Belarusian State University

VOCABULARY “Global Markets

account: to create/close/open/set up a

private/personal bank/savings account

and take money out from it, to deposit

40 million dollars in the account, to

have J30626 in your bank account, to

hold foreign currency in a bank

account, to hack a bank account, to run

out of money in your bank account, to

overdraw your bank account, interest

accrues on a bank account

accounting: accounting


accumulate: accumulated interest


accumulative: accumulative

funds/impact/effects, the national

accumulative output of synthetic resin

accrue: to accrue interest, interest

accrues on a bank account, accrued


acquire: to acquire shares/exclusive

rights/a company/a 51 per cent stake in

the company,

acquisition: acquisition of

complementary technologies, products

or companies

affluence: postwar/increasing


agricultural: an agricultural company

agriculture: to invest in agriculture

alliance: to form/close an alliance with

allied: closely allied companies, the

newly-allied businesses of Sellwood

and Westmoreland

an American exchange

ally: a financial and political ally

ally: Google may ally with Yahoo

against Microsoft

amalgamation: a possible

amalgamation with a smaller rival, an

amalgamation bid, to work out the

details/scheme of the amalgamation of

the companies

analysis: an annual complete and

comprehensive analysis of Ashland


analyze: to analyze business costs and

potential benefits

analyst: the financial/markets/political

analyst maintains that..., analysts

say..., most analysts expect that...

analytic: an analytic consultant, an

analytic study company

analytical: analytical data company

annual: annual

analysis/filings/percentage rate/

reports/shareholder meeting/listing


annually: the bond pays 9.35 per cent

interest annually

approach: the price of oil approaches

$100 per barrel

assess: to assess the financial situation,

to assess the needs of the market

assessment: the assessment is based on

the fair market value of the house

asset: to sell an asset, to have $2.7

billion in assets, a company's capital

assets are its machines, buildings, and

other property

auction: to hold/conduct an auction, an

auction house, an on-line auction,

proceeds from the auction

auction: to auction the company's

remaining assets, to auction a


average: the Dow Jones Industrial Average, prices are still ahead of last January's average of $475461, the four-week average for jobless claims rose to 335000

average: average market returns, the average daily turnover bank: the central bank of the United States, regional banks banking: the banking system/sector, online/electronic banking bankrupt: to go bankrupt, the owners of the center were declared bankrupt, Bradford Council has made a woman bankrupt over a Jl 100 unpaid council tax bill

bankrupt: a bankrupt company, bankruptcy: to file for bankruptcy protection, to declare/exit bankruptcy, the company/business venture ended in bankruptcy, the company is threatened with bankruptcy-barrel: crude oil was recently down $1.49, or 1.7 per cent, at $88.53 a barrel

bear: the bears gained the upper hand as the bulls sat back, to be in a bear market

bear: this letter bears no signature bearer: the bearer of a bond/note/cheque

the Belorussian Currency and Stock Exchange (the BCSE) beneficial: the fall in prices will be beneficial to small business, mutually beneficial and successful relationship between companies benefit: entitled to benefit benefit: small businesses have benefited greatly form the fall in interest rates

bid: a $44.6 billion bid from Microsoft, a bid for Yahoo, to make/increase/ raise/reject/take a hostile/takeover/

amalgamation bid, to launch a J500

million bid to buy the football club, the

company's $6529000 bid beat by about

$400000 the next closest bid of

$6971000 submitted by Flintco West,


biotechnology (biotech): the biotech

i ndustry/sector/company

blue chip: a blue chip

company/firm/index, blue chip stocks/


board: she is on the board (of

directors), the Federal Reserve Board,

board members

bond: a(n) government/5-year/

international/mature bond, bonds

maturing in 2038, to issue/hoid/redeem

bonds, a bearer of a bond, bonds

climbed/rose/fell/went up/went down/'

shot/gone up/surged/tumbled/rallied/


bondholder: institutional bondholders

boom: the Chinese stock market boom

boom: the Chinese economy boomed

in the early 2000s

boost: this has given share prices a big

boost, a boost to the economy

boost: to boost revenues by 24 per

cent, these changes will help to boost

share prices/profits/demand, plans to

boost production by 30 per cent next


borrow: to borrow money form smb.

to start a new business, to borrow for


borrower: a borrower's credit score

borrowing: The company's borrowing

consists of a S$4 billion loan, the

nation's central bank said it's likely to

keep raising borrowing costs

brand: the Martha Stewart Everyday


broker: a licensed broker is the

primary link between the securities

market and the investing public

budget: the company's advertising budget for 2008, to balance one's budget, the new road was completed within/below budget budget: to budget for a new stadium, linal capital costs are now forecast to he 21 per cent below the budgeted $ A3 2 5 an ounce

budgeting: most people get little to no training on budgeting, saving money or using credit wisely

bull: the bears gained the upper hand as the bulls sat back, in a bull market, (he 1970s bull market in gold business: a business, a small/ middle-market business, they borrowed heavily from the bank to start their new business

buy: to buy shares/goods/stocks at 63 pence apiece, to buy a controlling stake from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. buyer: the average buyer cap: a large cap - a company with market capitalization of $200 million, one might expect volatility from small caps, but these are well-known companies that had market caps of $ 10 billion or more...

capital: you need a capital of $10000 to start up a new firm, a successful firm that offers investors a high return on the capital, equity/initial/venture/ working capital

capital: a company's capital assets are its machines, buildings, and other property, the capital stock of the company, a program of capital investment to modernize the company capitalization (cap): market cap, a company with a market capitalization of $200 million, the world's largest bank by market capitalization, average market cap of a mining company on the LSE is $18 million

capitalize: to capitalize on the increasing cheapness of the equity-market, a highly capitalized company cash: in cash, to pay in cash, the company is short of cash at the moment cash: to cash traveler's cheques, the company cashed in on its rival's difficulties by doubling production, investors cashed in profits after Friday's gains, he hasn't cashed out because the gains are huge chairman: he was elected chairman of American Airlines, the Federal Reserve Board's chairman

changeable: these indexes are highly changeable

charge: to charge a heavy tax on imported wine, to charge high rates/fees, previously, Yahoo charged $ 12 per month for 5GB of disk space charge: charges, free of charge, a 10 per cent service charge close: at (the) close the FTSE 100 had recovered slightly from mid-afternoon lows of 5681.50

close: to close a deal worth $2 million, to close an alliance with an American exchange, the composite index closed down 49.71 points or 1.9 per cent at 2589.38

coin: a gold coin, the rare coin market commodity: commodity market/prices, the favorite commodity of inflation speculators

communications: communications market/company/services/products/ technology/industry company: an established/well-established/top-rated/highest-qualityV/transportation large/ private/public/state-owned/research/ pharmaceutical/staples/insurance/' highly capitalized/publicly traded/unquoted/venture capital/middle-market company, to

work for a company, to found/launch/start (up) a company compete: to compete for a scarce resource, to compete other companies competition: a stiff competition, to heighten competition in the telecomm sector

competitor: new competitors began

coming into the market

complementary: complementary

products/services/suppliers/assets, bringing on a strong brand like Hyatt into an expanding office market will be very complementary, the systems are so complementary to each other consolidate: analysts predict that Oracle will continue to acquire new technologies and the Australian market will consolidate further, to consolidate the efforts

consolidation: the market consolidation, if the companies announce a merger, they would be the first in what's expected to be a series of consolidations within the industry consume: manufacturing consumes just more than half of SA's electricity consumer: consumer products/goods/prices/sentiment, a weak consumer typically means a weak economy, sluggish consumer spending, tightening consumer demand, the fastest growing consumer market consumption: to reduce oil consumption, consumption of quality health care services, weak/great/ declining domestic consumption contract: terms of a contract, to sign/renew an exclusive contract, a futures/options contract controlling: to buy a controlling stake of 51 per cent in a company, a controlling interest in an oil processing concern, a controlling share of the business

conversion: currency conversion, the

Notes will be convertible at an initial

conversion rate of 44.5524 shares of

common stock per $1000 in principal

amount of the Notes

convert: to convert pounds into

dollars/bonds into shares/preferred

stock into regular stock, fanners

convert from chemical-based to

organic agriculture

convertible: the dollar is a convertible

currency, convertible notes/preferred

stock/debt/obligations/securities, to

exchange convertible notes for new

notes, the Notes are convertible into

Class A Common Shares at the lowest

price at which Shares are issued by the

Company after the date the Notes are


corporate: corporate



corporation: established/well-



traded corporation

cost: the recent trading scandal cost the

bank $7.1 billion

cost: the risingAow cost of

commodities, listing/borrowing/food/

fuel/energy costs, high production costs

led to high prices in the shops, at any

cost, to cut costs, to cut the cost of

internet use

costly: a costly delay

coupon: coupons attached to the bond,

the company placed $400 million of

5.95 per cent coupon ten year fixed rate

debt maturing in 2012, unmatured


crude oil (crude): March light, sweet,

crude was trading $1.22 lower at

$92.37 a barrel on the New York

Mercantile Exchange, Venezuelan

crude futures/prices

currency: the dollar is a convertible

currency, a currency dealer, to pay in

local currency

data: robust growth data, UK inflation

data, US oil data

deal: to deal in stocks and currencies,

to deal with corruption/risks/high

prices/pressure, to deal a blow to smth.

dual: to do/make/strike/close a deal

with an American firm to exchange

engines for wheels, terms of the deal,

to get a good deal on smth.

dealer: a currency dealer

debt: to owe a debt, to pay/repay a debt

with interest, evidence of debt, to run

Into debt, to be in debt, to renegotiate/

refinance the company's debt

debtor: America in the 21st century is

u vast debtor nation

decline: revenue from Wholesale

markets declined 1.1 per cent to $372

million from $376 million in the year-

ago quarter

decline: a decline in export

earnings/sales, the newspaper industry

is on the decline

to deduct: to deduct taxes, discounts

are deducted from this base price

deduction: take-home earnings after

tax deductions

default: Mexico's "tequila crisis" of

1994-1995 forced many homeowners

into default when the peso fell by 70

per cent and interest rates soared, the

company disputed that it was in

default, to be in default on


default: the company will possibly

default on payments/its debt


demand: houses are in great demand at

the moment, there is much demand for

houses, demand and supply, these

changes will help to boost demand, to

meet demand

deposit: to deposit 40 million dollars in

the account, to deposit money at the

Bank of England

deposit: to make a deposit, certificates

of deposit, to put down a deposit of

$100 on a new car,

develop: to develop oral drug delivery


developer: a developer of oral drug

delivery technology

development: to fund development


director: non-executive directors, she

is on the board of directors, the title of

creative director

disaster: natural disasters such as

tsunamis and hurricanes

distribute: to distribute goods and

services, to distribute dividends to


distribution: a distribution network

distributor: the company is a local

distributor for Volkswagen spare parts

diversification: the diversification of

assets in one's investment portfolio

diversify: to diversify an investment

portfolio/investments/the company's

range of products/foreign currency

reserves, to diversify into alternative


dividend: a dividend of 4.25 cents, the

company declared a quarterly cash

dividend on its common stock of $.06

per share, to pay regular dividends,

fixed cumulative dividends

double: to double production, the

house has doubled in value

the Dow Jones Industrial Average

(aka the DJIA, Dow 30, the Dow Jones

or the Dow)

drop: market drop, a 1.7 per cent drop

in interest rates/the S&P index, a drop

in domestic demand/sales

drop: the market dropped more than

100 points, to drop the price, the

company's stock dropped 12 per

cent/by more than 7 per cent on the

news that...

earn: to earn $40000 a year

earnings: take-home earnings after tax

deductions, a decline in export/net/

fourth-quarter earnings, estimated


economic: economic growth/policy/


economical: an economical method of

heating/little car

economics: to study economics at


economy: 1) a black/capitalist/

unstable/global/market economy, the

state of the economy, to breathe life

into the economy 2) buying cheap tyres

is a false economy - they will wear out


economist: the chief market economist

at Avalon Partners

economize: we have to economize on

water during the dry season, to

economize more than 70000 tons of

fuel in 5 years

electronics: to work in the electronics

industry, a consumer electronics


entitled: to be entitled to the


equity: the equities market/fund, equity


establish: to establish a company/fund

established: established

stocks/research company

estimate: to estimate the price for the

contract, the next nuclear power station

would cost an estimated $10 billion to

build, 2008 earnings estimates, the

estimated value of the home, cancelling

the ceremony cost an estimated J40m-

J50m in lost revenues

estimate: to make an estimate, the estimate of the cost was right, At a rough estimate... the European Central Bank (the ECB)

eurozone: the economies of the zone, euro zone economic growth, the eurozone economy evidence of debt/ownership exceed: to exceed $50/expectations/ worst fears

exchange: equities/stock/corn/ commodities/mercantile exchange, combined/electronic/hybrid exchange, at the London Stock Exchange, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC)

exclusive rights: exclusive rights to the Martha Stewart Everyday brand executive: a chief executive, nonexecutive director, a company executive

exclusive: exclusive rights to the Martha Stewart Everyday brand expand: the company has expanded its operations in Belarus by building a new factory there, US middle-market businesses expand into other countries, USB flash drive usage will expand from PC to other home electronics such as digital television expansion: the new factory is large to allow room for expansion, the company's expansion into new markets, to borrow for expansion expire: the trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year expiry: the expiry of options contracts, the expiry day for the March ICE Brent futures contract

export: a decline in export earnings/ sales, export markets export: to export goods to other countries exportable: exportable goods

exporter: Switzerland is a big exporter

of watches

full: a fall in interest rates, the stock

market fall, the Dow's 1.4 per cent fall

fall: sales/demand in France fell 5.6 per

cent to 162111

the Federal Reserve System (the Fed)

fee: a high listing/user/membership/

(innual/two per cent fee, to calculate the

fee, fee charges

to file: to file documents/annual

reports/year-end financial statements

with the US Securities and Exchange

Commission on time, people continue

to file claims for unemployment, to file

a tax return/taxes

filing: annual and quarterly filings,

smth. said in a filing with the Securities

and Exchange Commission, the filing

of the application

finance: the Minister of Finance, a

finance expert

finance: to finance market operations

financier: China Investment Corp. also

is playing the role of financier behind

China's state-owned aluminum


financial: financial center/institution/

adviser/services, the Financial Times

Stock Exchange (FTSE) index

Arm: to launch/found/star(up) a firm,

to work for a successful engineering


float: the firm decided to float its

shares on the New York Stock

Exchange, Sons Ltd says it intends to

float a hotel in the highbrow district of

Abuja, to list by way of free float, to

float a $7 billion education bond

float: a year after the float

floatation: the company's

public/market floatation last year

floor: trading/auction/futures exchange

floor, on the floor of the New York

Stock Exchange

fluctuate: commodity prices fluctuate frequently, the benchmark KOSPI market fluctuated between 1650 and 1750 this month, the prices fluctuated within $300-310 per share fluctuation: large price/market/ currency's/exchange rate fluctuations, fluctuation in customer demand found: to found a company fraud: securities fraud fund: to fund research and development activities/an acquisition fund: to establish an investment/ equity/commodity fund, the fund manager

funds: to have/raise the funds to do smth., to pump funds into smth., to allocate advertising and promotional funds, to embezzle $100 million in company funds, the payment funds of a company

futures: crude-oil/gold/US stock-index/Japanese government bond/agriculture futures traded higher/fell on Tuesday, a gold futures contract, The May futures contract for crude closed at $572.20 an ounce go public: the firm has the choice to go private or go public, MasterCard went public at $39 a share, the firm went public with its annual review, United Tech went public with a $40-a-share offer/hostile takeover offer for Diehold United Technologies go up: the total value of all the stocks in FTSE 100 has gone up by 23.00 points, net income from operations went up 25 per cent to 62.3 million euros from 50.0 million euros a year ago

goods: to buy and sell goods growth: slowing economic growth, US market growth of 3-4 per cent, the year-on-year growth in house prices/advertising revenues/German

technology industry, growth of employment in the country, growth of the FTSE 100 index healthcare: healthcare industry/sector/market/company hold: to hold 40001 shares in the company/a 61 per cent stake in the company/a 51 per cent equity interest in Zonda/23 pet of the Spanish firm holder: a top patent holder of technology, a long-time holder of shares of Johnson Controls, IMF is the world's third largest gold holder, the holder of the mortgage import: used-car imports from the US, the import surge, import licenses, Brazil's trade balance surplus - the difference between exports and imports - reached $882 million in February, to impose an import duty/a 5 per cent import tax on naphtha, to introduce/lift an import ban on cement import: to import the commodity from East African countries, to cut tariffs on polymer imports

impose: to impose a 5 per cent import tax on naphtha

incorporated (Inc.): Saks Incorporated income: bonds/shares generate/provide income, income tax, the firm's net income for the quarter climbed 7.6 per cent to C$98 million, Scotiabank's first-quarter net income fell 18 per cent to $835 million from $1.02 billion, income from restaurant operations index (pi. indices/indexes): the value of the stock market index,, the total value of all the stocks in the FTSE 100 index, a broad-base/specialized index, the FTSE 100 index of leading shares lost 143.4 points to 5562.9 indicate: the financial facts that best indicate a company's real worth indicator: the February inflation indicator, the Investment Rate is the

most accurate leading longer-term economic and stock market indicator individual: a private individual industrials: the Dow industrials fell 315 points

industry: the biotechnology/ electronics/global/pharmaceutical/ securities/staples/tea/transportation industry, a hot industry, the leading industries of the US economy inflation: inflation fears/risks, to keep inflation in check, to combat growing/rising/high/low inflation, the central bank expects average inflation within 3 per cent to 5 per cent in 2008 inflationary: inflationary pressures/period/expectations/adjustme nts/threat

initial public offering (IPO): initial public offering of the company's common stock, an offering of 4 million shares to raise up to $86.3 million in an IPO, to launch an IPO, the bank is still interested in buying a portion of shares in Visa's proposed IPO insider trading: the manager was charged with insider trading interest: to pay back/repay with interest, to pay the interest rate on bonds, the 5-year bond pays 9.35 per cent, accumulated interest payments, the interest day, the accrued interest, the fall/raise/drop rise in interest rates, to lower/leave UK rates on hold/(steady) at 4.5 per cent invest: to invest in technologies, products or companies/stocks/indexes investor: 90 per cent of all Americans are investors, the biggest investor in Northern Rock, a leading global investor in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry investment: a program of capital investment to modernize the company, equity investment, a large-scale

Investment in risky stocks/the local

«took market/foreign mutual funds/the

plant/complementary technologies,

products or companies, an investment


lend: to lend money to consumers and


lender: the UK's biggest mortgage

lender, Industrial and Commercial

Bank of China is the world's biggest

lender by market value

levy: this levy brings in almost

$2.2 million a year, the levy to be

collected by UTB, the municipality's

tax levy, to introduce a new levy on


levy: to levy taxes, the regulator can

levy $1-million-plus fines, to levy a

charge on each payment at a retail


liquidation: a bankruptcy liquidation,

self-liquidation, the Joneses went into

forced/voluntary liquidation

liquidity: to have enough/excess

liquidity, to inject liquidity into the

country's financial system, the liquidity


list: shares will be listed for trading,

the decision to list on a particular


listed: (exchange-)listed securities/


listing: a stock exchange listing, the

Stock exchange's listing standards, to

approve the company's listing

application, annual listing fee/costs,

NYSE's listings include blue chip

firms, Energy's listing on the Frankfurt

Stock Exchange will improve the

Company's visibility in the world's

energy market, to withdraw the listing

of the company's common stock from

the stock exchange

loan: to take out/pay back a loan, to

charge interest on loans

loan: it plans to loan Noble

International Ltd. $50 million

loose: the Dow Jones industrial average

lost 7.49 points to 12258.9

loss: the firm nursed/reported a loss of

$5.4 million, operating/net loss, the

near-total loss of assets in two funds

manager: the investment manager

portfolio manager General Manager

manufacture: the manufacture of


manufacture: Toshiba announced it

would no longer manufacture HD-

DVD players

manufacturer: an Indian tire


market (mkt): to manipulate the

market, quiet/volatile markets, in the

equities/securities/stock/export market,

a high-tech/hybrid/combined market,

market price/capitalization, market

recession, the UK market closed up

1.25 per cent

marketing: the marketing industry, a

marketing campaign/consultant

marketing slogan: the company's

marketing slogan, "Making Medicines


mature: coupons/international

bonds/five-year mortgages will mature

in 2038

mature: a mature bond

maturity: the maturity date

mercantile: on the New York

Mercantile Exchange

merge: Bell Atlantic Corp. merged

with GTE Corp.

merger: a merger between Northwest

Airlines and Delta Air Lines, a merger

agreement/bid, merger talks

mining: a mining company, the

country's mining sector, in the mining

industry, coal/silver mining

monetary: monetary system, to

set/tighten monetary policy, the

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

money: to make money in the market

mortgage: secured by a mortgage,

many five-year mortgages mature in

2010, mortgage holder/insurer, home


National Association of Securities

Dealers Automated Quotations

System (the Nasdaq)

natural resources: to

develop/consume the country's natural


the New York Stock Exchange (the


net: the auction netted $300000, a

fraudster netted $10 million in credit

card fraud, the firm netted $3.3 million

compared with last year's nine-months

net loss of $1.3 million

net: net earnings/profit/revenue/income


nominal: nominal wage growth, a

nominal production increase, house

prices tripled in nominal value

notice: the publication of notice of

redemption, the Company has received

notice from The Nasdaq Stock Market

that it is now compliant with

Marketplace Rule 4310

offer: to accept/reject/decline an offer

to buy a controlling stake, the tender

offer expired at 5:00 pm

offer: to offer for sale to the public

offering: initial public offering (IPO)

of the company's common stock/4

million shares, the offering price,

Morgan Stanley is the lead underwriter for the offering

officer: an officer of the company oligarch: a well-known Russian oligarch

option: an option contract for purchasing smth., to exercise a purchase option, to offer an option, the company has an option to participate in the acquisition and processing of the wells to be drilled, the underwriters exercised the option in full for an additional 900000 common units at a price of $23.90 per unit ounce: platinum struck a record 2279.25 dollars an ounce outbid: to outbid the rival for a 35-per cent stake in Tunisia's public phone operator, buyers are falling all over themselves in an effort to outbid each other for that prized house in a good neighborhood, she was outbid on a home in Apple Valley overtake: Russia will overtake Britain as Lexus' strongest market in Europe, Huawei could overtake Alcatel-Lucent in 3G mobile phone networks own: to own property/brands/shares/ stores

owner: the new owner of the business ownership: evidence of ownership, to keep ownership in the Montrose McDonald's, Ltd., to have a 53 per cent ownership stake, the pub came into the ownership of Denis and PG Loughrey, foreign ownership par: par value, 20 per cent shares quote below par, banks can buy back the equity at par after three years, yields range from 3.25 per cent priced at par in 2010 to 6.40 per cent with a 6.25 per cent coupon in 2028, the new company would put Malaysia on par with advanced telecommunications partner: a trading partner

partnership: strategic partnership, in a

partnership with a reputable company

party: a contracting party

pay: to pay back with interest, to pay

out profits to the shareholder, to pay

9.35 per cent interest

payment: interest payments

per: $100 per barrel/share/annum, per


per cent: net earnings increased 26 per

cent to $238 million

percentage: annual percentage rate

perform: the stock/consumer market/

stocks/companies performed well

performance: the stock market/index/

ftmds/the dollar's performance

pharmaceutical: Belgium's

pharmaceutical market/companies/


platform: an electronic trading

platform, to provide clients with a

secure market platform, a trading

platform operated by

IntercontinentalExchange Inc

plunge: (the survey showed) a plunge

in business conditions/output/oil prices/

GM's stock price/the Dow

plunge: the Australian share market

/the Dow Jones industrial average/US

stocks plunged 5 per cent in early trade

point: The FTSE 100 index of leading

shares lost 143.4 points to 5562.9

portfolio: a diverse/financial/

investment/the loan/retirement/

stock/stock-laden portfolio, a portfolio


premier: a premier supplier

premium: to buy at a premium above

the current market price

premium: the premium

market/rates/products, premium


price: fair/high/low/commodity/

market/offering/selling price, prices

dramatically climbed/rose/went

up/shot/gone up/surged/went



rallied/fluctuated, price fluctuations/

forecast, to boost share prices, a retreat

in share prices

principal: the principal of this bond

shall be paid..., the principal payout

rate, to exchange part of the principal

on maturity to the bonds issued today

private individual: sell a parcel of

land to a private individual or


proceeds: net proceeds of $431500,

proceeds from the art sales/high priced

stocks/the auction, IPO proceeds, to

receive $7.6m in proceeds

produce: locally grown/fresh produce

from the market, the growth or fall of

Gross Domestic Produce (GDP)

produce: to produce cars/energy

producer: the fourth-biggest copper


product: health care/dairy/organic/

complementary products, gross

domestic product (GDP), product


production: industrial/energy

production, to boost production by 30

per cent, to double production, high

production costs led to high prices in

the shops, production level capacity, an

increase in production, to cut

production and costs

profit: sizable/quick profit, to buy

shares back at a profit, these changes

will help to boost corporate profits, a

14 per cent decline in profit, profit is

weakening, a profit report from Intel

Corp., to cut the company's profit

forecasts, the company's net profit

dropped about 78 per cent

profit: she profited $51000 by selling,

to profit from financial liberalization

profitable: profitable enterprise/

investment firms

property: property taxes, property and other assets, the property market, intellectual property purchase: purchase and sale, the purchase of Asarco LLC/a controlling stake in South Korea's third-biggest refiner

purchase: to purchase US financial assets/securities/automobiles quarter: in the third quarter, fourth-quarter sales rose

quarterly: quarterly cash dividend on the company's common stock of $.06 per share, annual and quarterly filings, quarterly profit/non-interest income fell 84 per cent/decreased 2 per cent to $1.33 million, a 44 per cent drop in quarterly net profit/earnings, a quarterly report, quarterly sales/loss quotation: market/currency quotations, to pursue quotation of the company's common stock on the OTCBB, the leading inter-dealer electronic quotation and trading system, shares listed for quotation on ASX, stock quotation records

quote: Tuesday's 5 pm quotes of the dollar, financial/broker quotes, to raise export quotes, quotes in the Budapest Stock Exchange

quote: the market maker quotes our common stock, to quote the company's common stock on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, gold was quoted at $888, the dollar was quoted at 101.30-35 yen raise: a raise in rates/prices raise: to raise taxes, investors sold shares to raise cash, companies announced plans to raise debt, they will sell bonds to raise capital rally: the biggest one-day market/bear market/Nasdaq/stock rally since 1933

rally: Wall Street/technology shares rallied strongly/14 per cent in the previous two days

rate: low/high annual percentage/the Fed funds rate, to pay interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum, the fall/raise/drop rise in interest rates, to leave UK rates (steady) at 4.5 per cent/unchanged for the 10th month running on hold, to cut central bank /interbank lending rates, a flat rate of eight per cent, Michigan's unemployment rate rated: top-rated/highly-rated companies, an AAA-rated/risk-free-rated 30-year municipal bond, a four-star rated fund, the euro was over-rated recession: a looming market/US/ economic recession, the US economy appears to be in a recession recover: the market recovered from crashes/the latest plunge recovery: a bear/stock market recovery, the recovery from the 1929 crash/of stock prices, a solid recovery is taking hold in Germany redeem: to redeem a bond/the preferred stock/the preference shares/ Money Market Cumulative Preferred Shares/a portion of one's investment/mortgages/debt, tight liquidity forced some investors to redeem their investments in funds redemption: the Fund has postponed the redemption of the notes indefinitely, the redemption plan/request, to delay the Redemption Dates

re-export: the re-export of new and used vehicles/ivory refiner: an oil refiner's shares refinery: the oil refinery project, the refinery's equipment registration statement: to file/submit a registration statement with respect to

5897228 common shares with the

Securities and Exchange Commission,

the Registration Statement was

declared effective by the SEC

regulator: India's capital market


reputable: a reputable company/estate


reputation: to have a reputation for

quality, the company's reputation

ин a creative sales organization

research: market research, to fund


retail: the US retail market, the biggest

drop in retail sales

retailer: Wal-Mart, the US largest

retailer, Tesco, the UK's biggest

retailer by sales, a luxury goods retailer

return: a high return on the

capital/investment, equities have

garnered/generated a 10 per cent

annualized return, to reduce an

investor's annual return from 5.9 per

cent to 1.1 per cent, to offer

high/decent (investment) returns

return: bonds/cash returned 5 per cent

revenue: to boost revenues, revenue

for the first six months reached $9.3

million, Intel expects revenue in the

fourth quarter of $10.1 billion to $10.9

billion, analysts are looking for

revenue between $10.4 billion and


revival: a revival in investor sentiment/

prices/global equity markets, the

market revival

revive: to revive financial markets

rise: a planned rise in VAT in

Germany, the Japanese stock market

posted its biggest ever one-day rise,

Aldi reported a 2.4 per cent rise in

British market share

rise: Hong Kong's Hang Seng index

rose 3.19 per cent, the yen rose for the

first time in five days against the

dollar, yields on the average 30-year tax-free bond rose, US shipments rose 4.6 per cent to 17.4 million units rival: to buy Russian rival News Outdoor Group from News Corp., rival strategies

rivalry: Microsoft-Google rivalry sale: to offer smth. for sale to the public, a decline in sales, to schedule the company's bond/unit sale for November, to complete a sale, the sale(s) of food/drinks/homes, retail sales

sector: service/the banking/retail/the real estate/the technology/the financial/ the industrial/medical/the consumer sector

securities: to buy asset-backed/fixed-income/international/listed/real estate/ voting securities of the Company, the securities industry/firm, in the securities market, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) sell: to sell goods/bonds/shares/an asset, be sold at a profit seller: the top seller of PCs, a short-seller, a confident seller's market sell-off: the market sell-off sentiment: to boost investor sentiment, the market's bad/"bearish"/boosted/ extremely positive/fragile/low/ unbearably morose sentiment sluggish: to boost the sluggish consumer spending/market/economy/ growth/GM sales/trading activity/credit market, a sluggish 5.3 per cent demand services: financial/business/film-printing services, demand for services, to provide/offer services share: common/preferred/publicly-traded corporation shares, to own/hold/ buy/sell/dump 40001 shares in a business/company/corporation, to float shares on the New York Stock Exchange, to issue shares, a share of

future profits, shares climbed/rose/went up/gone up/shot/surged/fell/went down/tumbled/dropped/plunged dramatically/rallied/fluctuated, shares in Amsterdam closed sharply lower shareholder: majority/preferred/ common share-holder of theater chain National Amusements Inc., annual shareholder meeting, shareholder approval, shareholder return/benefit, to create/maximize shareholder value/ wealth

spending: sluggish consumer spending, the biggest drop in consumer spending

stability: financial/monetary stability Standard and Poor's (S&P) stable: a stable market/banking system/economic development stake: to acquire/build/maintain/own/ rebuild a 51 per cent stake in a private US company

start (up): to borrowed from a bank to start (up) a new business statistics: producer price/government statistics, the statistics show the good health of the banking industry stock: established/controlling/growth oriented/growth-type/high priced/ stable/technology/volatile stocks, the capital stock of the Copper Company, on a stock exchange/market, to buy/ sell/dump stock(s) in a company/ corporation, to invest in stocks, to issue stock, MSO's stock climbed/rose/went up/shot/gone up/surged/went down/ fell/tumbled/plunged dramatically/ rallied/fluctuated, a stock certificate/ index, stock market value stockholder: preferred/common stockholder

sum: the sum of all goods and services produced

supplier: a premier supplier of oral drug delivery technology

supply: to supply technology to the pharmaceutical industry, to supply more cash to the financial system supply: the excess/tight supply in the housing market, to achieve a balance between supply and demand surge: the Dow's 900-point surge, a surge in activity/the market surge: gold prices/the demand for small aircraft surged, MSO surged $3.17 to $11.81 survey: to conduct a survey of economic conditions/on shopping trends, surveys have shown that..., said in a regional survey, according to a new survey...,

survey: to survey analysts/advisers/ residents/consumers/markets take over: to take over the free market, the British government has taken over the large banks, the mortgage lender is expected to be taken over by Lloyds TSB

takeover: to launch/reject/abandon a takeover bid, to make a takeover offer/attempt, to back out of a takeover battle, a takeover target, a hostile/ attractive takeover, to complete the takeover of Anheuser-Busch, to buy Wachovia Corp in a takeover tax: to cut/deduct/impose/levy tax(es) on stock trades/small business income, to charge a heavy tax on imported wine, corporation/corporate/value added tax (VAT), pre-tax profit, aftertax dollars, a loss after tax, the maximum tax rate on capital gains, an income tax charge technology: a technology company/ industry, an oral drug delivery technology

tender: the Board of Directors will review Elliott Associates tender offer, to announce/pull a public tender offer

to acquire smth., to sell wheat via


lender: to tender for the project

ticker: the company's shares trade

under the ticker (symbol) HT on the

New York Stock Exchange

total: PC shipments in EMEA totaled

28.8 million units/dollars, the market

volume totaled 897 million shares

total: the total value of all the stocks in

FTSE 100, a tenth of the total dividend

pay-out, the total value of a particular


trade: trade volume, in London

morning trade on Thursday

trade: to trade in securities, the

company's shares trade on the New

York Stock Exchange at the price of...,

a publicly-traded corporation/company

trader: a Frankfurt-based stock trader,

и trader for a US financial institution

trading: to list shares for trading,

electronic-trading systems, the trading

floor of the BCSE, in midmorning

trading, to suspend trading

tumble: news sent the company's stock

prices tumbling, France's CAC-40

Index tumbled 5 per cent to 3213.65,

crude-oil prices tumbled $4.09 to

$74.54 a barrel

turbulence: financial turbulence, the

growing turbulence in financial


turbulent: the current turbulent

market/market conditions/times

tycoon: one of richest men in Russia, a

metals tycoon, Oleg Deripaska

underwrite: to underwrite debt issues

by banks/share issues/the deal/

municipal bond, eurozone governments

will underwrite bank debt until the end

of next year

underwriter: Morgan Stanley is the

lead underwriter for the offering, an

international insurance underwriter, an underwriter of securities underwriting: the underwriting requirements

undervalue: to undervalue assets/currencies/a company, undervalued equities, an undervalued profession

uneconomical: an uneconomical method of heating/big car unemployment: rising unemployment, the unemployment figures/rate, to be eligible to claim unemployment benefit, British unemployment posted its biggest rise today unmatured: unmatured coupons unquoted: unquoted investments unstable: an unstable economy, unstable market conditions/financial markets

value: these bonds are attractively valued in international markets, it is currently valued at $10.9 billion, to be valued in euro, the firm valued its assets at artificially high levels value: face/par/stock market value, share values in Europe, to increase in value, the total value of stocks/the index, the value of FTSE 100 was 5877.00, the value goes up to 5900.00 value

Value Added Tax (VAT): sales in local currencies including VAT increased by 10 per cent venture: to finance the venture, venture (capital) companies/firms/ funds, Ford's joint venture in China vice: vice president/chairman/governor volatile: volatile markets/companies/ short-term interest rates/trading/ session

volume: market/trade/trading volume, volume on the NYSE/in the stock was extremely heavy at about 17.1 million shares, total volume in the NYSE

topped 1.6 billion/increased 11 per

cent, UBS closed Wednesday's regular

trading session at $16.66, down $2.13,

on a volume of 4.3 million shares

Wall Street: losses on Wall Street,

Wall Street was frightened by the

biggest fall in retail sales

wealth: to create shareholder wealth a

wealth-management firm/consultancy

wealthy: wealthy Asians individuals/


well-established: well-established

export business/economies/automobile


winner: the device looks to be a holiday season winner, to produce winners, the yen emerged the winner against the dollar, the energy sector was the big winner, up 14 per cent yield: the yield on the 3-month Treasury bill hit a three-month high of 1.210 per cent, the average dividend yield on the FT All Share index, yield results

yield: the 10-year bond price rose slightly to yield, 4 per cent


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