HackLeague TRAINING - Citywide BoardStat Data Journey ...

 HackLeague TRAINING - Citywide BoardStat Data Journey Worksheet Edition: CSforAll NYC Hack League - BoardStat 6.0bUpdated: 12 October 2018Link to doc Introduction to BoardStat BoardStat is a highly interactive tool for community boards that empowers users to discover issues and trends within their district’s boundaries. In collaboration with Manhattan’s community board district managers, board members, CUNY Service Corps, Microsoft Civic, and BetaNYC, we have developed a number of data dashboards that provide a variety of summaries, graphs, and maps of NYC 311 service request data. This tool pulls directly from NYC’s open data portal and turns the city’s open data into a decision making tool.BoardStat by BoroughBit.ly URL (URLs are case sensitive)Bronx, The Manhattan Queens Staten Island Locating your Community BoardThere are 59 community boards covering NYC. The areas they represent are referred to both as community boards and community districts. There are several ways to locate a community board and its website. The city officially tells people to visit the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit website at < > which then tells you to visit NYC map. This multi-step process is painful. For this exercise, we recommend that you use the community built website, 59 Boards. Here you can easily enter in an address and get a community board AND discover its website.59 Boards - If this website isn’t working, you can use BetaNYC’s “NYC Boundaries Map” to locate an address’ community board and discover other related policial / administrative boundaries, ie Council Districts, Police Precincts, Sanitation Districts, etc. This map is in beta and is under constant development. BetaNYC’s “NYC Boundaries Map” - What address are you looking up?(Circle one) Home / School / OtherEnter address here ___________________________________________________________This address is in ____________________ (borough) community board _____________ (number).(Example, 1 Centre St, New York, New York, is in Manhattan Community Board 1.)This community board’s website is at ________________________________________________Let us explore a common community issue: Heat/Hot Water; and HPD requests in generalThis journey works for all Boroughs.Part I. Identify addresses generating the most Heat/Hot Water service requests in your district.Visit and select a corresponding borough’s boardstat.Now, use the Community Board pull down to select the Community Board you want to look into.On BoardStat Page 1, change the date range to 1/01/2018 to 12/31/2018.Check the bar chart to see if “Heat/Hot Water” is a top ten complaint.If it is a top ten complaint type, note the position/rank here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. If not, proceed to step 8.Click the Heat/Hot Water bar.On the table to the right, click Heat/Hot Water / Entire Building.The address table to the bottom right, you will find the top 30 address with “Heat/Hot Water / Entire Building” issues. Scroll to the top of this list and note the address with the most complaints here: ____________________________, and proceed to Part II. Note, the address may have a few extra spaces in the address name.Part II. Discovering other complaint types and the trend line for Heat/Hot Water complaints.Now, move to BoardStat’s page 2, and change the date range to 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2018.Then, enter the address from Part 1, Step 8 in the Address Look-up bar. Note, there might be a few variations of this address. Select all of them.To the right of the address bar, the address’ top complaint types appear in a tree map.By hovering your mouse over the tree map, record the three largest boxes and their counts below._______________________;count:___________________________;count:___________________________;count:____Click the Heat/Hot Water portion of the tree map. Notice in the line graph to the right, you will see two lines for two descriptors - Entire Building and Apartment Only.Hover over the line for Entire Building and note in what year the line peaks: ___________.How would you interpret this information?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Part III. Identifying buildings with multiple different Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) service requests.On BoardStat’s page 3, change the date range to last year: 1/01/2017 - 12/31/2017.Select Agency, HPD.Click into the map and hover over buildings where you see larger circles . These represent different types of HPD service requests at the same building, and may signify an alert.Record an address where you find this scenario: ______________________________.More BoardStat Activities Page 1: Board Profile / Landing PageVisit < > and select your Borough.Now, using the pull down, select the Community Board based the address above.Enter a date range, ideally a year or a few months, of interest and note it here: from _____________ to _______________.During that date range, what is the top Complaint Type?____________________________.Within that Complaint Type, what is the top Descriptor?_______________________.Of that Complaint Type / Descriptor pair, which address has the most service requests? (Ignore blanks.) ____________________________. (This is answer 2b for below)De-select this Complaint Type / Descriptor, and note which address has the most service requests overall? (Ignore blanks.) ____________________________. (This is answer 3a for below)Page 2: Address Lookup Navigate to Page 2 and change the date range to 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2018.In the address search box, enter the address from Page 1, answer 4b. Note, the address might have several spellings.Did the location have multiple spellings? If yes, what were they _____________________?The top right contains a timeline. What year(s) has the greatest number of service requests? ___________. Are there any other spikes to note? _________________________________.The middle contains a “tree map.” What is that address’ top Complaint Type? _______________________________________________________________. What are other complaint type at this address? __________________.What do these complaint types tell you about this address?_______________________________________________________________. Page 3: Custom SearchNavigate to Page 3.The Community Board should be the same as Page 1. What Community Board is this __________?Change the date range to 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2018.Based upon the above complaint type (Page 2, question 2d), change the complaint type on Page 2 _____________________. Now, scroll and zoom to the map and find the biggest bubble. How many complaint types are at this address? __________ Notes & Thoughts: ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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