YEAR 1 Team Deliverables and Year 2 ... - Graduate NYC

|Team |Phase 1 Deliverables (Jan 2011 – June 2011) |

|Reading & Writing |Recommendations for development of a faculty/teacher collaborative focused on reading & writing proficiency; to include goal, context, and |

| |two alternatives for strategy, structure, and participation. |

| |Preliminary identification of promising curriculum and student support models at the high school and college levels to consider for |

| |expansion and/or replication, and to inform the Graduate NYC! Faculty Collaborative. |

| |Map of reading and writing developmental course sequences and programs available at all CUNY campuses that offer developmental coursework. |

| |(Being carried out at the office of CUNY’s Dean of Undergraduate Education, at the request of the Reading & Writing Team. |

|Math |Recommendations for development of a new DOE-CUNY collaborative structure(s) to improve college readiness. See “Math Teacher-Faculty |

| |Collaborative Proposal” |

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| |Policy recommendation: Use an existing diagnostic assessment (e.g. PSAT) in order to place students in the appropriate math course in their |

| |senior year of high school (course/intervention to be developed if needed) to assure college readiness. |

| |Recommendations regarding teacher assessment: |

| |As part of the emphasis on increased teacher observations, Principals should observe math teachers with an educator who knows math content |

| |(for example, the Math AP, Lead Math Teacher, or Math Coach) in cases where the Principal is not math-trained/certified. |

| |Assessment of teacher capacity, including observations, should lead to professional development and coursework recommendations, where |

| |teachers are found to have a deficit in math content knowledge and/or pedagogical skills. |

| |Surveyed sub-set of DOE Math Assistant Principals to understand their curriculum, assessment, and college preparation practices, as well as |

| |their professional development and teacher education needs. (See “Math Team AMAPS Survey Results”) |

| |Received access to the College Board report on the “Alignment of Common Core Standards in Mathematics to New York State Performance |

| |Indicators.” |

| |Received approval for the addition of DOE representatives on the CUNY Math Panel to discuss the exit criteria for CUNY remediation in math |

| |and to provide information and resources if needed to the Panel. |

| |Map of math developmental course sequences and programs available at all CUNY campuses that offer developmental coursework. (Being carried |

| |out at the office of CUNY’s Dean of Undergraduate Education, at the request of the Math Team.) |

| |Catalogue of the math entrance requirements at CUNY and an overview of the COMPASS exam; to be made available to Math APs and Guidance |

| |Counselors at the DOE. A one-page version for students, parents, and CBOs is under development (Summer, 2011); to include a description of |

| |professions that test math proficiency. (See “CUNY General Skill Requirements” & “Math Skill Requirements”) |

| |Recommendation: CUNY should explore raising admission requirements for applicants to math education programs by requiring passing of an exam|

| |(e.g. Praxis). |

| |Catalogue of CUNY coursework (math education and content courses) available for pre-certified teachers, and summary of certification |

| |requirements for mathematics teachers. (See “Math courses by campus” and “Math certification”) |

| |Engage CUNY Education School faculty and students around Common Core State Standards. This formally began through May CUNY Education |

| |Conference organized by University Dean of Education (Lucariello) and Campus Deans and Chairs. It will continue with campus-based |

| |interactions with NYC DOE offices implementing Common Core curriculum and assessments. |

|Transitions |Definition of a college transition program. |

| |Proposal for a Transition Programs Learning Community |

|FAFSA |Identification of gaps in available financial aid support and completion, and recommendations for CUNY, DOE and Graduate NYC! |

| |Annotated bibliography of financial aid completion research. |

|Internal Advisement|Identification of schools that are out-performing others in preparing specific populations for succeeding in college specifically to hone in|

|Capacity |on what advisement practices may be occurring in those schools |

| |Database of advisement Services available across the CUNY campuses -- includes where the offices are, what types of services are available |

| |and how often, etc. To be used to create surveys for advisement professionals, faculty and students and, together with survey data, to |

| |conduct gap analysis and make recommendations to improve advisement services and resources across CUNY. |

| |Database of professional development for school, CBOs and college advisement with recommendations on how providers can better coordinate the|

| |delivery and promotion of their offerings and guidance to schools/CBOs/colleges on how to select appropriate professional development. |

| |Using the College Awareness, Planning and Advisement (CAPA) research and school visits and online research: outline plan of action for |

| |approaching the work of benchmarking, propose uses of benchmarks within the DOE and DYCD, catalog college and career planning benchmarks |

| |from existing programs and state standards, identify 'buckets' or categories for types of benchmarks, and profile a school with promising |

| |practices and school culture related to college and career planning. |

|External Awareness |Rubric for assessment of the content and communication method of college readiness and success messages. Catalogue of current mechanisms |

| |and materials utilized within CUNY and the DOE, as well as nationally and locally (through community based organizations and national |

| |campaigns), to communicate these messages to students and families. |

| |Assessment of the strengths and gaps in messaging, and a list of current communication mechanisms in the DOE, CUNY and CBOs into which the |

| |Team’s recommendations can be incorporated. |

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| |Results of focus groups of student and family reactions to key college messages and methods of communicating these messages. |

|Data |Automated matching algorithm to support CUNY/DOE student data sharing. |

| |Plan for building larger CUNY/DOE data warehouse to support long term longitudinal tracking goals. |

| |Supporting the GNYC! Teams through data analysis. |

|Joint Projects |Database of currently available programs in college readiness, access, transition and success across NYC – to be used for an online |

| |catalogue as the next step. |

| |Results from survey of programs that work in college readiness, access, transition and success. |


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