Deficiency Diseases and Malnutrition GK Notes in PDF

Deficiency Diseases and Malnutrition ? GK Notes in PDF

As per The World Bank's estimate, India has one of the highest number of children in the world suffering from malnutrition. Moreover, the 2015 Global Hunger Index Report ranked India 20th amongst leading countries with a serious hunger situation. These facts indicate towards dire consequences for mortality rate, productivity and economic growth. India, being the country with the world's largest young demographic, cannot afford to continue to let the evils of stunting, wasting, etc. lurk over its future. Therefore, nutritional deficiency diseases have become an important topic for government competitive exams. This list of nutrients, their sources, constituents and deficiency diseases will help you prepare for the same.

You can also download this list of nutritional deficiency diseases as PDF for future reference.

Deficiency diseases and Sources of Nutrients:

Nutrient Vitamin A

Constituent Retinol, Retinoic Acid, BetaCarotene

Vitamin B1 Thiamine

Deficiency Diseases Night-blindness


Sources Carrots, Papaya, Milk, Cheese, Fish Liver Oil, Green Vegetables etc. Brewer's Yeast, Whole Grain, Oatmeal, Legumes, Peanuts, Dried Soybean, Sunflower Seeds etc.

Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B7 Vitamin B9


Niacin or Nicotinic Acid

Pantothenic Acid

Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine Biotin

Folic Acid


Beef Liver, Lamb,

Milk, Mushroom,

Spinach, Almonds



Tuna, Chicken,


Mushrooms ,

Bacon, Broccoli,

Veal etc.

Acne, Paresthesia

Chicken Liver,

Sunflower Seeds,

Salmon, Avocados,

Corn, Broccoli,

Mushroom etc.

Dandruff-like eruptions, Fish, Beef Liver,

Pink eye, Epilepsy

Potatoes & other

starchy vegetables,

Fruit (other than

citrus) etc.

Growth & Neurological Raw Egg Yolk,

Disorders in Infants

Liver, Peanuts,

Yeast, Whole-

wheat Bread,

Cheddar Cheese,

Pork etc.

Macrocytic Anaemia, Dark Leafy Greens

Birth Defects

like Spinach,


Broccoli, Citrus

Fruits, Beans,

Peas, Lentils,

Avocados etc.

Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E

Essential Fatty Acids Vitamin K Iron


Macrocytic Anaemia, Seafood, Beef,


Memory Loss,

Chicken, Eggs etc.

Pernicious Anaemia,

Mania, Psychosis,


L-Ascorbic Acid


Amla, Guava,

Chillis, Kiwi,

Broccoli, Orange,

Papaya, Lemon,


Calciferol (D2) & Rickets, Osteomalacia Sunlight,

Cholecalciferol (D3)


Alfalfa, Fish Liver

Oils, Cooked Egg

Yolk, etc.

Tochopherols &

Red Blood Cell

Wheat Germ Oil,


Destruction, Ataxia,

Canola Oil,

Retinopathy, Peripheral Sunflower Oil,


Almond Oil,

Reproductive Failure Hazelnuts,

Peanuts etc.

Omega 3 (Alpha Several bodily processes Fish Oils, Flaxseed

Linolenic Acid) and afflicted, Skin Ailments Oil, Hemp Oil,

Omega 6 (Linolenic

Olive Oil, Pumpkin


Seeds, Leafy

Vegetables etc.

Phylloquinone (K1), Lack of Clotting of

Green Leafy

Menaquinone (K2) Blood, Lack of Tissue Vegetables etc.


Anaemia, Arrhythmia Red Meat,

Seafood, Egg Yolk,


Calcium Magnesium

Sodium Chlorine Phosphorous Iodine

Bananas, Apple,

Green Vegetables,

Broccoli, Beans,

Pumpkin Seeds


High Blood Pressure, Meat, Milk, Fruits,

Arrhythmia, Muscle

Vegetables, Whole

Weakness, Myalgia,

Grains etc.

Muscle Cramps,


Respiratory Depression,



Milk and Milk


Products, Eggs,


Wheatgrass etc.

Deterioration of

Nuts and Seeds,

Metabolism & Cellular Green Vegetables,

Functioning, Heart

Dark Chocolate,

Attacks, Insulin

Whole Grains etc.


Cognitive Impairment, Salt, Fish, Meat,

Headaches, Nausea,

Vegetables etc.

Seizure, Coma,

Electrolytic Imbalance

Salt, Milk, Meats,

Vegetables etc.

Meat, Fish,

Poultry, Eggs,

Milk, Bananas etc.

Goitre, Cretinism,

Iodised Salt, Sea

Deterioration of

Food, Green





Metabolism & Cellular Functioning,

Vegetables, Raw Milk, Eggs etc. Meat, Seafood, Eggs, Pulses & Legumes, Milk & Milk Products etc. Grains, Pulses & Legumes, Meat, Milk & Milk Products, Eggs, Seafood etc.

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