Each year, FSNA honors members who have successfully ...

Each year, FSNA honors members who have successfully promoted the school foodservice nutrition program during National School Lunch Week with the Super School Award. It recognizes a school center (elementary and secondary) for their outstanding promotional activities during NSLW.

Who May Apply

Foodservice Employee/Manager section members of SNA and FSNA (you must be a member of both) may apply for this award. A Foodservice Employee/Manager section member is one who is assigned to one school or a central kitchen that serves more than one school.

Even if you have submitted an award in the past, do not start until you have read the “Who May Apply” and “Selection Procedure” sections. This is important as the required award process has changed from previous years.

Selection Procedure

The application must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. The award must be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. Both must be uploaded to the FSNA Dropbox: on or before April 15. The link is also available on the FSNA website, , on the Scholarships & Awards webpage. A maximum of 15 pictures and/or videos will be accepted (clipart is not considered a picture).

Awards will be based on entries of both elementary and secondary schools for National School Lunch Week (October 15-19, 2018), “School Lunch: Lots 2 Love” activities.

Important: Please refer to “Submitting Your Award Entry” on page 4 for specific information and requirements for the PowerPoint Presentation Format and how to submit your award entry.


Winners (one (1) for an elementary school and one (1) from a secondary school) shall receive recognition and a framed certificate at the FSNA Annual Conference & Expo.


Judging will be done by members of the FSNA Scholarships and Awards Committee.

All presentations and submissions including photos and videos may be shown at any FSNA Event and/or on the FSNA Website and/or used in any FSNA publication.

Entry Form: You must use this form—other forms will not be accepted and your entry will be disqualified. Upload this form along with your award entry to the FSNA Dropbox: Please fill out carefully and completely. The information on this form will be used to create the FSNA awards presentation and winner certificates.

Name of Applicant: _______________________________________________________

School Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City:______________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ___________

County: __________________________________ FSNA Region #: ___________________


Schools that are K-12; K-8; K-6 or have a similar set up where there are secondary school students in the same facility as elementary students must submit this award in the Elementary School Level Category.

By completing this form and submitting the award, you are attesting that the above information as well as the award entry information and documentation are accurate and true to the best of your knowledge.


What activities were planned and conducted in your school? Show documentation—you can use the chart below in your presentation.

You must use the dates provided by SNA for National School Lunch Week.

Program Participation

| | | |

|Total LUNCH served |national school LUNCH week |week prior to national school LUNCH week |

|during: | | |

| |Students |Adults |Students |Adults |

| | | | | |

|Tuesday | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Wednesday | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Friday | | | | |

Report of Media Coverage

Briefly describe and show documentation when available. Remember, you can imbed a video into your PowerPoint Presentation.

1. News Releases or Newspaper Article

2. Radio/T.V. Coverage (give station’s call letters)

3. Other

Special Guest(s)

List names of all special guest(s) and their title participating in NSLW activities. Show pictures or other documentation of guests’ participation if available.

Submitting Your Award Entry

• All entries are to upload to the FSNA Dropbox: on or before April 15.

• Please save your document as “Award Name and Level_Nominee Name”, eg – “Super School Elementary Level_Jane Doe”. If you have multiple documents you may add a number at the end of the name, eg “Super School Elementary Level_Jane Doe1” and “Super School Elementary Level_Jane Doe2”

• Award entries should reflect the theme of National School Lunch Week (October 15-19, 2018), “School Lunch: Lots 2 Love”.

PowerPoint Format

• Total length of the presentation should not exceed 5 minutes.

• Slide transitions should be set at the appropriate speed to be able to understand what is being presented.

• A brief video (2 minutes or less) can be imbedded into the PowerPoint Presentation, but it cannot extend the total length of the PowerPoint to exceed the 5 minute maximum presentation length.

• The first slide of the PowerPoint Presentation must include: The name of the Award, the name of the applicant, County Name, FSNA Region Number, the school name and the school level—elementary or secondary.

• The award submission e-mail should include the following:

o The completed official entry form (as either a Word Document or PDF)

o The award submission as a PowerPoint presentation

o Up to three additional attachments as Microsoft Word documents and/or PDF documents to support the award submission (letters, newspaper articles, etc.)

• A maximum of 15 photos and/or videos can be used in the PowerPoint Presentation. Clip art is allowed and does not count as a photo. Do not attach photos as attachments—insert photos into the PowerPoint Presentation.

Checklist for Person Entering Award

This checklist is for the purpose of ensuring that your award entry is complete. It should not be included with your award submission.

Important: Please refer to “Submitting Your Award Entry” on page 4 for specific information and requirements for the PowerPoint Presentation Format and how to submit your award entry.

|Activity to complete award entry |date checked |

|General Qualifications | |

|Spelling and Grammar Checked | |

|Award Qualifications | |

|New Award (Not previously submitted) | |

|Timetable | |

|Award uploaded to FSNA Dropbox on or before April 15. | |

|Requirements for Award | |

|Official format used and all sections completed | |

|PowerPoint Presentation does not exceed 5 minutes (slide transitions set at | |

|appropriate speed) | |

|Number of activities completed for the award | |

|Program participation information | |

|Promotion of program information | |

|Number of Special Guests in attendance | |

|Amount of media coverage | |

|Involvement of students | |

|Involvement of community | |

|Promotion of nutrition and wellness | |

|A maximum of 15 pictures and/or videos (clipart is not considered a picture) | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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