1 Applicant Information

First Name Date of Birth Home Address City


This form must be completed within 90 days prior to submission


Last Name *Social Security #

Phone Number Zip

License Type:

2 Physician

License Number (if, licensed)


Name of Physician Address of Physician City



Physician's Signature


Date _________________________________________

3 General Health Assessment

Fitness is being physically and mentally capable of undertaking the tasks that an individual is required to carry out and is licensed to engage in by

the NYC Department of Buildings.

Mentally capable means to lack any medical conditions that might impair cognitive function or emotional state to the extent that the applicant

cannot complete the responsibilities of the license.

Medically fit applicants must not be suffering from medical conditions or undergoing any medical treatment that is likely to cause sudden loss of

consciousness or incapacity, impairment of awareness, concentration, or significant limitation of mobility that could prevent the licensee from performing the duties of the license.

See page 2 for licensee duties, as per the NYC Administrative Code.

Physician's Clearance


I certify that I have examined: with the knowledge of his/her duties, I find him/ her qualified under the regulations. (see addendum) Please choose one:

Medically fit Medically fit with accommodations - (Please attach Accommodation Statement ) Not medically fit A complete examination form for this person is on file in my office: Address of Examination

Date of Examination

Name of Physician

Signature of Physician

I, as an applicant, authorize the release to my the licensing authority of all information contained on this examination form and all other forms generated as a direct result of my examination.

Name of Applicant

Physician's Stamp: Signature of Applicant

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*In accordance with Federal and State Laws, the New York City Department of Buildings requires that all applicants for licenses/license holders provide their Social Security Number (SSN). DOB will use the SSN to conduct background investigations and maintain accurate license and related records. This information may be shared with other government agencies, consistent with applicable laws and Departmental policy or with the SSN holder's written permission, but will otherwise be kept confidential. The specific statutory authority for requiring SSN's is in the following: Federal Law-Privacy Act of 1974

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Addendum: License Regulations

License Type

Relevant Regulations


This license authorizes a NYC licensee to perform manual welding work on any structural member of any building in the city. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-407; Title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York Section 104-11

Site Safety Manager; Site Safety Coordinator

This license authorizes a NYC licensee to ensure construction site compliance with the site safety plan and all safety requirements, as specified in chapter 33 of the New York City Building Code. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-402; NYC Administrative Code Section 28-403

Private Elevator Inspection Agency This license authorizes a NYC licensee to perform and/or witness Elevator inspections and tests or enter into

Inspector; Private Elevator Inspec- contracts pursuant to article 304, chapter 3 of the NYC Administrative Code.

tion Agency Director

NYC Administrative Code Section 28-421; NYC Administrative Code Section 28-422

Sign Hanger

High Pressure Boiler Operating Engineer Oil Burning Equipment Installer

Master Plumber


Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractor Concrete Safety Manager Construction Superintendent

This license authorizes a NYC licensee to hoist lower or to hang or attach a sign, upon or on the outside of any building or structure in the city. This may include the use of cranes or suspended scaffolds. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-415

This license authorizes a NYC licensee to operate any high-pressure boiler in the city of New York. Excluding the exceptions listed in NYC Administrative Code. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-413

Authorizes installation of any type of oil-burning equipment in the city, as an independent contractor with full responsibility for the manner in which the work is done, for the materials and equipment used, and for the control and direct and continuing supervision of the persons employed on the work. Such equipment shall include but not be limited to burners, boilers and generators. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-412

This license authorizes a NYC licensee to perform and supervise plumbing work, including the installation, maintenance, repair, modification, extension, or alteration of plumbing and related systems, as prescribed in the NYC Administrative Code. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-408; 28-401.3.

Master/Special Electrician: This license authorizes a NYC licensee to perform and supervise the installation, alteration, maintenance or repair of electric wires and wiring apparatus and other appliances used or to be used for the transmission of electricity for electric light, heat, power, signaling, communication, alarm or data transmission. NYC Administrative Code Section 27-3004; NYC Administrative Code Section 27-3017

This license authorizes a NYC licensee to perform and supervise fire suppression work, including the installation, maintenance, repair, modification, extension, or alteration or testing of a fire suppression piping system, as prescribed in the NYC Administrative Code. NYC Administrative Code Section 28-410; 28-401.3.

This license authorizes the a NYC licensee to oversee concrete operations and related job site safety, as specified in chapter 33 of the New York City Building Code. Building Code Section 3310.9; Title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York Section 3310-02

This license authorizes the NYC licensee to maintain job site safety and ensure compliance with plans in accordance with Chapter 33 of the NYC Building Code and as specified in Title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York Section 3301-02

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