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Chapter 10 – AgricultureAP Human GeographyMrs. Bellisari How Do We Classify Economic Activity?Primary Sector (Extractive Sector) (3-5% U.S.) (55% in most peripheral countries)Hunting and GatheringNomadic (high latitude)Sedentary (salmon, deer, berries, nuts)Livestock herding, fishing, lumbering, and forestryMining, drilling, quarryingFarmingSubsistence – grow for personal consumptionCommercial – grow for $$Secondary Sector (20%)Conversion of raw materials into finished productsTertiary Sector (75%)Service industriesConnect producers to consumers Quaternary SectorAnything that deals with information management and capital management Ex. Stock broker, investment banker, lawyers, insuranceQuinary Sectorspheres of research, higher education, high-level decision makers Ex: Pres, CEO, University ProfessorsAgricultural RevolutionAgriculture = Deliberate modification of earth’s surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to produce foodEx. Rice and Wheat primary food cropsRevolution = Profound change in the way things are done, usually occurring in a short period of time but leaving long-lasting effects47078905461000Agricultural DomesticationCarl Sauer’s Theory – first hearth in SE Asia (Bay of Bengal)Vegetative planting 1st Direct cloning from existing plantsPlant stem split = palm and banana treesRoot divided = yam, potato, taro Ecumene = areas of earth’s surface that have been permanently settledSeed agriculture comes later (most farmers practice this today)Reproduction of plants through sexual fertilization of seedsImpact of Seed AgricultureIncreases population dramaticallyLeads to emigration throughout the rest of the worldSocial stratification Specialization of laborCreation of governmentsIncreased competition for land and resources 3754755180975002nd Agricultural Revolution - (late 16th century-19th century)Began in England- 2nd Stage of DTM – fewer positive checks on population growthMajor Changes in Agriculture:Switch to the 4 field systemEnclosure systemForces peasants off the land Increases livestockMechanization of farmingSuccessfully marketed iron ploughSteam Engine Tractors373443522606000Selective breeding Effects of 2nd Agricultural RevolutionMore food grown to meet demands of growing population (also causes more population growth)Encourages urbanization Growth of cities (food produced sent to cities) (primogeniture laws - succession passes from generation to generation) Industrial Revolution ColonizationHuge market for cropsImprovements in transportation Steam shipsRailroadsBoth help transport farm goods over farther distancesSubsistence farming Commercial farming/monocultureMonoculture vs. IntertillageCore countries… Have regions with monoculture: - one single crop (and usually 1 species of crop) grownDisease can wipe out HUGE food supply (Potato Famine)Developed colonies with one cash crop, forces peripheral countries to import food huge debt, must rely on world demand for money, one bad season can destroy the economyPeripheral countries with INTENSIVE land use, practice intertillage crops grown between other cropsDepletes nutrients quicklyImperialism’s Impact on PeripheryBecause of 2nd Agricultural Rev. and Industrial Rev. European countries dominateForce colonies to produce cash crops and eliminate subsistence farmingIndigenous societies unfamiliar with European ideas:Mostly communal agricultural practices not individual plotsPeripheral countries forced to import foodCreates international debt Creates dependency on the core (MNCs)Difficult to end this system (switch to subsistence farming) b/c of debt = “neo-colonialism” (economic domination of periphery)Ex: Senegal peanuts; Angola coffee; Zimbabwe tobacco; Kenya tea; Sudan coffeeDerwent Whittlesey’s 11 Agricultural RegionsCommercial Gardening and Fruit Farming - ExtensiveDairy Farming – Extensive Grain Farming – Extensive Livestock Ranching – Extensive Mediterranean Farming – Extensive Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming – Extensive Not Wet Rice - Intensive Pastorial Nomadism – ExtensivePlantation FarmingShifting CultivationWet Rice Dominant – Intensive Types of Subsistence FarmingPastoral Nomadism (Pastoralism)(.25% world pop.) – found in deserts of North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia Depend primarily on animals for survival NOT cropsAnimals provide milk/blood (food), skin (shelter/clothing), and hair (clothing) Milk traded for grain Some crops grown on the side by women and children (Sedentary Farming)Animals usually NOT slaughteredSize of herd = social classSelect type of animal based on physical and cultural traits Camel more suited for Middle EastCentral Asians prefer horsesSheep, reindeer, goats, huskies, etc. also usedCyclical migration patternsBased on available resourcesVERY territorial Some Nomads practice transhumance - seasonal migration between mountain pasture (in summer) and lowland pastures (in winter)Future of Pastorial NomadismLess and less pastoral nomadsConflict with established govt over territory impact of boundariesMost will eventually lack the necessary land and resources to sustain lifeShifting Cultivation (aka “Slash-and-burn, agriculture”) (5% of world pop) – Farmer cuts down vegetationBurn the plants for added nutrients to the soilIntensively use “SWIDDEN” (cleared land) for a few years (until all the nutrients are gone)Then leave land fallow (nothing planted) so soil can recoverRepeat process in a new area Found mostly in tropics and subtropics (rainforest of SA, Africa, and SE Asia)Crops grown in concentric circles1st circle = sweet potatoes and yamsNext circles = corn and rice, manioc, and more yamsLast circle = Papaya, banana, pineapple, mango, cotton, beans, etc. (most fertile nutrients in soil from leaves of trees)Often uses “Intertillage” (grow between the rows)Environmental dispute of shifting cultivation– good or bad use of land?Nutrients depleted from soil VERY quicklyDestroys rainforest global warmingMany peoples moving away from Shifting Agriculture logging, cattle herding, growing cash crops Intertillage3 and 4. Intensive Subsistence Farming (wet rice dominant vs. non-wet rice dominant)High agricultural densityPeople maximize labor & expense to increase output on available farm land = “intensive” (“Extensive” = use of large areas of land to farm with minimum labor and expense)“Double cropping” = Obtaining 2 harvest from 1 field in 1 yr. very intensiveWet Rice Dominant (Intensive Subsistence)Located mostly in Asia (India, Eastern China, SE Asia)Relies on heavy wet season in summer for rice to growToo little rain a problemToo much rain a problemStep 1: Plant rice in a dry fieldStep 2: Transplant rice to a flooded field = “sawah” (not “paddy”)Step 3: Harvest rice Step 4: Enjoy a yummy rice dishRiceThird major crop in international tradeMajor surpluses produced in East and Southeast Asia. Middle East a consumer of both wheat and rice.Non-Wet-Rice DominantPlaces that are too dry for wet rice… (mostly found in river valleys of Middle East, Europe and Africa)Wheat and barley important substitutesDouble cropping used through skilled crop rotation… again, very intensivePlantation FarmingPracticed in LDCs; Owned by MDCsPlantation = large farm produces 1-2 cash crops (Found in Central America, Coastal SA, Caribbean Islands)Ex. Cotton, sugarcane, coffee, rubber, tobaccoConsumed in MDCs due to large demand for goodsTypes of Commercial FarmingMixed Crop and Livestock FarmingFound in Central Eastern United States, Northwest/Northeast Central Europe Most $$$ comes from livestockSale of milkSale of meatSale of eggsCrops Provide income during harvestProvide food for livestockSpreads workload over the year; provides income throughout the yearCrop rotation very importantCrop RotationNeeded to maintain fertile soil… changes over time5th Century A.D. – 2 field system - One field 4 cereal grain (wheat, oats, barley, etc.). One field fallow (not used) 8th Century – 3 fields increases harvest by 17%. One had a winter cereal, One had a spring cereal, One fallow18th Century – 4 fields increases harvest by 8%. One for a root crop (turnips, potatoes, etc.). One for a “rest crop” (clover) which restores nutrients and provides food for animals. One for a winter cereal. One for a spring cerealMaize or CornLike wheat, corn moves from a few production areas to a small number of consumption zonesCorn differs from wheat in that most of it is not consumed directly by humansMany industrial uses of corn oil and mercial Gardening and Fruit Farming = “Truck Farming”U.S. Southeast (mostly Florida)Sell for human consumptionConsumer vegetables and fruits i.e. apples, asparagus, tomatoes, peaches, lettuce, etc.Large processors for canning/freezing (most crops used for this)Labor costs low use migrant workers & dependent on machinery Specialty farming in NE = growing high end produce for affluent people (e.g. asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, organic produce)Dairy farmingLocated around large urban areas (Northeast/north Central United States, North Europe, New Zealand) “Milkshed”- Originally limited to short distances New technology moves milk up to 300 miles awayFarther away from urban area more likely to sell butter, cheese, etc. # of dairy farmers decreasingToo much workToo expensive to doOutput of milk is going up increased yields per cowGrain FarmingFood grown primarily for humans NOT for livestock (Grown for sale to manufacturers not for immediate consumption)Wheat very important crop…Winter wheat – planted in fall and harvested in beginning of summer, Spring wheat – planted in spring and harvested in late summerHarvests increasingly mechanized1830s – McCormick reaperToday – Harvesting Combine Wheat = world’s leading export cropNorth America = “world’s bread basket”Mediterranean AgricultureLocation: Area around Med. Sea, Southern California, SW South Africa, SW AustraliaCrops grown for human consumptionFocus on HorticultureHorticulture = growing of fruits, vegetables, flowers & tree cropsGrapes and olives most important crops around Med.Southern California focuses on citrus fruits, tree nuts, and deciduous fruitsImportance of value added – cooking oils, wineLivestock RanchingCommercial grazing of livestock over a large area (Western United States, high plains of South America, Central Australia“Cowboys” used to move livestock closer railroads so they could be transported to marketChisholm Trail (Texas to Kansas) most famous route takenOriginally, cattle grazed on open landsNow, cattle graze in fixed areas (usually land too dry for crops)Geography of CattleDistribution of cattle highly regionalizedConcentration in India results from cultural patternsNomadic herding patterns still visible in the geography of cattle.Ranching areas in colonial zones still visibleVon Thunen’s ModelFocuses on HOW land is used and WHY land is used the way it isFocuses on 3 variables:1. Value of product2. Price of land = “land rent” or “bid rent” (refers to how the price and demand on real estate changes as the distance towards the Central Business District (CBD) increases.) Different land users will compete with one another for land close to the city center.) 3. Transportation – costs and perishability26003258318500Assumptions of Von Thunen’s ModelUniformity of land (isotropic)No government interferenceNo obstacles to transportationNo social factors in choosing the productVon Thunen’s Model Applicability Explained cities during/after 2nd Agricultural RevolutionTodayRefrigeration & Improvements in transportation kill the model’s use in the cities of the coreStrawberries from California in AtlantaClementines from ChileRubenstein argues applies to the world as a whole“City” replaced by “core”Rings represent larger distances around the coreIs it still applicable?Yes = growth of many products coming in from periphery where land values are cheapNo = Government subsidizes farmers so they can compete with peripheral goods, other barriers to tradeApplication of Von Thunen’s Model in in the peripheryCan’t afford refrigeration and other preservative technologyModel still appliesSample FRQ Question about Von Thunen’s Model With reference to Von Thunen?s model of agricultural land use which is also known as The Isolated State, answer the following question. Use specific examples wherever appropriate.A. Diagram the model and identify two assumptions made by Von Thunen that may not be true in reality.B. According to the model what two costs must a farmer consider when deciding which crops to cultivate? What is the relationship between distance to market and land use?C. To what extent is the model relevant in more and less developed countries today?6953251270000Green RevolutionGoal: End World HungerWhen: Post WWII ----- through 1960sWho: Rockefeller & Ford Foundation & Core. Norman Borlaug – Texas A & M352425022034500Where: Mexico, Philliphines, India (to help prevent communism from spreading) How: New “miracle seeds” = Wheat and “Golden Rice”HYVs (very prolific), short growing seasons, drought/disease/pest resistantUse of modern fertilizer & pesticidesWell construction & Modern pumpsIrrigation methodsMechanization (tractor…) Green Revolution: Success or Failure?Negatives: (Malthus)Salinization Top soil loss desertification?Capital intensive – terminator seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Super pests Run offMechanization decreased need for workersSustainability??????Positives: (Boserup)Positive way to deal with increasing population pressure180022536004500Higher yield crops Esp. the Big Four: Rice, wheat, corn, and potatoCrops that grow in unnatural conditions3rd Agriculture Revolution(U.S. and Europe mostly – happening now)EXTREME mechanizationLess labor needed (lower costs)Use of satellite imagery (GIS)Farm jobs now mostly air-conditionedChemical farmingSynthetic fertilizersPesticides To eliminate unwanted, problematic threats to plantsEx. Herbicides, Fungicides, InsecticidesHUGE environmental effectsRefrigeration of meats and veggiesExpands the life of produceFarmers sell goods to WORLD marketGenetically Modified Foods “Frankenfood”Combining the DNA/Genetic material of different species (GMOs = genetically mod. organisms)Ex. Fish DNA combined with tobacco, potato, tomato, etc.Changing DNA – terminator seedsAll sorts of pro/con debateEurope has banned many foodsContrast Selective breeding v. GMFingExamples of benefits: disease, drought, and pest resistance/prolific yields/added nutritional value Patents and R&D make this expensive and agribusinesses therefore dominateRise of Agribusinesses – Corporate farmingVertical Integration production, storage, processing, distribution, marketing, and retailingAgribusiness1. agriculture conducted on commercial principles, esp. using advanced technology. an organization engaged in this.2. the group of industries dealing with agricultural produce and services required in farming. Corporate Agribusiness TodayCorporate agribusiness today, from seedling to supermarket, is dominated by such transnational corporate giants as ConAgra, Unilever, Nestle, Philip Morris, RJR Nabisco, Kraft, Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland.Globalization and Food ManufacturingMultinational/Transnational Corporation (MNC/TNC)Food processing increases value of product Meredith Rocks Canning, refining, packaging/packingProblems:Leads to decline of subsistence farmersLeads to capital flight (who controls MNC/TNCs?)Loss of sovereignty for peripheral countriesNo such thing as a “small recall”Biotechnology – using organisms to improve other organismsTransgenic patents VERY expensive (patents, R&D)Agribusinesses dominate industryNew species of crop and animalsGlowing pigs (jelly fish & pigs) Glowing tobacco (firefly & tobacco)Aquaculture – Fish FarmingAquaculture -- also known as fish or shellfish farming -- refers to the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water environments including ponds, rivers, lakes, and the ocean.Food DesertsA food desert is a geographic area where affordable & healthy food is difficult to obtain, particularly for those without access to an automobile. Food deserts also exist in rural areas and low-income communities. Some research links them to diet-related health problems in affected populations. Food deserts are sometimes associated with supermarket shortages and food security. ................

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