II. - Nevada

MEMORANDUMOctober 2, 2012TO:Rick Combs, SecretaryInterim Finance CommitteeFROM:Stephanie Day, Deputy State Budget DirectorDepartment of AdministrationSUBJECT:Next Interim Finance Committee MeetingPlease place the following items on the agenda of the October 25, 2012 Interim FinanceCommittee meeting:II.RECLASSIFICATIONSAgencyAgency/Account NumberPosition NumberPresent Class Title, Class Code, Grade & SalaryProposed Class Title, Class Code, Grade & SalaryDepartment of Motor Vehicles810/4742CC2007DMV Services Manager III, Code 11.420, Grade 39, Step 01, Employee/Employer Paid Retirement $52,847.28Business Process Analyst III, Code 07.655, Grade 38, Step 01, Employee/Employer Paid Retirement $50,571.36Department of Transportation Performance Analysis800/4660006-005Transportation Planner/ Analyst III, Code 07.720, Grade 38, Step 01, Employee/Employer Paid Retirement $50,571.36Professional Engineer, Code 06.226, Grade 40, Step 01, Employee/Employer Paid $55,206.RMATION ITEMSA.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - DIVISION OF WELFARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES – Letter of Intent - A report on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) projected fund balance at FY2012 fiscal year end. (2011 Legislature)B.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION – Letter of Intent – Status report on developing a reasonable basis for projecting Medicare Part D Gap caseload and quarterly report on caseload and participant information, including wait list/times, attrition and expenditure information for the period ending June 30, 2012.C.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION – Letter of Intent – Quarterly report on the caseload, wait list and time information, as well as actual and projected program expenses for the Autism Treatment Assistance Program (ATAP) during the period ending June 30, 2012.D.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES DIVISION – Letter of Intent – Quarterly report on each of the divisions programmatic areas to include the number of staff hours worked and expenses for each program area for all Aging and Disability Services Division budget accounts.E.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES – Letter of Intent – Semi-annual report on Clark County’s efforts to receive federal revenue in support of child welfare services for the period ending June 30, 2012 (2009 Legislature).F.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES – Letter of Intent – Quarterly report on the number of youth held in county detention facilities, the bed space available and length of the stay for the period ending June 30, 2012.G.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY – STATE FIRE MARSHAL DIVISION Annual report on the inspections of state-owned facilities by the State Fire Marshal Division from July 2011 through June 2012H.WESTERN INTERSTATE COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (WICHE) – In response to the 2011 Letter of Intent, the WICHE Commission is reporting on slot vacancies it approved for Fiscal Year 2012 due to funding deficiencies..I.DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION – SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS – Report from the Governor’s Advisory Council on Holocaust Education regarding the FY 2012 appropriation included in Section 8 of Assembly Bill 580 (2011 Session).J.NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION – Pursuant to NRS 284.1729 the Nevada System of Higher Education shall provide to the Interim Finance Committee every 6 months a report concerning each consultant employed by the entity.K.DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS –Letter of Intent – A report on outstanding and corrective actions and findings recommended in a special study of the state OSHA program. (2011 Legislature)L.DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS – Letter of Intent – A report to the Interim Finance Committee on the progress of fixing or replacing the division’s mechanical database system. (2011 Legislature)M.DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS – Letter of Intent – A report to the Interim Finance Committee on the financial status of the Industrial Development Revenue Bond (IDRB) Program and details on the progress of the Monorail Litigation. (2011 Legislature)N.DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY, INSURANCE DIVISION – Letter of Intent – A report to the Interim Finance Committee on the costs of administering the Self Insured Workers’ Comp program in FY2010 based on actual time and efforts reports of staff funded through the Insurance Regulation account. (2009 & 2011 Legislature)O.NEVADA STATE OFFICE OF ENERGY – Letter of Intent - Semi-annual report of the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loan account policy of routinely authorizing loans. (2011 Legislature)P.DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES – VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE DIVISION – Letter of Intent – Status report for the NV Live Insurance Verification Program for fiscal year 2012.Q.DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES – DIVISION OF FORESTRY – Letter of Intent – A report on financial status of the Nursery Program.R.DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES – DIVISION OF STATE LANDS – In accordance Chapter 514, Statutes of Nevada 1999, the Division of State Lands is required to prepare and submit a report to the Interim Finance Committee semi-annually on the status of the state’s Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) / Fund to Protect the Lake Tahoe Basin (FPLTB). The purpose of the report is to provide an overview and progress report of the EIP projects funded through FPLTB through June 30, 2012.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE – This report is in response to the Nevada Legislature’s September 16, 2011 Letter of Intent regarding the reserve levels of the Registration and Enforcement’s Nursery and Pest Control Operator programs for the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012T.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE – This report is in response to the Nevada Legislature’s September 16, 2011 Letter of Intent regarding the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Country of Origin Labeling cooperative agreement reconciliation.U.DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM & CULTURAL AFFAIRS – MUSEUM & HISTORY DIVISION – Semi-annual report on the status of the joint ticket and revenue and resource sharing agreement with the White Pine Historical Railroad Foundation at East Ely railroad yard complex for the period ending June 30, 2012 (letter of intent, 2011 Legislature).V.DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM & CULTURAL AFFAIRS – MUSEUM & HISTORY DIVISION – Semi-annual report on the operation of the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas at the Springs Preserve and Las Vegas Springs Preserve facility admission information and revenues for each category of visitor for the period ending June 30, 2012 (letter of intent, 2011 Legislature).W.NEVADA BOARD OF PAROLE COMMISSIONERS – Quarterly report of the Parole Board actions for the period from April 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012, pursuant to NRS 213.10887.X.NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS – Letter of Intent – Annual report on the Department of Corrections Energy Management Program, Northern Nevada Re-entry Services Program, and Leasing of the Southern Nevada Correctional Center. (2011 Legislature)Y.DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING & REHABILITATION – REHABILITATION DIVISION – Semi-annual report on the status of the Business Enterprises of Nevada projects for the period ending June 30, 2012 (letter of intent, 2011 Legislature).Z.DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – DISTRIBUTIVE SCHOOL ACCOUNT – Letter of Intent – Annual report on the Adult High School Diploma program for the general public and for inmates within prison facilities for the period ending June 30, 2012 (2011 Legislature).AA.PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BENEFIT PROGRAM – This report requirement is pursuant to the Letter of Intent from the 2011 Legislature regarding the Medicare ExchangeBB.DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – TEACHER LICENSURE – Letter of Intent – Final report on the Office of Teacher Licensure revenue and reserves for the period ending June 30, 2012 (2011 Legislature).CC.DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION – DIVISION OF RISK MANAGEMENT This report requirement is pursuant to a Letter of Intent from the 2011 Legislature regarding captive insurance.DD.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE – This report is in response to the Nevada Legislature’s September 16, 2011 Letter of Intent regarding the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Country of Origin Labeling cooperative agreement reconciliation.EE.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – DIVISION OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES – Letter of Intent – Semi-Annual report on the return of children from out of state placements returned to Nevada for the period of January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012.V.ACTION ITEMSA.NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION – Pursuant to AB Bill 476 (Chapter 463) of the 2011 Legislative Session Addition of $14,000 in Transfer from Interim Finance to cover tuition, books and fees for students who qualify for financial assistance under the Aid to Dependent Children program. Requires Interim Finance approval pursuant to Assembly Bill 476 (Chapter 463).MISSION ON VETERAN’S SERVICES – OFFICE OF VETERAN’S SERVICES – Pursuant to NRS 353.268, the Office of Veteran’s Services is requesting an allocation of $83,030 from the Interim Finance Contingency Fund to fund the addition of two new Veteran Services Representative 1 positions.C.DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES – DIRECTOR’S OFFICE – Pursuant to NRS 353.268, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Director’s Office is requesting an allocation of $289,109 from the Interim Finance Contingency Fund to fund the creation of a state multi-disciplinary technical team -- the Sagebrush Ecosystem Team -- to coordinate and maximize Nevada's efforts to avoid listing of the Greater Sage-grouse. This Sagebrush Ecosystem Team will be comprised of five staff members and will serve as the Nevada technical team with a full-time focus on Sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystems issues and initiatives. This is one of the high priority recommendations from the Governor’s Greater Sage-grouse Advisory Committee.D.Department of conservation and Natural Resources – Conservation Districts – Pursuant to NRS 353.268, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Conservation Districts Division is requesting an allocation of $28,265 from the Interim Finance Contingency Fund for three new Conservation Staff Specialist II positions. These positions are being requested to implement one of the high priority recommendations from the Governor’s Greater Sage-grouse Advisory Committee's Strategic Plan, dated July 31, 2012. The three positions will be split 25% General Fund and 75% federal funds. E.DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES – DIVISION OF FORESTRY – Pursuant to NRS 353.268, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Forestry Division is requesting an allocation of $3,933,663 from the Interim Finance Contingency Fund to cover the claims associated with firefighting expenditures that the state has incurred in its Forest Fire Suppression Account in addition to the amount the agency estimates will be the state’s liability for projected resources to the end of fiscal year 2013.F.DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES – DIVISION OF STATE PARKS - Pursuant to NRS 353.335, the Division of State Parks is requesting authority to receive a $20,250 monetary gift from the American Automobile Association. The account currently has sufficient budget authority to receive this gift.G.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY– DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT – Washoe Drive Fire – Pursuant to NRS 353.2755, the Division of Emergency Management, Sierra Fire Protection District, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, and Washoe County are requesting additional time to the original extension due to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requiring additional time to process the Federal Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) documentation submitted by the state. Emergency Management respectfully requests an extension to the original request of January 19, 2013 to August 1, 2013.H.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY– DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT – Caughlin Fire – Pursuant to NRS 353.2755, the Division of Emergency Management, City of Reno, Sierra Fire Protection District, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, and Washoe County are requesting additional time to the original extension due to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requiring additional time to process the Federal Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) documentation submitted by the state. Emergency Management respectfully requests an extension to the original request of November 18, 2012 to June 1, 2013.DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION – BOARD OF EXAMINERS – STATUTORY CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT –Pursuant to NRS 353.268, the Department of Administration is requesting a $580,000 allocation from the IFC Contingency Fund to replenish the Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account.J.DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – EDUCATION STATE PROGRAMS – Pursuant to NRS 353.268 the Department of Education requests an allocation of $35,171 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to cover the costs of travel for the Superintendent of Public Instruction to fulfill his statutory responsibilities. This request will allow for travel to the 2013 Legislative Session and other legislative meetings and hearings, as well as, travel to State Board of Education meetings and visits to each school district. ................

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