New York State Center for School Health / Homepage

Annual School Health Office Data CollectionCount Us In NYS Conducted by theNew York State Education Department andNew York State Center for School HealthCount Us In NYS Annual School Health Office Data CollectionINTRODUCTION: The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) has developed a national standardized data set of health care delivery so that all school nurses may collect specific data the same way. To support this effort NYSCSH developed a NYS specific data collection tool called Count Us In NYS, to allow School Nurses to voluntarily collect data on school health care staffing, student health data, vision & hearing deficits and student outcomes. This data provides important information on how student health impacts the ability of students to remain in school safe, healthy, and ready to learn. We encourage districts to aggregate their school level data and submit it to NYSCSH via Survey Monkey in June. INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Each School Nurse should use the attached forms to collect their school’s data on:Staffing and chronic health conditions (done only one time at end of school year)Vision and hearing referrals and outcomes (done only one time at end of school year)Health office dispositions (done each month during the school year) Each district (or school if not part of a district) should identify a District Reporter who will aggregate the school level information. We suggest this person be the BMI district level reporter if possible. At the end of the school year, each school nurse sends their aggregated school totals to the District Reporter. The District Reporter adds up all school totals to obtain a District Total and enters these numbers into the Survey Monkey Count Us In NYS online collection tool to provide a comprehensive picture of school health services in New York State. The responsibilities and process for reporting is described below. Role of Building School Nurse(Recommended submission end of school year)Role of District Reporter(Recommended submission end of school year) Complete the Student Health Data Tally Sheet. You only do this one time. It is a “snapshot” of the data you have on that day.Submit to District Reporter Aggregate & transfer School Health Staffing & Student Health Data Tally Sheets from all schools to the District Health Staffing & Student Health Data Summary. Submit the total number for your district to NYSCSH via the SurveyMonkey link on the NYSCSH Data Reporting pageRecord office visits on a daily basis using the Student Health Data Tally Sheets (September-June). Transfer monthly tally sheet totals to School Student Health Data Summary. Submit to District Reporter Aggregate & transfer School Student Health Data Tally Sheets from all submitting schools to the School Student Health Data Summary. Submit the total number for your district to NYSCSH via the SurveyMonkey link on the NYSCSH Data Reporting pageCount Us In NYS - Health Data Tally Sheet for______________ (Month/Year)Instructions: Insert days of month in calendar in the black box; total visits each day and insert on lines.Transcribe totals to School Nurse End of Year Totals Form.Tally daily totals to monthly summary.Tally REASONS for visits.Disposition CategoriesReturn to Class: Student visits to RN resulting in student returning to class or staying in schoolStudent Sent Home: Student visits to RN resulting in student being sent home911 Calls: Student visits to RN resulting in 911 being calledMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Month:________________ Return to Class:_________ Students Sent Home:__________ 911 Calls:__________Count Us In NYS - School Nurse End of the Year Totals FormSchool Nurse:School Name:Date Submitted:School District:School Student Health Data SummaryCompleted by building School Nurse and submitted to the district reporter by end of school year.Insert the totals using the data from the monthly calendars.Student VisitsSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarchAprilMayJuneTOTALReturned to ClassSent Home911 Calls Does this data reflect entire school year? ___ Yes ___ No (if no, what % of year is represented)ScreeningTotal Referrals SentReturned ReferralsNo Rx Glasses Hearing AidHearingVisionSchool Health Staffing & Student Health Data Tally Sheet Completed by the building School Nurse ONE TIME and submitted to District Reporter by end of school year.School Health Staffing in YOUR SCHOOLData PointTotal1. Number of enrolled students in your school2. Total number of RN FTEs with an assigned caseload providing direct services3. Total number of LPN FTEs providing direct services to all students4. Total number of non-RN, non-LPN, Health aides FTEs that provide regular health services to all students5. Total number of supplemental/float RN FTEs providing direct services to all students6. Total number of RN FTEs with special assignments (medically fragile children, e.g., 1:1 etc.)Student Health Data in YOUR SCHOOLData PointTotal8. Number of students with an asthma diagnosis9. Number of students with Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis10. Number of students with Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis11. Number of students with seizure disorder diagnosis12. Number of students with life threatening allergy (anaphylactic reaction Diagnosis)13. Number of students with any cardiac condition diagnosis14. Number of students with Inflammatory Bowel diagnosis15. Number of students with Behavioral or Emotional diagnosis – ADD, Autism, AnxietyUpon completion of this form at the end of the school year, please submit this page to your District Reporter ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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