Government of New York

| |New York State | |

|George E. Pataki |Office of children & Family Services |John A. Johnson |

|Governor |52 Washington street |Commissioner |

| |rensselaer, NY 12144 | |

Local Commissioners Memorandum

|Transmittal: |02 OCFS LCM-15 |

|To: |Commissioners of Social Services |

|Issuing |Strategic Planning and Policy Development |

|Division/Office: | |

|Date: |July 25, 2002 |

|Subject: |Federal Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Independent Living Allocations |

|Contact Person(s): |Any questions concerning this release should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office, Division of |

| |Development and Prevention Services: |

| |BRO- Linda Brown (716) 847-3145 |

| |RRO- Linda Kurtz (716) 238-8201 Linda.Kurtz@dfa,state, |

| |SRO- Jack Klump (315) 423-1200 |

| |ARO- Bill McLaughlin (518) 486-7078 |

| | |

| |NYCRO-Gail Hallerdin (212) 383-1788 |

| |YRO- Pat Sheehy (914) 377-2080 |

| | |

| |For fiscal questions contact: Bureau of Financial Services |

| |40 North Pearl Street, Policy Unit 14-C, Albany, NY 12243 |

| | |

| |Regions I-IV: Roland Levie, Upstate Office, 1-800-343-8859, Ext. 4-7549 or 518-474-7549; E-Mail |

| |; Fax No. (518) 486-6350 |

| | |

| |Regions V and VI: Marvin Gold, Metro Office, 212-383-1733; |

| |E-Mail:; Fax No. (212) 383-2539 |

|Attachments: |A: District Allocations: Chafee Foster Care Independence Act 2001-2002 Funds |

|Attachment Available On – Line: |Yes |

I. Purpose

The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit to social services districts the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2001-2002 funds. The allocations contained in Attachment A to this memorandum may be used for Independent Living (IL) services expenditures made beginning October 1, 2001 up to the amount of the allocation and subject to a twenty percent (20%) State/Local Match requirement. Only claims received by March 31, 2003 may be applied against the FFY 2001-2002 allocation, including expenditures made after September 30, 2002. Unclaimed allocation amounts will be re-distributed based on claims in excess of the allocation, which will provide the means by which New York State can maximize its use of funds available under this federal funding stream. Claims received after March 31, 2003 for FFY 2002-2003 services expenditures would be claimed against the FFY 2002-2003 allocation.

This memorandum also describes the methodology for the 2001-2002 allocations.

Local social services districts are advised that districts must be in compliance with all provisions set forth in 02 OCFS LCM-05 issued on February 28, 2002, including the assurances made to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services listed in ATTACHMENT B of that memorandum, to be eligible for reimbursement from CFCIP funds .

II. Allocation Methodology

The 2001-2002 allocation for distribution to social services districts represents 97 percent of the total Federal allocation to New York State resulting in an allocation to districts of $11,274,585. The remainder is being reserved by the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for two purposes. (1) to support IL services for youth in direct care in OCFS-operated facilities and rehabilitative services programs; and (2) to explore strategies for collecting data on the experiences and adjustments of foster care youth as they transition to adulthood to come into compliance with the new Federal data collection requirements. The Chafee Foster Care Independence Act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish a national performance assessment system to evaluate Independent Living Programs. Nationwide implementation is planned for October 2003.

The allocation methodology for the 2001-2002 CFCIP allocations to social services districts is the same allocation methodology used to distribute the 1999-2000 allocations and the 2000-2001 allocations to social services districts. The 2001-2002 CFCIP allocation available for distribution to social services districts is comprised of two parts. The first is an allocation to districts equal to the same amounts allocated under the 1998-99 Title IV-E 100 percent funds (see 99 OCFS LCM-14), totaling $7,214,471 of the $11,274,585 being distributed to the districts. The second part of the 2001-2002 allocation of $4,060,114 is based on each social services district’s potential IL population, which is defined as youth 14 to 21 years of age in care on December 31, 2001. Each district is allocated an amount equal to its proportion of the potential IL eligible population in relation to the total statewide potential IL eligible population.

The two parts are then added together to get each social services district’s Federal Fiscal Year 2001-2002 total CFCIP allocation, which appears in the allocations table in ATTACHMENT A.

The population of potentially eligible IL youth was selected for the allocation process as it approximates the likely need for services in each social services district. Prior to the enactment of CFCIP, previous allocation methodologies incorporated a district’s history of expenditures for IL as a factor. However, the previous methodologies did not consider new factors such as the recent addition of youth from 14 to 16 years of age to the eligible population, the requirement to provide services to 18 through 20 year olds, and the ability to include room and board expenditures in the IL claims. OCFS reserves the right to consider expenditure histories in the future after a baseline that includes the new categories has been established. Local social services districts are advised to submit all claims for the 2001-2002 CFCIP funds.

III. Claiming

Chafee Foster Care Independence Program expenditures are claimed on the RF-4 Independent Living Program for Foster Care Children (LDSS-3871). Refer to the Fiscal Reference Manual, Volume 2, Chapter 3 for instructions on completing the RF-4 claim.

/s/ Nancy W. Martinez

for William F. Baccaglini

Issued By

Name: William F. Baccaglini

Title: Director

Division/Office: Strategic Planning and Policy Development




10/1/01 to 9/30/02


































| $ 125,054 |

| $ 22,425 |

| $ 88,416 |

| $ 30,462 |

| $ 26,097 |

| $ 51,252 |

| $ 47,425 |

| $ 7,308 |

| $ 20,341 |

| $ 25,097 |

| $ 26,090 |

| $ 35,032 |

| $ 107,127 |

| $ 410,216 |

| $ 5,422 |

| $ 18,263 |

| $ 26,856 |

| $ 15,496 |

| $ 13,134 |

| $ 140 |

| $ 22,768 |

| $ 30,774 |

| $ 5,121 |

| $ 6,586 |

| $ 23,826 |

| $ 433,092 |

| $ 12,477 |

| $ 207,655 |

| $ 66,582 |

| $ 102,810 |

| $ 133,697 |






























| |

| |



| $ 15,677 |

| $ 143,272 |

| $ 5,146 |

| $ 50,328 |

| $ 37,271 |

| $ 8,921 |

| $ 40,906 |

| $ 126,660 |

| $ 53,152 |

| $ 57,800 |

| $ 65,605 |

| $ 12,079 |

| $ 6,736 |

| $ 26,588 |

| $ 33,920 |

| $ 215,858 |

| $ 28,136 |

| $ 11,495 |

| $ 28,684 |

| $ 87,609 |

| $ 18,220 |

| $ 8,149 |

| $ 14,226 |

| $ 252,430 |

| $ 14,068 |

| $ 9,485 |

| $ 1,945 |

| $ 7,753,178 |

| |

| |

| $11,274,585 |

The allocations in this table may be claimed to provide reimbursement of 80 percent of social services district’s total expenditures, up to the total amount of the allocation. The remaining 20 percent must be comprised of State and local expenditures to match the use of the allocated funds. The remaining 20 percent is eligible for 65 percent State reimbursement pursuant to Chapters 53 and 83 of the Laws of 2002. Donated funds or in-kind services are subject to special rules (refer to 02 OCFS LCM-05, Section V).


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