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Nursing Research Resources


Circulating Books

On-campus and off-campus, to find circulating books on nursing topics using your key words or ideas:

✓ Go to the Kean University Library Homepage, .

✓ Click Kean Catalog.

✓ Scroll and enter your key words in the search box underneath Find This:

✓ Click Search.

✓ Scroll down to view the Search Results list. Circulating titles are located in the Main Collection on the second and third floors of the Kean University Library.

✓ Make note of the call number for any titles of interest.

Reference Books

Listed below are handy reference titles provided for quick look-up by call number in the Reference Collection located on the first floor of the library. The first column displays the reference call number. The second column displays the corresponding title.

Call Numbers Reference Titles

REF R 733.G34 2000 Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

REF RA 423 .E53 2001 Encyclopedia of Public Health

REF RA 777.5 .M47 2004 Merck Manual of Health & Aging

REF RA 778 .C2164 2004 New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health

REF RC 41.G35 1999 Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine

REF RC 81 .M535 2003 Merck Manual of Medical Information

REF RD 17 .G34 2004 Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers

REF RG 951.P637 1995 Maternal & Child Health Nursing

REF RT 21.D537 2003 Dictionary of Nursing

REF RT 31.S66 1999 Historical Encyclopedia of Nursing

REF RT 48.6.W44 2000 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook

REF RT 51 .F37 2004 Fast Facts for Nurses

REF RT 81.5 .T833 2004 Pathways to Nursing: A Guide to Library and Online Research in

Nursing and Allied Health

REF RT120.I5A18 1998 AACN’s Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing


Provided below is a list of select journals available in electronic format through the library’s databases. Please check the Periodicals listing () for holdings information about these titles and numerous other nursing journals.

Advances in Nursing Science  Journal of Nursing Research 

American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Applied Nursing Research  Journal of Transcultural Nursing 

Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing  Nursing Ethics 

Geriatric Nursing    Nursing Research   

International Journal of Nursing Practice  Public Health Nursing 

International Journal of Nursing Studies Research in Nursing and Health 

Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing    Western Journal of Nursing Research 

Electronic Databases

To start using these electronic databases, go to the Kean University Library Homepage, . Click Databases. [Note: To log in from off-campus, enter your Kean Library Barcode located on the back of your Kean University photo ID card. Click Enter.] It is recommended that you use Cochrane Library, EBSCOhost Research Databases, and VALE to identify and retrieve scholarly nursing articles. Brief directions are provided on the next few pages to help you navigate these electronic databases.

Cochrane Library While on-campus, to search Cochrane Library for information relating to evidence-based medicine:

✓ Rather than clicking Databases on the Kean University Library Homepage, , click Periodicals.

✓ Click Kean's Periodical Listing.

✓ Type Cochrane Library in the Quick Search box, then click Go.

✓ Click From Publisher below the words Cochrane Library.

✓ Click Cochrane Advanced Search on the right-hand side of the screen.

✓ Enter your key terms in the first through fifth boxes underneath Search For: You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering the following terms in the boxes, First Search Box: diabet*

Second Search Box: pediatr*

✓ In the scroll-down box to the right of each of the search boxes, select a field in which the database should search for your keywords. For instance, select Search All Text to search full-text documents (a very broad search) or select Title, Abstract, or Keywords for more focused searching.

✓ Below the heading Restrict Search by Product (underneath the search boxes), either select All of The Cochrane Library or select one of the databases included within the Cochrane Library, such as The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), or The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Reviews).

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: Click Record to view a retrieved document record.

✓ Click PDF on the left-hand side of the screen to view the full-text document.

✓ Select Save or Print from the Adobe Acrobat Reader toolbar to either save or print the document.

EBSCOhost To search EBSCOhost for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click EBSCOhost.

✓ Click EBSCOhost Web.

✓ Select CINAHL, CINAHL with Full Text, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, Pre-CINAHL, Alt HealthWatch, PsycINFO, and/or PsycARTICLES.

✓ Click Continue.

✓ Enter your key terms in the search box underneath Find:

✓ You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering:

diabet* and self care manag*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), select Peer Reviewed.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The first 10 retrieved headlines will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see one or more of the following links immediately below the item: Linked Full Text, HTML Full Text, or PDF Full Text. Click one of these links to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click E-mail located on the top right-hand side of your screen.

✓ If full-text link options are not present and you are on-campus, click the TOUR button to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases. If off-campus, search for the journal in the Periodicals listings.

Science Direct To search ScienceDirect for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click VALE.

✓ Click Databases.

✓ Click Science Direct (Elsevier) located at the end of the second column.

✓ Click the Search button for the Basic Search Template.

✓ Enter your key terms in the first and second box underneath Term(s): You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms using the “and” operator. Use the exclamation (!) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering the following terms in the boxes, First Search Box: orem

Second Search Box: theor!

✓ In the scroll-down box next to the word Subject:, scroll down and select Nursing and Health Professions.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: As many as 200 article titles will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a Full Text + Links link, a PDF link, or both immediately below the item. Click either Full Text + Links or PDF to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the full-text article you are viewing, click E-mail Article located in the green box on the right-hand side of the screen.

✓ Lastly, to find full-text articles cited in the article, scroll to the references section at the end of the article, and you will find that many of the citations provide Full Text + Links.

Health Reference Center To search Health Reference Center for scholarly articles using your key terms:

✓ Click VALE.

✓ Click Databases.

✓ Click Health Reference Center located in the second column.

✓ Click Proceed.

✓ Click Health Reference Center Academic to search for scholarly journal articles. Alternatively, you may click Health and Wellness Resource Center to search for non-scholarly, consumer health articles.

✓ The search form defaults to Subject guide search. Instead, click Keyword search on the left-hand side of the screen to access a basic keyword search form.

✓ Enter your key terms in the search box underneath Click in the entry box and enter search term(s):

✓ You can combine terms to retrieve items that contain all of the terms by using the “and” operator. Use the asterisk (*) character to replace the ending of your key words to retrieve items with similar word roots. For example, try entering:

postpartum and iron defic*

✓ To limit your retrieved results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles), under the Limit the current search (optional) heading, select to refereed publications.

✓ Click Search.

✓ Result: The retrieved headlines will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see one or more of the following links immediately below the item: Text or Text with graphics. Click one of these links to view the full-text article.

✓ To e-mail the article you are currently viewing, click E-mail or Retrieval located on the left-hand side of your screen.

Internet Resources

American Association for the History of Nursing National Institute of Nursing Research

American Nurses Association: National Library of Medicine

Voices from the Past, Visions of the Future

Nursing Center

Black Nurses in History:

A Bibliography and Guide to Web Resources

PubMed Central

Clendening History of Medicine Library:

Florence Nightingale Resources


Copyright © 2006, Kean University Library.

Prepared by Ms. Caroline Geck & Ms. Linda Cifelli. February 3, 2006.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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