain in year 7, indicating my sense of responsibvility. I enjoyed the challenge of my duties which included fetching the register and making people sign up for sports days. Also this year Iwas voted head girl because I made the most hilariousspeech ever. This demonstrates my astonihsing ski;I at creative and persuavive writing. My favourite book is Twilight because of the deep plot and three-dimensional characters. Ifeel that the series really has some very new to say about society and the current global economy, even though many children who read the book will not understand this this does widen the target audience admirably. Ifeel my passion for this series will really help me for expending oxbridghe where i will have to have passion for all sorts of things and people. For after all, is passion not an importnat part of university?" .co.uk/showthread.php?t=2878535Hitting the Jackpot with a Persuasive Personal StatementKrysta Diehl, Beverley Childress, Ruth Bingham NACADA 2015 0 Las Vegas, NVProviding Feedback on Personal StatementsStep I . Provide Feedback About:What you learned about the student from reading the PS. What questions remained unanswered after you read it.Whether you found the overall argument (to admit him/her) compelling.Step II. Typical Questions a PS Should Answer (compare to the prompt): The basic three:What does the Admissions Committee want to know about you? What do you want the Admissions Committee to know about you?What does the Admissions Committee should/need to know about you to admit you?Why have you chosen this field? What has brought you to this point?What are your goals? What will you do with this degree? What is your experience with and/or knowledge of this field? Why are you applying to this school?Are there any significant obstacles you have overcome?Is there anything you would like to explain to the Admissions Committee? Does this PS accurately reflect your skills (writing, argument, etc.)?Step Ill. Editing Areas to Discuss:1--Voice/style for intended audience & effect 2--Structure & logical flow3--Language flow & transitions 4--lntroduction5--BodyWhat is the basic theme?What are the goals/priorities of the PS & were they met?Is the balance of the weight given different topics appropriate? 6--Evidence for claims7--ClosingProofreading (for discussion only):GrammarPunctuationTypos9--Length & density of informationFinal Tip: Writing a Personal Statement is a learning process: Explain/teach as needed, to give students ways to achieve the results they want. Bottom line: the essay should reflect accurately their style, their stage of development/learning, and who they are as a person.Hitting the Jackpot with a Persuasive Personal StatementKrysta Diehl, Beverley Childress, Ruth Bingham NACADA 2015 0 Las Vegas, NVSample Essay Prompts.... UHM Graduate Division: In the space provided below, describe the objectives of your graduate study, your area of specialization within the graduate program, and your long-range professional goals.Include any additional information that will assist the graduate admissions committee in evaluating your application..... Harvard Business School: It's the first day of class at HBS. You are in Aldrich Hall meeting your 'section.' This is the group of 90 classmates who will become your close companions in the first-year MBA classroom. Our signature case method participant-based learning model ensures that you will get to know each other very well. The bonds you collectively create throughout this shared experience will be lasting. Introduce yourself. There is no word limit for this question...,. William S. Richardson School of Law: Compose a personal statement on a subject of your choice. Many applicants write about their goals, achievements, influences, and their interest in our law school..... AMCAS (Allopathic Medicine): Explain why you want to go to medical school. Some questions you may want to consider:.... Why have you selected the field of medicine?.... What motivates you to learn more about medicine?..,. What do you want medical schools to know about you that hasn't been disclosed in another section of the application?.... PTCAS (Physical Therapy) - Describe your decision making process in choosing physical therapy as a career choice versus other health care careers..... PharmCAS (Pharmacy) - Your personal essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal,educational,and professional background will help you achieve your goals..... UHM MEPN Program (Nursing) - In your goal statement, please address the following:What you believe your previous academic and life experience will bring to:The nursing professionThe specialty you have chosen to apply forRelevant personal qualities and experiences that have shaped your beliefsYour immediate and long-term goals upon completion of the program.... UHM Public Health Graduate Program: Include in your personal statement the following:Your professional interests in the selected area of specialization (i.e., epidemiology, health policy and management, or social and behavioral health sciences),the public health relevance of your past and present academic I employment background andits applicability to your career goals,your reasons for seeking enrollment at the University of Hawai'i public health program, andyour future career plans. ................

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