Minutes for InterOp SC 2015-04-06 GMT-08:00

Minutes for InterOp SC 2015-04-06 GMT-08:00Called to order at 10:06 US CentralMatt noted web conference password change; Richard is not able to use no password; hopefully this will self-correct and quiesce by next week.[08:21] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): [08:21] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): password SHOULD be "tosca"[08:46] Paul Lipton (co-chair) private: @Matt, please post link to CSAR file in Kavi?[08:52] Paul Lipton (co-chair) private: Never mind, I found it.[09:01] Paul Lipton (co-chair) private: @Matt, please post some basic attendance/minutes, if you would be so kind [09:02] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): [09:03] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Next week, we need to firm up the overall interop event leaders for OSCON, Matt made it clear he cannot fulfill this role this time around [09:04] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): next week we will also begin taking a poll of yes/no of who will be at OSCON [09:05] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt: asked Paul to setup a call with Jane OASIS Staff wit himself and SC leadership towards asking about and firming up plans for interop. forms and dates/deadlines for fees etc.Paul Lipton: If there are any gaps in the report (see below), I am fine with SC leadership contacting Jane directly (suggest CC’ing the other SC leader and Paul, if you would be so kind). [09:05] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt: indicate OASIS Foundational sponsorships can be used as credits towards this event with OASIS and IBM will use one for OSCON interop Paul Lipton: Report on OSCON-OASIS Logistics: OSCON had about 4,000 attendees. We would be on the Expo floor (a better location than the much smaller EuroCloud Conference, but the booth is small, 6x8 (we were told originally 10x10, but that is apparently incorrect) and we are probably on the edge/back of the Expo Center with other non-profits. In short, we would be a very small fish, but in a very large and important pond. As indicated in the past, and as was the case for the EuroCloud InterOp, the OASIS administrative fee for organizing, providing booth, banners, promoting, etc. is $700 for non-Foundational OASIS members (IBM is the only TC member that is Foundational)Outreach and recruitment: Since Matt cannot do the outreach to TC members for participation in the InterOp, Karsten, Richard, and Paul will split the dutyPromoting the Demo: Richard is investigating the possibility that SAP can help us obtain a BoF (Birds-of-Feather session) to help promote the Expo Other promotion opportunities include other conferences before OSCON (possibly Cloud Expo in NYC), OASIS promotion on the website and to the ~600 OASIS members, etc. ACTION: Karsten, Richard, and Paul to do preliminary outreach and report back next week on confirmed / near-confirmed participants for OSCON. [09:06] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Sahdev took SC through latest CSAR file for ELK use case for OSCON interop [09:06] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Sahdev emphasized all components/scripts now run and that structure of CSAR is complete taking us through general scripts/python and defintions directory structure [09:07] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Sahdev showed TOSCA.meta which contains map of csar dir. structure [09:07] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt: points out that Compute properties still need to be moved to Container cap. type [09:08] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt: pointed out that Python and version assumptions for Ubuntu are made in this use case (Ubuntu built into templates) so that Python SHOULD work [09:09] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): but that Python and other interpreted non-Bash are not part of TOSCA and we need a better way to describe/handle using artifacts defn. to that end Sahdev opened JIRA issue 230, [09:10] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): again try the CSAR out, feedback via SC call OR better via email lists to TC or SC.[09:10] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): adjourned at 11:01 CST ................

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