VIA EMAIL Ian Rosenblum The Education Trust-New York

Howard Friedman General Counsel

Joseph A. Baranello Chief Privacy Officer, Records Access Officer & Executive Agency Counsel

Vallery Lomas Central Records Access Officer & Agency Attorney

Office of Legal Services NYC Dept. of Education 52 Chambers Street Room 308 New York, NY 10007

+1.212.374.6888 tel. +1.212.374.5596 fax

May 1, 2018

VIA EMAIL Ian Rosenblum The Education Trust-New York data@

RE: #F14,047 ATR Data

Dear Mr. Rosenblum:

This letter is in response to the April 17, 2018 letter (the "April 17 Letter") sent by your attorney, Stephanie J. Schuyler, to Howard Friedman, General Counsel of the New York City Department of Education ("DOE") concerning the above-referenced Freedom of Information Law ("FOIL") request. In that letter, you submitted, through your attorney, revisions to items 1 and 5 of your request as well as an appeal to the alleged constructive denial of item 3 of your request.

With respect to item 1, you revised your request to include "any underlying records or data regarding the schools to which teachers from the ATR [Absent Teacher Reserve] have been provisionally hired that are contained in the `multiple databases' you describe in your letter dated March 8." To that end, please see the enclosed spreadsheet containing data for the total number of teachers provisionally hired from the ATR, disaggregated by school as originally requested.

With respect to item 3, please see the table below containing the aggregate number of teachers by most recent effectiveness rating:



















With respect to item 5, please be advised that additional time is needed to provide a response. The requested data is not housed in a single, centralized database. We are working to cross-check data across multiple databases in order to provide a breakdown of the subject areas for the teachers provisionally hired from the ATR. We anticipate providing a response by May 8, 2018.

Any person denied access to a record may appeal the decision in writing within thirty days. Please state a specific ground for appeal and include copies of the initial request and the denial. Appeals should be sent to: Howard Friedman, General Counsel, c/o Office of Legal Services, New York City Department of Education, 52 Chambers Street ? Room 308, NY, NY 10007, FOIL@schools..



Vallery Lomas

Vallery Lomas FOIL@schools.


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