Brooklyn Technical High School

Brooklyn Technical High School

Prefect Announcements

Fri., March 26, 2010


Good morning Brooklyn Tech.  Today is Friday, March 26th and day 5 of the 10-day cycle.   And now, I would like to ask everyone to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance:


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for All.


You may be seated.  And now for today’s announcements:

1. To all third period teachers: I do apologize for the late note and the interruption to your instructional day as it pertains to the Student Learning Environment Survey. Though there was a notice in Pens & Letters Monday night, there should have also been a notice from the administration. I can only chalk this up as a lesson learned. In the mean time, for the sake of the school, please take the time now to administer the Student Learning Environment survey and return those completed surveys to Room 1W2.

2. AVATAR and James Cameron are coming to Brooklyn Tech on Saturday, April 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will discuss the environmental value of the movie and give ten students the opportunity to win $5000 and five teachers the opportunity to win $2500. And even if you don’t want to compete, we want to invite you, the entire Brooklyn Tech community to this special event. For more details, check your Brooklyn Tech email or log on to the Brooklyn Tech website.

3. The Society of Women Engineers Club is a professional organization dedicated to advancing the role of women in engineering and science. The club has been a great experience for many girls in other high schools due to the wonderful SWE women who have met with and encouraged them. Besides the meetings, they also fundraise and take trips. If any teacher and/or student is interested in starting a chapter of the Society of Women Engineers here at Brooklyn Tech, please come to Room 7C1.

4. TODAY'S WORD-A-DAY IS GRAVITATE.  GRAVITATE IS A VERB. IT MEANS to move toward something; to be drawn or attracted, especially by natural inclination. TODAY'S WORD-A-DAY SENTENCE IS: It is natural for an infant to gravitate towards his mother.

5. Students…Are you looking for a summer internship??….New internships have been posted recently!….Some of the deadlines are approaching fast, so check the internship page under the guidance tab. Make sure to check the internship page regularly…even during the break!

6. Attention all seniors: As we have come to the end of the 4th marking period and as we move another week closer to prom, keep the following in mind:  The cost of the prom will be released after the vacation.  Also, be aware that there is a grading policy in regards to the prom.  Students who earn a grade of 45 on the 5th marking period report card will not be allowed to attend the prom.  Students who fail more than two classes, regardless of whether or not those classes are necessary for graduation, will not be allowed to attend the prom.  So, do what you are here to do.  Go to class.  Pass your class.  And then do what everyone wants to do.  Go to the 2010 Senior Prom.

7. March 26, is the last day to sign up your team to play in the Robert Ogle Basketball Tournament. There are only four slots left, so come after school to BW22 with a list of your eight players and the sixteen dollars to register. Once again, you CANNOT HAVE more than two Varisty and/or JV players on your team.

8. All the members of the boys junior varsity basketball team must return all game uniforms on Friday, March 26, after 9th period gym 8.

9. Do you want to win $150 or $50 cash prize and have fun? Well, the Teen Resource Center is hosting their first New York Teens Got Talent Show on April 17th 1:00PM to 3:30PM at IS131/YMCA (100 Hester Street). Anyone ages 13-21 who can sing, dance, recite poetry, or play an instrument can join as an individual or group. Performers must register between 2-6PM on on March 27 at 125 Walker Street. For more information please go to the Brooklyn Tech website.

10. Juniors! Collections for Semi-Formal have been extended until Friday, April 9th! In person payments have also been resumed in room 7C1 during your lunch period. We will also be collecting today at parent teacher conferences in the first floor center section. Remember, you can pay online with a credit card, or in person with cash or money order only. Space is limited, so make sure you and your friends all sign up today!

11. TECHNITES! It's that time of the year again - ELECTIONS! If you're interested in running for an Executive position for your class for the next school year, stay tuned in to the BTHS website for more updates.

12. Come to the Horizons bake sale during the night of Parent-Teacher Conferences! We'll be selling many home baked goods during the night. All of the profits will be for used to publish the magazine.

13. Do you want to experience what it is like to be in College BEFORE you graduate High school? Want to know how you can receive FREE College Credit? Then, come visit the COLLEGE NOW table during your lunch period today and talk to the representatives!

14. KEY Club is now selling new glow-in-the-dark wristbands along with new color combos for Haiti Relief. Come to the center section during your lunch period to show your support. Prices start at $1.

15. The Annual Table Tennis Tournament is BACK! Teachers and students are welcome to join and compete. The registration fee is only $2. Register by April 8th in the Southeast Section of the Cafeteria after 9th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays or in 4N8 with Mr. McCollum.

16. The College Office in collaboration with Kaplan College Prep services are hosting "Lunch and Learn" College Readiness Skills Workshops during lunch periods and Periods 9 and 10 once a week for seven weeks. This program will assist you in applying to colleges, paying for it, and figuring out what to major to choose. If you are interested in attending please go to the College Office in room 7S5 to pick up an application. SPACE IS LIMITED....

17. Anyone who is interested in participating in the Brooklyn Tech Flag Football League can register in the center lobby on Thursday March 25th from 2:45-4:15pm. All Tech students are eligible to participate, but space is limited.  You must hand in a completed medical form and parent consent on March 25th to register. See Mr. McKenna for a medical or parent consent form.

18. Students in AP courses can now sign up for Advanced Placement Exams.  An instruction sheet was sent to you via your BTHS email. Please pay attention to all details and deadlines.

19. All students now have access to your own respective Daedulus accounts. Complete your registration.   Don’t choose to ignore your personal information. Choose to be informed.

20. To all Juniors: It’s time to start thinking about next year’s senior selectives in English and Math. Which courses will you take? To help you make an informed decision, there will be a senior selective selection conference on Thursday, April 8th.

21. Attention Seniors: if you have not paid Senior Dues already, Friday, March 26th will be the FINAL Day to make a payment if you want to purchase a yearbook. After Friday March 26th, you will only be able to purchase package B, without the yearbook. If you have not already picked up your Senior T-shirt and Key chain and have paid for Senior Dues please come by 7C1 ASAP.

22. Attention all Senior Major Reps: Major T-shirts for Law and Society, Industrial Design and Aerospace Engineering have arrived. Seniors who've ordered Major T-shirts MUST clear their balance with your Major Reps, and Major Reps, you must clear the balance with the school before you can distribute shirts.

23. Seniors please come to room 7C1 to pick up a FREE copy of the 2010 Prom Guide and FYI to all seniors, student government is still in the process of finalizing prom logistics. Once all details have been finalized, a price for prom will be released in the near future. Prom will be held at Cipriani's on Wall Street.

24. Attention all students who signed up for the Forte Greene Free Trees Project:  If you signed up to help deliver and plant trees for the neighbors of the Fort Greene Community, then report to Room 7C1 during your lunch period to indicate which shift you would like to work on Saturday, April 17th.

25. The Double Dutch team is extending its try out period. See Ms. Balansag at room 8E6 or come to practice at 3:30 p.m. at room 8E14.

26. Did you know? Did you know that the new Express Student Elevators have successfully decreased overcrowding on the elevators and conflicts while waiting for the elevators. The effort to create the express elevators was done to improve our safety. Safety and Respect. That’s one of the categories that NYC uses to evaluate your school. This is Your School, so use Your Voice. The NYC School Survey gives all NYC parents, teachers, and students in grades 6-12 the opportunity to provide feedback about the learning environment of their schools. The Learning Environment Survey is coming this week.

27. If you wish to have the morning announcements emailed to you daily, then go to the school website to find out how you can do that.

28. To have your announcement read during the morning announcements, you must email your message to Mr. Williams at no later than the evening prior to the morning announcements.

Remember, for the latest, up-to-date news, please go to BTHS.EDU or .  These announcements will also be read during the lunch periods.

Thank you, and those have been our announcements for today.  

Have a safe, pleasant, and positive day!


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