LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES - National Association of ...


1. Place students in groups of 5. They will conduct a business meeting that they design in front of the class. Their meeting must include a minimum of 7 different parliamentary procedure techniques included. Ex)Like a club meeting, having animals in the classroom.

2. Net worth statement completion for made up individual dealing with animals. Give students the situation, assets, liabilities, equipment owned, etc. and provide each with a blank form to complete. Ex) Pet store owner

3. Pick 1 of the types of speeches and have students research own animal topic, write it out, then deliver the speech in front of class.

4. Small groups come up with a list of possible & feasible small animal SAE ideas then all groups share lists with entire class.

5. Write and deliver a speech about their favorite animal. 1-3 minutes allowed.

6. Design a sales presentation for a small animal type pet or pet product or pet medicine. Students present their pitch to the class.

7. Small animal SAE projects. Give a minimum hour requirement and students must document proof with pictures. Students will share a display boar, poster or power point presentation.

8. Child’s story book. Work in groups of 2 to design a children’s storybook for no older than 3rd grade. Illustrate and design each page for a small animal topic. Large font. Handmade only. Share with preschoolers.

9. Animal Activity Pack. Work in groups of 2. In own handwriting. Share with preschoolers.


1. Invite in guest speakers who hold jobs dealing with small animals. I have Police K9 officers, veterinarians, vet technicians, a dog groomer, cat breeder, animal control officer and greyhound hospital rehab dog operators visit.

2. Compare the estimated costs of pet ownership.

3. Have a guest speaker in to discuss dressing to impress, resume writing, and interviewing skills.

4. Design a power point or write an essay on a small animal science career.

5. Interview an employee holding a small animal job over the telephone and report to the class your findings about their career. Design 15 questions and turn into teacher for proofreading before calling.

6. What it’s like being a zoologist? Have students in groups. Give them 5 jars of preserved critters and look and list characteristics seen. Are their distinct characteristics? Are there shared characteristics? Could also use small plastic creatures that students could group into like piles and explain why they are similar and should be placed together.


1. Learn human bones to help students identify with parts on animals.

2. Buy multiple organ kits for dissection labs (Bag of eyes, brain, spinal chord) (Bag of lung, kidney, heart) Students work in small groups to dissect.

3. Large drawings of small animals. Parts have Velcro that holds correct label that can be velcroed onto the correct place on the animal. Shuffle around for practice. Teacher circulates and checks for correctness.

4. Bring in bird feathers for looking at parts of a feather.

5. Bring in variety of fish from the grocery store to identify scale types and fins and observe gills.

6. Virtual frog dissection on the internet. Design a questionnaire that students need to answer while working on the dissection.

7. Work in partners and use a stethoscope to listen for heart beats and lub dub noises that heart valves make.


1. Work in partners and use a stethoscope to record respiration rates/breaths per minute of each other.

2. Read and discuss/debate article- I Died Today-written in perspective of an abused, neglected by a dog- can be found on-line

3. Debate. Students pick sides on various rights & welfare issues dealing with small animals. Students will write a personal position paper. Placed on side according to personal viewpoint and have short debates. Ex) Cat de-clawing, ear cropping in dogs.

4. Create Small animal health care book on parasites and diseases affecting small animals.

5. Look into using the internet your county’s and states animal cruelty statutes. Ex) Tethered dogs must be at least 15 feet long.

6. Use microscopes and pre-made slides of parasitic worms & their eggs, and draw what you see. Same with shapes of bacteria(cocci, bacilli, spirochaete)

7. Explore common toxins and toxic plants affecting small animals.


1. Lay out numbered commonly used tools by vets and have students try to identify them and guess what each could be used for. Share their answers, then teacher corrects.

2. Suture practice-Raw chicken with skin on, oranges or large soft tubing that has been split work good. Use curved circle suture needles and cat gut(expensive) or economical thread.

3. Practice using stethoscopes to hear respiration rates and heart beats per minute on classroom animals.

4. Vaccination Technique. Use syringes, needles, variety of food colors and oranges to practice types. Then peel and check.

5. Practice splint making on each other or a stuffed animal.

6. First Aid videos for cats & dogs.

7. Search on line for vaccination suggestions for cats and dogs, puppies and kittens. Age recommendations and names need to be given.


1. Read and compare real dog food or cat food bags. Study the nutritional labels and ingredients and dry matter. Students report findings in a class discussion.

2. Make dog biscuits from recipes. Work in small groups.

3. Use skulls and jawbones to study teeth and determine possible diets (omnivore, carnivore or omnivore) and age of the animal. Discuss dentals.

4. Discuss prescription diets. Could have a vet come in to discuss.( HD, AD, DD, etc..)

5. Discuss A, B, and C dog foods and its relationship to poop and digestibility.

6. Explore what products are available for teeth cleaning besides a dental.


1. Button Quail egg incubation & hatching.

2. Pig uterus with babies inside dissection

3. Metamorphosis activity-hatch butterflies

4. Raise tadpoles

5. DNA sequencing using autorads

6. Article-Male fish producing eggs in the Potomac River

7. Guest speaker-AKC Dog breeder

8. Feel for hemipenes(genitals) in classroom male lizards

9. Guest speaker-Birdie Boutique store, to talk about breeding and hand raising baby parrots


1. Guest speaker- Dog groomer to demonstrate clipping and other grooming techniques

2. Watch Dog Show-West Minister or Eukanuba

3. Read Articles on ways dogs are important to society. EX)seizure dogs

4. What is a fecal float? Vet tech in to demonstrate technique.

5. Guest speaker- A veterinarian invited in to talk about Acupuncture in dogs to treat disease, give a demonstration of acupuncture.

6. Discuss the local dog park and its rules.

7. Article-Insurance companies Target Specific Dog Breeds, debate topic


1. Debate-Cat or Dog? Which makes a better pet? Write a 2 page supporting paper. Be ready to debate.

2. De-clawing technique and controversies.

3. Write a paper about the history of the domesticated cat. Superstitions, religious beliefs, breed domestication and specifics.


1. Have items made from rabbit wool for students to compare and feel.

2. Make flash cards for breeds. Students draw rabbit shape that is up on board then color according to breed coats.

3. Look at Ferret ownership legislation in the U.S. using the internet.

4. Students work in small groups to research feasible rabbit meat recipes. They buy and bring in supplies and Cook and serve their rabbit recipes.

5. Research chinchilla pelt items for sale online.


1. Raise tadpoles

2. Design a pet owner’s How To Brochure or book for a given reptile.

3. Dissection of frog, lizard, or turtle

4. Select 1 type of snake native to NC and design a power point to teach the class. 2-3 minutes.

5. Guest speaker from Museum of Life and Science to bring in snakes and reptiles for facts and show.

6. Visit Exotic animal & Reptile Show in Raleigh, NC. Always the 1st weekend of September and May

7. Guest speaker-Dr. Dan , Exotic vet in Raleigh

8. Fieldtrip to Reptile Zoo in Wilmington(Combine with deep sea fishing trip to Carolina Beach)

9. Look over all class lizards for health checks and signs of disease.


1. Chicken or pigeon dissection

2. Vet to demonstrate flight feather clipping

3. Examine bird feathers

4. Design a cage for a specific bird. Consider perches, gyms, needs, nesting, species needs etc..

5. Sex determination techniques


1. Explore cage designs and costs for various companion pets. Place students into small groups that are assigned 1 type of pet to focus on. Create a power point to share with the rest of the class.


1. Fish dissection

2. Deep Sea Fishing Fieldtrip to Carolina Beach, Aquarium Trip included.

3. Siphon and vacuum out all gravel on class fish tanks, do other maintenance.

4. Design and stock a 20 gallon freshwater fish tank. Save pictures from online searches.

5. Sketchbook-10 fresh and 10 salt water species, hand drawn and colored.

6. Aquaculture business guest speaker from Garner, NC

7. Raise small Koi into large sellable ornamental fish


1. Jigsaw Reading Activity to tackle news articles-put students into groups of 3 or 4 (have the same # of articles as # in groups). Color code articles and give students a number1-3. EX) Red, blue, green. Give 1 different article to a member of each group. EX) 1 gets red, 1 gets blue and 1 get green. They must each sit quietly and read their articles, highlighting what they think is most important. Then all readers of the same color get together and talk and share what they all feel is the most important. They write these facts down. They are the “masters.” Then rearrange groups by numbers 1, 2, 3. Each gets a master from each article. The master will share what information they have and all will write down the information from each article. Then we will discuss them all as a group.

2. Survival Terms to begin units. On sheet with columns, place a list of most important terms from the unit in 1st column. Then have 3 mall columns A B C. Then have wide column for a definition. Students will be given this sheet then be given 10-15 minutes to complete to the best they can. Then they will get into pairs and compare what they have and add to their definitions-7minutes. Then they will get into a larger group of 4 to compare and add- 5 minutes. Last, the whole class will come together to compare and get correct definitions.

A- I am very familiar with this term, I have used this term before, I can explain its meaning to someone.

B- I have heard of the term, I am somewhat familiar with its meaning. I could try to explain it vaguely.

C- I have never seen this word before and have no idea of its meaning and I can not explain it to anyone.


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