Special Issue

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Call for Papers

The December 2009 issue of the Journal of Nursing Education is dedicated to articles addressing Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. The guest editors for the issue, Dr. Pamela Ironside and Mary Sitterding, invite manuscripts focusing on pedagogical projects, and research or other scholarly initiatives that support the development of students’ quality and safety competencies across nursing education. Submissions should be identified as one of the follow types:

1. Major Articles— up to 15 pages exclusive of references, tables, and figures. Topics appropriate for major articles include a) reports of completed research investigating the impact of teaching strategies on students’ quality and safety competency, b) comprehensive reviews of the literature, c) analyses of political, social, economic, professional, pedagogical, or technological trends and issues influencing quality and safety education, and d) discussions of how new or emerging designs or methodologies can substantively contribute to advancing the science of nursing education related to quality and safety.

2. Briefs – up to 8 pages exclusive of references, tables, and figures. Topics appropriate for brief articles may include a) reports of pilot or case studies, b) new and creative approaches to teaching quality and safety, that have yet to be tested but have applicability to other institutions or the potential to stimulate investigation, c) reports of innovative collaborative efforts (interdisciplinary or cross-institution) to promote quality and safety education that have great potential for improving quality and safety education, but have yet to be fully studied.

3. Syllabus Selections: Innovative Learning Activities – up to 2 pages describing specific strategies, methods or case examples used to help students learn about quality and safety organized as follows:

• Clearly and concisely identify the strategy, method or case example and connect it to the “bigger picture” (e.g., nursing theory, pedagogical thinking), and state the goals and objectives of the activity.

• Describe the activity, strategy, method or case study

• Explain how it was carried out, in what setting, and student results and reactions

Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted electronically at and will be peer reviewed. Manuscripts should be in 12-point type and double-spaced. Major articles and Briefs must include an abstract of 150 words and identify five key words. References should be in APA format (5th edition) including that all manuscript pages must be numbered. To insure anonymity, manuscripts should not include a title page or any other author-identifying or institution-identifying information within the manuscript. Your cover letter should include an explicit statement that the manuscript is being submitted for consideration for the special issue on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses and a statement that to your knowledge no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, exists. If a possible conflict exists, please describe the circumstances. Details for submission and evaluation criteria can be found online: . Contact the Managing Editor at jharker@ for questions regarding the submission process.

Accepted manuscripts will be edited for clarity, length, and adherence to the Journal of Nursing Education editorial style. The author receives an edited copy of the manuscript before publication to check for accuracy of content.

Direct queries regarding the special issue to:

Pamela M. Ironside, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF

School of Nursing, Indiana University

1111 Middle Drive, NU 478

Indianapolis, IN 46202



Deadline for submissions April 1, 2009

Deadline for requested revisions August 31, 2009

Final acceptance notification October 1, 2009

Publication December 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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