First Natalie Ulugbek Frida Sushma Marvin John Deena Perry Shangaza Howard Susan Rachel Zachary Leslie Joseph Harvey W illiam Peter Christopher Lee Carlos Susan Peter Christopher Devon Theresa Stephen Carol Jennifer Charlene Jonathan Glen Jessica Vasken Silvana Jeanie Carmen Jerry Laurie James Angel

Last Acevedo Akhmedov Ambia Arora Autry Avallone Avigdor Badgley Banfield Barbin Barrow Beck Berman Bernstein Blay Blumm Boericke Bologna Bowlin Brando Bravo Brockman Brooks Brown Mykolyk Butler Bynum Cardella Carrano Caruso Chan Cheng Chew Chock-Goldman Choubaralian Choy Chu Cintron Citron Clark Cocoros Colon

Department Secretary Physics Language Chemistry Physical Education Physics Mathematics Social Studies Biology Physical Education Art Guidance Social Studies Technology Technology Guidance Social Studies Physical Education Librarian Social Studies Language Language Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Support Lab Specilist Secretary Secretary Biology Librarian Mathematics Guidance Physical Education Physical Education Art Secretary Biology Guidance Mathematics SPARK

DOE email address NAcevedo@schools. UAkhmed@schools. FAmbia@schools. SArora@schools. MAutry@schools. JAvallo@schools. DAvigdo@schools. PBadgle@schools. SBanfield@schools. HBarbin@schools. SBarrow3@schools. rbeck6@schools. ZBerman@schools. LBernstein5@schools. JBlay@schools. hblumm@schools. W Boeric@schools. PBologn@schools. CBowlin@schools. LBrando2@schools. CBravo@schools. SBrockm2@schools. PBrooks2@schools. CBrownMykolyk@schools. DButler4@schools. TBynum@schools. SCardel@schools. CCarran@schools. JCaruso4@schools. SChan7@schools. JCheng5@schools. GChew@schools. jchockgoldman@schools. VChoubaralian@schools. SChoy@schools. JChu11@schools. CCintron5@schools. JCitron@schools. JCocoro@schools. acolon18@schools.

Allyson Joy Eric Ruth Samantha Anthony Angela Angela Josina Maura Jonalf Jason Dan Geralin Zhi Yuan Khalid Bernard Andrea Joseph Eric Angela Svetlana Donna Katherine Roma Elizabeth Hugh Barbara Brenda Kerry W alter Ciprian Debbie Paul Victor Rebecca Lisa Victor Arthur Eric Fan Dylan Undine Patrick David

Compton Consalvo Contreras Dabrio Daves Del Latto DeMasi DiCarlo Dunkel Dwyer Dyrland Weaver Econome Esposito Fanelli Fang Farooqui Feigenbaum Fenyves Feola Ferencz Figliolo Firdman Fiscina Fletcher Flores Fong Francis Garber Garcia Garfinkel Gern Ghita Goldberg Goldsman Gonzalez Gorla Greenwald Greez Griffith Jr. Grossman Guan Gunder Guthrie Ha Hanna

Social Studies Secretary Principal Health Aid Chemistry Mathematics Secretary Secretary Social Studies English Mathematics Biology English Secretary Health Lab Specilist Mathematics Mathematics Guidance English Secretary Social Studies Secretary English Language AP Biology English Health Social Studies English English Mathematics Mathematics Guidance Support Physics Social Studies Social Studies Technology AP English Language Language Guidance Community Assistant Social Studies

ACompton@schools. JConsalvo@schools. econtre@schools. RDabrio@schools. SDaves@schools. ADelLatto@schools. ADeMasi@schools. ADiCarlo@schools. JDunkel@schools. MDwyer2@schools. JDyrlandW eaver@schools. JEconome@schools. DEsposito19@schools. GFanelli@schools. ZFang@schools. KFarooqui@schools. BFeigenbaum@schools. AFenyves@schools. Jfeola@schools. EFerencz2@schools. AFiglio@schools. SFirdman@schools. DFiscin@schools. KFletcher2@schools. RFlores5@schools. EFong@schools. HFranci3@schools. BGarber@schools. BGarcia11@schools. KGarfin@schools. W Gern@schools. CGhita@schools. DGoldberg3@schools. PGoldsman@schools. VGonzalez5@schools. RGorla@schools. LGreenwald2@schools. VGreez@schools. AGriffi4@schools. EGrossm@schools. FGuan@schools. DGunder2@schools. uguthrie@schools. PHa2@schools. DHanna@schools.

Dermot Chie Mark Joseph Aimee Steven David Odessa Jeffrey Deame Elizabeth Heather Dina Ashvin Gary James Aziz Kenneth Jane Danielle Stanislav W illiam Christina Yelena Minkyu Katherine Jeffrey Samuel Richard Charles W ai Rebecca Sydney James Anetta Marissa Joann Eugeniusz Jeffrey David Kim Natasha Anna Rosa

Hannon Helinski Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hiller Holmes Holmes Horenstein Hua Hughes Huhn Ingram Jaishankar Jaye Johnson Jumash Kan Karp Karunadas Kats Kavanagh Kennedy Khevelev Kim Kincaid Kivi Konstantinovich Ku Kuang Lam Lindemulder Lindsay Lonardo Luczak Maggio Mahoney Majewski Makris Mandler Manning Marcano Dillon Markova Mazzurco

English Language English Computer Tech Biology Mathematics Mathematics Support Biology Biology Guidance English Parent Coordinator Mathematics Mathematics AP Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Art Nurse Mathematics Mathematics Librarian Mathematics English English Chemistry Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physics Language Computer Tech Technology Physical Education Biology Guidance Physics Guidance English English Technology Physical Education English

DHannon@schools. CHelins@schools. MHenderson@schools. JHidalgo6@schools. AHill8@schools. SHiller2@schools. DHolmes@schools. OHolmes@schools. JHorenstein@schools. DHua@schools. ehughes2@schools. HHuhn@schools. ringram3@schools. AJaishankar@schools. GJaye@schools. JJohnson3@schools. AJumash@schools. KKan@schools. JKarp2@schools. DKarunadasa@schools. SKats@schools. W Kavana@schools. CKennedy4@schools. YKhevelev@schools. MKim24@schools. KKincaid@schools. JKivi2@schools. SKonstantinovich@schools. RKu2@schools. CKuang2@schools. W Lam2@schools. RLindemulder@schools. SLindsay3@schools. JLonard@schools. ALuczak@schools. MMaggio2@schools. jmahoney3@schools. EMajews@schools. jmakris@schools. DMandler@schools. KRober2@schools. NMarcanoDillon@schools. AMarkova@schools. RMazzur@schools.

Stephen Mary Catherine Vincent Thomas Joseph Ana Emily

Brian Irene Maria Vivien Emilio Sophie Ernest Steven Michael Jee Xue Gilbert Audra Casey Zhiwei Grace Lois Bonita Richard Kristyn Alicia Rosemary Matthew Marianne Dinetta Melissa Jessica Manuel Veronica Marianna Keila Shakira Pasqua Rhonda Steven Gary

McClellan McGregor Mcroy-Mendell Miller Miner Miranda Montserrat Moore

Moran Mouzakitis Nedwidek Moore Ngai Nieves Oberfield Oliveri Omalley Orlando Paik Pan Papagayo Parris Pedrick Peng Piazza Pitula Pizzarelli Platek Pluchino Pohan Polanco Polazzo Prabhu Prince Protass Quenzer Ramirez Rangel Reep Reyes Nunez Rhiman Rocchio Rosenthal Rothenberg Rubinstein

Biology Librarian Social Studies Physical Education Physics Support Language English/Leave

AP Safety and Security

Mathematics Biology Guidance English English AP World Languages Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Language Biology Guidance AP Guidance Mathematics Mathematics Lab Specilist Secretary Mathematics Chemistry English Social Studies Social Studies Biology Para Mathematics Biology Language Support Biology Guidance Guidance Language Physical Education Technology Mathematics

Smcclellan@schools. MMcgregor@schools. CMcroyMendell@schools. VMiller3@schools. TMiner2@schools. JMiranda13@schools. AMontse@schools. EMoore6@schools.

BMoran@schools. IMouzalitis@schools. MNedwidekMoore@schools. vngai@schools. ENieves5@schools. SOberfield@schools. EOliver2@schools. SOMalley@schools. MOrlando5@schools. JPaik3@schools. XPan@schools. GPapagayo@schools. aparris2@schools. cpedrick@schools. ZPeng@schools. RPlatek@schools. LPitula@schools. BPizzar@schools. RPlatek@schools. KPluchino@schools. APohan@schools. RPolanco7@schools. MPolazz@schools. MPrabhu@schools. DPrince3@schools. MProtas@schools. JQuenzer@schools. MRamirez16@schools. VRangel2@schools. MReep@schools. KReyesNunez@schools. srajwan@schools. PRocchi@schools. RRosent@schools. SRothen2@schools. GRubinstein@schools.

Robert Ellen Liliya Daisy Julie Lisa Ellen Rosa Manuel Beatrice Ellis Judd Harold Joseph Brian May Thomas Lauren Holly Patrick Jennifer Christopher Joseph Scott Annie Vernon Gabriel Jessica Kerry Meng Ping Kristina Anthony Darren Dawn Gregg Tianqu Youning Michael Lisa Linda Megan Raymond Atonya Jeaurel

Sandler Schweitzer Shamazov Sharaf Sheinman Shuman Siegel Silverio Simon Soler Staley Stephan Stern Sterr Sterr Strasser Stuzin Sugarman Sunwoo Suri Suter Tamosaitis Thomas Thoms Tillman Ting Tosto Trainor Tu Uy Valentin Vargo Vollaro W alkes W ang W ang W axman W einwurm W eissman Weller W heeler W hitehead W ilson

Social Studies Social Studies Music Physics English Social Studies Social Studies Language Language Support English Music Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physics English Guidance Chemistry AP Social Studies Technology Music AP Chemistry and Physic English Social Studies Chemistry Secretary Social Studies Biology Guidance Social Studies Language Mathematics Guidance Support Physics Social Studies Health Social Studies English AP Music Art and Tech Para Guidance

RSandler@schools. ESchweitzer@schools. LShamazov@schools. DSharaf@schools. JSheinm@schools. LShuman@schools. ESiegel8@schools. RSilver9@schools. MSimon6@schools. BSoler@schools. EStaley@schools. HStephan@schools. JStern6@schools. BSterr@schools. Mwong21@schools. TStrasser@schools. LStuzin@schools. hsugarman@schools. PSunwoo@schools. JSuri@schools. CSuter@schools. JTamosa@schools. SThomas24@schools. AThoms2@schools. DTillman@schools. GTing@schools. JTosto3@schools. KTrainor@schools. MTu@schools. kuy@schools. AValent5@schools. DVargo@schools. DVollar@schools. gwalkes@schoolc. TW ang4@schools. YW ang3@schools. MW axman2@schools. LW einwurm@schools. lweissm@schools. MWeller2@schools. RW heele@schools. AW hitehead@schools. jwilson14@schools.

Gregor Joel Eric Mankit Di Yanjun Jia Hui

W inkel W inston W isotsky W ong Wu Zhang Zhou Zhu

Music Technology Social Studies Physical Education Guidance Lab Specilist Language Language

GW inkel@schools. JW insto@schools. EW isots@schools. MW ong22@schools. Dwu@schools. YZhang@schools. JZhou4@schools. HZhu3@schools.


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