Department head meeting town of liberty board 119 north ...

Department Head Meeting for the Town of Liberty held via ZOOMPRESENT:Supervisor Frank DeMayo Councilperson Dean FarrandCouncilperson Vincent McPhillipsCouncilperson Brian McPhillipsABSENT:CEO Al FuscoAssessor Clerk Sunsoree YoungTown Engineer Dave OhmanRECORDING SECRETARY:Town Clerk Laurie DutcherALSO PRESENT:Town Attorney Ken KleinFinance Director Cheryl GerowFinance Director Earl BertschCourt Manager Denise Curry DCO Joanne GerowParks Director Kevin DelaneyAssistant Recreation Director James GuaraWater/Sewer Foreman Stacey YaunNick Rusin - Confidential SecretaryPLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE Supervisor Frank DeMayo made an announcement to all Department Heads to let their people know that the training for Workplace Violence and Harassment is to be completed by September 15, 2020. On Friday September 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. a Memorial Service for 9/11 will be held at LaPolt Park.DEPARTMENT HEADSASSESSORNot in attendance – No report Discussion to be held in Executive Session about hiring an Assessor. CEO - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Not in attendance – No report COURT Court Manager Denise Curry: You have my report if you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them. I just want you to know I sent over a form today to show I spoke with Cheryl about the JCAP reallocating the money. And they’re going to get back to me, possibly tomorrow to see if whatever I submitted to them is sufficient to reallocate the money. So I will let you know.Supervisor DeMayo said he was getting some feedback that our judges are not answering the calls for arraignments. It is his understanding that if it’s in our town, we take the call, but obviously only extenuating circumstances would cause maybe another judge from another town to kick in. That it is sort of an unwritten reciprocal agreement amongst the towns. Court Manager Denise Curry said she would bring it to both judges’ attention.AUGUST 20 V&T Received 610 V&T Appearances Criminal Appearances Ordinance Appearances Civil Appearances Total Fines Collected $46,702.50 Total Fines to Town N/A Total Fines to Village N/A DCODCO Joanne Gerow: You have my report. Nothing remarkable going on. Business as usual. There was one thing that I’d like to discuss and that’s maybe renegotiation of the contract between CARE and the Town of Liberty regarding the leasing of the shelter. We’re going to be making some investment in the property and we’d like to maybe entertain the possibility of a longer term lease. Supervisor DeMayo asked that she put it in writing and send it to him and the Board as a request. Councilperson Vince McPhillips asked about the sign. DCO Joanne Gerow said she hasn’t heard anything back, but will be reaching out to Alan Gerry soon and let the Board know.5 dogs seized2 bites3 dogs redeemed2 dogs surrendered to CARE826 milesFINANCEFinance Director Cheryl Gerow: It’s been kind of busy. I got the budget out to you guys so we just need to schedule some work sessions. If you guys have any dates or how we’re going to do this. After a short discussion it was determined that the work sessions would be held with the Department Heads on September 21st at 4:00 p.m., September 28th at 4:00 p.m. and October 5th after the Department Head meeting. The final budget work session with just the Board members will be held October 13th at 5:00 p.m. The public hearing to be determined. Finance Director Cheryl Gerow: I did speak to the County regarding the leasing of the vehicle and I was going back and forth with the purchasing department, but she finally called me one day last week and said that right now they’re paying $475 a month for the Grand Cherokee. And then after when the lease is done you either have to purchase the vehicle outright or you have to get into another lease.Supervisor Frank DeMayo: We’ll put together a consolidated report on the purchase and the lease and then Laurie if you can just make sure that makes it’s way to the agenda at our regular meeting. The following took place in the Finance Office for the month of August:Prepared the 2021 Tentative BudgetDiscussed and prepared program changes for the NYS Retirement SystemWorked on program changes to water metering systemDiagnosed and changed (2) battery backupsReported streetlight outages for Presidential EstatesSubmitted payment request to EFC for Stevensville Water. Total requested and received to date is $288,513.01All other daily duties and responsibilitiesHIGHWAYNo one from the Highway was present.Supervisor Frank DeMayo advised that he sent an e-mail today advising that CHIPS money was capped at 80% so he is going to request an up to date report because they may not have all the invoices in.After a short discussion it was determined that a further discussion will be held on CHIPS at the next regular meeting.August 3-Ditch Youngs HillGrader Pave Franke LanePatch Breezy HillWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 4-Ditch Youngs HillHaul sandWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopClean town barnAugust 5-Ditch Youngs HillHaul sandClean up treesWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 6-Ditch Youngs HillGrader pave Cutler RdPatchWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 7-Ditch Youngs HillGrader pave Cutler RdFill in wash outsWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 10-Grade Cutler RdDitch Youngs HillPatchWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 11-Ditch Youngs HillGrader pave Cutler RdWork on trucks/equipment in shopPatchAugust 12-Grader pave Cutler RdPatchWork on trucks/equipment in shopDitch Youngs HillAugust 13-Grader pave Cutler RdDitch Youngs HillPatchWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 14-Grader pave Willi HillPatchWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 17-Grader pave Willi HillPatchWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 18-Ditch Youngs HillGrader pave Willi HillPatchWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 19-Grade O’Keefe HillPatch Youngs HillWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 20-Patch Ward RdGrade dirt roadsPatchWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 21-Ditch Ward RdWork on trucks/equipment in shopWork a gravel bankClean town barnAugust 24-Grade dirt roadsDitch Ward RdCrusher run dirt roadsWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 25-Grade dirt roadsDitch Ward RdChip treesWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 26-Grade dirt roadsDitch Ward RdClean out beaver dam on Boyd RdWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 27-Haul sandDitch Ward RdWork at gravel bankChip treesWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 28-Ditch Ward RdHaul sandPatchWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopAugust 31-Grade dirt roads2 trucks to Town of RocklandDitch Ward RdPatchWork at gravel bankWork on trucks/equipment in shopPARKS & RECREATIONParksWorking with the Liberty Rotary to improve trail around Hanofee Park, as well as looking into some projects to upgrade the Rotary Pavilion.Working with NICA on scheduling a high school mountain bike race this fall if allowed by the governor, or this spring.Need to look into improved parking areas for large event (Lower Field)They have requested the ability to allow for camping for event staff only with tentsWorking on clearing more room at our view points at walnut mountain and adding some seating and signage to the top of the mountain Parks Report Completed By: Kevin DelaneyRecreationLiberty Softball: Liberty Men’s Softball is back! We kicked off opening day with a bang! We currently have eight teams playing in this shortened seasons. Next year we are looking to expand to fourteen teams. This season games are played on Sundays at on both the high school and elementary softball fields.Halloween Parade: The date will be Saturday, October 24th Depending on if the Village will allow us. If not we will have something up at Walnut Mountain in replace of a parade.Donation by Mike Luongo: To the Liberty Warriors Football and Cheerleading Program. Report Completed By: James GuaraTOWN CLERKInstalled new DEC software & printer. Sara & I both took the DEC training for this. We are now selling hunting & fishing licenses.Placed ads for: Data Collector Assessor Water & Sewer Laborer Have received (3) applicants for Assessor (16) applications for F/T W&S LaborerSet up document shredding with Pro Shred for 9/20. We have: (240) boxes in the shed (142) Vehicle & Traffic Tickets 2009-2013 (80) Criminal 1974-1 994 Total of 420 boxes Town Hall alone weighs over 1 ? tons Frank has also asked employees to go through their offices to see if they have any records that have met the required retention and can be destroyed. The cost will be approximately $3,324.00 of which we have in our records management fund.Received (10) “Retention and Disposition Schedule tor New York Local Government Records". The Town needs to pass the model resolution so that we can begin to use this. (Attached model resolution)We have been meeting the needs of the public. We are busy with hunting licenses, marriage licenses, dog licenses etc.Busy with meetings, agendas, budget, working on code update, etc.Health InsuranceHighway Fund DA1$ .00Highway FeesRoad Access Permit6$ 300.00ConservationConservation 13$ 64.81Marriage LicenseMarriage License Fee 16$ 280.00EZ Pass5$ 125.00Marriage Certificate5$ 50.00Small SalesPhoto copies5$ 1.25Building FeesCertified Mailings4$ 351.90Dog LicensingFemale – spayed 17 $ 120.50Female – unspayed4 $ 50.00Male – neutered 11 $ 86.00Male – unneutered 6 $ 70.00Purebred Licenses1 $ 25.00Replacement Tags1 $ 5.00Building FeesVariance1$ 100.00Building FeesLot Improvements1 $ 125.00Special Use1 $ 100.00Subdivision1 $ 125.00Building FeesBuilding Permits 13 $ 1,271.34Municipal Searches 29 $ 1,450.00Amount paid to Highway Fund DA$ 194.30Amount paid to NY State Dept. of Health$ 360.00Amount paid to NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program$ 67.00Amount paid to NYS Environmental Conservation$1,110.19WATER & SEWERAugust has been a very busy month with all 3 jobs going on and trying to keep up with regular daily work. We had a lot of sampling to do for DOH this month besides our regular sampling. We had to have at least 10 lead and copper samples done, which gets the homeowners involved and follow up to make sure they’ve collected the sample correctly. Also, every district needed a disinfection by-product sample. All seemed to go well. We had the boring company here to do the 2 bores. One from Stevensville wells to Birch Lane that went very well. The second was a bust. They did one try and threw their hands up. But with a lot of talking and finding out that they had to give it three tries, they came back. The one did not go far. The second one was looking really good until the rock pushed the bore upwards and had to abort that one too. We are discussing alternatives to the situations at hand.WSS job is going really well. Shore Road is pretty much done, except for clean up. Dahlia Road is being tapped for services and should be done shortly. We have enough of the grant money left over to be able to get well #1 done, which would be nice to have done, because as it is now, if something happened to the one well in the summer time, we would be in a lot of trouble. This is because we cannot pump out of the Sherwood/Roth system in the summer for WSS. So I am hoping this all goes through it will be a real plus for WSS.The second pour for the tank went very well. The walls and stuff have all been poured and erecting it should start next week. Besides the dilemma with the first floor pour, things are looking good there too.We had a lot of problems with the clarifier at the S L plant in the month of August. When things calm down we are going to have to drain one at a time and test them for pin holes. Back in 2000 we had a similar problem and we had to rebuild the whole thing, which at the time they were only about 12 years old, it cost $68,364., to replace, so I wonder what it will cost at this time if the test shows we need to do this again.Things have been coming down on water flows and sewer flows at this point in time. We have a lot of things to get done before winter. It will be a pretty busy fall this year.Anything else that may arise prior to meeting.DAVE OHMAN, Engineer: Town of Liberty, NYSeptember 8, 2020 Town Board MeetingUpdate on ProjectsStevensville Water Project$2.1 M grant and $1.4M low interest loanWATER TANK PROPERTY:The Town now has control of the property.Thank you Ken for all your work to make this happen!DESIGN WORK:CompleteBase bid work:Wellfield ImprovementsDirectional Boring by Birch Lane and under the LakeNew 0.5 MG concrete water tank near current tankBid AlternateRevised final bid set to include the 1,500 lineal feet of watermain replacement on CR55 as a bid alternateAllows to obtain Unit pricing for waterline (lineal feet), valves and hydrants (each), water service (lineal) workBid award is based on Base bid work with the desire to keep the work within the budgetAdd in as much new waterline work as possible going up CR 55 based on what’s left near the end of the job.SWAN LAKE CROSSING: Design is to install the line via directional boring within the County Bridge right of wayRequires stream crossing permit requirements for the waterline crossing Swan lake and Birch Lane Area which have been received form NYSDECNYSDOH Items:Nothing new this monthNYSEFC Items:Continuing work with Keough Consulting (NYSEFC financing administrator subcontractor) to submit Bid/Award items to NYSEFC for review and approval and continue with other NYSEFC paperwork.Town has begun to do reimbursements for work by a prime construction contractors as NYSEFC has approved their MWBE Utilization Plans.Osterhoudt (General Contract) TAM (Electrical Contract) Professional Services Contract for Design through ConstructionNo changes Project Cost SummaryOverview/Quick SummaryBase bid total = $2,518,791 (new tank, wellfield and borings under water bodies – not including any watermain up CR 55)Construction budget (2017 PFA w/NYSEFC) = $2,531,646Assuming the ‘Other costs” remain as budgeted, the Town has moved forward to award the base bid work as bid and still have $247,200 in contingency; but this includes no new watermain up CR55(this was changed to bid alternate work in 2020)ItemEstimated cost (July 2016 Engineering Report)Estimated cost (NYSEFC PFA 2017 Exhibit C)As bid April 2020Construction – General – Base bid$1,841,750$2,119,450Construction – Electrical – Base Bid$165,360$ 399,341Construction – Subtotal Base Bids$2,007,110Construction – Bid Alternates (varies)$376,550 Unit prices no totalSUBTOTAL - Construction$2,383,660$2,531,646$2,518,791Other Costs$707,100$634,000$ 634,000Total Estimated Cost/Cost to Date6032509144000$3,152,791 314325-381000Contingency$309,076$234,354$Project Budget$3,399,836$3,400,000$22987008445500Budget Minus Cost – Remaining Budget$247,200DWSRF Short Term Market Rate Financing$1,360,000Maximum 2015 WIIA Grant Round 2 (lesser of 60% eligible costs (currently $2,040,000) or $2,112,388$2,040,00At present, there is $247,200 in uncommitted funds in the budget.The work to replace waterline up CR55 towards the tank to reach the end of the designed portion of the project (1500’), would add about 1350’ to the project waterline total and cost an additional $675,000 to complete.Based on communications with NYSDOH (May 4, 2020 email) and NYSEFC, the Town can reduce the scope of work (i.e., the amount of waterline to be replaced on CR55 can be adjusted) to stay within budget and the current financing plan can remain as is since the bid costs (base bid plus bid alternate work) to complete the work described in the 2017 Engineering Report are beyond the project budget. Construction ContractsContract No. TL2-G-2017 – General – H. Osterhoudt Excavating:Contract Award:At the April 20, 2020 meeting, the Board resolved to:Award the Contract No. TL2-G-2017 – General to H. Osterhoudt Excavating, Inc., for the base bid work at the cost of $2,119,450.00Accept all bid alternate pricing for future consideration, andAuthorize the Supervisor to execute the necessary paperwork (e.g., Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Agreement, Change Orders, Certificate of Substantial Completion, checks for contractor payment, etc.) for contract initiation and completion of the work.The Town Supervisor signed the Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, and the Agreement (pages 89 – 92) (copies provided to Frank in a separate folder) and we picked up all four copies so that we can incorporate them into four “execution” copies of the Contract Documents for subsequent execution by the contractor.Finalized execution copies of the contract and circulated at the June 10, 2020 preconstruction meetingConstruction Update:Tank construction DN tanks has completed the slab work and has all concrete panels poured. Erection of tank panels scheduled to start this week.Awaiting written confirmation from Osterhoudt (has provided verbal several times) that there will be no additional cost for replacing the first partial slab pour- they are waiting for the letter to come in from DN Tanks.Stevensville WellfieldGenerator pad pouredPlanning to start underground piping work and connection to Briscoe Road next weekBoringsBoring at Birch Lane area completed as planned.Lake boring unsuccessful after three set ups and attemptsLooking at alternatives now; however, putting pipe in the ground going up CR55 is already in the bid and could be accomplished in a timely manner and is one of the project goals. Any other work would require, at minimum, new design and NYSDOH/NYSEFC approvals, which will extend the work beyond the October 31, 2020 scheduled completion date.Payment RequestsPayment Request No. 3 will be sent to the Town and Keough Consulting this weekContract No. TL2-E-2017 – Electrical – TAM Enterprises:Contract Award:At the April 20 meeting, the Board resolved to:Award the Contract No. TL2-E-2017 – Electrical to TAM Enterprises, Inc., for the base bid work at the cost of $399,341.00, andAuthorize the Supervisor to execute the necessary paperwork (e.g., Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Agreement, Change Orders, Certificate of Substantial Completion, checks for contractor payment, etc.) for contract initiation and completion of the work.The Town Supervisor signed the Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, and the Agreement (pages 89 – 92) (copies provided to Frank in a separate folder) and we picked up all four copies so that we can incorporate them into four “execution” copies of the Contract Documents for subsequent execution by the contractor.Finalized execution copies of the contract and circulated at the June 10, 2020 preconstruction meetingConstruction Update:Stevensville WellfieldHave installed conduitsGenerator orderedSubmittal review process continuesTankNo work planned until this monthPayment RequestsPayment Request No. 2 will be sent into the Town for processing soonScheduleOctober 31, 2020 is scheduled completion dateWhite Sulfur Springs Phase 9 - CDBG Grant WorkProject Budget = $749,500 – OCR grant limit = $750,000Construction budget = $522,500Scope: This project involves installing, under Base Bid:1,400 linear feet of 8" diameter ductile iron water main and appurtenances on Shore Road700 linear feet of 8" diameter ductile iron water main and appurtenances County Route 145, reconnecting existing water service linesInstalling hydrants, valves, services and site restoration. Bid Alternate work includes: Up to an additional 550 linear feet of 8" diameter ductile iron water main and appurtenances on County Route 145A test dig conducted by Town Water & Sewer in December 2019 on Dahlia Road (CR145) indicated that the asbestos cement pipe continues to the end of the line; (approximately 550’ further); so after discussing with the Town, the design was amended to include replacement of the additional +/- 550’ as a bid alternate.Design Phase Work:CompletePermitsThe waterline work on Shore Road occurs adjacent to and within the 100’ buffer area of a NYSDEC wetland – therefore, a freshwater wetlands permit application (Article 24 permit) will need to be filed with NYSDEC and the permit filing requires that SEQR be conducted.SEQR completed in December 2019 by the TownFreshwater wetland permit application submitted to NYSDEC-Region 3 on March 27, 2020Permit received on June 24, 2020Bid Phase WorkContract No. TL1-G-2019 – General:Bid/AwardAt the May 4, 2020 meeting the Town Board resolved to:Award the Contract No. TL1-G-2019 to NGS Construction LLC., for the base bid work at the cost of $357,239.40, for the work on White Sulphur Springs Water District Phase 9, and accept bid alternate pricing for consideration for change orders.Authorize the Supervisor to execute the necessary paperwork (e.g., Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Agreement, Change Orders, Certificate of Substantial Completion, etc.) for contract initiation and completion of the work.Authorize Delaware Engineering to proceed to complete bid/award services and commence construction phase services. Finalized Execution copies of the contract.A preconstruction meeting was held with Mark Blauer and OCR on the phone on June 5.Execution copies of the contracts were distributed to the Town and contractor at the meeting.Coordination with NYS OCRConducted first project coordination teleconference on May 6, 2020 with NYSOCR Charlie Philion and SavitryWe will continue to invite OCR to attend (remotely or in person) to monthly update meetings; their representative was on the phone for the June 5 pre-construction meetingNext meeting date TBDConstruction Update:Work on Shore RoadMainline work and services completeSite restoration continues Work on Dahlia RoadAll mainline work completeServices and site restoration underway.Payment RequestsPayment Request No. 2 will be sent to the Town soonScheduleOCR mandated construction completion is early December 2020October 31, 2020 is scheduled completion dateOn schedule to be complete with bid workChange Order No. 1At the July 6, 2020 Town Board Meeting, the Town Board resolved to authorize the Town Supervisor to execute Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. TL1-G-19 in the amount of $100,725 for the additional 550 feet of water line on Dahlia Road.Fully executed paperwork will be provided to the Town and Mark Blauer.Project Cost SummaryOverview/Quick SummaryBase bid total = $357,239.40 Shore Road and CR 145 (Dahlia Road)Construction budget (2018 estimate) = $543,000ItemEstimated cost/budget (June 2018 Engineering Report for the CFA application)As bid April 2020 with Change Order No. 1 (July 29, 2020)Budget minus bid- minus changesConstruction – General – Base bid$543,000$357,239.40Construction – Construction – Subtotal Base Bids$543,000$357,239.40$185,760.60Construction – Bid Alternates (varies) Unit prices no totalChange Order No. 1 – Bid Alternate for Remaining AC Waterline on Dahlia$100,725($100,725)SUBTOTAL - Construction$543,000$457,964.40$85,035.60Other Costs$148,500$ 169,000Total Estimated Cost/Cost to Date$691,500$626,964 .40Contingency$58,000$58,000Project Budget$749,500191135010223500Budget Minus Cost – Remaining to Spend$143,035.60At present, there is $143,035.60 in uncommitted funds in the budget.There are no more bid alternates in the current contract to add for consideration. Scope of doing Well 1 work was discussed with OCR on August 4 and they advised that the work listed below would be eligible for the grant balance. Work could be done by change order to NCS to allow work to be done before December 2020 deadline.Items considered now include:New pump for Well 1New pitless for Well 1Well development, pump testing and water quality testingNew electrical and controls for Well 1 – includes new underground conduit(s)New pipeline to connect into system for Well 1Change Order No. 2 proposal for this work sent to OCR and Mark Blauer on September 2, 2020 to confirm eligibility. Once the “ok” is received, the proposed change will be brought to the board for consideration. Change order proposal from NCS is attached for your review as we will likely bring it up for Board action at the 9/16 or 9/21/20 meetings. Note NCS will need a about one month extension in order for the pump to be provided. Slightly over what is left in the grant. However, based on work completed to date, as well as projected contract work yet to be completed, it is likely that there will more money left in the grant than listed above so that CO2 could be completed with money to spare.The Next CDBG Grant Project Phase 10(?)– White Sulphur Springs Boyd Road and Well #1So, for the next application, if Well 1 work gets done under Phase 9, Boyd Road replacement would be the lead item.Date for next funding application round is not yet defined- not likely to happen in 2020Town agreed at the April 15, 2020 meeting to move forward to revise and resubmit in 2020 for a CFA OCR CDBG grant for the work requested in 2019 application and providing a new pump and pitless – focus on providing a redundant pump and associated work for White Sulphur District as the first priority and the Boyd Road watermain as secondaryPublic hearing to announce the Town’s intent to apply was held today (May 18, 2020) at 6:45PMTown to do research to identify residential property transfers from July 1, 2015 through the present.? For this search vacant land, commercial properties, institutional properties, churches, Town property, County property and State property don't count.? Trying to determine which occupied residential properties changed handsExit interview teleconference was held on June 8 with NYSOCR’s Charlie Phillion, Town Supervisor, Mark Blauer and Delaware to discuss ways to improve the applicationBackground: Current back up for Well 2 is to utilize the Stevensville system by operating valving in the Shore Road water building – short term emergency use - not long-term backupIn order to have dedicated well that can satisfy redundancy to serve the White Sulphur system, need to purchase and install a new pump and redevelop now dormant Well 1, and associated piping and electrical workPrevious 2019 Application:In 2019, we worked with the Water & Sewer Dept and Blauer Associates to review scope and develop a plan forwardDelaware prepared the Engineering Report – at no cost to the Town - with the project scope and cost and submitted to Mark Blauer on July 18, 2019 OCR CDBG Grant application package submitted by Mark Blauer on July 22, 2019Estimated project cost - $747,350 – versus $750,000 grant limitPlanned work in 2019 included:Boyd Road:Furnishing and installation of 600 LF of new 6” watermain (DR 9 HDPE), fittings, and appurtenances under NYS Rt. 52 and Boyd Road by directional drillingFurnishing and installation of 900 LF of new 6” water main (Class 52 DIP), fittings, and appurtenances under Boyd Road by open cut. Furnishing and installation of up to six (6) new mainline/isolation water valve assemblies for future isolation to facilitate maintenance and line flushing.Furnishing and installation of up to four (4) new hydrant assemblies and appurtenances.Furnishing and installation of six (6) new 1” copper water services by open cut.Site RestorationWell 1 Redevelopment:Performance of well redevelopment, testing, and disinfectionInstallation of a new pitless adapter unit (provided by the Town using Phase 8 funds) to the existing well casingInstallation of a new submersible well pump (provided by the Town using Phase 8 funds) within the existing well casingFurnishing and installation of a new well VFD and electrical appurtenances Integration of new well power and controls into the existing well house electrical and control systems.Furnishing and installation of up to 250 LF of new 4” water main (Class 52 DIP), fittings, and appurtenances to connect the redeveloped Well #1 to the existing White Sulphur Springs Well House Site restorationNOTE: OCR stated in December 2019 that remaining Phase 8 funds could not be used to buy the pitless or pumpStevensville Radio WorkThe radio system will take the place of the landline that currently conveys the tank level reading at Water Tower Road tank to the controls for the Sherwood and Roth pumps, and Stevensville pumps.? The scope of work provided by General Controls includes providing the necessary radio telemetry and appurtenances at the Water Tower Road tank, the Sherwood/Booster pump building on Shore Road and at the Stevensville wellfield control building.Town awarded work on August 19, 2019 to the sole responder, General Controls, for a cost of $21,800 for the radio system, plus an optional cost of $1,000 additional for a new pressure transducer at Water Tower road, if needed.General Controls has installed all equipment (including the radio they were waiting for since May) and will come on site to disconnect phone lines and calibrate the systems and get the system running on radios when Stacey agrees to it – depends on demands -likely to be in the next two to three weeks. White Sulphur Springs Phase 8 - CDBG Grant Work – Extra Radio workRadio work: General Controls has the systems installed at the tank and Shore Road plant and it is operational now Key Infrastructure Needs At February 19, 2019 meeting, the Board expressed desire to focus on water for Ferndale (priority 1) and Swan Lake WWTP work (second priority) with a capacity/build out review and continue with assistance on GrossingersWe in February 2020 with the Town Supervisor and Stacey to establish a list of capital projects and perceived priorities – this will be updatedFerndale Water District:No new informationSwan Lake WWTP No final word back from NYSEFC on the extensionLast email response:From: Nelson, Harry B (EFC) <Harry.Nelson@efc.> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 10:39 AMTo: Dave Ohman <dohman@>Cc: Frank DeMayo (supervisordemayo@) <supervisordemayo@>Subject: RE: Liberty (T) Swan Lake WWTP C3-5370-01-00 I’m expecting we’ll have a response this week.? Will keep you posted.? Thanks for your patience - HarryFrom: Dave Ohman <dohman@> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 10:28 AMTo: Nelson, Harry B (EFC) <Harry.Nelson@efc.>Cc: Frank DeMayo (supervisordemayo@) <supervisordemayo@>Subject: RE: Liberty (T) Swan Lake WWTP C3-5370-01-00 Hi HarryAny update on the extension request?Dave OhmanPublic hearing comment period closes on 9/14/20; Board meeting planned for 9/16.Lacking a final response from NYSEFC relative to an extension, see schedule below for the plan forward. Excerpts from the attached schedule to maintain the Sept 30 submission deadline are as follows:August 31, 2020Special Town Board Meeting5:30 PM - completedSEQR – Review all submitted agency comments, LEAF Part 2 & 3. Make a determination of significance6:00 PM - completedTown holds public hearing on the proposed project and to the increase or improvement of the facility (§ 202-B)September 2, 2020 - completedSubmit digital version of SEQR declaration for publication in the Environmental Notice BulletinSeptember 8, 2020Department Head Meeting(Tuesday Sept 8. after Labor Day Sept. 7)No Board ActionSeptember 14, 2020Deadline to submit written public comments on WWTP Upgrade to the Town end at 6 PMSeptember 16, 2020Special Town Board MeetingTown to review public comments and make determination in the public interest to complete the proposed improvements (NY Town Law § 202-B Increase or Improvement of Facilities)Town to adopt a Bond Resolution for the project using the package provided by Bond CounselSeptember 17 or 22, 2020Submit certified copy of the order to hold the hearing, and 2 certified copies of the finding resolution to OSC (approval not required). Town Clerk to submit bond resolution notice in the Town’s official newspaper for publishing on September 22 or 25September 18, 2020Submit Engineering Report to NYSEFC (prior to 9/21/20 deadline to get on the annual list for possible financing in 2020-2021)September 21, 2020Town Board MeetingLast regular meeting for the Town to adopt a Bond Resolution for the project prior to the application deadline (unless an extension is granted)September 22 or 25, 2020Bond Resolution w/ estoppel provisions published in the newspaper September 30, 2020NYSEFC Deadline to submit acceptable SRF finance application, bond resolution information and associated application materials (pending extension)REMEMBER; THE PLAN IS TO MOVE FORWARD TO BE ABLE TO HOLD ON TO 0% FINANCING – THE TOWN IS NOT OBLIGATED TO COMMIT TO THE PROJECT UNTIL THEY ENTER INTO A PROJECT FINANCING AGREEMENT WHICH WOULD NOT OCCUR FOR SEVERAL MONTHS, LIKELY FIRST QUARTER 2021 AT EARLIEST.Main Street Parksville/Area Wastewater DevelopmentNothing that we are aware of that’s new for this – we believe that the Town is waiting for paperwork from the StateThe Town should expect ESD to send more paperwork soon. Once this form is submitted, the ESD Mid-Hudson Regional Office will contact the Town regarding next steps with getting an “Incentive Proposal” developed.Background:2019 CFA Awards were on announced on 12/19/19. The ESD SPFS grant application for this project was selected for award - $18,750 grant equal to 50% of the cost to conduct the feasibility study ($37,500).Town needs to have a contract in place with ESD prior to commencing any work.Planned work set for the in the SPFS Grant Application includes:Conducting a feasibility study that will explore the possibility of providing municipal sewers to the Hamlet of Parksville making the hamlet more attractive to potential investors. Lack of adequate wastewater infrastructure has been identified as a key obstacle to economic development for the hamlet. A community wastewater collection/treatment system will remove this barrier and enable investors to concentrate their resources on business development.Delaware worked with the Supervisor’s office, to complete the Project Budget as requested by ESDThe budget worksheet needs to be returned so that ESD may complete the formal “Incentive Proposal” to be executed with the Town. On February 19 (and 28th) Resent form and contact info (who it needed to be sent back to) to the Town Supervisor for submission – which was doneAttachmentsWSS Phase 9 Change Order No. 2 proposal for Well 1 workItems Reviewed at Meeting but not distributed with this package:APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS PHASE 9 The Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby approve Change Order #2 upon approval from the State, utilizing the remaining grant funds in the amount of $143,035.60 and taking the remainder, not to exceed $3,500, from District Funds for a total of $146,473.20. Motion: Councilperson Brian McPhillips Seconded: Councilperson Dean Farrand4 AYES CarriedBOARD DISCUSSIONCouncilperson Brian McPhillips – Nothing to reportCouncilperson Vincent McPhillips – Nothing to reportCouncilperson Dean Farrand – Asked if the partitions were all up in the Town Hall and expressed interest in when the Town Hall might open up and also when the Public would be able to attend the Board meetings in person. After a short discussion it was determined that the partitions were all installed, except a small piece in the Assessor’s office which Supervisor DeMayo will be taking care of. As for the Town Hall opening up, that will remain an ongoing conversation. For now it will be kept as is. The next regular Board meeting may be open to the public with the 6 foot social distancing and maximum 50 person requirements with ZOOM still operating. Supervisor Frank DeMayo reported that Harry Rampe has retired as the Maintenance worker for the Town. The Board wishes to give him a note of thanks for his years of service. EXECUTIVE SESSIONThe Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby go into Executive Session at 4:56 p.m. to discuss appointing an acting Assessor.Motion: Councilperson Brian McPhillips Second: Supervisor Frank DeMayo4 AyesCarriedOUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSIONThe Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby come out of Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. Motion: Supervisor Frank DeMayo Second: Councilperson Brian McPhillips4 AyesCarriedAPPOINTMENT OF ACTING ASSESOR The Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby appoint Vanessa Kelder as acting assessor or other title as deemed appropriate by the State at a salary of $50,000 per year. Motion: Councilperson Brian McPhillipsSeconded: Councilperson Dean Farrand4 AYES CarriedADJOURNThe Town Board does hereby adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m.Motion: Councilperson Dean FarrandSeconded: Councilperson Brian McPhillips 4 AYES Carried ................

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