Form can be located at: ...


INSTRUCTIONS: The immediate job supervisor will prepare this form for each subordinate. It will be delivered to the planning section before the rater leaves the fire. Ratinq will be reviewed with employee who will siqn at the bottom.


1. Nam e Sam Turner

2. Fire Nam e and Num ber Lockheed (C A-CZU-007246)

3. Home Unit (address) M onterey Fire D epartm ent, 6 318 P acific St.

4. Location o f Fire (address) Bonny Doon, CA

5. Fire Position S T E N (t)

6. Date of Assignm ent

From: 0 8 /1 2 /1 1

To: 0 8 /1 6 /1 1

7. Acres Burned 8. F uelT ype(s)



9. Evaluation

Enter X under appropriate rating num ber and under proper heading for each category listed. Definition for each rating num ber follows:

0 - Deficient. Does not m eet m inim um requirem ents of the individual statem ent. D E FIC IE N C IE S M U S T BE ID E N T IF IE D IN R E M A R K S .

1 - Needs to improve. M eets som e or m ost of the requirem ents of the individual elem ent. ID E N TIFY IM P R O V E M E N T N E E D E D IN R E M A R K S .

2 - Satisfactory. Em ployee m eets all requirem ents o f the individual elem ent.

3 - Superior. Employee consistently exceeds the perform ance requirem ents.

Rating Factors

Knowledge of the job Ability to obtain performance Attitude Decisions under stress Initiative Consideration for personnel welfare Obtain necessary equipm ent and supplies Physical ability for the job Safety Other (specify) 10. Rem arks

Hot .ine

M op-U p


O ther (Specify)

0 123 0 1230 1230 123




























| |

Sam did an outstanding job as a STEN(t). Prior to arriving at rendezvous, Sam had already done some preparation, putting together a packet of inform ation (weather forecasts, maps, and information about the history of the fire thus far). He has a good com m and presence and worked well with strike team personnel. His safety briefings w ere pertinent to the conditions and covered all of the im portant inform ation. Sam 's coordination with neighboring strike team s during firing operations was excellent and key to the safety/success of the operation. Sam is ready to be qualified as a strike team leader.

11. Em ployee (signature) This rating has been discussed with me (s ig n a tu re )

13. R ate B y (signature)

14. H om e Unit (address)

15. Position of Fire

(s ig n a tu re )

6318 P acific St. M ontero S TE N

Form can be located at:

ICS 225 WF (1/14)

Appendix D_ICS 225, WF, NFES 001576, Sample

12. Date 8 /1 6 /1 1 16. Date 8 /1 6 /1 1

NFES 001576


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