Island Harvest Food Pantry - Kings Park Central School ...

Q&ALast modified June 3, 2020Most recent additions are at the beginning.Modifications as highlighted.Q: When and how will the absentee ballots be counted?A: The Governor released an Executive Order over the weekend (June 6) that extends the window that school districts can accept absentee ballots to Tuesday, June 16. Residents can still hand deliver their ballot to the San Remo Administrative Building (180 Lawrence Road, Kings Park) on Tuesday, June 9 from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Hand delivered ballots cannot be accepted past 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9. Again, mail-in ballots can now be accepted through Tuesday, June 16. On June 16, absentee ballots will be opened, canvassed, and counted at Kings Park High School. We will be working in the student cafeteria. Should residents wish to watch this process, you may click on a Zoom link, which will be provided at a later date.Q: What is the change/update to special education summer school that the Governor released via Executive Order this past Friday?A: Previously, the Governor had issues an Executive Order that directed school districts to hold summer school via remote instruction. Late Friday (June 5), the Governor released an additional Executive Order that special education services and instruction required under Federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations, may be provided in person for the summer term in school districts, and that any district providing such services in person must follow state and federal guidance. As of this morning, neither the State Education Department or New York State Department of Health have released any guidance. More information will be forthcoming once details and guidance are released and reviewed. Q: What is the change/update to graduation ceremonies that the Governor released via Executive Order this past weekend?A: Over the weekend (June 7), the Governor released an executive order that permits graduation ceremonies of no more than 150 people, starting on June 26. We are still planning for an in person graduation ceremony on July 29, with rain dates of July 30 and 31. As re-opening in our region continues, we are still hopeful that the Governor will permit larger ceremonies and gatherings by then.Q: With voting 100% by absentee ballot this June, how will my privacy be maintained? Will the Election Inspector that opens my ballot know how I voted?A: In short, No. We have received questions this week from voters in receipt of an absentee ballot regarding concerns over the privacy of their vote and others finding out how they voted.? Essentially, the Education Law provides that an envelope containing a returned absentee ballot is not to be opened until a determination is made that there is no reason for rejecting the ballot, which could happen if, for example, the voter fails to provide the signature required by law to appear on the envelope containing the ballot.? Once such a determination is made and the envelope opened, the ballot is withdrawn without unfolding and deposited into the proper ballot box.? As a result, at the time of counting, the ballots will not be linked to the envelope in which they were returned. Again, pursuant to the express language of the Education Law, absentee ballots must remain folded until they are actually counted. As a reminder, all ballots must be received by 5pm on Tuesday, June 9th. No exceptions. Ballots can either be returned by mail, or you can drop your ballot off at the San Remo Administrative Building (180 Lawrence Road, Kings Park, NY 11754) on June 9th from 8am – 5pm.?? Q: Can we limit access to our fields and facilities to residents only?A: Yes. Just last night, upon my recommendation, the Board voted unanimously to amend Policy #3280/3280R, Use of School Facilities. The amendment states that “use of the school’s facilities by non-residents shall not be granted except with the express permission of the Superintendent of Schools and/or the Board of Education.” Since I will not be granting such permission at this time, our fields and facilities are essentially off limits to non-residents. Security has been notified, and they will be checking ID’s, specifically at Kings Park High School, starting today. The gate on the west side of the school by the grass soccer field will remain locked until further notice. Thus all entry to the fields, track, and tennis court at KPHS will be through the south gate by the JV softball field. Q: How does my child return their school owned musical instrument?A: Given the challenges with COVID-19, the decision has been made to allow our students to keep their school-owned instruments through the 2020 Summer recess, free of charge. By taking this step, we can ensure each student has an instrument in hand throughout the summer and in September, regardless of where classes are held. Please see the additional details below.1- All Seniors MUST return their instruments.2- Our current 5th and 8th grade students will have their instruments exchanged at their new school in the fall so that their current instrument can be returned to their proper location. This will only happen once classes resume in a traditional setting.3- Should the instrument be in need of repair or professional cleaning, please return it at the time your school has outlined for the pick-up of student materials. Your music teacher will then send it out to our vendors, who in most cases will hold it until late August. *If you take this option there is a chance you won’t have an instrument available to you for the summer. This is based on school inventory and can only be determined by each individual teacher. Please use this google form in order to tell us a bit about your instrument’s problem.4- A cleaning/basic maintenance guide will be provided to help aid you in properly caring for your instrument should you want to handle it at home.If you have any questions or need additional assistance please e mail your child’s music teacher. Q: When is the last day of school this year?A: At their May 20, 2020 Zoom videoconferencing meeting, the Board of Education officially adopted a revised 2019-2020 school district calendar. This calendar is posted to the school district website. The last day of school is now Wednesday, June 17, 2020. The last day of new instruction will be Friday, June 12, 2020. At the middle school and high school, Seminar and A-Block will continue through June 17. Because Seminar/A-Block is scheduled every other day, grade 6 will have their last A-Block on June 16, while grades 7-12 will continue through June 17.Q: Now that Long Island is in “Phase 1 of Reopening,” what will this look like for KPCSD?A: Since March 16, a small crew of essential works has been very active within the district maintaining and supervising essential programs and activities. These activities have included meals, remote instruction, and childcare plans, as well as various construction projects. As of Wednesday, May 27, several of our employees have been recalled back to work, including our custodial, grounds, and clerical staff. What this means is that from this point further, should you have any questions, you should be able to call the appropriate school and/or office and get your question(s) answered. Email will no longer be our primary mode of communication. The only exception is WTRMS, as all of the windows in the main office were recently replaced. We are in the process of cleaning this area, which should only take a day or two. As soon as cleaning has been completed, we will be back up and running in the WTRMS main office as well.Q: I borrowed a device from the school district so that my child could access online instruction during the pandemic. How do I return this device to the school district?A: We will be collecting “loaner devices” at KPHS on June 16 and 17. More details will be forthcoming. Q: When can my child come to the school to collect their belongings and return items like library books, textbooks, calculators, etc…?A: Each school will be emailing a schedule to parents. This will occur over the coming three weeks. At FS, PV, and RJO, student personal items will be packaged in bags for pick-up. At WTRMS and KPHS, students will have access to their hall, gym, and team lockers to clean out their personal items. You should plan on returning all school district items (library books, textbooks, calculators, etc.) at this time as well. Again, please look for school specific details in your email. Q: Can we open the tennis courts at WTRMS?A: Yes, these courts were opened on Tuesday, May 26. Q: ?What school district activities can we lawfully conduct at this point?A: ?During his daily COVID-19 briefing prior to the Memorial Day Weekend, the Governor stressed the need to continue to be vigilant with social distancing guidelines. ?He specifically mentioned that it continues to be unlawful to assemble in groups larger than 10 individuals on Long Island. ?Violation of this order can result in a fine of up to $1,000. ?COVID-19 is still spreading in Suffolk at the rate of over 100 new cases daily, and New York at the rate of over 1,000 new cases each day (reference: ). New Yorkers are still required to wear a mask and maintain six feet of distance in public. We continue to endeavor to reschedule and/or modify (mostly to virtual means) various calendar events for later this May and June in the hope that restrictions are loosened. ?Some Class of 2020 events, like graduation, are being tentatively planned for July 29, 2020 (rain dates of July 30 and 31). Executive Orders and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services will dictate what events we are lawfully able to conduct in person in the coming weeks and months.Q: ?My son/daughter recently turned 18 and he/she did not register to vote earlier in the year. ?How would he/she go about registering for the upcoming budget vote?A: ?The Governor’s Executive Order on Friday, May 1, 2020 addressed school district budget votes and elections. This event did NOT take place on May 19th, but rather has been pushed back to June 9. According to the Executive Order, voting will occur by absentee ballot only. Ballots will be mailed to qualified residents next week. Because of the pandemic and the closure of schools, please note that school district cannot conduct registration of voters at the school buildings. However, prospective voters can still register to vote with the local county board of elections by completing an online application with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles at: is not known how long registration processing might take, so it is wise to complete the online registration process as soon as possible.Q: How does my child submit Working Papers during the COVID-19 shutdown?A: NYSED has provided a form enabling the process to be completed on line.This has been added to the School District Website with a link to the AT-17 form.? Students submit the AT-17 form only, along with a copy of a physical administered within the last twelve months. Students can find this link on the High School page [This is the link to the page.], under the Guidance and Career Center tab.? Once they click on “Working Papers” they will find directions on how to proceed. Q: How will the district be performing Kindergarten Screenings?A: Giving the current guidance from the Governor and Department of Health, we have cancelled the scheduled June Kindergarten screenings.We are currently working on a variety of options that include the following two plans:Plan A: Screenings would be scheduled for early August. We would look at scheduling the same format of the screenings that could occur at San Remo in the Parent Resource Center or at one of the buildings (not under construction).Should schools remain closed for the summer. We are looking into:Plan B: K-screenings conducted remotely. The DIAL is available in an online format through Pearson, and we would just have to alter the administration and schedules. We are currently researching?this option with Pearson.Q: Can school district construction projects continue through the pandemic?A: Yes. Schools are considered government entities and essential services, and thus we continue to operate on a limited basis. Construction projects may continue, provided that the vendor and district can maintain appropriate social distancing and cleaning/disinfecting protocols. Thus, a few of our essential construction projects will continue. Additionally, Phase 1 of the reopening of Long Island permits construction projects.Q: Are there Smithtown Library resources that students and parents can access at home?A: Yes. In Suffolk, most libraries have extended their Wi-Fi into their parking lots, so if a child does not have access at home, he/she may go to the parking lot of the library to gain access. There are services, like Hoopla, that are now free. Hoopla is an online database where you can borrow unlimited books, music, and/or digital movies, with your library card . The public library also has a large number of online databases that students and teachers can access. Click on the following link to access a list of the elementary databases available:?? ? There are also many online databases for the middle and high school level students as well. Q: When might school reopen?A: On May 1, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that New York’s schools will be closed through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Education is in Phase 4 of the Governor’s reopening plan. We will continue to monitor our status over the summer. Q: When will the school district budget vote and elections be held?A: The Governor’s Executive Order on Friday, May 1 addressed school district budget votes and elections. This event will NOT take place on May 19th, but rather has been pushed back to June 9. According to the Executive Order, voting will occur by absentee ballot only. We are awaiting further details and will certainly share with the community once we have more information. Because of the pandemic and the closure of schools, please note that school district cannot conduct registration of voters at the school buildings. However, prospective voters can still register to vote with the local county board of elections by completing an online application with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles at . Q: Is the district continuing to provide meals for students that qualify for free or reduced priced lunch?A: Yes. During the crisis, the school district has been providing upwards of 250 meals daily. The School District is running a “Grab and Go” breakfast/lunch program in the main lobby at Kings Park High School. This service is being provided from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Monday – Friday. In addition, for families without transportation or a way to get to KPHS to grab and go, we are running a Breakfast Bus Monday – Friday, also from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. If you would like more information regarding how you might be added to the Breakfast Bus’s schedule, kindly email either Joanne Allyson (allysonj@) or Dr. Colby-Rooney (colbyd@). Again, the bus is only for those families with no way to get to KPHS to grab and go. Q: Are food pantries operating in the Kings Park area?A: Yes.Island Harvest Food Pantry has many sites in the surrounding area.Go to their website, and search by zip code to find a location nearby. Please find below a listing of a few of the closest pantries to Kings Park. Salvation Army - East Northport; 631-368-1170; 319 Clay Pitts Road, East Northport, NY 11731 (Tuesday and Thursday 10AM-3PM)Manna Ministries; 631-334-1612; 782 Larkfield Road, East Northport, NY 11731 (Wednesday 6PM-8:30PM)St. Francis of Assisi - St. Vincent de Paul; 631-651-2655; 29 North Gate Drive, Greenlawn, NY 11750 (Monday through Friday 9AM-3:30PM)To those families that wish to contribute: If you would like to contribute towards those in need at this time, please refer to the Island Harvest website. You can volunteer or donate funds from the comfort of your own home if you so choose. Additionally, LI CARES has been able to make arrangements to dispatch mobile units as well, as a large number of local restaurants are looking to donate food. People can call (631) 582-FOOD. LI Cares needs volunteers at all our locations to help sort and pack food. They are accepting small groups (less than six), creating schedules to avoid overlapping, and to keep people safe and comfortable. Potential volunteers can call (631) 582-FOOD.Q: How is the school district providing for continuity of learning during the COVID-19 crisis?A: In accordance with the guidance provided by The State Education Department, our teachers have developed plans to best provide for continuity of learning while our schools are closed. As shared by the Superintendent in prior correspondences, we are leveraging teacher and school websites, various online applications, Remind, Google Classroom, Zoom videoconferencing, and email for communication and posting of learning activities. It is important for our students to understand that there is work for them to complete, and work will be graded where possible and applicable. If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher directly. They have been instructed to post daily activities for students and check email regularly while working from home. You can also email your school’s principal. Each principal has been communicating with parents and sharing information specific to their school via eblast. On the website, each school has a “Contact Us” tab on the top right side of the homepage. Scroll down to “Teacher & Staff Directory.” You can then click on an individual staff member to access their personal webpage and email contact information.Q: What should I do if I can’t find my teacher’s email address?A: The email account convention that we use here in Kings Park is last name followed by the first initial of the person’s first name @. So, Thomas Smith would become smitht@. Q: How are teachers communicating with students and parents regarding assignments, new material, testing, etc.A: Teachers are communicating with parents and students via Google Classroom, email, apps like Remind, phone, through postings to their individual websites, and through synchronous and asynchronous video. Q: Will teachers be checking and answering emails daily?A: Yes, teachers are checking their emails. The frequency depends on the needs of the students and their own health.Q: What is going to happen with Quarters 3 and 4 on the secondary level, and how will grades be calculated?A: We followed the district calendar and ending the 3rd Quarter on April 7th. Numeric grades will be assigned for students for all classes for Quarter 3. A "do no harm" plan will be used for Quarter 3. Teachers have discretion and flexibility to include graded online learning assignments between March 13 and April 7 if it helps the student.? Additionally, Quarter 3 course grades that harm a student’s overall average will be taken out of a student's final grade for the year.?Quarter 4 began as planned.? Information on Quarter 4 (secondary) and Trimester 3 (elementary) grading and report cards were shared with parents on or about May 15. You should look for a correspondence from your child’s principal in your email for details. Should you have any further questions, please contact your child’s school.Q: What do I do if we do not have Wi-Fi at home?A: Altice (Optimum) is allowing all residents to connect to their hot spots. This means any Optimum Wi-Fi signal you can “see” on your device (in Settings: Wi-Fi options) will be available for you to use free. The number to call is 1-866-200-9522 to set this up. Another option for Wi-Fi may be to call your cell phone provider and ask them to "enable mobile hotspot" on your plan. I am told that Sprint and AT&T have already enabled this at no cost to customers. To check to see if you have it, go to your device Settings and Connections and turn on “Personal Hotspot” or "Mobile Hotspot." It may not be available without subscription from some providers, but it can't hurt to call your provider and ask!Q: What do I do if I need technology assistance?A: Even though our schools and offices are closed, we are still reachable to assist you with technology issues. You can get help by: Visiting this newly created help page: suggested, we have included a few screencasts to help students and parents navigate through some of the things that were causing some confusion and difficulties. Edits and additions will be made as time goes on, so please don’t hesitate to continue to send suggestions and input for us to include. We also added a link to this site on our district website which can be found on the “Digital Learning Tools & Applications” page under the Parents and Students menu and as a link under Technology. Calling (631) 269-3318 Leave a message, with a brief summary of the issue and a phone number or email where you can be reached. We will then contact you to assist.Emailing helpdesk@ Q: If I am a first responder of healthcare worker, how do I find childcare?A: Please see the specific guidance that is provided in the “News and Announcements” section on the website, or simply click HERE.Additionally, as of May 4, New Beginnings of Kings Park has reopened. The information on pricing and enrollment can also be found in the “News and Announcements” section on the website.Q: What is the status of the Kings Park Spring Adult Education Program?A: Based on the most recent guidance from the Department of Health, the spring semester of adult education has been cancelled.? The school district will be issuing full refunds.? We understand this is disappointing news for all who planned on participating. However, at this time, the health and safety of our community is our priority. Thank you in advance for your patience, as we have to issue over 300 individual checks.? This may take 6 to 8 weeks, as it is a lengthy process.?Q: What happens to my MySchoolBucks (School Lunch) account while school is not in session?A: Please be advised that if there are currently funds within your child(ren) MySchoolBucks account(s), the balance will carry forward until we return to school. This is also the case at the end of each school year. Any balances are carried forward into the following school year. Q: Is the Board of Education continuing to meet during the COVID-19 crisis?A: Yes. The Board of Education will continue to meet during the COVID-19 crisis for the purpose of conducting the business of the school district. Please visit our website for details.Q: Will the district lose April break?A: Essentially, yes. The Governor directed school districts to continue to provide three essential services, even if the district was scheduled to be on “recess” in April. These three essential services are: continuity of learning, meals for students, and childcare for first responders and healthcare workers. Since none of us are likely traveling in the coming weeks, keeping busy and mentally and physically engaged is essential. Families and employees should take time for religious observance. This is why the last day of school was adjusted to be June 17.Q: If schools reopen, will students be required to test negative for COVID-19 or submit proof of vaccination/inoculation in order to return to school?A: Schools are required to follow Education Law and guidance from the New York State Department of Health. We would certainly need to implement any changes in the law or directives that we receive from our government related to COVID-19. Q: What is the status of the NYS Grades 3-8 testing program for 2019-2020?A: That State Education Department has cancelled ALL grades 3-8 examinations scheduled for this spring.Q: What is the status of Regents Exams for this June?A: On April 6, NYS Board of Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa announced that Regents Examinations for this June will be cancelled. The following additional guidance was received from The NYS Department of Education on Tuesday, April 7. Students who, during the June 2020 examination period would have taken one or more Regents examinations, will be exempted from passing the assessments in order to be issued a diploma.? To qualify for the exemption, students must meet one of the following eligibility requirements:The student is currently enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents examination and will have earned credit in such course of study by the end of the 2019-20 school year; orThe student is in grade 7, is enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents examination and will have passed such course of study by the end of the 2019-20 school year; orThe student is currently enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents examination and has failed to earn credit by the end of the school year. Such student returns for summer instruction to make up the failed course and earn the course credit and is subsequently granted diploma credit in August 2020; orThe student was previously enrolled in the course of study leading to an applicable Regents examination, has achieved course credit, and has not yet passed the associated Regents examination but intended to take the test in June 2020 to achieve a passing score.Further information on this topic from The NYS Education Department can be found here:announced the cancellation of the June 2020 administration of Regents Exams and released guidance on modifications to requirements for students to graduate and earn their high school diplomas, credentials and endorsements.frequently asked questions documentAdditionally, on April 30, 2020 we were notified by NYSED that the August 2020 Regents Examinations have been cancelled as well. Q: What is the status of SAT and ACT testing for later this spring and summer?A: Below is a summary of what we have received from both the ACT and College Board to date:April 4 ACT @ KPHS – CANCELLED by ACTMay 2 SAT @ KPHS – CANCELLED by College BoardJune 6 SAT @ KPHS – CANCELLED by College BoardJune 13 ACT @ KPHS – CANCELLED by ACTJuly 18 ACT @ KPCSD – TBD August 29 SAT @ KPHS – TBD Q: What is the status of Advanced Placement (AP) testing later this spring?A: We received the following information from the College Board on April 3. More information will be forthcoming from Kings Park High School and directly from our AP teachers.Exam DatesExams will be administered from May 11 – 22. For a complete schedule, please click on this link: Make-up test dates will be available for each subject from June 1-5.Students can take their exams at home or in school, if school reopens.Each subject’s exam will be taken on the same day at the same time, across the country.Exam FormatMost exams will have one or two free-response questions, and each question will be timed separately. Students will need to write and submit their responses within the allotted time for each question. Students will be able to take exams on any device they have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. They'll be able to type and upload their responses or write responses by hand and submit a photo via their cell phones. For most subjects, the exams will be 45 minutes long, plus an additional 5 minutes for uploading. Students will need to access the online testing system 30 minutes early to get set up. Certain courses—Art and Design: 2D; Art and Design: 3D; Computer Science Principles; Drawing; Research; and Seminar—will use portfolio submissions and will not have a separate online exam. All deadlines for these submissions have been extended to May 26, 2020, 11:59 p.m. ET. Teachers and students may receive separate course-specific communications.Students taking world language and culture exams will complete two spoken tasks consistent with free-response questions 3 and 4 on the current AP Exam. Written responses will not be required. We'll provide additional details in the coming weeks to help students prepare.Exam Scores and College CreditAs usual, students' work will be scored by our network of college faculty and AP teachers, and will be reported on a 1–5 scale. We anticipate releasing scores as close to the usual July timeframe as possible.We're confident that the vast majority of higher ed institutions will award college credit as they have in the past. We've spoken with hundreds of institutions across the country that support our solution for this year's AP Exams.Exam SecurityLike many college-level exams, this year's AP Exams will be open book/open note. The exam format and questions are being designed specifically for an at-home administration, so points will not be earned from content that can be found in textbooks or online. However, students taking the exams may not consult with any other individuals during the testing period. We'll take the necessary steps to protect the integrity of each exam administration, as we do every year.We're confident that the vast majority of AP students will follow the rules for taking the exams. For the small number of students who may try to gain an unfair advantage, we have a comprehensive and strict set of protocols in place to prevent and detect cheating. While some of these practices are confidential to maximize their effectiveness, students and education professionals can learn more about our security measures.At a minimum, test takers should understand that those attempting to gain an unfair advantage will either be blocked from testing or their AP scores will be canceled, and their high school will be notified as will colleges or other organizations to which the student has already sent any College Board scores (including SAT? scores). And they may be prohibited from taking a future Advanced Placement? Exam as well as the SAT, SAT Subject Tests?, or CLEP? assessments.Q: How do I submit my request for private and parochial transportation for 2020-2021?A: April 1 is typically the deadline, but please note that due to the closure of schools pursuant to the Executive Order(s) issued by the Governor for the COVID-19 crisis and recognizing that such requests need?to be incorporated into a school district’s budget, NYSED directed all public school districts to accept all parental requests for transportation to charter and nonpublic schools submitted on or before April 15, 2020.? ?The deadline is usually April 1.? NYSED deems such Executive Order(s) be a reasonable excuse for a delay under Ed. Law 3635.? You can either mail your request and make sure it is postmarked April 15 or earlier, or scan and email your request to: lees@. Learning Together Through TechnologyEveryone Matters in Kings ParkTimothy T. Eagen, Ed.D.Superintendent of SchoolsKings Park Central School District ................

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