Food and Nutrition Project Rubric

Food and Nutrition Project Rubric

|Category |4 Well Balanced |3 Healthy |2 Lacks |1 |Score |

| |Diet | |Nutrients |Malnourished | |

|Technology |*Student could do another project |*Student used the technology |*Required support with technology. |*Required lots of assistance with | |

| |similar to this independently |effectively. |*Project may or may have not enhanced |technology. | |

| |*Student could teach others the |*Technology enhanced project. |project |*Technology didn’t enhance project | |

| |technology used |*Student required minimal support with| | | |

| |*Used technology effectively |technology | | | |

| |Technology Enhanced project | | | | |

|Oral Presentation |*Captured and maintained audience |*Captured audience attention |*May or may have not captured the |*Didn’t capture audience attention. | |

| |attention |*Rehearsed and organized |audience attention |*Needed a lot more rehearsal time | |

| |* Well rehearsed and organized |*Used good oral presentation |*Needed more rehearsal time |and organization | |

| |*Used excellent oral presentation |techniques |*Used fair oral presentation techniques |*Struggled with oral presentation | |

| |techniques (voice, eye contact, etc.) | | |techniques | |

|Persuasiveness |*Student is able to express his/her |*Student is able to express his/her |*Student is able to give his/her opinion |* Student opinion about healthy | |

| |opinion or viewpoint about healthy |opinion or viewpoint about healthy |about healthy eating but may or may not |eating is not clear and persuasive. | |

| |eating and influence others in a |eating and influence others in a |be able to influence or persuade others. | | |

| |persuasive manner. |persuasive manner. | |* Lack of sufficient facts to | |

| |*Student provides several specific |* Student provides some facts to |* Little if any facts to support his/her |support his/her viewpoint, the | |

| |relevant facts with clear |support his/her viewpoint and convince|viewpoint are present. |student does not convince the | |

| |explanations. |the audience. | |audience. | |

| |*The student makes a strong convincing| | | | |

| |argument. | | | | |


Grading: 15-16 points = A

13-14 points = B

10-12 points = C

8-9 points = D

Below 7 = Oops


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