Living Environment 2008/2009 ________________ Dr

Benjamin Cardozo High School PLTW Human Body Systems

Principal: Ms. Colby Assistant Principal: Dr. Sharafeddin Teacher: Dr. Elizabeth Rubenstein

Welcome to Project Lead the Way: Human Body Systems. In this class we will be learning about the structure and functioning of the human body, different careers in the medical sciences, and how to use symptoms and medical testing to diagnose diseases. Throughout the class, we will be presented with several different “patients” and act as physicians to diagnose and treat the patients. This is a guide to succeeding in our class.

1. Attendance is mandatory and important. The information and skills build upon themselves, so missing work will hinder your understanding and progress. Absences without notes will be viewed as cuts. In accordance with school policy, each cut will be three points deducted from your grade.

2. Be on time. Frequent lateness will result in points deducted. Two “lates” equals a cut. All latecomers must sign in the book, including time of arrival.

3. As per school policy, cell phones, ipods or other electronic devices may NOT be used, OR SEEN, in class. Turn them off!! Put them away!! Mine will also be put away. Unless we are using the laptops, headphones and ear buds (whether attached or not) should not be visible during class time. Put them away.

4. Assignments are due on time. With an absence note, assignments may be made up. If you are absent, email me to get the assignments and notes. We will have homework approximately three times a week.

5. Projects are due on the due date. Late projects will have points deducted. Please follow the rubric given for your project. We will also be given several assignments in which you will be asked to organize, analyze and prepare a presentation of data from a patient’s history and physical.

6. We will be having approximately two exams, and two to four quizzes per marking period. Pop quizzes are open notebook, so keep your notebook up to date. Exams are closed notebook. I will not include material in an exam that was covered within 3 days of the exam, so there should be no excuses. Missing an exam or quiz results in a zero. Make ups for exams are only with an absence note. Cheating results in a zero (which will not be dropped) for all involved parties.

7. Toward the end of the year, we will be taking the End of Course (EOC) to analyze our accomplishments.

8. Please be prepared for class. Bring in a notebook or binder, paper, pens, and pencils. You also need to keep a bound laboratory notebook and a bound career journal.

9. Bathroom Pass Rules: The 10-minute rule applies. You must sign out (time of departure) and in (time of return). Please remember that others may be waiting and be considerate. I believe in trusting people unless they abuse that trust. The pass (and my trust) will be available unless you forfeit it.

10. According to school policy, grades will be determined as follows:

• Tests, quizzes, and projects: 60%

• Homework 15 %

• Labs 10%

• Classwork and Participation 15 %

11. We will be performing several labs: some will be hands on, some will be computer simulations. Please consider the type of lab and dress accordingly so your clothing does not get stained. If protective eyewear, gloves, lab coats etc. are required, you must use them. NO exceptions. Although labs are done as a group, you will have to do your own work and write your own report. Labs will be graded.

12. If you need help, please come early in the semester. Do not wait for the last week.

13. Courtesy and respect are necessary in a learning environment. I will give you both and expect you to return the favor. Remember, “It doesn’t cost extra to be nice!” (Rubenstein’s life rule #1)

14. I can be found in room 254 or B 34 or reached by email: ERubenstein@schools. or through the school website at (go to staff and click on my name to email me) If you are absent, I strongly recommend that you email me for notes, activity sheets or assignments.. I strongly suggest that you use a professional email address (ex. JSmith97@) and use professional etiquette when communicating with teachers and classmates. My phone extension is 718 279 6500 ext 2541 but I prefer to communicate by email.

15. I will be maintaining my school web page. Please check it for updates on exams, projects, and assignments. Parents and students can check on grades and assignments on Pupil Path. Notes will be made available on Pupil Path.

I look forward to a pleasant and interesting semester with you.

Students and parents, please review, sign and return the attached sheet tomorrow

I have received my copy of classroom rules. I understand my responsibilities.

Student name____________________________________________


Student’s email___________________________________________

Parent name: Mr./ Mrs./ Ms./ Dr._______________________________


Parent’s email_____________________________________________

Parent’s daytime phone #_____________________________________

I have received my copy of classroom rules. I understand my responsibilities.

Student name____________________________________________


Student’s email___________________________________________

Parent name: Mr./ Mrs./ Ms./ Dr._______________________________


Parent’s email_____________________________________________

Parent’s daytime phone #_____________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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