APRIL 27, 28, 29, 2012

The estimated cost of the trip will be $325.00 for people who participate in the raffle ticket sale and $330.00 for those who do not. A small amount of money per each raffle ticket goes toward the cost of bringing chaperones, providing a hotel room for bus drivers, etc. To make the burden more equitable, people who do not sell at least 5 raffle tickets are asked to chip in an additional $5.00 to help defray these costs.


(Please make checks payable to “White Plains High School”)

Friday, Oct. 26: $40.00 nonrefundable deposit

Friday, December 16: $145.00

Friday, March 2: Final payment of 145.00 (or $140.00 for those who sold at least 5 raffle tickets)

PLEASE NOTE: The deposit is not refundable. The other payments are only refundable if another student can be found to take the original student’s place.


We have space available for a total of 136 students to take this trip. We have more students in the band and orchestra combined than that number. If more than 136 students turn in their deposit on or before October 26, a lottery based partially upon seniority will be held to determine who will be able to go on the trip. Names will be drawn alternately from the band and orchestra students and the results announced the following day. Any student bumped from the trip if such a lottery becomes necessary will, of course, have their deposit returned. Sometimes spaces become available at a later date. In the past few years, every student who has wanted to go on the trip has been able to do so. The best way to insure that is to turn in your deposit and permission slip early.


Because the school district no longer permits candy sales, the WPHS Band/Orchestra Parents’ Association will host a raffle as they did last year to help individual students raise money for the trip. The raffle drawing for the cash and other prizes will take place at the December 18 Winter Concert. The raffle tickets this year will probably be selling for $5. There will be a large cash prize and a number of other prizes as well. We will be distributing the raffle tickets and information in early November. A portion of each raffle ticket sold by a student’s family will offset the individual student’s trip cost. The raffle ticket money will need to be turned in prior to the drawing which takes place at the December 18 Winter Holiday Concert. Selling the raffle tickets is totally voluntary and is offered solely as a way to help individual families pay for the trip.


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