Human Nutrition Online Research Database

AgeLine Research Database (1978-present, updated 3 times per year)

Database Description:

AgeLine provides extensive coverage of age and age-related issues. Database does NOT include journal holdings information; check KentLINK library catalog to confirm if Kent State owns the journal or book.

Accessing AgeLine (from KSU Libraries & Media Services homepage)

 Accessing AgeLine (from KSU Libraries & Media Services homepage)

1.  Click in the [Location/ Address] box on the toolbar

2.  Type and press

3.  Click Find It, Articles

4.  Click Human Development and Family Studies

5.  and click AgeLine

Searching AgeLine (suggested search strategies):

Keyword Searching, Limiting, Viewing Results, and Locating journal or book titles:

1. Click in the [Search] box

2. Type (Alzheimer* or dementia) and quality of life

3. Check [ ] Publication Year greater than 1997

4. Click [Change] Search Limits

5. Select Journal Article under Document Type and click [ok]

6. Click [Search]

7. Click small red up arrow to enlarge your results screen

8. Click Complete Record for record 6. Methods for assessing quality of life and well-being in frail older people

(view article SUMMARY)

9. Open up a KentLINK screen at (library online catalog)

10. Click Title

11. Type psychology and health (journal title listed as SOURCE: in AgeLine database)

12. Check for volume 17, no 6 issue (available online)

13. Go back to AgeLine [Full Record Display] window and click Show All Results [ ] (view article title list)

Exiting AgeLine:

1. Click [Search] tab to do a new search or Logout at the top right-hand side of the screen to exit

Searching AgeLine (search tips):

AgeLine Search Tips:

• Currently limited to 3 simultaneous users at a time

• Does not include Holdings information or full text links. Do a Title search (journal title) in KentLINK to confirm that the Library subscribes to the journal, either Online or in Print format at

Truncation, wildcards, phrases, nesting:

• Truncation can be used to find different forms of a root word. The * is the truncation symbol. (e.g., develop*, returns develop, develops, development, developmental, developmentally). This is also known as a wildcard search.

• Nesting: When using more than one type of Boolean operator remember to nest similar operators within parentheses. e.g., (old age OR elderly) AND (death or dying)

• Off Campus access available via Kent State Proxy server. Instructions at:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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